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دور منهج في التربية البدنية و الرياضية في تنمية قيم المواطنة لدى تلاميذ الطور المتوسط دراسة ميدانية لتلاميذ الطور المتوسط بمدينة الاغواط


Academic year: 2021

Partager "دور منهج في التربية البدنية و الرياضية في تنمية قيم المواطنة لدى تلاميذ الطور المتوسط دراسة ميدانية لتلاميذ الطور المتوسط بمدينة الاغواط"


Texte intégral


  12    23    2017        ) 2017  (Dicembre 23 EME Année N°: 12                     





                                        

The rol of the curriculum in sports in the developement of values of citizenship among pupils ovrage plase .

The world is witnessing now economic ، social and cultural changes that led to the emergence of trends and behaviors which affected negativelyon community cohesionthis generates a feeling among peaple on the existence of threats to their values ، traditions and nationalidentity . these changes impose their effects on various areas of life such as education. That rapid changes require from societies and its educational systems a preparation of human strenghts and students to raise their scientific level ،skills and performance by

          


  12    23    2017    ) 2017  (Dicembre 23 EME Année N°: 12

possessing the knowledge besides proficiency waysof thinking and how to exercise them in addition to the understanding of patrimony and pride of the historical heritage and mastering the languagethen from there stratingto local and international competions.

The curriculum comes from the elements and the main tools used by educational systems to help their children to develop their energy to the greatestextent possible to be good citizensproducers and interested in the affairs of their community and its needs and concerns.

It is supposed that the educational curriculum is the foundation area and the guiding force to achieve this quality goals so that struturing learners in integrative ،holistic and constructional way that keep pace with thelatest neuoness and international developments

                                                          


  12    23    2017        ) 2017  (Dicembre 23 EME Année N°: 12   1                                                                                                   


  12    23    2017    ) 2017  (Dicembre 23 EME Année N°: 12 1  1                 2     2  1      2      3     4         3                                       


  12    23    2017        ) 2017  (Dicembre 23 EME Année N°: 12               4      4  1               4  2             4  3                         4  4  :                  


  12    23    2017    ) 2017  (Dicembre 23 EME Année N°: 12      4  5        guides    standards                      Jarolimek  J & Parker  1993   5                1                                               


  12    23    2017        ) 2017  (Dicembre 23 EME Année N°: 12           ،  1426     2                                                 1426         3   Robert Woyach               (Robert Woyach1992  


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  12    23    2017        ) 2017  (Dicembre 23 EME Année N°: 12   1426                                                  1426     6       6  1    6  2        1                    2      2015  2016     3      115  


  12    23    2017    ) 2017  (Dicembre 23 EME Année N°: 12    4     :                                                      5                           1              2                          1     3       


  12    23    2017        ) 2017  (Dicembre 23 EME Année N°: 12     1    2    3             6      6  1  1      1    2    3    4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


  12    23    2017    ) 2017  (Dicembre 23 EME Année N°: 12                          6  2     2                                   5.42 02   44.47 02      429 03 43.24 06      5.20 04 42.07 09      5.46 01 43.91 03          314   05   6320   12    0.01    2       2      29.34 0.001 14.31 0.001          2        0.01          5.46            01   03       314       63                    6  3            1     2  


  12    23    2017        ) 2017  (Dicembre 23 EME Année N°: 12     3                 01                   02               03              05              06            07                08                 09            10               11                   12            13            14             15              16                      17              18            19             20                21              22                23            24             25            26                  27            28                 29             30             31            32            2    21       21  31  =  68    


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