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Venere, Cupido e poeti d'amore = Venus, Cupid and the Poets of Love


Academic year: 2022

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Book Chapter


Venere, Cupido e poeti d'amore = Venus, Cupid and the Poets of Love


LEPORATTI, Roberto. Venere, Cupido e poeti d'amore = Venus, Cupid and the Poets of Love.

In: Franca Falletti, Jonathan Katz Nelson. Venere e Amore : Michelangelo e la nuova bellezza ideale = Venus and Love : Michelangelo and the new ideal of beauty : [Firenze, Galleria dell'Accademia, 26 giugno/june - 3 novembre/november 2002]. Firenze : Giunti [etc.], 2002. p. 65-89, 201-214, 237-243

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