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SYMPTOME «DEI. Flamen Dialis "Symptome - Dei"


Academic year: 2022

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Flamen Dialis

■ "Symptome - Dei"



nrffMW" U I Flamen Dialis - "Symptome - Dei

1 Demiere Croisade 6:05 2 Le Sanctuaire D'argile 4:19 3 Dedale Vert Du Retour 3:40 4 illusion 5:16 5 Meandrea Envoutes 2:06 6 Edosion 5:51 7 Labyrinth Pourpre De La Connaissance 2:10 8 Arc En Lumiere 2:18 9 Renaissance 2:57 10 Le Village Du Diamanche Matin 1:31 11 Eclats 2:37

Bonus Tracks:

12 Decouverte (A Side, Single 1978) 4:41 13 Autre Chose (B Side, Single 1978) 3:40

Recorded between 1978-1979

Exclusive distribution in Japan by Marquee

Flamen Dialis - "Symptome - Dei" | | jj min-a»H



Executive Producer: Meidad Zaharia Biography & Marketing: Mark Jung Sound Remastering: Asaf Carmeli French Text: Pierre Tassone Graphic Design: Nadar Sturman

Special thanks to:

Joseph Kopoiovitch, Alain Lebon, Nakanishi Nobuhisa, Francis Groose, Bernard Guffier, SDRM, ACUM & all those who helped us finding contacts to the group.

Recorded between 1977-1979 All compositions by D. Le Gallic except

"Le Village Du Diamanche Matin" by Y.H. Le Gallic and "Eclats" by JJ. Crenn & D. Le Gallic.

FLamen oiai_i5 | sumPTnme





» ta Omutsiesmuae Hiiagit 9t«nw*» Matin

fistrA m studio mrgiqite .'S/S I

« GALLIC: eU»m«, a4*tt;

VmmtftCSk chant;

•;»>*:■**.• Maws;

£ GAILSC: ehmt, sn'a»<«jw, batteri P'LUCi- chant, tamcflfat;

£ S£3B?.» ate".}, ?*s't3/v<i;

Kf*r; isfewt, ta»i>3»S*, ^a«# <rla

„*c'S4K5: prise M gem st mirsye,

<t - ttm • mam. m;

* dtdii 4 tout let tiiyj-t


"Think early Franco Battiato, think a chanted cult prayer using mellotrons and oscilators.

Think psyche, avant-garde, amateur, professional, underground, otherworldly, and you will get Flamen Dialis. The most out-of-nowhere, unknown, and outstanding masterpiece from France.

Recorded in 1978, Symptome Dei is one of the most bizarre, unique recordings you won’t forget your entire life. Once you fall in love with it, your attitude towards music changes. It did happen to me..." - Meidad Zaharia

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DemiAre Croieade Le Sanotuaire D’Argils DA dale Vert Du Be tour Illusion FACS 8 MAandres EnooutAs Eoloaion

labyrinths Pourpre De la Ccmnaitsanae Arts Bn Lumiire


le Village Du Dimanche Matin Eclats

EnregistrA an studio magique IRIS en FAvrisr 1979 par I. 8. LE GALLIC: claviers, chant;

8.B. L ’3BLOOUAC8: chant;

J. J. CRESH: chant;

D. LE GALLIC: chant, claviers, battens, vibraphone;

L. LECIECR: chant, harmonica;

M. LE SAOUT: chant, guitares;

A. ERHOUP: chant, bombards, flute irlandaise;

B. RICHARD: prise de son et mirage.

Ce disqus est dSdii A tone lea estnc-terreatres Compositions et arrangements: D. LE GALLIC, exceptA

"Ullage Du Dimanahe Matin": I.H. IE GALLIC, et

"Eclats": J.J. CBBWI et D. IE GALLIC.


Flamen Dialis

After releasing a 45 in 1971 as the Yecta Plus Band (a trio, with guitars, vocals, and keyboards) Didier Le Gallic {keyboards, drums) formed Flamen Dialis (an ancient Roman designation for the highest priest of Jupiter) in 1976. Flamen Dialis recorded their first 7-inch in 1978 (in their first formation, Flamen Dialis were T. Tanguy: pianos & vocals; D. Le Gallic: guitars and percussion;

L. Le Ciech: vocals; and B.B. L'Helgouach, chants). The basic components for their following masterpiece are evident on this short release.

For their 1979 LP Symptome Dei, Flamen Dialis added a number of players, vocalists, and instruments, and the band's sound became much richer and dense. The music developed an otherworldly atmosphere. The combination of child-like melodies composed around sequences of unearthly themes and solemn chanting, whispers, and injections of flute, bombard (an ancient twin-reed instrument, precursor of the oboe) and vibraphone weave a sound that is both disquieting and dreamy. Yet with the next breath, the atmosphere can turn both strangely familiar and heavy.

Layers of Mellotron and airy keyboard sonorities further underscore the music's dramatic tensions.

Elements of this recording call to mind Franco Battiato's Fetus and Pollution and the vocal exercises share similarities with the French group Magma, although Flamen Dialis are certainly unique for their impressionist cosmic music and powerful dramatic intensity.

The two sides of the group's first 7-inch are included as the bonus tracks on this long-awaited CD i. These two releases represent the group's entire body of work.


Flamen Dialis - Note personnels



J'ai decouvert Flamen Dialis il y a trois ans et depuis je suis obsessivement a la recherche du leader du groupe, L'album est teliement etrange, bizarre et si different de tout autre album que I’on puisse connaitre. Le mixage des instruments - le mellotron, symbole de I’harmonie et les oscillateurs - I’aspect froid et avantgardiste de cette musique - sont communs en musique progressive et cependant i'enregistrement est comme une sorte de priere pour une civilisation morte ou quelque epitaphe se reaffirmant de soi meme chaque fois que je I'ecoute. Durant ces trois annees, j'ai passe des centaines de coups de fil. J'ai parle a des collectionneurs, contacte la SACEM et la SDRM mais rien n'y fit. Didier Le Gallic ne put etre localise. Apres de longues deliberations, nous decidames que la seule fa^on de retrouver cet homme mysterieux etait de sortir le CD, d'ecrire ce message personnel a Didier et d'attendre qu'il nous trouve. Alors, mon cher Didier, j'admire ta musique et je voudrais que tu contactes MIO Records le jour ou tu verras cette reimpression CD. Nous pensons, chez MIO, que cet album est I'un des plus epoustouflants joyaux disparus jamais realise en France et dans le monde entier.

Merci pourta musique....

Meidad et toute I'equipe de MIO Records

FLVM 4504

Face A


Face B

AUTRE CHOSE (D. Le Gallic)

T. Tanguy D. Le Gallic

L. Le Clech

claviers chcairs guitare percussions chcairs chcairs B.B. L'Helgouach: chant

Enregistre en Mars 1978 au Studio IRIS (Milizac)

Prise de son et mixage de Renaud Richard.

Production & Contact : Piou-Piou Bach/Y-H. Le Gallic 20 VALY GOZ - 29260 - LESNEVEN. Tel:(98) 83 09 89.



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