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Risk measures


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Risk measures

Proofs and additional remarks

Christian Y. Robert

ISFA - Université Lyon 1

October 2011



1. A set S in R2 is said to be comonotonic, if, for all (y1, y2) and (z1, z2) in this set, yi < zi for some i implies yj ≤ zj for j = i.

◦ Notice that a comonotonic set is a ‘thin’ set, in the sense that it is contained in a one-dimensional subset of R2.

2. When the support of a random vector is a comonotonic set, the random vector itself and its joint distribution are called comonotonic.



1. A random vector (X, Y ) is comonotonic if and only if X and Y may be written as non-decreasing functions of the same random variable.

2. A random vector (X, Y ) is comonotonic if and only if

P(X x, Y y) = min{P(X x),P(Y y)}

for all x, y ∈ R.

3. A random vector (X, Y ) is comonotonic if and only if (X, Y ) =d (FX−1(U), FY−1(U))

where FX−1 stands for the quantile function of X (see below), and U is a random variable that is uniformly distributed over the unit interval (0,1).



Let Y be a set of univariate distribution functions. The binary relation is a partial order on Y if for any elements X with df FX, Y with df FY and Z with df FZ in Y, the following properties hold :

(i) If XY and Y Z then XZ (transitivity).

(ii) XX (reflexivity).

(iii) If XY and Y X then X = Y (antisymmetry).

If, in addition, for any given pair X and Y of elements of either XY or Y X holds, then is said to be a total order.

Remark : We write XY but we actually mean FXFY . In other words, when we say that a risk X is smaller than a risk Y for the stochastic order relation, we assert that this ordering holds for the respective dfs of these risks. Therefore, the joint distribution of X and Y is irrelevant ; only their marginal distributions are important.


⊲ First-order stochastic dominance

PROP : Risk Y dominates risk X stochastically at first order if and only if there exist random variables X =d X and Y =d Y such that P(X Y ) = 1.

Remark : If Y DS1 X, then FY (d) ≤ FX(d), ∀d ∈ R.

If moreover FX and FY are increasing df, we have FY−1(FY (d) = d, FX(X) =d U where U is uniformly distributed over the unit interval (0,1) and FY−1(U) =d Y (see below).

Therefore X = X and Y = FY−1(FX(X)) are desirable random variables since X ≤ Y a.s.

by the previous relation.


PROP : Risk Y dominates risk X stochastically at first order if and only if E[u(−X)] E[u(−Y )]

for all non-decreasing functions u (such that the expectations exist).

PROOF : First note that, letting v(x) = −u(−x), the condition : E[u(−X)] E[u(−Y )]

for all non-decreasing functions u is equivalent to the condition : E[v(X)] E[v(Y )]

for all non-decreasing functions v.

The ⇐ part is obvious since F¯X(z) = E[I

{X>z]] and the function x → I

{X>z] is non-decreasing for any z. To get the converse implication, it suffices to invoke the previous proposition and to write

E[v(X)] = Ev(X) Ev(Y ) = E[v(Y )].


PROP : If X and Y have density propobability functions such that there exists a real number c and :

fX (d) ≥ fY (d) for d ∈] − ∞, c) fX (d) ≤ fY (d) for d ∈ [c,∞[.

then Y DS1 X.

PROOF : For x < c, we get FX(x) =


−∞fX (u)du ≥


−∞ fY (u) du = FY (x) For x > c, we get

FX(x) = 1 −

x fX (u)du ≥ 1 −

x fY (u)du = FY (x) and this concludes the proof.


⊲ Second-order stochastic dominance

PROP : Risk Y dominates risk X stochastically at second order if and only if E[u(−X)] E[u(−Y )]

for all non-decreasing and concave function u (such that the expectations exist).

PROOF : First note that, letting v(x) = −u(−x), the condition : E[u(−X)] E[u(−Y )]

for all non-decreasing concave functions u is equivalent to the condition : E[v(X)] E[v(Y )]

for all non-decreasing convexe functions v.

The ⇐ implication is obvious since the function x → (x − t)+ is convex for all t ∈ R. To get the converse, note that every continuous function v convex is the limit


of an increasing sequence of functions : vn(x) = α1 + α2x +

n j=0


x − t(n)j


with β(n)j ≥ 0. It allows us to write E[vn(X)] = α1 + α2E[X] +

n j=0

β(n)j E

X − t(n)j


≤ α1 + α2E[Y ] +

n j=0

β(n)j E

Y − t(n)j


= E[vn(Y )]

for every n. Taking the limit (Monotone convergence theorem) yields E[v(X)] E[v(Y )].


PROP : Risk Y dominates risk X stochastically at second order if and only if there exists a random variable D such that :

X + D =d Y and E[D|X] 0 a.s.

PROOF : The ⇐ implication is derived by using the conditional Jensen’s inequality E[(Y d)+] = E[(X + D d)+] = EX[E[ (X + D d)+


≥ EX[(X + E[D|X] d)+ E[(X d)+].

The other implication is difficult to prove.


PROP : If E[X] E[Y ] and if there exists a real number c such that FX (d) ≤ FY (d) for d ∈] − ∞, c)

FX (d) ≥ FY (d) for d ∈ [c,∞[

then Y DS2 X. PROOF : Note that

E[ (X d)

+] =

d (x − d)dFX (x)

= −[(x − d)(1 − FX (x))]d +


X(x)dx =


X(x)dx πX(d) = −(1 − FX(d)) = −F¯X(d).

Moreover limd→∞E[ (X d)

+] = 0 and since E[ (X d)

+] +d = E[max(X, d)]


E[ (X d)

+] + d = E[X].

Let us consider the function φ(d) = πY (d) − πX(d). We have limd→−∞ φ(d) = E[Y ] E[X] 0, limd→∞ φ(d) = 0 and φ(d) = FY (d) FX(d).


PROP : If Y DS1 X, then Y DS2 X. PROOF : Y DS1 X if and only if

E[u(−X)] E[u(−Y )]

for all non-decreasing function u (such that the expectations exist). Hence the in- equality holds if u is a non-decreasing and concave function. So it is clear that Y DS2 X.

Note that two risks may be stochastically comparable at second order but not at first order.



PROP : Π satisfies the properties 1) Monotonicity, 2) Objectivity, iff it satisfies the Invariance by first-order stochastic dominance property.

PROOF : The ⇐ implication is derived by noting that if P(X Y ) = 1 then P(X > d) P(Y > d) for all d R and hence the Monotonicity property is satisfied. Moreover if X =d Y then X DS1 Y and Y DS1 X. By the first-order stochastic dominance property, we deduce that Π(X) = Π(Y ).

The ⇒ part is proven by noting that X DS1 Y if and only if there exist random variables X =d X and Y =d Y such that P(X Y ) = 1. By Monotonicity property Π(X) ≤ Π(Y ) and by the Objectivity property Π(X) ≤ Π(Y ).


PROP : If Π satisfies the Invariance by second-order stochastic dominance property, then it satisfies the Invariance by first-order stochastic dominance property.

PROOF : The proposition is proven by noting that, if Y DS1 X, then Y DS2 X. Indeed, assume that X DS1 Y , then Y DS2 X and by the Invariance by second- order stochastic dominance property, we deduce that Π(X) ≤ Π(Y ). Therefore we have shown that

X DS1 Y ⇒ Π(X) ≤ Π(Y ).


PROP : Assume that Π is a risk measure that satisfies the Positive homogeneity property. Π satisfies the Convexity property iff it satisfies the Subadditivity property.

PROOF : Assume that for any positive constant c and for all risks X, Π(cX) = cΠ(X).

i) ⇒ part : take α = 1/2 in the Convexity property, 1

2Π(X + Y ) = Π


2X + 1 2Y

≤ 1

2Π(X) + 1

2Π(Y ) to derive the Subadditivity property.

ii) ⇐ part : for α ∈ [0,1],

Π(αX + (1 − α)Y ) ≤ Π(αX) + Π((1 − α)Y ) = αΠ(X) + (1 − α)Π(Y ).


PROP : Assume that Π is a risk measure that satisfies the Convexity property and Π(0) = 0. Π satisfies the Positive homogeneity property iff it satisfies the Subaddi- tivity property.

PROOF : If Π is a risk measure that satisfies the Convexity property, then t → Π(tX)/t is a non-decreasing function for t > 0, since by taking 0 < t1 < t2, and α = t1/t2,

Π(t1X) = Π(αt2X + (1 − α) × 0) ≤ αΠ(t2X) + (1 − α)Π(0) = t1


i) ⇒ part : obvious since

Π(X + Y ) = 2Π


2X + 1 2Y

≤ Π(X) + Π(Y ).

ii) ⇐ part : for k ∈ N and k 2, Π(kX) kΠ(X), i.e. Π(kX)/k Π(X). But since Π is a risk measure that satisfies the Convexity property, t → Π(tX)/t is a non-decreasing and therefore it must be constant for t > 0.


PROP : If Π satisfies the Monotonicity property and the “No unjustified loading”

property, then it satisfies the “Non-excessive loading” property.

PROOF : Since P(X max[X]) = 1, we deduce that

Π(X) ≤ Π(max[X]) = max[X] by the “No unjustified loading” property.


PROP : If Π satisfies the properties 1) “Non-excessive loading”, 2) Convexity, then it satisfies the Monotonicity property.

PROOF : For α ∈ (0,1)

Π(αX) = Π

αY + (1 − α) α

(1 − α)(X − Y )

≤ αΠ(Y ) + (1 − α)Π


(1 − α)(X − Y )


If P(X Y ) = 1, then max[X − Y ] ≤ 0, Π α(1 − α)−1(X − Y ) ≤ 0 and Π(αX) ≤ αΠ(Y ).

Let α ր 1 to conclude.


PROP : If Π satisfies the properties 1) Objectivity, 2) “No unjustified loading”, 3) Convexity, 4) Convergence in distribution, then it satisfies the “Non-negative loading”


PROOF : Let X, X1, X2... be iid random variables. First note that by the convexity property



2X1 + 1 2X2

≤ 1

2Π (X1) + 1

2Π (X2) = Π (X).

Let X¯k = (X1 + ... + Xk)/k. We show by induction and the convexity property that, for any k ∈ N, Π2k ≤ Π (X) since

2k+2 = k

k + 1X¯2k + 1 k + 1


2X2k+1 + 1


. Now by the law of large numbers X¯kP,d E[X] and

Π X¯2k → Π (E[X]) = E[X] and hence Π (X) ≥ E[X].


PROP : If Π satisfies the properties 1) Objectivity, 2) Monotonicity, 3) Convexity, 4) if (Xn) converges in distribution to X then Π(Xn) → Π(X), then the risk measure does not depend on risks.

PROOF : Fix two numbers a < b. Define X0 = b and for n = 1,2,3, ... let Xn = a + 2n(b − a)I


Xn = a + 2n(b − a)I


where U is a random variable that is uniformly distributed over the unit interval (0,1). Thus Xn =d Xn ,

Xn = 1

2 Xn+1 + Xn+1 and Xnd a. Convexity and law-invariance imply

Π(Xn) = Π


2 Xn+1 + Xn+1 ≤ 1

2Π(Xn+1) + 1

2Π(Xn+1 ) = Π(Xn+1).


Thus n → Π(Xn) is an increasing sequence. Therefore monotonicity and conver- gence in distribution of the risk measure imply

Π(a) = lim

n→∞Π(Xn) ≥ Π(X0) = Π(b) ≥ Π(a).

Thus Π(a) = Π(b) = π and by monotonicity we get for any X with a ≤ X ≤ b that Π(X) = π.

As a and b are arbitrary, this implies that Π is constant on the set of all bounded random variables.

Finally approximate an unbounded random variable Y by the sequence Yn = (Y ∧ n)∨ −n of bounded random variables to extend to unbounded random variables too.

Remark : Xnd a but max[Xn] →d ∞ = a!


PROP : If Π satisfies the properties 1) Objectivity, 2) Comonotonic additivity, 3) Invariance by second-order stochastic dominance, then it satisfies the Subadditivity property.

PROOF : Let X and Y be two random variables, and U be a random variable that is uniformly distributed over the unit interval (0,1). Set

Xc = FX−1(U) and Y c = FY−1(U).

For d = d1 + d2, we have

(x + y − d)+ = ((x − d1) + (y − d2))+ ≤ ((x − d1)+ + (y − d2)+)+

= (x − d1)+ + (y − d2)+. Let us now choose

d1 = FX−1c(FXc+Y c(d)) and d2 = F−1

Y d (FXc+Y c(d)) and note that, for any d where FXc+Y c is increasing,

d1 + d2 = (FX−1c + FY−1c )(FXc+Y c(d)) = FX−1c+Y c(FXc+Y c(d)) = d.


It follows that

E[(X + Y d)+]

≤ E[(X d1)+] + E[(Y d2)+]

= E[(Xc F−1

Xc(FXc+Y c(d)))+] + E[(Y c F−1

Y d (FXc+Y c(d)))+]

= E[(F−1

X (U) − FX−1c(FXc+Y c(d)))+] + E[(F−1

Y (U) − F−1

Y d (FXc+Y c(d)))+]

= E[(F−1

X + FY−1)(U) − (FX−1c + F−1

Y d )(FXc+Y c(d)))+]

= E[(Xc + Y c d)+] and then

X + Y DS2 Xc + Y c.

If the risk measure Π is invariant by second-order stochastic dominance and is additive for comonotonic risks, then

Π(X + Y ) ≤ Π(Xc + Y c) = Π(X) + Π(Y ), which proves the stated result.



There are basically two ways to define a generalized inverse for a distribution function.


Given a df F, we define the inverse functions F−1 and F−1+ of F as F−1(α) = inf{x ∈ R : F(x) α} = sup{x R : F(x) < α}


F−1+(α) = inf{x ∈ R : F(x) > α} = sup{x R : F(x) α}

for α ∈ [0,1], where, by convention, inf ∅ = +∞ and sup= −∞.


One can check that :

1. F−1 and F−1+ are both non-decreasing (they are continuous everywhere, except on an at most countable set of points) ;

2. F−1 is left-continuous while F−1+ is right-continuous ;

3. F−1(α) = F−1+(α) if, and only if, α does not correspond to a ‘flat part’ of F or equivalently, if, and only if, F−1 is continuous at α.


LEMMA : For all x ∈ R and for all α ∈ (0,1)

(i) F−1(α) ≤ x ⇔ α ≤ F(x)

(ii) F−1+(α) ≥ x ⇔ α ≥ F(x−) = P(X < x)

PROOF : We only prove (i) ; (ii) can be proven in a similar way. The ‘⇒’ part is proven if we can show that

α > F(x) ⇒ F−1(α) > x

Assume that α > F(x). Then there exists an ǫ > 0 such that α > F(x + ǫ). From the sup-definition of V aR[X; α], we find that x + ǫ ≤ F−1(α), which implies that

F−1(α) > x.

We now prove the ‘⇐’ part. If α ≤ F(x) then we find that α ≤ F(x + ǫ) for all ǫ > 0. From the inf-definition of F−1(α), we can conclude that F−1(α) ≤ x + ǫ for all ǫ > 0. Taking the limit for ǫ ↓ 0, we obtain F−1(α) ≤ x.


PROPOSITION : Let X be an rv. For any 0 < α < 1, the following equalities hold : (i) If t is non-decreasing and continuous then Ft(X−1)(α) = t FX−1(α).

(ii) If t is non-decreasing and continuous then Ft(X)−1+(α) = t FX−1+(α).

PROOF : We only prove (i) ; (ii) can be proven in a similar way. By application of the previous lemma, we find that the following equivalences hold for all real x :

Ft(X−1)(α) ≤ x ⇔ α ≤ Ft(X)(x) ⇔ α ≤ FX(t−1+(x))

⇔ FX−1(α) ≤ t−1+(x) ⇔ t FX−1(α) ≤ x

Note that the above proof only holds if t−1+ is finite. But one can verify that the equivalences also hold if t−1+(x) = ±∞.

Remark : The continuity assumption put on the function t can be relaxed as follows : in (i) it is enough for t to be left-continuous, whereas in (ii) it is enough for t to be right-continuous.



(i) If an rv X has a continuous df F, then F(X) ∼ U ni(0,1).

(ii) Let X be an rv with df F, not necessarily continuous. If U ∼ U ni(0,1), then X =d F−1(U) =d F−1+(U).


(i) For all 0 < u < 1,

P(F(X) u) = P(X F−1(u)) = 1 F(F−1(u)) = 1 u from which we conclude that F(X) ∼ U ni(0,1).

(ii) We see from the lemma that

P(F−1(U) x) = P(U F(x)) = F(x).

The other statement has a similar proof.


PROP : VaR satisfies the “Non-excessive loading” property.

PROOF : Since X ≤ max[X] we have that V aR[X;α] ≤ max[X] whatever α, so that VaR is indeed no-ripoff.

PROP : VaR does not satisfy the “Non-negative loading” property.

PROOF : Let us define α = F(E[X]). It is clear that VaR does not exceed the expected loss X for probability levels less than α.

PROP : VaR satisfies the “No unjustified loading” property.

PROOF : It is easy to see that for any probability level α > 0, V aR[c;α] = c.


PROP : VaR satisfies the Objectivity property.

PROOF :This is a direct consequence of the definition of VaR, since it only depends on the df of X.

PROP : VaR satisfies the Translativity property.

PROOF : VaR possesses the very convenient stability property that the VaR of a non- decreasing function t of some rv X is obtained by applying the same function to the initial VaR. Let us consider the function t : x → x +c, we deduce that VaR has the translativity property.


PROP : VaR fails to be subadditive.

i) A counter-example

Let us consider two independent risks with unit Pareto distribution X ∼ P ar(1,1) and Y ∼ P ar (1,1), i.e.

P (X > t) = P (Y > t) = 1

1 + t, t > 0.

On the one hand,

V aR [X;α] = V aR [Y ;α] = 1

1 − α − 1.

On the other hand, one can show that

P (X + Y ≤ t) = 1 − 2

2 + t + 2ln (1 + t) (2 + t)2 .



P (X + Y ≤ 2V aR [X;α]) = α − (1 − α)2 2 ln

1 + α 1 − α

< α, we get

V aR[X;α] + V aR[Y ;α] < V aR[X + Y ;α]

and, in such a case, diversification will lead to more risk being reported.


ii) Elliptical distributions et subadditivity of VaR DEFINITION :

1. A random vector X = (X1, . . . , Xn) has spherical distribution, if for every ortho- gonal map U ∈ Rn×n (i.e. UU = UU = Id),

U X =d X.

◦ The multivariate standard Gaussian distribution is a spherical distribution since fUX(x) = fX(U−1x) = 1

(2π)n/2 exp



= 1

(2π)n/2 exp



= fX(x)


PROP : The following are equivalent.

(i) X is spherical

(ii) There exists a function ψ such that, for all t ∈ Rd E[eitX] = ψ(t2).

(iii) For every a ∈ Rd

aX =d aX1.

(iv) X =d RS where S is uniformly distributed on the unit sphere Sn−1 = {t ∈ Rd : t2 = 1} and R 0 is a radial random variable, independent of S.

ψ is called the characteristic generator of the spherical distribution and we write X ∈ Sn(ψ).


2. A random vector X = (X1, . . . , Xn) has an elliptical distribution (X ∈ E(µ, A, ψ)) if there exist µ ∈ Rn, A Rn×d and Y Sd(ψ) such that

X =d µ + AY.

◦ It follows that any random vector with components that are linear combinations of the components of an elliptical distribution is again an elliptical distribution with the same characteristic generator.

◦ The Gaussian and the Student distributions are examples of elliptical distributions.

◦ Any multivariate elliptical distribution with mutually independent components and finite variance must necessarily be multivariate normal.


PROPOSITION : Let X ∈ E(µ, A, ψ) and M = {L : L = λ0 + λX}. For any L1, L2 ∈ M, α ≥ 0.5

V aR[L1 + L2;α] ≤ V aR[L1;α] + V aR[L2;α].

PROOF : Let L1 = λ0,1 + λ1X and L2 = λ0,2 + λ2X. We have V aR[L1 + L2;α]

= λ0,1 + λ0,2 + V aR[(λ1 + λ2)X;α]

= λ0,1 + λ0,2 + V aR[(λ1 + λ2)µ + 1 + λ2)AY1;α]

= λ0,1 + λ0,2 + (λ1 + λ2)µ + 1 + λ2)A V aR[Y1;α]

If α ≥ 0.5, then V aR[Y1;α] ≥ 0 and V aR[L1 + L2;α]

≤ λ0,1 + λ0,2 + (λ1 + λ2)µ + λ1A + λ2A V aR[Y1;α]

= V aR[L1;α] + V aR[L2;α].


PROP : VaR satisfies the Comonotonic additivity property.

PROOF : For all non-decreasing (left-continuous) functions h and g,

V aR[h(X) + g(X);α] = V aR[(h + g)(X);α] = (h + g)(V aR[X;α])

= h(V aR[X;α]) + g(V aR[X;α])

= V aR[h(X); α] + V aR[g(X);α]

PROP : VaR satisfies the Positive homogeneity property.

PROOF : Let us consider the function t : x → λx with λ > 0, we deduce that VaR has the translativity property.

PROP : VaR satisfies the Monotonicity property.

PROOF : Clearly, if P(X Y ) = 1 holds then FX(x) FY (x) is true for any x.

Therefore, V aR[X;α] ≤ V aR[Y ;α] holds in such a case for any probability level α (by symmetry with respect to the main diagonal).


PROP : VaR satisfies the Invariance by first-order stochastic dominance property.

PROOF : It is easy to show that

X DS1 Y ⇔ P(Y d) P(X d) ∀d R

⇔ V aR[X;α] ≤ V aR[Y ;α] ∀α ∈ (0,1).

PROP : VaR does not satisfy the Invariance by second-order stochastic dominance property.

PROOF : Since X DS2 Y X DS1 Y , the Invariance by second-order stochastic dominance property may not be satisfied.

PROP : VaR does not satisfy the Convexity property.

PROOF : VaR is not subadditive and satisfies the Positive homogeneity property.


PROP : VaR does not satisfy the Iterativity property.



∼ N

µX µY


σ2X ρσXσY ρσXσY σ2Y

The conditional distribution of X given Y = y is X|Y = y ∼ N

µX + ρσX

σY (y − µY ), σ2X(1 − ρ2)



V aR[X;α] = µX + σXΦ−1(α) V aR[X|Y ;α] = µX + ρσX

σY (Y − µY ) + σX

(1 − ρ2−1(α) V aR[V aR[X|Y ;α];α] = µX + σX (1 − ρ2) + ρ

Φ−1(α) and we deduce that V aR[V aR[X|Y ;α];α] = V aR[X;α] only if ρ = 0.


PROP : VaR satisfies the Convergence in distribution.

PROOF : It is well known that the weak convergence of the dfs ensures the same type of convergence for the quantile functions.

PROP : VaR does not satisfy the Stability by mixing property.

PROOF : Consider for example the case where X =d 1

0 + 1

2N (0,1). It is easily seen that

V aR[X;α] = 1



PROP : Let (X, Y ) be a random vector with pdf f(., .), then

∂γV aR[X + γY ;α] = E[Y |X + γY = V aR[X + γY ;α]]

PROOF : It may be found for example in Gouriéroux C., J.P. Laurent and O. Scaillet (2000). Sensitivity Analysis of Values at Risk. Journal of Empirical Finance, 7, 225- 245.


PROP : Let (X, Y ) be a random vector with pdf f(., .), then


∂γ2V aR[X + γY ;α] = ∂

∂sV[Y |X + γY = s]

s=V aR[X+γY;α]

+ V[Y |X + γY = s]


s=V aR[X+γY;α]

PROOF : It may be found for example in Gouriéroux C., J.P. Laurent and O. Scaillet (2000). Sensitivity Analysis of Values at Risk. Journal of Empirical Finance, 7, 225- 245.


⊲ TVaR and associated risk measures PROP : For any α ∈ (0,1)

T V aR[X;α] = V aR[X;α] + 1

1 − αES[X;α]

CT E[X;α] = V aR[X;α] + 1

1 − F(V aR[X;α])ES[X;α]

CV aR[X;α] = 1

1 − F(V aR[X;α])ES[X;α]

PROOF : The first expression follows from ES[X;α] =


0 (V aR[X;ξ] − V aR[X;α])+



α V aR[X;ξ]dξ − V aR[X;α](1 − α).


The second and third expression follow from

ES[X;α] = E[X V aR[X;α]|X > V aR[X;α]]P(X > V aR[X; α]).

Remark :

1. If F has a positive probability distribution function, for any α ∈ (0,1), T V aR[X;α] = CT E[X;α].

2. For any α ∈ (0,1)

minπ (E[(X π)+] + (1 α)π)

= E[(X V aR[X;α])+] + (1 α)V aR[X;α]

= (1 − α)T V aR[X; α].



1. Consider a random variable X ∼ N(µ, σ2) which is normally distributed with mean µ and variance σ2. We have

V aR[X;α] = µ + σΦ−1(α) T V aR[X;α] = µ + σϕ(Φ−1(α))

1 − α CT E[X;α] = µ + σϕ(Φ−1(α))

1 − α CV aR[X;α] = σ


1 − α − Φ−1(α)

ES[X;α] = σϕ(Φ−1(α)) − σΦ−1(α)(1 − α)


2. Consider a random variable that is lognormally distributed, i.e. ln X ∼ N(µ, σ2).

We have

V aR[X;α] = eµ+σΦ−1(α)

T V aR[X;α] = eµ+σ2/2Φ(σ − Φ−1(α)) 1 − α

CT E[X;α] = eµ+σ2/2Φ(σ − Φ−1(α)) 1 − α

CV aR[X;α] = µ+σ2/2Φ(σ − Φ−1(α))

1 − α − eµ+σΦ−1(α)

ES[X;α] = eµ+σ2/2Φ(σ − Φ−1(α)) − eµ+σΦ−1(α)(1 − α)


PROP : TVaR satisfies the “Non-excessive loading” property.

PROOF : This comes from the fact that VaR is known to be no-ripoff, so that T V aR[X;α] = 1

1 − α


α V aR[X;ξ]dξ ≤ 1 1 − α


α max[X]dξ.

PROP : TVaR satisfies the “Non-negative loading” property.

PROOF : This is again an immediate consequence of the corresponding properties for VaRs, since

T V aR[c;α] = 1 1 − α


α V aR[c;ξ]dξ = 1 1 − α


α cdξ = c.


PROP : TVaR satisfies the “No unjustified loading” property.

PROOF : If U ∼ Uni(0,1) then

E[X] = E[F−1(U)] =


0 F−1(u)du = T V aR[X; 0].

The claimed property will hold if we are able to show that TVaR is non-decreasing in the probability level. We clearly have that

T V aR[X;α] = 1 1 − α



0 V aR[X;ξ]dξ

. Therefore, we can write


dαT V aR[X;α] = 1

1 − α (T V aR[X;α] − V aR[X;α]). Since α → V aR[X;α] is non-decreasing,

T V aR[X;α] = 1 1 − α


α V aR[X;ξ]dξ ≤ 1 1 − α


α V aR[X;α]dξ = V aR[X;α]


which gives


dαT V aR[X;α] ≥ 0.

We conclude

T V aR[X;α] ≥ T V aR[X; 0] = E[X]

so that TVaR induces a non-negative loading whatever the probability level α.

PROP : TVaR satisfies the Objectivity property.

PROOF : Knowing α → T V aR[X;α] is equivalent knowing α → V aR[X;α] since by definition

T V aR[X;α] = 1 1 − α


α V aR[X;ξ]dξ.


V aR[X;α] = T V aR[X;α] − (1 − α) d

dαT V aR[X;α].

Hence TVaR satisfies the Objectivity property.


PROP : TVaR satisfies the Translativity property.

PROOF : This is immediate from the corresponding properties of the VaRs T V aR[X + c;α] = 1

1 − α


α V aR[X + c;ξ]dξ

= 1

1 − α


α V aR[X;ξ]dξ + c = T V aR[X;α] + c PROP : TVaR satisfies the Subadditivity property.

PROOF : First note that

T V aR[X;α] = min


π + 1

(1 − α)E[(X π)+]



We thus have for any 0 < λ < 1 that T V aR[λX + (1 − λ)Y ;α]

π + 1

(1 − α)E[(λX + (1 λ)Y π)+]

π=λV aR[X;α]+(1−λ)V aR[Y ;α]

= λV aR[X;α] + (1 − λ)V aR[Y ;α]

+ 1

(1 − α)E[(λX + (1 λ)Y (λV aR[X;α] + (1 λ)V aR[Y ;α]))+

≤ λV aR[X;α] + (1 − λ)V aR[Y ;α]

+ λ

(1 − α)E[(X V aR[X;α])+] + (1 λ)

(1 − α)E[(Y V aR[Y ;α])+]

= λT V aR[X;α] + (1 − λ)T V aR[Y ;α].

Hence the TVaR is convexe and since it is positive homogeneous, it is subadditive.

PROP : TVaR satisfies the Comonotonic additivity property.

PROOF : This is immediate from the corresponding properties of the VaRs.


PROP : TVaR satisfies the Positive homogeneity property.

PROOF : This is immediate from the corresponding properties of the VaRs.

PROP : TVaR satisfies the Monotonicity property.

PROOF : This is immediate from the corresponding properties of the VaRs.

PROP : TVaR satisfies the Invariance by first-order stochastic dominance property.

PROOF : TVaR satisfies the Invariance by second-order stochastic dominance property and so it satisfies the Invariance by first-order stochastic dominance property..


PROP : TVaR satisfies the Invariance by second-order stochastic dominance property.

PROP : For any random pair (X, Y ) we have that X DS2 Y if and only if their respective T V aR’s are ordered :

X DS2 Y ⇔ T V aR[X;α] ≤ T V aR[Y ;α] ∀α ∈ (0,1)

PROOF : First we assume X DS2 Y and let α ∈ (0,1). Consider the function f(d) defined by

f(d) = (1 − α)π + E[(X d)+].

We have

T V aR[X;α] = f(V aR[X;α])

1 − α ≤ f(V aR[Y ;α]) 1 − α

= V aR[Y ;α] + 1

1 − αE[(X V aR[Y ;α])+]

≤ V aR[Y ;α] + 1

1 − αE[(Y V aR[Y ;α])+] = T V aR[Y ;α].


To prove the other implication, we assume that the TVaR’s are ordered for all α ∈ (0,1). Note that for any random variable X, we have that

E[(X d)+] = E[(F−1

X (U) − d)+]



FX(d) V aR[X;α]dα − d(1 − FX(d)).

Hence, for d such that 0 < FX(d) < 1, we find

E[(X d)+] = (T V aR[X;FX(d)] − d) (1 − FX(d))

≤ (T V aR[Y ;FX(d)] − d) (1 − FX(d))

= E[(Y d)+] +


FX(d) (V aR[Y ;α] − α)dα

Using the equivalence α ≤ FY (d) ⇔ d ≥ V aR[Y ;α], it is straightforward to prove that


FX(d) (V aR[Y ;α] − α)dα ≤ 0.


If FX(d) = 1, we find E[(X d)+] = 0 E[(Y d)+]. Since E[X] E[Y ] Thus E[(X d)+] = E[X] E[(Y d)+] also holds for d such that FX(d) = 0.

Hence, we have proven that X DS2 Y .

PROP : TVaR satisfies the Convexity property.

PROOF : See the proof for the Subadditivity property.

PROP : TVaR does not satisfy Iterativity property.

PROOF : Consider the case where


∼ N

µX µY


σ2X ρσXσY ρσXσY σ2Y


PROP : TVaR satisfies the Convergence in distribution property if moreover E[Xn] E[Xn].

PROOF : By using the Objectivity property.

PROP : TVaR does not satisfy the Stability by mixing property.

PROOF : Consider for example the case where X =d 1

0 + 1

2N (0,1).


Remark : Let X and x be such that F(x) > 0. For any event A such that P(A) = F(x),

E[X|A] E[X|X > x].

It suffices to write

E[X|X > x] = x + E[X x|X > x, A]P(A|X > x) +EX x|X > x,A¯P A|X > x¯

≥ x + E[X x|X > x, A] P(A|X > x)

= x + E[X x|X > x, A] P(X > x|A)

≥ x + E[X x|X > x, A] P(X > x|A) +E[X x|X x, A]P(X x|A)

= E[X|A].


It sheds a new light on CTE, which can be represented as a worst-case conditional expectation since

CT E[X;α] = sup E[X|A]|P(A) F¯(V aR[X; α]) which reduces to

CT E[X;α] = sup{E[X|A]|P(A) 1 α}

when F is continuous.

This result is closely related to the notion of scenario or stress testing : the CTE appears as the largest possible expected value of X under the set of all plausible scenarios (that is, those whose probabilities exceed 1 − α).


PROP : Let (X, Y ) be a random vector with pdf f(., .), then

∂γT V aR[X + γY ;α] = E[Y |X + γY V aR[X + γY ;α]]

PROOF : See for example Scaillet, O., 2004. Nonparametric Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis of Expected Shortfall. Mathematical Finance, 14 : 115-129.


PROP : Let (X, Y ) be a random vector with pdf f(., .), then


∂γ2T V aR[X + γY ;α] = 1

1 − αV[Y |X + γY = V aR[X + γY ;α]]

×fX+γY (V aR[X + γY ;α]).

PROOF : See for example Scaillet, O., 2004. Nonparametric Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis of Expected Shortfall. Mathematical Finance, 14 : 115-129.



Remark : u may be chosen such that u(0) = 0, u(0) = 1 and u′′(0) = −a ≤ 0.

PROP : Π(.) satisfies the “Non-excessive loading” property (no ripoff).

PROOF : Because u is non-decreasing and X ≤ max[X] a.s., we have 0 = E[u(Π(X) X)] u(Π(X) max[X])

so that Π(X) ≤ max[X] holds, and the zero-utility premiums satisfy the no-ripoff condition.

PROP : Π(.) satisfies the “Non-negative loading” property.

PROOF : If u is concave then Jensen’s inequality ensures that 0 = E[u(Π(X) X)] u(Π(X) E[X])

so that Π(X) ≥ E[X] and the zero-utility premiums contain a non-negative loading.


PROP : Π(.) satisfies the “No unjustified loading” property.

PROOF : Note that

0 = E[u(Π(c) c)] = u(Π(c) c).

Since u(0) > 0, we deduce that Π(c) = c.

PROP : Π(.) satisfies the Objectivity property.

PROOF : If X and Y have the same distribution,

0 = E[u(Π(X) X)] = E[u(Π(Y ) Y )] = E[u(Π(X) Y )]

and hence Π(X) = Π(Y ).

PROP : Π(.) satisfies the Translativity property.

PROOF : We have

0 = E[u(Π(X +c)(X +c))] = E[u((Π(X +c)c)X)] = E[u(Π(X)X)]

and then Π(X + c) = Π(X) + c.


PROP : Π(.) does not satisfy the Subadditivity property.

PROOF : Consider the case where


∼ N

0 0


1 ρ ρ 1

and u(x) = −e−αx for α > 0. Then Π(X) = 1

α lnEeαX = α

2 and Π(X + Y ) = (1 + ρ)α and therefore Π(X + Y ) = Π(X) + Π(Y ).

Note that Π(X) satisfies the Additivity for independent risks property iff u(x) =

−e−αx or u(x) = x (up to a linear relation).

PROP : Π(.) does not satisfy the Comonotonic additivity property.

PROOF : Π(.) does not satisfy the Positive homogeneity property and therefore it does not satisfy the Comonotonic additivity property.


PROP : Π(.) does not satisfy the Positive homogeneity property.

PROOF : Consider the case where X ∼ N (0,1). Then Π(λX) = λ 1

λα lnE[eλαX] = λαλ

2 = λ2Π(X).

PROP : Π(.) satisfies the Monotonicity property.

PROOF : Π(.) satisfies the Invariance by first-order stochastic dominance property and therefore it satisfies the Monotonicity property.

PROP : Π(.) satisfies the Invariance by first-order stochastic dominance property.

PROOF : Π(.) satisfies the Invariance by second-order stochastic dominance property and therefore it satisfies the Invariance by first-order stochastic dominance property.

PROP : Π(.) satisfies the Invariance by second-order stochastic dominance property.


PROOF : Assume that X DS2 Y . We have

E[u(Π(X) X)] E[u(Π(X) Y )].


0 = E[u(Π(X) X)] = E[u(Π(Y ) Y )] E[u(Π(X) Y )]

and it follows that Π(Y ) ≥ Π(X).

PROP : Π(.) satisfies the Convexity property if u′′ < 0.

PROOF : Consider two risks X and Y and define

g(t;X, Y ) = Π(X + tV ) where V = Y − X.

Assume that g(t) = g(t;X, Y ) is convexe for all X and Y and for α ∈ (0,1). Then Π(αX + (1 − α)Y ) = Π(X + (1 − α)V ) = g((1 − α))

≤ αg(0) + (1 − α)g(1) = αΠ(X) + (1 − α)Π(Y ).


It is now enough to show that

g′′(0;X, Y ) ≥ 0 for all X and Y since

g′′(0;X + tV, Y ) = (1 − t2)g′′(t;X, Y ).


g′′(0;X, Y ) = −E[u′′(Π(X) X)(g′′(0;X, Y ) V )2] E[u(Π(X) X)] .


PROP : Π(.) satisfies the Iterativity property iff u(x) = −e−αx or u(x) = x (up to a linear relation).

PROOF : The ‘⇐’ part is proven if we can show that Π(X) = Π(Π(X|Y )) for u(x) = x (obvious) and for u(x) = −e−αx. But

Π (X) = 1

α lnE[eαX] = 1

α lnE[E[eαX|Y ]]

= 1

α lnE

eαα1 lnE[eαX|Y ]

= Π (Π(X|Y )).

The ‘⇒’ part is proven the following way. Let z > 0 and y1, y2 ∈ [0,1]. Define : Y = 1

y1 + 1

y2 and X|Y = y =d Xy,z =d (1 − y)δ0 + yδz. On the other hand

X =d 1

2Xy1,z + 1

2Xy2,z =d Xq,z with q = 1

2(y1 + y2).


We will use the following notation

π(yi) = Π (X|Y = yi) which satisfies

yiu (π(yi) − z) + (1 − yi)u(π(yi)) = 0.

Differentiating one time with respect to yi

∂yi (yiu (π(yi) − z) + (1 − yi)u(π(yi))) = 0 and letting yi tends to 0 leads to

u(−z) = −π(0).

By iterativity, we have that Π(X) = Π (Π (X|Y )) i.e. : 1

2u (π(q) − π(y1)) + 1

2u (π(q) − π(y2)) = 0


Differentiate two times with respect to yi



1 2u


y1 + y2 2

− π(y1)

+ 1 2u


y1 + y2 2

− π(y2)

= 0.

And choosing y1 = y2 = y, we get

π′′(y) + aπ(y)2 = 0 with π(0) = 0, π(1) = z.

If a = 0, π(y) = y. If a > 0, π(y) = a−1 log(1 − y + yeaz) and u(−z) =

−π(0) = −a−1 (eaz − 1).

PROP : Π(.) satisfies the Convergence in distribution property if limn→∞ E[u(−Xn)] = E[u(−X)].

PROOF : Obvious.

PROP : Π(.) does not satisfy the Stability by mixing property.

PROOF : By choosing an appropriate counter-example.


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