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On the theory of electron-positron pair production in crystals


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1987

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On the theory of electron-positron pair production in crystals

V.V. Tikhomirov

To cite this version:

V.V. Tikhomirov. On the theory of electron-positron pair production in crystals. Journal de Physique,

1987, 48 (6), pp.1009-1016. �10.1051/jphys:019870048060100900�. �jpa-00210508�


On the theory of electron-positron pair production in crystals

V. V. Tikhomirov

Department of Physics, V. I. Lenin Byelorussian State University, Minsk 220080, U.S.S.R.

(Requ le 30 octobre 1986, accepté le 16 janvier 1986)



On présente une théorie décrivant les processus de rayonnement cohérents et incohérents quand

des quanta 03B3, des électrons ou des positrons se déplacent dans un cristal. On montre que, dans le cadre d’une

approximation logarithmique, les probabilités locales des processus incohérents sont proportionnelles aux

sections efficaces des mêmes processus relatifs à des noyaux placés dans un champ uniforme. Quand le taux de production des paires cohérentes augmente, la probabilité totale de production de paires incohérentes commence à décroître proportionnellement à l’énergie des quanta 03B3 suivant une puissance 2014 2/3.



The theory describing both coherent and incoherent radiational processes when energetic 03B3-quanta, electrons or positrons move through crystals in directions nearly parallel to the crystal axes or planes

is presented. It is shown that, within the logarithmic approximation, the local probabilities of incoherent radiation processes are proportional to the cross-sections of the same processes pertaining to a separate nucleus placed in a uniform field. When the coherent pair production rate increases, the total probability of

incoherent pair production starts to decrease proportionally to the 03B3-quantum energy to the 2014 2/3 power.


Physics Abstracts






1. Introduction.

A new pair-production mechanism appears when

sufficiently energetic y-quanta move nearly along

the crystallographic axes or planes [1-4]. It is known [3, 5, 6] that, in this case, the high-energy particle

interaction with the crystal axes or planes is de-

scribed with a good accuracy by the averaged potential of the axes or planes (i. e. by the atomic potential averaged along the axes or planes and per lattice vibration). Near the perfect crystal alignment

the averaged crystal field is practically uniform

within the narrow pair formation region. As a

consequence, in order to calculate the pair produc-

tion (PP) probability in a crystal it is sufficient to average the corresponding probability in a uniform

electric field over the averaged field distribution.

The uniform field approximation has allowed us to

predict a PP rate enhancement observed in [7]. The

account of the averaged axis field inhomogeneity has provided to investigate the orientational dependence

of PP probability [8-10]. However, the averaged potential describes only coherent particle interaction without changing the crystal state. Up to now the

incoherent PP processes in crystals were considered

in the Bom approximation only [11-13]. It was found

that such processes are accompanied by sufficiently

large momentum transfers to the separate nuclei and, consequently, they are quite similar to the

processes taking place in an amorphous medium.

With sufficiently high yquantum energies, incohe-

rent PP processes become more various. For

example, the produced moving inside an atomic string undergo strong multiple scattering within the pair formation region, the length of which grows with the yquantum energy. The nuclear density

inside the atomic string is some hundred times larger

than the average density in a crystal. Under such

conditions the Landau-Pomeranchuk effect [14, 15]

can manifest itself at the T-quantum energy exceed-

ing 10 GeV. The consideration of the PP process in this case is not a simple problem [16].

Here we present a theory successfully describing

the incoherent PP processes in the case of a crystal

axis orientation along the y-quantum momentum. In section 2, the scattering process in the pair

formation region is considered. The logarithmic approximation allows us to distinguish two types of incoherent PP processes. The first one is connected with the e± incoherent multiple scattering in the pair

formation region. The second one arises due to the

sufficiently large angle scattering of e± by separate

nuclei. It is shown in sections 2 and 3 that the

probabilities of both types of incoherent PP proces-

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019870048060100900



ses as well as their sum are proportional to the PP

cross-section on the separate nucleus placed in a

uniform field. In section 4 the obtained expression

for the PP probability is put in accordance with that in the Born approximation by choosing a certain parameter. In the same section we evaluate the differential and integral probabilities of the PP in Ge

(11°). Section 5 is a brief conclusion.

2. Pair production in a uniform electric field in the presence of multiple scattering.

To understand the basic features of the incoherent PP processes it is sufficient to study the case of perfect alignment between the crystal axis and the y.

quantum momentum. The nature of the PP process is completely determined by the scattering within

the pair formation region. It should be recalled that

in the above mentioned case, the coherent e±

scattering is described by the uniform field approxi-

mation. The pair formation process in the transversal uniform electric field 6 (see Refs. [17-21]) is charac-

terized by a coherent length (the length of a pair

formation region)

and by a characteristic angle


w, E+ and E_ - w - 8 + are y-quantum, e+ and

e energies, correspondingly, m and e are the

e- mass and the absolute value of the e- charge. We

use the unit system h


c = 1. Since under the y.

quantum energies w > 10 GeV the coherent length (1) greatly exceeds the axis interatomic distance, e± experience numerous both coherent and incohe- rent collisions with the nuclei while the e+ e- -pair is forming. The small-angle coherent scattering is

described by the uniform field (the averaged field of axes). Below, while integrating the cross-section of incoherent Coulomb scattering over angles we shall

use the logarithmic approximation. Consequently,

one believes that the incoherent scattering processes take place under the -nuclei momentum transfers åP.l > I /u, or under the e:t scattering at the angles

v :> ð min =1 / u £+ , where u is the one-dimensional mean-square displacement of the atom in the string [22], while integrating over incoherent scattering

angles ifi > v min the main contribution to the integral

is given by the angles ifi > ’tgmin. Since the collision parameters corresponding to such scattering angles

are b == 1 /,0 c, -r, u, the change in the scattering

nuclear density at the distance I Ap I ~ b u away from the e+ trajectory can be neglected. Further-

more, the process of incoherent scattering at angles

ia > v- min may be considered as the scattering on the

free nuclei not being connected with a crystal. As a

consequence, to calculate the root-mean-square (r.m.s.) e+ multiple scattering angle in the pair

formation region 0 z I coh’ one may use the well- known formulae for uniform amorphous media (see,

for example, Refs. [12, 19]) which is written in the



and, more precisely,

is the local nuclear density averaged along the crystal axis, p = (x, y) is the projection of the positron

vector onto the plane perpendicular to a crystallogra- phic direction taken as the z-axis, d is the axis

interatomic distance, and Z is the atomic number.

Formula (4) takes into account the e± scattering by separate nuclei at angles Vmin V VmaX. The

minimum scattering angle 0 i. - 1 / eu will be rede- termined in section 4. When the angle of the

e± scattering by a separate nucleus exceeds the

r.m.s. angle (4) the scattering in the pair formation region can be considered as a single rather than as a multiple one. Therefore we put

and consider such scattering processes separately in

section 3. Note that in future use of formula (4), we

shall neglect the small local e± scattering asymmetry existing inside both atomic layer [22] and string.

Thus, one can conclude that in order to study the PP

process in the case of perfect alignment, it would be

sufficient to consider the pair formation process in a uniform transversal field in the presence of incohe- rent multiple scattering described by formulae (4)

and (5).

It was shown by Landau and Pomeranchuk [14]

that e± multiple scattering substantially modified the

nature of the radiational processes (PP or yquan- tum emission) taking place in an amorphous medium


where 1,.h and ’Vchar are the coherent length and the


characteristic angle of the radiational process, corres-

pondingly. In the case of PP in an amorphous


and, therefore, ’&, (1 h ) OC CO - "2 (we assume

E; - w ). Such an energy dependence on both sides

of inequality (8) results in the amplification of the multiple scattering influence on the pair or y-quan- tum formation with increasing particle energy. As a consequence, inequality (8) is necessarily satisfied

for high energies. For example, in Pb this happens when w =103 GeV [15]. A further energy growth

leads to the suppression of radiational processes which is known as the Landau-Pomeranchuk effect.

Note that the total PP probability decreases propor-

tionally to úJ -1/2 [14, 15].

Let us now consider the process of pair formation developing inside the atomic string. The nuclear density inside the string (6) typically exceeds the averaged atomic density in a crystal some hundred

times. In such a dense medium one can expect the manifestation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk effect for yquantum energies w $: 10 GeV. However the pre-

sence of a uniform electric field (coherent scattering) substantially modifies the character of the multiple scattering influence on the radiational processes.

Really, from equalities (1) and (2) one easily obtains that it & oc úJ - 2/3 and ils (le) oc w -516 in the case of

intense PP (or x 1, see Eq. (3)). Such an energy dependence of both sides of inequality (8) indicates

a decrease of the multiple scattering influence on the

process of a pair (a -y-quantum) formation with the particle energy growth. As a consequence, the latter

inevitably leads to the violation of inequality (8) for sufficiently high energies. For limited particle ener- gies, inequality (8) is satisfied within the narrow

cylindrical region around the line p


0 where the electric field strength is not too large. The Gauss

theorem allows us to obtain the averaged axis

electric field strength as

On the basis of equalities (1), (2) and (10), inequality (8) may be rewritten in the form

where Ae




3.862 x 10-11 cm is the electron Compton wavelength. The theory describing the

radiational processes in region (11) is quite complex [16]. It can be substantially simplified in the case

when the inequality inverted to (8) is fulfilled.

Fortunately the fraction of string nuclei occupying

the region p p min is a value of p min2/ u 2 which

decreases both with increasing -y-quantum energy

and with decreasing atomic number. As a conse-

quence some fundamental features of the incoherent PP process can be established without satisfying inequality (8) inside the narrow region (11). In other words, we shall suppose that the characteristic angle (2) exceeds the r.m.s. scattering angle (4) inside

the pair formation region everywhere in a crystal.

Under such a condition the incoherent multiple

e± scattering can be considered as a perturbation against the background of a uniform field (coherent scattering). To evaluate the probability of PP in a perturbed uniform field it is suitable to start from the semi-classical expression [19, 20]


r(t) and v(t) are the e+ radius-vector and the

velocity at the moment t (e+ is chosen for accuracy), rl, 2 = r (tl, 2 ), Vl, 2V (tl, 2 ), v, (t ) is the projection

of e+ velocity onto the plane perpendicular to the y.

quantum momentum, and a = 1/137. Note that expression (12) describes the probability of e+

e- -pair production when its positron moves along a

fixed trajectory. In the case of a slightly perturbed

uniform electric field as well as in the case of a

perfect uniform electric field, the internal integral in (12) is formed in a small time interval close to the

moment t1 and characterizes the local PP probability

at the point r(tl). The external integral over

t1 plays the role of the integral over different points

of PP. As a consequence, to evaluate the local PP

probability at some point r


r (t1 ) we can omit the integral over t1 in (12) and integrate the obtained

expression over e+ trajectories crossing the point r.

To perform this operation we represent the e+

velocity in the following form by using the small-

angle approximation


is the e+ acceleration in the uniform transversal electric field, n


k/w is the yquantum momentum direction, 0 is a solid angle between the vector n and

the e+ velocity at the point of its production r at the

moment T = t2 - tl


0. Since in logarithmic ap-

proximation the typical e+ -nuclei collision par-

ameters greatly exceed the transversal e+ displace-



ment inside the pair formation region, the e+

velocity perturbation 8 v does not depend on the

e+ emission angle 0. Expanding the integrand in

terms of the velocity perturbation and integrating

expression (12), where the first integral is omitted,

over 0, we obtain the following expression for the

local PP probability in the perturbed uniform trans-

versal electric field


The modification of the integration path near the point T


0 is connected with the change of the

order of integration over 0 and T [10]. Equation (14)

has allowed us to evaluate the PP probability in the slowly varying electric field in reference [9] and

allows us to evaluate the PP probability in a uniform

field in the presence of incoherent multiple scat- tering. It is not difficult to conclude that the terms, which do not contain the velocity perturbation, give

the PP probability in the uniform electric field (see

Refs. [17-21])


is the Airy function. To calculate the PP probability

in the presence of e± multiple scattering, the differ-

ence dW /dE+ - dWe/dE, needs to be averaged

over the stochastic velocity variations. From the well-known equalities 8v.L (T)


0, ( dv)1) -

(6vf (T )) = Us I T I (see Eqs. (4), (5)) and dVl.L ==

d vl (0 ) = 0 and by using the standard method [12]

we obtain

Using these equations one can easily average the

probability (14) and represent it as a linear combi- nation of the upsilon function

and its derivatives. All derivatives, besides the first one, can be excluded from such a combination with the help of equation [17]

As a result, one obtains the local PP probability in

the transversal uniform electric field in the presence of e± multiple scattering


Equation (22) is applicable when the characteristic

angle ifig exceeds the r.m.s. multiple scattering

angle vS (le ) inside the pair formation region. Since


the multiple scattering process in the pair formation

region only includes the acts of e’ single scattering

at the angles 15 vmax== vs (1 e) the incoherent PP processes, corresponding to the single scattering

at the angles v > v max’ need to be considered separately.

3. Pair production processes on separate nuclei.

The logarithmic approximation allows us to divide

incoherent PP processes into two parts. The first

one, considered in the previous section, corresponds

to the e± multiple scattering inside the pair formation region. The second one can be connected with the e± scattering by separate nuclei. Really, in the logarithmic approximation the probability of the repeated ert scattering at the angles v> vmax


vs(le) inside the formation region of a pair is negligible. As a result, the PP processes, accom-

panied by the isolated scattering at angles

ifi > vmax , can be considered independently. Let vmax ifig (the results, obtained below, keep their

sense for i) max - ve too). In this case under the integration over the angles of the isolated scattering

the main contribution to the integral is given by the angles & > vmax At the same time multiple scat- tering deflects the at the angles - vs(le)


vmax ve and, therefore, weakly changes the

e± trajectories. As a result, multiple scattering can

lead only to small corrections. Therefore in the

logarithmic approximation the PP process, accom-

panied by the e± isolated scattering at the angles

v > v max inside the crystal, can be considered as a

PP process taking place on a free nucleus placed in

the uniform field. Such a process was studied in references [23, 24] where the corresponding cross-

section was derived. The results of references [23, 24] can be easily reproduced on the basis of the

quasiclassical method [19, 20]. This procedure is greatly simplified by using the logarithmic approxi-

mation which allows us to consider the incoherent e± scattering by a nucleus as a perturbation and to

start from expression (14) with T = t2 - tl,

and with the substitution

The pair formation length (1) considerably exceeds

the interatomic distance d and especially the atomic screening radius aF. As a result, the positron velocity

perturbation against the background of its evolution in the uniform electric field which is caused by an

isolated nucleus at the moment t


0 can be rep- resented in the form

where 0 is a solid angle of e+ scattering, 0 -L k,

ifi « 1. After substitution of the equation of (26) into

the integrals of (24) it is useful to divide the infinite

integrals of (25) over t1 and t2 into two parts : over the positive and the negative semiaxes. Using the

new variables T = tl + t2 and u


X (t2 - t1)/a one

can as certain that the pair of integrals with

tl . t2 > 0 is equal to zero. The second pair of integrals with tl . t2 0 includes the terms pro-

portional to null, first and second powers of the

angle D. The terms, not containing the angle D, describe the PP in a pure uniform field. The latter is

already taken into account by the probability of (22).

Under the integration over D (see below) the terms proportional to b equal zero. After the integration

over T the remaining terms take the form

A subsequent simplification of the expression (27) is

realized by introducing the upsilon-function (20) and by eliminating its derivatives with the help of equation (21). In order to evaluate the contribution of the isolated e± scattering process to the local PP

probability expression (27) needs to be multiplied by

the local nuclear density n (p ) and by the relativistic Rutherford cross-section

and then be integrated over the scattering angles it max v ve As a result, we obtain


The upper limit of the integration over U is deter-

mined by the condition of applicability of the expansion (14). Note that the contribution of scat-

tering angles ifi >. ve is negligible in the logarithmic

approximation. After summation of the contribu-

tions of (22) and (29) we obtain for the local PP



probability at the distance p far from the axis (the plane)


Note that the logarithmic approximation has allowed

us to combine the contributions of (22) and (29) quite naturally.

4. Pair production in the field of crystal axes.

The local PP probability (31) allows us to calculate

the PP probability in the crystal for perfect alignment

between the y-quantum momentum and the crystal

axis or plane. In simple crystals with all strings equivalent it is enough to average the local prob- ability (31) over the field distribution and over the nuclear density of a string, i.e. to carry out the


where no is the average atomic density in a crystal.

The main contribution to the integral (33) gives the region in the vicinity of a string, so one can extend the integration to infinity. Under the logarithmic approximation the ratio ð f,1 ð miD contained in ex- pression (31) is defined with the accuracy of the factor compared with unity. This uncertainty allows

us to assume the angle ð miD to be independent from

the distance p measured from the string. Choosing

the value of this angle we are based on the fact that

under the condition Zalcoh/d .c 1, where lcoh


2 E+ E- /m 2ow, the PP process in crystals may be described by the Bom approximation [25]. In accord-

ance with references [11-13] for the case of perfect alignment the PP probability, calculated in the Born

approximation, is equal to the so-called « amor-

phous » probability. In the logarithmic approxi-

mation this probability can be written in the form


is the Bethe-Heitler probability, and aF is the atomic

screening radius. Under the conditions of applicabili- ty of equation (34) the parameter x = x (p ) consider- ably exceeds unity at any distance far from the axis.

It is quite natural to require that the probability (33)

with the local probability (31) should be equal to the

« amorphous » probability under such a condition.

Using the expansion Y’ (x ) =1/x + 2/x4 + ... and

the equality ve


m/ e+ - 1 / y which are valid in

the limit of x > 1 one may get convinced that the

right hand side of equality (31) depends on the

transversal coordinates p


(x, y ) only through the

factor a (p ) proportional to the local nuclear density n (p ). Since d f n (p ) d2p = 1, under the condition

of applicability of the Born approximation, the probability (33) becomes

Putting expression (33) equal to the right hand side

of equality (34) we obtain the equation determining ,&mi.. Now we can write the final expression for the

local PP probability:


0 (x’ ) = 1 for x’ . 6, 8 (x’ )


0 for x 0, we recall

that expressions (31) and (38) are not applicable in

the narrow region (11). However, the small value of the ratio p minl2 U2 allows us to use these expressions

practically everywhere in crystals of sufficiently light

elements. The averaged field of the (110) axis of

the Ge crystal cooled to 100 K was calculated on the basis of the Moliere atomic potential [6] in neglecting

the contribution of the fields of neighbouring axes.

All calculated probabilities are normalized here to

the integral Bethe-Heitler probability WBH



0.331 cm - 1 obtained by integrating the differential

probability (36) over the positron energy. In figure 1

solid lines represent the differential PP probabilities

calculated on the basis of formulae (33) and (38) for

the different y-quantum energies. For comparison,

the « naive » differential probabilities of the PP in

the crystal dWam/ds+ + dWh/dE+ are represented by dashed lines, where

is the differential probability of the coherent PP in

the field of axes. Finally, the dotted line in figure 1

represents the «amorphous» probability (34).

Though the logarithmic approximation accuracy is

not too high, putting probability (33) into accordance with probability (34) by choosing the value of 1L’tmi. one may believe in a physical origin of the

deviation of the solid lines from the corresponding

dashed lines in figure 1.

The most reliable prediction that formula (38)

allows us to make concerns the high-energy depen-

dence of the total incoherent PP probability

W - W,,oh, where probabilities W and Wcoh may be

obtained by integrating the differential probabilities (33) and (40), correspondingly. For sufficiently high energies one has x 1 and Y’ (x ) = r(I/3)/2. 32/3 = 0.644, Y, (x) == r (2/3)/2 - 31/3 =

0.469. As a result, the local differential incoherent PP probability

Fig. 1.


Differential PP probabilities in the field of Ge

(11°) axis at 100 K for various y-quantum energies.

dW/dE+ - solid lines, dWam/de:t + dWh/d --, -dashed

lines and dWam/dE, - dotted line. is the energy of one of the produced particles.

is proportional to the combination

The integral local incoherent probability is, obvi- ously, proportional to le) - 213 and starts to fall when



e&oj /M3 _ 1. Since the area of the region (11)

decreases with the y-quantum energy such an energy

dependence of the local probability is, absolutely,

correct for the total incoherent PP probability

W - Wcoh in the crystal with any value of Z. Recall that under high energies the total coherent PP

probability Wcoh is proportional to to - 15. Besides,

the local PP probability starts to fall only when

K =11,6. The sufficiently rapid decrease of the incoherent PP probability with the y-quantum energy is illustrated in figure 2 where the energy dependence

of the coherent PP probability is also presented.

Fig. 2.


The coherent


W coh and incoherent


W - Wcoh contributions to the total PP probability W in a

field of (11°) axis of Ge being cooled to 100 K is shown

as a function of incident -y-quantum energy. Wam + Wh is

the « naive » PP probability.

Both the differential and the integral probabilities

calculated on the basis of formulae (33) and (38)

differ from the « naive » probabilities by the relative value of about 5 percent. Besides, they start to grow for y-quantum energies smaller than the « naive »

probabilities do. In our opinion one has a reason to

believe that this numerical result is not an artifact of

the logarithmic approximation.



5. Conclusion.

When electrons, positrons and y-quanta with ener-

gies E:t’ (J) è:: 10 GeV move along crystal axes or planes the strong crystal fields make it possible to investigate effects of quantum electrodynamics in a strong uniform electric field in experiments using secondary e± and y-beams produced in large proton accelerators. However, the crystal field is, obviously,

not a purely uniform electric field. The expressions

obtained above side by side with the expressions

obtained in references [9, 10] can be used to describe

quantum electrodynamic effects taking into account

the main special properties of crystal fields.

Note that effects of quantum electrodynamics in a strong uniform electric field manifest themselves in

atmospheres of pulsars also in the presence of incoherent Coulomb e± scattering.

The pair production and yquantum emission

processes near the perfect alignment are accom-

panied by polarization effects [1, 2, 26] which may

be widely used to produce quite intensive highly polarized e± and yquantum secondary beams in large proton accelerators such as Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), Tevatron and, in particular, Accelerating-Storage Complex (UNK, Serpukhov)

and Superconducting Super Collider (SSC). The developed approach to the incoherent pair produc-

tion and y-quantum emission processes may substan-

tially modify the predicted values of e± and y- quantum polarizations in the energy regions where

the coherent contributions to the pair production

and y-quantum emission probabilities do not exceed

the Bethe-Heitler probabilities.

The author is grateful to Professor V. G.

Baryshevskii for his interest in this work.




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