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Collapse of a polymer : evidence for tricritical behaviour in two dimensions


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1982

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Collapse of a polymer : evidence for tricritical behaviour in two dimensions

A. Baumgärtner

To cite this version:

A. Baumgärtner. Collapse of a polymer : evidence for tricritical behaviour in two dimensions. Journal

de Physique, 1982, 43 (9), pp.1407-1411. �10.1051/jphys:019820043090140700�. �jpa-00209521�


Collapse of a polymer : evidence for tricritical behaviour in two dimensions

A. Baumgärtner (*)

IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose, California 95193, U.S.A.

(Reçu le ler


1982, révisé le 9 mai, accepté le 3 mai 1982)



Le paramètre d’ordre et la chaleur spécifique des polymères

sur un

réseau carré sont calculés par


méthode de Monte Carlo et analysés


termes de loi d’échelle de taille finie. Près de la transition

vers un


globulaire, ils présentent les caractéristiques d’un point tricritique. Les exposants critiques correspondants 03B1t, 03C5t et 03A6t, déduits de cette analyse sont


bon accord


les prévisions obtenues d’après le développement





Des corrections du 1er ordre sont calculées pour le comportement asymptotique.



Finite-size scaling of Monte Carlo generated order parameter (intrinsic density of monomers) and specific heat of square lattice polymers


the collapse transition exhibit characteristics of


tricritical point.

The estimated corresponding critical exponents 03B1t, 03BDt and 03A6t


in good agreement with predictions from 03B5-expan- sions. First-order corrections to the asymptotic behaviour




Physics Abstracts

61.40K - 64.70



1. Introduction.


A long-standing problem in the theory of polymer chains in solution is the effect of intramolecular forces on the shape and size of an

isolated chain. The intramolecular forces are usually

assumed to be of van der Waals’ type, consisting of strong, short-range repulsive and weak, long-range

attractive interactions. By suitable changes in tempe-

rature or in solvent composition, the chain crosses over

from an extended coil to a collapsed dense globule. This phenomena has attracted a great deal of attention, both

theoretical [1-20] and experimental [21-25] possibly

because of its connection with protein folding [26, 27],

and it is also of theoretical interest as a first step towards the understanding of micellar structures.

Our present understanding of the collapse transition

within the context of critical phenomena is still incomplete and controversial. Both analytical [1-14]

and numerical attempts [15-20] have been made ‘in

order to elucidate this problem.

Recently de Gennes proposed [4] that the collapse

transition should exhibit characteristics of a tricritical

point [28]. Although several works [5,.6, 8,13,14] have

been devoted to elaborate the theory, no evidence for tricriticality of the collapse has been demonstrated so

far, neither by experiment nor by computer simulation.

In order to verify the theory, one is confronted with

an important difficulty : at the marginal dimensiona-

lity d


3, the critical properties of the transition are

governed by logarithmic singularities, which are hard

to analyse conclusively. A detailed Monte Carlo

investigation for d


3 will be published [29].

In order to avoid this difficulty and to extend our understanding of the collapse transition to two-dimen- sional systems, the present work reports on a finite- size scaling analysis of Monte Carlo generated thermo- dynamic functions of square-lattice polymers.

Experimentally the two-dimensional collapse can

be realized if the polymer is strongly adsorbed on a flat

surface [30] or if the solution is confined in a slit.

2. Model and simulation technique.


The chain is represented by a random walk (of N steps), which at

each step moves from one point of the square lattice

to any of the four nearest-neighbour sites. The effect of the excluded volume is represented by preventing the

walk from visiting any lattice point more than once.

The length of one step will be called



Orr [31], the mutual interactions of polymer and

solvent can be included in the above model by intro- ducing


Boltzmann factor, exp(- slkb T), for every

nearest-neighbour contact of the chain with itself. The energy 8 measures the energy of



(*) Permanent Address : Institut fiir Festkorperforschung

der Kernforschungsanlage Jflich, Postfach 1913, D-5170 Jflich, West Germany.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019820043090140700



contact relative to the energies of polymer-solvent and

solvent-solvent contacts. Thus,


0 describes


polymer in


poor solvent, which means that polymer- polymer contacts are favoured, leading to



in the chain dimensions at low temperatures.

The total interaction energy, E(X)


El (X) + E2(X), for


chain configuration X is thus given by E I (X)


s tj (X), where q(X) is the number of nearest-

neighbour corltacts, and E2(X) = oo, if any lattice site

is occupied twice. An ensemble of configurations dis-

tributed according to the canonical distribution

,P(X) oc exp( - E(X)/kB T) was generated by

a «

rep- tation » Monte Carlo dynamics [32]. Starting from


state X, there one first selects one of the ends of the chain at random and then removes this end link of the chain and adds it at the other end, specifying ran- domly the orientation of the link. The resulting state

X’ is accepted as a new configuration, if according to

the Metropolis criterion [33]

where ( is a random number 0 C 1; otherwise

state X’ is rejected and the old configuration X is

counted once


in the averaging. This mechanism,

which corresponds to a movement of the chain along itself, produces an approach towards equilibrium.

Denoting ensemble averages by angular brackets,

energy U, specific heat C and intrinsic density p are then obtained by


is the mean-square radius of gyration, and rk are the lattice sites occupied by the chain. The unperturbed (e


0) chain dimension for N >> 1 is given by [34]

3. Numerical results.


The temperature variation of intrinsic density, internal energy and specific heat is

shown in figure 1 for the entire range of chains studied.

Identifying kB T,(N)IB with the positions of the spe- cific-heat maxima, we examine the size dependence of

the transition temperature T, in figure 2. The asymp- totic behaviour seems described by

where kB TB(oo)/s


1.31 ± 0.06 and 0, the crossover

Fig. 1.


Raw data of monomer-density p (upper part),

internal energy U (middle part) and specific heat C (lower part) plotted


temperature for chain lengths N


20, 40, 80, 160. The suggested asymptotic (N - oo ) behaviour

is indicated qualitatively for p and U.

Fig. 2.


Variation of the critical temperature T with chain length N.

exponent described below. It should be noted that the

reliability of the present Monte Carlo calculations at low temperatures is supported by that fact, that our

estimates of internal energies seem to coincide (by extrapolating the data to T - 0) with the ground-

state energies, which are indicated by short horizontal

lines in the middle part of figure 1. Obviously the ground-state for an infinite chain is highly degenerated,

but for finite N, we found that the


spiral » configu-

ration has the highest number of contacts il :


where I

4. Finite-size scaling analysis.


The expected ther- modynamic behaviour of finite systems of interacting particles has been discussed by Fisher [35] in terms of a scaling theory involving the critical exponents of the corresponding infinite system. An assumption of generalized scaling at


tricritical point [36, 37] for an

isolated polymer [4] then leads to a density of the form

where vt and Ot are the correlation length exponent at the transition temperature T, (-r =- T - Tt I/Tt) and

the crossover exponent, respectively. For the consi-

dered case d


2, approximate values of vt and Ot

have been calculated using s-expansion techniques [6, 38], carried to order S2 and a, respectively :

The scaling function /(x) should asymptotically reproduce for large


(i.e., T 1, but N - 00) the

infinite-chain critical behaviour [4]



and vc are the well-known correlation length exponents in the coil and in the globule state, respecti- vely :

Thus one obtains finally the asymptotic behaviour :

where B t, B I are the critical (nonuniversal) ampli-

tudes for an infmite chain. A similar scaling ansatz

for the specific heat is given by

where the tricritical exponent a, has been calculated

[38] to first order in

c =

3 - d

The scaling function g(x) asymptotically yields the

infinite-chain critical behaviour, g(x) -+ A t x-11,

Using the data presented in figure 1, we can now test the finite-size scaling relations equations (4)-(11).

In figure 3 we examine the chain length dependence

of p for various temperatures. Well above and below the critical temperature kB T,/e -- 1.31, the data are

in good agreement with p - fi (Eq. (8a)) and



const (Eq. (8c)), respectively. In order to distin- guish properly between the behaviour just at the critical point p ’" N - 0.011 (Eq. (8b») and in the globule phase



const, it would be necessary to extend our investi-

gations to much larger values of N, which is reasonably unapproachable with the present generation of compu- ters.

Fig. 3.


Variation of the monomer-density p with chain

length N for various temperatures.

However, we adopt the given value (5a) of v, - 0.505 5

in order to examine the scaling form of p (Eq. (4)) ; this

shown in figure 4. In good agreement with the scaling

ansatz, the scaled data all lie on two smooth curves, for T > Tt and T T t, respectively. The two solid

lines correspond to the asymptotic forms given by equations (6)-(8) with B + =- 2.4, B - - 1.2 and the

predicted values., p + -- - 0. 7 5, p - - 0.031. However,

Fig. 4.


Finite-size scaling plot of the


density according to equation (4) for various N at temperatures



7t (lower part) and T T, (upper part).



from the (N It i)


region covered by the Monte Carlo

data, it is rather suggestive to infer an asymptotic approach of the data to their solid lines. The reason

behind this slow convergence is that corrections to the

asymptotic form (Eq. (6)) for x 10 are important.

This is shown in figure 5. Now our data are well-

described for


> 1 by

with B’ - - 2.4, B- 0.8 and JJi - 1.4, JJl - 0.1 (compare also table I). In figure 5, Asp is

defined as Asp N2Vt-l


Bt xu’ - p(x) N2vt-1. The

uncertainties in the critical amplitudes and critical exponents are about 30% and 10%, respectively.

Analytical work is required to check the accuracy of

Bi and pl.

Table I.


Estimates of critical exponents and critical

amplitudes of the square-lattice polymer chain according

to equations (12) and (13).

Fig. 5.


Finite-size scaling plot for the correction to the

asymptotic behaviour of the monomer-density according to (12) for various N at temperatures T


T, (upper part) and

T T, (lower part).

Following the above procedure, the scaling analysis

of the specific heat is presented in figure 6 and figure 7.

Since the specific heat diverges so weakly (see Fig. 1),

the divergent portion does not completely dominate



background » except very close to T,. Analog to

Fig. 6.


Finite-size scaling plot for the singular part of the specific heat according to (9) for various N at temperatures T


T, (upper part) and T T, (lower part), and for





portions bt.

Fig. 7.


Finite-size scaling plot for the correction to the

asymptotic behaviour of the specific heat according to (13)

for various N at temperatures T


T, (upper part) and

T T, (lower part).


numerical investigations on Ising models, [39, 40] we approximate the nonsingular part by the constants b’. As shown in figure 6, we find that the singular portion of the high-temperature specific heat (C + b+ )

scales quite well according to equation (9) using

b+ -- 0.05. For T Tt, however, scaling is not quite convincing for x 8. The solid lines in figure 6 corres- pond to the predicted asymptotic power law (11).

Similar to the density discussed above, corrections to the asymptotic form (11) of the specific heat are impor-

tant, which is demonstrated in figure 7. The data are in good agreement for


> 1 with

The amplitudes and exponents are summarized in table I. AC is defined as åC N -rztQ>t


A * x-at -

(C + b+)N-’t"t. Again, the low-temperature specific

heat do not scale accurately : the large-N data lie systematically above the small-N data. This behaviour does not seriously affect the limiting slope a, - - 1.8;

i.e., at each chain length N, AC exhibit approximately

the slope a 1. A probable reason of the deviations from

scaling is the assumed temperature independence of

the nonsingular part bl of the specific heat, which possibly becomes a bad approximation at low tempe-


5. Summary and conclusion.


By the present calcu- lations for isolated square-lattice polymer chains, it


shown using finite-size scaling analysis that the collapse transitions of this polymer model is related

to a tricritical point.

The variation of the critical temperature with N, T,(oo) - T.(N) oc 11NOt, is examined and yields kB T,(oo)/&


1.31 ± 0.06.

The estimated critical exponents for the asymptotic

behaviour (N - oo ) of monomer-density and specific

heat are in good agreement with previous estimates


s =

expansions. In addition, we calculated the

corresponding critical amplitudes.

We have also calculated amplitudes and exponents of the first-order corrections to the asymptotic critical

behaviour. The

corrections become important if the

scaling variable N ot t i 10.

We conclude that the finite-size behaviour of the two-dimensional collapse transition can be well understood within the context of critical phenomena.

We suggest that some of the above predictions could

be tested experimentally by investigations of dilute polymer solutions confined in a slit.



The author is grateful to the

IBM San Jose Research Laboratory for hospitality

where the present work has been completed.


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