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Dynamics of collapse of a smectic bubble


Academic year: 2021

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The University of Chicago, The James Franck Institute, 5640 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637, U.S.A.

(Reçu le 23 janvier 198?’, accepte le 8 avril 1987)

Résumé.- L’effondrement d’une bulle smectique est analysé théoriquement et expérimentalement. De

cette étude est déduite la première mesure directe du coefficient de perméation.

Abstract.- The dynamics of collapse of a smectic bubble is analysed theoretically and experimentally.

From this study the first direct measurement of the permeation coefficient is deduced.


Physics Abstracts



In the same way as a fluid can flow inside a porous

medium, the molecules of a smectic A liquid crystal can

flow through its layers. The originality here is that the smectic acts as the porous medium as well as the fluid.

This flow, called permeation and introduced for the first time by W. Helfrich [1] in 1969, is described by

the following phenomenological equation [2] :

u is the displacement of the layers, vz the velocity in a

direction normal to the layers and G the elastic force

associated with the deformation of the layers (free en- ergy F) :

Ap is called the permeation coefficient. Although it plays an important role is smectic dynamics, it has

never been measured in a direct way.

In this article we show that by measuring the col- lapse of a bubble, one gets a direct measurement of



Adresse permanente : Universite de Paris-Sud,

Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Bat. 510, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France

Two basic experiments have been tried prior to

the one we present in this paper.


The first one consists in applying a pressure gra- dient p’ normal to the layers (Fig. la). A permeation

flow results from it [3] :

This expression assumes that the layers are anchored

on the walls (du/dt


0). Experimentally, this con-

dition is not satisfied, the layers gliding easily on the

walls through defect motion (glide of edge dislocations),

and all measurement of the permeation velocity be-

comes impossible.


The second one, namely the creep by compres- sion normal to the layers (Fig. Ib) is governed by per- meation only under the assumption that the solid sur-

faces act as perfect sinks for the layers [3]. Experimen- tally, this condition is not satisfied because molecules

are strongly anchored on the walls, and the permeation

flow which is theoretically foreseen does not appear.

In fact, the creep is governed by the climb of edge

dislocations [4] and by their mobility m under stress.

Let -(1 be the applied stress and v the velocity of a

dislocation. By definition, we put :

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01987004806089700


Fig.la.- Theoretical permeation flow under a pressure gradient normal to the layers. The velocity anneals on

the wall through a thin boundary layer of thickness A.

Fig.lb.- Creep under compression normal to the layers

and flow lines when the smectic layers are eliminated

on the walls.

In reality, it is possible to express the mobility of

the edge dislocations as a function of the permeation

coefficients Ap and a typical viscosity t7 [3,5] :

{3 is a numerical coeflicient assumed to be close to 1, but has not been exactly calculated. The previous equation assumes that the hydrodynamic equations are

valid at the scale of a dislocation. This hypothesis is generally well accepted. Experimentally, the mobility

of the dislocations has been measured and a value of the permeation coefficient can be deduced from the above equation. In the thermotropic systems (Sm A phases) one finds typically Ap N 10- 13CM2 /poise [4,6].

This value is in good agreement with the assumption usually made that the length :

is of the order of magnitude of a molecular length [7].

One should note that much smaller values of Ap, of the

order 10-30cm2/poise, have also been measured in a

lyotropic system (La lamellar phase), which is a very puzzling result [8].

In fact, this method of measurement of Ap via the

dislocations is very indirect, even fairly inaccurate ({3

in Eq.(5) is unknown) and above all subject to the

restrictions made concerning the use of the hydrody-

namical equations at the molecular scale.

In this article, we propose a direct method to mea- sure this coefficient. The experiment consists in deflat-

ing a smectic bubble through a thin capillary and mea- suring its collapse time. Before describing this experi-

ment we study theoretically the formation of a smectic

film and its dynamical behaviour under stretching with

the help of the dynamical equations.

1. The dynamics of stretching of a smectic film : theoretical aspect

In this paragraph, we consider the case of a planar

and of a spherical film successively.

1.1 PLANAR FILM.- Let us consider a planar film be-

tween two holders (Fig.2). Let e be the thickness of this film and L its width along the >axis. The film is treated as though infinite in the y-direction. The

smectic layers are perpendicular to the .axis. Let us

call F the force (per unit area) applied to the film. The

equations to solve are the following ones :

where P is the pressure and A


82 j8x2 + 82 /8z2.

Fig.2.- Smectic film between two holders.

The incompressibility condition must be added :

In the above situation, the layers are fixed and du/dt=O (the convection terms are negligible). By us-

ing equations (1,8) can be rewritten in the form :


The solution of equations (7), (9) and (10) can be

easily found. It is given by :

where v and C are two numbers ( v is the velocity of

the upper plate, the lower being supposed immobile)

to be determined by using the boundary conditions :


7 is the surface tension of the film and a is the z- component of the stress tensor :

B is the compressibility modulus of the layers. In gen-

eral, the viscous part of the stress is wholly negligible

in comparison with the elastic one.

In fact, it can be easily seen that the conditions

(14) and (15) are not sufficient to determine the two

parameters v and c. A further relation must be intro-

duced, a constitutive equation on the surfaces :

nz is the z-component of the unit vector normal to the surface and oriented towards the outside of the film. This phenomenological equation (of the same

nature as the permeation Eq.) describes the ability

of the molecules to quit the free surface. Notice that

the dissipated energy by unit area is equal to (l/ç) (du/dt - vz)2 and so £ must be positive. Furthermore

£ must be related to the density p of the surface dis- locations (expressed in cm/cm 2) and to their mobility

m (defined as in Eq. (5)) :

We can now calculate explicitly the two constant numbers v and Cwith the help of equations (14), (15)

and (17). It yields :


It is of interest to calculate the energy which is dissi-

pated per unit area of film during the stretching. It is given by

In view of the fact that v


dL/dt and that the

volume V


eL of the film is constant, we obtain

In this formula, the first term represents the bulk dissipation and the second one the surface dissipation.

It is interesting to compare these two contributions.

Using equations (5), (6) and (18), it can be easily seen

that the surface term is negligible if

For thick films (typically some micrometers) this

condition must be widely satisfied. In what follows, we

will neglect the surface dissipation. This means that

the layers can easily disappear on the free surface.



consider a thin spherical smectic sheet, a bubble. By changing the pressure inside the bubble, its radius will increase or decrease depending on the sign of the pres-

sure variation. The volume of the sheet staying con- stant, its thickness must vary, leading to a permeation

flow through the smectic layers similar to that de-

scribed in the preceding paragraph. The resolution of the hydrodynamical equations in spherical coordinates leads to the following law for the dissipation inside the

film :

Notice here that the numerical’coefficient is slightly

different from the one found in the planar case (1/16

instead of 1/12).

Experimentaly, a free smectic bubble is very dif- ficult to produce. For this reason, we are going to

describe a situation which is easier to carry out exper-


2. Description of the experiment : theoretical


The experimental set up is shown in figure 3. At

the top of a hollow cylinder a planar smectic film is

stretched. At the bottom, a piston, pushed by a mi- crometer, changes the pressure inside the cylinder and

thus the curvature of the film. The experiment consists

in deflating the so-formed bubble through a thin cap-

illary tube and in recording the collapse of this bubble

with a video tape recorder. This awkward technique is

used to deflate slowly the bubble, which otherwise will


collapse in a very short time t


0.1 s [9].

Before describing the experimental results, let us

see how to calculate the dynamics of the collapse.

Let us first introduce our notation figure 3. We

call r the inner radius of the cylinder, R the curvature

radius of the smectic film (R varies from r to infinite),

S its total area, V the volume of the spherical cap, a the radius of the capillary tube and L its length (with-

out possible confusion with the notation of the first


In this problem, the driving force is the surface tension. The equation which governs the relaxation of the film can be obtained by writing the balance be- tween the work done by the driving force and the dissi-

pated energy by permeation in the film and by viscous

flow of the air (dynamical viscosity ’1a) in the capillary

tube. It yields :

In fact it is more convenient to use as a variable the distance x between the top of the bubble and its

base figure 3. Using the geometrical relations :

Fig.3.- Experimental set-up.

Equation (25) becomes :


is a characteristic time of relaxation related to the dis-

sipation in the capillary tube and

a characteristic time related to the dissipation in the

film (eo is the thickness of the planar film, before de-


Experimentally tc is well known and it is conve-

nient to use it as unit time. Let us introduce the new

dimensionless variables :

Equation (27) can be rewritten in the form :

Integrating this equation with the initial condition X


1 at T


0 leads to the following relaxation law for the film :

Figure 4 shows some theoretical curves X


X(Il for

different values of the ratio R. Let us see now how these

curves can compare with the experimental ones.

3. Experimental results

The experiment has been carried out with the

4n-octyl-4’-cyanobiphenyl (8CB) at room temperature

(26°C). A video tape recorder was used to measure the collapse fo the bubble. The distance x is mea-

sured directly on the screen picture after picture (30

pictures per second). The film thickness is estimated

by direct observation of its interference colour. In gen-

eral, the film is thinner in its centre just after stretch-

ing and a recovery of some hours is necessary to get a uniform thickness. If a non-uniform film is deformed,

it breaks rapidly because the thinner region becomes

thinner and thinner. This observation agrees with the fact that the dissipated energy is smaller for thinner parts of the film according to equation (24). This also

shows that the bulk permeation is indeed the dominat-

ing process as it can be seen from equation (22).


Fig.4.- Theoretical curves (from Eq. (32)) calculated for different values of the parameter R.

In order to avoid the film exchanging material

with the bulk phase around the edge of the cylinder during expansion or collapse, the following trick has

been employed : the pressure is slowly decreased in- side the cylinder. In this way, the film glides down slowly along the wall of the cylinder. When the film is far enough from the top (typically 5 mm) the edge

of the cylinder is wiped very carefully with an opti-

cal paper in order to remove the excess material. The

following step consists in increasing the pressure again

until the film has returned to its initial position.

Finally, we have verified that the colour of the film (and consequently its thickness) does not change

after each experiment and is always perfectly uniform.

That means that the film does not expel material to-

wards the edge of the cylinder during collapse. Thus,

the volume of the film remains unchanged, which is a

crucial piont in testing our theoretical model of per- meation flow.

In figure 4 we have reported experimental curves

obtained with the same film for four different values of the capillary time to. This parameter can be easily

varied by changing the length of the capillary tube.

In this example, the chosen values of the geometrical parameters are the following :

Taking t7,,,


1.8 x 10-4 poise [9] and 7=23 dyne/cm (obtained by measuring the pressure difference between the inside and the outside of the bubble) we find for

the capillary time :

and thus for the preceding values of L :

Quantitatively, it can be seen in figure 5 that the

mean slope of the experimental curves decreases when tc decreases. This point is consistent with the the- ory. More accurately, it is reasonably possible to fit

these curves with the help of the theoretical law (32)

by choosing tp - 0.8s (full line curves in Fig. 5). In

this experiment, the initial thickness of the film was

approximatively eo - 2 p,m. Using equation 29 we find

for the permeation coefficient :

This value (the first one obtained in a direct way)

is in good agreement with the one deduced from mea-

surements of dislocation mobility [4,6].

4.Concluding remarks

In our model, we have not taken the bulk disloca- tions into account. In fact we think that the film is free of edge dislocations because they are strongly attracted by the free surfaces. Concerning the screw dislocations,

their main effect is to renormalize the permeation co- eflicient, as we have shown recently [10]. Nevertheless this effect is very small in thermotropic liquid crystals

and can be neglected here. Finally, we have performed

the same experiment with a soap bubble (water + liq-

uid detergent 10 % + glycerol 5% ). No significant

deviation from the curve R


0 (see Fig. 4) has been

observed experimentally which means that the dissi-

pation in such a soap film is very small, without any

doubt because of the big quantity of water inside.


Fig.5.- Experimental results : L=250 cm (measurement every three frames) ; L=100 cm (measurement every three frames) ; L=50 cm (measurement each frame) ; L=25 cm (measurement each frame). The full line curves have been

calculated from equation (32) by taking tp


0.8s.We have indicated the corresponding values of the parameter R.


I thank A. Libchaer for fruitful criticism of the

manuscript and for his support under contract NSF DMR 8316204 and NSF INT A883728 exchange award.


[1] HELFRICH, W. Phys. Rev. Lett. 23 (1969) 372.


Rev. A6 (1972) 2401.

[3] Orsay Group on Liquid Crystals, J. Physique Col- loq. 36 (1975) C1-305.

[4] OSWALD, P., C.R. Heb. Séan. Acad. Sci., 296

Série II (1983) 1385.


J. Philos. Mag. 48 (1983) 727.

[6] OSWALD, P. and KLEMAN, M. J. Physique Lett.

45 (1984) L-319.

[7] DE GENNES, P.G., The Physics of Liquid Crys- tals, (Oxford) 1974.

[8] CHAN, W.K. and WEBB, W.W. J. Physique 42

(1981) 1007.

[9] We have recorded the collapse of the bubble with-

out capillary tube. The measured time is of the or-

der of three frames (taking into account the screen remanence) and consequently of the order of 0.1

s. In fact, this time can be calculated by solv- ing equation (27) and making tc


O.It yields tcollapse =(7/48) tp ~ tp/7 whence tp ~ 0.7s. This

values is in good agreement with that found later.

[10] OSWALD, P., to appear in C.R. Heb. Séan. Acad.

Sci. 1987.


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