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on his 70th birthday




The purpose of this paper is to investigate a classical existence and uniqueness theorem for an isometric immersion of a submanifold in the functional framework of distributions. More specically, we prove that the reconstruction of a sub- manifold in the Euclidean space is still possible under the assumptions that the prescribed geometrical data belong to some Sobolev spaces.

AMS 2000 Subject Classication: 53C42, 53A07.

Key words: isometric immersion, Gauss-Ricci-Codazzi equations, weak derivative, distribution.


A classical theorem of dierential geometry states that a simply connected open subset ω of Rp endowed with a Riemannian metric can be isometrically immersed in a Euclidean spaceRp+qif and only if there exist tensors satisfying the Gauss-Ricci-Codazzi equations. In addition, these immersions are uniquely determined up to a proper isometry of the underlying Euclidean space. Several dierent approaches are proposed in the literature for solving this reconstruc- tion problem: local coordinates (see, for example, [5]), connections in the normal bundle (see [11]), dierential forms (see [12]) or at compatible met- ric connections (see [6], paper which also includes a general discussion on this subject). We emphasize that in all these works, the regularity assumptions on the initial data are considered in a smooth setting, i.e., for derivatives in the usual sense.

Recently, motivated by some problems encountered in nonlinear elastic- ity, dierent extensions have been proposed in the framework of Sobolev-type functions. From this viewpoint, the immersionθ:ω →Rp+qcan be interpreted as a deformation of a solid occupying the set ω under the action of some ap- plied forces, provided that the mapping θ is injective (since we want to avoid

REV. ROUMAINE MATH. PURES APPL., 53 (2008), 56, 555565


the interpenetrability of matter). The casep= 3, q = 0is related to the theory of nonlinear three-dimensional elasticity while case p = 2, q = 1 constitutes a model for the nonlinear shell theory. The corresponding geometrical situa- tions, namely that of an open set in R3 and that of a surface have thus been studied within the theory of distributions (a complete review of these recent results can be found in [3]).

Another eld of interest for the study of isometric immersions in the distributional framework is the theory of relativity. In this direction, the case of immersions of a Lorenztian manifold with distributional curvature tensor was recently considered, since such manifolds represent spacetimes of general relativity that possibly contain gravitational waves, shock waves, and other singular patterns (see [7], [8]).

In this paper, we investigate the case of ap-dimensional submanifold iso- metrically immersed in the Euclidean spaceRp+q in the functional framework of distributions. Although the class of smooth immersions has been extensively studied within the theory of Riemannian geometry, the Sobolev-type regularity issues do not seem to have been previously considered in the existing litera- ture. More specically, we prove, under suitable assumptions on the prescribed geometrical data, that the reconstruction of an isometric immersion and of the corresponding normal basis is still possible in some specic Sobolev spaces (see Theorem 3.3). In particular, our result generalizes that of [9, Theorem 9], where the recovery of a surface with prescribed rst and second fundamental forms is proved in a Sobolev setting. Moreover, this framework provides a uni- ed description of the geometrical setting for continuum mechanics for strings, membranes and solids (for a more detailed treatment of the geometrical aspects of solid mechanics in higher dimensions, see, for example, [1]).

The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we dene our notation and provide some known results that will be subsequently needed.

In Section 3, we rst present the classical geometrical framework and then establish our main result.


To begin with, we introduce some conventions and notation that will be used throughout the article. For any N ≥ 1, the N-dimensional Euclidean space EN will be identied with RN and will be endowed with the Euclidean norm dened by |a|=p

ha, ai, where ha, bi denotes the Euclidean inner prod- uct of a, b ∈ RN. Next, MN, ON, SN, AN and SN> designate, respectively, the set of all real square matrices, of all orthogonal matrices, of all symmetric matrices, of all anti-symmetric matrices and of all positive denite symmetric


matrices, of order N. The identity matrix in MN is denoted IN and MM×N designates the space of all real matrices with M rows andN columns.

Let two integersp≥2, q≥1be xed throughout the paper. We denote by y = (y1, . . . , yp) a generic point of Rp and by {e1, . . . , ep} the canonical basis of Rp. In what follows, Greek indices vary in the set {1, . . . , p}, Latin indices i, j, k vary in the set {1, . . . , q}, Latin indices m, n, s vary in the set {1, . . . , p+q}and the summation convention with respect to repeated indices is systematically used.

Partial derivative operators of order l ≥ 1, in the usual sense or in the sense of distributions, are denoted ∂αf, where α= (αi)∈Np is a multi-index such that |α| := Pp

i=1αi = l. Partial derivative operators of the rst and second order are also denoted ∂α := ∂y

α and ∂αβ := ∂y2


Let r,r˜be two integers, let X be a nite dimensional space, such as R, RN, MN etc. and let ω be an open subset of Rp. The space of all innitely dierentiableX-valued functions with compact support inωis denotedD(ω,X) and the space of X-valued distributions overω is denotedD0(ω,X). The usual Lebesgue, respectively Sobolev, spaces being denoted Lr(ω,X), respectively Wr,r˜ (ω,X), we let

Wloc˜r,r(ω,X) ={Y ∈ D0(ω,X), Y ∈W˜r,r(U,X) for each open subsetU bω}, whereU bω means that the closure ofU inRp is a compact subset of ω.

Remark 2.1. Forr > p, the equivalence classes of functions inW1,r(ω,R) will be identied with their continuous representative, as allowed by the Sobolev embedding theorem.

Remark 2.2. We also note that, for any r > p, f g ∈ Lrloc(ω,R) if f ∈ Wloc1,r(ω,R) and g ∈ Lrloc(ω,R), and that f g ∈ Wloc1,r(ω,R) if f ∈ Wloc1,r(ω,R) and g∈Wloc1,r(ω,R), sinceW1,r(U,R) is an algebra for all open balls U bω.

We next present some existence and uniqueness results for linear dier- ential systems with little regularity, that will be used in the proof of our main result. The rst theorem (see [10, Theorem 6.4]) ensures the global existence of the solution to a Pfa system, in the Wloc1,r(ω,R)-setting for any dimension p≥2, whereω is a simply connected open subset of Rp and r > p:

Theorem 2.3. Let ω ⊂ Rp be a simply connected open set, let x0 ∈ω, let M ≥ 1 and N ≥ 1 be integers and let Y0 ∈MM×N. Let there be given p matrix elds Aα ∈Lrloc(ω,MN), r > p, satisfying for all α, β the relations

βAα−∂αAβ =AαAβ−AαAβ

in the space of distributions D0(ω,MN). Then the Pfa system

αY =Y Aα in D0(ω,MM×N), Y(x0) =Y0,


has one and only one solution Y ∈Wloc1,r(ω,MM×N).

The second result (see [10, Theorem 6.5]) is a generalization of the clas- sical Poincaré theorem:

Theorem 2.4. Let ω be a simply connected open subset of Rp. Let f1, . . . , fp ∈Lrloc(ω,R), where r≥1, satisfy the compatibility conditions

αfβ =∂βfα in D0(ω,R),

for all α, β ∈ {1, . . . , p}. Then there exists ψ ∈ Wloc1,r(ω,R), unique up to an additive constant, such that

αψ=fα in Lrloc(ω,R), for all α∈ {1, . . . , p}.

Remark 2.5. Note that, as observed in [10], the regularity assumptions on the coecients in the previous systems are optimal.

Finally, the third theorem is a uniqueness result that complements that of Theorem 2.3. The proof of this extension is a straightforward adaptation in any dimension p≥2 of [4, Theorem 6]:

Theorem 2.6. Let ω be a connected open subset of Rp, let r > p, let N ≥1 be an integer, letBα andCα be matrix elds in the space Lrloc(ω,MN), and let a point y0 ∈ω and a matrix F0 ∈ MN be given. Then there exists at most one matrix eld F ∈Wloc1,r(ω,MN) that satises the Pfa system

αF =F Bα+CαF in D0(ω,MN), F(y0) =F0. 3. MAIN RESULT

In order to state our main result, we start with a presentation of the geometrical framework of the problem. Let θ:ω → Rp+q be an immersion of the open set ω in the (p+q)-dimensional Euclidean space, identied with Rp+q. Then, for each y∈ω, there exists a neighborhood U ⊂ω ofy such that θ(U)⊂Rp+q is a submanifold ofRp+q (for details, see [2, Ch. 6]). A basis in the tangent space Tθ(y)θ(ω)is given by

1θ(y) :=dθy(e1), . . . , ∂pθ(y) :=dθy(ep),

a vector eld N is called normal if hN(y), ∂αθ(y)i = 0 for all y ∈ ω and for all α ∈ {1, . . . , p}. The derivatives of N are given by ∂αN(y) := dNy(eα).

We denote by X(ω) and X(ω) the set of dierentiable vector elds that are tangent, respectively normal, toθ(ω).


The Euclidean metric of Rp+q induces a Riemannian metric on ω, also called the rst fundamental form of the immersion, dened by its covariant components

aαβ(y) :=h∂αθ(y), ∂βθ(y)i, ∀y ∈ω, ∀α, β∈ {1, . . . , p}.

If ω is endowed with this metric, θ becomes an isometric immersion of ω intoRp+q.

Let ∇ denote the usual Riemann connection on Rp+q (see [2, Ch. 2]).

If X and Y are vector elds on ω and X, Y are local extensions toRp+q, we dene the induced Riemann connection on θ(ω) by ∇XY := (∇XY)T, where by VT we denote the tangential part of a vector V. The remaining normal part is denoted B(X, Y). The mapping B:X(ω)× X(ω) → X(ω) dened in this fashion is a symmetric bilinear mapping, which is called the second fundamental form of the immersion θ:ω →Rp+q. We thus have

(3.1) ∇XY =∇XY +B(X, Y)

for all tangent vector elds X and Y.

To dene the induced normal connection of the immersion, we take the projection of ∇XN onto the normal space, where X is a tangent vector eld and N is a normal vector eld. Denoting this induced connection by ∇XN, we thus have

(3.2) ∇XN =A(X, N) +∇XN,

where the mapping A:X(ω)× X(ω)→ X(ω)is related to the mappingB by the relation hA(X, N), Yi=− hB(X, Y), Nifor all Y ∈ X(ω).

We now write these expressions in the local coordinates(y1, . . . , yp)onω. Denote by Xα =∂αθ, for all 1 ≤α ≤p, the basis in the tangent bundle and x an orthogonal basis, denoted {N1, . . . , Nq}, in the normal bundle. Hence Ni, Nj

ij and Ni, Xα

= 0 for all1≤i, j ≤q and 1≤α≤p.

The Riemann connection induced onθ(ω)and the normal connection of the immersion dene the Christoel symbols by the relations∇XαXβ = ΓταβXτ

and ∇X

βNi =TβijNj.

Remark 3.1. We have Γγβα = Γγαβ since the connection ∇ is symmetric, Tβij =−Tβji, since the basis {Ni}i is orthonormal, and

Γταβ = 1

2aστ(∂αaβσ+∂βaασ −∂σaαβ),

where (aστ) = (aαβ)−1, since the connection ∇is compatible with the metric induced by θ.

The coecients of the second fundamental form are dened by biαβ :=−

B(Xα, Xβ), Ni .


Remark 3.2. Note thatbiαβ =biβα since the bilinear mapping B is sym- metric and that the mapping A can be expressed in local coordinates as A(Xα, Ni) = bαXτ, where bα := aστbiασ denote the mixed components of the second fundamental form.

Since the Euclidean space Rp+q is at, the Riemann curvature tensor associated with the connection ∇on Rp+q vanishes. Using relations (3.1) and (3.2) and expressing the fact that its tangential part and its normal part vanish, we deduce the following relations, written in local coordinates:

(∂αΓτβδ−∂βΓταδ+ ΓσβδΓτασ−ΓσαδΓτβσ)aτ γ=biγαbiδβ−biγβbiδα, (3.3)

αTβij−∂βTαij+TβkjTαik−TαkjTβik+aστ(bjατbiβσ−bjβτbiασ) = 0, (3.4)

αbjγβ −∂βbjγα = Γταγbjτ β−Γτβγbjτ α+biγβTαij−biγαTβij, (3.5)

whereα, β, γ, δ, σ, τ ∈ {1, . . . , p}andi, j, k ∈ {1, . . . , q}. These are the classical Gauss-Ricci-Codazzi equations satised for a submanifold of Euclidean space, as given, for example, in [6].

Our purpose is to establish that the reconstruction of a submanifold of Rp+qcan be done under some weaker regularity assumptions than those previ- ously found in the literature. More precisely, the following theorem states that the result still holds if the matrix elds A= (aαβ),Bi= (biαβ)andTα= (Tαij) are respectively of class Wloc1,r(ω,Sp>), Lrloc(ω,Sp) and Lrloc(ω,Aq), for r > p, and the compatibility conditions are satised in the distributional sense, i.e.,



ταδβφ−Γτβδαφ+ΓσβδΓτασφ−ΓσαδΓτβσφ)aτ γdy= Z


(biγαbiδβ−biγβbiδα)φdy, (3.6)



(Tαijβφ−Tβijαφ+TβkjTαikφ−TαkjTβikφ)dy= Z


aστ(bjβτbiασ−bjατbiβσ)φdy, (3.7)



(bjγαβφ−bjγβαφ)dy = Z


ταγbjτ β−Γτβγbjτ α+biγβTαij−biγαTβij)φdy, (3.8)

for all test functions φ∈ D(ω,R). Our result is as follows.

Theorem 3.3. Let ω be a simply connected open subset of Rp. Let r > p and let there be given a positive denite symmetric matrix eld A = (aαβ) ∈ Wloc1,r(ω,Sp>), q symmetric matrix elds Bi = (biαβ) ∈ Lrloc(ω,Sp), i ∈ {1, . . . , q}, and p anti-symmetric matrix elds Tα = (Tαij) ∈ Lrloc(ω,Aq), α ∈ {1, . . . , p}, satisfying the Gauss-Ricci-Codazzi equations inD0(ω,R). Then


(I) There exist an immersion θ ∈ Wloc2,r(ω,Rp+q) and an orthonormal family ofqvector eldsN1, . . . , Nq ∈Wloc1,r(ω,Rp+q), normal toθ(ω), satisfying

h∂αθ, ∂βθi=aαβ in Wloc1,r(ω,R), ∀α, β∈ {1, . . . , p}, (3.9)

αβθ, Ni

=−biαβ in Lrloc(ω,R), ∀α, β∈ {1, . . . , p},∀i∈ {1, . . . , q}, (3.10)

αNi, Nj

=Tαij in Lrloc(ω,R), ∀α∈ {1, . . . , p},∀i, j ∈ {1, . . . , q}.


(II) Moreover, if a mappingθ˜and an orthonormal family of vector elds {N˜1, . . . ,N˜q}, normal to θ(ω)˜ satisfy the same relations onω, then there exist a vector a∈Rp+q and a matrix Q∈Op+q such thatθ(y) =˜ a+Qθ(y) for all y ∈ω andN˜i(y) =QNi(y) for all y∈ω, andi∈ {1, . . . , q}.

Proof. For clarity, the theorem is established in a series of six steps.

Step 1. We introduce the matrix eld Γα:ω→Mp+q dened by

(3.12) Γα:=

Γ1 Γ1 . . . Γ1 b11α b21α . . . bq1α Γ2 Γ2 . . . Γ2 b12α b22α . . . bq2α

... ... ... ... ... ...

Γp Γp . . . Γp b1pα b2pα . . . bqpα

−b1 −b1 . . . −b1 Tα11 Tα12 . . . Tα1q

−b2 −b2 . . . −b2 Tα21 Tα22 . . . Tα2q

... ... ... ... ... ...

−bq −bq . . . −bq Tαq1 Tαq2 . . . Tαqq

 ,

whereΓταβ = 12aστ(∂αaβσ+∂βaασ−∂σaαβ), (aστ) = (aαβ)−1 andbα :=aστbiασ. By the denition of the inverse of a matrix, it follows from Remarks 2.1 and 2.2 that (aστ) ∈ Wloc1,r(ω,Sp>), hence Γταβ and bα are in Lrloc(ω,R). Consequently, by using the regularity assumptions made on the initial data, we deduce that Γα ∈Lrloc(ω,Mp+q) for all α∈ {1, . . . , p}.

Step 2. We show that the matrix elds Γα satisfy the compatibility con- ditions

βΓα−∂αΓβ+ ΓβΓα−ΓαΓβ =0 in D0(ω,Mp+q), for all α, β ∈ {1, . . . , p}.

First, we note that sinceΓα∈Lrloc(ω,Mp+q)⊂ D0(ω,Mp+q), the products and the derivatives are well-dened distributions, hence the relations above make sense.

Second, we deduce from the Gauss-Ricci-Codazzi equations and a formal calculus that these compatibility conditions are satised inω. More precisely, if Lmndenotes the coecient of the matrix appearing in the left-hand side of the above relation, where m is the row index, then Lmn = 0for m, n∈ {1, . . . , p}


is a consequence of relation (3.3), the conditions Lmn = 0for m ∈ {1, . . . , p}, n ∈ {p+ 1, . . . , p+q} and for m ∈ {p+ 1, . . . , p+q}, n ∈ {1, . . . , p} are satised because of relation (3.5), and the conditions Lmn = 0 for m, n ∈ {p+ 1, . . . , p+q}are satised since relation (3.4) holds.

Third, the above computations are still valid under the regularity as- sumptions given in the statement of the theorem, since it suces to check that



αΓβ −ΓβΓα)φdy= Z



for all φ∈ D(ω,Mp+q). This assertion is a direct consequence of the previous formal computations, of relations (3.6), (3.8), (3.7) and a density argument.

Step 3. We dene the matrix eld F ∈ Wloc1,r(ω,Mp+q) as the unique solution to the problem

αF =FΓα inD0(ω,Mp+q), (3.13)

F(y0) =G1/20 , (3.14)

where the matrix G0 is given by

(3.15) G0:=

A(y0) 0

0 Iq

, and y0∈ω is xed.

We emphasize that this system is obtained from equations (3.1) and (3.2) written in local coordinates, i.e.,

αXβ = ΓταβXτ−biαβNi, (3.16)

αNi =TαijNj+bαXτ. (3.17)

As for the initial condition, since A = (aαβ) is a positive denite symmetric matrix eld, G1/20 ∈Sp> is well dened. In order to prove that this overdeter- mined system of partial dierential equations can be solved, we rst note that the compatibility conditions are veried thanks to Step 2. Then, Theorem 2.3 applied to the above Cauchy problem provides the existence and uniqueness of a solution F ∈Wloc1,r(ω,Mp+q).

Step 4. We dene the mapping θ∈Wloc2,r(ω,Rp+q) as the unique solution to the problem

αθ=fα in D0(ω,Rp+q), (3.18)

θ(y0) =θ0, (3.19)

wherefα(y)is theα-th column of the matrixF(y)found in Step3andθ0 ∈Rp+q is xed.


We also deneNi ∈Wloc1,r(ω,Rp+q) by the relation

(3.20) Ni =fp+i,

for alli∈ {1, . . . , q}, wherefp+i(y)is the(p+i)-th column of the matrixF(y). We rst need to check the compatibility conditions ∂βfα = ∂αfβ for all α, β ∈ {1, . . . , p} that have to be veried in order to obtain a solution to the problem (3.18)(3.19). A straightforward computation shows that these equalities hold as a consequence of the symmetry properties of the Christoel coecients Γταβ and of the coecients of the second fundamental form biαβ. The existence of a unique solution θ ∈Wloc2,r(ω,Rp+q) then follows from The- orem 2.4. Moreover, since ∂αθ = fα and fα ∈ Wloc1,r(ω,Rp+q) from Step 3, it follows that θ∈Wloc2,r(ω,Rp+q).

Step 5. We show that the eldsθ and N1, . . . , Np found in the previous step satisfy conditions (3.9), (3.10) and (3.11) of the theorem.

To begin with, we dene the matrix eldG= (gmn) :ω→Mp+q by

(3.21) G(y) :=

A(y) 0 0 Iq

, and the matrix eld H = (hmn) :ω→Mp+q by (3.22) H(y) := (hfm(y),fn(y)i)mn,

for all m, n∈ {1, . . . , p+q}. Next, we will show that the matrix eld Y:ω→ Mp+q,Y =G−H∈Wloc1,r(ω;Mp+q) satises the Cauchy problem

αY =YΓα+ ΓTαY inD0(ω,Mp+q), (3.23)

Y(y0) =0.


Since Y˜ = 0 also veries system (3.23)(3.24), by using Theorem 2.6, we infer that G=H inWloc1,r(ω;Mp+q), which implies in particular relation (3.9).

Relations (3.10) and (3.11) are then obtained by combining relations (3.16) and (3.17) with the fact that hfm,fni=gmn for all m, n∈ {1, . . . , p+q}.

It remains to show that the matrix eld Y veries the previous system.

We rst claim that

(3.25) ∂αgmn= (Γα)smgsn+ (Γα)sngms,

where we use the notation(Γα)mnfor the coecients of the matrix eldΓα de- ned in Step 1. In order to establish this relation, we distinguish the following four possible situations: ifm, n∈ {1, . . . , p}, relation (3.25) is a consequence of

αaβτ = Γσβαaστ + Γστ αaβσ,

which is obtained from the denition of the Christoel symbols; ifm∈ {1, . . . , p}, n∈ {p+ 1, . . . , p+q} orm∈ {p+ 1, . . . , p+q},n∈ {1, . . . , p}, relation (3.25)


holds because of the symmetry biαβ = biβα; if m, n ∈ {p+ 1, . . . , p+q}, and relation (3.25) holds since Tαij +Tαji = 0.

Next, we want to prove that:

(3.26) ∂αhmn= (Γα)smhsn+ (Γα)snhms.

To this end, we compute ∂αhmn =h∂αfm,fni+hfm, ∂αfni by replacing ∂αfm by the expressions given in (3.16)(3.17): if m=β∈ {1, . . . , p}then

αfβ = Γσαβσθ−biαβNi and if m=p+i∈ {p+ 1, . . . , p+q} then

αfp+i =TαijNj+bασθ.

Finally, we conclude from (3.25), (3.26) and from the initial condition (3.14) that Y satises system (3.23)(3.24).

Step 6. We establish part (II) of the theorem.

We assume that θ˜and the vector elds N˜1, . . . ,N˜q normal to θ(ω)˜ also satisfy the conditions of the theorem. We construct the matrix G˜0 in the following manner: the αth column is given by ∂αθ(y˜ 0), forα ∈ {1, . . . , p} and the(p+i)th column is given byN˜i(y0), fori∈ {1, . . . , q}. Next, we dene the mapping θˆ:ω →Rp+q by

(3.27) θ(y) =ˆ θ0+G1/20−10 θ(y)˜ −θ(y˜ 0) , and the vector elds Nˆ1, . . . ,Nˆq:ω→Rp+q by

(3.28) Nˆi(y) =G1/20−10i(y),

for all i∈ {1, . . . , q}. Note that the denitions ofG1/20 andG˜0 imply that the matrix Q=G1/20−10 is orthogonal.

A direct computation based on these expressions then shows that the mapping θˆand the vector elds Nˆ1, . . . ,Nˆq also satisfy the conditions of the theorem. Hence, as in the above proof, the corresponding Gauss-Ricci-Codazzi equations are satised in D0(ω,R). But, as we have already seen, these equa- tions lead to the matrix relation∂αFˆ = ˆFΓα, together with the initial condition Fˆ(y0) =G1/20 . Consequently, the uniqueness part of Theorem 2.3 implies that F = ˆF inω. In other words, ∂αθ =∂αθˆ, for all α ∈ {1, . . . , p}, hence θ= ˆθ, since θ(y0) = ˆθ(y0) =θ0, and Ni = ˆNi for alli∈ {1, . . . , q}. The conclusion then follows from relations (3.27) and (3.28).



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Received 15 July 2008 Université Paul Sabatier

Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse(IMT) UMR 5219(CNRS-UPS-INSA-UT1-UT2)

118, route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse Cedex, France marcela.szopos@math.univ-toulouse.fr


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nifolds with constant sectional curvature are particular examples of con- formally flat Riemannian manifolds. The orthogonal complement Wy (N) of Q9 in Cy (N) is

Minimal isometric immersions into conformally flat Rieman- nian manifolds. Riemannian manifolds with constant sectional curvature are

Conversely, Friedrich proves in [6] that, in the two dimensional case, if there exists a restricted Killing spinor field satisfying equation (13), where S is an arbitrary field

Prove that the gamma distribution is actually a continuous probability distributions that is it is non-negative over x > 0 and its integral over R + is equal to 1.. Exercise 8