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A study of fatigue saturation range of 5N polycrystalline aluminium


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HAL Id: jpa-00245838


Submitted on 1 Jan 1988

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A study of fatigue saturation range of 5N polycrystalline aluminium

R. Fougeres, J. Chicois, A. Hamel, A. Vincent

To cite this version:

R. Fougeres, J. Chicois, A. Hamel, A. Vincent. A study of fatigue saturation range of 5N polycrystalline aluminium. Revue de Physique Appliquée, Société française de physique / EDP, 1988, 23 (4), pp.689- 689. �10.1051/rphysap:01988002304068900�. �jpa-00245838�






1 - Groupe d’Etudes de Métallurgie Physique et Physique des Matériaux, UA CNRS 341.

2 - Laboratoire d’Ultrason et de traitement du signal



Phys. Appl.



689 AVRIL 1988,

Recently, several data have been obtained concerning microscopic mechanisms which control the cyclic deformation of pure pol ycrystai 1 i ne aluminium at raom temperature ll/. Twa types of interactions between dislocations and crystal defects have been identified : at low fatigue strain amplitude (03B5t ~ 3xl0 - 5) the dislocation point-defect interaction plays an important role, whereas at high amplitude, where

di sl ocat i on-ce11 s are observed, the fatigue déformation i s controlled by an athermal interaction between dislocations. The aim of this paper is to analyse the fatigue behaviour by means

of a compsi te type model. As a matter of fact, composi te model

i s assumed to be canuen i ent for the fatigue behaviour of 5N

pol ycrystal 1 i ne aluminium, because a Baushinger effect has been observed along the fatigue loop (Fig-1). After an arrest of the

fatigue process at a given position in the fatigue loop, and unloading of the sample at zero stress, an unsymmetrical behaviour is generally observed according as the reloading i s

carried out in traction or in compression. The degree of the unsymmetrical behaviour is dependent on the stopping position.

However, for a given position, as well in traction as in compression, defined by a stress value approximatively equal to 0.5 Dm «(lm being the maximal stress on the fatigue loop), a symmetrical behaviour is observed (F and H points in traction

and compression respectively (fig.1». In addition, from one

side to the other si de of th i s especial position the direction of the unsymmetrical behaviour i s reversed.

hfareouer, recent data concerning lattice misorientation between cell 1 wal 1 s and the i nsi de of cells /2/, suggest i n fact

that cell walls can be considered as "hard phases" inserted in a

softer matrix. Thus, in sp i te of the po1 ycrystal 1 i ne nature of cycled specimens, it t is ascribed that internal stresses which

assume the strain compatibility between the cell wall and the cell interior is. probably a significant component af the fatigue

stress. Th i s hypothesis is in good concordance with early results /3/ showing that similar Baushinger effect occurs in

both pal ycrystal 1 i ne and si ngl e-crystai spécimens af pure aluminium.

According to these hypothesis and taking into account the attractive tree interaction, fatigue loops can be analysed u’sing

a madel derived fram the »composite model",

The fatigue stress corresponding to the symmetrical behaviour described above (F point of fig 1) is ascribed to the interaction between dislocations and attractive trees of the forest in the wall. iompatibility stresses between ’hard and soft phases" are assumed equal to zero for this particular point

of the fatigue 1 oap, because dislocations 1 oops are probabl y just being emitted from cell walls as it seems to be shown by MET in situ observations /1/.

At other points af the fatigue loop, between F and A (fig 1), the fat i gue stress i s ascr i bed to be the sum of the forest stress and of the compatibility stress, Baushinger effect being

assumed to be due to the 1 ast stress component. Compatibility

stresses can be cal cul ated by considering : i) A network of infinité parallel dislocations at both interfaces of the cell wall. i i 1 An infinité number af équivalent parallel ceil 1 wal l s.

iii) An interface dislocation density-039B-i given byAi= 4~03B3/Lb.

This expression is derived from Ashby-s formul at i on for two

phases materia1s,o i s the shear strain in the slip plane, L the distance between cell walls and b the Burgers vector of dislocations. The 03C8 parameter i s introduced i n order to take into account the difference of plastic behaviour between cell walls and the interior of the cell. ’P parameter is such as 03C8=

03C8( 03B3) and 0=03C8=1, when 03C8=0 cell walls are plastically defarmed

1 i ke the interior of the cel 1. When 03C8 =1 cell 1 walls are plastically undeformed 1 ike in Ashby"s formulation. It has been shown /4/ that the value of the r parame ter can be deduced from

experimental data of fatigue loop between F and A points.

(f i g 1). Figure 2 shows the 03C8 parameter uariatian with the

fatigue strain between F and A points. In the same strain

range, the ultrasonic attenuation variationAcK, recorded dur i ng the fatigue test, i s al so reported i n figure 2.039403B1

variations have been interpreted as the uariatianQfthemobii

dislocation density inside the cell /1/. It can be shown in

f i gure 2 a qu i te similar variation of the two parameters 03C8 and

039403B1 what can be interpreted as follow : in every case, ’f =0 at F point, as a conséquence of di sl ocat i on 1 oop emi ssi on from the walls. As the fat i gue stra i n i s i ncreased, di sl ocat i on loops

are deue 1 oped i nsi de the cell. The 039403B1 uariation i s i ntreased as a result t of the i ncrease af mobile dislocation 1 i nea. The dislocation 1 oop development 1 eads to an i ncrease of compat i bi 1 i ty stresses and consequently to an i ncrease of the 03C8 parameter ualue. When dislocations reach opposite cell wall they can penetrate i n th i s wall. Two po in ts can be deduced from this : i) The difference of plastic behaviour between cell wal 1 s and the interiors of cells is reduced what correspond to a

decrease in the’f parameter value. ii) The dislocation density inside the cel 1 is then sl i gthl y dimi n i shed what 1 eads to a smal 1 decrease i n the atténuation.

In conclusion, a good concordance is observed between resul ts concern i ng the dynami c behau i our of dislocations along

the fatigue 1 oap deduced from the attenuat i on uar i at i on /1D( or f rom the anal ysi s of the fatigue loop curue usi ng a composite type model.

Références :


Metall., vol.34, n°11, pp.2157-2170 (1986).

/2/ A.HAMEL, G.THOLLET, C.ESNOUF and R.FOUGERES - Submitted to

Scripta Met.

/3/ S.N.BUCKLEY and K.M.ENTWISTLE - Acta Metall., vol.4, july, pp.352-361 (1956).

/4/ J.CHICOIS - Thèse doctorat d’Etat. INSA et UER LYON, Feb.


Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/rphysap:01988002304068900


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