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Formation kinetics of a weak ferromagnetic domain from an AFM domain wall in DyFeO3


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1989

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Formation kinetics of a weak ferromagnetic domain from an AFM domain wall in DyFeO3

N.F. Kharchenko, S.L. Gnatchenko, A.B. Chizhik

To cite this version:

N.F. Kharchenko, S.L. Gnatchenko, A.B. Chizhik. Formation kinetics of a weak ferromagnetic do- main from an AFM domain wall in DyFeO3. Journal de Physique, 1989, 50 (10), pp.1153-1156.

�10.1051/jphys:0198900500100115300�. �jpa-00210985�


Short Communication

Formation kinetics of a weak


domain from an AFM domain wall in


N.F Kharchenko, S.L Gnatchenko and A.B. Chizhik

Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Ukr.SSR Academy of Sciences, 310164 Kharkov, U.S.S.R

(Reçu le 16 janvier 1989, accepté le 17 mars 1989)

Resume. 2014 On utilise la photographie à grande vitesse et la magnéto-optique pour étudier la for- mation d’un domaine à ferromagnétisme faible à partir d’une paroi antiferromagnétique à 180° £ la

transition de premier ordre induite par le champ entre un état antiferromagnétique et un état faible- ment ferromagnétique dans l’orthoferrite de dysprosium

Abstract. 2014 In this work high-speed photography and magnetooptical studies have been performed

of the formation process of a weak ferromagnetic domain from a 180° antiferromagnetic domain

wall at the pulsed field-induced first-order phase transition from an antiferromagnetic state to a weak ferromagnetic one in dysprosium orthoferrite.


Physics Abstracts

75.60C - 75.30K - 75.50E

Domain walls of an initial phase can be the nuclei of a new magnetic state at the magnetic

first-order phase transitions [1]. The formation of paramagnetic [2, 3] and weak ferromagnetic (WFM) [4] domains from an antiferromagnetic (AFM) domain wall was visualized earlier in a

quasi-stationary magnetic field. We have performed visual and magneto-optical,studies of forma-

tion kinetics of a WFM domain from a 180° domain wall between AFM domains during the pulsed

field-induced phase transition from an AFM state to a WFM one in dysprosium orthoferrite.

The studies were carried out in a DyFeo3 plate of about 40 pm thick cut normal to the crystal optical axis. The sample was placed in a magnetic field with the constant H, and pulse Hp compo-

nents. An applied field is oriented along the crystal optical axis that makes an angle of about 600

with the c-axis in the (bc)-plane. Below the Morin point (TM = 49 K) this field leads to the AFM state symmetry lowering from ri (Gy ) to r 14 (Fz Gx Goy) and induces the first order phase transi-

tion r14 (Fz G. Gaz) - r4 (Fz Gx) from the AFM to WFM state. The sum over the constant and pulsed fields exceeded the phase transition field Ht in the experiments done. The pulsed field

duration was 45 Jls and the pulse rise was 1 ps.

Preliminary visual investigations in the polarized light under stationary fields made it possible

to identify the domain wall between AFM domains Fz Gx Gt and Fz Gx Gy -. As known, in DyFe03

there occurs the AFM G-vector rotation in the AFM domain wall between F, G x G00FF and F, Gz G-

states in the crystal (ab)-plane. The ferromagnetism vector F changes in a wall only in absolute

value, its direction (F il c) being unchanged. It takes the maximum value in the center of the domain wall at G 11 a. Thus, at H Ht, the AFM domain wall contains the nucleus of the WFM

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198900500100115300



state r 4 (Fz Ga,). A magnetic field which induces the r14 ---+ r4 phase transition leads to the AFM wall broadening and formation of a WFM domain at H = Ht [4].

Formation and evolution of a WFM domain were studied by high-speed photography. Figure

1 presents photographs illustrating the broadening process of a WFM domain. The photographs

were taken for various T delay times of a short light laser pulse (about 6 ns) with respect to the

front edge of a field pulse. A WFM domain formed from the AFM wall broadening is visualized in 1-2 ps after the pulsed field is switched on. As the delay time increases, the domain broadening

is observed in photographs. Polarizers are aligned so that there is no contrast between AFM and WFM phases ; dark walls are only seen between them. In photographs 3 and 4 WFM domains can

be seen as well, formed by fluctuations. These domains were visualized for the given relation of

He, Hp and Ht fields in 14-18 ps only after Hp was switched on.

Fig. 1.- Formation of a WFM domain from an AFM domain wall in a pulsed field Hp = 1400 Oe at

Hc = 600 Oe, Ht = 1100 Oe, T = 43 K.1 ) rl = 3 ILs, 2) r2 = 10 ILs, 3) r3 = 14 ps, 4) r4 = 25 ps.

The time dependence of the interphase wall shift, x(t), (Fig. 2, line 1) was determined by dynamical photographs of a WFM domain formed from an AFM wall, taken at various time mo- ments. The x(t) dependence obtained is nonlinear by contrast to that (Fig. 2, line 2) measured in

a similar driving field Hd = (H, + Hp) - Ht for the interphase wall between WFM and AFM domains in a magnetic intermediate state prepared previously in a constant field He = Ht. In the

initial stage of broadening of the WFM domain formed, the interphase wall motion is accelerated.

This motion becomes stationary as interphase walls achieve a velocity equal to that of motion in the magnetic intermediate state in a similar driving field. The linear section of the x(t) dependence corresponds to the stationary motion of interphase walls.


Fig. 2 Fig. 3

Fig. Z- The time dependence of interphase wall displacement. He = 600 Oe, Hp = 1400 Oe, Ht -

1100 Oe, T = 43 K.

Fig. 3.- The time dependence of light intensity. Hc = 600 Oe, Hp = 1400 Oe, Ht = 1100 Oe, T = 43 K, ,

t N 12 u s.

In order to define reasons for the nonstationary interphase wall motion of a WFM domain formed due to thé AFM wall broadening, magnetooptical studies of a WFM phase have been car-

ried out. The light intensity I of a helium-neon laser = 6328 Â) was measured transmitted

through a section of the sample placed between crossed polarizers. A crystal section studied of

about 30 nm wide contained an AFM wall transformed into a WFM domain under a pulsed field.

The transmitted light intensity depends on both the concentration of coexisting phases in the sec-

tion studied and the Faraday rotation in each phase : I = 7o

[p Sin2oW

+ (1 - p)

Sin2 OAI


p - 2x/d is the WFM phase concentration, 2x the WFM domain width, d the width of the sec-

tion studied, Ow and 9A the Faraday rotation in WFM and AFM phases, respectively, proportional

to magnetization. The I(t) dependence obtained is given in figure 3. Time t* corresponds to a

moment when the WFM domain width becomes equal to that of the section studied. p = 1 and I = Io sin28w for t > t* . The light intensity rise at t > t* implies an increase of Ow which is defined by the magnetic moment of a WFM phase. t* N 12 ps for the I(i) curve from figure 3.

The observed intensity rise of transmitted light at t > t* , which seems to be due to an increase

of magnetization of a WFM phase, makes it possible to conclude that a WFM phase formed from the broadening of an AFM domain wall is not equilibrium thermodynamically because of inten-

sive excitation of a spin system. As follows from the I(t) dependence given in figure 3, the time of

established equilibrium is 25-30 lis for the experimental conditions studied. In this period inter- phase walls are displaced by 35-40 jÀm. The comparison between the x(t) and I(t) dependences

shown in figures 2 (line 1) and 3 indicates that the time of establishing equilibrium in the WFM

state coincides with that of establishing the stationary interphase wall motion. Thus, one can make

a conclusion that at the initial stage of the WFM domain broadening the nonstationary interphase

wall motion is induced by a change of the magnetic pressure on interphase walls as the WFM phase approaches equilibrium.




[1] MITSEK A.I., GAIDANSKII P.F., PUSHKAR V.N., Phys. Status Solidi 38 (1970) 69.

[2] DILLON J.F. Jr., CHEN E.Yi., GIORDANO N., WOLF W.P., Phys. Rev. Lett. 33 (1974) 98.

[3] CHEN E.Yi., DILLON J.F. Jr., GUGGENHEIM H.J., J. AppL Phys. 48 (1977) 804.

[4] GNATCHENKO S.L., EREMENKO V.V., KHARCHENKO N.F, Sov. J Low Temp. Phys. 7 (1981) 1536.


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