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Asymptotics for the survival probability in a killed branching random walk


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www.imstat.org/aihp 2011, Vol. 47, No. 1, 111–129


© Association des Publications de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, 2011

Asymptotics for the survival probability in a killed branching random walk

Nina Gantert


, Yueyun Hu


and Zhan Shi


aFachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Universität Münster, Einsteinstrasse 62, D-48149 Münster, Germany.


bDépartement de Mathématiques, Université Paris XIII, 99 avenue J-B Clément, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France.


cLaboratoire de Probabilités UMR 7599, Université Paris VI, 4 place Jussieu, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France. E-mail:zhan.shi@upmc.fr Received 1 December 2008; revised 16 February 2010; accepted 23 February 2010

Abstract. Consider a discrete-time one-dimensional supercritical branching random walk. We study the probability that there exists an infinite ray in the branching random walk that always lies above the line of slopeγε, whereγdenotes the asymptotic speed of the right-most position in the branching random walk. Under mild general assumptions upon the distribution of the branching random walk, we prove that whenε→0, this probability decays like exp{−β+ε1/2o(1)}, whereβis a positive constant depending on the distribution of the branching random walk. In the special case of i.i.d. Bernoulli(p)random variables (with 0< p <12) assigned on a rooted binary tree, this answers an open question of Robin Pemantle (seeAnn. Appl. Probab.19(2009) 1273–1291).

Résumé. Considérons une marche aléatoire branchante surcritique à temps discret. Nous nous intéressons à la probabilité qu’il existe un rayon infini du support de la marche aléatoire branchante, le long duquel elle croît plus vite qu’une fonction linéaire de penteγε, oùγdésigne la vitesse asymptotique de la position de la particule la plus à droite dans la marche aléatoire branchante.

Sous des hypothèses générales peu restrictives, nous prouvons que, lorsqueε→0, cette probabilité décroît comme exp{−β+ε1/2o(1)}, oùβest une constante strictement positive dont la valeur dépend de la loi de la marche aléatoire branchante. Dans le cas spécial où des variables aléatoires i.i.d. de Bernoulli(p)(avec 0< p <12) sont placées sur les arêtes d’un arbre binaire enraciné, ceci répond à une question ouverte de Robin Pemantle (Ann. Appl. Probab.19(2009) 1273–1291).


Keywords:Branching random walk; Survival probability; Maximal displacement

1. Introduction

We consider a one-dimensional branching random walk in discrete time. Before introducing the model and the prob- lem, we start with an example, borrowed from Pemantle [19], in the study of binary search trees.

Example 1.1. LetTbsbe a binary tree(“bs” for binary search),rooted ate.Let(Y (x), x∈Tbs)be a collection, indexed by the vertices of the tree,of i.i.d. Bernoulli random variables with meanp(0,12).For any vertex x∈ Tbs\{e},let[[e, x]]denote the shortest path connectingewithx,and let]]e, x]] := [[e, x]]\{e}.We define



Y (v), x∈Tbs\{e},


andUbs(e):=0.Then(Ubs(x), x∈Tbs)is a binary branching Bernoulli random walk.It is known(Kingman[14], Hammersley[8],Biggins[2])that


1 nmax

|x|=nUbs(x)=γbs, a.s.,

where the constantγbs=γbs(p)(0,1)is the unique solution of γbslogγbs

p +(1γbs)log1−γbs

1−p −log 2=0. (1.1)

For anyε >0,letbs(ε, p)denote the probability that there exists an infinite ray1{e=:x0, x1, x2, . . .}such that Ubs(xj)bsε)jfor allj≥1.It is conjectured by Pemantle[19]that there exists a constantβbs(p)such that2

logbs(ε, p)∼ −βbs(p)

ε1/2 , ε→0. (1.2)

We prove the conjecture,and give the value ofβbs(p).Letψbs(t):=log[2(pet+1−p)],t >0.Lett=t(p) >0 be the unique solution ofψbs(t)=tψbs (t). [One can then check that the solution of Eq. (1.1)isγbs=ψbst(t).]

Our main result,Theorem1.2below,implies that conjecture(1.2)holds,with βbs(p):= π


tψbs t1/2


A particular value ofβbsis as follows:if0< p0<12 is such that16p0(1p0)=1 (i.e.,ifγbs(p0)=12),then βbs(p0)


γbs (p0) 1−2p0


log 1 4p0


where γbs (p0)denotes the derivative of pγbs(p) atp0. This is, informally, in agreement with the following theorem of Aldous([1],Theorem6):ifp(p0,12)is such thatγbs(p)=12+ε,then the probability that there exists an infinite rayx withUbs(xi)12i,i≥1,is


−πlog(1/(4p0)) 4(1−2p0)1/2



, ε→0.

As a matter of fact, the main result of this paper (Theorem1.2below) is valid for more general branching random walks: the treeTbs can be random (Galton–Watson), the random variables assigned on the vertices of the tree are not necessarily Bernoulli, nor necessarily identically distributed, nor necessarily independent if the vertices share a common parent.

Our model is as follows, which is a one-dimensional discrete-time branching random walk. At the beginning, there is a single particle located at positionx=0. Its children, who form the first generation, are positioned according to a certain point process. Each of the particles in the first generation gives birth to new particles that are positioned (with respect to their birth places) according to the same point process; they form the second generation. The system goes on according to the same mechanism. We assume that for anyn, each particle at generationnproduces new particles independently of each other and of everything up to thenth generation.

We denote by(U (x),|x| =n)the positions of the particles in thenth generation, and byZn:= |x|=n1 the number of particles in thenth generation. Clearly,(Zn, n≥0)forms a Galton–Watson process. [In Example1.1,Zn=2n, whereas(U (x),|x| =1)is a pair of independent Bernoulli(p)random variables.]

1By an infinite ray, we mean that eachxjis the parent ofxj+1. 2Throughout the paper, bya(ε)b(ε),ε0, we mean limε0a(ε)



We assume that for someδ >0, E


<, E(Z1) >1; (1.3)

in particular, the Galton–Watson process (Zn, n≥0)is supercritical. We also assume that there existδ+>0 and δ>0 such that



eδ+U (x)

<, E


eδU (x)

<. (1.4)

An additional assumption is needed (which in Example1.1corresponds to the conditionp <12). Let us define the logarithmic generating function for the branching walk:

ψ (t ):=logE


et U (x)

, t >0. (1.5)

Letζ:=sup{t: ψ (t ) <∞}. Under condition (1.4), we have 0< ζ ≤ ∞, andψisCon(0, ζ ). We assume that there existst(0, ζ )such that

ψ t

=tψ t

. (1.6)

For discussions on this condition, see the examples presented after Theorem1.2below.

Recall that (Kingman [14], Hammersley [8], Biggins [2]) conditioned on the survival of the system,


1 nmax

|x|=nU (x)=γ , a.s., (1.7)

whereγ:=ψ(tt) is a constant, withtandψ (·)defined in (1.6) and (1.5), respectively.

Forε >0, letU(ε)denote the probability that there exists an infinite ray{e=:x0, x1, x2, . . .}such thatU (xj)ε)j for allj≥1. Our main result is as follows.

Theorem 1.2. Assume(1.3)and(1.4).If(1.6)holds,then logU(ε)∼ − π

(2ε)1/2 tψ


, ε→0, (1.8)

wheretandψare as in(1.6)and(1.5),respectively.

Since(U (x),|x| =1)is not a deterministic set (excluded by the combination of (1.6) and (1.3)), the functionψis strictly convex on(0, ζ ). In particular, we have 0< ψ(t) <∞.

We now present a few simple examples to illustrate the meaning of assumption (1.6). For more detailed discussions, see Jaffuel [11].

Example 1.1 (Continuation). In Example1.1,conditions(1.3)and(1.4)are obviously satisfied,whereas(1.6)is equivalent to p < 12. In this case, (1.8)becomes (1.2).Clearly,if p > 12,bs(ε, p)does not go to 0 because the vertices labeled with1percolate,with positive probability,on the tree.

Example 1.3. Consider the example of Bernoulli branching random walk,i.e.,such thatU (x)∈ {0,1}for any|x| =1;

to avoid trivial cases,we assumeE( |x|=11{U (x)=1}) >0andE( |x|=11{U (x)=0}) >0.

Condition(1.4)is automatically satisfied as long as we assume(1.3).Elementary computations show that con- dition(1.6)is equivalent toE( |x|=11{U (x)=1}) <1. (In particular,if we assign independentBernoulli(p)random variables on the vertices of a rooted binary tree,we recover Example1.1.)Again,ifE( |x|=11{U (x)=1}) >1,U(ε) does not go to0because the vertices labeled with1percolate,with positive probability,on the tree.


Example 1.4. Assume the distribution ofU is bounded from above,in the sense that there exists a constant C∈R such thatsup|x|=1U (x)C.LetsU:=ess sup sup|x|=1U (x)=sup{a∈R: P{sup|x|=1U (x)a}>0}<∞.Under (1.3)and(1.4),condition(1.6)is satisfied if and only ifE( |x|=11{U (x)=sU}) <1.

Example 1.5. Assume that(1.3)holds true.Ifess sup sup|x|=1U (x)= ∞,then condition(1.6)is satisfied.

We mention that the question we address here in the discrete case has a continuous counterpart, which has been investigated in the context of the F-KPP equation with cutoff, see [5–7].

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section2, we make a linear transformation of our branching random walk so that it will become a boundary case in the sense of Biggins and Kyprianou [3]; the linear transformation is possible due to assumption(1.6). Section3is devoted to the proof of the upper bound in Theorem1.2, whereas the proof of the lower bound is in Section4.

2. A linear transformation

We define

V (x):= −tU (x)+ψ t

|x|. (2.1)

Then E


eV (x)

=1, E


V (x)eV (x)

=0. (2.2)

Sincet< ζ, there existsδ1>0 such that E


e(1+δ1)V (x)

<. (2.3)

On the other hand, by (1.4), there existsδ2>0 such that E


eδ2V (x)

<. (2.4)

The new branching random walk(V (x))satisfies limn→∞1

ninf|x|=nV (x)=0 a.s. conditioned on non-extinction.


(ε)=(V , ε):=P

∃infinite ray{e=:x0, x1, x2, . . .}: V (xj)εj,j≥1

. (2.5)

Theorem1.2will be a consequence of the following estimate: assuming (2.2), then log(ε)∼ − πσ

(2ε)1/2, ε→0, (2.6)

whereσ is the constant in (2.7) below.

It is (2.6) we are going to prove: an upper bound is proved in Section3, and a lower bound in Section4.

We conclude this section with a change-of-probabilities formula, which is the raison d’être of the linear transfor- mation. LetS0:=0, and let(SiSi1, i≥1)be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables such that for any measurable functionf:R→ [0,∞),

E f (S1)



eV (x)f V (x)



In particular,E(S1)=0 (by (2.2)). In words,(Sn)is a mean-zero random walk. We denote σ2:=E




V (x)2eV (x)

= t2

ψ t

. (2.7)

Since E(Z11+δ) <∞ (condition (1.3)) and E( |x|=1e(1+δ1)V (x)) <∞ (see (2.3)), there exists δ3>0 such that E(euS1) <∞for all|u| ≤δ3.

In view of (2.2), we have, according to Biggins and Kyprianou [3], for any n≥1 and any measurable function F:Rn→ [0,∞),



eV (x)F

V (xi),1in


F (Si,1≤in)

, (2.8)

where, for anyxwith|x| =n,{e=:x0, x1, . . . , xn:=x}is the shortest path connectingetox.

We now give a bivariate version of (2.8). For any vertexx, the number of its children is denoted byν(x). Condi- tion (1.3) guarantees thatP{ν(x) <,x} =1. In light of (2.2), we have, for anyn≥1 and any measurable function F:Rn×Rn→ [0,∞),



eV (x)F

V (xi), ν(xi1),1in


F[Si, νi1,1≤in]

, (2.9)

where(SiSi1, νi1), fori≥1, are i.i.d. random vectors, whose common distribution is determined by (recalling thatZ1:=#{y: |y| =1})


f (S1, ν0)



eV (x)f

V (x), Z1


for any measurable functionf:R2→ [0,∞).

The proof of (2.9), just as the proof of (2.8) in Biggins and Kyprianou [3], relies on a simple argument by induction onn. We feel free to omit it.

[We mention that (2.9) is a special case of the so-called spinal decomposition for branching random walks, a pow- erful tool developed by Lyons, Pemantle and Peres [16] and Lyons [15]. The idea of spinal decomposition, which goes back at least to Kahane and Peyrière [12], has been used in the literature by many authors in several different forms.]

We now extend a useful result of Mogulskii [18] toarraysof random variables.

Lemma 2.1 (A triangular version of Mogulskii [18]). For each n≥1,let X(n)i , 1≤in,be i.i.d.real-valued random variables.Letg1< g2be continuous functions on[0,1]withg1(0) <0< g2(0).Let(an)be a sequence of positive numbers such thatan→ ∞and that ann2 →0.Assume that there exist constantsη >0andσ2>0such that




<, E X(n)1

=o an


, Var


σ2. (2.11)

Consider the measurable event En:=


i n

S(n)i ang2

i n

, for1≤in

, whereSi(n):=X(n)1 + · · · +X(n)i , 1≤in.We have



n logP{En} = −π2σ2 2




[g2(t)g1(t)]2. (2.12)


Moreover,for anyb >0,


an2 n logP



= −π2σ2 2




[g2(t)g1(t)]2. (2.13)

If the distribution ofX1(n)does not depend onn, Lemma2.1is Mogulskii [18]’s result. In this case, condition (2.11) is satisfied as long asX(n)1 is centered, having a finite (2+η)-moment (for some η >0), and such that it is not identically zero.3

The proof of Lemma2.1is in the same spirit (but with some additional technical difficulties) as in the original work of Mogulskii [18], and is included as an appendix at the end of the paper. We mention that as in [18], it is possible to have a version of Lemma2.1whenX1(n)belongs to the domain of attraction of a stable non-Gaussian law, except that the constantπ22 in (2.12)–(2.13) will be implicit.

3. Proof of Theorem1.2: The upper bound

In this section, we prove the upper bound in (2.6):

lim sup


ε1/2log(ε)≤ −πσ

21/2, (3.1)

where(ε)is defined in (2.5), andσ is the constant in (2.7).

The main idea in this section is borrowed from Kesten [13]. We start with the trivial inequality that for anyn≥1 (an appropriate value forn=n(ε)will be chosen later on),


x: |x| =n, V (xi)εi,in .

Let(bi, i≥0)be a sequence of non-negative real numbers whose value (depending onn) will be given later on. For anyx, letH (x):=inf{i: 1i≤ |x|, V (xi)εibi}, with inf∅:= ∞. ThenP{H (x)= ∞} +P{H (x)≤ |x|} =1.


(ε)1(ε)+2(ε), where

1(ε)=1(ε, n):=P

∃|x| =n: H (x)= ∞, V (xi)εi,in , 2(ε)=2(ε, n):=P

∃|x| =n: H (x)n, V (xi)εi,in . We now estimate1(ε)and2(ε)separately.

By definition, 1(ε)=P

∃|x| =n: εibi< V (xi)εi,in



1{εibi<V (xi)εi,in}≥1



1{εibi<V (xi)εi,in}


the last inequality being a consequence of Chebyshev’s inequality. Applying the change-of-probabilities formula (2.8) toF (z):=ezn1{εibi<ziεi,in}forz:=(z1, . . . , zn)∈Rn, this yields, in the notation of (2.8),



≤eεnP{εibi< Siεi,in}. (3.2)

3In this case, we even can allowη=0; see [18].


To estimate2(ε), we observe that 2(ε)

n j=1


∃|x| =n: H (x)=j, V (xi)εi,in

n j=1


∃|x| =n: H (x)=j, V (xi)εi,ij .

Since{∃|x| =n: H (x)=j, V (xi)εi,ij} ⊂ {∃|y| =j: H (y)=j, V (yi)εi,ij}, this yields 2(ε)

n j=1


∃|y| =j: εibi< V (yi)εi,i < j, V (yj)εjbj


We can now use the same argument as for1(ε), namely, Chebyshev’s inequality and then the change-of-probability formula (2.2), to see that

2(ε)n j=1



1{εibi<V (yi)εi,i<j,V (yj)εjbj}

= n j=1



n j=1

eεjbjP{εibi< Siεi,i < j}.

Together with (3.2), and recalling that(ε)1(ε)+2(ε), this yields (ε)≤eεnP{εibi< Siεi,in} +

n j=1

eεjbjP{εibi< Siεi,i < j}

=eεnI (n)+



eε(j+1)bj+1I (j ),

whereI (0):=1 and

I (j ):=P{εibi< Siεi,ij}, 1≤jn.

The idea is now to apply Mogulskii’s estimate (2.12) to I (j ) for suitably chosen(bi). Unfortunately, since ε depends onn, we are not allowed to apply (2.12) simultaneously to allI (j ), 0jn. So let us first work a little bit more, and then apply (2.12) to only a few of theI (j ).

We assume that(bi)is non-increasing. Fix an integerN≥2, and taken:=kNfork≥1. Then

(ε)≤eεkNI (kN )+



eε(j+1)bj+1I (j )+

N1 =1

(+1)k1 j=k

eε(j+1)bj+1I (j )

≤eεkNI (kN )+kexp(εk−bk)+k

N1 =1



I (k). (3.3)


We choosebi=bi(n):=b(ni)1/3=b(kNi)1/3, 0≤in, andε:=nθ2/3 =(N k)θ2/3, whereb >0 andθ >0 are constants. By definition, for 1≤N,

I (k)=P


N 2/3 i

kb N

i k


< Si (k)1/3θ


2/3 i



Applying (2.12) tog1(t):=θ (N)2/3tb(Nt )1/3andg2(t):=θ (N)2/3t, we see that, for 1N, lim sup



(k)1/3logI (k)≤ −π2σ2 2b2

1 0


(N/t )2/3= −3π2σ2 2b2


1/3 ,

whereσ is the constant in (2.7). Going back to (3.3), we obtain:

lim sup


θ1/2 (N k)1/3log

θ (N k)2/3

θ1/2αN,b, where the constantαN,b=αN,b(θ )is defined by

αN,b:= max


θ−3π2σ2 2b2 , θ


1− 1 N


, θ (+1)


1−+1 N


−3π2σ2 2b2

N1/3(N)1/3 N1/3

. Sinceε(ε)is non-increasing, this yields

lim sup


ε1/2log(ε)θ1/2αN,b. We letN→ ∞. By definition,

lim sup

N→∞ αN,b≤max


2b2 ,b, f (θ, b)


wheref (θ, b):=supt(0,1]{θ tb(1t )1/33π2b2σ22[1−(1t )1/3]}.

Elementary computations show that as long asb <3π2σ2

2b2b+3θ, we havef (θ, b)=θ3π2b2σ22+3(3θ )21/2(3π2σ2

2b2b)3/2. Thus max{θ3π2b2σ22,b, f (θ, b)} =max{f (θ, b),b}, which equals−bifθ=π2b2σ22b3. As a consequence, for anyb >0 satisfyingb <3π2σ2

2b2 , lim sup


ε1/2log(ε)≤ −b

π2σ2 2b2b

3 = −

π2σ2 2 −b3


Lettingb→0, this yields (3.1) and completes the proof of the upper bound in Theorem1.2.

4. Proof of Theorem1.2: The lower bound

Before proceeding to the proof of the lower bound in Theorem1.2, we recall two inequalities: the first gives a useful lower tail estimate for the number of individuals in a super-critical Galton–Watson process conditioned on survival, whereas the second concerns an elementary property of the conditional distribution of a sum of independent random variables. Let us recall thatZnis the number of particles in thenth generation.


Fact 4.1 (McDiarmid [17]). There existsϑ >1such that P


ϑn,n≥1. (4.1)

Fact 4.2 ([9]). IfX1, X2, . . . , XN are independent non-negative random variables,and ifF:(0,)→R+ is non- increasing,then




Xi N



≤ max


F (Xi)|Xi>0 .

This section is devoted to the proof of the lower bound in (2.6):

lim inf

ε0 ε1/2log(ε)≥ −πσ

21/2, (4.2)

where(ε)andσ are as in (2.5) and (2.7), respectively.

The basic idea consists in constructing a new Galton–Watson treeG=G(ε)within the branching random walk, and obtaining a lower bound for(ε)in terms ofG.

Recall from (1.7) that conditioned on survival, j1max|z|≤jV (z)converges almost surely, forj → ∞, to a finite constant. [The fact that this limiting constant is finite is a consequence ofE( |x|=1eδ2V (x)) <∞in (2.4).] Since the system survives with (strictly) positive probability, we can fix a sufficiently large constantM >0 such that


|maxx|≤jV (x)Mj ≥1

2, κ:=inf



|x|≤jV (x)Mj

>0, (4.3)

where, as before,Zj:=#{x: |x| =j}.

Fix a constant 0< α <1. For any integersn > L≥1 with(1α)εLM(nL), we consider the setGn,ε= Gn,ε(L)defined by4


|x| =n: V (xi)αεi, for 1≤iL; max


V (z)V (xL)


. By definition, for anyxGn,ε, we haveV (xi)εi, for 1in.

If Gn,ε=∅, the elements of Gn,ε form the first generation of the new Galton–Watson treeGn,ε, and we con- structGn,ε by iterating the same procedure: for example, the second generation inGn,ε consists ofy with|y| =2n being a descendant of somexGn,εsuch thatV (yn+i)V (x)αεi, for 1iLand maxz>yn+L:|z|≤2n[V (z)V (yn+L)] ≤(1α)εL.

Letqn,εdenote the probability of extinction of the Galton–Watson treeGn,ε. It is clear that (ε)≥1−qn,ε,

so we only need to find a lower bound for 1−qn,ε. In order to do so, we introduce, forb∈Randn≥1, (b, n):=P

∃|x| =n: V (xi)bi, for 1≤in

. (4.4)

Let us first prove some preliminary results.

Lemma 4.3. Let0< α <1andε >0.Letn > L≥1be such that(1α)εLM(nL).Then P{Gn,ε=∅} ≥1

2(αε, n).

4We writez > xifxis an ancestor ofz.


Proof. By definition, P{Gn,ε=∅} =E

1{∃|y|=L:V (yi)αεi,iL}P

|zmax|≤nLV (z)(1α)εL

. Since(1α)εLM(nL), it follows from (4.3) that

P{Gn,ε=∅} ≥1 2P

∃|y| =L: V (yi)αεi,iL ,

and the r.h.s. is at least 12(αε, n).

Lemma 4.4. Let0< α <1andε >0.Letn > L≥1be such that(1α)εLM(nL).We have P


≤ 1

κϑnL, (4.5)

whereκ >0andϑ >1are the constants in(4.3)and(4.1),respectively.

Proof. By definition,



ηx1{V (xi)αεi,iL},

where ηx:=#

y > x: |y| =n

1{max{z>x:|z|≤n}[V (z)V (x)]≤(1α)εL}. By Fact4.2, for any≥1, withF (x)=1{x},

P{#Gn,ε|#Gn,ε>0} ≤P

ZnLZnL>0, max

|z|≤nLV (z)(1α)εL


where, as before,ZnL:=#{|x| =nL}. Since(1α)εLM(nL), it follows from (4.3) that P{ZnL>0, max|z|≤nLV (z)(1α)εL} ≥κ >0. Therefore,

P{1≤#Gn,ε} ≤ 1


This implies (4.5) by means of Fact4.1.

To state the next estimate, we recall thatν(x)is the number of children ofx, and that(SiSi1, νi1),i≥1, are i.i.d. random vectors (withS0:=0) whose common distribution is given by(2.10).

Lemma 4.5. Letn≥1.For any1≤in,letIi,n⊂Rbe a Borel set.Letrn≥1be an integer.We have P

∃|x| =n: V (xi)Ii,n,∀1≤in

E[eSn1{SiIi,ni1rn,1in}] 1+(rn−1) nj=1hj,n

, where

hj,n:= sup




(4.6) andI+j,nu:= {vu: vI+j,n}.


Proof. Let Yn:=


1{V (xi)Ii,n,ν(xi−1)rn,1in}.

By definition, E





1{V (xi)Ii,n,ν(xi−1)rn,V (yi)Ii,n,ν(yi−1)rn,1in}

=E(Yn)+E n1



1{V (zi)Ii,n,ν(zi−1)rn,ij}Dj+1,n(z)

(4.7) with




1{V (xi)Ii,n,ν(xi1)rn,V (yi)Ii,n,ν(yi1)rn,j+1in}



1{V (xi)Ii,n,ν(xi1)rn,V (yi)Ii,n,j+1in},

where the double sum (xj+1,yj+1)is over pairs(xj+1, yj+1)of distinct children ofz(thus|xj+1| = |yj+1| =j+1), while (x,y)is over pairs(x, y)with|x| = |y| =nsuch that5xxj+1andyyj+1.

TheE[ nj=10 |z|=j1{···}Dj+1,n(z)]expression on the right-hand side of (4.7) is bounded by

E n1



1{V (zi)Ii,n,ν(zi1)rn,ij}



1{V (xi)Ii,n,ν(xi1)rn,j+1in}hj+1,n


wherehj+1,n:=supuIj+1,nE[ |y|=nj11{V (y)I+j+1,nu,0nj1}], which is in agreement with (4.6), thanks to the change of probability formula (2.8). [The sum xis, of course, still overxwith|x| =nsuch thatxxj+1.]

Thanks to the conditionν(xj)rn(i.e.,ν(z)rn), we see that the sum yj+1 in the last display gives at most a factor ofrn−1; which yields that the last display is at most(rn−1)E( nj=01Ynhj+1,n). In other words, we have proved that

E n1



1{V (zi)Ii,n,ν(zi1)rn,ij}Dj+1,n(z)





This yieldsE(Yn2)≤ [1+(rn−1) nj=10hj+1,n]E(Yn). Therefore, E(Yn2)

[E(Yn)]2 ≤1+(rn−1) nj=1hj,n

E(Yn) = 1+(rn−1) nj=1hj,n

E(eSn1{SiIi,ni1rn,1in}), (4.8) the last inequality being a consequence of (2.9). By the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality,P{Yn≥1} ≥[E(YE(Yn2)]2

n) . Recalling the definition ofYn, we obtain from (4.8) that


∃|x| =n: V (xi)Ii,n, ν(xi1)rn,∀1≤in


1+(rn−1) nj=1hj,n . (4.9)

5We writeyxif eithery > xory=x.


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