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Microphase separation in binary polymeric micelles


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Microphase separation in binary polymeric micelles

A. Halperin

To cite this version:

A. Halperin. Microphase separation in binary polymeric micelles. Journal de Physique, 1988, 49 (1),

pp.131-137. �10.1051/jphys:01988004901013100�. �jpa-00210667�


Microphase separation in binary polymeric micelles

A. Halperin

The Fritz Haber Research Center for Molecular Dynamics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel (Requ le 29 juin 1987, accept6 le 18 septembre 1987)



On présente une analyse théorique de la séparation en microphases de micelles binaires formées par des copolymères en blocs. On considère le cas où les copolymères sont de deux types différents, de telle

sorte que la couronne micellaire contient deux types de blocs, A et B. Les processus de séparation peuvent être soit intramicellaires, soit intermicellaires. On étudie particulièrement le processus de ségrégation intermicel- laire qui se développe après une trempe ayant produit une séparation intramicellaire complète. La séparation

intermicellaire est rendue possible par les processus d’association qui forment les micelles, et elle est favorisée par la tension de la ligne de séparation intramicellaire. Cette force inhabituelle doit son importance à la longueur énorme de la ligne de séparation de phase. Pour des micelles dont les couronnes sont minces, la distribution ultime des compositions des micelles est proportionnelle à exp [2014 0393x 2014 03BAN1/3N14/27cx½ (1- x )½] où x est la fraction de blocs A dans la couronne, N et Nc sont les degrés de polymérisation des blocs

de la couronne et du c0153ur tandis que 0393 et 03BA sont des constantes numériques.



A theoretical analysis of microphase separation in binary micelles is presented. We consider

micelles consisting of two kinds of diblock copolymers such that the micellar corona contains two chemically

distinct block types (A and B). Both intramicellar and intermicellar processes may occur. We focus on

intermicellar segregation occurring after a quench yielding complete intramicellar microphase separation. The

intermicellar process, made possible by the associative nature of the micelles, is driven by line tension. This rather special driving force owes its importance to the enormously long phase boundary in the system.

For micelles with relatively thin coronas, the final distribution of micellar composition is proportional to exp [- 0393x 2014 03BAN1/3N14/27cx½(12014 x )½] where x is the fraction of A blocks in the corona, N and Nc are the degrees of polymerization of the coronal and the core blocks, 0393 and 03BA are numerical constants.


Physics Abstracts






1. Introduction.

Polymeric surfactants, typically diblock copolymers,

are known to form monolayers [1], micelles [2],

emulsions [3] and microemulsions [4]. The interest in such macromolecules is due, apart from their

practical importance, to the similarity of their be-

haviour to that of low molecular weight surfactants

[5a]. In turn, this last group is subject to intensive

current research [5]. While the two surfactant classes are similar they are not quite identical. For example, monolayers formed by polymeric surfactants do not

undergo configurational phase transitions [6, 7]

characteristic of « small » surfactant monolayers [5].

However, some of the distinguishing properties of polymeric surfactants render them particularly at-

tractive for study [7a]. Because of the chains’ length

one may use their asymptotic properties, thus gaining

considerable simplification of the theory. It is also possible to vary the number of monomers in a chain

over a wide range and study the ensuing trends.

Most studies of polymeric surfactants focus on single component systems. In the following we will discuss

theoretical aspects of a multicomponent system.

Specifically, we consider microphase separation in binary polymeric micelles i. e. , micelles composed of

two chemically distinct polymeric surfactants. We shall consider micelles formed by a mixture of A-C and B-C diblock copolymers in a highly selective

solvent S, such that the C blocks are immiscible in S. S is a good, low molecular weight solvent for both A and B blocks. For simplicity we take S to be an equally good solvent for A and B. In the micelles thus formed we distinguish between two concentric

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01988004901013100



spherical regions : a central core, consisting solely of

immiscible C blocks in a melt-like state, and an outer corona made up of A and B blocks swollen by the

solvent (Fig. 1). In the high temperature limit, the A

and B blocks are uniformly distributed in the corona

(Fig. 2a). Upon lowering the temperature, microph-

ase separation may result. For a micellar system this may assume two forms : (1) Intramicellar microph-

Fig. 1.


A schematic cross section of a single binary

micelle. The inner core consists of C blocks in a melt-like state. The external corona consists of A and B block swollen by the solvent.

ase separation involving AB segregation within a single micelle (Fig. 2b). This is a microscopic analog

of the phase transition associated with AB separation

in mixed monolayers of polymeric surfactants [8]. A

similar phenomenon may occur in binary stars with

both A and B arms [9]. (2) Intermicellar microphase separation. In this case the AB segregation involves

two or more micelles and results in the formation of A-rich and B-rich micelles (Fig. 2c). Because this

process depends on the associative nature of the micelles it has no molecular counterpart. Further-

more, this type of microphase separation seems to

have no macroscopic analog either. This is because the intermicellar process, when following the in-

tramicellar one, is driven by line tension. This factor is of negligible importance when considering the stability of macroscopic phases. However, the geometric constraints of the micellar solution impose

an enormously long phase boundary on the system

(it’s length is proportional to the total number of micelles in the solution). The product of the line tension and boundary’s length yields the boundary’s

free energy. This term, which owes it’s importance

to the magnitude of the boundary’s total length,

causes the intermicellar microphase separation under

these conditions. We will consider the two types of micellar microphase separation while focusing mainly on the intermicellar type. Our interest in the

Fig. 2.


Schematic cross sections depicting three extreme

micellar states. (a) The high temperature state in which A and B blocks are uniformly mixed in the corona ; (b) an

intramicellar microphase separation leads to AB segrega- tion within the corona ; (c) two or more micelles may

exchange chains to achieve intermicellar microphase separation. In the text we consider the sequence (a)-(c)

where intramicellar microphase separation is followed by

the intermicellar process.

problem is two-fold : Experience with « small » surfactants suggests the control of micellar properties by using a mixture of polymeric surfactants. Under-

standing of the possible microphase separations in

the system is then crucial. From a more fundamental

point of view, the intermicellar process is of interest because of the special role played by the line tension

in driving this type of microphase separation.

For simplicity we assume A-C and B-C are

monodispersed. The degrees of polymerization (DP)

of the A block (NA ) and of the B block (NB ) are

taken to be equal, i.e. NA




N. To avoid considerations of polyelectrolyte behaviour, we as-

sume the chain to be uncharged. We confine our study to micellar systems well past the critical micelle concentration (cmc ). In this regime we may

assume the micelles are monodispersed consisting

each of f diblock copolymer chains. We further limit ourselves to dilute micellar solutions thus eliminating

micelle-micelle interactions and possible macro- scopic phase transitions. In general, the intramicellar and intermicellar microphase separations may occur

simultaneously. However, following a quench of a

dilute micellar solution the two processes are ex-

pected to occur separately, and the intramicellar

microphase separation to precede. This is because


intermicellar exchange is slowed down by the in-

creased micelle-micelle distances, while the in- tramicellar transport is unaffected. A similar effect

might be obtained by use of highly viscous solvents.

The emergence, under this conditions, of two time

scales allows us to choose a complete intramicellar

microphase separation as an initial condition. Be-

cause our main interest is in the role of the line tension in driving the intermicellar process, we

confine ourselves to such cases. The equilibrium

distribution of the intermicellar microphase separation, following the intramicellar stage, is de- termined primarily by the free energy associated with the phase boundaries. This in turn is given by

the product of a line tension, T, and the length of the phase boundary. In order to facilitate the estimate of

T we only consider micelles with coronas which are

thin in comparison with the core. The coronal blocks in such micelles may be considered as grafted (attached by a head group) to a flat surface. We thus avoid complications due to the star like structure of

micelles with extended coronas [10]. A brief review of the relevant properties of chains grafted to flat

surfaces is given in section 2. The intermicellar

microphase separation and the line tension causing it

are discussed in section 3.

2. Grafted layers.

We refer to polymers attached to an interface by a head-group as grafted chains. A common approach

to grafting employs amphiphilic diblock copolymers

anchored to a liquid interface. Each block is chosen

so as to be miscible only in one of the liquid phases,

and the junction of the blocks is thus constrained to the interface. From this point of view, the resulting

structure consists of two grafted layers corresponding

to the two blocks, with the added constraint that any chain in a grafted layer is bonded at the grafting site

to a chain belonging to the second layer. In par-

ticular, a micelle is obtained when amphiphilic

diblock copolymers are anchored to a spherical

interface. The core chains are grafted to the inner

surface of the sphere, while the coronal chains are

grafted to the exterior. Grafted chains which are

anchored to a liquid interface by virtue of their amphiphilic nature preserve their lateral freedom of

motion i.e., the diblock copolymer junction is free to

move along the interface. This is not true for all

grafting methods. For example, chains which are

grafted by irreversible chemical bonding to a solid

surface are completely immobilized. This distinction is important because segregation of chemically diffe-

rent chains is only possible for the laterally mobile


Consider first chemically identical chains grafted

to a flat interface [6, 7]. For low grafting densities,

such that different chains do not overlap, we may

picture each grafted chain as a « mushroom » oc- cupying a hemisphere of radius RF, the Flory radius

of a coil in a good solvent

where N is the degree of polymerization and a the

monomer size. On increasing the grafting density

past the overlap threshold, the polymers stretch along the normal to the surface assuming « cigar »

like shapes. The associated concentration profile is

characterized by a wide plateau. In this regime the layer thickness is given by

where D is the average distance between adjacent grafting sites. Within mean field theory the layer’s

state is determined by the balance of two contribu- tions to the free energy of a grafted chain : the

mixing free energy Fm;x and the elastic free energy

F cl . Fni,,, corrected to allow for the grafting, ac-

counts for the solvent-polymer mixing free energy.

The effect of excluded volume interactions is in- cluded in F mix. This term favors the layer’s swelling

or chain stretching. Fel, a term wich is due to the coil

configurational entropy, tends to control the swelling i. e . , minimize the deformation of the coil [7]. Scaling analysis is based on the same general approach.

However, the basic unit is now the « blob » : a

volume element of diameter §, the correlation length given by 6 - a-0 -314 where 0 is the monomer volume

fraction. Within the blob, for distances r g, corre- lations are dominated by excluded volume interac- tions. On larger length scales, r >- g, the chain behaviour is ideal. We now picture each chain as a

string of blobs of size 6. To account for the repulsive

interactions we assign kT to each blob in the chain.

This term, as Fnix in the mean field theory, tends to

swell the layer. The swelling is again checked by the

elastic free energy. Now, however, the elastic free energy is calculated for a string of blobs. D is found

to be the fundamental length in the problem, that is 6


D. Different blobs pack as space-filling hard spheres. In essence, each chain behaves as if confined

to a narrow cylinder of radius D (the « cigar »). It is

however important to note that each chain has a

random walk component parallel to the interface plane. This last remark is relevant to binary mixtures

where interactions between chemically different

blobs should be taken into account.

A multicomponent grafted monolayer differs from the neat layer in two respects : (1) the layer thick-

ness, L, depends on the layer composition. (2) For

the case of laterally mobile grafted chains, a phase

transition associated with the segregation of the

different chemical species is possible. Consider then

a two-component system such that out of a total of



nP grafted chains xnp are of one chemical species, A,

and (1- x ) np of the other, B. We denote the interaction parameter between the two kinds of

monomers by Xpp. L is found to be weakly dependent

on x. This is an enthalpic effect related to the random walk component of the chain configuration,

which is parallel to the interface. Repulsive interac-

tions between the different monomers (X pp > 0) partly suppress this component, thus increasing the

chain stretching and L. For attractive interactions

(Xpp.O) this component is amplified thus coun- teracting the stretching of the polymers. In the case

of chemically grafted chains, which are completely immobile, we expect no other effect. For binary layers composed of laterally mobile chains the phase

transition associated with the AB segregation is by

far the more significant effect. Momentarily neglect- ing the x dependence of L which is rather weak, we

may write the free energy of such a binary grafted layer as

where Fo is the free energy of the single component grafted monolayer and X the interaction parameter between A and B chains. This free energy suggests a

two dimensional regular binary solution. The mixing entropy is essentially due to the two dimensional gas of grafted head groups. The three dimensional, polymeric, nature of the grafted chains determines the form of X. In particular, an effect special to this system arises because of the coupling of chain configurations and the grafting density. As a result

one may distinguish two concentration regimes

which differ in the form assumed by X (RFI D). Past

the overlap threshold X (RFID) increases at a slower

rate with the grafting density. This is due to the chain stretching, which tends to lower the growth

rate of the monomer volume fraction in the layer.

We however are going to deal with a system characterized by a high and constant grafting density.

Accordingly the detailed behaviour of X (RFID) is

not relevant to our needs. It is sufficient for us to note that to coexistence curve of the grafted layer

with respect to AB segregation is determined by aF/ax


0 [11]. One then expects the phase be-

haviour of the corresponding bulk solution [11, 12]

which is essentially that of a regular solution.

3. Microphase separation in binary polymeric micel-


Micellar coronas may be viewed as spherical grafted layers [10]. Other similar systems include star polym-

ers [13, 14] and colloidal particles coated by grafted

chains [14, 15]. In general, certain modifications are

called for when spherical grafted layers are con-

sidered. Primarily, one must allow for the larger

volume available to the chains the farther they are

from the centre. As a result 0 must be a decreasing

function of the distance from the origin. In the special case of micelles with relatively thin coronas a

much simpler model is adequate. In this model, due

to de Gennes [7a, 16, 17], the monomer volume

fraction in both the core and the corona is assumed to be constant. For highly selective solvents a sharp

core-corona interface is expected. Micelle formation is then driven by the system’s tendency to lower the

surface free energy per chain. Because the diblock

copolymer junctions are localized at the core-corona

interface, micellar growth causes stretching of the

core blocks. The resulting increase in free energy controls the growth of the micelles. The free energy term associated with the coronal blocks may be

ignored in this limit. For micelles well past the

cmc, where entropy effects are negligible we have

where N c denotes the DP of the core blocks. This model is particularly suitable for our ends. As was

mentioned already, the coronal blocks may be

regarded as grafted on the core’s surface. When the thickness of the corona is small compared with the

radius of curvature (Rcore), its behaviour is essential-

ly that of a flat grafted layer. We may then use results obtained for flat, mixed, grafted layers as a

basis for our discussion of binary micelles. Complica-

tions associated with the estimation of X in a star-like

structure are thus avoided. Furthermore, in this limit the free energy variations resulting from changes in

coronal states are small enough so as not to affect

micellar structure. In particular, f and R are given by (3.1) and (3.2) respectively for all the possible

micellar species involved in our discussion.

Consider the following situation : a solution of

binary micelles with uniformly mixed coronas is deep quenched so as to bring about a complete

intramicellar microphase separation, i.e., AB sep- aration within a single micellar corona. This is the micellar analog of the phase transition associated with the AB segregation in flat grafted layers. A micelle, as a finite system, may not undergo a proper

phase transition. Yet, if one avoids the vicinity of the

critical point, the micelle is big enough in comparison

with the relevant correlation length. Under these conditions a sharp intramicellar transition may be

expected. The initial composition of the micelles is such that xo f of the coronal blocks are A blocks while the remaining (1 2013 xo) f are B blocks. The

quench yields demixed micelles with regions,

« phases », consisting solely of A or B blocks. Out of

the total coronal area, Stot


4 7T R;orc, the two single


component phases occupy spherical caps of areas xo Stot and (1 - xo) Stoto The length, Lo, of the boundary between the phases is given by (Appen-

dix A).

This boundary is associated with a free energy per unit length, T, to which we refer somewhat loosely as

line tension (*). The free energy term originating

from the phase boundary is then

where ntot is the total number of micelles in the system, which is a constant in our case. An inter- micellar microphase separation takes place because

the system free energy is lowered by redistribution of the chain species amongst the ntot micelles. Such redistribution lowers the total length of the phase boundary and the free energy associated with it. To determine the final state of the system one must

account for the concurrent increase in mixing en- tropy. This is due to the fact that micelles of different composition should be considered as diffe- rent species. The final state is thus expected to

consist of a mixture of demixed micelles of continu-

ously varying overall compositions. The mixture is characterized by a distribution function p (x ) defined

as the fraction of micelles having x f A blocks in their

corona. The length of the phase boundary in micelles

with x f A blocks, L (x), is given by (3.3) with x taking the place of xo. We thus seek p (x ) that

minimizes the system’s free energy

subject to the constraints

where (3.6) assures proper normalization while (3.7)

insures conservation of the overall composition of

the system. The variational calculation yields

(*) Properly speaking the term line tension refers to the free energy per unit length associated with the three phase boundary [18]. « True » line tension, as opposed to surface tension, can be negative. We however use the term in reference to the two dimensional analog of surface tension which may not assume negative values.

here j3 = 11 kT, r is the Lagrange multiplier originating with (3.7) and Z is the partition function

To complete our argument we need an estimate for the line tension, T. We seek T in the sharp

interface limit which is appropriate far from the

critical point. The two coexisting phases consist then almost entirely of A or B chains. The two phases are separated by an interface zone of thickness 2A. We take d as a measure of the lateral dimensions of chains in the interfacial region. The relative abund-

ance of A and B monomers varies continuously along the normal to the interface. We now argue that the free energy per chain consists of two terms :

(1) an elastic free energy, F,I, accounting for chain

deformations. This term is due to the tendency of A

and B monomers to segregate within the intrafacial

region. this in turn leads to lateral compression resulting in loss of configurational entropy. We estimate Fel by : Fel = R2/ L12 where R is the inplane

radius of a chain in one of the bulk phases. Blob analysis yields [7a] R 2 _ (Nlg) D 2 where

g = (D/a)5/3 is the number of monomers per blob,

thus leading to R = N 1/2 a5/6 D1/6. (2) Local devia- tions from the equilibrium composition give rise to

free energy density excess. This is usually assumed

to depend on the local variables as does its bulk counterpart. As chains span the whole interfacial

region they experience an average excess free energy

density eA:T. The excess free energy per chain may then be written as : FclkT , A E where E has units of

l ength -1. F, tends to produce a sharp interface while

Fel tends to widen it. All together, the free energy per interfacial chain is given by

Upon minimizing (3.10) with respect to A we obtain


As the average distance between grafting sites is D, T

is given by

Equation (3.13) was obtained for a flat grafted layer, where D may be set arbitrarily. In a micelle D

is uniquely determined by Rcore and f :

Furthermore, the quantity of interest in our case is



f3 TL (x ) rather than r itself. This in turn is given by

The final form for p(x) is thus

where K is a numerical constant which may not be determined by this type of analysis. Because L (x) is symmetrical with respect to a maximum attained at

x = 1/2, p(x) has a U like shape. For xo = 1/2 F vanishes and p (x ) too is symmetrical around

x = 1/2. In cases where xo =A 1/2 the p (x ) curve is

deformed so as to conserve the overall AB compo- sition of the system. The precise value of K not- withstanding, for polymeric micelles K N 1/3 N ;4/27

may be varied over a wide range. By properly choosing N and Nc it should be possible to obtain KN’I’N c 14/27 _ 10. In such cases a clear intermicellar

microphase separation is expected (Fig. 3) : most of

the micelle population is concentrated around

x 0 and x , 1 with negligible, though non zero, p (x) values for 0.2 $; x s 0.8. The main effect of xo =A 1/2 is then to produce a distorted U like

p (x ) curve, with one arm higher then the other.

Fig. 3. - A plot of p (x ) versus x for KN 1/3 N14111 = 10. The

continuous curve corresponds to xo


0.5 while the dashed

curve is obtained for xo



4. Discussion.

In binary star polymers i.e., star polymers with arms

of two chemically distinct types, one may expect

intramolecular microphase separation to occur. This

is an analogous process to the phase transition expected in flat binary grafted layers. In binary

polymeric micelles one may expect a similar in- tramicellar process to occur as well as the occurrence

of intermicellar microphase separation. This second type of process is made possible by the associative nature of the micelles which allows intermicellar

exchange. Accordingly, this process has no counter- part in star polymers. Furthermore, this process has

no macroscopic analog because it is driven by line

tension which is of negligible importance for macro- scopic systems. In micellar solutions, because they

are highly dispersed, the phase boundary is enorm- ously long and the line tension contribution is


Our analysis of the system avoided, on purpose,

complications due to the star like structure of the

micelles. We have only considered micelles with thin

coronas which may be considered as flat grafted layers. Our conclusions, however, should be qualitat- ively valid for micelles with extended coronas. A different expression for T should obtain in such

cases : T must certainly increase with N but at a

lower rate because 0 decreases with the distance from the micelle’s centre. Yet T can reach higher

values in micelles with extended coronas, thus

making them the system of choice from an exper- imental point of view. Also, one may wish to follow these processes using neutron scattering, and micel-

les with thick coronas should be better suited for such experiments.

Appendix A.

The two phases occupy spherical caps having areas

of xStot and (1 2013 x ) Stot, where Stot = 4 7T R;orc. The

area of a spherical cap is given by [19] :

Fig. 4.


A cross section of the core of a segregated binary

micelle. A and A’ denote the position of the phase

boundary and r is the radius at the phase boundary.


where h is the height of the cap (Fig. 4). Accordingly

We seek the length, L (x ), of the caps’ boundary. To

obtain L (x ) we first find an expression for r, the

radius of the boundary. We denote by a the angle

subtended by the arc formed between the cap’s

centre and it’s boundary. We then have

On substituting (A.2) into (A.3) we obtain

which leads to the desired expression for L (x).


It is a pleasure to acknowledge instructive discussions with Prof. S. Alexander. This work was supported by the U.S.-Israel Binational Foundation (BSF) Jerusalem, Israel. The Fritz Haber Research Center is supported by the Minerva Gesellschaft fiir die

Forschung, mbH, Munchen, BRD.


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[8] HALPERIN, A., Europhys. Lett. (in press).

[9] OLVERA DE LA CRUZ, M. and SANCHEZ, I., Mac- romolecules 9 (1986) 19. This paper deals with proper phase transitions occurring in a melt of binary stars rather than with the related microph-

ase separation expected in dilute solutions.

[10] (a) HALPERIN, A., Macromolecules (in press) ; (b) BUG, A. L. R., CATES, M. E., SAFRAN, S. E.

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[11] DE GENNES, P. G., Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics (Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca N.Y.) 1979.

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[18] ROWLINSON, J. S. and WIDOM, B., Molecular Theory of Capillarity (Oxford Univ. Press, N.Y.) 1982.

[19] SPIEGL, M. R., Mathematical Handbook o f Formulas

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