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Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


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Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits

Thierry Ramond LMO, Universit´e Paris Sud

after joint works with Jean-Fran¸cois Bony (Bordeaux 1), Setsuro Fujii´e (Ritsumeikan University) and Maher Zerzeri (Paris 13)

IHP, 04/11/2013

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)


Resonances in the semiclassical regime Resonances

The semiclassical regime Some known results

The Homoclinic case The geometrical setting Main result

Some comments

Sketch of proof (1 curve)


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Resonances The semiclassical regime Some known results

Breit-Wigner peaks

IIn physics, the introduction of the notion of quantum resonance was motivated by the behavior of various quantities related to scattering experiments, as scattering cross sections, or time delays, . . .

a b

I At certain energies, these quantities present peaks, which were modelized by a Lorentzian shaped function

wa,b:λ7→ 1 π


(λ−a)2+ b/22.

I Note that forρ=a−ib/2∈C, one has

wa,b(λ) = 1 π



and the complex number ρwas called a resonance.

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Resonances The semiclassical regime Some known results

From eigenvalues to resonances

ISuppose that a (1d) classical particle with energyE moves in one of the potential below. Its trajectory would be the same in both cases.

IFor a (1d) quantum particle, which is associated to anL2eigenfunction of the Schr¨odinger operator−h2∆ +V, the situation is drastically different: there could be noL2 eigenfunction in the case at the right.

IHowever the existence of a ”classical trap” will give rise to the existence of resonant states and corresponding resonant energies, or resonances.


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Resonances The semiclassical regime Some known results

The Schr¨ odinger operator

IWe consider the Schr¨odinger operator onRn,n≥1,

P=−h2∆ +V(x) =Opwh(p) = 1 (2πh)n


ei(x−y)·ξ/hpx+y 2 , ξ

dy dξ

wherep(x, ξ) =ξ2+V(x),V(x)∈C(Rn;R).

IFor the talk, we assume thatV ∈C0(Rn;R).

IThenP=−h2∆ +V is self-adjoint onL2(Rn) with domain H2(Rn).

Its spectrum consists in negative eigenvalues (possibly), and in its essential spectrum [0,+∞[.

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Resonances The semiclassical regime Some known results

The resolvent

ISinceP is self-adjoint, forImz >0 in particular, the bounded operator R(z) := (P−z)−1:L2(Rn)→L2(Rn) is well defined.

Theorem and Definition:

The resolvent

{Rez >0,Imz >0} 3z

7→R(z) :L2comp(Rn)→L2loc(Rn)

can be meromorphicaly continued to the lower half-plane{Rez >0,Imz <0}.

Its poles are called resonances ofP, and we denoteRes(P) their set.

0 Im z

Re z σess(P)





Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Resonances The semiclassical regime Some known results

Analytic distortion

ILetF:Rn→Rnbe such thatF(x) = 0 for|x|<C andF(x) =x for

|x| 1.

Forµ∈Rsmall enough,Uµ:L2(Rn)→L2(Rn) is the unitary operator Uµϕ(x) =

det d xeµF(x)

1/2ϕ xeµF(x)

IForθ∈Rsmall enough, we denotePθ=UiθPU−1the distorted operator.

The set of resonances ofP in Γθ={−2θ <ImE<0}is Resθ(P) =σ(Pθ)∩Γθ


xeiθF(x) Σ

Res(P) Γθ C


Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Resonances The semiclassical regime Some known results

The truncated resolvent

IFor anyχ∈ C0(Rn), the truncated resolventχR(z)χis well-defined as an operator onL2(Rn), and the study ofR(z) can be reduced to that of its (suitably) truncated version.

IForχ∈C0(Rn), the cut-off resolvent


has a meromorphic extension to Γθ, and its poles are the resonances.


χ(P−z)−1χ=χ(Pθ−z)−1χ, whenF= 0 on suppχ.


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Resonances The semiclassical regime Some known results

The trapped set


The trapped set at energyE >0 is

K(E0) =

(x, ξ)∈p−1(E0); t 7→exp(tHp)(x, ξ) is bounded

We recall thatp(x, ξ) =ξ2+V(x) is the semiclassical symbol of P=Opwh(p), and thatHpis the associated Hamiltonian vector field on TRn=R2n, given byHp=∂ξp∂x−∂xp∂ξ=




- An empty trapped set.

- A hyperbolic trajectory.

- Le puits dans l’isle (shape resonances).

- A barrier top.

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Resonances The semiclassical regime Some known results

The non-trapping case

Theorem (Martinez ’02)

Assume that K(E0) =∅. Then, P has no resonance in

Box(ε,Chlnh) = [E0−ε,E0+ε] +i[−Ch|lnh|,0]

for someε >0and all C >0. Moreover, for allχ∈C0(Rn), there exists N=N(C)such that

kχ(P−z)−1χk.h−N in this set.

Moreover, ifV is analytic in a whole neighborhood ofRnof the form

Σ ={x∈Cn; |Imx|< δhRexi}

then Briet–Combes–Duclos ’87 and Helffer–Sj¨ostrand ’86 (implicitly) have proved thatP has no resonance in a fixed neighborhood of E0.


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Resonances The semiclassical regime Some known results

A hyperbolic closed trajectory

Theorem (C.G´ erard, Sj¨ ostrand ’87)

IfV is analytic in Σ, andK(E0) consists of a simple closed trajectory whose Poincar´e map is hyperbolic, then, inBox(ε,Ch), there is a bijectionbh

betweenRes(P) (counted with their multiplicity) and the set of roots of the equation

A(E) = 2kπh+ihlogρ(E)−ih




αjlogθj(E), k∈Z, αj ∈N

such thatbh(E) =E+o(h). HereA(E) is the action,θ1, . . . , θn−1 are the eigenvalues of the Poincar´e map with modulus>1 andρ(E) is some analytic function ofE satisfying

|ρ(E)|=|θ1(E)· · ·θn−1(E)|12.

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Resonances The semiclassical regime Some known results

A non-degenerate critical point

Theorem (Sj¨ostrand ’87)

SupposeV is analytic in Σ, andK(E0) consists of a non-degenerate critical point (0,0).


V(x) =E0




λ2j 4xj2+





4xj2+O(|x|3) as x0 withE0>0,λj, µj>0, and





µjj+1 2)ih




λjj+1 2)

for each (α, β) = (α1, . . . , αd, βd+1, . . . , βn)Nn. Then for anyC>0, there exists a bijectionbhinBox(Ch,Ch) betweenRes(P) and the set of pseudo-resonances such that bh(E) =E+O(h3/2).

IThe cased=n(a barrier top) was also studied by Briet, Combes and Duclos under a virial condition. We denoteΓ(h)the set of theEα,β in that case.

IIn the cased= 0 (a well in an island), much more precise results have been proved. The imaginary part of resonances is exponentially small and the decay rate is given by the Agmon distance from the well to the sea.


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

The geometrical setting Main result Some comments

The potential

IWe assume thatV has alocal non-degenerate maximum at 0

V(x) =E0





4xj2+O(x3) with 0< λ1≤ · · · ≤λn.

Brief Article

The Author November 6, 2012




Brief Article

The Author November 6, 2012

{V(x) =E0}

0 0 π(H)

1 IWe set


0 2Id


2diag(λ21,· · ·, λ2n) 0

Notice thatσ(Fp) ={−λn,· · ·,−λ1, λ1,· · ·, λn}.

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

The geometrical setting Main result Some comments

Stable/unstable manifolds

IWe denoteΛ andΛ+the stableincomingandoutgoing manifoldat (0,0) respectively:


(x, ξ); exp(tHp)(x, ξ)→0 as t→ ∓∞

IΛ andΛ+are smooth, Lagrangian manifolds, stable under theHp

flow, given near (0,0) by


(x, ξ); ξ=∇ϕ±(x) with ϕ±(x) =±






IForρ±∈Λ±, one can see that

Πxexp(tHp)(ρ±) =g±±)e±λ1t+O e±(λ1+ε)t

ast→ ∓∞.


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

The geometrical setting Main result Some comments


(A1)The trapped set at energy E0is

K(E0) ={(0,0)} ∪ H, withH= Λ∩Λ+\ {(0,0)} 6=∅.

His the set of the homoclinic curves.

(A2) ∀ρ, ρ+∈ H, g)·g++)6= 0.

γ) (0,0)

H γ++)

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

The geometrical setting Main result Some comments

Assumptions and notations

IWe focus here on the particular case where (A3)H=SJ

j=1γj, where γj are homoclinic trajectories

(A4)The intersection Λ+∩Λ is transverse along each of theγj’s.

IForj ∈ {1, . . . ,J}, we denote:

I gj± the asymptotic directions of the trajectoryγj,

I Aj =R

γjξ·dx the classical action alongγj,

I νj the Maslov index alongγj.

IMorever, we set

E−E0=hz, L:= 1 2




λj andζ=ζ(z) = 1 λ1



Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

The geometrical setting Main result Some comments

The main result

IConsider theJ×JmatrixM=M(ζ,h) = (mjk)j,k where

mjk(ζ) =KjkeiAj/h Γ(ζ+12) (iλ1g+j ·gk)ζ+12,

Kjk= r2π


eπ2j+12)i|gk| lim


pDj(t) e(λ21+L)t


e(λ21−L)t pDk(t)·

Theorem (Bony, Fujiie, R., Zerzeri) Letµ1, . . . , µJ be the eigenvalues ofM, and

ΨRes(P) ={E ∈C;∃j∈ {1, . . . ,J}s.t.hζµj(ζ,h) = 1}.

For any small, we have, inB1() =Box(Ch,(Λ +λ1−)h)\{Γ(h) +D(h)},

dist(Res(P),ΨRes(P)) =o h



Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

The geometrical setting Main result Some comments

The case of 1 homoclinic cure

ILetσ∈R. The pseudo-resonancesE, such thatReE =E0+σh+o(h), are given by



h h



−i σ λ1



+o h


, for somek∈Z.

2πλ1 h



E0Ch E0+Ch

1 2




λjh O |loghh|


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

The geometrical setting Main result Some comments

Behavior of the resonances at the boundary of the box

IThe behaviour of the ”resonance curve” when (ReE−E0)/hgoes to

±∞can easily be seen. On that curve one has

ImE =−Lh+ h





h +o(1) as ReE−E0

h →+∞,

K+o(1) as ReE−E0

h → −∞, for some explicit constantK. Thus we see the transition from the

geometric situation for energiesE belowE0 (which is generally trapping) to the geometric situation aboveE0(which is generally non-trapping).

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

The geometrical setting Main result Some comments

Two homoclinic curves

ISupposeg±1·g±2 <0 (i.e. the homoclinic trajectories are on the opposite side).

– Whenσ <<−1,Mis almost diagonal, hence|µ1| ∼ |m11|,

2| ∼ |m22|, and the ”resonance curve” consists of two lines on each of which the distance between two neighboring resonances is 2πh.

– Whenσ >>1,Mis almost anti-diagonal and

1| ∼ |µ2| ∼p

|m12m21|, and the ”resonance curve” consists of a unique line in which the distance between two neighboring resonances isπh.


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

The geometrical setting Main result Some comments

The general case


Letσ∈R. The pseudo-resonancesE, such thatReE =E0+σh+o(h), are given by

E =E0+ 2kπλ1 h

|logh| −iLh+iλ1logµj h

|logh|+o h



for somek ∈Z.

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)


IOur results rely heavily on the study of what we call a microlocal Cauchy problem, of the form

((P−E)u=v microlocally in Ω, u=u microlocally nearS,

where Ω is some neighborhood of the trapped set, andSis a suitable hypersurface in the incoming region of Ω.

I Our main resolvent estimate (and therefore the existence of a resonance free region) in some region of the complex plane of energies follows from a uniqueness result.

I The existence, and precise estimates on resonances follows from the existence of solution to the inhomogeneous microlocal Cauchy problem.

IWe obtain that way a Bohr-Sommerfeld like quantization condition for the resonances, which implies in particular that they accumulate on precisely defined curves ash→0.


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

A resolvent estimate

IWe start by proving a polynomial estimate for the resolvent, away from the pseudo-resonances.


∀C>0,∀ >0,∃M>0 such that if E∈B1()\

ΨRes(P) +D(|loghh|)

,then, forθ=hlog(1/h), one has


IWe prove this theorem by contradiction. We assume that there exist >0,C >0,E ∈B1()\{ΨRes(P) +D(|loghh|)},u∈L2with||u||= 1 satisfying

(Pθ−E)u=O(h), (1)

and deducekuk|=O(h),which is a contradiction.

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Step 0

It is enough to show thatu= 0 microlocally on the trapped set.


Letρ∈R2n. We say thatu= 0microlocally nearρiff


=O(h) for someψ∈C0(R2n)withψ= 1nearρ.

ILocalization on the energy levelE0

SincePθ−z ≈P−z is elliptic outside of the energy levelE0, we have u=ϕ(P)u+OH2(h)

for allϕ∈C0(R) withϕ= 1 nearE0.


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

ISpatial localization

Let (x, ξ) close to the energy levelE0.

−Impθ(x, ξ)≈

(sin(2θ)ξ2≈2θE0&θ for|x|>R O(θ)

forR1. Let χ∈C0(Rn) withχ= 1 for|x|<R. This implies O(h) =−Imh(Pθ−z)u,ui&θk(1−χ)uk2− O(θ)kχuk2 Then


ITherefore, it is enough to prove that


By a compactness argument, it is enough to prove that u= 0 microlocally near ρ for allρ∈supp(ϕ(p(x, ξ))χ(x)).

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Step 1

ISupposeρΛ\Λ+. Lemma

exp(tHp)(ρ)→ ∞as t→ −∞ ⇐⇒ ρ /Λ+

ITherefore, there existsT>0 such that exp(−THp)(ρ)Γ=n

(x, ξ)p−1(E0);|x| 1,cos(x, ξ) = x·ξ


Theorem (Bony–Michel ’04)

u= 0microlocally near eachρΓ

IStandard propagation of singularities If for someT>>1,


u= 0 microlocally near exp(−THp)(ρ)


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Propagation through the critical point

Theorem (BFRZ’07)

Forε1, letSε={(x, ξ)Λ; |x|=ε}andρSεbe such that g)6= 0. Let u, withkuk ≤1, be such that

((Pz)u= 0 microlocally near Sε

u= 0 microlocally near each point of Sε\ {ρ}

Then, the problem

((Pz)u= 0 microlocally near(0,0) u=u microlocally near Sε

has a unique solution u withkuk ≤h−C.

Moreover, ifρ+Λ+satisfiesg)·g++)6= 0, then


Pλj−λ1 1 −iz



ei(ϕ+(x)−ϕ(y))/hd(x,y;h)u(y)dy microlocally nearρ+.

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Step 2:

IOn Λ,uis supported only on γ∪(0,0), and hence, by (A4), we can apply the previous Theorem for (x, ξ) near eachρ+= (x+, ξ+)∈Λ+∪γ.

In particular,uis of the form

u(x,h) =a+(x,h)e+(x)/h microlocally near ρ+,


IThe standard Maslov theory tells us that, after continuation alongγ,u is also of the form

u(x,h) =a(x,h)eiφ˜+(x)/h microlocally near ρ (2) witha(x,h)∈S(h−c) for somec∈R. Here ˜φ+is a generating

function of the evolution of Λ+nearρ.


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Step 3

IStarting from (2), we continueuone more tour along (0,0)∪γusing propagation through the critical point and the Maslov theory. Then we obtain another expression ofumicrolocally near (x, ξ):

u(x,h) = ˜a(x,h)eiφ˜+(x)/h microlocally near ρ. (3)


At the principal level, the value˜a(x,h)is determined by the value a(x,h)


a(x,h) =M(x,x;ζ,h)a(x,h)(1 +O(h)), whereM(x,x;ζ,h)∈S(hReζ)is a symbol satisfying

M(x,x;ζ,h) =hζm(ζ)eiA/h.

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

IWe have, for each pointρ0= (x0, ξ0)∈Λ+ withg+(x0)·g(x)6= 0,

u(x0,h) =a+(x0,h)e+(x)/h, a+(x0,h) =J(x0,x;ζ,h)a(x,h). (4)

IOn the other hand, by Maslov theory, ˜a(x,h) can be expressed by the valuea+(x,h) whenρ= (x, ξ)∈eΛ+is connected by a classical trajectory withρ0= (x0, ξ0):


a(x,h) =eiA(ρ0,ρ)/heπ2νiIρ0→ρa+(x0,h). (5)

HereIρ0→ρ is a multiplication operator given by

Iρ0→ρ= s

D(tρ0,y0) D(tρ,y0)|y0=y0


whereρ= (x(tρ,y00), ξ(tρ,y00)) andρ0= (x(tρ0,y00), ξ(tρ0,y00)).

Combining (4) and (5), we obtain the lemma. Note thatM(x,x) is independent of the choice ofx.


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Step 4

We have obtained that, microlocally nearρ,

a(x,h) =M(x,x;ζ,h)a(x,h) +S(hReζ−c+1) (6) Atx =x, one has

a(x,h) = O(hReζ−c+1)

1− M(x,x) = O(h−c+1) h−ζ−meiA/h


E∈/ ΨRes(P) +D(|loghh|)implies|h−ζ−meiA/h| ≥ν for an h-independent positive constantν.


a(x,h) =O(h−c+1).

Substituting this into (6), one gets


Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

IEventually,ImE>(−L−λ1+)himpliesReζ >−1 + λ

1. Hence a(x,h)∈S(h−c+λ1).

Thus we obtaina ∈S(h−c+λ1) from the assumptiona∈S(h−c). We conclude by bootstrap that


which is the contradiction we were looking for.


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Existence of resonances

IWe prove the existence of a resonance close to each pseudo-resonance also by a contradiction argument. We assume that there existε >0 and Ee∈ΨRes(P)∩B1(C, ε) such that there is no resonance in the interior of the circleC:={z ∈C; |z−Ee|= |logεhh|}.

IForE ∈ C, we consider the inhomogeneous equation

(Pθ−E)u=v, (7)

wherev is suitably chosen.

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

Construction of v

ILetH be a hyperplane containingx =x and transversal to Πxγ, and let ˜v(x) = ˜χ(x,h)eiφ˜+(x)/h be the WKB solution of the microlocal Cauchy problem

((P−E)˜v = 0,


v=χ(x)eiφ˜+(x)/h onH, whereχ∈C0andχ= 1 nearx.

IWe set

v(x) =ψ[P, ϕ]˜v,

whereψandϕare smooth cutoff functions with small compact support such thatϕis equal to 1 in a neighborhood ofx, and that ψis equal to 1 onsupp[P, ϕ]˜v∩γ+, whereγ+=S

t<0exptHp). Obviously,v is holomorphic inE near E0.


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

IThe solutionu= (Pθ−E)−1v of (7) is well-defined and satisfies kuk=O(h−c). Moreover, working as in (2), one can prove thatu is of the form

u=a(x,h)eiφ˜+(x)/h, a∈S(h−c), (8) microlocally nearx.

IThanks to (7), (P−z)u= 0 microlocally near (0,0). Moreover, on Λ,uis supported microlocally onγ. Thusu is of the form

u+(x0,h) =a+(x0,h)e+(x)/h,


a+(x0,h) =J(x0,x;ζ,h)a(x,h) +S(hReζ−c+1−µ), (9) microlocally on Λ+∩γ.

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

IOn the other hand, alongγ,usatisfies the following microlocal Cauchy problem:

((P−E)u=v microlocally along γ, u=u+ microlocally near S+ε ∩γ.

The solution of this linear problem can be written as the sumu1+u2 of the solutions of the microlocal Cauchy problems

((P−E)u1= 0 alongγ,

u1=u+ nearS+ε∩γ, and

((P−E)u2=v alongγ, u2= 0 nearS+ε ∩γ.

As in (5), we have

u1(x,h) =

eiA/heπ2νieizTIρ0→ρa+(x0,h) +S(hReζ−c+1)

eiφ˜+(x)/h. Moreover,v has been constructed so thatu2=ϕ˜v microlocally nearρ.


Resonances in the semiclassical regime The Homoclinic case Sketch of proof (1 curve)

ISumming up, we have obtained

a(x,h) =eiA/heπ2νieizTIρ0→ρa+(x0,h) + ˜χ(x,h) +S(hReζ−c+1−µ), (10) nearx. Combining (9) and (10), we obtain

a(x,h) =M(x,x;ζ,h)a(x,h) + ˜χ(x,h) +S(hReζ−c+1−µ). (11)

and we can show thata∈S(1).

IThus (11) becomes

a(x) = h−ζ

h−ζ −meiA/hχ(x,˜ h) +S(h1−µ).

We integrate this identity with respect toE along the contourC, and we obtain



a(x)dE= 2πλ1



This is a contradiction because the left hand side should vanish if there is no resonance inside the contourC.

Thierry Ramond Asymptotics of Resonances for Homoclinic Orbits


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We prove that strong existence, pathwise uniqueness and uniqueness in distribution hold for this equation and then we show that the solutions to this stochastic differential

The present paper has been devoted to develop criteria based on stochastic Lyapunov technique in order to establish sufficient conditions for the existence of invariant

The existence result derives by the existence of a global classical solution in Hölder spaces, by proving some a-priori estimates in Sobolev spaces and, finally, by applying

Such a kernel satisfies the domination principle, and as shown in [6], it induces a Hunt convolution kernel on a quotient space G/H modulo a compact subgroup H.. It is a

More specically, we prove, under suitable assumptions on the prescribed geometrical data, that the reconstruction of an isometric immersion and of the corresponding normal basis