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Appendix 3


Academic year: 2022

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Appendix 3. Comparison of 2011, 2012, and 2017 colonial waterbird survey results from a portion of the large lakes of southern Manitoba, Canada.

Table 3.1. Numbers of breeding pairs, with number of colonies in brackets, during surveys at a subset of 23 potential colony locations on lakes Winnipeg, Winnipegosis, Kaweenakumik, and St. Martin, and Dog lakes.

2011 2012 2017

Ring-billed Gull 254 (7) 11,238 (15) 3,557 (12)

Herring Gull 97 (4) 830 (21) 462 (12)

Caspian Tern 137 (4) 749 (4) 330 (6)

Common Tern 1,190 (6) 3,932 (9) 2,404 (6)

Double-crested Cormorant 797 (5) 2,824 (6) 3,106 (7)

American White Pelican 82 (2) 2,169 (6) 1,388 (6)


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