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Climatic hazards and water management in the Mediterranean region Sehmi N.S. in


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Climatic hazards and water management in the Mediterranean region Sehmi N.S. in"


Texte intégral


pages 69-77

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--- Sehmi N.S. Climatic h azards an d water man agemen t in th e Mediterran ean region . In : D upuy B. (ed.). Aspects économiques de la gestion de l'eau dans le bassin méditerranéen . Bari : CIHEAM, 1997. p. 69-77 (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 31)





S. Sehmi

Hydrology and water resources department

Geneva, Switzerland



The Mediterranean Sea Basin lies in the transitional zone which falls under the influence of the subtropical high-pressure system during the summer and under the temperate low-pressure system during winter, drawing in cyclonic depressions from the Atlantic Ocean.

These depressions penetrate almost unobstructed the entire length of the Mediterranean Sea to the Middle East and beyond. The Mediterranean climate produces many beneficial effects which, throughout the ages, have led to economic progress, stemming from the flowering of a succession of centres of civilization. The extremes of this climate, however, have often turned into destructive forces, manifesting themselves in the form of rainstorms, severe thunderstorms, snow storms, floods, droughts and dust storms. This destructive impact has increased over the years on account of the growing population and expanding economy. The climatic hazards in this region sometimes coincide with other natural disaster-producing forces such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides, as well as with man-made events such as accidental air and water pollution. This paper looks into the origin and nature of the climatic hazards, mitigation of their impacts, and proposes cooperative regional studies and projects.

Key words: Flood, flash flood, forecast, climate change, probable maximum precipitation.




Le bassin méditerranéen est situé dans la zone de transition, sous l'influence du système subtropical de haute pression pendant l'été et du système tempéré de basse pression pendant l'hiver, attirant des dépressions cycloniques de l'Océan Atlantique. Les dépressions pénètrent, presque sans rencontrer d'obstacle, sur toute la distance de la Méditerranée au Moyen-Orient et au-delà. Le climat méditerranéen produit beaucoup d'effets bénéfiques qui,

durant toute l'histoire, ont contribué au progrès économique, favorisé par l'éclosion d'une série de centres de civilisation. Les manifestations extrêmes de ce climat se sont cependant souvent transformées en forces destructrices sous forme de tempêtes de pluie, d'orages violents, de tempêtes de neige, d'inondations, de sécheresses et de tempêtes de poussière. Ces incidences destructrices se sont accrues au cours des ans, du fait de la poussée

démographique et de l'expansion économique. Les risques liés au climat dans cette région coïncident parfois avec d'autres forces naturelles dévastatrices, telles que éruptions

volcaniques, tremblements de terre et glissements de terrain, ainsi qu'avec des événements causés par l'homme, tels que la pollution accidentelle de l'air et de l'eau. Cet exposé examine les origines et la nature des risques climatiques et l'atténuation de leurs incidences, et propose des études et des projets régionaux coopératifs.

Mots-clés: Crue, crue éclair, prévision, changement climatique, hauteur maximale probable des précipitations.


Along the of

and south of the the lati-

tudes of 30" and 40", lies the fal-

ling of the


wing in cyclonic the west. the

the length (3700 km) of

the Sea the of

to the

climate, known as the

times. The co-

mes mainly with the the

Atlantic that often

in (the mis-

in and the in the in

spite of of

(it can snow in the

As a the

west to east: progressive continentali-

ty. The in the

oceanic influences (Lisbon: 10.6"C in 22.2"C in

mes continental in

the abundance of and flo-

it of the

liday have been established in

The tides in the sea sea


To the south lies the


it, the of the

the Atlas and the tation, which is the of

of the

vast lodged in the

the piedmont and the plains since ancient times and

many beneficial and ha- the whole socio-economic spec- and development; but the of econo-

is be a moving of the

multiple and civilizations that have in the the distant past. These cul-

but only

to a of

by The Egyptian and the

succeeded by those of the the

and the the of

the in

wheat of what became known as the of The seem to have amal- gamated all and technological ad- vancements which witness geniuses such

climatic conditions in

the of man need


until the beginning of the twentieth when the situation

of the population

and the consequent development policies, which had a

of be

the situation, of

into munities of food and

of of

in of

population is

level of al-

so a causative element is

of in the

is Fig. 1.



Volcano 49%

Drought í


Storrns,Other 5






. Source: (1994)


functional phases

1 3

2 4

The two "pro-active" phases and the two "reactive".

a simple dissemination

system can not loss of life

and but also enhance the effectiveness of focuses on the


the of in

the context of

constitute studies and evaluations, such as defining a vulnerability analysis. The

sist of activities to the

management of the all

those using affected by the system. The best example of such an activity is forecasting and warning systems and response planning

a commonly held belief that

is changing as a of the effect, al- though it is as yet difficult to the conse- quences of such a availability and quality, mainly because of the in modelling the

significant changes in the of soil intensity can be ex-

pected to situated


sensitive to climate change. The

in an et al.,

1993) and the of soon

limit economic Even a change in cli-

mate can the ecosystem,

with on the people and economy. The situation calls

planning than waiting of

often linked with in- intensity

nessing; of flood

of flow of which highly vul-

to and in

the flow of the Fijch the main

of ftom 1.5

to 28 m3sm1).

floods in many of the

last two

amounts fi-om a of low

systems. While the

of flows is about 40% of all

days, the a 60%

also had an

(55%). situations have

in the past and a of cli-

mate in the They cannot be

as an indication of

climate change. the issue of climate change should not be dismissed. With to climatic

about how any human-induced climate change will manifest itself, in the

floods and

depends, among on the

and intensity of the events. Will, example, the

will spells will

both of these to

two types of study as a activity of the in the

Analysis of changes in

that affect the and associated events in

to climate change and im-

pact on and flooding;

0 on the


of of

ena (ECSN, 1995).

Water scarcity and droughts

of has been an age-long night-

of the in the One ma-

way of meeting the demands has been the conti-


of the to estimate the

the data in the

of 1995).

Country Year of estimate Amount (billion m3 year")

Morocco 1955

25.0 1968

13.2 30.0 1980

Algeria 1972 14.0

1987 19.0

Tunisia 1970s

1980 4.1

1985 4.35

The of the climatologi-


off mates is bound to level off


the the

of that

is liable to flooding. is a well-known so-

ciological fact that The evi-

dence is the land is intensively developed and 20

a minute insignificant to a level which

it 100 out of its

its ancient flood plain, causing millions of of damage

of people.

The main aim of is to balance


in the

example, if a dam is

it can

fail The total damage can

be it does not exist.


flood level in the the same time

impede inflow,

has, like the

god Janus, the two-faced aspect which must be in the design of new schemes. When flood the population moves to the

"safe" zones. Cities and of

levee the damage to life and

is in such zones since eva- cuation becomes almost impossible even if a good

is issued.

The is

the phenomena of in flood of

Changes in the

intensive human activities;

Climate change.

While the impact of climate change might not be in the the impact of change in catchment is the past, evaluation of this

of the design of

A of


the action that should be taken by the scientists,

best illus- a well-documented flood that

the city of in 1966.

under flood

The city of floods since

ancient times. The flood in the

on 4 the

and to help in the invaluable

the to mitigate flood impacts on life

in the

(a) The scientific study on the

the of floods was completed in 1977.



2900m3/s to 3200m3/s, which is still less than the 1966 flood flow estimate of 4300m3/s.

(c) Within the of the pealc


is still difficult of a 1966-type

flood. The 120

to 150 but the


of an a

a of non-

of a

of a sys-

in 1966 followed by a new flood- system in 1990 based on 45

gauges and eight feeding

data in a

Some specific scientific of new technologies:

and it can be now used fective planning of

(ii) A quantitative

was installed in the Amo catchment.

vided valuable the Octo-

1992 flash floods.

(iii) Satellite

mine of in advance. The

so is input to a

simulation model to levels and flows.

Flood useful only if they axe dissemi- nated to

the Some

to evaluate A lot


floods in deserts

The size and type of catchment of the

typical of the They

suitable ponse flooding, as well as special

flash the

flash-flood situation the time between the causative event

and the flood is usually less than 1988). The

flood, a flood


falls because it sys-

it away.

the in a

a little time the

collection of data and issue of the lead time is

non-existent indeed. Such situations high

ín in cent decades.

been focused on finding solutions which would

enable the in

nings. The new solutions usually based on the combined use of


one application, a event was ana-


l fall

flash floods is

analysis, and a knowledge of the

the into

of the flash


efficient of amounts of sediment (EOS, 1994). This

cast flash floods. im-


Egypt, in the days of the the would be floods in the coming season. They did this

into Ethiopia to the of the of an in

liable to the same penalties if

the of


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75

Time, Min

l 2


Stage hydrograph ofjlash flood 11,1993

Source: et al. (1994)


only in but also in the con-

of and land. Less

is in the of basins and

it flows to the plains. Floods have be- come

less The is also the most

is, flash flooding in

the land cannot into

the soil and so almost all of it off immediately the smooth


the landscape now becomes in a

of all be-


speed the flood"

which an embankment a dam 40

ago "ten-

flood", which means that the dams and levees

will be and, if thus de-

lead flood damage than

in The second

is in the floods themselves: man

his physical suit

poses and, in so conditions which

Just assisted the hy-

of his assessment

of the of design

data of exist-


is the estimation of the

and its into the

mum flood. is the of


of a given size at

of The is

in the for of

("0, 1986). view of

ing of of

vated by human activities and possibly by climate

change, of the

mates, especially the design safety of the existing

can save

cannot be

ized the amount and quality of data available, basin size and location, basin and

types and

this the

found in

1992, failed to launch this study

in among some

institutions because it was difficult to find adequate in one

With the of the

System the

it should be feasible to pool human and financial

estimates the as

Elimination of by in

of is

lem and is

of 60 indus-

of is


Talal 1994).

Although it not disas-

it is lessen im-

pact on people The

that by the each ing

into account in community development plans;

the national local level, involving

to global, national, and local



ECSN Climate

(1993). and economic development. Water in Crisis, 1993,

the Flash Flood

( W A ) on Conference,

of the

Desertification. W O , Geneva (in preparation).

(1995). the on

Geneva. >

Powell, J.B. (1994). Flash Floods in Studying the

Vol. 75,

in The A m o

No. 591, Geneva.

(1994). Disasters Around the World - A No. 4,

Wernly, (1994). The of in

598, Geneva.

(1986). for of

No. 1, 332, Geneva.

(1988). Volume


(1994). Guide to


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