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Academic year: 2021



Texte intégral





1962 – 1969 : Professeur Abdelmalek FARAJ 1969 – 1974 : Professeur Abdellatif BERBICH

1974 – 1981 : Professeur Bachir LAZRAK

1981 – 1989 : Professeur Taieb CHKILI

1989 – 1997 : Professeur Mohamed Tahar ALAOUI

1997 – 2003 : Professeur Abdelmajid BELMAHI

2003 - 2013 : Professeur Najia HAJJAJ – HASSOUNI


Professeur Mohamed ADNAOUI

Vice-Doyen chargé des Affaires Académiques et estudiantines Professeur Brahim LEKEHAL

Vice-Doyen chargé de la Recherche et de la Coopération Professeur Toufiq DAKKA

Vice-Doyen chargé des Affaires Spécifiques à la Pharmacie Professeur Younes RAHALI



Décembre 1984

Pr.MMOUNIAbdelaziz MédecineInterne-Cl i nique Rovale

Pr. MAAZOUZIAhmedWajdi Anesthésie-Réanimation Pr.SETTAFAbdellatif PathologieChirurgicale Janvier, Février et Décembre 1987

Pr. LA..CHKAR Hassan MédecineInterne

Décembre 1988

Pr.DAFIRIRachida Radiologie

Décembre 1989

Pr.ADNAOUIMohamed MédecineInterne-Doyen de l a FMPR

Pr.OUAZZANITaïbiMohamedRéda Neurologie

Janvier et Novembre 1 990

Pr.KHARBACHAîcha Gynécologie.Obstétrique Pr. TAZISaoudAnas AnesthésieRéanimation

Février Avril Juillet et Décembre 1991

Pr.AZZOUZIAbderrahim AnesthésieRéanimation-Doven de FMPQ

Pr.BAYAHIARabéa Néphrologie

Pr.BELKOUCHI Abdelkader ChirurgieGénérale Pr.BENCHEKROUNBelabbesAbdellatif ChirurgieGénérale Pr. BENSOUDAYahia Pharmaciegalénique

Pr.BERRAHO Amina Ophtalmologie

Pr.BEZADRachid GynécologieObstétriqueMéd. C hef M;1ternité des O rangers

Pr.CHERRAH Yahia Pharmacologie

Pr.CHOKAIRIOmar Histologie Embryologie

Pr. KHATTAB Mohamed Pédiatrie

Pr.SOUIAYMANIRachida Pharmacologie·Di r. du Centre Nati o mil PV Rabat

Pr.TAOUFIKJamal Chimiethérapeutique

Décembre 1992

Pr.AHALIATMohamed ChirurgieGénéraleDoyen de FMPT

Pr.BENSOUDA Adil AnesthésieRéanimation Pr.CHAHEDOUAZZANILaaziza Gastro·Entérologie Pr.CHRAIBI Chafiq GynécologieObstétrique


Pr.JIDDANEMohamed Anatomie

Pr.TAGHYAhmed ChirurgieGénérale

Pr. ZOUHDI Mimoun Microbiologie

Mars 1994

Pr.BENJAAFARNoureddine Radiothérapie

Pr.BENRAISNozha Biophysique

Pr.CAOUIMalika Biophysique

Pr.CHRAIBI Abdelmjid EndocrinologieetMaladiesMétaboliquesDoven de l à FMPA

Pr.ELAMRANISabah GynécologieObstétrique

Pr.ELBARDOUNIAhmed Traumato-Orthopédie

Pr.ELHASSANIMyRachid Radiologie

Pr.ERROUGANIAbdelkader ChirurgieGénérale-Di recteur du C HIS

Pr.ESSAKALIMalika Immunologie

Pr.ETTAYEBIFouad ChirurgiePédiatrique

Pr.IFRINELahssan ChirurgieGénérale

Pr. MAHFOUDMustapha Traumatologie-Orthopédie

Pr. RHRABBrahim Gynécologie –Obstétrique

Pr.SENOUCIKarima Dermatologie

Mars 1994

Pr.ABBARMohamed* UrologieInspect eur du SSM

Pr.BENTAHIIA Abdelali Pédiatrie

Pr.BERRADAMohamedSaleh Traumatologie-Orthopédie

Pr.CHERKAOUILallaOuafae Ophtalmologie Pr.IAKHDARAmina GynécologieObstétrique Pr.MOUANENezha Pédiatrie Mars 1995 Pr.ABOUQUALRedouane RéanimationMédicale Pr.AMRAOUIMohamed ChirurgieGénérale Pr.BAIDADAAbdelaziz GynécologieObstétrique Pr.BARGACHSamir GynécologieObstétrique Pr. ELMESNAOUIAbbes ChirurgieGénérale Pr.ESSAKALIHOUSSYNILeila Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie Pr.IBENATIYAANDALOUSSIAhmed Urologie Pr.OUAZZANICHAHDIBahia Ophtalmologie


Décembre 1996 Pr.BELKACEMRachid ChirurgiePédiatrie Pr.BOUIANOUARAbdelkrim Ophtalmologie Pr.ELAIAMIELFARICHAELHassan ChirurgieGénérale Pr.GAOUZIAhmed Pédiatrie Pr. OUZEDDOUNNaima Néphrologie

Pr.ZBIRELMehdi* CardiologieDi rect eur HMI Mohammed V

Novembre 1997

Pr.ALAMIMohamedHassan Gynécologie-Obstétrique

Pr.BEN SLIMANELounis Urologie

Pr.BIROUKNazha Neurologie

Pr.ERREIMINaima Pédiatrie

Pr.FELIATNadia Cardiologie

Pr.KADDOURINoureddine ChirurgiePédiatrique

Pr.KOUTANIAbdellatif Urologie

Pr.I.AHLOUMohamedKhalid ChirurgieGénérale


Pr.TOUFIQJallal Psychiatrie Di recteur Hôp•.Ar.-razi Salé Pr.YOUSFIMALKI Mounia GynécologieObstétrique


Pr.BOUGTAB Ahdesslam ChirurgieGénérale Pr.ERRIHANI Hassan OncologieMédicale

Pr.BENKIRANEMajid* Hématologie

Janvier 2000

Pr.ABIDAhmed* Pneumo-phtisiologie

Pr.AIT OUAMARHassan Pédiatrie

Pr.BENJELLOUN DakhamaBadr.Sououd Pédiatrie

Pr.BOURKADIJamal-Eddine Pneumo-phtisiologie Directeur Hôp. My Youssef

Pr.CHARIFCHEFCHAOUNIAlMontacer ChirurgieGénérale Pr.ECHARRABElMahjoub ChirurgieGénérale Pr.ELFTOUHMustapha Pneumo-phtisiologie Pr.ELMOSTARCHIDBrahim* Neurochirurgie

Pr.TACHINANTERajae Anesthésie-Réanimation Pr.TAZIMEZALEKZoub_ida Médecine Interne

Novembre 2000

Pr.AIDISaadia Neurologie

Pr.AJANAFatimaZohra Gastro·Entérologie

Pr.BENAMR Said ChirurgieGénérale

Pr.CHERTIMohammed Cardiologie

Pr.ECH.CHERIFELKETTANISelma Anesthésie-Réanimation

Pr.EL HASSANIAmine Pédiatrie•Di rect eur Hôp. Chei kh Zaid

Pr.ELKHADER Khalid Urologie

Pr.GHARBIMohamedElHassan EndocrinologieetMaladiesMétaboliques Pr.MDAGHRIALAOUIAsmae Pédiatrie

Décembre 2001

Pr.BALKHIHicham* AnesthésieRéanimation Pr. BENABDELJLIL Maria Neurologie

Pr.BENAMARLoubna Néphrologie Pr. BENAMORJouda Pneumo-phtisiologi e Pr.BENELBARHDADIlmane Gastro-Entérologie Pr.BENNANIRajae Cardiologie Pr.BENOUACHANEThami Pédiatrie Pr.BEZZAAhmed* Rhumatologie Pr.BOUCHIKHIIDRISSIMedLarbi Anatomie Pr.BOUMDINElHassane* Radiologie Pr.CHATLatifa Radiologie

Pr.DAALIMustapha* Chirurgie Générale

Pr.ELHIJRIAhmed AnesthésieRéanimation

Pr.ELMAAQILIMoulay Rachid Neuro-Chirurgie Pr.ELMADHITarik Chirurgie-Pédiatrique Pr.ELOUNANIMohamed ChirurgieGénérale

Pr.ETTAIRSaid Pédiatrie•Directeur Hôp. d1Enlants Rabat

Pr.GAZZAZMiloudi* Neuro-Chirurgie

Pr.HRORAAbdelmalek ChirurgieGénéraleDirecteur Hôpital Ibn Sina

Pr.KABIRIELHassane* ChirurgieThoracique


Pr.MIKDAMEMohammed* HématologieClinique

Pr.MOHSINERaouf ChirurgieGénérale

Pr.NOUINIYassine Urologie

Pr.SABBAHFarid ChirurgieGénérale

Pr.SEFIANIYasser ChirurgieVasculairePériphérique Pr.TAOUFIQBENCHEKROUN Sournia Pédiatrie

Décembre 2002

Pr. AL BOUZIDI Abderrahmane* AnatomiePathologique

Pr.AMEURAhmed* Urologie

Pr.AMRIRachida Cardiologie

Pr.AOURARHAziz* Gastro-Entérologie

Pr.BAMOU Youssef* Biochimie-Chimie

Pr.BELMEJDOUBGhizlene* Endocrinologie et Maladies Métaboliques

Pr.BENZEKRI Laila Dermatologie

Pr.BENZZOUBEIRNadia Gastro-Entérologie

Pr.BERNOUSSIZakiya Anatomie Pathologique

Pr.CHOHOAbdelkrim * Chirurgie Générale



Pr.ELAlAMIELFellousSidiZouhair Chirurgie Pédiatrique

Pr.ELHAOURIMohamed* Dermatologie

Pr.·FILALIADIBAbdelhai Gynécologie Obstétrique

Pr.HAJJIZakia Ophtalmologie

Pr.JAAFARAbdeloihab* Traumatologie Orthopédie




Pr.MOUSSAOUIRAHALIDriss* Gynécologie Obstétrique

Pr.OUJILAL Abdelilah Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie

Pr.RAISSMohamed Chirurgie Générale

Pr.SIAHSamir* Anesthésie Réanimation





Chirurgie Générale

Janvier 2004







Pr.AMRANIMariam Anatomie Pathologique

Pr.BENBOUZIDMohammedAnas Ota-Rhine-Laryngologie

Pr.BENKIRANEAhmed* Gastro-Entérologie

Pr.BOUI.AADAS Malik Stomatologie et Chirurgie Maxille-faciale




Pr.CHAGARBelkacem* TraumatologieOrthopédie

Pr.CHERRADINadia AnatomiePathologique

Pr.ELFENNIJamal* Radiologie

Pr.ELHANCHIZAKI GynécologieObstétrique

Pr.ELKHORASSANIMohamed Pédiatrie

Pr. HACH!Hafid ChirurgieGénérale

Pr.JABOUIRIKFatima Pédiatrie


Pr.TARIBAbdelilah* PharmacieClinique Pr.TIJAMIFouad ChirurgieGénérale Pr.ZARZURJamila Cardiologie Janvier 2005 Pr.ABBASSIAbdellah ChirurgieRéparatriceetPlastique Pr.ALKANDRYSifEddine* ChirurgieGénérale Pr.ALLALIFadoua Rhumatologie Pr.AMAZOUZIAbdellah Ophtalmologie

Pr.BAHIRIRachid Rhumatologie Di rect eur Hôp. Al Avachi Salé

Pr.BARKA.TAmina Pédiatrie

Pr.BENYASSAatif Cardiologie

Pr.DOUDOUHAbderrahim* Biophysique

Pr.HAJJILeila Cardiologie (mise endisponibilité)

Pr.HESSISSENLeila Pédiatrie

Pr. JIDALMohamed* Radiologie

Pr.LAAROUSSIMohamed Chirurgie Cardio-vasculaire

Pr.LYAGOUBIMohammed Parasitologie

Pr.SBIHISouad Histo-Embryologie Cytogénétique

Pr.ZERAIDINajia Gynécologie Obstétrique

AVRIL 2006

Pr.ACHEMLALLahsen* Rhumatologie

Pr.BELMEKKIAbdelkader* Hématologie

Pr.BENCHEIKHRazika O.R.L Pr.BIYIAbdelhamid* Biophysique

Pr.BOUHAFSMohamedElAmine Chirurgie ·Pédiatrique

Pr.BOULAHYAAbdellatif* ChirurgieCardio-Vasculaire.Di rect eur Hôpi t al Ibn Si na M Pr.CHENGUETIANSARIAnas Gynécologie Obstétrique

Pr.DOGHMINawal Cardiologie Pr.FELIATIbtissam Cardiologie

Pr.FAROUDYMamoun Anesthésie Réanimation

Pr.HARMOUCHE Hicham Médecine Interne

Pr.IDRISSLAHLOUAmine* Microbiologie

Pr.JROUNDILaila Radiologie

Pr.KARMOUNITariq Urologie

Pr.KILIAmina Pédiatrie Pr.KISRAHassan Psychiatrie

Pr.KISRAMounir Chirurgie - Pédiatrique

Pr.LAATIRISAbdelkader* Pharmacie Galénique

Pr.LMIMOUNIBadreddine* Parasitologie

Pr.MANSOURIHamid* Radiothérapie

Pr.OUANASSAbderrazzak Psychiatrie Pr.SAFISoumaya* Endocrinologie

Pr.SEKKATFatima Zahra Psychiatrie

Pr.SOUALHI Mouna Pneumo - Phtisiologie

Pr.TELLALSaida* Biochimie


Pr.ACHOURAbdessamad* Chirurgie générale

Pr.AITHOUSSAMahdi* Chirurgie cardia vasculaire

Pr.AMHAJJILarbi* Traumatologie orthopédie

Pr.AOUFISarra Parasitologie

Pr.BAITEAbdelouahed* Anesthésie réanimation

Pr.BALOUCHLhousaine* Biochimie-chimie

Pr.BENZIANEHamid* Pharmacie clinique

Pr.BOUTIMZINENourdine Ophtalmologie

Pr.CHERKAOUINaoual* Pharmacie galénique

Pr.EHIRCHIOUAbdelkader* Chirurgie générale

Pr.ELBEKKALIYoussef* Chirurgie cardio-vasculaire

Pr.ELABSIMohamed Chirurgie générale

Pr.ELMOUSSAOUIRachid Anesthésie réanimation

Pr.ELOMARIFatima Psychiatrie

Pr.GHARIBNoureddine Chirurgie plastique et réparatrice

Pr.HADADIKhalid* Radiothérapie

Pr.ICHOUMohamed* Oncologie médicale

Pr.ISMAILINadia Dermatologie

Pr.KEBDANITayeb Radiothérapie

Pr.LOUZI Lhoussain* Microbiologie

Pr.MADANINaoufel Réanimation médicale

Pr.MAHIMohamed* Radiologie

Pr.MARCKarima Pneumo phtisiologie

Pr.MASRARAzlarab Hématologie biologique

Pr.MRANISaad* Virologie

Pr.OUZZIFEzzohra Biochimie-chimie

Pr.RABHIMonsef* Médecine interne

Pr.RADOUANEBouchaib* Radiologie

Pr.SEFFARMyriame Microbiologie

Pr.SEKHSOKHYessine* Microbiologie

Pr.SIFATHassan* Radiothérapie

Pr.TABERKANETMustafa"* Chirurgie vasculaire périphérique

Pr.TACHFOUTI Samira Ophtalmologie

Pr.TAJDINEMohammedTariq* Chirurgie générale

Pr.TANANEMansour* Traumatologie-orthopédie

Pr. TLIGUIHoussain Parasitologie

Pr.TOUATIZakia Cardiologie

Mars 2009

Pr.ABOUZAHIRAli * Médecine interne

Pr.AGADRAomar* Pédiatrie

Pr.AITAIJAbdelmounaim* Chirurgie Générale

Pr.AITBENHADDOU ElHachmia Neurologie

Pr.AKHADDARAli * Neuro-chirurgie

Pr.ALLALINazik Radiologie

Pr.AMINEBouchra Rhumatologie


Pr.BOUHSAINSanae* Biochimie-chimie

Pr.BOUIMohammed* Dermatologie

Pr.BOUNAIMAhmed* Chirurgie Générale Pr.BOUSSOUGAMostapha* Traumatologie-orthopédie Pr.CHTATAHassanToufù.<* Chirurgie Vasculaire Périphérique Pr.DOGHMIKamal * Hématologie clinique

Pr.ELMALKIHadjOmar Chirurgie Générale Pr.ELOUENNASSMostapha* Microbiologie Pr.ENNIBIKhalid* Médecine interne

Pr.FATHIKhalid Gynécologie obstétrique

Pr.HASSIKOUHasna* Rhumatologie

Pr.KABBAJNawa Gastro-entérologie

Pr.KABIRIMeryem Pédiatrie

Pr.KARBOUBILamya Pédiatrie

Pr.IAMSAOURIJamal* Chimie Thérapeutique Pr.MARMADELahcen Chirurgie Cardio-vasculaire

Pr.MESKINIToufik Pédiatrie

Pr.MESSAOUDINezha* Hématologie biologique

Pr.MSSROURIRahal Chirurgie Générale

Pr.NASSARlttimade Radiologie

Pr.OUKERRAJLatifa Cardiologie

Pr.RHORFIIsmailAbderrahmani* Pneumo-Phtisiologie

Octobre 2010

Pr.ALILOUMustapha Anesthésie réanimation

Pr.AMEZIANETaoufiq* MédecineInterne DirecteurERSSM Pr.BEIAGUIDAbdelaziz Physiologie

Pr.CHADLIMariama* Microbiologie

Pr.CHEMSIMohamed* Médecine Aéronautique Pr.DAMIAbdellah* Biochimie, Chimie P r.DARBIAbdellatif* Radiologie

Pr.DENDANEMohammedAnouar Chirurgie Pédiatrique

Pr.ELHAFIDINaima Pédiatrie

Pr.ELKHARRASAbdennasser* Radiologie

Pr.ELMAZOUZSamir Chirurgie Plastique et Réparatrice

Pr.ELSAYEGHHachem Urologie

Pr.ERRABIHlkram Gastro-Entérologie

Pr.LAMALMINajat Anatomie Pathologique Pr.MOSADIKAhlam Anesthésie Réanimation Pr.MOUJAHIDMountassir* Chirurgie Générale

Pr. NAZIH Mouna* Hématologie


Mai 2012

Pr.AMRANIAbdelouahed Chirurgie pédiatrique Pr.ABOUEWAA Khalil * Anesthésie Réanimation Pr.BENCHEBBADriss * Traumatologie-orthopédie Pr.DRISSIMohamed* Anesthésie Réanimation Pr.ELAIAOUIMHAMDI Mouna Chirurgie Générale Pr.EL KHATIABIAbdessadek* Médecine Interne Pr.ELOUAZZANIHanane * Pneumophtisiologie Pr.ER-RAJIMounir Chirurgie Pédiatrique

Pr.JAHIDAhmed Anatomie Pathologique

Pr.RAISSOUNIMaha* Cardiologie *EnseignantsMilitaires Février 2013 Pr.AHIDSamir Pharmacologie Pr.AITELCADIMina Toxicologie Pr.AMRANIHANCHILaila Gastro-Entérologie Pr.AMORMourad Anesthésie Réanimation

PrAWABAlmahdi Anesthésie Réanimation

Pr.BEIAYACHIJihane Réanimation Médicale Pr.BELKHADIR ZakariaHoussain Anesthésie Réanimation Pr.BENCHEKROUNLaila Biochimie-Chimie

Pr.BENKIRANESouad Hématologie

Pr.BENNANAAhmed* Informatique Pharmaceutique Pr.BENSGHIRMustapha* Anesthésie Réanimation Pr.BENYAHIAMohammed* Néphrologie

Pr.BOUATIAMustapha Chimie Analytique et Bromatologie Pr.BOUABIDAhmedSalim* Traumatologie orthopédie

PrBOUTARBOUCHMahjouba Anatomie

Pr. CHAIBAli* Cardiologie

Pr. DENDANETarek Réanimation Médicale

Pr.DININouzha * Pédiatrie

Pr.ECH-CHERIFELKEITANIMohamed Ali Anesthésie Réanimation Pr.ECH-CHERIFELKEITANINajwa Radiologie

Pr.ELFATEMINIZARE Neure-chirurgie Pr.ELGUERROUJHasnae Médecine Nucléaire Pr.ELHARTI Jaouad Chimie Thérapeutique Pr.ELJAOUDIRachid* Toxicologie

Pr.ELKABABRIMaria Pédiatrie

Pr. ELKHANNOUSSIBasma Anatomie Pathologique

Pr.ELKHLOUFISamir Anatomie

Pr.ELKORAICHIAlae Anesthésie Réanimation Pr.EN-NOUAL!Hassane* Radiologie

Pr.ERRGUIGLaila Physiologie

Pr.FIKRIMeryern Radiologie


Pr.KABBAJHakima Microbiologie Pr.KADIRIMohamed* Psychiatrie

Pr.LATIBRachida Radiologie

Pr.MAAMARMounaFatimaZahra Médecine Interne

Pr.MEDDAH Bouchra Pharmacologie

Pr.MELHAOUIAdyl Neuro-chirurgie

Pr.MRABTIHind Oncologie Médicale

Pr.NEJJARIRachid Pharmacognosie

Pr.OUBEJJAHouda Chirugie Pédiatrique Pr.OUKABLIMohamed* Anatomie Pathologique

Pr. RAHALIYounes PharmacieGalénique Vice-DoyenàlaPharmacie

Pr.RATBIIlham Génétique Pr.RAHMAN!Mounia Neurologie Pr.REDAKarim* Ophtalmologie Pr.REGRAGUI'X'afa Neurologie Pr.RKAINHanan Physiologie Pr.ROSTOMSamira Rhumatologie

Pr.ROUAS Lamiaa Anatomie Pathologique Pr.ROUIBAAFedoua * Gastro-Entérologie

PrSALIHOUNMouna Gastro-Entérologie

Pr.SAYAH Rochde Chirurgie Cardio-Vasculaire Pr.SEDDIKHassan * Gastro-Entérologie

Pr.ZERHOUNIHicham Chirurgie Pédiatrique

Pr.ZINEAli * Traumatologie Orthopédie

• Enseignants Militaires

AVRIL 2013

Pr.ELKHATIBMOHAMEDKARIM* Stomatologie et Chirurgie Maxillo-faciale

MARS 2014

Pr.ACHIRAbdellah Chirurgie Thoracique Pr.BENCHAKROUNMohammedT Traumatologie- Orthopédie Pr.BOUCHIKH Mohammed Chirurgie Thoracique

Pr.ELKABBAJDriss* Néphrologie Pr.ELMACHTANIIDRISSISamira" Biochimie-Chimie Pr.HARDIZIHouyam Histologie·Embryologie.Cytogénétique Pr.HASSAN!Amale* Pédiatrie Pr.HERRAKLaila Pneumologie Pr.JANANEAbdellah• Urologie

Pr.JEA.IDIAnass* Hématologie Biologique Pr.KOUACHJaouad* Génycologie-Obstétrique Pr.LEMNOUERAbdelhay* Microbiologie

Pr.MAKRAMSanaa* Pharmacologie

Pr.OUIAHYANERachid* Chirurgie Pédiatrique Pr.RHISSASSIMohamedJaafar CCV


Pr.ABILKACEMRachid* Pédiatrie

Pr.AITBOUGHIMA Fadila Médecine Légale

Pr.BEKKALIHicham* Anesthésie-Réanimation

Pr.BENAZZOUSalma Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale

Pr.BOUABDELIAHMounya Biochimie-Chimie

Pr.BOUCHRIKMourad* Parasitologie

Pr.DERRAJISoufiane* Pharmacie Clinique

Pr.DOBLALI Taoufik Microbiologie


Pr.ELGHADBANE AbdedaimHatim* Anesthésie-Réanimation

Pr.ELMARJANYMohammed* Radiothérapie

Pr.FEJJALNawfal Chirurgie Réparatrice et Plastique

Pr.JAHIDIMohamed* O.R.L

Pr.lAKHALZouhair* Cardiologie

Pr.OUDGHIRI NEZHA Anesthésie-Réanimation

Pr.RAMIMohamed Chirurgie Pédiatrique

Pr.SABIR Maria Psychiatrie

Pr.SBAIIDRISSIKarim* Médecine préventive, santé publique et Hyg.

AOUT 2015

Pr.MEZIANEMeryem Dermatologie

Pr.TAHIRILatifa Rhumatologie



Pr.BENKABBOUAmine Chirurgie Générale

Pr.ELASRIFouad* Ophtalmologie Pr.ERRAMINoureddine* O.R.L Pr. NITASSISophia O.R.L JUIN 2017 Pr.ABIRachid* Microbiologie Pr.ASFALOUIlyasse* Cardiologie

Pr.BOUAYTIElArbi* Médecine préventive, santé publique et Hyg.

Pr.BOUTAYEBSaber Oncologie Médicale

Pr.ELGHISSASSIIbrahim Oncologie Médicale

Pr.HAFIDIJawad Anatomie

Pr.OURAINISaloua* 0. R.L

Pr.RAZINERachid Médecine préventive, santé publique et Hyg.

Pr.ZRARA Abdelhamid* Immunologie


Pr.AMELLALMina Anatomie

Pr.SOULYKarim Microbiologie

Pr.TAHRIRjae Histologie-Embryologie-Cytogénétique



Pr.ABOUDRARSaadia Physiologie

Pr. AlAMIOUHABINaima Biochimie-chimie

Pr.AIAOUIKATIM Pharmacologie

Pr.AIAOUISLIMANILallaNaïma Histologie-Embryologie

Pr. ANSARM'hammed ChimieOrganiqueetPharmacie Chimique Pr.BARKIYOUMalika Histologie-Embryologie

Pr.BOUHOUCHEAhmed GénétiqueHumaine

Pr.BOUKLOUZEAbdelaziz ApplicationsPharmaceutiques Pr.CHAHEDOUAZZANILallaChadia Biochimie-chimie

Pr.DAKKATaoufiq Physiologie

Pr.FAOUZIMoulayElAbbes Pharmacologie

Pr.IBRAHIMIAzeddine Biologiemoléculaire/Biotechnologie

Pr.KHANFRIJamalEddine Biologie Pr.OUIADBOUYAHYAIDRISSIMed ChimieOrganique Pr.REDHAAhlam Chimie Pr.TOUATIDriss Pharmacognosie Pr.ZAHIDIAhmed Pharmacologie Mise à jour le 04/02/2020 Khaled Abdellah

Chef du Service des Ressources Humaines FMPR


To my parents Khadija Oussalem and Abderrahim Naji

Special thanks to my lovely parents for your hard work, love and support

throughout my entire life. You have been great inspiration to me,

my role models and my best companions.

Mum thaught me to always go after what I deserve and Dad always thaught me to

be patient. The combinaison of the both of you is very weird but somehow it works. I

can never thank you enough or repay you. I love you.

For my sisters Hala Zineb and Sahar

You are annoying , spoiled and make me mad but that’s how sisters are and I love

you. Somehow whenever I need help you are there to deliver. You are not only my

sisters but my companions,

cheerleaders and I will presume you are my number one fans (you better be).

I wish you all luck in life.

To the rest of my family, dead or alive

Thank you always and forever.


To my awesome friends and second family

To my small circle: Imane Katir, Saad Ait El Borj, Mehdi Ajji, Mehdi Farina.

You have thought me so much in life.

With you Imane, I learned so much about the importance of communication and that

love no matter how great, it needs communication. Thank you for being like me and

making me feel understood when sometimes no one could.

Saad, with you I learned to not care. Well, I am still learning. But you thought me

that some things are so simple and it all lays in the perception of things.Thank you for


Mehdi Ajji, you are one of the few people that will always hold a special part in my

heart. You helped me be me and at the same time less me if that makes sense. Thank

you for that.

Mehdi Farina, you are a tricky one. You thaught me how to be an adult, and how to

take responsibility for my actions. Somehow, you were the person who knew how my

brain worked the most. One or two hellish (for you) years together does that.

Thank you all for all the love and patience you showed me.

To my mini donut, thank you for being next to me and I hope we are never the reason

we make each other cry cry cry.


To my other friends and colleagues

I can’t thank all of you. But you know the place you hold in my heart. I drifted apart

from some of you but I won’t forget our moments shared together.

My words of gratitude go to you for bring a constant source of support when things

would get a bit discouraging. May we continue this beautiful journey that is life

together and I thank you for all the beautiful memories and the unforgettable


To myself

I am lamely awesome.

Times got tough but somehow you managed to get through it. You always do. You are

thoughtful, gentle, and think of others before yourself. Those are qualities that I hope

you will learn to manage but also keep throughout your life.


To Pr. AMRANI Abdelouahed

I would like to start by thanking Pr Amrani Abdelouahed for all the devoted help and

guidance of my research subject. You pushed me to give the best in me. To work more and

to persevere.You were an inspiration and an amazing source of constant motivation and

encouragement. You made this work possible.


To Pr. BELKACEM Chagar

I would like to thank my thesis president Pr. B. Chagar, a person that I will forever be

grateful for. Your words of encouragement and support will always be with me. Thank

you for showing me all the opportunities ahead of me and for being a mentor during my


To Pr. El HAFIDI Naima

A special thanks to Pr. N. El Hafidi for accepting to be one of the members of my thesis

jury.Her kind words were a motivation for me to work harder and never give up.


To Pr. TlIGUI Houssain

I would also like to thank Pr. H. Tligui for accepting to read and improve my thesis with

his great remarks and comments.



A special thanks to Pr. Kriouile Y. foragreeing to be one of the members of my thesis

jury.I am thankful to the positive encouragement you provided me.


AD‑MSC : Adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells ADSC : Adipose derived stem cells

AFP : alpha-fetoprotein

ANAs : Acellular nerve allografts

ASC : Adipose stem cells

AT : Adipose tissue

ATDSCs : Amniotic Tissue-Derived Stem Cells ATMSCs : adipose tissue mesenchymental stem cells BDNF : Brain-derived neurotrophic factor

bFGF : basic fibroblast growth factor

BM : Bone marrow

BMMNCs : Bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells BMRC : British Medical Research Council BMSC : Bone Marrow derived stem cells BNB : Blood nerve barrier

BPBP : Brachial plexus birth palsy BPI : Brachial plexus Injury

cAMP : cyclic adénosine monophosphate CDNF : Ciliary-derived neurotrophic factor CEA : Carcinoembryonic antigen

CFU- F : Fibroblast colony forming unit

CL : Cord lining

CLEC : Cord lining epithelial cells CLMC : Cord lining mesenchymal cells CMAP : compound muscle action potential CMR : Center for Regenerative Medicine CMRL : connaught medical research laboratories CNS : Central nervous system

CT : myelography

CT : Computed Tomography

dASC : Differentiated adipose-derived stem cell

DC : Dendritic cells


DMEM : Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium DMSO : dimethyl sulphoxide

DPSCs : Dental pulp stem cells DRG : Dorsal root ganglion ECM : extracellular matrix

EFRT : estimated functional regeneration time EGC : Embryonic germ cells

EMG : Electromyography

EMG‑NCV : Electromyography nerve conduction velocity EMSCs : Endometrium Derived Stem Cells

epiSC : Epiblast stem cells

ERK : extracellular signal regulated kinases

ESC : Embryonic stem cells

FBS : Fetal bovine serum

FSK : Forskolin

GFAP : Glial fibrillary acid protein GFAP : glial fibrillary acidic protein GMSCs : gingival tissue stem cells GVHD : Graft-versus-Host disease hAECs : Human amniotic epithelial cells hASC : Harvested adipose stem cells HGF : hepatocyte growth factor

HRG : heregulin

HSC : Hematopoietic stem cells Hsc : hematopoietic stem cells HUCB : Human umbilical cord blood ICM : Inner cell mass

INR : International normalized ratio iPSC : Induced pluripotent stem cells IRB : institutional review board IVF : In vitro fertilization

MAPCs : Multipotent adult progenitor cells MBP : Myelin basic protein


MHC : major histocompatibility complex MMD : Mean myofiber diameter MNC : mononuclear cells

MRC : Medical Research Council MRI : Magnetic Resonance Imaging MSC : Mesenchymal stem cells MUPs : Motor unit potentials MUPs : Motor unit action potential NCV : nerve conduction velocity

NF : Neurofilmanent

NGF : Nerve growth factor

NGF : nerve growth factor

NSCs : Neural stem cells NSE : Neuron-specific enolase

Nt : neurotrophin

OBPP : obstetrical brachial plexus palsy

PB : plexus brachial

PBS : Phosphate-buffered saline PDGF : platelet-derived growth factor PDLSCs : Periodontal ligament stem cells PET : Positron Emission Tomography PNI : peripheral nerve injury

PNS : peripheral nerve system RA : Alltransretinoic acid ROM : range of movement RTA : Road traffic accident SCAPs : Apical papilla stem cells SCI : spinal cord injury

SCs : Schwann cells

SDF-1/CXCR4 : Stromal cell-derived factor-1/C–X–C chemokine receptor 4

SEm : scanning electron microscopy

SPECT : Single Photo Emission Computed Tomography SSC : spermatogonial stem cell


Tem : transmitting electron microscopy TENG : tissue engineered nerve grafts

tMSCs : transdifferentiated Schwann cell-like

UC : Umbilical cord

UCB : Umbilical cord blood

UC-MSCs : Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells

UL : Upper limb

US : Ultrasonography

USG : ultrasonography

VEGF : Vascular endothelial growth factor β-ME : β-mercaptoethanol




List of figures

Figure 1 : BPBP treatment decision tree during the first year . ... 7 Figure 2 : Stages of peripheral nerve regeneration following a transaction . ... 9 Figure 3 : Suggested management tree after peripheral nerve injury . ... 10 Figure 4 : Peripheral nerve gap repair options ... 15 Figure 5 : Peripheral nerve reconstructive algorithm, differentiated by nerve defect

characteristics and repair modality ... 17 Figure 6 : The hierarchy of stem cells ... 19 Figure 7 : Origin of stem cells . ... 21 Figure 8 : Therapeutic imminence index of stem cells isolated from various sources. ... 23 Figure 9 : Neonatal stromal cells ... 26 Figure 10 :Sources of stem cells for peripheral nerve repair ... 32 Figure 11 : Articles published from 2009 to 2019 using PubMed database. Keywords: stem cells, peripheral nerve regeneration. ... 39 Figure 12 : Clinical trials December 2019. ... 44 Figure 13 : Clinical trials in phase III-IV. ... 44 Figure 14 : Clinical trials July 2015 ... 45 Figure 15 : Mechanism of stem cell transplantation for peripheral nerve injury regeneration ... 71 Figure 16 : Neural stem cell repair of peripheral nerve damage ... 76


List of table

Table 1 : Functional impairment by level of injury . ... 5 Table 2 : Neurosensory impairment classification according to Sunderland and Seddon ... 8 Table 3 : Mesenchymal stem cells characteristic ... 23 Table 4 : Immunophenotype of UCB derived stem cells ... 24 Table 5 : Immunophenotype of adipose tissue-derived stem cells ... 27 Table 6 : Immunophenotype of bone marrow- derived stem cells . ... 28 Table 7 : Immunophenotype of dental stem cells ... 29 Table 8: Immunophenotype of dermis – derived stem cells ... 30 Table 9 : Immunophenotype of amniotic fluid-derived stem cells ... 31 Table 10 : Immunophenotype of endometrium-derived stem cells ... 31 Table 11 : Comparison of stem cells from different sources in peripheral nerve regeneration ... 34 Table 12 : Extraction, discrimination, and culture of MSCs derived from various tissues .... 37 Table 13 : Number of articles published in the last 10 years (2009-2019) in each different research data base. (updated in December 2019). ... 40 Table 14 : Effect of human amniotic epithelial cells(hAECs) transplantation on the rabbit forepaw motor functions after brachial plexus injury ... 48 Table 15 :The comparison of the affected limb neurological examination ... 60 Table 16 : Electromyography and radial nerve conduction studies ... 61 Table 17 : Improvement in the muscle strength through manual muscle testing grading before and after the cell transplantation ... 62 Table 18 : Electromyography findings observed 7 months after the first cell transplantation ... 63 Table 19 : Baseline patient and injected mononuclear cell characteristic in groups A,B and C (MRC,Medical Research Council) ... 66 Table 20 : Mean myofibre diameter, centro-nuclear myofibre, fibrosis, Pax7+myofibres , vWF per myofibre and CD56+myofibres of muscle biopsies of the injured biceps muscle before MNC injection and at three months follow-up . ... 68 Table 21 : Elbow flexion range of movement (ROM) and strength of the injured elbow together with the Short-From 36 and Disabilities of the arm shoulder and Hand (DASH, dutch language version) questionnaires and visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain before mononuclear cell (MNC) injection and after three and six months ... 69 Table 22 : Comparison of the clinical trials. ... 70 Table 23 : Summary of the secretion of neurotrophic factors ... 74 Table 24 : Stem cells delivery in peripheral nerve regeneration ... 83


I. Introduction ... 1 II. Prerequisites ... 3 1. Nerve injury ... 3

1.1. Brachial plexus injury... 3 1.2. Nerve regeneration ... 8 1.3. Nerve surgery ... 10 2. Stem cells ... 17 2.1. History of stem cell research ... 17 2.2. Stem cells categories ... 18 2.3. Types of stem cells ... 19 2.3.1. Totipotent cells ... 19 2.3.2. Pluripotent Cells ... 20 2.3.3. Oligopotent Cells ... 20 2.3.4. Unipotent Cells ... 20 2.3.5. Multipotent Cells ... 21 2.4. Mesenchymal Stem cell ... 22 2.4.1. Umbilical cord ... 24 2.4.2. Adipose derived stem cells. ... 26 2.4.3. Bone Marrow derived stem cells... 27 2.4.4. Dental derived stem cells ... 28 2.4.5. Skin derived stem cells ... 29 2.4.6. Other sources ... 30 2.5. Comparison of MSCs ... 32 2.6. Isolation of MSCs ... 34 2.7. Stem cell culture ... 35 2.8. Stem Cell preservation: cryopreservation ... 37 III. Research Methodology ... 38

1. Research ... 38 2. Clinical trials: Translation of Stem Cells; Insights for Peripheral Nerve Repair ... 44 3. Results of the research ... 46


3.1. Experimental ... 46 3.2. Clinical ... 60 IV. Stem cells in clinical practice ... 71

1. Mechanisms of stem cell promotion of peripheral nerve regeneration ... 71 2. Administration ... 76 3. Biomaterials and Scaffolds for Stem Cell Therapy ... 81 4. Strategies To Improve The Efficacy Of Regeneration Therapy For Nerve Damage... 83 5. Assessing nerve recovery ... 83 6. Risks ... 86 V. In Morocco ... 89 VI. Conclusion ... 92 SUMMARIES ... 97 REFERENCES ... 101



I. Introduction

Injuries of peripheral nerves are common, affecting nearly 3% of trauma patients, and often result in long-term disability. The functional recovery is correlated to the severity of the injury, the anatomical site of the injury and the delay before any kind of intervention(1).

These injuries are mainly caused by severe trauma, usually accompanied by bone fracture and vascular damage. Autologous nerve grafting is the gold standard for peripheral nerve repair; however, limited donor nerve resources and other issues preclude the search for new therapeutic strategies.

In the brachial plexus injury (BPI), the upper brachial plexus (C5-C6) is commonly affected, resulting in paresis of shoulder function and elbow flexion(2). The aim of nerve surgery is to restore innervation of the biceps muscle, however often times a deficit in the functionality of the arm remains.

The current management of brachial plexus injury (BPI) aims at improving movement and muscle strength to attain functional independence.

Complete functional recovery is infrequent as the regeneration of the normal number of axons occurs only after relatively minor injuries(3) .

Due to the slow rate of nerve regeneration that occurs gradually at approximately 1 mm/day, recovery from a BPI takes time, and patients may not experience results for several months(4) .

As for the brachial plexus birth palsy (BPBP), defined as a partial or total paralysis of the upper limb, it affects the nerve roots C5 and C6 (80% cases) and less frequently C7, C8 and T1. This complication occurs at the time of birth, most often after a difficult delivery, but could also be during a c-section.



In addition, its prevalence remains relatively frequent (1-3/1000 live births) despite advances in obstetrics(5). It remains difficult to predict or even prevent obstetrical brachial plexus palsy, even if many risk factors have been identified: poorly balanced maternal diabetes, macrosomia, shoulder dystocia, breech presentation, and uterus abnormalities among others.

The quality of life achieved in patients with brachial plexus injury after conventional treatment is also worrisome as it is not satisfactory (6–8).

Despite advances in microsurgical techniques and a progressive understanding of patho-physiological mechanisms, peripheral nerve repair continues to be a major clinical challenge. These peripheral injuries are often accompanied by loss of sensation, partial or complete apraxia, chronic pain, and occasionally permanent disability.

The search for a more efficient treatment led to the tryout of regenerative medicine through stem cells.

It was appreciated long ago that within a given tissue there is a cellular heterogeneity: in some tissues, such as the blood, skin and intestinal epithelium, the differentiated cells have a short lifespan and are unable to self-renew. This led to the concept that such tissues are maintained by stem cells, defined as cells with extensive renewal capacity and the ability to generate daughter cells that undergo further differentiation(9). The National academy of medicine (2018) states that the therapeutic use of stem cells began with human medullary and cord blood hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) in the treatment of aplasias, leukemias and hematological genetic diseases. It developed with the mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) produced in small quantities by the bone marrow, but also other tissues, and utilized after isolation and culture. Therapeutic successes were obtained in various cardiac and cutaneous diseases (among others) due to their secretory properties of growth factors.

Adult mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs), primarily isolated from bone marrow, were identified to be multipotent stem cells with the potential to differentiate into cells of mesodermal (osteocytes, chondrocytes, and adipocytes), ectodermal (neurons) and endodermal origins . Other eminent sources of adult MSCs include the placenta , umbilical cord , amniotic fluid , adipose tissue, dental pulp , breast milk , and synovium .



Through this thesis, we will try to answer the following questions: What place do stem cells occupy in the treatment of nerve injury? Are there any existing trials whether clinical or experimental? And is their use possible in Obstetrical brachial plexus injury?

The following thesis will be divided into two main parts: the first one is a prerequisite on both nerve injuries and stem cells; the second one treats the research methodology and discusses the results of our main question Stem cells in nerve injury especially brachial plexus injury.

II. Prerequisites

1. Nerve injury

1.1. Brachial plexus injury

Brachial plexus birth palsy (BPBP) is a common injury affecting 1 to 4 children per 1000 live births(10).

A 10 year study made in Nigeria showed a persistent high prevalence of children with BPBP averaging 15.3% per year with associated problems such as birth asphyxia, humeral fracture, clavicular fracture and shoulder dislocation(11). Hamzat and colleagues (12) also reported the prevalence of BPBP in Accra, Ghana to be 27%, the results of the study further indicated that birth weight exceeding 4.0 kg, vertex presentation and vaginal delivery were the noticeable co-existing factors for BPBP in Accra.

The incidence of BPBP seems to be increasing, due to increasing birth weights, despite advancements in obstetric care(13,14). Fortunately, most affected infants have spontaneous recovery within the first 6 to 8 weeks of life and therefore progress to obtain normal or near normal range of motion and strength(15,16).

However, if substantial recovery is not present by 3 months of age, permanent range of motion limitations, decreased strength, and decreased size and girth of the affected limb will be present(17).



with an increased risk of shoulder dystocia and prolonged labor. Prolonged labor and shoulder dystocia are complications directly related to the Increasing mothers' age. Studies show that both nulliparous and multiparous mothers' are at risk for delivering babies who may suffer birth injuries as the average birth weight of children is the same for both groups of women. Increased risk of shoulder dystocia, high birth weight (macrosomia) and prolonged labour in mothers above 34 years are also risk factors for BPBP.

Despite progress in obstetrics, the incidence of BPBP has remained stable over the last few decades. This may be essentially related to the unpredictability of shoulder dystocia and the increase in mean birth weight (18).

 Types of lesions

Most authors agree that plexus brachial (PB) lesions are most often transitory, with 75– 95% of cases advancing to complete recuperation(15). The most recent studies report a lower rate of 66%, with a residual deficit in 20–30% and considerable alteration of function in 10– 15% of cases(19–21). The final prognosis of BPBP is directly related to the type of initial nerve lesions. Although the extent of the lesions can be assessed clinically, today no exam can specify the type of lesion (simple elongation, rupture, or avulsion). The prognostic assessment at birth is based only on clinical criteria. A poor prognosis is confirmed when mainly total paralysis occurs and the Horner syndrome is present (19).

All in all, the combination of these three factors (the type and extent of the lesions, Horner syndrome, and the speed of recuperation) will provide the assessment of the patient’s progression and guide the therapeutic indications.

We may encounter:

 paralysis of the upper roots with C5C6 ± C7 involvement: this accounts for more than 75% of BPBPs with most often post-ganglion lesions

 total paralysis: this accounts for approximately 20% of cases. Its diagnosis is even easier when an upper limb is completely inert and dangling . There are sensory problems and no active range of movement is possible beyond the presence of a few



shoulder movements at the scapulothoracic joint and flessum of the fingers’ distal interphalangea

 distal paralysis (Klumpke palsy): this is exceptional and accounts for less than 2% of cases(18) .The lesional mechanism is direct traction on the upper limb, with the shoulder in abduction. This situation can be encountered in cephalic presentations with the hand first and in certain caesarian deliveries. Clinically, the wrist and the hand are inert, whereas the elbow and shoulder retain normal function.

Table 1 : Functional impairment by level of injury (22).

 Assessment tool

To determine the severity of the problem, it is important to distinguish two types of lesions :

 the pre-ganglion or avulsion lesion, located upstream of the dorsal root ganglion, is a veritable tearing of the rootlet at the spinal cord. This lesion, which most often involves the C8 and D1 roots, is particularly serious because it cannot be repaired by direct surgery. It should be systematically sought on MRI or CT-myelography for better surgical planning;

 the post-ganglion lesion is located downstream of the dorsal root ganglion. Three types are described in the Sunderland classification (23):

 type 1 or Seddon neurapraxia: a simple elongation of the PB without interrupting the nerve continuity, leading to transitory paralysis that is


6 spontaneously resolved,

 type 2 or axonotmesis: partial nerve rupture touching the axon but keeping the nerve sheath intact. Spontaneous recuperation is possible but with a risk of a “switching” error,

 type 3 or neurotmesis: complete nerve rupture with neuroma formation. Spontaneous recuperation is impossible but the lesion remains accessible to nerve repair.

 Radiology

Not many reports exist regarding the use of ultrasonography (US) in BPBP. US has been used preoperatively and compared to the preoperative CT-Myelography (CTM) or MRI. The utility of US is complementary to that of CTM or MRI as US can give information on the muscles and the location of the brachial plexus neuroma to facilitate the formation of strategies for nerve reconstruction. Furthermore, US can be used to assess for diaphragmatic movement and avoid radiation from x-rays(phrenic nerve function)(24).

In cases in which function is not recuperated by the 3rd month, two complementary exams can be requested : electromyography (EMG), an exam that is difficult to perform and to interpret in the newborn or the infant, currently plays a very limited role in the diagnosis of BPBP. It is often describe as “overly optimistic” because of the frequent underestimation of the severity of the nerve lesions but can be requested in the preoperative workup as a surgical exploration of BP (when necessary), with an essentially medical–legal goal;

MRI of the cervical spine is a very useful exam in preoperative planning. Compared to the CT-myelography, it has the advantage of direct visualization of the spinal cord and in certain cases the BP itself. The presence on MRI of a pseudo-meningocele is highly suggestive of radicular avulsion. It can significantly influence the nerve repair strategy. False-positive and false-negative results are found in 10–15% of cases. However, its reliability remains close to that of the CT-myelography (24).

However, the disadvantages of CT-myelography are the need for general anesthesia and lumbar puncture for intrathecal contrast introduction, as well as radiation exposure. Other difficulties include the inability to determine the correct spinal level.



MRI has the advantage of being a direct, non-invasive exam that is increasingly easy to perform with simple sedation, whereas CT-myelography always requires general anesthesia.

Figure 1 : BPBP treatment decision tree during the first year (19).

The incidence of traumatic injuries is estimated as > 500,000 new patients annually in the world(25). Post‑traumatic brachial plexus injury can result in complete sensory and motor function loss which is challenging for reversal of the damage, but not untreatable.


8 1.2. Nerve regeneration

Peripheral nerve injuries include a variety of conditions in which one or more peripheral nerves are damaged, leading to neurological deficits distal to the level of the lesion. Peripheral nerve injuries may occur as isolated neurological conditions or, more commonly, in association with soft tissue, vascular, and/or skeletal damage. Patients with peripheral nerve injury may present with sensory deficits, loss of motor function, or a combination of both.

Table 2 : Neurosensory impairment classification according to Sunderland and Seddon(23,26).

Following the severing of a peripheral nerve a complex multicellular response is activated (Figure 2). The axons downstream and upstream the cut go through different paths. The former one degenerate through a process known as the Wallerian degeneration and the latter regrow back towards their targets.

The two nerve stamps are reconnected in a poorly understood process by a section of new tissue known as the bridge composed of inflammatory cells, Perineurial cells fibroblasts and Matrix.

Schwann cells at the tips of the proximal stump and along the length of the distal stamp dedifferentiate to progenitor like cells and together with tissue macrophages and inflammatory cells remodel the environment to make it more conduct for axonal regrowth.

The Schwann cells have a second regenerative function as a guide for actions across the bridge. Emerging from both stamps, Schwann cells encounter fibroblasts that signal a change in Schwann cells Behavior. Resulting in the formation of cellular cords, which transport the



accents across the bridge. However, these streams of Schwann cells move along the surface of polarized blood vessels that guide the Schwann cells and accompanying axons as they are enable to migrate directly through the Matrix of the bridge. The hypoxia within the bridge is selectively sensed by macrophages which results in blood vessel formation by the secretion of Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (27).

Figure 2 : Stages of peripheral nerve regeneration following a transaction (27).

Following the transection of a peripheral nerve, the stumps initially retract (a) but are reconnected by an unknown mechanism by new tissue known as the nerve bridge (b). Initially the bridge, composed of matrix and inflammatory cells, is poorly vascularised and as a result becomes hypoxic. This is specifically sensed by the macrophages, the major cell type of the bridge, which secrete VEGF that promotes angiogenesis. This sensitivity to hypoxia is an intrinsic property of the macrophages, as it can be reproduced in vitro. Downstream of the transection in the distal stump, the axons degenerate in an active process known as Wallerian



degeneration. The SCs, sensing the damage, disassociate from the degenerating axons and dedifferentiate to a progenitor-like state that orchestrates many aspects of the regenerative process. This includes the recruitment of macrophages, which together with the SCs, clear the axonal and myelin debris and remodel the environment to create a conducive environment for axonal regrowth. It also involves the formation of the bands of Büngner (c) that result from SCs elongating along the length of their original basement membrane to create directional tubes that provide a sustaining substrate for axonal regrowth back to their original targets. Meanwhile, the bridge has become vascularised in response to the macrophage-induced VEGF signal and SCs migrate along the vasculature, taking the regrowing axons across the bridge and into the distal stump (c). The regeneration process is complete (d), once the axons reinnervate their original targets and the SCs recognising the axons, redifferentiate and the inflammatory response resolves.

1.3. Nerve surgery



Two key questions that both patient and physician will ask after a peripheral nerve injury are “how likely is it that at least some function will return?” and “how long is it going to take, before the function starts to return?” Regrettably, none of these factors can be determined with any great accuracy at the time of injury, and this uncertainty is perhaps the real challenge in the management of peripheral nerve injuries.

The most common medical treatments rely largely on reconstructive microsurgery. Although nerve reconstruction has been attempted for centuries, techniques have improved drastically within the past few decades (Siemionow and Brzezicki 2009). Procedural options include nerve autografts, neurolysis, nerve transfers, and direct suture (end to end neurorrhaphy) (Geuna et al. 2013). The nerve transfer method has seen widespread application in recent years and is used in severe nerve trauma, including brachial plexus avulsions (Tung and Mackinnon 2010; Zhang and Gu 2011).

The current “gold standard” includes transplantation of an autologous nerve segment which has been harvested from another healthy, less important nerve such as the sural nerve. The procedure was first developed by Millesi (1981) and later deemed the standard of care (Siemionow and Brzezicki 2009). Although autografts are the “gold standard,” the harvesting of another healthy nerve represents obvious limitations, which is why veins are sometimes used as an alternative (Chiu and Strauch 1990). Although vein autografts may lead to satisfactory return of sensation, comparable to nerve grafting, they are only useful for short distances as longer veins tend to collapse (Chiu 1999).

 Conventional Direct Suturing Method

Conventional direct suturing repair without the use of grafted materials may be deployed for short (\5 mm) peripheral nerve gap. Larger gaps repaired by direct suturing exhibit excessive tension over the suture line and offer poor surgical result (29). Although many evidences showed that direct suturing can cause damage and inflammatory reaction that affect nerve regeneration, the practice of direct suturing for peripheral nerve repair continues unchallenged due to the lack of well-controlled human trials for other nerve repair methods(30).


12  Fibrin Glue (30)

Fibrin glue is a sutureless repair for PNI with artificial or biological adhesive. The commercial available product of fibrin sealant, Tisseel, was introduced in 1970s. The potential advantages of adhesives to seal nerve endings are reduced surgical and recovery time, decreased fibrosis and inflammation in addition to providing coaptation of severed nerve fascicles with minimal induced trauma, and neural scar tissue. As a quicker and easier modality to use, fibrin glue is an excellent alternative to suturing for peripheral nerve repair and could be especially beneficial in emergency settings not limited by the lack of experienced staff familiar with specific suture technique. However, a single well-controlled human trial assessing the efficacy of fibrin glue in relation to that of suturing technique is needed for the clinical application of fibrin glue, for the majority of the reviewed studies employed on animal model. So far the results reported about fibrin glue are based on biomechanical, histopathological, electrophysiological and microscopic data. Future studies about fibrin glue should include biomechanics, quantitative histological assessment and electrophysiology.

 Nerve Grafts

Autologous nerve grafts are considered the ‘‘gold standard’’ technique for repair of peripheral nerve discontinues.

To date, autologous nerve grafts have offered the best results in nerve regeneration under tension(31). However, the use of autologous nerve grafting is limited by tissue availability, the need of second surgical procedure to harvest graft tissue, donor-site morbidity and loss of function, potential difference in tissue size and structure etc (32,33). An alternative to autologous nerve grafts is the use of cadaveric or donor nerve tissue in the form of allografts(34). Allograft nerve provides guidance and viable donor Schwann Cells, which enable host axons to pass from the proximal to distal stump and reconnect with target organs. Whereas, the patients are required to receive systemic immunosuppression for approximately 18 months for allograft (30). The use of immunosuppression may result in opportunistic infections or even tumor formation (34). Now, there are lots of researches about the development of processed nerve allografts, which has ameliorated some of the limitation for



allograft. Processed allografts were made non-immunogenic by some specific processing, including repeated freeze–thaw cycles, exposure to radiation, extended storage in cold University of Wisconsin solution or decellularization with detergents and al.(35) . Processed allografts possess the advantage of providing a biological substrate for nerve regeneration without the requirement of immunosuppression. Now, most research of processed nerve allografts focused on acellular human nerve allografts. The acellular nerve grafts remove the immunoreactive Schwann Cells and myelin but preserve the internal structure of the native nerve and contain important extracellular matrix (ECM) components, such as collagen, laminin and growth factor related to nerve repair and regeneration (36). The function of acellular nerve grafts has been studied in animal and clinical trials. The results showed that acellular nerve allografts could experimentally and clinically be alternative for repairing both sensory and motor peripheral nerve defects. With short acellular nerve grafts, axons, Schwann Cells and inflammatory cells from the host nerve will migrate into and repopulate the graft and restore continuity with the distalnerve stump. However, the regenerative effects of acellular nerve grafts are limited for lacking of Schwann Cells help to produce a basement membrane containing ECM proteins that support axonal growth and form the endoneurial tubes through which regenerating axons grow (37). So supplementing acellular nerve grafts with growth factors or seed cells may improve the outcome of injured nerve repair in large-gap PNI models, and be a highly promising method in clinical application (38).

 Conduits

During the past few years, studies of peripheral nerve repairing have concentrated on various conduits made of biomaterials, including natural material, non-degradable material and biodegradable synthetic materials. The main characteristic of these conduits is a longitudinal organization mimicking the natural structure of the nerve pathway. Conduits are designed to serve as tubes for axonal elongation and to direct regenerating axons to reconnect with their target neurons. But conduits themselves do not have a profound effect on the outcome of nerve repair. Functional recovery of the injured nerve depends on the slow process of regeneration and correct placement of injured axons(39) . Nerve conduits should be flexible and have sufficient permeability for the exchange of fluids between the regeneration



environment and the surrounding tissue. Natural material, such as skeletal muscle tissue or vessels, has been widely investigated as conduit materials. Natural materials offer increased levels of biocompatibility, decreased toxicity and enhanced migration of support cells when compared with synthetic materials(40,41). Studies have indicated that skeletal muscle or vessels grafts can be effective for repairing short nerve gap (\5 mm) in laboratory animals(30). The advantages of these natural devices are numerous donor sites and less induced morbidity when harvesting. However, the efficacy for nerve regeneration of these conduits may progressively reduce in longer nerve defects. Non-degradable materials, such as silicone, elastomer hydrogel or porous stainless steel, have been used for peripheral nerve regeneration. Currently, researches of nerve conduits have focused on biodegradable materials, such as collagen, polyglycolic acid, polylactic acid, polyesters, chitosan (42). These materials may degrade within a reasonable period of time and only manifest mild foreign body reaction. A lot of researches have demonstrated the effectiveness of nerve regeneration with biodegradable conduits in preclinical and clinical experiments. Archibald and al. (43) compared the effective outcome of collagen conduits to that of autograft and direct suturing for median nerve of Macaca fascicularis monkey. The results demonstrated that nerve regeneration using collagen conduit in the nonhuman primate is similar to that of autograft repair. Some nerve conduits made of biodegradable have been commercially available.



Figure 4 : Peripheral nerve gap repair options (44).

Traumatic brachial plexus injuries, a clinically severe peripheral nerve injury, cause permanent disability of the body with significant socioeconomic implications(45) . Although nerve transfers including accessory nerve (Songcharoen et al., 1996), phrenic nerve, and intercostal nerve are presently the primary methods to treat brachial plexus injuries, availability of donor nerves remains limited, especially for patients with accessory and phrenic nerve injuries (Krakauer et al., 1994; Flores etal., 2016). Contralateral C7 (CC7) nerve could be a reliable donor for repair of upper trunk injuries, as it could be transferred through a modified pre-spinal approach to improve the recovery of shoulder abduction and elbow flexion (Wang et al., 2012). However, the limited separable length of the CC7 nerve, as



well as fibrosis and distal retraction of the injured nerve roots, obstruct direct suture to the recipient nerves (Xu et al., 2012). Therefore, nerve grafting is still needed to bridge the nerve gap.

As mentioned above, nerve autograft is regarded as the “gold standard” to treat peripheral nerve defects, but unavoidable complications such as the sacrificing of a functional nerve, dysfunction of the donor site, and limited wide use of autologous nerve grafts (Fansa et al., 2003; Johnson et al., 2005; Battiston et al., 2017). With the rapid development of tissue engineering, an increasing number of animal studies (Gu et al., 2011; Pfister et al., 2011; Cerqueira et al., 2018; Patel et al., 2018) and clinical studies (Cho et al., 2012; He et al.,2015; Hu et al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2017) have confirmed that acellular nerve allografts (ANAs) can yield good results for repair of peripheral nerve defects; moreover they were considered to be ideal peripheral nerve grafts. However, reparative effects of ANAs decrease with increasing length of the nerve graft, potentially as a result of the loss of a normal environment created by living cells for the advancement of nerve regeneration (Walsh et al., 2009).

The exception is a situation where the time from the injury plus the estimated

functional regeneration time EFRT is more than 2 years (¼ time to motor endplates may have disappeared), as the likelihood of functional recovery LFR in this situation is close to zero (28).

Schwann cells (SCs), which can promote nerve regeneration and are a source of trophic factors, remyelinate axons and restore nerve conduction (Bunge et al., 1994). Thus, SCs are the main cell type considered for the seeding of tissue-engineered nerve grafts (Hadlock et al., 2000; Evans et al., 2002). However, SCs cultured in vitro have poor proliferative ability and an insufficient number of cells may delay nerve repair. Moreover, ideal cells for transplantation should be easily obtained, proliferate rapidly, and not elicit an immunological reaction (Tohill et al., 2004).



Figure 5 : Peripheral nerve reconstructive algorithm, differentiated by nerve defect characteristics and repair modality (44).

2. Stem cells

‘’ Stem cell research must be carried out in an ethical manner in a way that respects the sanctity of human life ‘’John Boehner.

2.1. History of stem cell research: (46)

1908: Alexander Makrisov, Russian scientist ; coined the term Stem cells 1958: First animal created by IVF technique.

1961 + 1963: McCulloch and Till published their accidental findings in radiation research on existence of stem cells (self renewing cells) in bone marrow of mice.



1968: .Discovery of hematopoietic stem cells .Transplant of bone marrow between two siblings suffering from Severe combined immunodeficiency disease.

1977: concept of tumor stem cells.

1978: Hematopoietic stem cells were discovered in “human cord blood” 1981: Noble prize for the isolation of stem cells from blastocytes of mouse 1992: Adult stem cells identifies in human brain.

1998: Isolation of the first human embryonic stem cells in the lab of James Thomson. 1999: First Successful transplant of insulin making cells from cadavers.

2001: Creation of Embryonic stem cells of mice from nuclear transfer technique. 2006: Nobel Prize on the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)

2008: Robert Laaza et al. find first human embryonic stem cells without destruction of embryo

2009: Isolation of stem cells from spinous region of human gingival

2010: Medical treatment of spinal injury from human embryonic stem cells 2014: Generation of insulin producing B-cells from skin cells

2017: Future use of Stem cells to restore hearing and make human blood-brain-barrier 2.2. Stem cells categories

Stem cells can be grouped into 4 broad categories based on their origin: Embronics Stem Cells (ESCs) , induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC), adult and fetal stem cells [48, 49]

 Embryonic stem cells: are grown in the laboratory from cells found in the early embryo ESCs and are pluripotent stem cells derived from the blastocyst stage of embryonic development (47). These cells can either differentiate into tissue of the three primary germ layers or can also be maintained in an undifferentiated state in culture for a prolonged time(48) ;

 Induced pluripotent stem cells, also known as ‘reprogrammed’ stem cells: similar to embryonic stem cells but made from adult specialized cells using a laboratory technique discovered in 2006 (49);



 Adult stem cells: scattered in various tissues and organs, and have the capability to produce at least one type of differentiated functional progeny (4,7-10). Although it is thought to have limited differentiation capability previously, recent evidence have shown the capacity of differentiation into the 3 embryonic layers (11);

 Fetal stem cells, that are to date the younger stem cells and obtained from amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord (UC), and placenta (4,9,66).

Figure 6 : The hierarchy of stem cells (50).

2.3. Types of stem cells

The ability to differentiate, one of the two main characteristics of stem cells, varies between stem cells depending on their origin and their derivation (50)

Stem cells can be categorized according to their differentiation potential into 5 groups: totipotent or omnipotent, pluripotent, multipotent, oligopotent, and unipotent.

2.3.1. Totipotent cells

Totipotent also called omnipotent cells are viewed as the most undifferentiated cells and are found in early development. A fertilized oocyte and the cells of the first two divisions



differentiate into both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues which makes them totipotent cells (thereby forming the embryo and the placenta)(51) .

2.3.2. Pluripotent Cells

Pluripotent stem cells are able to differentiate into cells that arise from the 3 germ layers ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm – from which all tissues and organs develop (52) . Pluripotent stem cells called embryonic stem cells (ESCs) were first derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst (50).

Takahashi and Yamanaka (53) generated pluripotent cells by reprogramming somatic cells that share similar characteristics with ESCs. These cells are named induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Note that there has been no pluripotent cell population isolated from the lung.

2.3.3. Oligopotent Cells

Oligopotent stem cells are able to form two or more lineages within a specific tissue; for example, the ocular surface of the pig, including the cornea, has been reported to contain oligopotent stem cells that generate individual colonies of corneal and conjunctival cells (54) . Hematopoietic stem cells are a typical example of oligopotent stem cells, as they can differentiate into both myeloid and lymphoid lineages(55) . In the lung, studies suggest that bronchoalveolar duct junction cells may give rise to bronchiolar epithelium and alveolar epithelium (56).

2.3.4. Unipotent Cells

Unipotent stem cells can only self-renew and differentiate into only one specific cell type thereby forming a single lineage such as muscle stem cells, giving rise to mature muscle cells and not any other cells(50) .The type II pneumocytes of the alveoli in the lung give rise to type I pneumocytes.


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