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Draft resolution: associate membership for Angola, Mozambique, so called Portuguese Guinea and South West Africa


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Draft resolution: associate membership for Angola, Mozambique, so called Portuguese Guinea and South West Africa"


Texte intégral




-rrtl' H ED N AT I ON S .r. =

E O N O M l e (j ,

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Wgo., lJ.-25 hbn1&r,J 1961


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Conoa=1.ng 1 "1I8001&' e _lIll1berahi p tor Angol a! J&ou a bl gue. eo- oeJ.led Port\!6l!•• • 0N n•• Mol. S9y~ U"t Atria.

Span.or .,,:1. b;r. JJ.l .ember'll Faull"

The Eoonolll1o Colllll1 881on tor atr1oa.

Reatt1rtl1i ng i ts OQlldo Uon that tb. aoU", P'oMio i .-t1oal or all J.tl-lo", llo Ulltr iue and hrr1,tor1ee ill the 80rk or ,... Co-1. .:l.OII 1. an . . ._U-.l oondi 1;ion tor tbe aolI10lYement or

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Cond derin« that r••oluUOZI 914(lXXV1) of the ~o .."l. 8ooh .!

COUlloll n:peclled Port ll«al and SO\lth J.tri c.

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L67- 52


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