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Neutron and infrared study of the dynamical behaviour of methane in NaA zeolite


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1981

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Neutron and infrared study of the dynamical behaviour of methane in NaA zeolite

E. Cohen de Lara, R. Kahn

To cite this version:

E. Cohen de Lara, R. Kahn. Neutron and infrared study of the dynamical behaviour of methane in NaA zeolite. Journal de Physique, 1981, 42 (7), pp.1029-1038. �10.1051/jphys:019810042070102900�.




Neutron and infrared study of the dynamical behaviour of methane

in NaA zeolite *

E. Cohen de Lara

Service de Spectroscopie Moléculaire en Milieu Condensé, Laboratoire de Recherches Physiques (**),

Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, 4, place Jussieu, Tour 22, 75230 Paris cedex 05, France

and R. Kahn

Laboratoire Léon-Brillouin, Orme des Merisiers, B.P. 2, 91190 Gif sur Yvette, France

(Reçu le 18 décembre 1980, révisé le 20 fevrier 1981, accepté le 24 mars 1981)



L’étude par diffusion de neutrons et spectroscopie infrarouge de la dynamique d’une molécule de

méthane adsorbée dans la zéolithe synthétique NaA apporte plusieurs résultats intéressants : i) la molécule évolue

pendant un temps supérieur à 10-9 s dans une même cavité, ii) alors qu’à température ambiante elle peut occuper tout le volume de celle-ci, au fur et à mesure que la température s’abaisse, sa trajectoire est limitée de plus en plus à un déplacement contre les parois, avec des temps de résidence plus longs en certains sites. A 4 K elle est totalement

piégée sur ces sites. iii) Les temps de corrélation de ce mouvement (10-11 s à 240 K) ainsi que les durées de vie de la vibration interne v1 conduisent à une énergie d’activation de 700 K.



The study by infrared and neutron spectroscopy of the dynamical behaviour of one methane molecule adsorbed in the synthetic zeolite NaA shows several interesting features : i) the molecule remains for a time longer

than 10-9 s in the same cavity, ii) whereas at room temperature it moves within the entire volume of the cavity,

when the temperature decreases its trajectory gets closer and closer to the walls with a longer trapping time in

definite sites. At 4 K the molecule is completely trapped in these sites. iii) From the correlation time of this motion

(10-11 s at 240 K) and the life time of the v1 internal vibration we obtain an activation energy of 700 K.

J. Physique 42 (1981) 1029-1038 JUILLET 1981,


Physics Abstracts


1. Introduction.


Zeolites are porous alumino- silicate crystals presenting in some structural types nearly spherical cavities regularly distributed over

the crystal lattice. These cavities are connected

through pores or windows, whose diameters depend

on the nature of the zeolite (D. W. Breck and R. M.

Barrer [1]). Consequently these materials offer physi-

cists an interesting tool insofar as the cavities may be utilized to isolate one or several molecules, thus constituting a simple physical model. Furthermore

they can be seen as solid solvents since adsorbed molecules penetrate into the entire volume of the solid where they are uniformly distributed and sur-

rounded by the atoms constituting the cavity walls.

Our present purpose is to study the dynamical

behaviour of a methane molecule adsorbed in NaA type zeolite. In this structure with chemical composi-

tion Nal2(S’02AI02)12, the mean diameters of the cavities and access pores are respectively 11.4 and

4.2 A. CH4, whose collisional diameter is of the order of 4 A, can therefore penetrate the cavities but its diffusion might be seriously hindered when crossing

the pores. Inside each cavity certain degrees of free-

dom might vanish owing to the interaction with the surface or because of the available volume. This effect has been studied on methane (R. Stockmeyer

et al. [2], P. Gamlen [3]), ethylene (C. J. Wright,

C. Riekel [4], J. L. Carter et al. [5]), and nitrous oxide

(E. Cohen de Lara [6]).

This investigation has been approached experi- mentally using IR spectroscopy and neutron scatter-

ing methods and theoretically by calculation of the interaction of the molecule with the crystalline

structure. We shall give experimental results and the derived interpretations but first we shall review the

potential calculation model and some theoretical data.


sical adsorption such as in the NaA-CH¢ system, the forces involved are Van der Waals and electro-


(*) Neutron measurements performed at the Laue-Langevin


(**) Associe au C.N.R.S.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019810042070102900


static forces : as we will see later the electrostatic field in cavities is strong enough to induce infrared forbidden bands. The potential interaction energy 0

of one CH4 molecule inside a cavity may be described

as follow : an electrostatic term QE (molecule in the cavity field) and a Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential for dispersion and repulsion (the sum of binary inter-

actions of the molecule with each ion of the crystal lattice). 4JE stands on the one hand for the energy due to molecular permanent moments (nil in this

case owing to the fact that CH4 has neither a dipole

nor a quadrupole) and on the other hand for the induction energy due to the polarizability cx; the

field is calculated with the assumption that NaA is

purely an ionic crystal (E. Cohen de Lara et al. [7]).

Displacing the centre of the molecule within the whole volume of a cavity, we are able to give a des- cription of the interaction potential (Fig. 1) : it yields

various types of potential wells from which we cal- culate the potential barriers from one site to another.

Fig. 1.


Potential curves of a CH4 molecule in a NaA cavity. In a (r, 0, Q) reference frame centred in a cavity, we displace .the centre of the

molecule along different radii (0, 9). a) This ensemble of curves 0(r) is drawn in the symmetry plane of the cavity where are located the pecu- liar Na III cation and other Na II cations. Each curve corresponds to angles Q displaced by 10°. b) This curve is the locus of the minima of 0. As we can see in a) and b) there is a barrier to jump from the potential well facing Na III to the Na II well.

Considering there is a peculiar Na III cation in NaA

zeolite, we find the deepest well where cjJrnin is about

6 kcal./mole (3 200 K - 280 meV) - the experimen-

tal heat of adsorption is 5.4 kcal./mole (D. M. Ruth-

ven, K. F. Loughlin [8])


and a second type of well in front of Na II cations where Oj. is about

4.5 kcal./mole (2 300 K - 200 meV). The height of

the barrier is 3 kcal./mole. The second derivative of the potential curves gives the order of magnitude of

the external frequencies, parallel and perpendicular

to the surface, vII = 2.5 x 1012 Hz, vl = 5 X lO+ 12 Hz.

These data will only guide us in interpreting our experimental results but our aim is to come back to the model and assumptions on which this potential

energy calculation depends.

2. Infrared experiments.


Infrared spectroscopy

gives information on internal vibrations and rotation of the molecule as a whole, and therefore on motions performed in a time range of 10-14 to 10-12 s.

We shall not give details of the experimental tech-

nique which was described in a previous paper

(E. Cohen de Lara et al. [7]). Let us recall only that

NaA powder is compressed into pellets of about

100 u.m thickness and outgassed at 400 OC and 10-’ torr vacuum for 16 hours in the infrared cell.

The zeolite is totally free of water after such an acti- vation treatment. Prior to analysing the variation of the vibrational bands with temperature (in the range 300 K to 200 K) we present the infrared data of CH4

adsorbed in NaA zeolite :

CH4 has four fundamental vibrations (G. Herzberg

[9]) : in the gaseous phase v3 (3 020 cm-1) and V4 ( 1306 cm -1 ) are infrared active, while v 1 (2 914 cm -1 )

and V2 (1526 cm-1) are only Raman active. In the adsorbed state beside the two allowed bands, the

forbidden band v, appears with approximately the

same intensity as V3 and v4, due to the dipolar moment

induced by the field existing inside the cavity. The stretching bands v 1 and V3 are shifted towards lower

frequencies as in the liquid and solid states. Compa-

rison of the profiles shows that V 1 is obviously nar-



rower than v3 and v4 : since the totally symmetrical

Raman band of a spherical rotor is not accompanied by rotational wings (G. Herzberg [9]) we are able to

infer that the v1, profile is strictly due to perturbations

of the vibrational frequency. In addition, the observed V1 band is located entirely below the gas phase fre-

quency ; owing to the fact that its intensity is propor- tional to the square of the field, this band does not appear when the molecule is at the centre of cavity (E ~ 0) where its frequency would be close to the gas frequency. On the contrary, the allowed v3 band

has a broad profile and the presence of wings leads

one to infer that CH4 retains some rotational free- dom inside the cavity.

The variation of these two bands with temperature is presented in figure 2. Few perturbations are noticed

on v3 ; its frequency does not change, but the rota-

Fig. 2.


vie and v3 infrared bands of CH4 adsorbed in NaA zeolite.

-.-.- 260 K;


230 K ; 210 K.

tional wings slightly decrease with temperature. For

v 1 as seen in figure 3, the frequency shift increases when the temperature decreases (stronger interactions with the surface) and at the same time the width of

Fig. 3.


Frequency shift of Vl vibration of CH4 in NaA.

the peak is reduced. Let us consider possible reasons

for this band width :

i) one can exclude the influence of the presence

probability of the molecule in the cavity as in this

case the profile would be asymmetric,

ii) a contribution is certainly given by the gradient

of the electric field acting on the molecule but in all

events this contribution should have very little tem-

perature dependence,

iii) we have neglected the rotational effect, although rigorously, the electric field changes the orbital molecular symmetry and therefore the selection rule AJ



Finally we make the crude assumption that the

width is only dependent on the life time Ty of the vibration :

TV varies from 5 x 10-13 s for 273 K to 13 x 10-13 s for 210 K.

Now this band only exists when the molecule is close to the surface where the field is sufficiently

strong to induce the band. We may therefore consider that iv is equal to the time the molecule remains on

the adsorption site. This time, iA (adsorption time) is

linked to the potential barrier that the molecule has to jump to leave the surface


Figure 4 presents an Arrhenius plot which gives a

value for Ao equal to 700 K (1.5 kcal./mole). At this

stage the physical significance of this number is not

clear; it is difficult to consider it as the activation energy for leaving the deepest well since the potential

map calculation gives a value of 1 600 K for this potential barrier. We shall discuss this point after presenting the neutron scattering results.

Fig. 4.


Arrhenius plot of the inverse of the width of vl band.

3. Neutron scattering experiment.


Neutrons are coupled with all the degrees of freedom of the mole- cule. Cold neutrons, with a typical incident energy of

10- 3 eV with a resolution of 10 %, see motions which

are performed on a time scale of 10- 10 to

lO-13 seconds.


3.1 EXPERIMENTAL. - One of the major experi-

mental problems with zeolites is their great affinity

for water. The samples were prepared outside the neutron spectrometer and sealed. Therefore the con- tainer has to fulfill two conditions : to be as transpa-

rent as possible for neutrons (low absorption


no Bragg peaks


no quasielastic scattering) and to be absolutely air-tight at all temperatures. We chose to work in cylindrical quartz containers (Q = 20 mm




80 mm - mass of hydrated zeolite pow- der


15 g) since quartz has a coherent but quite

constant scattering spectrum for long wavelengths.

Zeolite was outgassed at 400 OC for several days,

until the pressure in the container was 10-’ torr.

For samples with adsorbed methane, we introduced

a known number of CH4 molecules in order to have about one molecule per cavity


the distribution

over the cavities is certainly quite uniform even at

150 K the lowest temperature of the experiment [8]


and we sealed the quartz tube as near as possible to

the powder. With this method we reduced the dead

volume, so that the number of free molecules inside the container was low with regard to the number of adsorbed ones. The total transmission factor

(NaA + CH4 in container) was about 67 %. With

these conditions, we find that about one half of the scattered neutrons come from methane.

The neutron scattering experiment was performed

at the Laue-Langevin Institute on the IN5 time of flight spectrometer (R. E. Lechner et al. [10]) using

an incident wavelength of 10 A (elastic resolution


25 ueV FWHM). The energy spectrum of scat- tered neutrons was recorded at 6 angles simultan- eously, covering the elastic momentum transfer range

0.15 Qo 1 A-’ .

For each temperature : 300, 270, 240, 200, 150, 4 K,

we took two spectra, one of zeolite with adsorbed methane and one of outgassed zeolite. Outside the

Bragg peaks of NaA, the neutron intensity is mainly

incoherent scattering and the contribution due to

CH4 is the difference of these two spectra, after cor- rections : we note that for a correct subtraction one

needs to make a correction of the bare zeolite spec- trum. Indeed, whether there is or is not CH4 in sample : i) each atom of the zeolite does not see the

same incident neutron flux; ii) when scattered by a

zeolite nucleus, a neutron has a different probability

of leaving the sample without being absorbed or


This correction is directly related to the methane

partial transmission factor and following Sear’s

paper [16] we have used for the first order transmis- sion factor H CH4 (ko, k), the result for a cylinder (equation 9.2.3, p. 35) with ECH4


0.14 ± 0.03 cm-1.

This last value is calculated from the zero order transmission measurement. The energy distribution of the neutrons which have been scattered at least

once by a proton of a methane molecule is then :

(spectra CH4) =

= (spectra NaA+CH4 -H1(ko, k) (spectra NaA)) . Figure 5 shows an example for T


240 K and three scattering angles. On all the spectra, the elastic peak

width is equal to the resolution of the apparatus.

Fig. 5. - Time of flight neutron spectra scattered by methane

adsorbed in zeolite NaA (after corrections and subtraction of the NaA signal). The sharp peak around zero energy transfer has, for all angles, the width of the resolution function. Separation between

the inelastic and quasielastic domains occurs around 0.5 meV energy transfer.



We find that there is abso-

lutely no Q dependence on the width of the elastic

peak. This means that inside the time window of our measurements (t 10- 9 s) there is no long range

translation. This fact has greatly simplified the ana- lysis and the understanding of the motion of the methane : since we know that a molecule stays inside the same cavity during its interaction time with the neutron, we shall consider N independent closed

boxes (zeolite cavities) each containing one CH4


The principal term of the scattering cross-section

is the incoherent scattering by protons and in the

Born approximation for N independent molecules

(W. Marshall, S. Lovesey [11]) :



where Rj(t) is the position vector of the proton labelled j at time t.

The motion of one proton may be expressed as

the sum of four elementary motions :

1) the translation of the CH4 centre of mass in a cavity, rc ;

2) the vibration of the whole molecule with res-

pect to the cavity walls, i.e. the external vibration Uc ;

3) the rotation of the proton around the carbon i.e. the rotation of the molecule itself d;

4) its vibration with respect to c, i.e. the internal vibrations of the molecule v;


If we consider the time scale of these different motions :

i) we know these for the internal vibrations (10-14 s)

and for the rotation of the free molecule (10-12 s);

ii) the order of magnitude for the external vibra- tion is 10-13 s, and we may assume that the time scale for the translation of CH4 in the cavity is about 10- II s.

As usual, motions which differ so in the time scales

can be considered as uncorrelated and we can rewrite the scattering function as a convolution product in

the Fourier space :

Starting from this expression, we shall now consider

each term separately.


First, since the molecule is enclosed in a finite- sized box, we have for the translational motion

From this relation it is easy to show in a very general

way that the scattering function is necessarily of the

form (V. F. Turshin [12]) :

Ao(Q) is the elastic incoherent structure factor (E.I.S.F.)

of this translational motion; it comes from the pro-

bability p(r) of finding the centre of the molecule in

an infinitesimal volume around a point r inside the


T(Q, w) contains the dynamical information about the trajectory and whatever the details of this motion



random walk


instantaneous jumps on

definite sites) (A. J. Dianoux et al. [13]), this function

can be approximated at low energy transfer (long times) by a sum of Lorentzian curves

An are coefficients which decrease rapidly for low Q


when n increases. Moreover the scattering function

satisfies the sum rule (W. Marshall, S. Lovesey [11])

which means that :

Since for our experimental conditions we are always

in the region of Q 1 A-1, we retain only the first

Lorentzian term


Let us consider now the rotational motion of the proton around the carbon atom. We assume that :

i) methane is not oriented with respect to the surface : the four protons are equivalent and we can drop the j label.

ii) At least in the quasielastic region (hw 1 meV, time intervals greater than 5 x lO-12 s) a proton has

a spherically isotropic rotational diffusion motion around the carbon (R. Stockmeyer et al. [2]).

The scattering function in that case is well known

(V. F. Sears [14]) :

JI spherical Bessel function ;

d radius of the sphere i.e. C-H length;

y-1 correlation time

Finally both vibrational motions are treated as

harmonic oscillators. The first excited state of internal vibration of CH4 (1 300 cm - 1) is, on the one hand,

very little thermally populated and on the other hand,

too high to be excited by incident neutrons ; so, in the energy range we are interested in, we consider a purely elastic scattering function and write it as a

Debye-Waller factor:

svib intQ’ w)


exp - (Q2 V2 >] dw> (11)

For external vibration, energy levels are lower and there is certainly a frequency distribution 9((oo)

because of the slow motion of the whole molecule

inside the cavity. We thus have to consider the scat-


tering of a neutron by a molecule with and without

change of state :

where F(Q, cvo, a)) is the scattering function of an

harmonic oscillator with frequency roo (W. Marshall,

S. Lovesey [11] and V. F. Turchin [12]).

Introducing formulae (9), (10), (11), (12) in rela-

tion (3) and integrating the result over the spectrometer resolution function R(w, n) we get the number of neutrons scattered in the 2 0 direction and stored in the channel n ((o is the energy transfer and n is related to the time of flight of the scattered neutron). In the general case the complete equation would be very

complicated with too many parameters to be useful for a fitting procedure.

In our case fortunately we can distinguish quite unambiguously two parts in the spectrum (Fig. 5) :

a narrow quasielastic region I (AE 0.5 meV) con- taining principally the motion with the longest

characteristic time i.e. translation in the box, and a

broad inelastic part II (AE > 1 meV) representing

the external vibration but also containing quasielastic scattering from rotational diffusion. Naturally this

last motion introduces intensity in the first narrow

region but since 7 - 1 meV > A, we can donsider this term as being nearly constant in part I.

We have therefore analysed our data in the fol-

lowing way : in part I the intensity in channel n is calculated by :

which relates the mean square vibrational amplitude

of the proton to the integrated intensity. A least

square fitting procedure is then used to find the

other parameters of (13) : normalization constant c, E.I.S.F. Ao(Q), correlation time A - I, and two para- meters for background BG(n).

In the inelastic part II, the number of physical parameters increases. Moreover in the range of energy transfer below 5 meV our hypothesis of

uncorrelated external vibration and rotation is wrong and the true scattering function has to be developed

in a quantum mechanical formalism. For these

reasons a real fitting procedure starting from equa- tions (3), (10), (11), (12) would be unrealistic and we

restrict our analysis to find the general shape and

the qualitative variation with temperature of the external frequency distribution g(wo), maintaining

the assumption of uncorrelated motions :

Taking for Srot a sum of three Lorentzian terms

(cf. (10)) and for g(cvo) a broad distribution and peaks,

we have extracted the parameters (amplitudes-posi-

tions and widths) giving approximately, for each temperature, the experimental Q and w variation of

the intensity.

4. Results.


Before giving the results, we make

a few remarks about the correction factors and the related uncertainties. We have already mentioned

how we took into account the influence of methane in the NaA intensity subtraction. As the scattering by NaA is almost purely elastic, the uncertainty in

the H1(ko, k) coefficient leads to an uncertainty in

the determination of the area under the elastic peak

of the methane, i.e. on its E.I.S.F.

Then in the difference spectrum, there remain

essentially 3 terms arising from :

i) Neutrons which have been scattered by a proton and which have then reached the counter. This is the term we are looking for and with a good approxi-

mation it is equal to H1CH4+NaA)(ko’ k) x SincH4(Q, ro),

where H1 can be considered as a constant, at least in the quasielastic region.

ii) Neutrons which are first scattered by a proton, and then hit a nucleus of the zeolite (or the inverse

process). However the main part of the zeolite atte- nuation factor is due to absorption (Ào


10 A) and

very few of these neutrons come out. As we are not interested in absolute cross-section values, these

two terms are not important in our data analysis.



iii) Last but not least, neutrons which are scattered twice by protons. Again following Sears [16], we can

estimate that the ratio of double to single scattering

is about 1/7. Because it is a rather complicated pro- blem, and because, as we shall see below, it should

not affect the main outline of our model, we do not

include this term in the scattering cross-section.

However, from the qualitative argument that a

non zero probability of a neutron to be scattered

elastically is restricted to a scattering in the forward

direction, we can see that most of the neutrons twice scattered will be found in the inelastic and the quasi-

elastic regions of the spectra.

4.1 GEOMETRY OF THE MOTION. - For reasons

mentioned before we consider that, at least during

the interaction time with a neutron, the molecule is enclosed in a roughly spherical box, and except in front of one or perhaps several ions its interaction

potential with the walls depends mostly on distance

and very little on angular coordinates. Therefore in

a very simple model, we assume that CH4 is moving

more or less uniformly in the volume limited by two spheres of radii RI and R2. The E.I.S.F. for such a motion is presented in the appendix. For 300 K the best fit is obtained when R2


3.5 A and Ri


0 (Fig. 6a), which means that the centre of the molecule

is distributed over all the volume of a 3.5 A radius

sphere. Notice that this value has a physical signifi-

cance : if we add to R2 the CH length (1.1 A) and the

hydrogen radius (0.6 A) we get the result that the

Fig. 6.


Elastic incoherent structure factor of the methane in NaA at different temperatures. The curves are calculated with the para- meters as written in the insert. For T


4 K (6b) the slight increase

is probably due to a failure of our rotational model.

whole molecule moves in a sphere of 10.4 A diameter

which is not very far from the NaA cavity diameter.

At lower temperatures (Fig. 6b) there are two noti-

ceable effects : i) the curves decrease faster at low Q .

and ii) a non zero minimum becomes visible for

Q ~ 0.9 A -1 below 240 K. In particular Ao(Q )



for all Q when T


4 K. The first effect is taken into account if R1 = 0 ; for example the best fit for T


240 K gives R2


3.5 A and RI


2 A (Fig. 6c),

and for T 200 K, R2




3.5 A (Fig. 6d)

which means that the molecule now remains close to the walls. The second behaviour seems to indicate

some trapping effect corresponding to sites where

CH4 rests for longer and longer times as the tempe-

rature decreases. To fit the experimental curves we

introduced a new physical parameter a = to t + I tl ro + ri

(Fig. 6b), T, being the time the molecule is trapped

and To the time its moves along the walls.

We can discuss the validity of the model within the uncertainty of the experimental points. On figure 6, we show the calculated uncertainties due to the statistical error in the counting rate and on the

transmission factor measurements. However we have noticed that the multiple scattering effect leads to an

excess of neutrons in the quasielastic peak which on

the one hand, affects predominantly the highest

values of E.I.S.F., and on the other hand, affects, in

the same way, neighbouring values. For instance, the

decrease observed of the E.I.S.F. at Q


0.40 A

between T


270 and T


200 K should be the

same after multiple scattering corrections. Thus, we

think that the introduction of the two parameters R 1

and a is valid even if the values obtained are only qualitative, especially for a. Indeed, this last para- meter is sensitive to the discrepancies in that region

where the errors in the experimental points are important. Moreover as our beam-time allocation

was limited we have only a very few points in this region. As yet it is impossible to determine if there is one or several adsorption sites or if the mean trajectory changes below 200 K. Naturally there are probably other models of motion which could fit the data but this is, in our mind, the simplest model

which takes into account the temperature behaviour that we have measured.



Figure 7 shows the

results of the fitting procedure of part I at 240 K with equation (13). The experimental data are quite

well described with a simple Lorentzian function but

we find a slight increase of A with scattering angle.

We don’t think it is an indication of a Q dependence

of this parameter but think that it comes mostly

from higher terms in T(Q, w) when the Ai coefficients (i > 1) are not negligible in equation (6). The same phenomenon occurs for T


150 K (when the long-

range diffusion is certainly too small to be measured)

which supports our assumption. Thus the corres-

ponding motion is of diffusive type with a correlation


Fig. 7. - Neutron spectra versus energy transfer of methane in NaA at T


240 K. The points are the result of the subtraction

(after corrections) of (NaA + CH4) spectra and NaA spectra.

time rc


2 n/A [15]. We have taken for A an ave-

rage of the values obtained with the fit of the lower

scattering angle spectra. Figure 8 shows thatr,, obeys

an Arrhenius law (at least in the temperature range of the present experiment) with an activation energy of about 700 K.

Fig. 8.


Arrhenius plot of the characteristic time for the transla- tional motion of the methane inside a NaA cavity.

We find the same value as that given by the v, IR band width. Insofar as the correlation time measured

by neutron scattering refers to the motion of CH4

in the whole cavity, one can imagine that this acti- vation energy is linked to the mean height of the potential barrier which keeps the molecule in the

vicinity of the walls.



In this section, we shall analyse the rapid motion of the methane mole- cule. First, equation (14) shows that the intensity of

the quasielastic peak is proportional to a Debye-

Waller factor. In this term U2 > is an average value

over all the vibrations with respect to the walls, and V2 > is supposed to be negligible because it involves much higher frequencies. In the harmonic oscillator

approximation we have

g(wo) is the density of the probability for having an

oscillator with frequency coo. In figure 9 are plotted

the variations with momentum transfer of the quantity

Fig. 9. - Elastic + quasielastic intensity (divided by the form

factor of the rotation J’(Qd)) for methane in NaA.

The slope of these straight lines gives the experimental

values of ( U2 > at different temperatures and we note that ( U2 > is reduced by a factor of 10 when T goes from 240 to 150 K. Now, when nw KT and if g(wo) is independent of T, U2 > should be propor- tional to T, which means that the frequency distri-

bution varies with temperature. This result is in agreement with the analysis of the E.I.S.F. showing

how the motion in the cavity is restricted when T diminishes. More quantitative information is derived from the inelastic part II. We have fitted this part

at each temperature with equation (15) using for g(wo) the sum of a broad distribution centred around 10 meV and a narrow peak at about 6 meV. When the temperature changes it appears that the central

frequencies remain constant but the widths and the relative intensities of these bands vary below 240 K.

The final result is shown in figure 10 for 2 extreme

temperatures, together with the corresponding exter-

nal frequency distribution. Two results are clear :

i) at low temperature a relatively well-defined

peak becomes visible around v


1.5 x 1012 s-1,



Fig. 10.


Inelastic scattering and related external frequency dis-

tribution of the methane in NaA. In the left part: 8 experimental,


fitted curve (see text),


vibrational contribution, + + + rota- tional contribution; In the right part : g(v) calculated with the

same set of parameters as in the left part.

ii) it grows as the temperature decreases, and this

result is connected with the decrease of ( U2 ). We assign this peak to the vibration of the whole mole- cule trapped in a potential well, and more precisely

to the vibration parallel to the surface because this vibration is twofold degenerate.

Nevertheless we emphasize that these results on

external frequencies are semiquantitative. A future investigation will need, experiments to look for the

temperature dependence of the inelastic scattering

with thermal neutrons in an excitation creation mode, theory to develop a better approach for the

low frequency coupling between vibration and rota- tion.

5. Conclusion.


These measurements give a good

idea of the dynamical behaviour of methane adsorbed in zeolite NaA. Below 300 K the molecule remains in the same cavity for times longer than 10- 9 s. At

room temperature it occupies more or less uniformly

the whole volume of the cavity and at decreasing

temperatures, its mean trajectory gets closer and closer to the walls. At 200 K the molecule is always

as close as possible to the framework ions. The molecule also spends more and more time in a defi-

nite site (or may be several sites) probably in front

of the Na cations. This last effect becomes visible,

on a time scale of 10-10 s, around 240 K and is the sole possibility at 4 K. At the present time, the results

on the E.I.S.F., the frequency shift of the vi band,

the mean amplitude and the frequency distribution of the external vibration form a coherent picture and support this model. From another point of view we

notice that the width of the v, vibrational band and the correlation time of the diffusive motion inside the cavity give the same activation energy. However before claiming that this agreement is not fortuitous and that both techniques measure some mean poten- tial barrier between the wall and the centre of the

cavity, complementary experiments are necessary :

one needs to extend the infrared measurements into the low temperature region and one needs a careful analysis of the behaviour of the E.I.S.F. in the 0.5 Q 1.5 A -1 region.



We wish to thank Mr Beaufils

for his valuable help during the neutron scattering experiment.



In this appendix we calculate the elastic incoherent structure factor Ao(Q) for the

model mentioned in the text. We recall that here, Ao(Q) depends only on the centre of mass coordinate.

1) The motion of CH4 is such that the probability p(r,;) of finding the carbon atom within a volume

defined by two spheres of radii R1 and R2 is constant, but is everywhere else zero :

2) We consider now that, for 1 cycle, during the

time To the motion is as described previously and during ri the molecule is trapped in a definite site RW

in the crystallographic cell.


In spherical coordinates, OZ being along the Q



we have

Now, as we have a powder sample :


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