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Vector Addition Systems Reachability Problem (A Simpler Solution)


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Vector Addition Systems Reachability Problem (A Simpler Solution)

Jérôme Leroux

To cite this version:

Jérôme Leroux. Vector Addition Systems Reachability Problem (A Simpler Solution). The Alan

Turing Centenary Conference, Jun 2012, Manchester, United Kingdom. pp.214-228. �hal-00674970v3�


Vector Addition Systems Reachability Problem (A Simpler Solution)

Jérôme Leroux

LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux, CNRS


The reachability problem for Vector Addition Systems (VASs) is a central problem of net theory. The general problem is known to be decidable by algorithms based on the clas- sical Kosaraju-Lambert-Mayr-Sacerdote-Tenney decomposition (KLMST decomposition).

Recently from this decomposition, we deduced that a final configuration is not reachable from an initial one if and only if there exists a Presburger inductive invariant that contains the initial configuration but not the final one. Since we can decide if a Preburger formula denotes an inductive invariant, we deduce from this result that there exist checkable certifi- cates of non-reachability in the Presburger arithmetic. In particular, there exists a simple algorithm for deciding the general VAS reachability problem based on two semi-algorithms.

A first one that tries to prove the reachability by enumerating finite sequences of actions and a second one that tries to prove the non-reachability by enumerating Presburger for- mulas. In another recent paper we provided the first proof of the VAS reachability problem that is not based on the KLMST decomposition. The proof is based on the notion of pro- duction relations that directly proves the existence of Presburger inductive invariants. In this paper we propose new intermediate results that dramatically simplify this last proof.

1 Introduction

Vector Addition Systems (VASs) or equivalently Petri Nets are one of the most popular formal methods for the representation and the analysis of parallel processes [2]. Their reachability problem is central since many computational problems (even outside the realm of parallel pro- cesses) reduce to the reachability problem. Sacerdote and Tenney provided in [13] a partial proof of decidability of this problem. The proof was completed in 1981 by Mayr [11] and sim- plified by Kosaraju [7] from [13, 11]. Ten years later [8], Lambert provided a further simplified version based on [7]. This last proof still remains difficult and the upper-bound complexity of the corresponding algorithm is just known to be non-primitive recursive. Nowadays, the exact complexity of the reachability problem for VASs is still an open-question. Even the existence of an elementary upper-bound complexity is open. In fact, the known general reachability algorithms are exclusively based on the Kosaraju-Lambert-Mayr-Sacerdote-Tenney (KLMST) decomposition.

Recently [9] we proved thanks to the KLMST decomposition that Parikh images of lan- guages accepted by VASs are semi-pseudo-linear, a class that extends the Presburger sets. An application of this result was provided; we proved that a final configuration is not reachable from an initial one if and only if there exists a forward inductive invariant definable in the Presburger arithmetic that contains the initial configuration but not the final one. Since we can decide if a Presburger formula denotes a forward inductive invariant, we deduce that there exist checkable certificates of non-reachability in the Presburger arithmetic. In particular, there

Work funded by ANR grant REACHARD-ANR-11-BS02-001.


exists a simple algorithm for deciding the general VAS reachability problem based on two semi- algorithms. A first one that tries to prove the reachability by enumerating finite sequences of actions and a second one that tries to prove the non-reachability by enumerating Presburger formulas.

In [10] we provided a new proof of the decidability of the reachability problem that does not introduce the KLMST decomposition. The proof is based on transformer relations and it proves that reachability sets are almost semilinear, a class of sets inspired by the class of semilinear sets [3] that extend the class of Presburger sets. Since the class of almost semilinear sets is strictly included in the class of semi-pseudo linear sets, this result is more precise than the one presented in [9]. This proof is based on a characterization of the conic sets definable in FO (Q,+,≤)thanks to topological closures with vectors spaces. Unfortunately even though this characterization is simple, its proof is rather complex. In this paper we provide a more succinct and direct proof that transformer relations are definable in FO (Q,+,≤). As a direct consequence topological properties on conic sets are no longer used in this new version.

Outline of the paper: Section 2 recalls the definition of almost semilinear sets, a class of sets inspired by the decomposition of Presburger sets into semilinear sets. Section 3 introduces definitions related tovector addition systems. Section 4 introduces a well-order over the runs of vector addition systems. This well-order is central in the proof and it was first introduced by Petr Jančar in another context[5]. Based on the definition of this well-order we introduce in Section 5 the notion of transformer relations and we prove that conic relations generated by transformer relations are definable in FO (Q,+,≤). Thanks to this result and the well-order introduced in the previous section we show in Section 6 that reachability sets of vector addition systems are almost semilinear. In Section 7 we introduce a dimension function for subsets of integer vectors. In Section 8 the almost semilinear sets are proved to be approximable by Presburger sets in a precise way based on the dimension function previously introduced.

Thanks to this approximation and since reachability sets are almost semilinear we finally prove in Section 9 that the vector addition system reachability problem can be decided by inductive invariants definable in the Presburger arithmetic.

2 Almost Semilinear Sets

In this section we introduce the class of almost semilinear sets, a class of sets inspired by the geometrical characterization of thePresburger sets bysemilinear sets.

We denote byZ,N,N>0,Q,Q≥0,Q>0the set ofintegers,natural numbers,positive integers, rational numbers, non negative rational numbers, and positive rational numbers. Vectors and sets of vectors are denoted in bold face. Theithcomponent of a vector v∈Qd is denoted by v(i). Given two setsV1,V2⊆Qdwe denote byV1+V2the set{v1+v2|(v1,v2)∈V1×V2}, and we denote byV1−V2 the set{v1−v2|(v1,v2)∈V1×V2}. GivenT ⊆QandV ⊆Qd we letTV ={tv|(t,v)∈T×V}. We also denote byv1+V2andV1+v2the sets{v1}+V2

andV1+{v2}, and we denote bytV andTv the sets{t}V andT{v}.

Aperiodic set is a subsetP ⊆Zd such that0∈P andP+P ⊆P. Aconic setis a subset C ⊆Qd such that 0∈C, C+C ⊆C andQ≥0C ⊆C. A periodic setP is said to befinitely generated if there exist vectors p1, . . . ,pk ∈ P such that P = Np1+· · ·+Npk. A periodic set P is said to beasymptotically definable if the conic setQ≥0P is definable inFO (Q,+,≤).

Observe that finitely generated periodic sets are asymptotically definable since the conic set Q≥0P generated byP =Np1+· · ·+Npk is equal toQ≥0p1+· · ·+Q≥0pk.


Example 2.1. The periodic set P = {p ∈ N2|p(2)≤p(1)≤2p(2)−1}is depicted on the right. Observe thatQ≥0P is the conic set {0} ∪ {c∈Q2>0|c(2)≤c(1)} which is definable inFO (Q,+,≤).

A Presburger set is a set Z ⊆ Zd definable in FO (Z,+,≤). Recall that Z ⊆ Zd is a Presburger set iff it is semilinear, i.e. a finite union of linear sets b+P where b∈ Zd and P ⊆ Zd is a finitely generated periodic set [3]. The class of almost semilinear sets [10] is obtained from the definition of semilinear sets by weakening the finiteness condition on the considered periodic sets. More formally, analmost semilinear set is a finite union of sets of the form b+P whereb∈Zd andP ⊆Zd is an asymptotically definable periodic set.

3 Vector Addition Systems

A Vector Addition System (VAS)is given by a finite subsetA⊆Zd. A vectora∈Ais called an action. Aconfiguration is a vector c∈Nd. Arun ρis a non-empty word ρ=c0. . .ck of configurations such that the differenceaj=cj−cj−1 is inAfor every j∈ {1, . . . , k}. In that case we say that ρ is labeled by w =a1. . .ak, the configurations c0 and ck are respectively called thesource and thetarget and they are denoted bysrc(ρ)andtgt(ρ). Thedirection ofρ is the pair (src(ρ),tgt(ρ)), denoted by dir(ρ). Given a wordw∈A, we introduce the binary relation−→w over the set of configurations byx−w→yif there exists a runρfrom xtoy labeled by w. Observe that in this case ρ is unique. The displacement of a word w = a1. . .ak of actionsaj∈Ais the vector∆(w) =Pk

j=1aj. Note thatx−w→yimpliesx+ ∆(w) =ybut the converse is not true in general. Thereachability relation is the relation −→ overNd defined by x−→ yif there exists a run from xtoy. The following simple lemma is central in this paper.

Lemma 3.1 (Monotony). We havec+x−→w c+y for every x−w→y and for everyc∈Nd. Proof. Just observe that ifρ=c1. . .ck is a run fromxtoylabeled bywwhere cj ∈Nd then ρ0=c01. . .c0k wherec0j=c+cj is a run fromc+xtoc+ylabeled byw.

The set of configurationsforward reachable from a configurationx∈Nd is the set{c∈Nd | x−→ c}denoted bypost(x). Symmetrically the set of configurationsbackward reachable from a configuration y∈Nd is the set{c∈Nd |c−→ y} denoted bypre(y). These definitions are extended over sets of configurationsX,Y ⊆Nd bypost(X) =S

x∈Xpost(x)andpre(Y) = S

y∈Y post(y). A set X ⊆Nd is said to be aforward inductive invariant ifX = post(X).

Symmetrically a setY ⊆Nd is said to be abackward inductive invariant ifY = pre(Y).

In this paper we prove that for everyx,y∈Nd such that there does not exist a run from x to y, then there exists a pair (X,Y) of disjoint Presburger setsX,Y ⊆Nd such that X is a forward inductive invariant that contains xandY is a backward inductive invariant that containsy. This result will provide directly the following theorem.

Theorem 3.2. The reachability problem for vector addition systems is decidable.

Proof. Let x,y ∈ Nd be two configurations. Let us consider an algorithm that enumerates in parallel the runs ρand the pairs (X,Y) of disjoint Presburger setsX,Y ⊆Nd thanks to formulas in the Presburger arithmetic FO (Z,+,≤). If the algorithm encounters a run from x to y then it returns “reachable” and if X is a forward inductive invariant that contains x


and Y is a backward inductive invariant that containsy then it returns “unreachable”. This last condition can be effectively decided as follows. Note that a set X ⊆ Nd is a forward inductive invariant iff the set Nd∩(X+A)\X denoted byX˜ is empty, and a set Y ⊆Nd is a backward inductive invariant iff the set Nd∩(Y −A)\Y denoted byY˜ is empty. Moreover, from Presburger formulas denotingX andY we compute in linear time formulas denoting the setsX˜ andY˜. Hence deciding that X is a forward inductive invariant that containsxandY is a backward inductive invariant that containsyreduces to the satisfiability of formulas in the Presburger arithmetic. Since this logic is decidable, we deduce a way for implementing the last condition of our algorithm. Note that this algorithm is correct. Moreover, it terminates thanks to the main result proved in this paper.

Remark 3.3. The set post(x)is a forward inductive invariant that containsxand pre(y)is a backward inductive invariant that containsy. Moreover, if there does not exist a run fromx to ythen these two reachability sets are disjoint. However in general reachability sets are not definable in the Presburger arithmetic [4].

4 Well-Order Over The Runs

An order v over a set S is said to be awell-order if for every sequence(sj)j∈N of elements sj ∈S there exist j < ksuch that sj vsk. Observe that(N,≤) is a well-ordered set whereas (Z,≤)is not well-ordered. As another example, the pigeon-hole principle shows that a setS is well-ordered by the equality relation if and only ifS is finite. Well-orders can be easily defined thanks toDickson’s lemma andHigman’s lemma as follows.

Dickson’s lemma: Dickson’s lemma shows that the cartesian product of two well-ordered sets is well-ordered. More formally, given two ordered sets(S1,v1)and(S2,v2)we denote by v1 × v2 the order defined component-wise over the cartesian productS1×S2 by (s1, s2)v1

× v2 (s01, s02) if s1 v1 s01 and s2 v2 s02. Dickson’s lemma says that (S1×S2,v1 × v2) is well-ordered for every well-ordered sets (S1,v1) and(S2,v2). As a direct application, the set Nd equipped with the component-wise extension of≤is well-ordered.

Higman’s lemma: Higman’s lemma shows that words over well-ordered alphabets can be well-ordered. More formally, given an ordered set(S,v), we introduce the setSof words overS equipped with the ordervdefined bywvw0ifwandw0can be decomposed intow=s1. . . sk

andw0∈Ss01S. . . s0kS wheresj vs0j are inSfor everyj ∈ {1, . . . , k}. Higman’s lemma says that (S,v) is well-ordered for every well-ordered set (S,v). As a classical application, the set of words over a finite alphabetS is well-ordered by the sub-word relation=.

We define a well-order over the runs as follows. We introduce the relationover the runs defined by ρρ0 if ρ is a run of the form ρ =c0. . .ck where cj ∈ Nd and if there exists a sequence(vj)0≤j≤k+1 of vectorsvj ∈Nd such thatρ0 is a run of the formρ00. . . ρk where ρj is a run fromcj+vj tocj+vj+1.

Lemma 4.1. The relation is a well-order over the runs.

Proof. A proof of this lemma with different notations can be obtained from Section 6 of [5] with a simple reduction. For sake of completeness, we prefer to give a direct proof of this important result. To do so, we introduce a well-order over the runs based on Dickson’s lemma and Higman’s lemma and we show thatandare equal. We first associate to a runρ=c0. . .ck

the wordα(ρ) = (a1,c1). . .(ak,ck)over the setS=A×Ndwhereaj =cj−cj−1. The setSis well-ordered by the relationvdefined by(a1,c1)v(a2,c2)ifa1=a2 andc1≤c2. Dickson’s


lemma shows thatv is a well-order. The set of words S is well-ordered thanks to Higman’s lemma by the relationv. The well-orderover the runs is defined byρρ0 ifdir(ρ)≤dir(ρ0) andα(ρ)vα(ρ0). Now, let us prove thatandare equal. We consider a runρ=c0. . .ck withcj∈Nd and we introduce the actionaj=cj−cj−1for each j∈ {1, . . . , k}.

Assume first that ρ ρ0 for some run ρ0. Since α(ρ) = (a1,c1). . .(ak,ck) and α(ρ) v α(ρ0) we deduce a decomposition of α(ρ0) into the following word where c0j ≥ cj for every j∈ {1, . . . , k}andw0, . . . , wk∈S:

α(ρ0) =w0(a1,c01)w1. . .(ak,c0k)wk

In particularρ0can be decomposed inρ00. . . ρkwhereρ0is a run fromsrc(ρ0)toc01−a1jis a run fromc0jtoc0j+1−aj+1for everyj∈ {1, . . . , k−1}, andρkis a run fromc0ktotgt(ρ0). Let us introduce the sequence(vj)0≤j≤k+1 of vectors defined byv0= src(ρ0)−src(ρ),vj=c0j−cj for everyj∈ {1, . . . , k}andvk+1= tgt(ρ0)−tgt(ρ). Note thatvj∈Ndfor everyj∈ {0, . . . , k+ 1}.

Observe that for everyj ∈ {1, . . . , k−1} we havec0j+1−aj =cj+1−aj+vj+1=cj+vj+1. Hence ρj is a run fromcj+vj to cj+vj+1 for every j∈ {0, . . . , k}. Thereforeρρ0.

Conversely, let us assume thatρρ0 for some runρ0. We introduce a sequence(vj)0≤j≤k+1 of vectors inNdsuch thatρ00. . . ρk whereρj is a run fromcj+vj tocj+vj+1. We deduce the following equality wherea0j= src(ρj)−tgt(ρj−1):

α(ρ0) =α(ρ0)(a01,c1+v1)α(ρ1). . .(a0k,ck+vk)α(ρk)

Observe that a0j = (cj +vj)−(cj−1+vj) = aj. We deduce thatα(ρ) v α(ρ0). Moreover, sincedir(ρ)≤dir(ρ0)we getρρ0.

5 Transformer Relations

Based on the definition of, we introduce thetransformer relation with capacityc∈Ndas the binary relation yc over Nd defined by x yc y if there exists a run from c+x to c+y. We also associate to every run ρ=c0. . .ck withcj∈Nd thetransformer relation along the run ρ denoted byyρ and defined as the following composition:


y = yc0 ◦ · · · ◦yck

In this section transformer relations are shown to beasymptotically definable periodic. Thanks to the following Lemma 5.1, it is sufficient to prove that yc is in this class for every capacity c∈Nd.

Lemma 5.1. Asymptotically definable periodic relations are stable by composition.

Proof. Assume thatR, S ⊆Zd×Zd are two periodic relations and observe that(0,0)∈R◦S.

Let us consider two pairs (x1,z1) and (x2,z2) in R◦S. For each k ∈ {1,2}, there exists yk ∈Zd such that (xk,yk)∈R and(yk,zk)∈S. AsR andS are periodic we get (x,y)∈R and (y,z)∈S where x=x1+x2, y =y1+y2 and z =z1+z2. Thus (x,z)∈R◦S and we have proved thatR◦S is periodic. Now just observe thatQ≥0(R◦S) = (Q≥0R)◦(Q≥0S).

Hence ifR andS are asymptotically definable thenR◦S is also asymptotically definable.

Lemma 5.2. The transformer relation yc is periodic.

Proof. Assume thatc+x1w−→1 c+y1andc+x2w−→2 c+y2for wordsw1, w2∈A and vectors x1,y1,x2,y2∈Nd. By monotonyc+x1+x2−−−→w1w2 c+y1+y2.


In the remainder of this section, we show that Q≥0 c

y is definable in FO (Q,+,≤). We introduce the setΓcof triplesγ= (x,c,y)such thatxyc yand the setΓ =S

c∈NdΓc. Given a tripleγ∈Γ, the vectorsx,c,yimplicitly denote the components ofγ. We introduce the setΩγ of runsρsuch thatdir(ρ)∈(c,c) +N(x,y)and the setQγ of configurationsq∈Nd such that there exists a runρ∈Ωγ in whichq occurs. We denote byIγ the set of indexes i∈ {1, . . . , d}

such that{q(i)|q∈Qγ} is finite.

Example 5.3. Let us consider the VAS A = {a,b}

where a= (1,1,−1) andb= (−1,0,1)and let γ = (x,c,y) where x = (0,0,0), c = (1,0,1) and y = (0,1,0). Since x = (0,0,0), we observe that Ωγ = {c −−−−−→w1...wn c+ny | n ∈ N wj ∈ {ab,ba}}. This set of runs is depicted on the right. Observe that Qγ = (c+a+Ny)∪(c+Ny)∪(c+b+Ny). Hence the set of bounded components is Iγ ={1,3}.


c+a c+b c+y

... c+ (n−1)y

c+a+ (n−1)y c+b+ (n−1)y c+ny

a b

b a

a b

b a

In section 5.1 we show that for every configuration q ∈ Qγ, there exist configurations q0 ∈ Qγ that coincide with q on components indexed by Iγ and such that q0 is as large as expected on all the other components. Based on a projection of the unbounded components of vectors in Qγ, i.e. the components not indexed byIγ, we show in Section 5.3 that a finite graphGγ calledproduction graphcan be canonically associated to every tripleγ. We also prove that the class {Gγ | γ ∈ Γc} is finite. Finally in Section 5.2 we introduce a binary relation Rγ ⊆Q≥0


ydefinable inFO (Q,+,≤)associated to the production graphs Gγ and such that (x,y)∈ Rγ. By observing that Q≥0



γ∈ΓcRγ and the class {Rγ |γ ∈Γc} is finite we deduce that the periodic relationyc is asymptotically definable.

5.1 Intraproductions

An intraproduction for γ is a vector h ∈ Nd such that there exists n ∈ N satisfying nx yc hyc ny. We denote byHγ the set of intraproductions for γ. This set is periodic sinceyc is periodic. In particular for every h∈ Hγ we have Nh⊆Hγ and the following lemma shows that Qγ +Nh⊆Qγ. Hence, the components of every vectorq ∈ Qγ indexed byi such that h(i) > 0 can be increased to arbitrary large values by adding a large number of times the vector h. In order to increase simultaneously all the components not indexed by Iγ we are interested by intraproductions h such that h(i)>0 for every i 6∈ Iγ. Note that components indexed byIγ are necessarily zero since for every intraproductionh, fromc+Nh⊆Qγ we get h(i) = 0for every i∈Iγ.

Example 5.4. Let us come back to Example 5.3. We haveHγ =Ny.

Lemma 5.5. We have Qγ+Hγ ⊆Qγ.

Proof. Letq∈Qγ andh∈Hγ. As q∈Qγ, there existn∈Nand wordsu, v∈A such that c+nx−→u q −→v c+ny. Since h ∈ Hγ there exist n0 ∈ N and words u0, v0 ∈ A such that c+n0x u


−→c+h v


−→c+n0y. Letm=n+n0. By monotony, we have c+mx u


−−→q+h vv



c+my. Henceq+h∈Qγ.


Lemma 5.6. For every q≤q0 in Qγ there existsh∈Hγ such that q0 ≤q+h.

Proof. Asq,q0∈Qγ there exists m, m0 ∈Nandu, v, u0, v0∈A such that:

c+mx −→u q −→v c+my and c+m0x u


−→ q0 v


−→ c+m0y Let us introducev=q0−q,h=v+m(x+y), andn=m+m0. By monotony:

c+nx u


−→q0+mx and q+v+mx −→v c+h c+h −→u q+v+my and q0+my v



Since q0+mx= q+v+mxand q+v+my=q0+my, we have proved that c+nx u



c+h uv


−−→c+ny. Henceh∈Hγ. Observe thatq+h=q0+m(x+y)≥q0. We are done.

Lemma 5.7. There exist h∈Hγ such that Iγ ={i|h(i) = 0}.

Proof. Let i 6∈ Iγ. There exists a sequence (qj)j∈N of configurations qj ∈ Qγ such that (qj(i))j∈N is strictly increasing. Since (Nd,≤) is well-ordered there exists j < k such that qj≤qk. Lemma 5.6 shows that there exists an intraproductionhiforγsuch thatqk≤qj+hi. In particular hi(i)>0 sinceqj(i)<qk(i). As the set of intraproductions Hγ is periodic we deduce that h = P

i6∈Ihi is an intraproduction for γ. By construction we have h(i) > 0 for every i 6∈ Iγ. Since h ∈ Hγ we deduce that h(i) = 0 for every i ∈ Iγ. Therefore Iγ ={i|h(i) = 0}.

5.2 Production Graphs

Finite graphsGγ, calledproduction graphscan be associated to every tripleγas follows. The set ofstates is obtained fromQγ by projecting away the unbounded components. More formally, we introduce the projection function πγ : Qγ → NIγ defined by πγ(q)(i) = q(i) for every q∈Qγ and for everyi∈Iγ. We consider the finite set ofstates Sγγ(Qγ)and the setTγ of transitions (πγ(q),q0−q, πγ(q0))whereqq0 is a factor of a run inΩγ. SinceTγ ⊆Sγ×A×Sγ we deduce thatTγ is finite. We introduce the finite graphGγ = (Sγ, Tγ), called theproduction graph ofγ. Sincec∈Qγ we deduce thatπγ(c)is a state of Gγ. This state, called thespecial state forγ, is denoted by sγ.

Example 5.8. Let us come back to Example 5.3. Ob- serve that πγ(c+a+ny) = (2, ?,0), πγ(c+ny) = (1, ?,1), andπγ(c+b+ny) = (0, ?,2)where?denotes a projected component. The graphGγis depicted on the right. Note thatsγ = (1, ?,1).

(2, ?,0) (1, ?,1) (0, ?,2) b


a a

Corollary 5.9. We haveπγ(src(ρ)) =sγγ(tgt(ρ))for every run ρ∈Ωγ.

Proof. Sinceρ∈Ωγ there existsn∈Nsuch thatρis a run fromc+nxtoc+ny. In particular nxand nyare two intraproductions forγ. We getnx(i) = 0 =ny(i)for everyi∈Iγ. Hence πγ(src(ρ)) =πγ(c) =πγ(tgt(ρ)).

A path in Gγ is a word p= (s0,a1, s1). . .(sk−1,ak, sk) of transitions (sj−1,aj, sj) in Tγ. Such a path is called a path from s0to sk labeled byw=a1. . .ak. Whens0=sk the path is


called acycle. The previous corollary shows that for every runρ=c0. . .ckinΩγ the following wordθρ is a cycle onsγ inGγ labeled byw:

θρ= (πγ(c0),a1, πγ(c1)). . .(πγ(ck−1),ak, πγ(ck)) Corollary 5.10. The graphGγ is strongly connected.

Proof. Let s ∈ Sγ. There exists q ∈ Qγ that occurs in a run ρ ∈ Ωγ such that s = πγ(q).

Hence there exist u, v∈A such that src(ρ)−→u q−→v tgt(ρ). Note thatθρ is the concatenation of a path fromsγ to sand a path fromsto sγ labeled byu, v.

Corollary 5.11. States inSγ are incomparable.

Proof. Let us considers≤s0inSγ. There existsq,q0∈Qγsuch thats=πγ(q)ands0γ(q0).

Lemma 5.7 shows that there exists an intraproductionh0 ∈Hγ such thatIγ ={i|h0(i) = 0}.

By replacing h0 by a vector in N>0h0 we can assume without loss of generality that q(i) ≤ q0(i) +h0(i)for everyi6∈Iγ. Asq(i) =s(i)≤s0(i) =q0(i) =q0(i) +h0(i)for everyi∈Iγ we deduce that q ≤q0+h0. Lemma 5.5 shows that q0+h0 ∈Qγ. Lemma 5.6 shows that there exists an intraproduction h ∈ Hγ such that q0+h0 ≤ q+h. As h ∈ Hγ we deduce that h(i) = 0 for everyi∈Iγ. In particularq0(i)≤q(i)for everyi∈Iγ. Hences0 ≤sand we get s=s0.

Corollary 5.12. The class{Gγ |γ∈Γc} is finite.

Proof. GivenI⊆ {1, . . . , d}we introduce the statesc,I ∈NI defined bysc,I(i) =c(i)for every i ∈ I. We also introduce the set Γc,I of triples γ ∈ Γc such that Iγ = I. Note that in this casesc,I is equal to the special statesγ forγ. Assume by contradiction that Sc,I=S


is infinite. For every s ∈ Sc,I there exists γ ∈ Γc,I such that s ∈ Sγ. Hence there exists a pathpsinGγ fromsc,I to s. Since the states inSγ are incomparable, we can assume that the states occurring inpsare incomparable. By inserting the pathspsin a tree rooted bysc,I with transitions labeled by actions inAwe deduce an infinite tree such that each node has a finite number of children (at most|A|). Koenig’s lemma shows that this tree has an infinite branch.

Since(NI,≤)is well-ordered, there exists two comparable distinct nodes in this branch. There exists s ∈ Sc,I such that these two comparable states occurs in ps. We get a contradiction.

ThusSc,I is finite. We deduce the corollary.

5.3 Kirchhoff ’s Functions

We associate to the production graph Gγ a binary relation Rγ included in Q≥0 c

y and such that (x,y)∈Rγ. This relation is based onKirchhoff ’s functions.

AKirchhoff ’s function forγ is a functionf :Tγ →Qlabeling transitions of the production graph Gγ by rational numbers satisfying the following equality for everys∈Sγ:



f(t) = X



Kirchhoff’s functionsf :Tγ →N>0 are characterized as follows. A cycleθ in Gγ is said to be total for γ if every transition in Tγ occurs in θ. The Parikh image of a path is the function f :Tγ →Nwheref(t)denotes the number of occurrences oftin the path. SinceGγ is strongly


connected,Euler’s lemma shows that a function f :Tγ →N>0is a Kirchhoff’ function forγ if and only iff is the Parikh image of a total cycle forγ.

Thedisplacement of a functionf :Tγ →Qis the sum P

t∈Tγf(t)∆(t)where∆(t) =a ifa is the label of the transition t. This displacement is denoted by∆(f). Let us observe that iff is the Parikh’s image of a path inGγ labeled by a wordw then∆(f) = ∆(w). Intuitively the displacement of wonly depends on the number of times transitions inTγ occur in the path.

We introduce the relationRγ of pairs(u,v)∈Qd≥0×Qd≥0 satisfyingu(i)>0 iffx(i)>0, v(i)>0iffy(i)>0, and such that there exists a Kirchhoff’s functionf :Tγ →Q>0 such that v−u= ∆(f). Observe thatRγ is definable inFO (Q,+,≤).

Example 5.13. Let us come back to Examples 5.3 and 5.8. A function f : Tγ → Q is a Kirchhoff’s function for γ if and only if f((1, ?,1),a,(2, ?,0)) = f((2, ?,0),b,(1, ?,1)) and f((1, ?,1),b,(0, ?,2)) =f((0, ?,2),a,(1, ?,1)). We get Rγ ={((0,0,0),(0, n,0))|n∈Q>0}.

Lemma 5.14. We have(x,y)∈Rγ.

Proof. Assume thatTγ ={t1, . . . , tk}. By definition ofTγ, for everyj∈ {1, . . . , k}, there exists a run ρj such thattj occurs in the cycleθρj. Let wj be the label ofρj and nj ∈Nsuch that dir(ρj)∈(c,c) +nj(x,y). Asxyc ythere exists a runρfromc+xtoc+ylabeled by a word w. The cycleθρshows thatwis the label of a cycle onsγ. Let us considern= 1 +Pk

j=1nj and σ=ww1. . . wk. Observe thatσis the label of a total cycle onsγ. Hence the Parikh’s image of this total cycle provides a Kirchhoff’s functionf forγ such that∆(σ) = ∆(f). Observe that

∆(σ) =n(y−x). Hence y−x= ∆(n1f)and we have proved that(x,y)∈Rγ. Lemma 5.15. We haveRγ⊆Q≥0



Proof. Lemma 5.7 shows that there exists h0 ∈ Hγ such that Iγ = {i | h0(i) = 0}. From h0 ∈ Hγ we have a run ρ of the form c+nx −w−→1 c+h0w−→2 c+ny for some n ∈ N and w1, w2 ∈A. The cycle θρ shows that there exist cycles θ1, θ2 on sγ labeled by w1, w2. We denote by f1 and f2 the Parikh images of these two cycles. Let (u,v) ∈ Rγ. By replacing (u,v)by a pair inN>0(u,v)we can assume without loss of generality thatu0 =u−nx and v0 =v−nyare both inNd, and there exists a Kirchhoff’s functionf such thatf(t)∈N>0 and f(t)> f1(t) +f2(t)for everyt∈Tγ, and such thatv−u= ∆(f). Sinceg=f−(f1+f2)is a Kirchhoff’s function satisfyingg(t)∈N>0for every t∈Tγ, Euler’s Lemma shows thatg is the Parikh’s image of a total cycleθinGγ onsγ. Letσbe the label of this cycle and observe that

∆(σ) = ∆(g) = ∆(f)−(∆(f1) + ∆(f2)) =v−u−((h0−nx) + (ny−h0)) =v0−u0. Since c+nx −w−→1 c+h0w−→2 c+ny and nx ≤u, ny ≤v we deduce by monotony that for every m∈Nwe have:

c+mu w


−−→1 c+m(h0+u0) c+m(h0+v0) w


−−→2 c+mv

We prove that there exists a run labeled byσfromc+mh0 for somem∈N>0large enough as follows. We introduce the decomposition ofσinto σ=a1. . .ak where aj ∈A. Sinceθis a cycle on the special statesγ labeled by σ, there exists a sequence(sj)0≤j≤k of states sj ∈Sγ

such thatθ= (s0,a1, s1). . .(sk−1,ak, sk). Leti6∈Iγ andj ∈ {0, . . . , k}. Sinceh0(i)>0there existsmi,j ∈Nsuch that the ith component ofc+mi,jh0+ ∆(a1. . .aj)is inN. Letm∈N>0

such that m ≥ mi,j for every i 6∈ Iγ and j ∈ {0, . . . , k}. Note that for every i ∈Iγ and for every j∈ {0, . . . , k}, theith component ofc+ ∆(a1. . .aj)is equal tosj(i)which is inN. We


have proved that c+mh0+ ∆(a1. . .aj)∈ Nd for every j ∈ {0, . . . , k}. Hence there exists a run fromc+mh0 labeled byσ.

Let us consider`∈ {0, . . . , m}and let us introducez`= (m−`)u0+`v0. Note thatz`∈Nd. By monotony there exists a run fromc+mh0+z`labeled byσ. Since∆(σ) =v0−u0, we get z`+ ∆(σ) =z`+1. We deduce thatc+mh0+z`−→σ c+mh0+z`+1. Therefore:

c+m(h0+u0) σ



We have proved the lemma by observing thatc+mu w

m 1σmwm2


Corollary 5.16. Transformer relations are asymptotically definable periodic relations.

Proof. Lemma 5.14 and Lemma 5.15 show thatQ≥0 c


γ∈ΓcRγ. Since the class {Gγ |γ∈ Γc} is finite we deduce that the class {Rγ | γ ∈ Γc} is finite. Recall that relations Rγ are definable inFO (Q,+,≤).

6 Reachability Relations Are Almost Semilinear

In this section the intersection of the reachability relation −→ with any Presburger relation R ⊆ Nd×Nd is proved to be almost semilinear. As a direct corollary we will deduce that post(X)∩Y and pre(Y)∩X are almost semilinear for every Presburger sets X,Y ⊆Nd. Since Presburger relations are finite unions of linear relations, we can assume that R=r+P where r ∈Nd×Nd and P ⊆Nd×Nd is a finitely generated periodic relation. We introduce the set Ω of runs ρ such that dir(ρ) ∈ R equipped with the order v defined by ρ v ρ0 if dir(ρ0)∈dir(ρ) +P and ρρ0. SinceP is finitely generated, Dickson’s lemma shows thatv is a well-order. In particular we deduce that the set of minimal runs in Ωfor v, denoted by minv(Ω) is finite.

Lemma 6.1. The intersection of −→ withR is equal to:



dir(ρ) + (yρ ∩P)

Proof. Let us first prove that dir(ρ) + (yρ ∩P) is included in −→ ∩R for every run ρ ∈ Ω.

Assume that ρ =c0. . .ck with cj ∈Nd and let (u,v)∈ P such that u yρ v. As ρ∈ Ω we deduce that (c0,ck)∈ R. As u yρ v there exists a sequence (vj)0≤j≤k+1 of vectors vj ∈Nd such thatv0 =u, vk+1 =v and such that vj


yvj+1 for every j ∈ {0, . . . , k}. In particular there exists a run fromcj+vj tocj+vj+1 labeled by a wordwj ∈A. Now just observe that we have a run fromc0+v0 to ck+vk+1 labeled byw0a1w1. . .akwk where aj =cj−cj−1. Since(c0,ck)∈r+P and(u,v)∈P we deduce that(c0+u,ck+v)∈r+P+P⊆R. Hence dir(ρ) + (u,v)is in−→ ∩R.

Now, let us prove that for every(x,y)∈Rsuch thatx−→ ythere existsρ∈minv(Ω)such that (x,y)∈dir(ρ) + (yρ ∩P). There exists a runρ0 ∈Ωsuch thatdir(ρ0) = (x,y). Sincev is a well-order, there exists a runρ∈minv(Ω)such that ρvρ0. By definition ofvwe deduce that dir(ρ0)∈dir(ρ) + (yρ ∩P).


SinceP is finitely generated it is asymptotically definable. From the following lemma we deduce thatyρ ∩P is an asymptotically definable periodic relation. Hence, the previous lemma proved that the intersection of the reachability relation −→ with every Presburger relation is almost semilinear.

Lemma 6.2. Asymptotically definable periodic sets are stable by intersection.

Proof. If P1,P2 ⊆Zd are two periodic sets then P =P1∩P2 is a periodic set. Moreover, observe that Q≥0(P1 ∩P2) = (Q≥0P1)∩(Q≥0P2). Hence, if P1,P2 are asymptotically definable thenP is also asymptotically definable.

We deduce the following corollary.

Corollary 6.3. The sets post(X)∩Y and pre(Y)∩X are almost semilinear for every Presburger setsX,Y ⊆Nd.

Proof. Let us consider the Presburger relation R=X×Y and observe thatpost(X)∩Y = f(−→ ∩R) andpre(Y)∩X =g(−→ ∩R) wheref, g:Qd×Qd→Qdand defined byf(x,y) =y andg(x,y) =x. Now just observe that for everyr∈Nd×Nd, for every asymptotically definable periodic relationP ⊆Nd×Nd, and for everyh∈ {f, g}we haveh(r+P) =h(r)+h(P). Moreover h(P) is a periodic set and the conic set Q≥0h(P) is equal to h(Q≥0P) which is definable in FO (Q,+,≤).

7 Dimension

In this section we introduce a dimension function for the subsets ofZdand we characterize the dimension of periodic sets.

Avector spaceis a setV ⊆Qd such that0∈V,V +V ⊆V and such thatQV ⊆V. Let X ⊆Qd. The following setV is a vector space called thevector space generated byX.

V =




λjxj |k∈Nand(λj,xj)∈Q×X

This vector space is the minimal for the inclusion among the vector spaces that containX. Let us recall that every vector space V is generated by a finite set. Therank rank(V)of a vector space V is the minimal natural number m ∈N such that there exists a finite set X with m vectors that generatesV. Let us recall that rank(V)≤dfor every vector space V ⊆Qd and rank(V)≤rank(W)for every pair of vector spacesV ⊆W. Moreover, ifV is strictly included in W thenrank(V)<rank(W).

Example 7.1. Vector spaces V included in Q2 satisfy rank(V) ∈ {0,1,2}. Moreover these vectors spaces can be classified as follows : rank(V) = 0 if and only ifV ={0},rank(V) = 1 if and only ifV =Qv withv∈Q2\{0}, andrank(V) = 2if and only ifV =Q2.

Thedimension of a set X ⊆Zd is the minimal integer m ∈ {−1, . . . , d} such that X ⊆ Sk

j=1bj+Vj wherebj∈Zd andVj⊆Qd is a vector space satisfyingrank(Vj)≤mfor every j. We denote bydim(X)the dimension ofX. Observe that dim(v+X) = dim(X)for every X ⊆ Zd and for every v ∈ Zd. Moreover we havedim(X) = −1 if and only if X is empty.

Note that dim(X∪Y) = max{dim(X),dim(Y)} for every subsetsX,Y ⊆Zd.


Example 7.2. LetX={−10, . . . ,10}×Z. Observe thatdim(X)≤1since the setXis included in S

b∈{−10,...,10}×{0}b+V whereV ={0} ×Q.

Lemma 7.3. Let P ⊆Zd be a periodic set included inSk

j=1bj+Vj wherek∈N>0,bj∈Zd andVj ⊆Qd is a vector space. There existsj ∈ {1, . . . , k} such thatP ⊆Vj andbj∈Vj. Proof. Let us first prove by induction overk∈N>0that for every periodic setP ⊆Zdincluded in Sk

j=1Vj where Vj ⊆Qd is a vector space, there existsj ∈ {1, . . . , k} such that P ⊆Vj. The rank k = 1 is immediate. Assume the rank k proved and let us prove the rank k+ 1.

LetP be a periodic set included in Sk+1

j=1Vj whereVj ⊆Qd is a vector space. If P ⊆Vk+1

the induction is proved. So we can assume that there exists p∈P\Vk+1. Letx∈P. Since p+nx∈P for everyn∈N, the pigeon-hole principle shows that there existj∈ {1, . . . , k+ 1}

and n < msuch that np+xandmp+xare both in Vj. In particular the difference of this two vectors is in Vj. Since this difference is (m−n)p and p6∈ Vk+1 we get j ∈ {1, . . . , k}.

Observe thatn(mp+x)−m(np+x)is the difference of two vectors inVj. Thus this vector is inVj and we deduce thatx∈Vj. We have shown thatP ⊆Sk

j=1Vj. By induction there existsj ∈ {1, . . . , k} such thatP ⊆Vj. We have proved the induction.

Finally, assume that P ⊆Zd is a periodic set included in Sk

j=1bj +Vj where k ∈ N>0, bj ∈Zd andVj ⊆Qd is a vector space. LetJ be the set of j∈ {1, . . . , k} such that bj ∈Vj

and let us prove that P ⊆S

j∈JVj. Let p∈P. Sincenp ∈P for every n∈ N, there exist j ∈ {1, . . . , k}and n < msuch thatnp andmp are both inbj+Vj. The difference of these two vectors shows that (m−n)pis in Vj. Frombj ∈np−Vj ⊆Vj we deduce that j ∈J. ThusP ⊆S

j∈JVj. As0∈P we deduce thatJ 6=∅ and from the previous paragraph, there existsj ∈J such thatP ⊆Vj.

Lemma 7.4. We havedim(P) = rank(V)for every periodic setP whereV is the vector space generated by P.

Proof. Since P ⊆ V we deduce that dim(P)≤ rank(V). For the converse inequality, there existk∈N,(bj)1≤j≤ka sequence of vectorsbj∈Zdand a sequence(Vj)1≤j≤k of vector spaces Vj ⊆Qd such thatP ⊆Sk

j=1bj+Vj and such thatrank(Vj)≤dim(P)for everyj. SinceP is non empty we deduce thatk∈N>0. Lemma 7.3 proves that there existsj∈ {1, . . . , k}such thatP ⊆Vj andbj∈Vj. By minimality of the vector space generated byP we getV ⊆Vj. Hence rank(V)≤rank(Vj). Fromrank(Vj)≤dim(P)we getrank(V)≤dim(P).

8 Linearizations

Alinearizationof an almost semilinear setXis a setSk

j=1bj+(Pj−Pj)∩Q≥0Pjwherebj ∈Zd andPj⊆Zd is an asymptotically definable periodic set such thatX=Sk

j=1bj+Pj. Let us recall that every subgroup of (Zd,+) is finitely generated[14]. Moreover, sinceFO (Q,+,≤,0) admits a quantifier elimination algorithm, we deduce that linearizations are definable in the Presburger arithmetic.

Remark 8.1. Almost semilinear sets can have multiple linearizations.

In this section we show that ifX,Y ⊆Zd are two non-empty almost semilinear sets with an empty intersection then every linearizationsS,T ofX,Y satisfy:



Figure 1: From left to right : setsX andY, sets u+Q≥0P andv+Q≥0Q, and setS∩T. Example 8.2. Sets introduced in this example are depicted in Figure 1. Let us introduce the asymptotically definable periodic set P = {p ∈ N2 | p(2) ≤ p(1) ≤ 2p(2)−1} and the finitely generated periodic setQ=N(1,0) +N(3,−1). We introduce the almost semilinear sets X =u+P and Y =v+Q where u= (0,0)and v = (7,2). Observe thatX∩Y is empty and dim(X ∪Y) = 2. Let us consider linearizations S,T of X,Y defined by S = u+P0 and T =v +Q0 where P0 = (P −P)∩Q≥0P and Q0 = (Q−Q)∩Q≥0Q. Observe that P0 ={(0,0)} ∪ {p∈N2>0|p(2)≤p(1)} andQ0=Q. Note that the intersection S∩T is non empty since it is equal to{(7,2),(10,1)}+N(1,0). In particulardim(S∩T)≤1 and we get dim(S∩T)<dim(X∪Y).

Lemma 8.3. Assume thatb+M ⊆(P −P)∩Q≥0P whereb∈Zd andM,P ⊆Zd are two periodic sets. Let a be a vector of the form m1+· · ·+mk where(mj)1≤j≤k is a sequence of vectorsmj ∈M that generates a vector space that containsP. There exists k∈N>0 such that b+kN>0a⊆P.

Proof. Since b ∈ P −P there existsp+,p ∈ P such that b = p+ −p. As the sequence (mj)1≤j≤k generates a vector space that contains P, we get p+ ∈ Pk

j=1Qmj. Hence there exists z ∈ N>0 such that−zp+ ∈ Pk

j=1Zmj. By definition of a, there exists n ∈N>0 such that−zp++na∈Pk

j=1Nmj. Henceb−zp++na∈b+Pk

j=1Nmj. Since this set is included inQ≥0P and(z−1)p+∈P we deduce that(b−zp++na) + (z−1)p+ is inQ≥0P. Note that this vector is equal to −p+na since b=p+−p. Hence, there exists s ∈N>0 such that s(−p+na)∈P. Letk=snand observe that−p+ka=s(−p+na) + (s−1)p. Hence

−p+ka∈P. Sinceb+ka= (−p+ka) +p+ andka= (−p+ka) +p we deduce that b+ka andka are both inP. In particularb+kN>0a⊆P.

Corollary 8.4. LetX,Y ⊆Zd be two non-empty almost semilinear sets with an empty inter- section. For every linearizations S,T of X,Y we have:


Proof. We can assume thatX =u+P,Y =v+Qwhereu,v ∈Zd and P,Q⊆Zd are two asymptotically definable periodic sets such thatX∩Y =∅and we can assume thatS =u+P0 where P0 = (P −P)∩Q≥0P and T = v+Q0 where Q0 = (Q−Q)∩Q≥0Q. Let U and V be the vector spaces generated by P and Q. Lemma 7.4 shows that dim(X) = rank(U) and dim(Y) = rank(V). Note thatS∩T is a Presburger set and in particular a finite union of linear sets. If this set is empty the corollary is proved. Otherwise there exists b ∈ Zd and a finitely generated periodic set M ⊆ Zd such that b+M ⊆ S ∩T and such that dim(S ∩T) = dim(b+M). Let W be the vector space generated by M. Observe that b+M ⊆(u+U)∩(v+V). Hence for everym∈M sinceb+m−uandb+ 2m−uare both in U the difference is also in U. Hence m∈U. We deduce thatM ⊆U and symmetrically


M ⊆V. AsM is included in the vector spaceU∩V, by minimality ofW, we getW ⊆U∩V. Assume by contradiction that W = U and W = V. Since M is finitely generated, there exists a sequence (mj)1≤j≤k of vectors mj ∈ M such that M = Nm1 +· · ·+Nmk. Let a =m1+· · ·+mk. From b−u+M ⊆(P −P)∩Q≥0P and Lemma 8.3 we deduce that there exists k ∈N>0 such that b−u+kN>0a ⊆P. Fromb−v+M ⊆(Q−Q)∩Q≥0Q and Lemma 8.3 we deduce that there exists k0 ∈ N>0 such that b−v+k0N>0a ⊆ Q. In particular b+kk0a ∈(u+P)∩(v+Q) and we get a contradiction since this intersection is empty. ThusW 6=U orW 6=V. SinceW ⊆U∩V we deduce thatW is strictly included in U or in V. Hencerank(W)<max{rank(U),rank(V)}= dim(X∪Y). From Lemma 7.4 we getdim(M) = rank(W)and sincedim(M) = dim(S∩T)the corollary is proved.

9 Presburger Invariants

We introduce the notion ofseparators. Aseparatoris a pair(X,Y)of Presburger setsX,Y ⊆ Nd such that there does not exist a run from a configuration inX to a configuration inY. In particularX∩Y =∅. The Presburger setD=Nd\(X∪Y) is called thedomain of(X,Y).

We observe that a separator(X,Y)with an empty domain is a partition ofNd such thatX is a Presburger forward inductive invariant andY is a Presburger backward inductive invariant.

Lemma 9.1. Let (X0,Y0) be a separator with a non-empty domain D0. There exists a separator(X,Y)with a domainD such thatX0⊆X,Y0⊆Y anddim(D)<dim(D0).

Proof. As X0,D0 are Presburger sets, Corollary 6.3 shows thatH = post(X0)∩D0 is an almost semilinear set. We introduce a linearizationSof this set. Since(X0,Y0)is a separator, the intersectionpost(X0)∩Y0 is empty. Moreover, aspost(X0)∩D0⊆S, we deduce that the set Y =Y0∪(D0\S) is such that post(X0)∩Y =∅. Hence (X0,Y) is a separator.

Symmetrically, asD0,Y are Presburger sets, Corollary 6.3 shows thatK= pre(Y)∩D0is an almost semilinear set. We introduce a linearizationT of this set. Since(X0,Y)is a separator, the intersection pre(Y)∩X0 is empty. Moreover, aspre(Y)∩D0⊆T, we deduce that the set X=X0∪(D0\T)is such thatpre(Y)∩X =∅. Hence(X,Y)is a separator.

Let us introduce the domainDof(X,Y)and observe thatD=D0∩S∩T. IfH orK is empty thenS orT is empty and in particularDis empty and the lemma is proved. So we can assume that H and K are non empty. Since H ⊆post(X0)⊆post(X)and K⊆pre(Y) and(X,Y)is a separator, we deduce thatH∩K=∅. Moreover asH,K⊆D0we deduce that dim(H∪K)≤dim(D0). AsS and T are linearizations of the non-empty almost semilinear sets H,K and H∩K=∅, Corollary 8.4 shows thatdim(S∩T)<dim(H∪K). Therefore dim(D)<dim(D0).

We deduce the main theorem of this paper.

Theorem 9.2. For everyx,y∈Nd such that there does not exist a run fromxtoy, then there exists a pair(X,Y)of disjoint Presburger setsX,Y ⊆Nd such thatX is a forward inductive invariant that contains xandY is a backward inductive invariant that containsy.

Proof. Observe that({x},{y})is a separator.Thanks to Lemma 9.1 with an immediate induc- tion over the dimension of the domains we deduce that there exists a separator(X,Y)with an empty domain such thatx∈X andy∈Y.


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