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The pressure and temperature dependence of the orientational order in the nematic phase of 4-n-pentyl-d11-4'-cyanobiphenyl. A deuterium NMR study


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The pressure and temperature dependence of the orientational order in the nematic phase of

4-n-pentyl-d11-4’-cyanobiphenyl. A deuterium NMR study

J.W. Emsley, G.R. Luckhurst, B.A. Timimi

To cite this version:

J.W. Emsley, G.R. Luckhurst, B.A. Timimi. The pressure and temperature dependence of the ori- entational order in the nematic phase of 4-n-pentyl-d11-4’-cyanobiphenyl. A deuterium NMR study.

Journal de Physique, 1987, 48 (3), pp.473-483. �10.1051/jphys:01987004803047300�. �jpa-00210463�


The pressure and temperature dependence of the orientational order in the nematic phase of 4-n-pentyl-d11-4’-cyanobiphenyl. A deuterium NMR


J. W. Emsley, G. R. Luckhurst and B. A. Timimi

Department of Chemistry, The University, Southampton, S09 5NH, U.K.

(Requ le 8 septembre 1986, accept6 le 18 novembre 1986)



On utilise la résonance magnétique du deutérium pour


la dépendance


température et


pression des dédoublements quadrupolaires de 4-n-pentyl-4’-cyanobiphényl à chaînes alkyl deutérées. Ces dédoublements donnent les paramètres d’ordre SiCD pour chaque position


la chaîne, qu’on trouve indépendants de

la pression


la ligne de transition nématique-isotrope. On utilise les résultats pour obtenir, par


équation d’état

de la phase nématique, la variation des SiCD


la température à volumes constants de 0,243 dm3/mole-1 et 0,248 dm3/mole-1. On compare


deux groupes de SiCD


les prédictions d’une théorie de champ moyen pour des molécules flexibles. On obtient ainsi la dépendance


densité des coefficients d’interaction de la théorie ; les

résultats suggèrent que le potentiel de couple moyen est dominé par des forces à courte portée.



Deuterium NMR spectroscopy has been used to measure the temperature and pressure dependence of quadrupolar splittings in alkyl chain deuteriated 4-n-pentyl-4’-cyanobiphenyl. The quadrupolar splittings


used to

obtain order parameters SiCD for each position in the chain, and these


found to be independent of pressure at the

nematic-isotropic transition temperatures. The data


used together with


equation of state for the nematic phase

to derive the variation of SiCD with temperature at constant volumes of 0.243 dm3 mol-1 and 0.248 dm3 mol-1. These two sets of SiCD


compared with the predictions of

a mean

field theory of flexible molecules. The density dependences


obtained of the averaged interaction coefficients which appear in the theory, and the results suggest that relatively short range forces dominate the potential of mean torque.


Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction.

The characteristic shared by all liquid crystal phases is

their long range orientational order ; this has been studied for many mesogens by a wide variety of techniques [1]. The most fundamental aim of such studies is to compare the experimental values with the

predictions of molecular theories, or with the results

from computer simulation experiments. The orienta-

tional order varies strongly with temperature and most studies concentrate on measuring this dependence.

However, there is also a strong dependence on density

caused by changes in the radial distribution function so

that data collected from experiments on samples at

constant pressure but varying temperature will also contain an unknown contribution to the variation of orientational order which is caused by changes in density. The theories and simulations usually refer to systems at constant density, so that it is clearly desirable

to obtain data which can be used to separate the effects of density from those of temperature.

There is no direct method for determining orienta-

tional order as a function of temperature at constant

density. To obtain this dependence it is necessary to

measure the orientational order as a function of both temperature and pressure and subsequently to convert

this data into the required dependence of order on density by using an experimentally determined equation

of state for the liquid crystal phase. There have, however, been only a very few studies of the relation-

ship between pressure, volume and temperature for

liquid crystal phases and there are even fewer examples

of combining this data with that on orientational order

[2-6]. The earliest measurements of orientational order

as a function of temperature and pressure [7, 8] were

made on 4,4’-dimethoxyazoxybenzene (PAA) before

an equation of state for this compound had been reported ; consequently the interpretation of the results

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01987004803047300


focussed on those aspects which can be discussed without the necessity of deriving the density depen-

dence of orientational order. Both Deloche et al. [7]

and McColl [8] used proton NMR to measure orienta- tidnal order by assuming a direct proportionality be-

tween AH, a separation between two peaks in the

spectra, and P2, an order parameter, which is for the molecular long axis about which the molecule is sup-

posed to be axially symmetric. Deloche, Cabane and

Jerome [7] found that the order parameter at the nematic-isotropic coexistence line, P2I, is a constant,

which is in accord with the molecular field theory developed by Maier and Saupe [9] for nematics com-

posed of rigid, cylindrically symmetric particles. In

contrast, Horn and Faber [4] have reported that for 4- n-pentyl-4’-cyanobiphenyl (5CB) and 4-methoxyben- zylidene-4’-n-butylaniline (MBBA), P2I varies with

pressure. The values of the order parameter were obtained by measurements of refractive indices [3] but

the data for 5CB have been confirmed by measuring

AH in the proton NMR spectrum [5]. Wallis and Roy [5] studied the pressure and temperature dependence

of &H for a series of alkyl-cyanobiphenyls and deduced

that P2I decreases with increasing pressure for 5CB,

7CB and 8CB, but is constant for 6CB. They also found

P2 to be independent of pressure for the nematogen 4-

methoxy-4’-cyanobiphenyl (10CB). Deviations from the prediction that P 2 is a constant could be caused by

a number of factors and perhaps the most important is

that the Maier-Saupe theory refers to molecules which

are cylindrically symmetric and rigid, whereas none of

the mesogens studied fulfill these criteria.

We should also note that the departure from cylindri-

cal symmetry means that a single order parameter provides an inadequate description of orientational

ordering and that two order parameters are necessary

[10] ; for flexible molecules the description of ordering

is even more complex [11, 12]. McColl [8] introduced a

thermodynamic coefficient T, defined as

which is a measure of the relative importance of

temperature and density in establishing nematic order.

It can be obtained by measuring P2 as a function of T

and p and using an equation of state to determine V at

values of T and p. Alben [13] has suggested that T is a

sensitive test of molecular theories of liquid crystal- linity, being dependent on the nature of the forces

contributing to the potential of mean torque, U(I3),

which is defined via f (,B ), the singlet orientational distribution function,

Z is the orientational partition function and the

molecules have been assumed to be rigid and axially symmetric, so that 13 is the angle between the symmetry axis and the director. P2 is related to U(.8 ) by

so that P2 is a constant when U(,B )IkT is constant. We

may expand U(p ) as an infinite sum of Legendre polynomials PL(cos /3 ) of rank L,

The potential of mean torque vanishes in the isotropic phase and in the liquid crystal phase will increase as the orientational order increases, so that uL is expressed as

e L PL. The expansion coefficients EL will be dependent

on volume since they are averages of the pair potential

over the radial distribution function. If the drastic

assumption is made that only the term with L



should be retained in equation (4), then

With these assumptions r is determined by the

volume dependence of E2(V), and writing this as

identifies y with T. Alben [13] noted that if dispersive

forces are responsible for the anisotropic potential then

y should be 2 whilst if repulsive forces dominate then y

will tend towards infinity, the value appropriate for

hard rods. For real nematogens the density dependence

of E2 (V ) is probably more complex than the form given

in equation (6), but if this form is retained then T will be found experimentally to be non-integral, with a

value dependent on the balance of forces contributing

to U(J3). Experimental values of F range from 1.9 in

4,4’-di-n-hexyloxyazoxybenzene [6] to 6.0 for 5CB [4].

These changes seem to suggest that there are major

differences in the forces contributing to the potential of

mean torque in these nematogens, but this would be

surprising bearing in mind the similarities in the struc- tures of the compounds. It is possible that the changes

in F are caused in part by differences in the degree of

molecular flexibility, so that F reflects not only an

average over different kinds of force, but also over the conformations adopted by the molecule.

The experimental characterisation of the orientation- al order of a flexible molecule is a formidable task.

Thus Al , the component along the director of some

second-rank property of the mesogen, is related to

ordering matrices Sas for each molecular conformation and assuming these to be finite in number we obtain [11]

Here pn is the statistical weight of the nth molecular


conformation, xyz are axes located in some rigid sub- unit, and A’,s are components of the measured quantity

referred to these axes. The scalar Ao may be obtained from measurements on the isotropic phase, or in

favourable cases is zero. For molecules lacking symmet- ry in all conformations, which is usual for mesogens, there are five independent, non-zero components of S" for each of N conformations, which could be determined only by measuring 5 N independent values

of Ã1. In practice this has proved to be impracticable,

but deuterium NMR has allowed the measurement of order parameters SCD for each C-D bond in different

rigid sub-units of the mesogenic molecules. The availa-

bility of these order parameters provides a powerful

test of those few theories of orientational order which allow for molecular flexibility and indeed has prompted

their development [14-16]. We have shown in an earlier report [17] that good deuteron spectra can be obtained of liquid crystals at elevated pressures. We now describe

a detailed study of the pressure and temperature

variation of the orientational order of individual C-D bonds in the nematogen 5CB which has a fully

deuteriated alkyl chain. This is one of the few liquid crystals for which an equation of state has been

determined [3,18]. We shall show, in section 3.1, how

deuterium NMR can be used to determine ri for each

deuteriated site in the molecule ; these values are then compared with the T value obtained for 5CB by Horn

and Faber [4], which is an average for the whole molecule. We have also investigated the pressure

dependence of SCND, the order parameters for individual C-D bonds at the nematic-isotropic phase boundary,

and we shall discuss the results in sections 3.2 and 3.3.

Flexible molecules, such as 5CB, also have the interesting possibility that the statistical weights p. may be density dependent. Such a dependence has been

inferred for n-alkanes from studies of their vibrational spectra [19], although this method of studying confor-

mational distributions has been criticised [20]. In liquid crystal phases pn has contributions frorn the anisotropic

forces responsible for producing orientational order in addition to the internal forces which determine the conformational distribution in the isotropic phase.

Consequently, the density dependence of the order

parameters for the C-D bonds is determined by the changes with density of both pn and the potential of

mean torque. We describe, in section 3.4, an attempt to determine the magnitude of these two effects by comparing the experimental SCD with those predicted by a molecular theory which includes the effect of

molecular flexibility explicitly [15].

2. Experimental.

The sample was a mixture of approximately ten parts of 5CB to one of 5CB-dll. The NMR measurements were

made on approximately 0.2 g contained in a thin-

walled, screw top container constructed from Teflon.

The pressure vessel has been described previously [17]

and was used with a Bruker CXP 200 spectrometer.

Each spectrum was obtained by Fourier transforming

the average of 2 000 free induction decays, and a typical

spectrum is shown in figure 1. The peaks have been assigned to deuteron positions by Emsley and Turner [21] as shown in figure 1 with the molecular labelling given in figure 2. Spectra were recorded at 21 temperat-

Fig. 1.


30.7 MHz deuteron NMR spectrum of 5CB-dll. The peaks


labelled with their assignment to deuteron positions.

Fig. 2.


Structure and atomic labelling for 5CB-dll.

Fig. 3.


Quadrupolar splittings åiít for the first methylene

group in 5CB-dll

as a

function of temperature, T, and pressure, p. The smooth


through the data are guides to

the eye and


used to interpolate between data points. The



collected at temperatures (K) of, from left to right,

295.3, 297.3, 299.2, 301.2, 303.0, 305.5, 308.1, 313.0, 318.2,

322.9, 328.2, 334.1, 339.5, 344.9, 350.2, 356.5, 362.4, 365.3,

366.9, 369.1, 371.6.


ures between 26 °C and 90 °C and at pressures between 1 bar and 2.7 kbar. The highest pressure which could be used was determined by the freezing point of the pressurizing fluid [17]. At temperatures above the TNI, corresponding to atmospheric pressure, (TNI (1 )), a

spectrum was obtained first at the highest’ pressure at which the sample was still nematic and subsequent

spectra were recorded at lower pressures until the

sample became isotropic. Below TNI(L) spectra were recorded at increased pressure until the supercooled

nematic froze. Figure 3 shows the quadrupolar splittings å VI 1 obtained as a function of temperature and

pressure ; similar data sets were obtained for each of the other four deuteriated alkyl chain positions.

3. Results and discussion.

The quadrupolar splittings are related to SCD at each position along the alkyl chain by

where qi is the quadrupolar coupling constant for the

ith C-D bond ; we assume this to equal 168 kHz [22] for

all positions along the chain. Equation (8) also assumes

axial symmetry of the quadrupolar tensor about the C- D bond direction ; deviations from such symmetry are small and can be safely neglected.

There are several aspects of the data collected by us

that we wish to discuss. In section 3.1 we shall discuss the pressure dependence of SCN’ D and after discussing in

section 3.2 the equations of state which have been obtained for 5CB we describe in section 3.3 how we

obtain site specific r values. Finally, in section 3.4 we

compare our variation of SCD with temperature at

constant volume with the predictions of a molecular theory.



The smallest value of v along each curve of constant temperature but varying pressure in figure 3 does not necessarily correspond to the value when nematic and

isotropic phases coexist. We have attempted, therefore,

to obtain accurate values of åVi at TNI as a function of

pressure by carrying out a careful search for the values of pressure at constant temperature where spectra from

both phases coexist. This biphasic region arises in part from inhomogeneties in both T and p, but since the

sample contains a small amount of unknown impurities

we also expect a smaller region where the two phases

can coexist at constant T and p and where the quad- rupolar splittings are expected to be essentially constant [23]. This latter region proved to occur only very close to the point where the sample becomes entirely isot- ropic and was extremely time-consuming to locate accurately. A careful search for this region was carried

out at four of the temperatures used in our experiments

with the results for the splittings shown in table I. The

splittings at TNI obtained in this way are essentially independent of pressure at each position in the chain.

This result contrasts with that of Horn and Faber [4], as

well as of Wallis and Roy [5] that there is a decrease of 15 % in orientational order of 5CB when the pressure is increased to the point where TNI is 150 °C.

Horn and Faber based their conclusion on the variation of refractive indices, whilst Wallis and Roy

used a measure of the width of the proton spectrum. In

both cases the assumed proportionality between these

experimental quantities and P2, and the added assump- tion that such proportionality is independent of density,

is less precise than that between å î1 and SICD, and this

may be the principle reason for the different results.

We return to a discussion of the significance of this

result in section 3.4.



To convert the data obtained as a function of temperature and pressure into

å îJ as a function of T and V requires a knowledge of

the relationship between p, T and V. An important

reason for choosing 5CB as the liquid crystal most

suitable for study was that an equation of state had

been reported by Horn [3]. However, Horn’s equation

was subsequently found to be inconsistent with density

measurements on 5CB made by Dunmur and Miller

[24] and by Roy [25]. Horn obtained the volume at different values of T and p by measuring the refractive

index parallel, iij, , and perpendicular, nl, to the

nematic director. These measurements have been re-

peated for 5CB by Bunning [18, 26] who also derived a

new equation of state.

However, this latter equation of state predicts that,

close to the nematic-isotropic transition, the molar

Table I.


Quadrupolar splittings for the alkyl deuterons in 5CB-d11 measured in the biphasic region close to TI.

(*) Taken from reference [23].


Fig. 4.


Variation of volume with pressure for 5CB at 101.8 °C


predicted by Bunning [18]. The straight line fitted to the points at high pressure is used to relate V to p close to the phase transition.

volume of 5CB should decrease with decreasing

pressure, as shown in figure 4, whereas in practice an

increase is observed. Thus neither the equation of state

derived from Horn’s data, nor from that of Bunning

can be relied on to obtain molar volumes at all the

temperatures and pressures used in our experiments.

To overcome this difficulty we have adopted an empirical procedure which we shall now describe and justify. This allows us to use the data produced both by

Horn and by Bunning in order to predict the densities

measured by Roy [25], and also to give a qualitatively

correct dependence of the molar volume on pressure

near TNI. We start with the relationship used to obtain

the molar volume from nl and nl, namely


and VS is a scaling factor which Horn assumed to be

independent of T and p. A measurement of the density

of 5CB at 23 °C made by Gannon and Faber [27] was

used by Horn to determine VS to be 0.0843 dm3 mol- 1. The temperature and pressure dependences of iii and nl were derived by Horn for the entire range of the nematic phase for which data was collected. For each component the relationship used was


refers to either the parallel or to the perpendicular

component and T* is TNI (p ) + o.1. The variation of the nematic-isotropic transition temperature, TNI (p ), with

pressure is calculated from

Combining equations (8)-(11) enables the molar vol-

ume to be predicted at any value of T and p in the

nematic range of 5CB. We have used this procedure to predict the temperature dependence of V in the range 22.5 °C to 35.3 °C for which 5CB exists in the nematic

phase at atmospheric pressure. Comparing these values of V with those measured by Dunmur and Miller [24]

revealed significant differences between the two sets of

data, which can be eliminated by allowing Vs in equation (8) to vary between 0.0817 dm3 mol-1 at

35.3 °C to 0.082 dm3 mol-1 1 at 22.5 °C. Roy [25] has

measured the molar volume of 5CB at four temperat-

ures between 36.5 °C and 84.2 °C and at each tempera-,

ture over a range of pressures extending to almost

2 kbar at the highest temperature. This data was used by us, together with equations (8-11), to establish both the temperature and pressure dependence of Vs. At

constant T and varying p the value of Vs is given b)

with Vo having the linear temperature dependence

With these values of V s it. is possible, using Horn’s data,

to fit the molar volume determined by Roy for tempera-

tures up to 62 °C to within 0.1 %. At temperatures higher than 62 °C the agreement between predicted and experimental values becomes substantially worse. To

overcome this failure we have used a similar approach

to calculate V for specific values of p and T, but now using the refractive index data collected on 5CB by Bunning [18]. This data was analysed by Bunning who

fitted it to the slightly different equation for the

pressure and temperature dependence of n-I and nl

Combining equations (8), (9), (11) and (14) enabled us

to predict the molar volumes at temperatures and

pressures for which Roy has measured the density ; again there is a considerable discrepancy between the measured and predicted values which can be eliminated

by allowing V s to vary with T and p. We have determined the variation of V s to be

but now Vo varies non-linearly with T. Drawing a

smooth curve through the variation of the volume

Vo with temperature enabled us to interpolate values of


Vo and then using equations (8), (9), (11), (14) and (15) it was possible to fit the density measurements of

Roy to within 0.1 % at temperatures above 45 °C, but

with considerably lower precision below this tempera-

ture. Our procedure, therefore, for determining V at

each value of T and p employed in our experiments is to

use equations (8), (9) and (11) and to combine these

with equations (10), (12) and (13) for temperatures up to 45 °C and above this temperature with equations (14)

and (15), together with the graphical interpolation procedure discussed for the value of Vo.

There still remains a problem of relating volume, temperature and pressure close to the nematic-isotropic

transition temperatures TNI(p), because in this region

the equation of state derived from the data of Bunning gives a qualitatively incorrect variation of V with p at

constant T. To overcome this problem we first plot

values of V against p as predicted by Bunning for the temperature of interest. The predicted value of volume varies in an essentially linear manner with pressure until

approximately 0.2 kbar from the phase transition when it decreases dramatically, as illustrated in figure 4 for a

temperature of 101.8 °C. We make the assumption that

the linear portion of the curve can be extrapolated

towards lower pressures and will represent the relation-

ship between p, V and T with greater precision than

that predicted by the use of Bunning’s relationship. In practice our aim is to obtain the values of pNI and

TNI for a particular value of V, so that in figure 4 we

seek the value of pressure for which V is 0.238 dm3 mol-1 1 whilst the nematic-isotropic transition tempera-

ture is 101.8 °C. The departure from the linear relation-

ship for this temperature occurs at about 150 bars below the transition point. The measurement of

å fJ with good precision close to TNI is also difficult, as discussed in section 3.1 and hence we have not attemp-

ted to obtain the temperature variation of the quad- rupolar splittings at constant volume (see section 3.4)

closer than 2.5 °C from the transition, but we use the

observed independence to pressure of APi at TNI to

determine the values of the quadrupolar splittings at

the transition for the two values of molar volume.

3.3 SITE DEPENDENCE OF T. - We define a site

dependent Fi as

The volumes and temperatures corresponding to con-

stant SbD are located as the points of intersection of lines of constant Aiii (and hence of constant %o) with

smooth curves drawn through the variations of åVi with

pressure at constant temperature, as illustrated in

figure 3 for A rl. The equation of state is then used to

convert these points into values of T and V at constant

SbD’ In this way the variation of In V with In T at constant SbD was obtained ; typical results are shown

for position 1 in figure 5. To a good approximation

Fig. 5.


In V against In T at constant values of â fj 1.

such plots are linear and for each position have gradients which are independent of SbD to within about 5 %. The values of Fi obtained in this way are given in

table II, and we note that they decrease in magnitude appreciably as the distance of the C-D bond from the aromatic core increases. The value of 6 found for T by

Horn and Faber [4] for 5CB was derived from measure-

ments of the birefringence. This anisotropic property is

an average for the whole molecule, but has probably a

dominant contribution from the aromatic part since the refractive index is related to the electric polarisability

which has a large contribution from the 7r-electrons.

Thus, we may attribute the Tvalue of 6 to being that for

the aromatic rings, which together with the data on ri in table I prompts us to propose that site specific r values are largest for the relatively rigid aromatic cores

and decrease steadily along alkyl chains. This is sup-

ported by the observation that the average r values obtained for the homologous series of 4,4’-di-n-alkylox- yazoxybenzenes [6] increase from 1.9 for the n-hexyl compound to 4.2 for the methyl member of the series.

Clearly, however, the observation that Fi is site dependent for 5CB casts doubt on the usefulness of the average r values for testing molecular theories of orientational order. The availability of the Fi presents

a new challenge to theory which we approach here by comparing the density dependence of orientational order with a molecular theory which considers explicitly

the effect on the SbD of changes in molecular confor- mation.

Table II.


Dependence of r on position in the n-pentyl

chain of 5CB-d11..



theory has been described in detail elsewhere [15] and


here we summarise only the essential features. We

assume that the conformational distribution of the molecule can be approximated by a discrete set of conformers, so that å Vi is given by equation (7) with Al.=- AP ; note that for the quadrupolar interaction

Ao is zero. Thus, if the quadrupolar coupling constants

qi, which we have already assumed to be site indepen-

dent for the alkyl chain, are also assumed to be independent of the molecular conformation, then com- bining equation (7) with (8) leads to

where Sb) is an order parameter for the ith C-D bond in the nth conformation. To obtain Pn and Sf) we write U(n, (JJ), the single particle energy, as

where w represents the orientation of the molecule.

The conformers result from hindered rotations about C-C bonds in the alkyl chain, and we assume that their energies U;nt (n ) are given by the isomeric state model of Flory [28]. In its simplest form this gives

where Ng is the number of gauche segments in the alkyl

chain and Etg is the energy difference between gauche

and trans forms.

The potential of mean torque, Uext(n, co)7 for a

molecule in conformation n and at an orientation w with respect to the director is defined in terms of the

single particle orientational distribution function

f(n. o) by

the orientational partition function Z is

The symmetry of each conformation in the molecules of interest is less than C3, which means [10] that the ordering potential will depend on the Euler angles f3

and y of the director in the molecular reference frame.

We, therefore, write Ue., (n, w ) as

The 82, m are elements of the interaction tensor in irreducible form for the nth conformation expressed in

its principal molecular frame. To obtain these tensor

components we locate a common reference frame for each molecular conformation, and for 5CB we choose this to be in the biphenyl group of the aromatic core, as shown in figure 2.

The elements of En in this reference frame are

obtained as tensorial sums of contributions from rigid,

molecular sub-groups, which are also assumed to be cylindrically symmetric. Thus, the aromatic core contri- butes a term e c" = (3/2 )112 Xzz


Xa. Each Ci - 1_Ci

link in the alkyl chain contributes E 0


Xee directed along the C-C bond, and similarly for each C-D bond

there is a contribution Ecd 2, 0


Xed. Note that these.

group interaction tensors are assumed not to change

with the conformation and the conformational depen-

dence of En is contained entirely in the functions of the

orientations (a c, i W ’CD, and W ’CD2 that the Ci -1_Ci,

C‘-D (1 ) and Ci-D(2) bonds make with the reference frame in each conformation. Thus, the components of el in the reference frame are

where 0 is the DCD angle in the methyl group, k is the

number of carbon atoms in the alkyl chain and C2, . (W ) is the second modified spherical harmonic [29]. Diagonalisation of En from equation (23) gives the principal components for use in equation (22).

The four quantities Xa, X , Xcd and Etg together with

an assumed geometry [30] determine the magnitude of

the order parameters SICD, or equivalently of the quadrupolar splittings åVi. We may investigate there-

fore the temperature and volume dependence of Xa, Xcc, XCd and Etg by obtaining the values which best fit the observed SCD at different temperatures. We have

chosen to do this for two values of the molar volume ; figure 6 shows the temperature variation of åV1 1 at

V m


0.238 dm3 mol-1 and Vm


0.243 dm3 mol-1 and

for comparison we show also the temperature variation

Of AP, at constant, atmospheric pressure.

Fig. 6,


Temperature variation of 0 v at constant volume for V,,,, = 0.243 dm3 mol-.l (0), 0.238 dm3 mol-1


(O ) , and

atmospheric pressure (0).


Similar curves were obtained for each position along

the chain. The most striking difference between the three curves in figure 6 is the shifting along the temperature axis for constant å v l’ which is caused by the change in TNl with density. Removing this differ-

ence between the curves by plotting å VI 1 against TNI - T, as shown in figure 7, reveals a smaller but appreciable density dependence of orientational order-

ing at constant reduced temperature. This density dependence of orientational order is also apparent when comparing the variation of AV, 1 at constant pressure with that at constant volume ; in the former

case a change in temperature also produces a change in density so that there are two factors combining to give a

more rapid change in orientational order and hence in the quadrupolar splitting.

Fig. 7.


Variation of 0 v 1 with TNI - T for constant molar

volumes of 0.243 dm3 (0), and 0.238 dM3 (0), and for atmospheric pressure (0).

Figure 8 shows the temperature dependence of åVi at all chain positions for the two molar volumes and

this data was used to determine the parameters in the potential of mean torque at each value of T and V by a

least squares optimisation.

We note first that the quadrupolar splittings, and

hence SICD, for each position in the alkyl chain are independent of density at TNI, but as temperature decreases a difference develops between the å Vi values

at the two densities. This behaviour contrasts with that

predicted by the Maier-Saupe mean field theory for axially symmetric rigid molecules, for which the poten- tial of mean torque, U(Ø), has the form of equation (5). The single interaction constant, £2 (V ), is

determined by the magnitude of TNI (p ), so that this potential predicts a density independent variation of P2 with reduced temperature T/TNI(p). Introducing

additional terms into the potential, to allow for either higher rank interactions or lower symmetry, or non- rigidity, will in principle introduce a density dependence

into the variation of order parameters with reduced temperature, but there is no reason why the order

Fig. 8.


Variation of A i;i with TNI - T for all positions along

the alkyl chain in 5CB-dll at


constant molar volume of 0.243 dM3 Mol- (8) and 0.238 dm’ mol-’ (0).

parameters must be equal at TNI (p ). In the case of the potential given by equation (23), the equality of the

values of S’CND’ at the two densities would seem to imply

that Xa*


X ,,IkT, Xc*c


xcc/kT’ x£


XedlkT, and



Etg/kT should all be independent of density.

This is, however, improbable, particularly for Et;.

Thus, changing the pressure from one bar, when TNI is 308 K, to 1.83 kbar, when TNI is 374.9 K would

imply an increase in Etg of 22 %. A change in

Etg with pressure has been proposed for alkanes [19] on

the basis of the pressure dependence found of their Raman spectra, but much smaller in magnitude and negative. The interpretation of the Raman data has been criticized recently [20], but even so a 20 % increase of Et appears improbable as a reason for the

constancy of scb which we observe. It is more probable,

in fact, that Etg has a negligible change on increasing

the pressure to 2 kbar and hence in our analysis we

make this assumption, and fix Et, to be 3.8 kJ mol- 1, the value found to fit best the order parameters

at atmospheric pressure for both 5CB and 8CB [30].

The values of Xa, Xee and Xed which give the best agreement between observed and calculated %D were

determined for each temperature at the two pressures, and are shown in figure 9. The quality of the agreement

between observed and calculated values of i is

almost as good as that obtained when Etg rather than

Etg is kept constant and is better than 1 % at all chain positions. The temperature dependence of Xa, Xee and Xed is caused by their dependence on the degree of

orientational order, and as suggested by Counsell et al.

[30], we write


Fig. 9.


Variation with TN, - T at constant molar volumes of

0.243 dM3 Mol- (filled symbols) and 0.238 dm3 mol- (open symbols) of Xa (0, 0), Xcc (D, .) and Xed (0, *) for 5CB.

Here PZ is the order parameter of the assumed symmetry axis of the aromatic core averaged over all conformations, whilst P2 and P 2 cd are

S" is the order parameter in the nth conformation of the Ci -Ci + 1 bond, The 6 a 13 can be interpreted as radial

averages of the anisotropic interactions between seg- ments


and j8 in different molecules ; they are then density dependent, whilst the temperature dependence

of the parameters Xa, X and Xed at constant volume is

caused by the temperature dependent order par- ameters. In principal the six E,,p parameters might be

obtained by fitting the derived values of the interaction and order parameters with equations (24)-(26). In practice, the order parameters P2, P’ and Pf are, to a

good approximation, proportional to one another in the temperature range that we have studied, so that equations (24)-(26) can be rewritten as

where A,, is the proportionality constant between P2 and P". These three relationships predict the ratios À cc


Xccl Xa and A cd


Xcd/Xa to be temperature

independent, and this is observed to be the case, as

shown in figure 10. The values of Àcc and Acd deter-

mined for constant pressure [30] are of similar mag-

Fig. 10. - Àce (0,8) and A,d (0, +) against TNI - T for V m


0.243 dM3 Mol- (open symbols) and 0.238 dM3 mol-1


(filled symbols).

nitude to those at constant volume, but they have a

small temperature dependence, increasing in each case by about 15 % on decreasing the temperature by ten degrees from TNI ; at lower temperatures the ratios are

essentially constant. The E,,p cannot be obtained

separately but only as the three combinations

The dependences of Xa, Xcc and Xcd on P2 are essentially linear at the two densities, as shown in figure 11, and from the slopes we obtain the values of

Ta, F, and £d given in table III. If the density depen-

dence of these three average interaction parameters is

of the form E-,, V ya (see Eq. (6)) we obtain the values

of ya shown in table III. It is not possible to give a

Fig. 11.


Dependence of Xa (0, 0), X,, (0, 0) and Xcd (0, *) for V m


0.243 dm3 mol-1


(open symbols) and

0.238 dM3 Mol- (filled symbols). The lines


the result of

fitting the data to linear relationships constrained to pass

through the origin.


Table III.


Average interaction coefficients Ea, Bc, -

and their density exponents 7a, Y c and yd for 5CB-d11.

(*) From reference [30].

precise interpretation of the origin of the magnitude of

these volume exponents in terms of particular kinds of

intermolecular forces, since they refer to the averages

£a rather than to the interaction constants between

pairs of molecular segments. However, we can specu- late that their relative magnitudes reflects a change in

the balance of forces contributing to the individual EaP values. Thus, the value of Yc


yd of 10 suggests that short range repulsion plays a major role in determining the interactions between the alkyl chains

and the mean field from the surrounding molecules.

Such short range forces are also important in determin-

ing the interaction of the aromatic cores with the mean

field since ya, although much smaller than yc and yd, is significantly larger than the value of 2 predicted

for dispersion forces.

4. Conclusion.

The pressure and temperature dependence reported

here of the orientational order parameters %D for

different sites in a mesogen is the first such study to be

made. We have explored interpretations of the data

which are on the one hand model independent, such as

the r coefficient introduced by McColl [8], and on the

other hand are dependent on specific’models for the potential of mean torque for a particle in the molecular field of its neighbours.

We have redefined r to be site dependent and our

results show that this coefficient tends to decrease as

the deuteron site is. moved away from the aromatic

core. It would be tempting to infer from this site dependence of r that the interaction of the individual chain segments with the molecular field of all other molecules changes in character as the segment is

removed further from the aromatic core. However, the

r are complex averages and in principle are dependent

not only on the nature of the potential of mean torque, Uext (n , w ), but may also be influenced by the density

dependence of the internal energy, Ui.t (n), via the trans-gauche energy difference Etg. However, our data

show that Etg has only a small and probably negligible

density dependence for the small range of density changes studied. Any effect on orientational ordering produced by a change in Etg is far outweighed by the

much larger change in the order parameters SCD resulting from a variation in the potential of mean torque. The temperature independent coefficients E,,p which appear in the potential of mean torque as parameterized by Counsell et al. [30], and which are a

measure of the average strength of interaction between

rigid sub-units a and /3 (core, C-C and C-D fragments),

could not be obtained individually from our data, but only in certain linear combinations, £a. This is unfortu- nate because it prevents us from determining the density dependence of the segment interactions and hence of testing theories of their origin in terms of specific kinds of intermolecular forces. The Ëa depend

upon how segment


interacts with the core, C-C and C-D segments in all other molecules, and their depen-

dence on density, which we assumed to be of the form V Ya, could be obtained from our data. The values of ya, yc and yd are all much greater than the value

expected for dispersive forces and suggest a strong influence of short-range forces in determining the magnitude of the interaction constants in the potential

of mean torque.

The results described here show that monitoring the

pressure and temperature dependence of site specific

order parameters by deuteron NMR provides a much

greater insight into the intermolecular forces responsi-

ble for producing orientational order than do studies which can measure only some single, conformationally averaged, order parameter. A detailed interpretation

of such data depends on the characterization of an

equation of state for the liquid crystalline phase. The paucity of such pVT data is the major factor limiting

the extension of these studies to other liquid crystals,

and in this respect it would be most useful to produce equations of state for a homologous series, such as the 4-n-alkyloxy-4’-cyanobiphenyls. All the lower members

of this series (n


1 to 6) show nematic phases in

temperature ranges ( 200 °C) amenable to study by

deuteron NMR.


We are grateful to Dr. T. E. Faber for invaluable discussions concerning the equation of state for 5CB.

We also wish to thank the Science and Engineering

Research Council for a grant towards the cost of the Bruker CXP spectrometer and for the award of a

fellowship to Dr. B. A. Timini.


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