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Photon correlation study of spermatozoa motility


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1979

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Photon correlation study of spermatozoa motility

B. Herpigny, J.-P. Boon

To cite this version:

B. Herpigny, J.-P. Boon. Photon correlation study of spermatozoa motility. Journal de Physique,

1979, 40 (11), pp.1085-1088. �10.1051/jphys:0197900400110108500�. �jpa-00209195�


Photon correlation study of spermatozoa motility (*)

B. Herpigny and J.-P. Boon

Faculté des Sciences, C.P. 231, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

(Reçu le 2 mai 1979, révisé le 25 juin 1979, accepté le 6 juillet 1979)



Nous avons appliqué la spectroscopie par corrélation de photons à l’étude de la mobilité des sper- matozoides d’échinodermes (Astérias) et nous avons développé une méthode d’analyse des spectres qui permet de déterminer aisément les facteurs caractéristiques du mouvement.



We report measurements of echinoderm (Asterias) spermatozoa motility by photon correlation spectroscopy and we present a method of spectral analysis from which the characteristic factors of the motion

are easily determined.

Classification Physics Abstracts 07.65 - 87.45 - 87.80

1. Introduction.


The motility of living cells like flagellated bacteria and spermatozoa exhibits an

important part of autonomous motion due to the mechanical action of the flagellum. The flagella act

as a propulsion device whose efficiency depends on

the physical and chemical conditions of the swimming

medium. In general, the resulting motion is the conse-

quence of a complex mechanism related in the case

of bacteria to chemotactic processes and for sper- matozoa to specific physiological conditions. So moti-

lity measurements and their detailed analysis prove to be important in the interpretation of stimulus

response type processes which govem the dynamical

behaviour of microorganisms [1, 2] and spermatozoa [3]. The motion of motile living cells can be detected

either directly by methods based on microscope

observations [4] or indirectly by laser light scattering spectroscopy [5]. These two classes of techniques

should be considered as complementary; however,

one of the virtues of the light scattering method is

to offer an analytical measure of the movement whose importance is crucial in quantitative studies of the

dynamics of living cells [6]. Photon correlation spec- troscopy (PCS) is particularly well adapted to such

studies [7].

2. Expérimental aspects.


We have used the PCS method to study the motility of spermatozoa of echinoderms (Asterias). Two determining factors jus-

(*) Work supported in part by the « Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique » (FNRS, Belgium).

tify the choice of the biological material. Echinoderms

reproduce by extemal fecondation and the experi-

ments can therefore be performed in laboratory

conditions corresponding to those encountered in the natural physical medium : the spermatozoa are sus- pended in sea water at about 10 OC and at low concen-

tration (of the order of 106 cells per cc). On the other hand, Asterias spermatozoa have a nearly spherical shape of about 3 pm in diameter [8] (including the

middle piece and excluding the flagellum which is

about twenty times thinner and whose contribution to the scattering of light may therefore be ignored).

So complications due to complex structure, multiple scattering and screening effects


as in the study of

human sperm [9]


are avoided in the spectral ana- lysis. In addition echinoderm sperm generally has a high concentration of motile spermatozoa, the sam- ples are usually quite homogeneous, and the sperma- tozoa have a rather long life time (of the order of 24 hours after the sample has been taken). These are

additional factors that make Asterias spermatozoa good candidates for motility studies by laser light scattering. According to the above considerations we

have performed PCS experiments on dilute suspen- sions of Asterias spermatozoa in filtered sea water

at 10 °C . The optical and detection set up was standard for intensity correlation measurements : it is essen-

tially the same equipment as used for earlier studies [10]

and is described elsewhere [11]. We used an argon ion laser at À


4 880 A and a home made 124 channel real time clipped correlator [11, 12] ; the signal was

detected in the homodyne mode with a 56 TVP pho- tomultiplier at various scattering angles (500, 70°, 900 and 1100).

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0197900400110108500



3. Spectral analysis.


The intensity correlation function obtained by homodyne detection is given by [7, 12]

where C is an amplitude factor (determined by the experimental space and time coherence conditions)

and g(1)(t) is the first-order normalized correlation function of the scattered field.

From the point of view of data analysis, it is most

convenient to work with the function g(I)(t) 12 which

is obtained as follows. We denote by i the correlator channel number (i


t/8 where 0 is the sampling time), by Ni the number of photoncounts in channel i,

and by B the uncorrelated background. Then g (2)

has the value NilB at time t


10 and N; = o /B


1 + C

at the initial time t


0. It then follows from (1) that

at any time t


10, ) 1 g(l) 12 is given by

So, to obtain 1 g(’)(t) l’ it suffices to subtract from the measured spectrum the background signal com- puted from the last channels of the correlator [13]

and to normalize the result so obtained by dividing

it by the initial value Ni= 0 from which the background

was previously subtracted. For instance, Brownian

scatterers would then yield [14]

where D is the diffusion coefficient and k the scattering

wavenumber. The above procedure was indeed tested for several species of polystyrene spheres suspended

in ethanol and the results yielded consistent values of the spheres diameter in agreement (to within 1 %)

with the values claimed by the supplying company.

Motile cells moving independently according to trans-

lational displacements exhibit a spectrum given by [14]

where the brackets denote an average over the velocity

distribution. The above expression is valid when the

wavelength of the probe is short compared to the

characteristic displacement 1 of the scatterer. For the

experiments discussed here k - 105 cm-1 and 1


30 to 50 03BCm so that kl > 1.

For isotropic motions, one finds after integration

over the angles [15]

where P(v) is the velocity distribution function. Pre- vious experiments and cross-checking with micro-

cinematography analysis has shown that the following expression describes quite well the velocity distribution of spermatozoa [8]

where v, is the characteristic velocity of the motile

cells. Combining (5) with (6) yields a Lorentzian spectrum

Now in addition to autonomous displacements the

cells also undergo diffusion, and therefore the spectrum is given by the product

where Deff is the effective diffusion coefficient of the spermatozoa. From our measurements performed on

dead spermatozoa we find that Deff is of the order

of 10-9 cm’ s-’, whereas typically Vc 1’-1 40 Jlms-l,

which corresponds to displacements about one thou-

sand times faster than those due to Brownian motion.

Therefore the exponential function decays much more slowly than the Lorentzian function and to a very

good approximation eq. (7) can be considered as des-

cribing the spectrum of the light scattered by the motile

cells. However there is always a part of non-motile spermatozoa (whether dead or alive) that undergo simple Brownian motion. So denoting by a the fraction of motile cells, the total spectrum is given by

where the three characteristic parameters to be deter- mined are a, Vc’ and Deff’ The latter parameter is

straightforwardly obtained by experiments performed

on dead spermatozoa (measurements carried out

48 hours after samples were taken) and a and Vc are

determined by the method of integrated spectra, which consists in the following procedure. We measure the experimental function 1 g(l)(t) 12 as described above.

By time integration, we obtain from eq. (8)

The first term on the r.h.s. of (9) is independent of

the wavenumber, so that from two spectra taken at

two scattering angles one has



and, from (9),

(11) and (12) show how a and Vc can be determined from two spectra taken at two different scattering angles once Deff is known. So in principle only three spectra are necessary to compute the characteristic parameters of spermatozoa motility. In practice it

may be desirable to use more spectra to improve the

statistical accuracy.

Note that the method is not restricted to the type of velocity distribution given by eq. (6). For instance

it is easily verified that the same results hold for a

b-function distribution, which corresponds to the case

where the motile cells swim with a uniform mean

translational velocity. In general the method of inte- grated spectra is applicable whenever the velocity dis-

tribution satisfies the following condition : for small values of v, P(v) oc v03BC where J1 must be positive in

order to ensure the convergence of the integral on

the I.h.s. of (9). In practice all the functions known to give a satisfactory representation of the velocity

distribution of motile cells obey this condition.

4. Results and discussion.


We first tested the method described in the previous section by running

a program with numerical functions. We found that for a fixed value of Deff the values of the parameters a and Vc were obtained with a relative accuracy of the order of 90 to 95 % of the original values. An error

of the order of ± 5 to 10 % is quite acceptable since

we cannot expect a better accuracy from the experi-

mental data themselves when performing measure-

ments on biological material like sperm. Typical

spectra as obtained from experiments performed on

Asterias spermatozoa are shown in figure 1.

The effective diffusion coefficient Deff was deter-

mined from series of experiments performed at four

different scattering angles (50°, 70°, 90°, 1100) on

dead spermatozoa suspended in filtered sea water (11


9 x 10-3 poise). From eq. (3), least-squares fit

calculations yielded Deff = (1.52 ± 0.16). 10-9 cm’ s-’

[16] from which we obtained the following mean value

for the spermatozoon’s head diameter : (2.88 ±0.30) pm in good agreement with the value given in the litera- ture [8].

We then applied the method of integrated spectra described in section 3 to determine the values of a

and Vc from the experiments performed on motile

spermatozoa. Using eqs. (11) and (12) we find a=97 % and v,,,


45 pm s - 1, with a relative error of ± 10 %.

The values of a, Vc’ and Deff are then inserted in eq. (8)

Fig. 1.


Normalized experimental spectra for scattering from

Asterias spermatozoa. Living cells : scattering angles


90° (black dots) and 50° (circles) ; the full lines correspond to eq. (8) where

a and Vc have been determined by the method of integrated spectra, eqs. (11) and (12). Dead cells : scattering angle


90° (crosses);

Deff was determined from the slope of the straight line obtained from eq. (3) by a least-squares fit calculation to the experimental points. The upper and bottom time scales refer to the spectra of dead cells and living cells respectively. The corresponding sampling

times were : 0


400 ps (crosses) and 60 03BC,s (dots and circles).

to compute the theoretical spectra for comparison

with the experimental data. Typical results are shown

in figure 1. Taking into account that biological mate-

rials are always affected by a non-negligible amount

of natural dispersion and inhomogeneity, one can

consider that the agreement between the calculated and experimental spectra is quite good and argues in favor of the validity of the method of integrated spectra. Experiments are presently in progress where

the method is applied to study more complex and biologically more interesting situations were the effect

of egg extracts on spermatozoa motility is investigated

as a function of concentration, distance and tempe-




We thank Pierre Bergé, Monique Dubois, Boris Volochine, and the members of the Laboratoire d’HistologiesEmbryologie, C.H.U.

Bicêtre, Université Paris-Sud for stimulating discus-

sions. We acknowledge the collaboration of Paolo Minissi during part of this work and the assistance of Michel Jangoux who provided the biological samples.

One of us (B. H.) has benefited from a grant pro- vided by the I.R.S.I.A. (Institut pour l’encouragement

à la recherche scientifique dans l’industrie et l’agri-

culture, Belgique).




[1] ADLER, J., J. Supramol. Struct. 4 (1976) 305.

[2] BERG, H. C. and PURCELL, E. M., Biophys. J. 20 (1977) 193.

[3] DUBOIS, M., JOUANNET, P., BERGÉ, P. and DAVID, G., Nature

252 (1974) 711.

[4] KOSHLAND, D. E. Jr., in Advances in Neuro Chemistry, edited by B. W. Agranoff and M. H. Aprison (Plenum Press, New York) 2 (1977) 277, and references therein.

[5] See the reviews by CUMMINS, H. Z., in Photon Correlation

Spectroscopy and Velocimetry, edited by H. Z. Cummins

and E. R. Pike (Plenum Press, New York) 1977, p. 200- 225, and by WARE, B. R., in Chemical and Biochemical Applications of Lasers (Academic Press, New York)

Vol. II (1977) 199-239.

[6] BOON, J. P., NOSSAL, R. and CHEN, S. H., Biophys. J. 14 (1974) 847 ;

JOUANNET, P., VOLOCHINE, B., DEGUENT, P., SERRES, C. and DAVID, G., Andrologia (1977) 36 ;

HOLZ, M. and CHEN, S. H., Appl. Opt. 17 (1978) 1930.

[7] CHEN, S. H. and NURMIKO, A. V., in Spectroscopy in Biology

and Chemistry-Neutron, X-Ray and Laser, edited by S. H. Chen and S. Yip (Academic Press, New York) 1974, p. 377-404.

[8] CHIA, F. S., ATWOOD, D. and CRAWFORD, B., Amer. Zool. 15

(1975) 553.

[9] DUBOIS, M., JOUANNET, P., BERGÉ, P., VOLOCHINE, B., SER- RES, C. and DAVID, G., Ann. Phys. Biol. Med. 9 (1975)


[10] BOUILLER, A., BOON, J. P. and DEGUENT, P., J. Physique 39 (1978) 159.

[11] BOUILLER, A., Ph. D. Thesis, Université Libre de Bruxelles


[12] CHEN, S. H., VELDEKAMP, W. B. and LAI, C. C., Rev. Sci.

Instrum. 46 (1975) 1356.

[13] Great care was taken in the evaluation of the background.

The sampling time 03B8 was always chosen such that the

time-dependent part of the correlation function had

effectively decayed to zero over the last fifth of the total number of channels of the autocorrelator. In practice

the measured spectrum remained constant over the last 20 channels and this value was taken as the uncorrelated

background. The error in the evaluation of B is then of the order of 1 % which is smaller than the statistical

dispersion of the data points.

[14] BERNE, B. J. and PECORA, R., Dynamic Light Scattering (John Wiley Publ. Co, New York), 1976, Chapter 5.

[15] NossAL, R. and CHEN, S. H., J. Physique Colloq. 33 (1972) C1-171.

[16] Note that we obtain consistent values of the reciprocal corre-

lation time as a function of the scattering angle.


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