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Committee on the programme of work and priorities provisional summary record of the fourth meeting


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral



Addikl Ababa, February - Maroh 1962



LDlIT:::n E!C?i",14!L


22 February 1962 Original' iNGLISH










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Ethiopia. Ghana. Guinea. Liberia, Nigeria and Togo, Draft Resolution The EConomio Commission for Afrioa:

Considering the diffioulties of reoruiting Afrioans to staff the


Seoretariat of the Commission,

Reoognizing the need for the Secretariat of the Commission to be Africanized as ra:pidly as possible at all levels ,and the necessity for Afrioan members of the Commission to assist in obtaining African staff for the Commission's Secretariat,

Reoa1ling the desire of the Secretary-Genera1, as reported by the

Executive Secretary to the Committee on the Programme of Work and Priorities on 14 February 1962, that preference should be given to qualified Africans in the Commission's staff recruitment policies,

Bearinl\' in mind Article 101 of the UN Charter:

1. Decides to establish a Committee on Staff Reoruitment and Training to examine the recruitment and staff training diffioulties and :polioies of the Commission's Seoretariat and to make recommendations to the Commission through the Executive Seoretary as to the means of achieving the objectives set out in pre-ambular paragraphs 1 - 3 above, and in partioular to ensure that Africans are adequately represented at the policy-making levels of the Secretariat,

2. Requests the Committee, when established, to assist the Executive Seoretary in seouring from Afrioan members of the Commission a steady supply to the Seoretariat of oompetent Africans on a permanent basis or for reason- able periods of secondment,

3. Further requests the Committee to establish machinery for keeping in close touch with African universities and African students in overseas

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universities with a view to recruiting suitable material, particularly for the lower professional levels of the Secretariat.

4. Calls on t


·ttee to 'studY and recommend a staff training prog~amme for all levels the staff of the Secretariat, taking into

~I account the relev~t exp,r ences of the Economic Commission for Latin


;Ameri~. ~ t~.E~on9fictc ission for Asia and the Far ,East,


Further dapif£s t~at the Committee shall oomprise seven African

.... 11 .'"51/\1 311 ot .

L.::~:.r~e~; mempe;::~.J;J;o,e...jjIoonomic Commission for Africa, eleoted for a two-year term, and the Executive Secretary; and shall meet at least twioe a yeer ' and shaiisubmit an annual i'eportofitsactivities to the

Commission in session. In discharging,~~sfunctionsthe Co~ittee shall call for and stud;:{ a.ll· details and information i t oo~~ider.s. essential for the full and effective perfo::,"""noe of 1 ts responsibilities ,ahd the Commission requests the Exeouti ve Secretary to makea!a.ilable all suoh information as the Committee shall request.


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