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Intangible CulturaL Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Intangible CulturaL Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding"


Texte intégral



l<u^gî^i'3Fi'3najyu£ja3j Certificate of Consent


Name of élément

: l'U'3'1




^... ûz&3...


3j'3^nf]£i{lqj îyivn^-ï%jug??3j^nn'iJ-3î;Lvif3 ilvia \.



<t/ l/

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé

Intangible CulturaL Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

VQnwu^u/vii'o'um^ts'ïvw : .... ^^. ^fw^^ ^; 'ï^ç'i

Name of community or group concerned

:: --Bak.Al^.. ^^ii.. P/^.1^

fi^uwwu : .^^^^^^oO^^__\\fi'^\^:^\^^}^^^^^^n'Y^

\'D^^^... S^'^/^V SJ °frl^

Opinion : . ^'J. y.tor^.... ^.... ^..^. Y^[o^... _. ^A..?SO^. O^_... ^^^


û...^^----of... JWlo'^ howftpj^

^açj : --.lo?-J--5---î1^tt^^.. -... rp. :n'î^rn^... ®.:A^.o^.^/^... fii. -rfn^i



Address : -.. i?l/. 5. _. ^^^n<» V. Ju'wbon V-r^no' âa^on

---^&^---...1)^^&J.Un^.... B.^MÈL-+...fc.H^lu.^^i^^^

"-. -a

'ïu^... 2ç. _.. i,^au___/w;. u 11 ^fifci Date : Day.... ^S, Month_.. !^?v^. b-fr'r___ Year 2-^î

?\w e)MI,tVIU:


(... -^?^V*.'rl<:u'>...'^y'.J"'*.^''5.<v'^._)

Signature : ... W^^_^^^

A-. ?ià^A---^>OS.^Ya:r^'î...)


lu^^i^Fnnîjyuyau Certificate of Consent

?a-aiÊ)n'T3UTOn(]2'Onjnnvn'3'ï%i<u5'3?u : \w~\

Name of élément Nora

u LTUI^PI-U l'uçnuii'nym'ï^navi'u

3j?(?inf]îi'î3nj£ynvn^-ï%ju5-3?ijqiniJ?stvi?ilyi£j t.a-ua^a'uaLÏIu'inyn'Tï^tLviuu-a^nfiuiJqj njnvn^


nu'a^nfluîlnjaj'ivin^T'çy'us^u'M^'upi'a-îlulpi' This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

VfSWîlfiU/VilVUWWîV^ : ^^^. f.^. ^/^^^^^^^>^(.

Name of community or group concerned :: .. Je. ^erey^e'ir) £i^- /'/^v£>(î^

r-r ec/. {?.. 2^?'?. . ^^ . /%;'/'/éf?ri/l

pnnsjfi^fwu : ... /. v^^jy^^. ?/^9z^^. ^^^::-/y?//^o_^_^_^^

^. //^^xro?y-?-?.^-£^w 7<^~7^rs><^ /.<;3^s°«'s^>^//-^'/w^%Ts c/1<^7^^^^,%

^'y'^^^^^^y'^^^^~t"o^'^. ^^s/ rw^^~^/

Opinion : -../y.0r^9^...

^f^^^^^w'//e^.. ^^^^^^r^rr^^^^^^

^o^---7^^^C. /^--.^^^.. ^...^... ï^^2^.... -'/^?^^Z. _^^^

^. e^^^?^--/^^^/'^^. c^^^/.. ^^/'\/^^... ^^_^^

/7©^- c^ri'^/oc«^..

naij : .. -. ^. ^/s---^. '.^. ^--. n.:. ^^^y^^^.. ^^... ^. '^^~Jî. ^^t.

Address : /^/'/.. L. ^CC-/^ ^n ^/^^ ^ ^//^^ Z^j-T^/^/-

^...l4'._._... ^au,.Ï'.. _crf,, î, ^i

Date : Day.. 1 . __, Month_. __. _.3c.^-L':. ^. ^, ar___^ ^

\ -î<_u ... v


<^^tv^\1&J ~^c\<nr^^^^

Signature : ...,.'â>©.l~!P<?'~


-^5~:^SS7 %:ipïËâIE^


lu^^'îpmuSugjasj Certificate of Consent

^a-3'i&)m?y??innî{)ftjqj nvn^'si'%ju5'a-3y : luiii

Name of élément : Nora

5u£jaul'M'unciiEjnT33j'3^nn5'î1njnjivin^'îf%iu5'3'îUî?nu^eîmî;'uH^n^^ul<ugnui;-înyn'T5OTi>t, vTU

u<3^n^ui]çyanvin^T'suu5^<33j^nn<U?ïLvipilviy laua^a'uaLÏIu^'iynTspi'iii. viuu'îpinnuîlftjqjivn^

-ï%ju5'3-î3jsua-33j'uwanCTCTiui1aultj^'Ll^'in(]T, uau?iftjnj'iu'5^nnïi^njnjivn^%j'u5'3^u^^u?i'a^l3 jlÂ'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

e-^7 "_

.. ^^^. /~)r... ^^^/}. [.


'juvimaTSa-i :

Name of community or group concerned ::









VL^. ce..


: ..,,^-6.<p^ % ~^^ ; s^^n




, ^ _ _ ^_ ^


-^^CV).<l^-2-.. G^. '?..'><

-<°^3x. î^c. '^^:?..


Opinion: ..^OT^... _. ^.?...^.^. J^..^^lLj^.... ^^


^--.--IL^>U^.^.... Â^Yo^l..^v^. r©n$^^t...&


-^o.10ûfe^,.~/y^, . 1 A'tar^io. r)-

^^ Q"-"ry-""/-: "T

^asj :.-... /.^... ---..^/4...^!^^^,... ^.C^<^.^....,^^_Ç.^


Address : ...

/1.... ;L...?^1<^. ^'L. ^... 'h^t<^.


-^^^z... _... _...,... _..,. 7..

T'<u^... l...,...,, ^au. ^^ îl ^

Date: Day, ^:..., Month... T.^D. e--... Year..,. 5a'. ^.



Irs/Ajc'0-' gi-3?aMtt'M'U:

( VJCTLO< Irs/Ajc'03

Signature :^_... ... ^... 4.

C jc^fsJt^uJyT...



lui^^^pnnuS-UÊjaâj Certificate of Consent

?3'sn6jnT33j?CTnn2iJnj 6ynYn^'ï%i'u5'3'3ij : Tu?n

Name of élément : Nora

5uya3j'l^un?nEjmiiu'3(?infj50njnj'ivi^-îi'%iu5^^u?nij^amx'uH<ïn^?fu1^nus-3'i£jmï^ii, v]u

u'3!?infIuîlqjsyivi-i^'y%Ju5'5?3jqintl'3Sivii3 ilviEj i.





uau?i£ynjiu<3^nj35{l?usynvn^%ju5'3^^UCTa^uT, ?i'

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

Wf)9Wti/°QWWWÎlW^ : _...^9 ^. Ô''^4?.^... /?.:

®)KCTîT4n î^ïft'^à'^a%ï^'i"""4Tc^ow'r?'j/:

Name of community or group concerned :: ."... :...

... -. N.QX,. M.Uàj;C.... Lfc^MLM^.. C|.y^Nf_^i?wP^^

mwwwu: -w.^^/^rl... !^^?0_:/^^L^^?. ^?^^^2^


S^. ^^^O!>^^'r^^Z^7^Ï<^^

<^u/ e>'

Opinion : .

7^±... _^. ^.


1^. ^.. 2^r... reîà. 2tL ^.


^^/^^Z.... 3&^5^^^^^P^^^^^Ç^, ^7^~^

^^^. ^^^^^£^'?^^^^^Ê^^^^^

c.^/^-v:(r. ---.^r^..

^'ad:. _.. °>-/7£-^>v^ 3^ ^- f ^. /^J (9. ^^'

^'. t-£. 5L^').9's'~T_... 0. ]3J..^. V..

> : .... sl^.. ^ÀMri^^(ïç^ - ^v^^^l^


^w... f. l^... ^uÂ'^ îl ^ Date : Day.. /?..., Month...?^i?e,... __... _Year ®^


(. ^^^^IZi?^?'''')


Signature :


^sy ^. ç^^eïï^\


l'uuglfi'afmïiaUÊJSSj Certificate of Consent

^a?ian'i?u'5ann2iîeynjTyn4'ÏBi'u&'?'îaj : I-u-s-i

Name of élément : Nora

5uEjauHw^ani?u?i^nQS{l^cynyi^î%i'u5'î-ïu?i'iuTOms'uHï'iwuTw'i'us;-3'iyniiipnu, viuuii?innu

ÎQjîv'ivt-tnaius^-su^'in'd^stvifil. viy

lausïa%3lQw^yn^?n^tt. yluu^?lnfl5{]eysy^mn»lU5^. aîJ. aa~3u.ul^a.ï^Spt'^ut1e)l)^, 'uvilJ^^nQluawnJ cy'iu'awnflu'îlqjqjivi'i^-yi fUTjg^uviwas-îluT, ^'

This is to certify free, prior ând informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Culturat Héritage.

vmwiipiu/'vîs'v'umwîvw : &i^ ?S/\%1°^&'\ I^Tkoi3"\^'t

<^§^^s^°i\, W(A\nî) ^ Csu^^i '^^"in%^^oy, '?i

Name of community or group concerned :: J)U. D 5'^r^ ^00 TCL W K 56^ 5

Te^^oyi 4 5 Vio A ci Plu ci tf» if



fmuflRt'M'u : >cW>(5i's^) iJue^^^i^

Opinion a \-&e w

-A\A }V

^s 0. 5SOL e

wsy : ^ju ^^-Lnp À Cou-S^} %% ET)(%. 5-u^^ ^^-UP r. ^w<i

?>. i®s ^., <Ey<dR-^ i^^ooo

Address: Tsçlûvi ^ ScVlOo) <ig TY\ ^-^-t ^O^J

ov\ S^e^ Aw V\oe F\aan C\Ao-'n Vf^ a^ °\^0oo



-ïuvi ^ t-^azi Date : Day "\ Month ec e w ^er

^ î! SÇLI

Year IOH

îîbi^ ^S

(W^IWî^ -n 5 4%YlS')Ïô'îl )

Signature : \^Wa-(\ f\

( . !\la. ron vit CVtavTnot)


lu^^^FmuS'u&JQâj Certificate of Consent

%a'3nym?y'3CTnf]îÎÊUEUTvn-3T'%i'u5°i'3U : \w~\

Name of élément Nora

[iuEjaulMu°i^iynT3U'3t»infi5{]çynj'ivn^'ï%ju5'3'3Uî»inuwM<3i;uUîn-3yfuT, 'uçius^'iEjn'T3^i,mu

u'ï?inf]îi{]qj njnvin~3-;f%ju5'5^3js)in^?siviFiT, viy (,





This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

^e)-3 : !^'N1

' ' ~ ~1~~C^~\ -^-".^. ----;-^.^^=.-. -<-.^----y--y,--^--.-^--.. -...

îMiw^i w!iiv'^w^^'ri '^u)^nfi ^a^^yonynu


Name of community or group concerned :: ...-.... "...-... _... __... _;",.. .. _:",

-IVQM.. ûIaL-rf... Èl^^^-^A^Ma. {<ul.. ^c/kyd.


lf t.&

-6 _ c^ ^ -^---^--^-

Fm^R<?iwu: ..ll-.i^?..


^f .

^. ^jy^^J^<>'>^%^^^

.^ J . i .'"-""^"'/5=^''0~^''"''^'J. '""â^''-"^'"/-",^t-'<-~'""7^''1'""'"'"'''""""""''"-''"

i. i^^-y... Â^:.. ^^^(DjsO<^-i^wî^b. -. ^.y)^A^. !y/t'!!^/®!

Opinion: .^^...^S. W...lA^. iy^.., C.oJfc.^aj.,,^

Th^!^^.4-,. 9... Af>}?.|f'o^.^J...^A... cp.^5.e<hh.t.Q Ë.£-..


-p-'P.. |?°?. £(î... ^)_<

^ay : .^/iy-... 0<_.i?'uo<j.Sn....li..i.

.f%:.. M^. S^^;

[{. ^^i2

Address: -^/2,l?. i-...[Vo.^iq,...R^ $^^0UMq^^^^^^^^^


!l... ^aui.-..^... ?l. il Date : Day.,f.L-.Month... Z^..^, _...,,YQar....ff(7^,



Signature : ...,L-^.l.^.



lu^^'SFmsjSuÊjaâJ Certificate of Consent

?a'?nEjnT3U-3^nfj5îlnjEUTvn'3T'%jtu5-3-3U : Twn

Name of élément Nora

[^w is'aiÊjm's^ntiviu

3j-3^nf]u'Ll6yqj 'ivn^-ïftj-u5'3'i3j^nn<d'3î;i, vipilvi£j i,?!ua?a6ij3L(lu^nym^^'ii,ivtuu-3?in^î{]njîy'ivin^

-ÏRuu5'3'îUS U3^uu'y£i!ianCTCTn3Ji1a<ulsu'M'd'3'in{]luau?fnjnj'iu'3?inf]uîlsyqj nvn-3'ï$uu5'î'3îjm'UCT3~3l3 Jl?i'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

^anayfiu/'uïj'îfu^ma'î^a^ : ... ~*ar^_^af^lltï..,... ^<?v^. T]^.

^^^tJ^rprn^l^i %ï&^

Name of community or group concerned ::...




dîj_L^.. _y(À_t<?\. ____pr



fmsjft^iLViU ; \t^7-S^ l ^» ^-ivo". S~tÇ 6^0 f?^ .»^<r^-T^-r>^^ og^o^'sî^i ^<o^

-y^. --.... ---.-.^

>n.?. )^!'^-.<?.^-'^-'^. l-^v\<f:k'-^1^ <i-?a-9J \ <-^ ^, ^1^0 «§o ^)>-»'<^i' >>C^t}^ .^flVj

Opinion : .. -.-.^Q.rCT_. _. ^&.... A.^.... L'^^. ?r.v?.<5\. iy.^... <^^L^IA-Y'otl- ^iCy^ -^o\^ é>

0 f Tîh(M L^^. ot . ^^(?V®va{ (?.vn^ c'gn SÔVT) 4o '^e-





- . ^

WQÊJ :...^... ^. ®...<ïn-. yi.^^in^... ^':^o^r<j^... ^:. 1^. <>r\^


10^/3 St


Pîç^ViC Sct"^ l^e

V .

K&^ f(7 Qlc


i>\^^^^y^^^ VfGr^\^


m<. _.. i2:...,^au_^. ^_... îl,.^

Date : Day... ^.,Month.. _'.^. ?;.ô..._.. __.,...,Year....ê.<y!'^

a-3?e)NUVlU:...., ^^^. _. _. _<F^.Q59,Â_v.


Signature : ...^.rMA.!pQ.V...5ovi.^o>. t^^.

( . FÛV--&W-\. po.r\. _... Û3'Y\^<oïi)


Name of élément

l'ui. kgl^'gfmsjy'uyau Certificate of Consent

: Tucin


5<UEja3jl'M'un?nynn?3J'3?infl2'î]njnjivn-3'ï%ju5'i^îJi?i'iu?a'M'3S'uH^n-3CTul<us'Tus-3n&jn'T3pfii, i,vi'u u^?inr]5{l£uaj'ivi'i^'?%ju5^iiu%nn'Ll'3SL'MPilvi£j laus^a'aQiil'u^'iEjn'Tî^ii. tvi'uuii^infiS'îJçyqj TMn'î

<^ », l/

L'y vii

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nonnination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

^anaïjfiu/'uîj'au^maTys^ : ...^UP^^^^. ^\^. V'i^. r\'fi. (>il<n.

1 <t ^ ~~~~~<


t'r''.^. ^ ïj^. '.i.^'1-6]^ ?î5?.?? .^y-. fu l '?n.Qh4.^> ".. A.in f!^(M -.

Name of community or group concerned :: ..






Cul^rûl CjLjrkw

^^îJfiplW'u : i^^t^^'î^T^^^o^^^?rnnf^<n^^îyi'ç-r77i-)(^ lî^ ^yiu^îri^z;

^°t^.. ^)'i^.T^<P. ^^^. -1T^. ^^i(^A^^^

.^-^. ^....?.ut^w.t':Ç.r-J^.^^..I^^.'w^o-?0-!^M-^-l^^


Opinion : .


<ô....^.. ^b..^.





l i. ..W^... ]ô.<^r!. WÀ^ ^<'?^\'?. f. ..ir.. .tb.ç/. <5 0<-:'.^?. &y.o. ^roY}. n <y-. '6... .^> &... .p .d ^<'.

<p^ ^n^ 5ou-yn. (lonjer't (?nci a^r&uA .fc'o nOmi-n^hs thé. be-nt^e 0-F

^\&dorr) <o^ tyiiflnl^fpfft ^o lo-^ (5ippr«/c. i'o<^'t^ to^iî^t^<^-.

viay : ....i^...^^. ^...?^/. ?)flMAfYi..-. --.o---^^<n^lT?-/^. ---^:^'ïP>n.

Address: ...1^__.. _.^.o..4^_..._...




10T\C\ V-\^\\ (5t r-Câ \fîV~i(^

'ïu^... A... ^au.. _... ^l, îl...^

Date : Day...^....Month.. ^^. y?xr... Year., l<5,Lb.

a. _-2'

a'3'tiaMim'u: -vir^f^iuftifi

Y 4-

f y ^ f

.WT//'ÏTJft Pt<'^l.f 'Ç'^'ut ?< j y

.--... -. -^---^--... Jt. ---.. ----.

Signature ^. ^^^^^^,

^:y/t^. -Pa!Ai^^f.. e?t?... ^?'.(fr'^ty'w'^"


l'ui,l,g1^<3pm3jS'U£Je)âJ Certificate of Consent

^a^Ejmïîj^nnuîêyonvn-aT'aius'ï'au : l'u'si

Name of élément Nora

3uaau1,i^'u°T3iêjn'i<3U?^nfl3'îlnjajivin^'ï%j'u5^UCTnuîa'^ciïi'uH^n-3pi''uluiTUâ;?'iynT3r3t, wu

u'5?inf)uÎRj6ynvn'3'sf%i'u5'3'53J^nniJ-3î;i, vipilviy t?iua%a'a8t, îu'3nym?^Li, viuu-3?infjSîlsvêyivn^


ua'u?fqjîynu'3?)n^£iî]qj njnvin'3'ï%j'u5<3'5u^ 'upi'a-3l3 JT,pf

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding

of thé lntan§ible Guttural Héritage.

?3nayfiu/%sj<yu'vi!, ^a'3'îa-3 : ..^u. ^.^yu^. ^^-y-^7^u--. -^^-^-^-1J-^. ^. !.^

Name of community or group concerned :: .Jnal...^À^... L fr^^.. (^^..

C-Llllurûl 1-iou^J TNorZA"

pmsjfi^iwu : ii^ai l^î;^^;'^^fl^^u. <^?^A^^^U^U--J^a^-^^

bi^^r^'^-iA^.. j.^..^? i^--^-CT^-id-7T^-^?^-9. ^-.ï1^^



-îH.?. f'îw^

yy»'^. .?i3-f).n^-^l'^(ç.lf'^.A;Li. r!^\'1n. y \\i?. ''^?/f0]^.... .!^^ <PÛ-^ -u<'?-'r^'yo»J-

Opinion : ..





^"^ 5°k-. -p^fo


-t^^.lr^-..1A..-Sp^.01^....i.F.. fy?.^.. ^fî.^.i^;.. Jph.?r.i±&^-^


^-n. ^f I.. .^?. ^:. -c<u'frfcn.^ F?o^.e'.l ....!£.- ^ &. - M ^}&^'ty<»l - - ^i&r ) .^. >... ç'f.. .h V.Vû.rï f J

it--^ou)<^.. _&T'«^^. o. _h-^r-L-^---^-f^pJ<.. -^"4---^s'-^

wad :...^.^a'^*)îfl^f^l/?^^^-. -.. -tt.^^n-^^--^^

^. ?î^ffrï ^°i. 0'4Â ^4j»

Address : ..P.^ç;e'... 0.f!...Sr^.. ^n^...Ç'^J-t'ur^-...^....§^^b^

^JU^. ^. ^... ^^'L[ck.. ^... à^W^^^^

luvi.y- a

..^... ^au... ^_;i.. ;..îl^o Date : Day... 2^. Month,.. JVOyx^X<'Year., ^<pj(l. _;_


a-a'ïaMi. t'MU:

^0 . }^\ ^ ^ !i hn-U^ i^


Signature : ^..^.ç^,»^^....1"^^.?.^

( l'. l'.-îx.. ô(-/^çw,ÎV^^J


l<U(, i,gî^t'3fm3j3<uyau Certificate of Consent


Namç of élément

: Tu-an



În'3?i'u6lu^nuî;?'iann-3OTi, m'u sj-a^nnuîlajqj ivn^'ïsuusii^uqnniJ'ssLvipilviy lauaÇa'uaLÎI'u'inyn'TiÂ'iuvi'uu-i^nnu'ûsyqjivn^

'?%ju5?-3U'iu3^3JU'yy6a'i?ipi'iui,1au1,<y^iJ?nn{]lua'uaqjftj'iu'3(?infiuîlnjnj'ivin^-ï%i<u5'3'3îj'M^'u?i'a-3l3 JT,w

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible CulturaL Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding of thé Intangible Culturat Héritage.


^^n]. ~N^^n^î-^w.

'VîlVUmWWQ^ :

Name of community or group concerned :: .._..y. t.0'.b'^r1-.. -(?wrr>-

iî'n^p^ ÛZP-lûr

pmuFi^wu :


^^yo^^ou^(^pT ^.


^^.. -...

L^. J?^. r ^-?r?o^^çh°T^'^. f>toi^.. 3^yo^. ^^

!l.y^l^.^^.'^.?.f1.^^^^'^2?^. --tll^u'^-^-

Opinion : ... ^^... ^.ç'^.. ^&^.... ^[^o\^.. ^^X. ^^... ^A^^.^


j^^-y^. ^.^l'L^.... of.... ^^... p.^.pJ^.. of.. --^û-.. ^OMlb... -^^--. th^

A\l&.. ô'?-y.^^. --Ç'?P-'5.er!t___on^____^j?rp^lpf^^^p




^a^j :...^. '+re3A.^^..?.-.... ^;4-...^:-?JPU^.. -a.t^çhi----^-^'^

'tn-6 o^b 2qo A^~y3

Address : '^?J....tJ..frlit... ^.-...^:..,.. ôoi-A-. -,- - ---. ^^^-, -J^.W^.i?.^-Ptô^!.ç.t

î0^. ^ }£'n !??'.. -. .ï?TOV. 'l?'*.çJl'... ^0<'.C'0.


^....%.... --. ^u.. _. ^. :î;_. îl_^f9

Date : Day.. 2:?-. __Month... ^^^. y:... Year__. -&!?^_

WVQUVWM: ^.>^> ^^v (. -^-\L'-CÏ^^. Çy<T/?^



Signature : ...Ô.^P.

OA/. Sce^F

(. ^. ^^^... (^u^. 9^%.... -..)


l'ui^Pi'îfnnîjy'UÊjasj Certificate of Consent

ïa'ïi£in'T33J'ïPtnn2'Oa)qj'ivi'i-3'?%iu5?'3U : lu'ai

Name of élément : Nora


u'5?inn5'Oqj ?ynvn'3'ï%J'u5-3'3uqnniJ'îSiivis'ilviy Lêi'ua^a'uQLÎIu^iEjm^Â'iit. viuu's^nfjU'Oqj synvin-î



This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.


a a___x.

Name of community or §roup concerned :: ..







FmUfl(?IWU : ^^l^^^'W-rr^^f^u^W^l^nn J^Uf^^

l.-P^ °4^. -Wî?}^''?T5AlfwO'l?h?''1. J^î-<l?^Q^M^^~?"?TI< . tJ. -^ fTn^-^"?rJ'*'(^'î. '~i'°(rh'1- P.'T'.'^. ?. .!n l^^f^. %7f^. <^^. tiJ^^-h^T)-+^^?^. ''^A^. ^I?h^

fSlwn-n r\ n^l-3-] fya^-^o'y^ w^-e-Tn^ ?hs^.tf»^ïU^ ^. t^.o MP^^U ll^-f^}pn1a1''^^.fm»w<»^^

Opinion : ^p^. -tâ---^. -o\^^^.. -^^w\. ey.y^:... ^&-^^

(?pd (? YwV'ion <;o h^ye, <jo&, r~kv\6nw ;^hj ^e. r&^^ion^îp l»&,ivMe&n ^ne hitn^ ^r)ol .^& Soûl erf fVi& ïno^'c. ï<i;x. Gon-Sent ^n<^ ^ppro^ûî^ o-f 'Ïb-c ip+i?'n^jbl& ûul^ure. Vier/'fo^-6' of

^U^nL^.. ^-J^6..^-pl6 P-f---^^o"A-.on^-^.- r^---hû^..^^^^^

V13ÎJ: -<?^^CT^'^^---fn/-^^... l?:J-iï^--^;-?<~J°^---. -.^

Address : ..Ny.n... _kr?... ^L...''T®w^...-.-.. -.-.^

-^>ÔT-^-J^h-W--.-provjv>at!.... ^oiî0

I<5»-v^^n<^ l'ive^n^ t^?,

^... i?... _... ^au...^., A:.__îl^b^

Date: Day__..lr.... Month__.. _?.^l-/o^t^.. ___.. __,Year....2?l^,

V0^\^b ^^^

(S.ï?^uî^tMJ /^

Signature ,.._. P<?^^.^.i*<

( Br:.. i>®wâ^?'v- 1'1-LA- ^.'î .^t'. )



luuêf^'afmuauaaaj Certrificate of Consent

^a^iam^u'ïwnflS'Oajnj'ivn'a'Ïai'usnu : T'u°i^

Name of élément Nora



i.aus^a'usLÎI'u^yn'i'îriuviuîj'înnfjS'Osysy'i'yin-s'ïfôi'us'ï'su'ya'iîJU'ya'înRpnui. ls'ul'yw'd^'ing'l'uB'uâaj Ey'iu^nçu'îlïyQJiYn^'ïsu'us^'îUMmRs'îlul^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

/WÎ 0° -, ^

. s^lrs ^ <s\. ^~ ^

u'B'uviinti'îîa. a :

Name of community or croup concerned :: ( ^ ^m- û^'T-ôr h^û^(U. ^ t W

Ol^ lot

fmufi^fMU :

^?H ^/*-<-n J'*-Q<)


j- n ^


|^yli»l 0^


Opinion: '3 a</< 3 <®</)^' V/<^^(îî. / \)

-^. .r

^aa: -3^ ^. 3 (hJf)/): -^^ 0, /oj-:///>57^s-q?, ^7^

Address : viv^ce^


7 ( looa ^ ^' ^c/ib-^lj+r-rcTl' t\^S^S'tvi c)(S?M kU^


TO^ <^ ^au R , îl^5^/

Date : Day ^ Month fP^ûln Year w^

aoOTwuviu: Sâ9^ F^ //^^

(^9^ ^tfp^J ??/;//




\f\ û^ff»\ O0 tf*^

Signature :


l'uugiPi-afl'îiua'UEJQU Certificate of Consent

Çaînîim^u'sftnflSiÎEyE y'ivn'i'ïai'us'sw : Tu-si

Name of élément Nora

Buaaul'M'u't-î'iam^'î^nnCi'Oqiqj 'ivn^'yBJ'us^iiiiJ^niJïavi'iîi'uHï'i'î^ul. wiUK'siynn^snuviuu'ïs'inçu


i.a'usTOïai. tlu^'iEjn'i'î^kt'MUîj^wnrjuîqi qj'ivi'i'iT'su'us'î-ïu'îia'iîj'uyEjï'igiwnuila'ul'ufi'd'î'inQ'l'ua'uanj


This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardinç of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

^anaiifl'u/flu'Buvit. ^EiTua'î : c/^'^^/^'îjir/^o'^^^-A^oî&^J"1 ôiocfî^^sj

^90Ç^> /^&7^L»/^ <3<S 7 ^- <â f^, r^^(ay

^?-(^;/Tyz ®,^Ç)^)'7 cfaf£^0

Name of community or group concerned ::


.. r(ror^ rovnotîw C^+w


fmsjRgiim: ^^t^fo^^'f^h ï^/tTvf^^^y^^'^/^J?. ^W)



^ W>ç£&^^

A-"» itC3y.^

Opinion: 1 ^ 'Sci^f ^ r)or^ Çrs^ haï lâ^

iîy. ft>r }^. e ^s^W^c.. Ué o^ ^e. "b^iyi A^

^ }-lf ^

Hur^OW}! S-Ïsij u]a

ci /h

tio^. V&bf'/fit^) ff



i^rM ep ' e. Th^i ^e Cc(. fu'raf ^e.r/f^ ^ via^j : <3& 7 °fr- ô &9. ^s-^cÀo?. <(? .^G^-^

0. ^y^>, fto

Address: ^^ I^Q> ^^ n <&//'

Çho o». ^^0.





^~ ww ^-S). 13J2^/.

DaterDay ^" Month O^Cfc^?^. Year 5C?/ -


//^^flrxuV ) Signature: 'Thfl^/t? Psàrole-.

( "U^h/h fèâîvfé. )



8l'ui,(,^^<3fnn3j3'uye)3J Certificate of Consent

^a'ïiamîîj^nnîilqj nj'ivn^'ï^usi'iy : Tuin

Name of élément Nora


u-3?in(iu'îj6yqj 'ivin'3T'%j'u5'5'îuqin'U'3i!i, vtPilvi£J taua?a'ijaiîl'u'3iyn'Tî^i, i,vi'u3J^?infju{lnjsynvin-3




This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

w^wM/vîivumwww. ... ^P_^.u^._.^jÏy^OT??rG^^1-

Name of community or group concerned :: ._^^}L^n^^'^an.. Jvmf)^.

.i^^Y^. -. -Tf.<?|inb^----(-ie/7i /'.

fmuR^wu : t^^^i'^^^^0^ ^^o_^o^^^'H^jj^_^^uTii-ÎJ^


^'^ç^^. îl^4?4'1^'??2^-^. ^.ç. ^^'^^ÎL}^^^'1-1'


Opinion : .


o.p_^^.... ûn^...^r!i^.L.-to.. Po^fn^^..



-^i-4>^... l^^-Yl&H. --.ls...^6.. b-<'rÀ^4&----0--^--.-^-^^^^

{{. ^^O. ^Q.W^. ^. ^^-. -. ^. ^... ^^^W. -. ot'.-. -^5... 1?-'''l'--


^3îj :.--^^^.u.^..^.f<3.^f^-I. --.. ?/..î?^. T<±----^. :F?^^...^

Address : .

_î$0^i. ^_____(i^^loth.


T^^^... S(^bt fo^.



U-Vil^ v^v^n^u ^oîïff

TU<.... ê<-,-^3U... ^;i... :.ÏI.. 2^

Date : Day_, -2-^.,Month ... A^l...,..., Year...-?®l?-,__

9WWWU: .__^. 6'~{^ovl

lÀn?^^^ 0^^^-




Signature : ... I^.l/u'±ifs'h.


-fvlTS--?- ^l/1^^-^l^i[^.




Name of élément

l'ui. i.glPi'îfmuS'uysâJ Certificate of Consent

: T'u'sn


5u£ja3jl^<u'T3n£jnn'3U'5^nnu'tlajfljivn^'ï%JU5'3'3Sji?nu?a'^<as'uH^n'3i?fulu^n'ui;?nÊjn'i?^i, i,v)u u'3?infl5înjqjnvn^'î%iu5'3'3U^in'U<3i!i, vi<ai1,vi£J i.eiuaïa'uaiîlu'înEjm's^it. viuu's^nfjîiîlsyE y'Tvn-î 'ï%j'u5-3'3U'aa-33J'u'yEj'ai^9;i'i3JLlQ<ul<ufî<U-3nn{]lue)'ua£yêyny3 ?infjSîlnjnjnvn'3'î%i'u5<5'3U'w<i''upia'3lul?i

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

wwiiw/vmumwîvw : ....f^^'?^w

Name of community or croup concerned :: .. ^_.. ^... ^M. -Tr??-ln-^--. (~^''-tw:

pmufi^it'M'u :

\^^^\ï^^u^^. . ]^^^hiÏ^^.


-"^^^ .k?----^^^ç^. tL6.??.^. ^^-^!^. 3MT?^u. ~^^

1^ ?r^?D-.^?^ ll^. ^CI^^^. '.?u'^~^^. 7?.t^.

Opinion : A^....?-..


^P-^v...t^-:?^... j!â----ûn..






^n^-. ^n5wt----^.-ib6. -J^^^


-b^ii?l-^&. -f>?r<?^-m^---of-... b-yM^^i-b^----to---^b^-.. fs-^






viaa :...i?Jj...^:.4... w'-^-^.^... Q/..^?AJ.^^L.^^.^r^... ^0^

Address: .


Î... ri^.4..._..;..;...:...



|6huOQ.... N^p^^^P

5^n^ \à] l à î>n? v ?wrc^

^. .

A...,... ^u.. <.^. :.. î. ^?

Date : Day.... ^_..Month. ^AW&r_Year^?ÏE

a^BNtiviu: ..âjf.^^^.


Stature :,,.

^î;i..., wl btuç>





^iJitel^^Fmïjyu&jaaj Certificate of Consent

Wîiym^sjii^nnSîtqj njTtn-aT'^ug^u : Tu-ai

Name of élément Nora


<U a/ a/ f) <u

u-:i^nn5'îlnjqj 'ivin^'ï%ju5'3'3uqiniJ^st'wfilvi£j iaua?a'uaLQ-u'?i£jm<3^LLViuu-5(?infj5îlnjsinvn^

^u5^^u^a~3u'uyysî)"iCT?in3Ji1au1, <u'^<d'3nnf]1,'uauanj^jnîj'apinflu'Onj£yivin'3'ï?u'u5^'îuvi^<UCTa-3luU

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thaitand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

^ana'sjFi'u/'Uâj'yumNEJT^a-î : ^^^ti^^.. ^^f7.. ^^. ^'3^<y^^.. ^/^?. ^y^?^.

Name of community or group concerned :: ^^'^/^/^e^.. Ç^.r^c2. ^^r

fi^îlfi^Wti : _S. HOA^CT^^n^^^^^Yff^^^M^^^ ^s>r~^7 ^^J^/^v^y

ri<jf^h ^^^o^^w: r^^^^t. ^-s^'^V^^ri^uei^'iJ^'J-fSTTi^ ^-St-7i/'^'7 n^'^w^srs-s-s^'

VO^Î JLft^ i}-Q

Opinion : .'^^.. ^^'^^ç.. /^. ?^... ??^^/... ^^^^... ?:^. r/'^^


?/^0^/.... ^-.. ^^^. :/^^. '...^^^/^2^<V... ?^Ç/^

/^^n^^/ë... '':r^^^/... ^f'r/^c?<:S£ <ff^ /^c//^^^y

^ay : .-^O.^?^-^^-. -..^:. -?^-^.... ^>.-,%?.^-L?£U.

Address : --Z?.^/^... ^..^^^^.... -^^^^/^^... ^.... _^^^^/. ^^^^^^

^--^-... -^au..^£<>,., î), ArJ^

Date: Day... 4~...., Month.. _.. _.. t/^t^-. _... Year.,.Lç'/^.

a-3'fiaMttviu: r-


Signature : (

( ^. )^e^ . (7t<^^1


^:. A^... ^~h^^..)


l'ui. i.çi^^fmâjy'uyau Certificate of Consent

: Tu'31

Nora Name of élément

5u&J3îjHun^nyn'~t'îU<3pinfiuîlainjnvin^'T%ju5'3'33j?i'~iuw^'3i;uH^i'3pi'u1, uiiUî;'3n£jn-Tîw'3tmu

u^?innuîlajnjnvn^T'%j'u5'3?u;<]'in'U^i;t'Mfilviy Leiua^s'yaiÏlu'î'iyni'ï^tivi'uu's^nfju'Onjnjnvn-î

-ï%j'u5'î'3U'ua^3JUW'iBnwCT'iui1aul'u^iJ'3nnfjluE }u?iajftjnu??infiS'tlnjq, j'ivn^';T%j'us'3'3U^ uyiaAu'l^

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

VQf}^îlfïU/VîlVM^WtS'ÏVW : ^.^/^^^^V'~^h^. l^... ^^QA/UftS. ?_/ r

Name of community or group concerned :: . /^.^. _... [t^'^'-<. ':?os'//... /.. ir^('12n/'.r?. <.

Cent.e>v £?w^/<7<^i^ ^y. ^y.. //./c.y-

^. ^^^^S//y^. ^. !. ^r7^'s/n0. fQ^^ v?^. ."?'0 /^?~~"i ^^)vfR^

^/H. !). ^^~;r. ^-^/^^^o... . ^>.^/^. ?wy^s^us~:s. ^^y. v'w'<^^-î-'w. ^.

pmsjfl^ti'wu C^^OB-^^0

Opinion : ..


r^._.Â..^^... ^^^... ^À^.^.


-^....^.^..^r/. ^ç...


y?^/--. --^o/... ^y %.^.. .. Z^...^... ;. ^^^^. ^. _... {^/^^


Me)Ê) : ... _9?/^ . . ^. / ^ ^J<^;> 0-^i^ ^®/ro

Address : ...?^/.. ^e.. /'. ^^T^. ^^. ^.. ^^. 4À^..^Z^//ç/,...^o<7^^


". «a

-3UV1_ .

f. --.. ^au. ^:..<y.:.., _?l,^?

Date: Day....^...., Month...(^^:.. _... _..Year_,.^î?^,

-".. -. -. (rW»J- a-atiawuviu:

(...><1</^':>-?-^àJ."J^___.fîYY^. _... _J

^^.. ^.. ^.... ^,

( ^.ft-'^r<;r.. n)... ÀLl'^.^...)


lui, t, eî^'3fm3jy'UÊJe)3J Certificate of Consent

ïa'a'iym'iy^çinnCidnj. njTMi-îT'iajus-s'îîy : \w^


'<U~ - - ~v~v

Name of élément

5u£jaul'M''uT3'iEjnn^îj<3(?inn5î]fljnnyi'-i'3^ftj'u5-3?u(?inii?aviiis'ul%^pfu'lu^iuî;-aiym^pf'3i, iviu

sj'3^nf]S'î]?ynjivn^'2i'%i<u5'3'ïUii'in'Ll<3SLvi?ilviEj taua^a'yai. î'u'îiym'i^uviuu'swnfiSîlsufu'ivn^

*ai 0-' l/

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

^ana'sjFiu/'yaj'u'umnyT^a^ : ../4ï^a%. //^o... c'?^^..^

Name of community or §roup concerned ::^^^!1''ry. (:^7.fc.. ^7^7^'.... ^s'^/'':î^


fmuR^wu : .. ^. JZ^9..^Z^. <^^^^. ^r(X. ^z'^SY^<^^^^^^^


y'o^. ^^vv<p^_. _. ^^t'!^/^6'/tQ^ '^'^ ^ ^ ^f^^^f ^ ^^L^^/î/s~s~-^/t^3

^7^-//ëo oi~/7i/ï vV

Opinion : .. /^^. ^O. ^ .. ^.. ^^^^. ^. ^^/^^e<^.. ^... ^... /^^^. ^^


C^/.. ^r^.... ^fff. ^^^.... e. ^... ^^^/i^.. :.. 7.^. ('.-. ^. ^e... 0^... /^^^

-7^^- - <;. 0 4^erî. -^°r/cfc - ./'/?. - .?^/:. .Ç"^/7^:Ce /t7®<<?.

/J ^/ {^ ^//WI/^TS- >. r^^)£> ^. (^OVQ^ '?o/w


Address: ---l/3----^^. /^.. ^^^^/3^^... ^^^/?^^... -^^^



T'u<. _.. ^....,., ^au... ^:.,, îl, 2^^

Date : Day...,^:.,Month.. _..., Z.C/.tn^,..,, Year.,^o(.?:.

a^aMuviu: . ^.. J.-^^tr'

ç _>1^yï ï^^1^''

^M 1^0^^


Signature . .^... S-^/. ^... ^^'?;.l"%- ( -^ ^.--C^)^1



l'uucî^'îfmâjy'uejasj Certificate of Consent

^s'ï'i&imiiîjTOn. nS'Oeuai.'Tvn-a'ïai'us'a^ : Tuiii


«y <y v

Name of élément

gu£jauMw-3n£jnn'3U<3^nfiu{]qjîu'ivi'i'3'ï%iu5'3'5UCT-iu?a^iî;'uH%'i^^'ulusius'3'iynTî?i''3avi'u u'3?infl5{lqjnjnvn^'ï%j'u5'ï-5uq'in'Ll-5stvi<3ilviy laua^a'usLÏI'u'iiEjm'sOTiu'viuu'a^nnCi'Qqjanvn^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage of hlumanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding of thé Intangible Guttural hleritaçe.

VQn^ufiu/'ViîVumnv'ïVQ-î : ^^o^x ^^0)^/^0^,, ^ i^^'ocfia)/'-f^ /

Name of community or group concerned :: ^t^/G3^^^6>. ^..


.<°/7 /e>^-


fmys?it'wu : /^r>y^^^'!-^/s~<py)»/)^ (/'L'<^7rl'ïJ^>^)-tS~sî^ ^î^f?v/n^ /i^He-Qu/R

<^c6>^/7ot:7-ST^C%> l/'^/7^cX'.

Opinion : .. Ar^.... _^?. <^. /^./^7. ^^/<.... ^^^/.. ^^^^^

^^^... CV^.^ff. ^... ^... 7^f.... ^. l7^0^e^... re^^'^. ^[e'V...

viaa d , : ...^.^oe3/f^....^.4_.../.^^}y.f^^^... ^/-^^?. a?Z^^^^^^

Address : ^^^^^^c... /^<to<:ï... ^o?.... ^^^^^^^. /^^^.. ^^ P/^rsoî



-3UV1. .

^-.. -. -^au^y'... ?l. _lj^

Date : Day..,. ^.. _.Month_... ^_c/. û^(~oi'ear., ^&/?:


a^?aMi,kviu: ..ç0>'k'?.h^'"'-


{ ^f^caîlr>y^ ^S^s.

Signature :


°l;Ut>i,çi?t'3fmïj3t U£ja3J Certificate of Consent

?a'3nEjmii3j^nfjSîln)Rnvn^<;i'%j'u5?-3ïJ : \w-}

Name of élément . Nora

[i'uyaîjl'M'u'Tînyn'T3U^^nf]5'[]nj?ynvn^T'%j'u5'3'35J?nu?afi<3î;'uHTfi^pi''u1, usnus'3'i£jn'T5?nLk'yiu u'î^nfju'îlnjqj nv)i^'?%ju5'3-3Sjqnn'il'3i;tvi!3ilviy k?(ua?a8yai,îl'u?nym^CTiuviu3j-3?infiu'tlqjsu'ivn^




This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

ÇanauFiu/'uii'iiumSy'i'îa^ : ....A^^^^^^, _, o^<?^ffl/^. /.

Name of community or group concerned :: . Q. ^^^a'y... ÇW^L^. ^'^3. cî/

fmufl^k'wu : .. ^. ^^^l>f^w. "^^.^3_/î7. y'^^^^^^_^. ^^

<^ce>^ Yu~7ît^D^ ^n^r^cH H<Q

Opinion : ..Z^^... ??_... ^. /'^^d^-^... <?^/^^/-. -.. ^^^^---. e^

^^Z. - ^<7-<^. _<?.^ .î:^. ?'.... /°... .7^. _/?^. 0^?. .^... .r^ z'?.7^

^a^J : . --z^----.?-w/^-^^.. -..^^--^--^^^--. y. -o-.^.?.^K(2r. /..^

Address : ^ ^-- ^^a'res 2., P?c, n^, {^ ,, ^97^?,, -^3/7ç'^/^


^U'M.u_ a

-f.. -. -.. ^î)U.... ^-^, __îl, ^^

Date:Day.. _.. ^., Month... cTc/^(r:... __... Year....-A:<9f.?:_

gi'a'uawu'vi'u:.. _.... ^-

(.... v<.')u<^J... _^r_...^^)^tr^.,. _..)


( . ^c1. ^. ^c'r^!<'f'... -^ ^.:f ^<1^1. )


l'u^^t'îpmïjS'UÉjasj Certîficate of Consent

?a'3ngjmiïu'3^n(j5{lftinjivn^-?%iu5-3-3U : Tun

Name of élément Nora

5'u£jaul'wu'T3nEjnTau'3?inj'iîi'îJftjnjnvn'3'ï?uu5'3'3îj?nîJWM'3i!'ul'Ï^n^w'uluçnuî;'3i&jn'T5CTiti, vi'u

3J.3(?lnfl5{JnJnJ^v1-^~3-î%J<u5.^^uq^n°[t'3ït, vli^1lv1y i,aua%asuai0u-3içjnn'3^i, t,viuu'3?infi£îlajnjnvn^

'T%j<u5<3'5uaue)^3Ju'y£)<îjnCT^nui, 1aul'iy^il'5in{]5l<uauaMq)'iu'3^nnîi'tlnjEyivn'3'T%ju5<3i;u'^^u?i'a'3luM

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

?9naufiu/'yîj<aum^EJTffa^ : .. ^^^^fr^. ^. ^^. ^.... ^. ^Q^^^G*/_

Name of community or group concerned :: .... /TC/-.. -. L-^^r--^/.^..^7C7. /-lf'?/I;'o-^7

fmajfi^k'w'u : _^^_{J^^n f^^\^-^^'-<^^-w<^^^^^^^^M-^^ff)^vf'//'o^y)>^>t

.is^C.VU!i^^5^ «U'V^TSt-tQs^ V'-/^l=-r^^/-a/ d^y/Pft^)ff^'^) ^->^-sffW^^Si/

' '0^<^ CQ /<//^1 l.^30, ^/^1 >)- ' e» C^

Opinion : ._.

^&.... ^.

^.../s-.... ^C7...T^....

:^w^/Â--^^/^... Ç<^.^

^^. ^.... f^//. ^À-^.. ^^<^. ^. n^f^... ^. ^.... c^r^<^...^

f. ^. -t^^r-é^.. ^. ^. ^.^v:/^.. ^err. ^^("... ç^^. ^^^^


é>2-/ f A/<?_ {^. ^f>r~>7~ b-^?wJe>^~/ ^.r^o-c^o^

Address: ./^. _. ^ï^-.... ^;.^....^^^... ^/?.^te6---^-^-^


^m... A^.. ^^È^.^A^

Date : Day... ^...,Month_,.... o^('^... _.,. _... Year_.c^7^.


..^&v. >5!^-... Z^O/^r....)

î\WQU\, WU:

Signature :

( ^ïS. ç^^iV^^V^


lu^^^Fnnsjyuyau Certificate of Consent

?a^ym'3U-3^n. QÎii3îynjTvn-3T'%i'u5^3j : lu?n

Name of élément . Nora

d d


3j'3(?inf]U'î]^njivn-3'ÏKuu5'3<3U^nnil-?ïivi?il'viy La'ua^a'uakd'u'anym'affl'iuvi'uu'SCTnflu'îlqjnjivn^


This is to ortify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

im^yQ^s'3 : ..^^?^^L^^^^'(?^i^^^.. _.^.><:^^y^^

sfllc^G ft^ W'^s c/t/-)

Name of community or group concerned :: ./^dsrz^-;

Ç?.^i.v. ï:^. ^°. Çf'r^^c'. ^. <?ï. ^^^/. e^^i^ ^y. ^A. i?^. ^.. ^.. ^:


Vn f V 01.

t^. /-

-^->- ^--/-

fi^îî^WU : ^.d/<w^//?^^^^. ^^?/3?^:. ^^^?7</-^-^^

^y)jys-57)-^-/l3-. S'A//1'0~t/(^"&. 3/îe^'l^t t/%->^/3V.^i^ u-e^tS rj


Opinion : ... ^^tc^^/... ^n. c^.... <^^. y^. n. ^.. ^.. :^^e.. ^^oy^... ^^^.^


^^t?^e-.. --.?^6^^/... ^/r<:r^^...^

^açj : . ---3-^---.^-^----^:^-G'^^----^-r... ^.s®^.TS.C^ ^. _<'P.-..<:?o. t<09... ^<?®^-5.®^

Address: ..



^_3:... ^. ^i^l^^....






_fi:ôvmo_,, ^2, 2^.

'^ '<"?/-%




if-. _. _... i^u... ^:... îl,. è^

Date : Day... 4:__Month.,... ^.ci~t-:... Year.., ^?i?,

^wm^: ^ll^J^:__

( TAI^ ^^^

Signature :

( ..^^. S&>'Â~'^w^p^hï-)


^'u^^t^fmsjSuÊjaaj Certificate of Consent

^siîiym'iy-a^nny'îlnjEmvn^'ïîu'us'ï-iu : \w^

Name of élément Nora



3j??infjS{lnjqj -ivn^T/%j-u5'5?îJ^)'iniJ^sivipilviy Laua^a'uatîluiiiym^w'îi. Lviuu-a^nçS'îJnjsmvn^

^u5??u^a^uuyy^imnui1aul'u^'d'3'in{]'lus'uaeynj'iu'3^nfi2'î]nj?y'ivin^l?u'u5-:i'33j^qijpi'a^uT, tli'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

?ana'3jfi'u/!U3j^um^y'î^a'3 : ./î>^^^. ^^?'^. ^^. ^.. o^^^. ^.^^^©ç^

Name of community or group concerned :: ^. p^. ^^<_^/^... /</^;!.//'.<%_....('^/7^='-t~

fmiifi?it'wu : /^/. ^Ms<!}^»? ^y^/w-otf5^/^~-s>y -T7&7^)^^7r//rrMo C?<'C^>A/. ^!3<:/. ^s^. 'y^is)-^'^ss^~t4^ ^ ^ c^~ -af Â^?ï?>7 ^cî? t^-^p'W^ ^5^^-J^ja^


Opinion : .

^r^... /'^f^








-^^^. ---(^.^^7^^.... A^C^... ^^.<'.^<^...^.^^/^. ^^...^

're, / /l/Pn'7c'^eye <ff/' /^Q^./7/-';

vtay : ^/l }i-l? r/)-^a/Mo<v/y-o a-^e^lA^lfi) ^. /^yï-sj ^o^î,

Address : ^1 l l^se i. ^w?^(//éA^^ ^ ff^U^


-Ï<U<_. _... _i_, _.,^3U^. Ç/,_, ___îl^rJ7

Date : Day... ^... _, Month... J-î/.h-c-.... ^... Year_



Signature :

^^. ^^^Z]

J^LC^A ^uko dtv^

t^. lSm K^f^y^/


^U(,t,êj^'3fi'3iu8u£jau Certificate of Consent

Ça'îiam-ïu'înnflîi'tlEunjivn^'îwusnsj : T-u-ïi

Name of élément : Nora

Su£i8uH.u^?.^an'^^u^Rnfju{l6y£y'^vt^^. y%J.U8.31iU9nuîQms<uHï^^m'tw^us;. ^^ym.3(?htl,vlUîJ. ^snnu


lauaîa'uai. îl-u^Ejn'iTO-îuvi'uîj-îwnçuîlftjEy'ivi'i-iT'guus^'ïu'îiswu'yEJwmiutisuT. TOiJ'îinglua'uanj

Eyim^nnîi^syÊyivn^'yi îijug^^uvi'vuwa-iluln

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safe§uardin§

of thé Intangible Culturat Héritage.

^ ..

^ ,'a/. _ . r^ ^ ^. v (^ -"

H^ ISOX7 tY\5'^)llr\ï<D K-nw

VQnmiwu/vuv'umwîvw. Wî/^!>^^<n "^wz Ç3// a/, y) '^-3^^,

/?. <70^-37 <^Q CS

fl^. CMjit^il rS. H^


Seyj Uo[mïy\^ Uhh^ Wf^3 Sw^

Name of community or group concemed :: lvlf- )5\'î\S'f~0 y\ th^n (r^

Ç^/1 l^. ï 7. Vûk Vin A ^^ Pr ^ li ^/^^

»,. rf <?..^

pmuflftwu : o^^ ^A/^»i<-t ^-(Tl'-t /Mfa 9./J/fa oaj^&^-ii ^'=0 3^3 .5^

Opinion: T C ^ ^ 5 Vf & ^hî/wA^ 0^ Nff ^

ov d

Vîsy : Çî>/ l ^/, Si 01, /TOVÎ//M? 6>-»£^'^-îî ^-^?y

o 0

Address: ?^1 ^ ? T ^^^ A. ^fi,'^ Pr^ ^nfc^

0 W


-ïuvi tiau û. i7), î 25é/

Date : Day ? Month De^^bev Year 2û> l ^

a'a^apïu. viu:

( M&- (^ .5^ '^< ^ )

Signature : o/^îM-K.w


i<V-ffVL V )


lu^^^FmajSuÊjau Certificate of Consent

îei-ïnym'ïîj'a^nnS'îÎRjftnvn-î-ïai'us'î'îsj : Tu^i

Name of élément : Nora

2-u EjsuH'un-iiEjn-i w^^nnuî! njnj'ivin-3 .î%ju5-3^upinu%avi'3i;'uH8 ïn^^u'lusnuï^n&jn-i .3^i,L viu

u^?infl5{lnjnjnvn^-ï%j<u5'3?uqnniJ?si, yipi1,vi£j Laua?a6uai,îluiiiym^pi''îii, viu3j7?infiu{]îynjTMi^


This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thaitand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardinç of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

^WQVfiU/VilVUmWÎVW : i^'J^r/^^^^'^i^î/ /2;^>


Name of community or croup concerned :: .. /. 7^t1^^^^^.... ^r't.... /'st>. y7. ':/7<y... ('^~~^

fmajfipii'w'u : /^/^ sc^wy ^^v^y / ^-Tt-%' ^.Ek^) ^ ^J-/^0?^> /^0^<^^^<?/7ï3-2Î^<T-Tr»t/

^0^^2^^^^^9^~^^'9^^^^^is^^ f9^^ -^^T/^tO^^"^

Opinion : . /?.... c?^^.<o.^.. ^^... ^^?.<?/....^o. ^^/^Z^^7S'. ^. /:y^ £^ ^z^'^'êr'W;

'^-. --^.4i(f-fô'<°rt.. ^..^?... ^f/;^^....0^^^^^... /...^

/er.. -^. -..^^^?^.... ^<. ^f?:^... ^^...(M/-r-....<3''C7^:

^^! : .--..?^^-.. -.-^-^-^:-. ^^^ -?--~'^.^^... <0;..^^7... ^^


Address : -^'5>///'-.... ^?. ^. _./^/'^J<^e?î,. ^.,<^:^ '^^^^. ^^^/^.

^. ^A. ^^UÂ:±L^^

Date : Day,. ^. _.Month... ^..C':^^:... ___,Year.... ^l'î-


'.)^?. v.y-<v:^é>.-....^y.^.

Signature :^...._.^^^. ^^


( .'f..^.r'....12..UI^.l... ^.v/j



luifcgî^^fmsja'uaaâj Certificate of Consent


Name of élément : Nora

§luyau'l'wu'i'5'tan'i'3^'a^nnS'tlqiftj^'i^'ïi?uu5'ï'3U9iiu?a'M'3î;<u1, %^^ulij?'iz!ï!^'iani-3OTi, (,vi'uu'3^nfl5 îlEyîunvi'i^T'aiusî^usnn'd'îxtvif'ilviEj

la'uaTO'uatî'u-î'iEjmïÂ'-îi. muij^^ngSiJeysyiyn^^'us^sj'us^uuwa'iNpnuila'ul'îiwiJ^inglua'uâ'Ey

flj'i3j'3?inn5'£lnjtyT vn-3'î%JU5'3^^mi?ia-3lîîl^

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding of thé Intangible Cultural Héritage.

ÏWQWU/VîîWWnîfîVW : i-l^f^^ /^S-J >J^-1 ^W^T^^ ^^^^

^vi<v [Y >7'^M;t7 ^ 'sff'^lf^i

^5-; >N^. 7 ^^'%'^/^ '^^lU^-t^i^'

Name of community or group concerned :: IVSfffi n?tinir\ l ^i

JW W(\ V^Vi^iÏ-

Fmsjfi^iw-u : ^'^^o//7<^t?frît/^ï'^f^ti A/^T^ ^.Tf^/i-fyFJ'^//t45- Wi/

-//^ st- ? v-7"?^^ ^y" ^//^//Zï-/


fe^ .h hiy^i'h^C ^o\ ^ rc/^

msj: /4? -^o/ . /^<vÏ)'fl 9. 1^0^ V- ff^W! £>0ct

Address: /^ 0^ ^^wi^fl</ /fc/


^ ^K ^ /^. JXT^




Date : Day ^ Month

^ ^ â. su ?iW7

AA,VV<_ Year ^0


^ ^ // ^/^pfîN t Signature

( ^h^lwwî. kw^j/uw^



Certificate of Consent

^a'sism'iu'ifingîiiltysynvn-a'ïwus's'iîj : Tu^i

Name of élément Nora

§UE)Sîjl'Mm?isjnT!ij?CTnn2'Otvqj nvn^-ï%iu5??u?nufl8viîB'ul%. imlu^Tusînsjn'i';

iînuviuu's^nçufliytyiviinaiusîîij^nniJ'SBtvinl'nti isusfls'uatîu'siEinTîCT-iu. yiuu'SRnfluflqjEyTin^

.ÏBi'UEîî'ïufls. auuwnnmuwsulflvîiJîiinfllua'uîftyE yiajîanflSîlqjni'iyn-i'ïaiugî'suïîmas-îlîjlCT

This is to certify free, prier and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Culturat Héritage of Humanity stiputated in thé Convention for thé Safeguardlnç of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

flanqsffl'u/^u'uuviinEnOa^ :

..^a^. S3.^.^^^. y. ri<a^.. L-<?SS^^. ^.}Q^^. '>.. t.-r!3..<rt'^l!-ffr8?..

fl^^uftwtMu :_h*5. ?...^^l^J. ra.?. ^^^^»^^. ^^

^ _»i e-^ . _ < __ -~- . , . < <a^- -S, -^.

.S.i^riî". D.<R.n. ><.-^..fc.^n^.?S'M.-tf. s't^...<er;sr\o->. t. <?i».z^.fe<c(u,

.0'%^^A. %P'. fflA-^^. %a...<Cl^. <'r^^... -.^^. %»S..^^. ^. ?..^..^^

-A-?<D-Q. O.^-^^-^^-Yl. ^.dî??^. S.?. s^^\c^w^j^?o^

C/ -' f

Name of community or group concerned :...

...^.. ;... NQr^L:... &^ïA. y".^x^ALfc... 0.w'<>i.e.ï&l-ty. ---of.. _'Σ.. c.hri<As>.Qât.


Opinion : ..j^.oy^..5. A....5.Q(^^^rn... ^SÀ...<?^..-.<?^^..,.. î^

..>:<!'.?.dç^^. w.^[À--...y.&^^..d.s...H&^b.)t w<^


^.o.u^^l. ^..ç: ...X^s^y^... -^?... ^-lle<^o:cy.,. ol,,^


i.^'fe-.^3.LV.g...h.<..xd(^&.... <3?i.-.. ^^nkW.. -..

^a^':... 4..-.-.^.-^.^..^. ^.^-ç6.e?.ri...t??..-..UQ.y.3.A...Î2.... X^Q..^....-...


Address: ...,. _... l.l... &^tcb?. f ^<a?.<^-....?^S^<3i-... B.o....^y-^.





-.t-...--.-..-..--.-.... -...-. -. -.. ----....-...

.ïun. _.... lî... i,Sau...m.v.0.,.... îtî^

Date : Day.. '!i.... Month,. CfôY.Ô.8.^.... Year., 2,o]%..

awawum: ... S^-°~J...

(°y?e:x~tW?>.(.__. -(.T^.?^. ro...j

Signature :... '--^J, -..

( îyY'..V.ffA/9^rn^. ^uM^°'^<!^-'


lui,l,gfi?l-3fm3jauEja3J Certificate of Consent

?a^n£jm'îU'3^nfiu'îlêyÊynvi'-i'3'î%iu5ii<a3J : lu'îi

Name of lelement : Nora


w'îLmu3j'î^nflu'î]^qnvnn%i'U5'3'?3J^'iniJ^iï;wpiT, <M£j i,a'ua^a'uaiîu'5nynn?Â''3i, m'uu-30infiu{l£vnj'ivn^

'ïeuu5^'33J'ua-33JUW<iii^(?i'iîji,1a'ul'îj^'Ll';i'in{]luauaêyE yn3j-3^nf]uîlcvêy'ivi'i^';f%jT<i5^'a3j'w 'UCTe)'3luT, pi'

This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

^anaufi'u/WB'ufiinyiTO^ al d : ^viy'iayu'i^ffaiJ'ufl'ï^s-î'îSj-î'Tîi

Name of community or group concerned : Nakhon Si Thammarat Col. lege of Dramatic Art

m'ww\mu : k'w'uaumiislmînu?^nfi5'Oeynjnvin^T%iu5':ïcisjTu'3iwvisi'0£j'uiîlu3J^nflu'Oqj njnvin'3

.ï%i'u5'i-33jfi%'upi'a4uT, mviaiJ?smpi1, 'wLfluu??inTe]nCT'aliJ

Opion'ion : This is to certify that Cultural Héritage, Nora should be presented as Intangible Guttural hleritage in order to reçister as World héritage

via&j : wynsyun^ffls'iJ'ufl'smsiiiu^n'a 130 u. ll w.vinila a. iua-3 q. 'ufl^pils^'ïyï'Ta 80000

Address : Nakhon Si Thammarat Collège of Dramatic Art Muang, Nakhon Si Thammarat

1UV1 26 ^iqfflqmEJU 2561 Date : Day Monday Month November Year 2018

a^'iaawavi'u :.

Signature :. -f>,

unymvi^pi mana)

/ ^r-^

Mr. Siwapong Kangsakul)


lui, i,gf^'3Fmuyu£jaîJ Certificate of Consent



njivn-a'2i'%'u5'3'3iJ : Tu'si

Name of élément Nora



u^nnSîl^qj nvin^suus'î^qnn'd'îSWf'ilvia i,6!iua?a8ygLÎIu?'iam'3?i''ii,i,





This is to certify free, prior and informed consent to thé nomination of thé above mentioned élément as a candidate from Thailand for thé Représentative List of thé Intangible Guttural hferitage of Humanity stipulated in thé Convention for thé Safeguarding of thé Intangible Guttural Héritage.

: I^!.^yV!î!?1J.lYiy^s5.5...

Name of community or group concerned :: ...P9J;Qn.§wrtt.aya.Mul..l3.ni.ti..SchQoL

Fmyfi?iL'wu :: Iv^kîuy. i0nm^%y.5353Jsa^flu.m^finf°ilCT!,3up^^unnflîiu^^


Opinion :. Nora.js. j:h.e.(;ulturaLh.erite.§e..of.t.he..pe(3pie.of..the..s.Quthern. re§.i.o.n,.lt. h3.s.. besn pIQud. sin(:e. 1:h.e. past,. Sh(3uld. a§ree..9n.cl..ag.r.ee. tfi.bring. NQra. int.ç..t.h.e..c.yltur9.lh.eritage. o.f



:.. 45..Ryum(5m?.3l.sonmï!ïB. q..âikm^n0lYi^..^.m0m^sn-.... -90. iio..^j...Q7^

fax:. Q745r3â547.

Address : ... 45. Tad?a.ban. 31. RQa.d.. Soi. l.. P.3.ton.g. Sub-distriç.t. HadYaj.. QisJ;ric.t,.. Son^kh^^^^

SD110. JeA:.. +6.674556.-557. fax:. ±$67453. 6-547. E-m.9JL. Regi.5ter25. 06â§m9JL.c.om.

^... 2.5... ^9U. ;:^ft :.,., ^ ^25.60,

Date : Day... 25... Month... J.uL . ^ .. ^^^... O.Ï7^fA

»"* -K%fc

%^^ , ;t:

am'\'^p?^... y.

^=3t | -. ^ ^ _ <. ,'

(.... y^: ..L'^^:.,)

^. )'^'r~r^ ^''


Signature :


( Mr. Methee.. l<erdsen. §.surjyon.§,)



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Souligne les phrases que Alice a prononcées à voix haute : Parfait, nous allons nous amuser.. Je suis contente qu’ils aient pensé à poser

Cette ritualisation de la consommation du thé est une pratique courante dans plusieurs cultures asiatiques, et l'on peut citer les cérémonies du thé japonaise (chanoyu) et chinoise

Au XIXe siècle, la Chine ne suffit plus à satisfaire une consommation occidentale toujours croissante et les Anglais commencent vers 1830 à développer la culture du thé

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Il est non seulement considéré comme une boisson, mais il est devenu également un support culturel qui manifeste la philosophie, le point de vue esthétique et le

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