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Djezzyمساهمة أخلاقيات النشاط التسويقي في بناء علاقة دائمة مع الزبون : دراسة لعينة من مستعملي خدمة متعامل الهاتف النقال


Academic year: 2021

Partager "Djezzyمساهمة أخلاقيات النشاط التسويقي في بناء علاقة دائمة مع الزبون : دراسة لعينة من مستعملي خدمة متعامل الهاتف النقال"


Texte intégral







/ / / / / . / 2 2019 / 2020

















Djezzy . 742 Djezzy SPSS . : .


Abstract :

This study aims to highlight about the playing of marketing activity ethics in creating and maintaing a long-term relationship with the customer,through the studying of a sample of Djezzy mobile phone users. In our study, we will depend on thepositivatory approach and deductive hypothective logic. A sample of 742 individual users of the Djezzy mobile service in the city of Bouira had been explored. And thereafter,the

obtained data were analyzed by using the SPSS program.

Therefore, the obtained results showed that there is an effect of the marketing activity ethics dimensions in filing-up an

everlasting relationship with the customer. By the presence of a strong positive correlation that has a statistically signification between honesty, transparency and building and maintaining a long-term relationship with the customer too.

Marketing ethics, Customer relationship, Key words:


I I -III - : 1 -65 2 : 3 : 3 : 6 : 15 : 21 : 21 : 24 : 26 : 27


II : 27 : 30 : 40 : 42 65 : 67 -119 67 : 68 : 68 : 74 : 80 : 87 : 89 : 89 : 95 : 101 : 105 : 113 : 114


III : 115 : 116 : 117 119 : Djezzy 121 -173 121 : 122 : 122 : Djezzy 125 : Djezzy 134 : 140 : 140 : 155 : 165 173 175 182 I XV


01 07 02 11 03 18 04 23 05 Ferrell Gresham . 45 06 Hunt et Vitell 47 07 . 50 08 Jones . 43 09 70 10 75 11 81 12 85 13 111 13 VEON 139 14 141


01 16 02 84 03 90 04 96 05 105 06 106 07 142 08 148 09 150 10 155 11 157 12 158 13 159 14 161 15 162 16 163 17 164 18 165 19 Khi-deux 166 20 169 21 Way ANOVA One 170 22 176


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-Djezzy . -Djezzy . -Djezzy . -Djezzy . -Djezzy . 1 . : : -: -. -Djezzy - . -. 2 . :


. 3 . : Positivisme Auguste Comte . . ) (Deductive . . Djezzy


Spss 23 . 4 . : : ) :( : Marketing ethics . ) (


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Marketing Ethics and Relationship Marketing - An Empirical Study that Measure the Effect of Ethics Practices Application on Maintaining Relationships with Customers.



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Naresh K. Malhotra, et al, Marketing Research An Applied Approach,


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