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Submitted on 1 Jan 1987

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B. Quenet, G. Gremaud, M. Bujard, W. Benoit

To cite this version:

B. Quenet, G. Gremaud, M. Bujard, W. Benoit. INTERPRETATION OF SIGNATURES MEA-



1987, 48 (C8), pp.C8-125-C8-130. �10.1051/jphyscol:1987815�. �jpa-00227119�




I n s t i t u t de Genie Atomique, Ecole Polytechnique F e d e r a l e de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, S w i t z e r l a n d

Rdsumd : U n e ktude de l a relaxation de Bordoni dans l'aluminium 5N et 6N est e f f e c t u k au myen de l a technique des ondes coupl&sl,2,4. Les signatures obtenues pour l'une e t l'autre puretks sont t & s differentes. I1 est toutefois possible de l e s interpreter avec un nouveau d & l e de muvement des dislocations, bas6 sur l a formation de paires de d6crochawnts. Dans cet article, on trouvera l e s bases du d e l e e t une c ~ r a i s o n qualitative avec les e e r i e n c e s . On sera conduit conclure ?I une relation entre l a relaxation de Bordoni observee dans les k t a u x cfc par frotterrwt interieur e t l e &canisme de creation a c t i d thermiquawnt de paires de decrochements.

A b s t r a c t : The two waves acoustic coupling mthodl,2,4 i s employed for the study of the Bordoni relaxation in 5 N and 6N aluminum. The masured signatures are completely different, when the purity changes. But it i s possible to interpret them with a new model of dislocation mtion based on the Kink Pair Fomtion (KPF)


In this paper,the basis of the model and a qualitative comparison with the expriments are presented. It w i l l be concluded t h a t the Bordoni relaxation observed in FCC metal3 by internal friction is related with the thermally activated KPF mchanism.

A new model of dislocation mtion, only based on k i n k interactions, i s introduced here.It i s strongly supported by the results of experiments using the two waves coupling method.

Before entering the hypothesis of t h i s model, l e t us recall what "kinks" are. The crystalline materials present a periodicity whose consequence i s a periodic potential f e l t by the dislocation in i t s glide plane. In order t o minimize i t s shape energy, kinks are formed along the dislocation l i n e . ( f i g . l a )

The mxiel i s based on two simple hypotheses

-In an i n f i n i t e crystal, the formation energy of one k i n k on an infinite rectilinear dislocation is Ek,where Ek includes an elastic contribution and core effects.

-Kinks have e l a s t i c interactions.The interaction strength between kinks i s attractive, when kinks have opposite orientations (fig. 1 b ) ; i t is repulsive, when they have the same orientation (fig. lc)


The expression for this strength can be written as

where p is the shear m>dulus and b the Biirger's vector

For the calculation, it w i l l be considered that kinks are abrupt.


A detailed calculation w i l l be soon presented elsewhere

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1987815



Consickring the mxhanical equilibrium under stress of a dislocation w i t h kink pairs, the condition about the length L of the dislocation segwnt can be written


2Z N-1


= L (2) (fig. ld) j=1


This relation leads t o the following

F F , equation, sinply by considering the



/ = a t t r a c t i v e and repulsive strength of the

6 nearest neighkern kinks :

Fig.1 a) D i s l a 3 t h with kinks; b)l\ttracrion t e r m two kinks of -site s i q . 5 ; ~ ) Rqdsion b33een two kinks with the s a r e sign; d) W of dislocaticm with abnat kink

in which U i s the stress, N the number of kink pairs and Fo the attractive strength between the kinks of the f i r s t pair.

In figure 2, the theoretical behaviour of K(N) (Fo) i s presented. The l e f t member G of equation (3) does not depend on Fo ; in a given material, for a given s t r e s s Q and for a fixed value of L, G takes a unique value.When K(N1 (Fo) has intersections with G, a configuration with N kink pairs is possible. Because G i s an increasing function of 0, there is a minimum value of the s t r e s s under which the existence of a dislocation with N kink pairs is no longer possible. Then, i f (3 i s increased, the equation (3) is verified only for two values of Fo :F0(1) and Fo(2)


By considering what happens when there 1s a perturbation on the system, it is easy t o deduce that the smaller value Fo(1) appears for a stable conf iguration and the greater value Fo (2) for an unstable one. ( f i g . 3a)

Fig..? Variation of K(n) (fO) for different values of N a given N f the area swept the dislocation i s given by ( f i g . 3b) :

Fo(1) and F0(2), solutions of the equation ( 3 ) , can be expressed in terms of p,a,b,L and 0, so t h a t the expressions for the area become :

The corresponding configuration enthalpy of the dislocation segroent i s given by H (N) = kink formation energy RNEkl


attractive potential energy of the first kink pair


repulsive potential energy betheen the nearest neigfibour kinks


work of the resolved stress



Fig.3 a) Stable and unstable configurations with N kink plirs;b) Area s e by the d i s l a z i c n ; ~ ) Craation of the Nth ldnk pair;d) m a t i o n of the W h kink PdLI

The creation enthalpy and the annihilation enthalpy of the Nth kink pair can then be calculated.

In order t o create the NUI pair, the dislocation has t o pass f m the stable situation with (N-1) pairs to the unstable situation with N pairs


(fig. 3c)

The creation enthalpy can thus be written a s :

In order t o annihilate the N t h kink pair, the dislocation has t o pass f m the stable situation with N pairs to the unstable situation with N pairs. (fig. 3d)

The annihilation enthalpy of the Nth pair becomes :

For a given material, p and b are fixed; by considering only the kinks in compact planes, a is fixed too. To see the variation of


..(N) and AH ,(N) with G, only two parameters can be changed : Ek and L.

The behaviours of AH ..(N) and AH ,(N) a s a function of the s t r e s s are plotted in the upper part of figure 4 .

Now it i s possible t o consider the effect of the thermal activation on the creation and the annihilation of kink pairs.

The jump frequency


of creation o r annihilation depends on the temperature T, and for a given value of


the enthalpy of one of these two mechanisms, it can be written a s :

I t has then a sense t o assume that, i f an internal friction experiment is p e r f o d a t a measurement frequency


the mechanism of creation or annihilation w i l l beccme e f f i c i e n t when the jump frequency


is a h s t equal t o the measurement frequency O:

In other terms, one can say that, a t a given frequency o and a given temperature T, there e x i s t s one value of AH which s a t i s f i e s the preceding equation. This value can be introduced a s a normalized temperature r, depending on T, O and Ek:



When z equals )N(.. o r




one obtains respectively t h e creation o r t h e a n n i h i l a t i o n stress f o r t h e Nth pair. ( f i g . 4)


t h e function 2 ( T,O,Ek) is increasing


with t h e temperature, t h e following behaviours appear :

-for a temperature TI, 'Q i s t o l o w t o i n t e r s e c t t h e AM,,(N) curves, in t h e ranqe of stress represented on f i g u r e 4, and no kink p a i r can be created; t h e d i s l o c a t i o n seqnmt is not mile

-for a temperature T2, 'Q i n t e r s e c t s s e v e r a l AH C r ( ~ ) and AH ,(N), but t h e c r e a t i o n and t h e a n n i h i l a t i o n f o r a given value N of k i n k p a i r do not occur a t the same stress; t h a t leads t o an h y s t e r e t i c m t i o n of t h e d i s l o c a t i o n segment

-for a temperature T3, Q does not i n t e r s e c t any curve; t h e kink p a i r s are created and a n n i h i l a t e d a t t h e t h e d y n a m i c equilibrium, which takes place f o r t h e s t r e s s given by t h e i n t e r s e c t i o n of t h e curves .,(N) and d B

an(^). In t h i s case, t h e motion of t h e d i s l o c a t i o n segment is purely r e v e r s i b l e . As t h e i n t e r n a l f r i c t i o n I F is associated

Fig.4 -K graphic: ewlmion of &(n) ard Wn with t h e a n e l a s t i c s t r a i n due t o t h e

(n) E O ~ &=o.i ev and L r 5 0 C b . m g r d c : n m of d i s l o c a t i o n motion, it i s given by the

rink pairs vcrsus the a r e s s . for r e l a t i o n :

t-ratures. IF



= area inclosed i n t h e curve N ( 0 ) ( f i g . 4 )

It is c l e a r that ar TF relaxation, due t o t h i s ~ c h a n i s m of KPF, has t o appear as a function of the t e n ~ r a t u r e T, or the frequency w.



a s t h e o t h e r FCC m t a l s ,

2 presents a t low temperature an i n t e r n a l

f r i c t i o n peak which i s c a l l e d t h e Bordoni r e l a x a t i o n . ( f i g . 5).The a c t i v a t i o n energy

1 EB of t h i s relaxation can be measured.

From t h e model described before, one can deduce t h a t t h e peak which corresponds t o

0 t h e KPF mechanism has an a c t i v a t i o n energy

o 100 T[K] Ead depending on t h e kink formation energy

(a) Ek

F i g . 5 mldoni relaxation m a s u r e d m a swle w16 E a e =


( Ek) (13)

uorkcd 0.5% a t 1Ok:a-1.7 H Z .

If it is assumxi t h a t the Bordoni relaxation observed in aluminum is really the KPF mechanisn relaxation, then t h e r e is a unique r e l a t i o n between Ek and E g :

E k = f - l ( E ~ ) ( 1 4 )

A s Ek t a k e s a f i x e d value, t h e &el has f i n a l l y only one parameter t h a t can be changed: the dislocation length L.


w i l l be now c a p r e d q u a l i t a t i v e l y w i t h those which


be expcted f r a n t h e W F model described in the formalism of the abrupt kinks.



waves coupling methodl,2,4 amsists

~ a [ d ~ l p s ] of applying simultaneously on a sample a

l o w frequency hanmnic stress qE and T E 84.7K


5N A' * ultrasonic longitudinal waves. The attenuation


of these waves is nrasured and t h e closed curves A a ( *) which are

a [kglcm21 Obtained are called "signaturesn.

0 Before applying


the sample i s sutrnitted

0 10 20 t o a cold-working stress %. When t h i s

(a) stress is m v e d t h e r e is a remaining

i n t e r n a l stress


which has t o be in the same magnitude range a s %, but with an opposite sign.Since and have the same sign, oi i s n e g a t i w when positive values of


are considered.

A t temperatures which correspond t o the rnaxinrm of t h e Bordoni peak in aluminum, u[kg1cm2]


f o r t h e frequency 6l of t h e applied s t r e s s 0 10 20


t h e e x p e r h t a l r e s u l t s which a r e

(b) obtained in SN and 6N aluminum samples are

presented in figure 6

Ng.6 a1 Signature observed on a 5N A1 -1e subnitfed to QflW kgf/unki.EZ-~~; bl Signature

&served on a ffl A1 smple subnitted to cbpMkg€/* .3E-4&



One a l s o deduces t h e expression of Aa


t h e variation of t h e attenuation of the u l t r a s o n i c waves, from t h e model previously presented; it is proportional t o :

In which % = oi


om represents t h e resolved applied s t r e s s f e l t by the dislocation segment and


is t h e area swept by t h e dislocation.

With E k fixed by t h e r e l a t i o n (14), and by choosing L, t h e curves

A M c r ( ~ ) (a),&# ,(N)




st (N) /do12 can be simulated

Because p o s i t i v e and negative s t r e s s e s have t o be taken i n t o account, t h e graphics a r e presented symnetrically in figures 7 and 8.By considering t h e temperature T of the expriments, the value of T can be calculated and shown in figures 7 and 8



Fig.7 -0.1 eV fig.8 4.1 e~

L -1- L - 2 m

W i t h L =L1 = 1000 b ( f i g . 7 ) , t h e i n t e r n a l stress seen by the d i s l o c a t i o n when qE equals zero is chosen here s t r o n g enough t o form kink p a i r s . By increasing the c y c l i c stress amplitude, one begins t o a n n i h i l a t e t h e previous kink p a i r s , and nothing mre! Kink p a i r s can not be c r e a t e d in t h e d i r e c t i o n of applied stress


p o s i t i v e d i r e c t i o n -because t h e gap bet- the c r e a t i o n s of t h e f i r s t kink pair, r e s p e c t i v e l y in t h e negative d i r e c t i o n and t h e p o s i t i v e one, i s t o o b i g anpared with t h e amplitude o f qE. By decreasing t h e applied s t r e s s , kink p a i r s in t h e negative d i r e c t i o n can again be created. The corresponding v a r i a t i o n of


/*, then ofAa, can be followed on t h e lower graphic of f i g u r e 7, and presents e x a c t l y t h e f e a t u r e of t h e s i g n a t u r e obtained i n t h e 5 N aluminum sample ( f i g . 6.3)

With L =Lg =2000 b = U1 ( f i g . 8), one can see that t h e n h r of kink p a i r s t h a t can be c r e a t e d and a n n i h i l a t e d a t given temperature and stress range i s much g r e a t e r than ,in t h e previous case; and t h e "gap", a s defined before, is s m l l e r . T h e r e l a t i o n L2> L1 has been chosen because it i s e x p c t e d that t h e d i s l o c a t i o n segments i n an aluminum sanple with a higher p u r i t y a r e longer. Then in order t o do a c a p a r i s o n with t h e r e s u l t of t h e experiment done on a 6N aluminum sample, one has t o consider now an i n t e r n a l stress less negative than previously, because t h e cold-working stress % e x p e r h e n t a l l y used i n t h i s case was less important. By increasing t h e applied stress t o t h e same value a s in t h e former case, it is now p o s s i b l e t o c r e a t e kink p a i r s in t h e p o s i t i v e d i r e c t i o n , a f t e r t h e a n n i h i l a t i o n of those which w e r e perhaps formed in t h e negative one. The v a r i a t i o n of [& /do12 i s t h e r e f o r e very d i f f e r e n t , but t h e f e a t u r e of t h e s i g n a t u r e experinrentally obtained with t h e 6N aluminum sample can be recognized ( f i g . 6b)


The two waves coupling experiments g i v e a c o n f i m t i o n of t h e hypothesis t h a t t h e Bordoni r e l a x a t i o n is r e l a t e d t o t h e KPF mechanism5, since t h e s i g n a t u r e s obtained a t corresponding temperatures, with t h e i r s o d i f f e r e n t f e a t u r e s when t h e p u r i t y of t h e sample changes, a r e very w e l l explained by t h i s mechanism,when described i n t h e f o m l i s m of t h e abrupt kinks.


This work was p a r t i a l l y supported by the Swiss National Science Fondation.


(1) G.Gremaud, M.Wljard, W. Benoit;J.Appl.Physics,fil (1987) 5.

(2) G . G m u d , W i s (Ecole p l y t e c h n i q u e F&i&rale de Lausanne, Switzerland, 1981)

(3) C-Esnouf, thesis (UniversitB Claude B e r n a r d Lyon I, France, 1978) (4) M.Eujard, thesis (Ecole Polytechnique F e a l e de Lausame,

Switzerland, 1985)

(5) G.Fantozzi, C.Esnouf, W.Benoit, I .G.Ritchie; Progress in Material Science


(1979) 311.


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