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Finite groups with weakly <span class="mathjax-formula">$s$</span> -semipermutable subgroups


Academic year: 2022

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Finite Groups with Weakly s-Semipermutable Subgroups


ABSTRACT- SupposeGis a finite groupandHis a subgroupofG.His said to bes- semipermutable inGifHGpˆGpH for any Sylowp-subgroupGp of Gwith (p;jHj)ˆ1;His called weaklys-semipermutable inGif there is a subgroupTof Gsuch thatGˆHT andH\Tiss-semipermutable inG. We investigate the influence of weakly s-semipermutable subgroups on the structure of finite groups. Some recent results are generalized and unified.

1. Introduction.

All groups considered in this paper will be finite. We use conventional notions and notation, as in Huppert [1].Gdenotes always a group,jGjis the order ofG,p(G) denotes the set of all primes dividingjGjandGp is a Sylowp-subgroupofGfor somep2p(G). LetF be a class of groups. We callFa formation provided that (i) ifG2 FandH/G, thenG=H2 F, and (ii) if G=M and G=N are in F, then G=(M\N) is in F for any normal subgroupsM;NofG. A formationFis said to be saturated ifG=F(G)2 F implies thatG2 F. In this paper,U,N will denote the class of all super- solvable groups and the class of all nilpotent groups, respectively. As well- known results,U,N are saturated formations.

Two subgroupsHandKofGare said to be permutable ifHKˆKH.

A subgroup H of G is said to be s-permutable (or s-quasinormal, p- quasinormal) in G if Hpermutes with every Sylow subgroup of G [2].

Asaad, Ramadan and Shaalan proved in [3]: Suppose G is a solvable groupwith a normal subgroupHsuch that G=His supersolvable. If all

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: School of Mathematical Science, Xuzhou Normal University, Xuzhou, 221116, China.

E-mail: lcwxz@xznu.edu.cn

The project is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (No:11071229) and the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Educa- tion Institutions (No:10KJD110004).


maximal subgroups of any Sylow subgroup ofF(H) ares-permutable in G, thenGis supersolvable. Later Asaad in [4] extended the result using formation theory: LetFbe a saturated formation containingU. Suppose thatGis a solvable groupwith a normal subgroupHsuch thatG=H2 F.

If all maximal subgroups of all Sylow subgroups of F(H) are s-permu- table in G, then G2 F. As a generalization of s-permutable subgroup, the concept ofs-semipermutable subgroup is introduced. A subgroupH ofGis said to bes-semipermutable inGifHGpˆGpHfor any Sylowp- subgroupGp of Gwith (p;jHj)ˆ1. Q. Zhang and L. Wang [5] obtained the following: LetFbe a saturated formation containingU. Sup p ose that Gis a groupwith a solvable normal subgroupHsuch thatG=H2 F. If all maximal subgroups of all Sylow subgroups ofF(H) ares-semipermutable in G, then G2 F. In recent years, it has been of interest to use sup- plementation properties of subgroups to characterize properties of a group. For example, Y. Wang [6] introduced the concept of c-supple- mented subgroups and obtained the similar result in [7]: Let F be a saturated formation containing U. Sup p ose that G is a groupwith a solvable normal subgroup H such that G=H2 F. If all maximal sub- groups of all Sylow subgroups of F(H) are c-supplemented in G, then G2 F.

There is no obvious general relationshipbetween s-semipermutable subgroupandc-supplemented subgroup. Hence it is meaningful to unify and generalize the two concepts and relate results. Recall that H is c- supplemented inGif there exists a subgroupK1 such thatGˆHK1 and H\K1HG, whereHGis the maximal normal subgroupofGcontained in H. In this case, writingKˆHGK1we haveGˆHK andH\KˆHG; of course,H\Kiss-semipermutable inG. On the basis of this observation, we introduce a new embedding property:

DEFINITION1.1. A subgroup H of a group G is called weakly s-semi- permutable in G if there is a subgroup T of G such that GˆHT and H\T is s-semipermutable in G.

In the present paper, we study the influence of weakly s-semi- permutable subgroups on the structure of some groups. In particular, we give some new characterizations of supersolvability andp-nilpotency of a group(and, more general, a groupbelonging to a given formation of finite groups) by using the weaklys-semipermutability of some primary subgroups. As application, we unify and generalize a series of known results.


2. Preliminaries.

LEMMA 2.1. Suppose that H is an s-semipermutable subgroup of a group G and N is a normal subgroup of G. Then

(a) H is s-semipermutable in K whenever HKG.

(b) If H is p-group for some prime p2p(G), then HN=N is s-semi- permutable in G=N.

(c) If HOp(G), then H is s-permutable in G.

PROOF. (a) is [5, Property 1], (b) is [5, Property 2], and (c) is [5, Lemma 3].

LEMMA2.2. Let U be a weakly s-semipermutable subgroup of a group G and N a normal subgroup of G. Then

(a) If UHG, then H is weakly s-semipermutable in H.

(b) Suppose that U is a p-group for some prime p. If NU, then U=N is weakly s-semipermutable in G=N.

(c) Suppose U is a p-group for some prime p and N is a p0-subgroup, then UN=N is weakly s-semipermutable in G=N.

PROOF. By the hypotheses, there is a subgroup K of G such that GˆUKandU\Kiss-semipermutable inG.

(a) HˆH\UKˆU(H\K) andU\(H\K)ˆU\K iss-semipermu- table inHby Lemma 2.1(a). HenceUis weaklys-semipermutable inH.

(b) G=NˆUK=NˆU=NNK=Nand (U=N)\(KN=N)ˆ(U\KN)=Nˆ (U\K)N=Niss-semipermutable inG=Hby Lemma 2.1(b). HenceU=Nis weaklys-semipermutable inG=N.

(c) Since (jG:Kj;jNj)ˆ1, NK. It is easy to see that G=Nˆ UN=NKN=NˆUN=NK=N and (UN=N)\(K=N)ˆ(UN\K)=Nˆ (U\K)N=Niss-semipermutable inG=Nby Lemma 2.1(b). HenceUN=Nis weaklys-semipermutable inG=N.

LEMMA2.3([8], Lemma 2.6). Let H be a solvable normal subgroup of a group G(H6ˆ1). If every minimal normal subgroup of G which is contained in H is not contained inF(G), then the Fitting subgroup F(H)of H is the direct product of minimal normal subgroups of G which are contained in H.

LEMMA2.4([7], Lemma 2.8). Let M be a maximal subgroup of G, P a normal p-subgroup of G such that GˆPM, where p a prime. Then P\M is a normal subgroup of G.


LEMMA 2.5 ([9], Lemma 2.16). Let F be a saturated formation con- tainingU. Suppose that G is a group with a normal subgroup N such that G=N2 F. If N is cyclic, then G2 F.

LEMMA 2.6([9], Lemma 2.20). Let A be a p0-automorphisms of a p- group P, where p is an odd prime. Assume that every subgroup of P with prime order is A-invariant. Then A is cyclic.

LEMMA2.7([1], III, 5.2 and IV, 5.4). Suppose G is a group which is not nilpotent but whose proper subgroups are all nilpotent. Then

(a) G has a normal Sylow p-subgroup P for some prime p and GˆPQ, where Q is a non-normal cyclic q-subgroup for some prime q6ˆp.

(b) P=F(P)is a minimal normal subgroup of G=F(P).

(c) If P is non-abelian and p>2, then the exponent of P is p; If P is non-abelian and pˆ2, then the exponent of P is4.

(d) If P is abelian, then the exponent of P is p.

(e) F(P)Z(P).

LEMMA2.8([8], Lemma 3.12). Let P be a Sylow p-subgroup of a group G, where p is the smallest prime dividingjGj. If G is A4-free andjPj4p2, then G is p-nilpotent.

3. Results.

THEOREM3.1. LetF be a saturated formation containingU. A group G2 Fif and only if there is a normal subgroup E of G such that G=E2 F and every cyclic subgrouphxiof any noncyclic Sylow subgroup of E with prime order or order4( if the Sylow2-subgroup is non-abelian ) is weakly s-semipermutable in G.

PROOF. We need only to prove the sufficiency part since the necessity part is evident. Suppose that the assertion is false and let (G;E) be a counterexample for whichjGjjEjis minimal. Then

(1)Eis solvable.

LetKbe any proper subgroup ofE. ThenjKj5jGjandK=K2 U. Let hxi be any cyclic subgroupof any noncyclic Sylow subgroupof K with prime order or order 4 ( if the Sylow 2- subgroup is non-abelian ). It is clear thathxiis also a cyclic subgroupof a noncyclic Sylow subgroupofEwith prime order or order 4. By the hypothesis,hxiis weaklys-semipermutable


inG. By Lemma 2.2,hxiis weaklys-semipermutable inK. This shows that the hypothesis still holds for (U;K). By the choice ofG,Kis supersolvable.

By [10, Theorem 3.11.9],Eis solvable.

(2)GF is ap-group,whereGF is theF-residual ofG.GF=F(GF) is a chief factor ofGand exp(GF)ˆpor exp(GF)ˆ4 (ifpˆ2 andGFis non-abelian).

SinceG=E2 F,GF E. LetMbe a maximal subgroupofGsuch that GF 6M (that is, M is an F-abnormal maximal subgroupof G). Then GˆME. We claim that the hypothesis holds for (F;M). In fact, M=M\EME=EˆG=E2 Fand by the similar argument as above, we can prove that the hypothesis holds for (F;M). By the choice ofG,M2 F.

Thus (2) holds by [10, Theorem 3.4.2].

(3)hxiiss-permutable inGfor any elementx2GF.

Letx2GF. Then the order ofxispor 4 by step(2). By the hypothesis, hxiis weaklys-semipermutable inG. Then there is a groupTofGsuch that Gˆ hxiTandhxi \Tiss-semipermutable in G. It follows thatGˆ hxiT andGF ˆGF\GˆGF \ hxiTˆ hxi(GF \T). SinceGF=F(GF) is abelian, (GF \T)F(GF)=F(GF)/G=F(GF). SinceGF=F(GF) is a chief factor ofG, GF \TF(GF) or GF ˆ(GF \T)F(GF)ˆGF \T. If GF \TF(GF), hxi ˆGF/G. In this case, hxi is s-permutable in G. Now assume that GF ˆGF \T. Then TˆG and hxi ˆ hxi \T is s-semipermutable in G.

Sincehxi GF Op(G),hxiiss-permutable inGby Lemma 2.1.

(4)jGF=F(GF)j ˆp.

Assume thatjGF=F(GF)j 6ˆpand letL=F(GF) be any cyclic subgroup of GF=F(GF). Let x2LnF(GF). ThenLˆ hxiF(GF). Since hxi iss-per- mutable inGby step(3),L=F(GF) iss-permutable inG=F(GF). It follows from [9, Lemma 2.11] that GF=F(GF) has a maximal subgroupwhich is normal inG=F(GF). But this is impossible sinceGF=F(GF) is a chief factor ofG. ThusjGF=F(GF)j ˆp.

(5) The final contradiction.

Since (G=F(GF))=(GF=F(GF))G=GF 2 F,G=F(GF)2 F by Lemma 2.5. AsF(GF)F(G) andFis a saturated formation, we haveG2 F. The final contradiction completes the proof.

COROLLARY 3.2 [14], Theorem 3.4). Let F be a saturated formation containing U, the class of all supersolvable groups. If every cyclic subgroup ofGF with prime order or order4isc-normal inG, thenG2 F.

COROLLARY 3.3 ([15], Theorem 4.2). If every cyclic subgroup of a group G with prime order or order 4 is c-normal in G, then G is supersolvable.


COROLLARY 3.4 ([16], Theorem 4.1). If every cyclic subgroup of GU with prime order or order 4 is c-supplemented in G, then G is super- solvable.

COROLLARY 3.5 ([17], Theorem 1). Let F be a saturated formation containingU, the class of all supersolvable groups. If there is a normal subgroupHofGsuch thatG=H 2 Fand every cyclic subgroup ofHwith prime order or order4iss-permutable inG, thenG2 F.

COROLLARY3.6 ([21], Theorem 3.9). LetF be a saturated formation containing U, the class of all supersolvable groups. Then G2 F if and only if there is a normal subgroup H ofGsuch that G=H2 F and the subgroups prime order or order4ofH with arec-normal inG.

COROLLARY3.7 ([19], Theorem 3.1). LetGbe a group andNa normal subgroup of a groupGsuch thatG=N is supersolvable. If every minimal subgroup ofEisc-supplemented inGand if every cyclic subgroup of order 4ofN isc-normal inG, thenGis supersolvable.

THEOREM3.8. LetF be a saturated formation containingU. A group G2 Fif and only if there is a solvable normal subgroup H of G such that G=H2 F and every cyclic subgrouphxiof any noncyclic Sylow subgroup of F(H)with prime order or order4(if the Sylow2-subgroup is non-abe- lian) is weakly s-semipermutable in G.

PROOF. It is clear that the condition is necessary. We only need to prove that it is sufficient. Suppose that the assertion is false and let (G;H) be a counterexample for which jGjjHj is minimal. Let p be the smallest prime divisor ofjF(H)jandPthe Sylowp-subgroupofF(H). ThenP/G.

Now we proceed with our proof as follows:

(1) F(H)6ˆHandCH(F(H))F(H).

IfF(H)ˆH, thenG2 F by Theorem 3.1, a contradiction. Obviously, CH(F(H))F(H) sinceHis solvable.

(2) Let V=PˆF(H=P) and Q be a Sylow q-subgroupof V, where qkV=Pj. Thenq6ˆpand eitherQF(H) orp>qandCQ(P)ˆ1.

SinceV=Pis nilpotent,QP=PcharV=Pand soQP/H. Then, it is easy to see that p6ˆq. By Theorem 3.1, PQ is supersolvable. If q>p, then Q/PQand soQF(H). Now assume thatp>q. Thenp>2. Sincepis the minimal prime divisor ofjF(H)j,F(H) is aq0-group. LetRbe a Sylowr-


subgroupofF(H) wherer6ˆp. Thenr6ˆqand so [R;Q]P. Assume that for some x2Q , we havex2CH(P). Since V=P is nilpotent, [R;hxi]ˆ [R;hxi;hxi]ˆ1 by [11, Chapter 5, Theorem 3.6]. Hencex2CH(F(H)). By (1),CH(F(H))F(H) and soCQ(P)ˆ1.

(3) p>2. If pˆ2, then by (2), we see that F(H=P)ˆF(H)=P and 2j44jF(H=P)j. This implies that ifhxiP=Pis an arbitrary minimal subgroup ofF(H)=P, thenjxj ˆr, wherer6ˆ2. By Lemma 2.2, every minimal sub- groupofF(H=P) is weaklys-semipermutable inG=P. Hence (G=P;H=P) satisfies the hypothesis. The minimal choice of (G;H) implies that G=P2 F. Hence by Theorem 3.1,G2 F, a contradiction. Thus, (3) holds.

(4) Final contradiction. Let V=PˆF(H=P) andQ be a Sylow q-sub- groupof V, where qkV=Pj. Then by (2), either QF(H) or p>q and CQ(P)ˆ1. In the second case,Q is cyclic by (3) and Lemma 2.6. Hence every Sylow subgroupof F(H=P) either is cyclic or is contained inF(H).

Moreover by (2),pj44jF(H=P)j. LetK=Pbe a cyclic subgroupof a non-cyclic Sylow subgroupofF(H=P) with prime order. Then it is easy to see that K=Pˆ hxiP=P, where hxiis a cyclic subgroupof some non-cyclic Sylow subgroupofF(H) with prime order. By hypothesis,hxiis weaklys-semi- permutable in G. Hence hxiP=P is weakly s-semipermutable in G=P by Lemma 2.2. This shows that (G=P;H=P) satisfies the hypothesis. The minimal choice of (G;H) implies that G=P2 F. Therefore, G2 F by Theorem 3.1. The final contradiction completes the proof.

COROLLARY3.9 ([22], Theorem 3). LetGbe a group andEa solvable normal subgroup of G such thatG=E is supersolvable. If all minimal subgroups and all cyclic subgroups with order4ofF(E)arec-normal in G, thenGis supersolvable.

COROLLARY 3.10 ([23], Theorem 2). Let F be a saturated formation containingU. Suppose thatGis a group with a solvable normal subgroup Hsuch thatG=H 2 F. If all minimal subgroups and all cyclic subgroups with order4ofF(H)isc-normal inG, thenG2 F.

COROLLARY 3.11 ([24], Theorem 3). Let F be a saturated formation containing U. A groupG2 F if and only if there is a solvable normal subgroupHofGsuch thatG=H 2 Fand the subgroups of prime order or order4ofF(H)isc-normal inG.

COROLLARY3.12 ([7], Theorem 4.1). LetF be a saturated formation containingU. Suppose thatGis a group with a solvable normal subgroup


Hsuch thatG=H2 F. If all minimal subgroups and all cyclic subgroups with order4ofF(H)isc-supplemented inG, thenG2 F.

COROLLARY 3.13 ([5], Theorem 4). Let F be a saturated formation containingU. Suppose thatGis a group with a solvable normal subgroup Hsuch thatG=H2 F. If all minimal subgroups and all cyclic subgroups with order4ofF(H)iss-semipermutable inG, thenG2 F.

COROLLARY 3.14 ([27], Corollary 1). Suppose G is a solvable group with a normal subgroup H such that G=H is supersolvable. If every subgroup ofF(H)of prime order or order4is s-permutable in G, thenGis supersolvable.

COROLLARY3.15 ([27], Theorem 1). A groupG2 Fif and only if there is a solvable normal subgroup H of G such that G=H2 F and the subgroups of prime order or order4ofF(H)iss-permutable inG.

THEOREM3.16. Suppose G is a group. If every subgroup of G with prime order is contained in Z1(G)and every cyclic subgroup of G with order4is weakly s-semipermutable in G or lies in Z1(G), then G is nilpotent.

PROOF. Suppose that the theorem is false, and let G be a counter- example of minimal order. Let Hbe an arbitrary proper subgroup of G and hxi be a cyclic subgroupof H with prime order or order 4, then hxi Z1(G)\HZ1(H). By Lemma 2.2,hxiis weaklys-semipermutable in H. Thus H satisfies the hypotheses of the theorem in any case. The minimal choice ofGimplies thatHis nilpotent, thusGis a groupwhich is not nilpotent but whose proper subgroups are all nilpotent. By Lemmas 2.7, GˆPQ, whereP is normal inGfor some p2p(G) andQis non-normal cyclic. Then we have:

(1)pˆ2 and every element with order 4 is weaklys-semipermutable inG.

Ifp>2, by Lemma 2.7, exp(P)ˆp. ThusPZ1(G) by hypotheses.

Therefore,G=Z1(G) is nilpotent. It follows thatGis nilpotent, a contra- diction. If every element with order 4 ofGlies inZ1(G), thenPZ1(G), we have the same contradiction. Thus (1) holds.

(2) For everyx2PnF(P), we have(x)ˆ4.

If not, there existsx2PnF(P) and(x)ˆ2. DenoteMˆ hxiGP. Then MF(P)=F(P)/G=F(P), we have thatPˆMF(P)ˆMZ(G) asP=F(P) is a minimal normal subgroupofG=F(P) by Lemma 2.7, a contradiction.


(3) Final contradiction.

By (2), every elementxinPnF(P) is order 4. Thenxis weaklys-semi- permutable inG. Thus there is a subgroupTofGsuch thatGˆ hxiTand hxi \Tis semipermutable inG. HencePˆP\GˆP\ hxiTˆ hxi(P\T).

Since P=F(P) is abelian, we have (P\T)F(P)=F(P)/G=F(P). Since P=F(P) is the minimal normal subgroupof G=F(P), P\TF(P) or Pˆ(P\T)F(P)ˆP\T. If P\TF(P), then hxi ˆP, a contraction with Lemma 2.7(d). Therefore PˆP\T. Then TˆG and so hxi is s- semipermutable in G. Sincehxi Op(G)ˆP, hxi is permutable inGby Lemma 2.1. We have hxiQ is a proper subgroup of G and so hxiQˆ hxi Q. Thereforex2NG(Q), and it follows thatPNG(Q) and GˆPQ, the final contradiction.

THEOREM3.17. LetF be a saturated formation such thatN F. Let G be a group such that every cyclic subgroup of GF with order4is weakly s-semipermutable in G. Then G2 F if and only if every subgroup of GF with prime order lies in theF-hypercenter ZF(G)of G.

PROOF. IfG2 F, thenZF(G)ˆGand we are done. So we only need to prove that the converse is true. Assume the converse is false and letGbe a counterexample of minimal order. ThenG2 F= . Letxbe an element with prime order ofGF. Thenx2ZF(G)\GF which is contained inZ(GF) by [12, IV, 6.10]. By Lemma 2.2, every cyclic subgroupofGF with order 4 is weaklys-semipermutable inGF. Theorem 3.16 implies thatGFis nilpotent.

IfGF F(G), thenG=F(G)2 F, henceG2 FsinceFis saturated. This is a contradiction. So there exists a maximal subgroupofG, sayM, such that GˆMGF ˆMF(G). By [13, Theorem 3.5], we may chooseMto be anF- critical maximal subgroup. Since G=MG2 F= , it follows that ZF(G)M.

Moreover, aG-chief factorA=BbelowZF(G) is actually anM-chief factor and AutM(A=B) is isomorphic to AutG(A=B) becauseF(G) centralizesA=B.

Consequently ZF(G) is contained in ZF(M). By [12, IV, 1.17],MF GF. HenceMsatisfies the hypotheses of the theorem. The minimal choice ofG implies thatM2 F. By [10, Theorem 3.4.2],Ghas the following properties:

(a) GF is ap-group, for some primep.

(b) GF=F(GF) is a minimal normal subgroupofG=F(GF).

(c) IfGF is abelian, thenGF is an elementary abelianp-group.

(d) Ifp>2, then exp(GF)ˆp; ifpˆ2, then exp(GF)ˆ2 or 4.

If GF is abelian, then GF is an elementary abelian subgroupby (c).

Hence, by hypothesis, we have that GF ZF(G). It follows that G2 F.


This contradiction shows that GF is nonabelian. If exp(GF)ˆp, then GF ZF(G) by hypothesis and consequentlyG2 F, a contradiction again.

Thus,GF is a non-abelian 2-groupand exp(GF)ˆ4.

Let x be an arbitrary element of GFnF(GF). Then jxj ˆ4. Indeed, suppose that there exists an elementx2GFnF(GF) such thatjxj ˆ2. Let Tˆ hxiG. ThenTGF andTF(GF)=F(GF) is normal inG=F(GF). Since GF=F(GF) is a chief factor ofG,GF ˆT, which contradicts the fact that exp(GF)ˆ4. Now we will provehxiiss-permutable inG. By hypothesis, hxiis weaklys-semipermutable inG. Hence there exists a subgroupKofG such thatGˆ hxiK andhxi \K iss-semipermutable inG. It follows that GF ˆGF \GˆGF \ hxiKˆ hxi(GF \K). Since GF=F(GF) is abelian, (GF \K)F(GF)=F(GF)/G=F(GF). SinceGF=F(GF) is a chief factor ofG, GF \KF(GF) orGF ˆ(GF \K)F(GF)ˆGF\K. IfGF \KF(GF), hxi ˆGF /G. In this case, hxi is s-permutable in G. Now assume that GF ˆGF \K. Then KˆG and hxi is s-semipermutable in G. Since hxi GF Op(G),hxiiss-permutable inGby Lemma 2.1.

Thus for anyq2p(G),q6ˆ2,hxiis normalized by any Sylowq-subgroup QofM. SoQacts onhxiby conjugation. But the automorphism group of a cyclic groupof order 4 is a cyclic groupof order 2, soQacts trivially onhxi andQcentralizeshxi. Thushxiis centralized byO2(M), it implies thatGFis centralized byO2(M). HenceO2(M)/GasGˆMGF. It follows thatG=MG is a 2-group. Therefore, G=MG2 F since N F, a final contradiction.

This completes the proof of Theorem 3.17.

COROLLARY3.18 ([14], Theorem 3.2). LetF be a saturated formation such thatN F. LetGbe a group such that every cyclic subgroup ofGF with order4isc-normal inG. ThenG2 Fif and only if every subgroup of GF with prime order lies in theF-hypercenterZF(G)ofG.

COROLLARY3.19 ([18], Theorem 4.4). LetF be a saturated formation such thatN F. LetGbe a group such that every cyclic subgroup ofGF with order 4 isc-supplemented in G. Then G2 F if and only if every subgroup ofGF with prime order lies in theF-hypercenterZF(G)ofG.

COROLLARY3.20 ([19], Theorem 2.5). Suppose thatp is a prime and KˆGN be the nilpotent residual of G. Then G isp-nilpotent if every minimal subgroup ofKis contained inZ1(G)and every cyclichxiofK with order4isc-supplemented inG.

COROLLARY 3.21 ([20], Theorem 2.4). Let G be a finite group and KˆGN be the nilpotent residual ofG. ThenGis nilpotent if and only if


every minimal subgrouphxiofKlies in the hypercenterZ1(G)ofGand every cyclic element ofP with order4isc-normal inG.

THEOREM3.22. Let p be the smallest prime dividing the order of a group G and N a normal subgroup of G such that G=N is p-nilpotent. If G is A4-free and every subgroup of N with order p2 is weakly s-semi- permutable in G, then G is p-nilpotent.

PROOF. Assume that the Theorem is false and let G be a counter- example of minimal order. Then:

(1) Every proper subgroup ofGisp-nilpotent.

By Lemma 2.8, we see thatjNjp>p2. LetLbe a proper subgroup ofG.

SinceL=(L\N)LN=NG=N,L=(L\N) isp-nilpotent. IfjL\Njp4p2, thenLisp-nilpotent by Lemma 2.8. IfjL\Njp>p2, then every subgroupof L\Nof orderp2is weaklys-semipermutable inLby Lemma 2.2. HenceLis p-nilpotent by the choice ofG. This shows thatGis a minimal non-p-nilpotent group.

(2) G has the following properties: (i) GˆPQ, where PˆGN is a normal Sylowp-subgroupofGandQis a non-normal cyclic Sylowq-sub- groupof G; (ii) P=F(P) is a minimal normal subgroupofG=F(P); (iii) If p>2, then the exponent ofPisp; ifpˆ2, then the exponent ofPis 2 or 4;

(iv)F(P)Z(P); (v)p3dividing the order ofP; (vi)PN.

By Step(1) and [1, Theorem IV. 5.4], G is a minimal non-nilpotent group. Hence (i)-(iv) follow directly from Lemma 2.7. (v) follows from Lemma 2.8. (vi) is clear sincePˆGN is thep-nilpotent residual ofGand G=Nisp-nilpotent.

(3) IfHis a subgroupofPof orderp2, thenHiss-permutable inG.

LetHbe a subgroupofPof orderp2. By the hypothesis,His weaklys- semipermutable inG. Then there is a subgroupTofGsuch thatGˆHTand H\T iss-semipermutable in G. HencePˆP\GˆP\HTˆH(P\T).

SinceP=F(P) is abelian, we have (P\T)F(P)=F(P)/G=F(P). By step(2) (ii), P\TF(P) or Pˆ(P\T)F(P)ˆP\T. If P\TF(P), then HˆP/G. In this case,Hiss-permutable inG. IfPˆP\T, thenTˆG and soHiss-semipermutable inG. SinceHPˆOp(G),Hiss-permutable inGby Lemma 2.1.

(4) There exists a subgroup H of P such that jHj ˆp2 which is not contained inF(P).

IfF(P)ˆ1, then it is clear. Hence we may assume thatF(P)6ˆ1. If jPj ˆp3, then clearlyPhas a maximal subgroupof orderp2. SincePis not cyclic by Burnside's Theorem [11, Theorem 4.3, P.252],Phas at least two


different maximal subgroupsP1 andP2. IfP1 andP2are all contained in F(P), thenPˆP1P2F(P), a contradiction. Hence, we can assume that jPj>p3. Letx2PnF(P) anda2F(P) wherejaj ˆp. SinceF(P)Z(P), hxihai G. By Step(2), we see thatjxj ˆpor 4. Ifjxj ˆ4, we can choose Hˆ hxi. If jxj ˆp, then jhxihaij4p2. If jhxihaij ˆp, then hxi ˆ hai, a contradiction. Hencejhxihaij ˆp2. Therefore (4) holds.

(5) Final contradiction.

By Step(2),Gˆ[P]Q. By Step(4), there exists a subgroupHof P with orderp2 such thatH6F(P). Then by (3),Hiss-permutable inG.

Hence HQˆQH. Then HˆH(Q\P)ˆHQ\P/HQ. It follows that QNG(H). On the other hand, since P=F(P) is abelian, HF(P)=F(P)/P=F(P). This implies thatHF(P)=F(P)/G=F(P). However, sinceP=F(P) is chief factor ofG, we obtain thatHF(P)ˆP and conse- quentlyHˆP, a contradiction.

THEOREM 3.23. Let F be a saturated formation containing U, the class of all supersolvable groups. Suppose that G is a group with a sol- vable normal subgroup H such that G=H2 F. If all maximal subgroups of all Sylow subgroups of F(H)are weakly s-semipermutable in G, then G2 F.

PROOF. Assume that the assertion is false and let (G;H) be a counter example withjGjjHjis minimal. LetPbe an arbitrary Sylowp-subgroupof F(H). ClearlyP/G. We proceed the proof by the following steps.


If P\F(G)6ˆ1, then P\F(G)ˆR/G. Obviously, (G=R)=(H=R) G=H2 F and F(H=R)ˆF(H)=R. Let P1=R be a maximal subgroupof the Sylowp-subgroupP=R. ThenP1is a maximal subgroupof the Sylow p-subgroupP. By hyp othesis,P1is weaklys-semipermutable inG. Hence P1=Ris weaklys-semipermutable inG=Rby Lemma 2.2. LetM1=Rbe a maximal subgroupof the Sylowq-subgroupofF(H)=R, wherep6ˆq. It is clear that M1ˆQ1R, where Q1 is a maximal subgroupof the Sylow q- subgroupof F(H). Then Q1 is weakly s-semipermutable in G by hy- pothesis. Hence M1=R is weakly s-semipermutable in G=R by Lemma 2.2. Now we have proved that (G=R;H=R) satisfies the hypotheses of the theorem. Therefore G=R2 F by minimal choice of (G;H). Since RF(G) and F is a saturated formation, we have that G2 F, a con- tradiction. Thus (1) holds.

(2)PˆR1R2 Rm, where Ri(iˆ1;2; ;m) is some normal subgroupofGof orderp.


Since P/G and P\F(G)ˆ1, PˆR1R2 Rm, where Ri(iˆ1;2; ;mis an abelian minimal normal subgroupofGby Lemma 2.3. We now prove thatjRij ˆp. SinceRi6F(G), there exists a maximal subgroupMofGsuch thatGˆRiMandRi\Mˆ1. LetMpbe a Sylowp- subgroupofMandGpˆMpRi. ThenGpis a Sylowp-subgroupofG. Let G1 be a maximal subgroupof Gp containing Mp and P1 ˆG1\P. Then jP:P1j ˆ jP:G1\Pj ˆ jPG1:G1j ˆ jGp:G1j ˆpand soP1is a maximal subgroupof P. We also have that P1Mpˆ(G1\P)MpˆG1\PMpˆ G1\GpˆG1 andP1\MpˆP\G1\MˆP\Mp. By hypothesis,P1 is weaklys-semipermutable inG. Hence there exists a subgroupTofGsuch that GˆP1T and P1\T is s-semipermutable in G. By Lemma 2.1(c), P1\Tiss-permutable inG. Then, for an arbitrary Sylowq-subgroupGqofG with q6ˆp, (P1\T)GqˆGq(P1\T). Hence P1\Tˆ(P1\T)(P\Gq)ˆ P\(P1\T)Gq/(P1\T)Gq. It follows that GqNG(P1\T). On the other hand,P\T/TandP\T/PsincePis abelian. HenceP\T/PTˆGand consequentlyP1\TˆG1\P\T/G1. It follows thatP1\T/G1PˆGp. This shows that bothGpandGqare contained inNG(P1\T). The arbitrary choice of q implies that P1\T/G and so P1\T(P1)G. Assume that P1\T5(P1)Gand letNˆ(P1)GT. ThenGˆP1TˆP1(P1)GTˆP1Nand P1\NˆP1\(P1)GTˆ(P1)G(P1\T)ˆ(P1)G. This shows that there al- ways exists a subgroupKofGsuch thatGˆP1KandP1\Kˆ(P1)G.

SincePis abelian,P1(P\M)/P. ThusP1(P\M)ˆPorP1(P\M)ˆ P1. If P1(P\M)ˆP, then GˆPMˆP1(P\M)MˆP1M and so PˆP\P1MˆP1(P\M)ˆP1(P\G1\M)ˆP1(P1\M)ˆP1, a con- tradiction. Hence P1(P\M)ˆP1 and so P\MP1. Since P\M/G by Lemma 2.4, P\M(P1)GˆP1\K.

Assume thatK5G. LetK1 be a maximal subgroupofGcontainingK.

ThenP\K1/Gby Lemma 2.4. Hence (P\K1)Mis a subgroupofG. Since M5G, (P\K1)MˆGor (P\K1)MˆM. If (P\K1)MˆGˆPM, then PˆP\(P\K1)Mˆ(P\K1)(P\M)ˆP\K1 since P\M(P1)Gˆ P1\KP\K1. It follows thatPK1and henceGˆPK PK1ˆK1, a contradiction. If (P\K1)MˆM, then P\K1M and so P1\K P\KP\K1ˆP\K1\MP\MP1\K. Hence P1\Kˆ P\K.

SinceGˆPKˆP1K,jG:Pj ˆ jPK:Pj ˆ jK:(P\K)j ˆ jK:(P1\K)j ˆ jP1K:P1j ˆ jG:P1j, which is impossible. Thus K ˆG. It follows that P1\KˆP1ˆ(P1)G/G. Consequently,P1\Ri/G. But sinceGpˆRiMpˆ RiG1andG1is a maximal subgroupofGpcontainingMp, we haveRi6P1 ˆ G1\P. The minimal normality of Ri implies that P1\Riˆ1. Hence jRij ˆ jRi:(P1\Ri)j ˆ jRiP1:P1j ˆ jRi(P\G1):P1j ˆ j(P\RiG1):P1j ˆ jP\Gp:P1j ˆ jP:P1j ˆp. ThereforeRiis a cyclic groupof orderp.


(3) Final contradiction.

Let RiH and C0ˆCH(Ri). We claim that the hypothesis holds for (G=Ri;C0=Ri). Indeed, since G=CG(Ri) Aut(Ri) is abelian, G=CG(Ri)2 F. Consequently, G=C0ˆG=(H\CG(Ri))2 F. Besides, since RiZ(C0) and F(H)C0, we have F(H)ˆF(C0). Thus F(C0=Ri)ˆ F(H)=Ri. Let P=Ri be a Sylow p-subgroupof F(H)=Ri, where P is a Sylow p-subgroupof F(H) and G1=Ri is a maximal subgroupof P=Ri. Then P1 is a maximal subgroupof P. By hyp oth- esis, P1 is weakly s-semipermutable in G. Hence P1=Ri is weakly s- semipermutable in G=Ri by Lemma 2.2. Now assume that QRi=Ri is the Sylow q-subgroupof F(H)=Ri, where q6ˆp and Q is the Sylow q- subgroupof F(H). Then every maximal subgroupof QRi=Ri is of the form of Q1Ri=Ri, where Q1 is a maximal subgroupof Q. By hyp oth- esis and Lemma 2.2, we see that Q1Ri=Ri is weakly s-semipermutable in G=Ri. This shows that (G=Ri;C0=Ri) satisfies the condition of the theorem. The minimal choice of (G;H) implies that G2 F by Lemma 2.5. The final contradiction completes the proof.

COROLLARY 3.24 ([5], Theorem 2). Let F be a saturated formation containingU, the class of all supersolvable groups. Suppose that Gis a group with a solvable normal subgroup H such that G=H2 F. If all maximal subgroups of all Sylow subgroups ofF(H)ares-semipermutable inG, thenG2 F.

COROLLARY3.25 ([4], Theorem 1.4). LetF be a saturated formation containingU. Suppose thatGis a solvable group with a normal subgroup Hsuch thatG=H 2 F. If all maximal subgroups of all Sylow subgroups of F(H)ares-permutable inG, thenG2 F.

COROLLARY3.26 ([23], Theorem 1). Let F be a saturated formation containingU, the class of all supersolvable groups. Suppose that Gis a group with a solvable normal subgroup H such that G=H2 F. If all maximal subgroups of all Sylow subgroups ofF(H)arec-normal inG, thenG2 F.

COROLLARY3.27 ([7], Theorem 4.5). LetF be a saturated formation containingU, the class of all supersolvable groups. Suppose that Gis a group with a solvable normal subgroup H such that G=H2 F. If all maximal subgroups of all Sylow subgroups ofF(H)arec-supplemented in G, thenG2 F.


COROLLARY3.28 ([25], Theorem 1.6). LetF be a saturated formation containingU, the class of all supersolvable groups. Suppose thatGis a group with a solvable normal subgroup H such that G=H2 F. If all maximal subgroups of all Sylow subgroups ofF(H)are complemented in G, thenG2 F.

COROLLARY3.29 ([22], Theorem 2). LetGbe a group andEa solvable normal subgroup of G such that G=E is supersolvable. If all maximal subgroups of the Sylow subgroups of F(E)arec-normal in G, then Gis supersolvable.

COROLLARY 3.30 ([28], Theorem 1.2). Suppose that G is a solvable group with a normal subgroup H such thatG=H is supersolvable. If all maximal subgroups of every Sylow subgroup ofF(H)are complement in G, thenGis supersolvable.

Acknowledgement. The author would like to thank the referee for his or her helpful comments and suggestions which have improved the original manuscript to its present form.


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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 9 novembre 2010.


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