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Committee I : Provisional Summary Record of the Twelfth Meeting


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E/CN.14/Cl/SH.12(V) 28 February 1963


Original: FRENCH


Leopoldville, February-Maroh 1963


PROVISIONAL SMART RECORD OF TEE TWELF1H MEETING held at the Palais de la Nation, Leopoldville,

on Thursday 28 February 1963, at 9*50 a.m.

Chairman; Mr. Lissouba (Congo, Brazzaville)

Secretary: Mr. Nomvete



Financial, Trade and Commodity Problems (oontinued)

Representatives wishing to have corrections made to this Africa Hall, P.O. Box 3001, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.





The CHAIRMAN invited the Committee to hear a communication from

the secretariat about the draft resolution E/CN.I4/L.I54 concerning &

payments union.

Mr. EfflMG (Secretariat) explained why he had felt it necessary to submit a statement (E/CN.14/L.I55) of the financial implications of the study contemplated. The budget already prepared for I964 was based on a definite programme of work. The study now proposed could not be included in it without a supplementary appropriation, first because of

the commitments already existing, and secondly because the task involved

was a technical one requiring specialized staff which the secretariat did not have available. It was proposed that a working party be convened

in 1964. The ECA would be responsible for the preparatory work and the servicing of the working party but, even if the governments defrayed the

costs of participation in the working party, it would be necessary to recruit five consultants and four interpreters for different periods. An appropriation would be requested from the competent authorities, but it was for the General Assembly to make a decision.

Mr. TSHILUMBA (Congo, Leopoldville) proposed two amendments to

the draft resolution (E/CN.14/L.154). First, that the text of the second preambular paragraph should be replaced by the following: "Bearing in mind

that there should be harmonization of these monetary zones and payments systems to promote intra-African trade"; secondly, that, in the operative part, the international financial institutions and the administrative services of the Utf should be asked to place the staff required for that study at the disposal of the ECA gratuitcrisly.

Mr. 0UALIT3EN (Algeria), Mr. GAUA (Kigeria) and Mr. PAHMT (United

Arab Republic) supported the first amendment but did not consider the second one essential.



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Mr. EWING (Secretariat) said that the second amendment did not

seem essential to him either, and pointed out that if it was desired to have a serious study made, its scope would require a time—limit of more than a year; hence it would be preferable for it to be submitted to the seventh session rather than to the sixth.

Mr. TSHILUMBA (Congo, Leopoldville) withdrew his second amendment.

Mr. RAFFET (Dahomey), Mr. KIANO (Kenya and Zanzibar), Mr. HORTON (Liberia), Mr. ZERRAD (Morocco) Mr. GANA (Nigeria) and Mr. BAILA (Senegal)

supported the draft resolution as amended.

Mr. SHIMBUSHO (Rwanda) thought that the text under discussion

would make an important step towards the establishment of an African common market. But, since further studies were needed, for example on the harm onization of customs unions, he wondered why they had to be financed only by the countries concerned, whereas they concerned the whole of Africa.

Could not the United Nations finance them?

Mr. EWING (Secretariat) explained that the United Nations did

finance studies of that kind, but that the costs involved in participation in working groups were defrayed by the countries taking part.

Mr. SHERLALA (Libya) asked that the study on monetary systems

that had been proposed at the third session be speeded up and expanded sc as to cover the study of the establishment of a payments union.

Mr. EWING (Secretariat) indicated that the study undertaken

following the third session was almost completed, but that it was only a basic survey.

Mr. GANA (Nigeria) said that, since the study on monetary systems

was almost oompleted, that ought to facilitate the one under discussion.

Could that one not, then, be submitted to the sixth session?

Mr. EWING (Secretariat) repeated that it was an extremely

important study, that a year was not enough if serious work was to be done and that, consequently, it was preferable not to submit it to the Commission until the seventh session.



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The CHAIRMAN put the draft resolution (E/CN.I4/L.I54) as amended by the first amendment of the representative of Congo (Leopoldville), to

the vote.

The draft resolution, as amended, was adopted by 19 votes to none.

with 2 abstentions.

Mr. XIJBO (Kenya and Zanzibar) explained that, as the representa tive of an associate member, he had not been able to take part in the vote, but that he was in favour of the resolution just adopted.

Mr. H1CTABAVE (Chad) said that the reason why he had not made a statement or participated in the vote was that he did not have full powers, the head of the delegation of Chad being absent.

Mr. VIAUD (Prance), replying to the representatives of Nigeria and the United Arab Republic who had asked him to say why France had refrained from taking part in the vote and had reminded him that he had promised to provide information on the franc zone, explained that the reason why he had abstained was not that Srance was opposed to the study in question, but that it considered that the decision on the matter was the exclusive province of the African countries. As to the information requested, he pointed out that he had made a brief statement at the previous meeting on the mechanism of the franc zone. Ha would have the text circ ulated to the Committee members. Since a detailed description of that mechanism required some time, he assured the Committee that when the work ing party met, it would have at its disposal if it wished, all the relevant


Ike meeting rose at 11,05 a.m.


Documents relatifs

LUKACS (Secretariat) read out an alternative amendment, submitted by the representative of Sierra Leone, for the addition of the following words at the end of the

participated in the work of the United Nations Commission on International Commodity Trade, where the problem of compensatory financing of export fluctuations of primary

assistance to governments in the planning of social programmes needed to accelerate econoiric development, comparative analysis and evaluation of social aspects of African

The Report of the Expert Group Meeting on Organization, and Administra tion of Social Welfare "Services (E/CN.I4/169) and the Report-on Certain Activities of Community

Mr, AUJNAN (Observer for the World Food Programme), speaking at the invitation of the Chairman, drew attention to the draft resolution on the recommendations of the Standing

field of social welfare and community development, that all the secretariac was in effect-," asking "was''that the terms''of reference of that standing.. committee'

CAME* (Sierra Leone) asked Aether the secretariat would study the question in collaboration with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.or the African

DULPHT (Secretariat) said that in establishing this part of the programme the Secretariat had takfen into account both the lessons drawn from the previous year's activities and