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Rotating planar gravity currents at moderate Rossby numbers: fully resolved simulations and shallow-water modelling - ERRATUM


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Submitted on 15 Jun 2020

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Rotating planar gravity currents at moderate Rossby

numbers: fully resolved simulations and shallow-water

modelling - ERRATUM

Jorge Salinas, Thomas Bonometti, Marius Ungarish, Mariano Cantero

To cite this version:

Jorge Salinas, Thomas Bonometti, Marius Ungarish, Mariano Cantero. Rotating planar gravity currents at moderate Rossby numbers: fully resolved simulations and shallowwater modelling -ERRATUM. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2020, 891, pp.1-3. �10.1017/jfm.2020.167�. �hal-02868743�


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Salinas, Jorge and Bonometti, Thomas

and Ungarish, Marius

and Cantero, Mariano Rotating planar gravity currents at

moderate Rossby numbers: fully resolved simulations and

shallow-water modelling - ERRATUM.

(2020) Journal of Fluid

Mechanics, 891. 1-3. ISSN 0022-1120 .

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planar gravity currents at moderate


numbers: fully resolved simulations and


modelling – ERRATUM

Jorge S. Salinas, Thomas Bonometti, Marius Ungarish and Mariano I. Cantero

First, we wish to clarify that in equations (3.14)–(3.15) of Salinas et al. (2019) all variables are dimensional except for the angular velocity ω and the coefficient k. After (3.15), we switch to dimensionless variables for the streamwise direction x, the front location xN, the Ekman layer δE, the local height h (scaled by the initial height h0) and time

t (scaled by 1/Ω, with Ω the angular velocity of the rotating system). Therefore, equations (3.18)–(3.19) must be corrected to

C2d dt[(2 + ω)ωx 4 N] =2kE 1/2ωx2 N, (1) d ˆω dt = − " 2k 3 2 1/3 x−20 /3C−2/3 E1/2 # ˆ ω5/3 1 + ˆω= −Ksu ˆ ω5/3 1 + ˆω, (2)

where ˆω = −ω, x0 is the initial location of the front in the streamwise direction and

Ksu is the spin-up constant of the model without mixing (see expression in brackets

in (2)). Recall that C and E are the Coriolis and Ekman numbers, respectively. Second, note the change of Ksu. The corrected value of Ksu introduces corrections in

the last column of table 2 (see below). Also, the corrected value of Ksu motivates the

replacement of figure 14 of the original paper with figure 1 below. As for Km su – the

spin-up constant of the model with turbulent mixing – it should be stressed that even if its expression remains unchanged (equation (3.21)), the value of Km

su is modified due

to the change of Ksu. The corrected value of Ksu and Ksum introduces corrections in the

last column of table 1.

Third, point (3) in § 5 of the original paper should also be changed. Overall, the corrected (3.19) yields fair agreement between the spin-up SW no-mixing predictions and the DNS results, in particular for large Sc. Conversely, the corrected mixing model (at least in its present form) overestimates the mean drift velocity of the slow expanding front for the range of parameters of this investigation.

The good performance of the spin-up model without mixing in the present flow merits attention, but a conclusive understanding of this effect is beyond the scope of this erratum. A plausible explanation is that the local Richardson number Ri at the interface is not small during the spin-up, and hence the mixing and momentum


15 10 5 2.0 (a) (b) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 50 100 150 Ksut Ksmut

FIGURE 1. Spin-up −ω = −˜v/(Cx˜) as a function of (a) Ksut and (b) Ksumt. Parameter t is

scaled with 1/Ω (here t =C˜t): SW theoretical model (dashed line) (a) without mixing and corrected Ksu and (b) with mixing and corrected Ksum; DNS, maximum angular velocity for

case S1-C15-N (solid line).

Approach Reference C Sc BC dxF/d˜t Increasing C DNS S1-C10-F 0.1 1 FS 1.6 × 10−3 DNS S1-C15-F 0.15 1 FS 1.0 × 10−3 DNS S1-C25-F 0.25 1 FS 7.0 × 10−4 SW (no mixing) 0.1 FS 2.4 × 10−2 SW (no mixing) 0.15 FS 1.7 × 10−2 SW (no mixing) 0.25 FS 1.1 × 10−2 SW (mixing) 0.1 FS 9.1 × 10−2 SW (mixing) 0.15 FS 6.2 × 10−2 SW (mixing) 0.25 FS 3.9 × 10−2 Increasing Sc DNS S1-C15-F 0.15 1 FS 1.0 × 10−3

(without wall friction) DNS S5-C15-F 0.15 5 FS 3.0 × 10−3

DNS SI-C15-F 0.15 ∞ FS 9.3 × 10−3

SW (no mixing) 0.15 FS 1.7 × 10−2

SW (mixing) 0.15 FS 6.2 × 10−2

Increasing Sc DNS S1-C15-N 0.15 1 NS 7.6 × 10−3

(with wall friction) DNS S5-C15-N 0.15 5 NS 1.2 × 10−2

DNS SI-C15-N 0.15 ∞ NS 1.7 × 10−2

SW (no mixing) 0.15 NS 3.5 × 10−2

SW (mixing) 0.15 NS 9.9 × 10−2

TABLE 1. Mean ‘drift’ velocity dxF/d˜t of the slow expanding front (computed for ˜t > 100)

corresponding to the slope of the dashed lines in figures 2 and 9. DNS refers to the fully resolved simulations (see table 1 of the original paper) and SW refers to the corrected shallow-water theoretical model without mixing (2) and with mixing (3.21). FS and NS refer to free slip and no slip for DNS, and to k = 1/2 and 3/2 (see § 3.3 for definition) for SW, respectively. Note that the DNS value (run SI-C15-N) corrects a misprint in the original paper.


transfer (drag) are small, making the classical Ekman layer a good approximation. We estimate Ri as follows: Ri = g ρ0 ∂ρ ∂z ∂u ∂z 2 ≈ g0/δ ρ (V/δV)2 , (3)

where ρ and u are the local density and velocity, respectively, z is the vertical coordinate, ρ0 is the density of the ambient fluid, g0 is the reduced gravity, δρ (δV) is

the characteristic thickness of the density (momentum) transition layer at the interface between the current and the ambient and V is the characteristic speed difference across δV. We approximate δρ, δV and V as


ReSc, δV ≈h0

E, V ≈ Ωh0x0ωxˆ N, (4a−c)

where Re is the Reynolds number, Sc is the Schmidt number and x0, ˆω and xN

are dimensionless. Note that the scaling law for δρ was confirmed in the case of non-rotating gravity currents, in the same range of Re and Sc as here, by the DNS of Bonometti & Balachandar (2008); see, for example, their figure 17. The local Richardson number thus reads (dimensional variables)

Ri ≈ E √ ReSc g 0 h0 ( ˆωxN)2 1 (Ωh0x0)2 , (5)

which can be written using the definition of C as Ri ≈ E √ ReSc C −2 ( ˆωxN)2 1 x20 , (6)

where all variables are now dimensionless. Finally, we use (3.13) and (3.17) to eliminate E and xN, respectively, and obtain our estimate of Ri as

Ri ≈ 3 2x 4 0 −2/3 Re−1/2Sc1/2C−5/3ωˆ−4/3. (7) During spin-up the estimated Ri increases because ˆω decreases, and for the values of Re, Sc and C of our DNS the typical Ri is larger than 0.25. We also note that a sharp density transition layer enhances stability, and indeed the spin-up model without mixing shows better agreement for DNS with large Sc.


BONOMETTI, T. & BALACHANDAR, S. 2008 Effect of Schmidt number on the structure and propagation of density currents. Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 22 (5), 341–361.

SALINAS, J. S., BONOMETTI, T., UNGARISH, M. & CANTERO, M. I. 2019 Rotating planar gravity currents at moderate Rossby numbers: fully resolved simulations and shallow-water modelling. J. Fluid Mech. 867, 114–145.


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