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The Problem of Invariance for Covariant hamiltonians


Academic year: 2022

Partager "The Problem of Invariance for Covariant hamiltonians"


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The Problem of Invariance for Covariant Hamiltonians (*).


ABSTRACT- The problem of invariance for the covariant Hamiltonians attached to first-order Lagrangian densities on the bundle of connections of a principal bundle and to first- and second-order Lagrangian densities on linear frame bundles, is solved.

1. Position of the problem.

In classical Mechanics, the Hamiltonian function attached to the La- grangian densityLˆL(t;qi;q_i)dtonJ1(R;Q)'RTQis given by,


@q_i L:

IfULdenotes the PoincareÂ-Cartan form attached toL, then ULˆpidqi Hdt


ˆs(L)k Hdt;

where s(L):RTQ!RTQ is the Legendre transformation, piˆ@L=@q_i, andkis the canonical 1-form onTQ.

As it was early observed in [9], the Hamiltonian function is not an in- variant concept when an arbitrary fibred manifoldt:E!Ris considered, generalizing the notion of «absolute time» (e.g., see [4, 15, 13] for a general (*) Supported by Ministerio of Ciencia y TecnologõÂa of Spain, under grant


(**) Indirizzo dell'A.: Instituto de FõÂsica Aplicada, CSIC C/ Serrano 144, 28006-Madrid, Spain

E-mail: jaime@iec.csic.es

(***) Department of Applied Mathematics «G. Sansone», University of Florence, Via S. Marta 3, I-50139 Florence, Italy

E-mail: rosado@dma.unifi.it


development from this point of view), instead of the trivial direct product bundle RQ!R. In this case, an Ehresmann connection is needed in order to lift the vector field @=@t from R to E. Then, the Hamiltonian function is defined by contractingULwith the horizontal lift of@=@t.

In the field theory - where no distinguished vector field exists on the ground manifold - the need of an Ehresmann connection is even greater, in order to attach a covariant Hamiltonian to each Lagrangian density; for example, see [13, 4.1], [14], and the definitions below.

Letp:M!N be a fibred manifold over a connected manifoldN, with nˆdimN, dimMˆm‡n, oriented by a volume formv. Throughout the paper, Latin (resp. Greek) indices run from 1 ton(resp.m).

We consider only coordinate systems (xi) onN adapted tov, that is vˆdx1^ ^dxn; viˆdx1^ ^dxci^ ^dxn:


Letgbe an Ehresmann (or non-linear) connection on p, i.e.,gis a differ- ential 1-form on M with values in the vertical bundle V(p), such that g(X)ˆX, 8X2V(p) (cf. [13, 2.2]). According to [14], the covariant Ha- miltonian Lg associated to a Lagrangian density on J1M, LˆLv, L2C1(J1M), with respect togis the Lagrangian density defined by

Lgˆ(p10)g w1

^vL L;


where,p10:J1M!Mdenotes the natural projection,w1is theV(p)-valued 1-form onJ1Mgoverning the contact structure on the jet bundle, which is given on a fibred coordinate system (xi;ya), byw1ˆ(dya yaidxi)@=@ya (also see Section 3 below), andvLis the Legendre form attached toL, i.e., theV(p)-valuedp1-horizontal (n 1)-form onJ1Mgiven by

vLˆ( 1)i 1@L


where (xi;ya;yai) is the coordinate system induced from (xi;ya) on the 1-jet bundle (see Section 2.1 below for the details). Locally, we have


gai ‡yai@L

@yai L v:


From (3) we obtain the decomposition of the PoincareÂ-Cartan form ana- logous to (1), i.e.,

ULˆw1^vL‡L …5†

ˆ p10

g^vL Lg:


An automorphism of the fibred manifold p:M!N is a diffeomorphism F:M!M for which a diffeomorphism exists on the ground manifold f:N!N such that pFˆfp. The set of such automorphisms is de- noted by Aut (p) and its «Lie algebra» is the space Aut (p)X(M) of p- projectable vector fields on M, or equivalently, a vector field belongs to Aut (p) if and only if each transformationFt of its flow, belongs to Aut (p).

Given a subgroupG Aut (p), a Lagrangian densityLis said to beG- invariant if


LˆL; 8F2 G;


where F(1):J1M!J1M denotes the 1-jet prolongation of F. In- finitesimally, the equation (6) can be reformulated as follows:

LX(1)Lˆ0; 8X2Lie (G):


When a groupGof transformations ofMis given, a natural question arises:

(Q) Does a class of connectionsgexist such thatLgisG-invariant for everyG-invariant Lagrangian densityL?

A natural answer to this question is to assume that the connectiong, itself, isG-invariant. In fact, for everyX2Aut (p) we can define the Lie derivative ofgwith respect toXas follows (see [6, § XI]):LXg(Y)ˆ[X;g(Y)] g([X;Y]), for everyY 2X(M), and the infinitesimalG-invariance ofgmeansLXgˆ0, 8X2Lie (G). Then, the following result holds:

PROPOSITION1.1. If g is infinitesimally G-invariant, then g solves the question (Q), i.e., LX(1)Lˆ0, 8X2Lie (G), implies LX(1)Lgˆ0, 8X2Lie (G).

PROOF. If Xˆui@=@xi‡va@=@ya, ui2C1(N), va2C1(M), is the local expression ofX2Lie (G), then from the general formulas (11), (12) in Section 2.2 below, we obtain in particular,

X(1)ˆui @

@xi‡va @

@ya‡vai @

@yai; vai ˆ@va


@yb yaj@uj

@xi: Furthermore, if gˆ(dya‡gaidxi)@=@ya, gai 2C1(M) is the local ex- pression of the Ehresmann connectiong(see the formula (13) in Section 3 below) we obtainLXgˆCai(X)dxi@=@ya, where

Cia(X)ˆX(gai)‡vai (gbj ‡ybj)@vai

@ybj : …8†


We remark on the fact thatLXg(Y)ˆ0 ifYis ap-vertical vector field on M. HenceLXgisp-horizontal, i.e., it defines a section of the vector bundle pTNV(p).

Then, the formula (4) yields, LX(1)Lg ˆ X(gai)‡vai@L



‡(gai ‡yai) X(1) @L







AsLisG-invariant,X(1)Lˆ L@uh=@xh. Hence @

@yai X(1)

Lˆ @L




Moreover, by computing the bracket [@=@yai;X(1)], from the previous for- mula we obtain

X(1) @L













and substituting the right hand side of this equation for the left hand side into the equation (9) and taking the formula (8) into account, we finally

obtainLX(1)LgˆCia(X)(@L=@yai)v p

Unfortunately, the infinitesimal G-invariance of g is a too restrictive condition to assure the existence of Ehresmann connections solving the question (Q). In fact, in general there is no solution to the system of equationsCai(X)0,8X2Lie (G), whereCia(X) is given by the formula (8), as proved in the next proposition. First, some preliminaries are required.

Everyp-projectable vector fieldX2X(M) vanishing at a pointy2M induces a linear map AX;y:Vy(p)!Vy(p) by setting AX;y(v)ˆ[Y;X]y, 8v2Vy(p), whereY is anyp-vertical vector field onM such thatvˆYy.

PROPOSITION1.2. If for every y2M, there exists a p-projectable vector field X2Lie (G)suchthat Xyˆ0, AX;yˆ0, j1xX0ˆ0, where xˆp(y)and X0is the projection of X onto N, but j1yX6ˆ0, then there is no infinitesi- mallyG-invariant Ehresmann connection on p:M!N.

PROOF. With the same notations as in the proof of Proposition 1.1, the assumption is equivalent to the following: ui(x)ˆ0, (@ui=@xj)(x)ˆ0, va(y)ˆ0, (@va=@yb)(y)ˆ0, for all indicesa,b,i;j, but (@va=@xi)(y)6ˆ0 for


some indicesa,i. Then, from the equation (8) for these indices, we obtain Cia(X)(y)ˆ(@va=@xi)(y), thus leading us to a contradiction. p Fortunately, in the cases we shall deal with below, the vertical bundle V(p) decomposes asV(p)pTNW for a certain vector bundleW, so thatLXgcan be viewed as a section of the bundlep(TNTN)W, and the invariance ofLg is assured by the assumption of the vanishing of the antisymmetric part of the tensor field LXg for every X. In these cases, there are plenty of Ehresmann connections answering the question (Q) above. Specifically, we deal with the following three cases: 1) First-order Lagrangian densities on the bundle of connections of a principal bundle; 2) First-order Lagrangian densities on the bundle of linear frames of a smooth manifold; and 3) The class of second-order Lagrangian densities on the bundle of linear frames of a smooth manifold, which admit a second- order Hamiltonian formalism, i.e., second-order Lagrangian densities whose corresponding covariant Hamiltonian is also of second order. In the first and third cases, the question (Q) imposes an algebraic condition on the antisymmetric part of the horizontal part of the Ehresmann connection under consideration, but in the second case the solution to (Q) leads one to a true system of partial differential equations. This asymmetry should deserve a subsequent analysis.

Finally, a summary of the contents of the present work is as follows: in Section 2, the notations and preliminary results on jet bundles, contact transformations and Lagrangian densities, which are used below, are introduced. In Section 3, the notion af an Ehresmann connection of ar- bitrary order on a fibred manifold p:M!N, is reviewed, several geo- metric properties of these non-linear connections are proved, and the action of the group Aut (p) on the space of Ehresmann connections is defined. Section 4 is devoted to state the basics of diffeomorphism in- variance on the bundle of linear framesp:FN!Nof a smooth manifold N. Namely, we first reduce the problem of determining DiffN-invariant Lagrangian densities onJr(FN) to that of DiffN-invariant functions and then, we explain why DiffN-invariance can be reduced to consider only the infinitesimal notion of invariance; i.e.,X(N)-invariance. Finally, bases (previously obtained) forX(N)-invariant functions for the casesrˆ1;2, are introduced. In Section 5 the invariance problem for first-order cov- ariant Hamiltonians, is considered in two particular cases: First, for the bundle of connections on an arbitrary principal bundle under the gauge group of the bundle; second, for the bundles of linear frames under the group of diffeomorphism on the ground manifold. In both cases, a geo-


metric characterization of Ehresmann connections providing invariant covariant Hamiltonians for every invariant Lagrangian, is given. In Section 6 a class of second-order Lagrangian densities admitting a sec- ond-order covariant Hamiltonian, is introduced. In Section 7, the in- variance problem for second-order Lagrangian densities on linear frame bundles belonging to the class defined in Section 6, is solved for second- order Ehresmann connections induced by a 2-jet field, the explicit form of which is given in Theorem 7.4.

2. Preliminaries and notations.

2.1 ±Jet bundle notations.

For every fibred manifold p:M!N there is a homomorphism Aut (p)!DiffN,F7!f, whose kernel is the subgroup Autv(p) of fibred (or vertical) diffeomorphisms inducing the identity over N. A system of coordinates (xi;ya) on an open subsetUMis said to be a fibred coordinate system for the submersionpif (xi) is a coordinate system forNonp(U). The vertical bundle of p is the sub-bundle V(p)ˆ fX2TM:pXˆ0g. Let Mxˆp 1(x) be the fibre overx. We haveTy(Mx)ˆVy(M),8y2Mx; i.e., the vertical tangent vectors aty are the vectors tangent to the fibre passing throughy. IfF:M!M0is a fibred map, thenF:TM!TM0mapsV(p) into V(p0). Let pk:JkM!N be the k-jet bundle of local sections of p:M!N, with natural projections pkl:JkM !JlM, pkl(jkxs)ˆjlxs, for kl, jkxs denoting thek-jet at xof a section s of pdefined on a neigh- bourhood of x2N. If Iˆ(i1;. . .;in)2Nn is a multi-index of order jIj ˆi1‡. . .‡inthen we set@jIjf=@xIˆ@jIjf=(@x1)i1. . .(@xn)in, for every f 2C1(Rn). Multi-indices are added and subtracted componentwise and IJ means ihjh for 1hn. We set I!ˆi1! in! and


I ˆJ!=(J I)!I! whenever IJ. We denote by (i) the multi-index whose components are (i)hˆdih, and we set (ij)ˆ(i)‡(j), (ijk)ˆ

ˆ(i)‡(j)‡(k), etc. Hence the symbol (i1. . .ia) thus defined depends symmetrically on the indices i1;. . .;ia. The identity d(hi)(jk) ˆdhjdik‡

‡dhkdij dhidkjdhk for Kronecker's deltas of multi-indices, will be used.

A fibred coordinate system (xi;ya) for p on an open subset UM, induces a coordinate system (xi;yaI), 0 jIj r, on (pr0) 1(U)ˆJrU; i.e., yaI(jrxs)ˆ(@jIj(yas)=@xI)(x), withya0ˆya. For first-order derivatives we simply writeyaiinstead ofya(i). Every fibred mapF:M!M0whose induced


map on the base manifoldsf:N!N0is a diffeomorphism, induces a map F(r):JrM!JrM0by settingF(r)(jrxs)ˆjrf(x)(Fsf 1).

Below, we make repeatedly use of the affine-bundle structure of the projectionpr;r 1:JrM!Jr 1Mmodelled over the vector bundle

(pr 1)…pSrTNV(p)† ˆSrTNJr 1MV(p);

which is expressed on a fibred coordinate system (xi;ya) as follows. We set (dx)Iˆ(dx1). . .…i1 (dx1). . .(dxn). . .…in (dxn) for every multi-index Iˆ(i1;. . .;in), where the symbolstands for the symmetric product. If




I!lI(dx)Ix0(@=@ya)y0; x0ˆp(y0)

is an element in SrTx0NVy0(p), then the r-jet jrx0s0ˆtr‡jrx0s is de- termined by the equations



@xI (x0)ˆlI‡@r(yas)

@xI (x0); jIj ˆr:

2.2 ±Contact forms and contact transformations.

Letp:M!N be a fibred manifold. A differential 1-formwonJrMis said to be a contact form if (jrs)wˆ0 for every local sectionsofp. The set of contact forms is a sheaf ofCJ1rM-modules, denoted byCrM, which is locally spanned by the forms

waI ˆdyaI yaI‡(i)dxi; jIj r 1:


For every X2X(N),DX:C1(JrM)!C1(Jr‡1M) denotes the total deri- vative with respect toX, which is defined by DXf(jr‡1x s)ˆXx(fjrs) for everyf 2C1(Jr‡1M). The operatorDXis the only derivation onJ1Mthat satisfies: 1)DXprojects ontoX, and 2)waI(DX)ˆ0, for allI;a. In particular, we denote the total derivative with respect to the coordinatexiby

Diˆ @



yaI‡(i) @


We setDIˆD1. . .…i1 D1 Dn. . .…in Dn. Recall that [Di;Dj]ˆ0.

The horizontalization of a-possibly vector-valued-covariant tensor field


tof degreeqonJrMis thepr‡1-horizontal covariant tensor field hor(t) of degreeqonJr‡1Mdefined by hor(t)(jr‡1x s)ˆ(pr‡1)((jrs)t)(x). The total differential of a pr-horizontal form vk on JrM is the pr‡1-horizontal on Jr‡1M defined as follows: (Dvk)jr‡1x sˆ(pr‡1)(d((jrs)vk))x. Hence, we haveD fdxi1^ ^dxik

ˆ(Dif)dxi^dxi1^ ^dxik,8f 2C1(JrM).

IfFt:M!Mis the flow of ap-projectable vector fieldX2X(M), then (Ft)r:JrM!JrMis the flow of a vector field onJrM, denoted byX(r)and called the infinitesimal contact transformation of orderrassociated toX. The map X7!X(r) is an injection of Lie algebras. If Xˆui@=@xi‡va@=@ya, whereui2C1(N) andva2C1(M), then (e.g., see [16, 19, 21]) we have

X(r)ˆui @



vaI @

@yaI; va0ˆva; …11†

vaIˆDIva X



@jI Jjui

@xI J yaJ‡(i); 1 jIj r:


2.3 ±Lagrangian densities.

A Lagrangian density of order r onp:M!N is a pr-horizontal dif- ferential n-formLonpr:JrM!N. If N is orientable and oriented by a volume formv, then every Lagrangian density can be written in a unique way asLˆL(pr)v, whereL2C1(JrM). Usually, we shall simply write LˆLv. In this case, we confine ourselves to consider coordinate systems (xi) onNadapted tov, as shown in (2).

3. Ehresmann connections.

An Ehresmann (or non-linear) connection of orderronp:M!Nis a differential 1-form gr on Jr 1M with values in the vertical sub-bundle V(pr 1) such thatgr(X)ˆX for everyX2V(pr 1) (e.g., see [14, 20, 21]).

Once a connectiongris given, we have a decomposition of vector bundles T(Jr 1M)ˆV(pr 1)kergr, where kergr is called the horizontal sub- bundle determined bygr. In the coordinate system onJr 1Minduced from a fibred coordinate system (xj;ya) forp, an Ehresmann connection can be written as

grˆXr 1


(dyaI‡gaIjdxj) @

@yaI; gaIj2C1(Jr 1M):



There is a bijective correspondence between ther-th order connectionsgr on p:M!N and the linear sections ~gr:(pr 1)TN!T(Jr 1M) of the homomorphism (pr 1):T(Jr 1M)!(pr 1)TN given by the following formula:Xˆgr(X)‡~gr(jrx 1s;(pr 1)X),8X2Tjrx1s(Jr 1M).

The sections of the affine bundle pr;r 1:JrM!Jr 1M are usually calledr-th order jet fields (e.g., see [21, § 4.6, § 5.4]). Ifs:Jr 1M!JrMis such a field andwrˆP

jIjr 1waI@=@yaIis the structure form onJrM(see the formula (10) and [16]), thengrsˆswris a connection of orderr. As an affine bundle admits global sections (e.g., see [11, I, Theorem 5.7]), this proves that every fibred manifold admits connections of any order. Fur- thermore, the map s7!grsˆswr is an injection from jet fields into con- nections. In fact, with the same notations as in (13), we have

gaIjˆ yaI‡(j); 0 jIj r 2;

gaIjˆ yaI‡(j)s; jIj ˆr 1:


For rˆ1 the correspondences7!g1sˆsw1 is bijective. Hence w1 is the

«universal» connection form. Every r-th order jet fields:Jr 1M!JrM can be viewed as a first-order jet fieldWs:Jr 1M!J1(Jr 1M) along the projection pr 1:Jr 1M!N, where W:JrM!J1(Jr 1M) is the natural embedding. Ther-th order connectionswrcoincides with the first-order connection induced byWs; i.e.,swrMˆ(Ws)w1Jr 1M.

PROPOSITION3.1. Every r-order connection gr on p:M!N induces an affine map of affine bundles over Jr 1M,

hgr:JrM!Hom (pr 1)TN;V(pr 1) given by hgr(jrxs)ˆ (jr 1s)gr

x, whose associated linear mapping is the inclusion SrTNJr 1MV(p)TNJr 1MV(pr 1). Moreover, ifgrsˆswr for a jet field s:Jr 1M!JrM, then imhgr SrTNJr 1MV(p) and we have hgr(jrxs)‡s(jrx 1s)ˆjrxs.

PROOF. From the formula (13) and the definition ofhgr we obtain

hgr(jrxs)ˆXr 1



@xI‡(j) (x)‡gaIj(jrx 1s)

(dxj)x @




thus proving that hgr is an affine map whose associated linear map is the injection of SrTNJr 1MV(p) into TNJr 1MV(Jr 1M). Moreover, if


grˆswr, then from the formulas (14) we obtain hgr ˆ X

jIjˆr 1

yaI‡(j) yaI‡(j)spr;r 1

dxj @


and the result follows. p

The action of the group Aut (p) on the space ofr-th order connections is defined by the formula Fgrˆ(Fr 1)gr(Fr 1)1, 8F2Aut (p). As Fr 1:Jr 1M!Jr 1Mis a morphism of fibred manifolds over N, (Fr 1) transforms the vertical sub-bundleV(pr 1) into itself; hence the previous definition makes sense.

4. Diffeomorphism invariance on linear frame bundles.

Let p:FN!N be the bundle of linear frames of N. A Lagrangian densityL defined onJr(FN) is said to be DiffN-invariant- or even, in- variant under diffeomorphisms-(resp. X(N)-invariant) if the following equation holds: (f~r)LˆL, 8f2DiffN (resp. LX~(r)Lˆ0, 8X2X(N)), wheref~(resp.X~ 2X(FN)) is the natural lift off(resp.X) toFN([11, VI,

§ 1, § 2]), andX~(r) denotes ther-th jet prolongation ofX, as introduced in~ Section 2.2. We can write

Lˆ Lu1^ ^un; …15†

where uˆ(u1;. . .;un) is the canonical 1-form on FN ([11, III, § 2, p. 118]), and L 2C1(Jr(FN)) is called the «canonical Lagrangian»

associated to L. A density L is DiffN-invariant (resp. X(N)-invariant) if and only ifL ~frˆ L, 8f2DiffN (resp. X~(r)L ˆ0,8X2X(N)), asu is DiffN-invariant and hence, X(N)-invariant. The problem of de- termining invariant Lagrangian densities is thus reduced to that of determining invariant Lagrangian functions. Moreover, DiffN-in- variance implies X(N)-invariance and both notions are equivalent ex- cept when N is orientable and admits an orientation-reversing dif- feomorphism onto itself (see [18, § 2.1]). Because of this, we consider only X(N)-invariance.

Each coordinate system (xi) on an open domainUN induces a co- ordinate system (xi;xij) onFUˆp 1(U) by setting

uˆ (@=@x1)x;. . .;(@=@xn)x


; xˆp(u);



and also, according to Section 2.1, a coordinate system xi;xij;xij;(k1...kq) , 1qr,k1. . .kq, onJr(FU) by

xij;(k1...kq)(jrxs)ˆ @q(xijs)=@xk1. . .@xkq (x):

From the local expression of the canonical 1-form uiˆyijdxj; (yij)ˆ(xij) 1; …17†

we deduce that the relation betweenL andLin the Lagrangian density LˆLvˆ Lu1^ ^unisLˆ Ldet(yab), or equivalently,L ˆLdet(xab).

EveryX(N)-invariant Lagrangian onJ1(FN) can be written as a dif- ferentiable function of the following12n2(n 1) Lagrangians:

Lcabˆ xdaxeb;d xdbxea;d

yce; a<b;


and every X(N)-invariant second-order Lagrangian on J2(FN) can be written as a differentiable function of the


2n2(n 1)‡1

6n2(n 1)(n‡1)ˆ1

6n2(n 1)(2n‡5)

Lagrangians:Lcab,a<b;Lcab;d,a<b,ad, whereLcab;dis given as follows:

Lcab;dˆxrdDr Lcab …19†

ˆxrd xua;rxeb;u xub;rxea;u

yce‡xrd xuaxeb;(ru) xubxea;(ru) yce xrdxpq;r xuaxeb;u xubxea;u


The geometric meaning of such functions is the following. Ifs:U!FNis the section induced by a linear frame (X1;. . .;Xn) on an open neighbour- hood of a pointx2N, we denote byrs the only linear connection onFU that parallelizes each vector field Xi; i.e., (rs)XjXiˆ0, for i;jˆ1;. . .;n.

Then, we have

Lcab(j1xs)ˆ vc…Torrs…Xa;Xb††(x);

Lcab;d(j2xs)ˆ vc…rsTorrs†…Xd;Xa;Xb†(x);


where (v1;. . .;vn) denotes the dual coframe. Moreover, the inequalityad is due to the constraints imposed by Bianchi's first identity for the linear connection rs; namely, LhabLchd‡ LhbdLcha‡LhdaLchbˆ Lcbd;a‡Lcda;b‡Lcab;d. For the details of these facts, see [8, 18].


5. First-order covariant Hamiltonians.

5.1 ±Covariant Hamiltonians on the bundle of connections.

First of all, we introduce some basic notations. For further details we refer the reader to [3, 6]. Letp:P!Nbe a principalG-bundle. Connections onPare identified to the splittings of the sequence of vector bundles overN (cfr. [1, 5, 7, 12]), 0!adP!TGP p! TN!0, where adP!N is the adjoint bundle, i.e., the bundle associated withP and the adjoint re- presentation of G on its Lie algebra g, and TGPˆ(TP)=G. Hence adPV(p)=G. The sections of the quotient bundleTGPare identified to theG-invariant vector fields onP, and the sections of adPare identified to the gauge algebra (e.g., see [10]), that is, G(N;TGP)ˆAutP, G(N;adP)ˆgauP. We think of gauP as being the «Lie algebra» of the gauge group GauP(cfr. [2, 5, 7, 10]).

Consequently, there exists a bundlep:C(P)!Nwhose global sections can be identified with the connections on P (e.g., see [1, 5, 7, 12]). This bundle is affine and modelled over TNadP. We denote by sG:N!C(P) the section of the bundle of connections induced tautologi- cally byG.

Let UM be an open subset such that p 1(U)UG. For every B2gthere is a flow of gauge transformationsWBt:UG!UGgiven byWBt(x;g)ˆ(x;exp (tB)g). The infinitesimal generator ofWBt is denoted byB, which is an infinitesimal gauge transformation on p 1(U).

LetB~ ˆB(modG) be the orbit ofB in adP. If (Ba) is a basis ofg, then (B~a) is a basis ofG(U;adP)ˆgaup 1(U). Accordingly, every gauge field X2gauPcan be written as

XˆgaB~a; ga2C1(U):


Coordinates onC(P) are introduced as follows: Let (U;xi) be a coordinate domain in N such that p 1(U)UG. We can define functions Aaj:p 1(U)!R, by setting


x ˆ @=@xj

x Aaj(Gx)(B~a)x; …22†

for every connection Gx at a pointx2U, where h(Gx) denotes the hor- izontal lift with respect toGx. The functions (xj;Aaj) constitute a coordinate system onp 1(U). According to the general notations introduced in Sec- tion 2.1, we denote by (xj;Aaj;Aaj;k) the induced coordinate system on J1C(P).


Each gauge transformation F2GauP acts on connections by pulling connection forms back (see [11, II, Proposition 6.2-(b)]):G0ˆFG, where vG0 ˆ(F 1)vG. Hence a unique diffeomorphism FC:C(P)!C(P) exists such thatFCsG ˆsFG, for every connectionG onP.

IfFtis the flow of a gauge fieldX2gauP, then (Ft)Cis a flow onC(P) and the corresponding infinitesimal generator is denoted byXC; its local expression is (see [3, 6]),

XCˆ cbaggaAgi @gb



@Abi; …23†

wherecabgare the structural constants,‰Bb;BgŠ ˆcabgBa, andXis given by the formula (21).

According to the general equation (7), a LagrangianL2C1(J1C(P)) is gauge invariant ifXC(1)Lˆ0,8X2gauP. SinceXC(1)isp1-vertical, we have LX(1)

C (Lv)ˆXC(1)(L)v. Hence the gauge invariance of the densityLvis re- duced to that of the Lagrangian function.

The classification of gauge invariant Lagrangian densities is given by the geometric formulation of Utiyama's theorem ([2, 7, 23]), which estab- lishes that a LagrangianLis gauge invariant if and only if there exists a smooth function L: ^2TNadP!R, which in turn must also be in- variant under the natural action of the adjoint representation on

^2TNadP, such thatLˆLV, whereV:J1C(P)! ^2TNadPis the curvature mapping, i.e.,V(j1xsG)ˆ(VG)x.

LetRajk,j<k, be the coordinate system induced by (xj) and (Ba) on the curvature bundle; i.e.,h2ˆP

j<kRajk(h2)(dxj)x^(dxk)x(B~a)x, for every 2- covector h22 ^2TxN(adP)x. Then, the equations of the curvature mapping are (e.g., see [6]),

RajkVˆAaj;k Aak;j cabgAbjAgk: …24†

From the general formula (13) we obtain the local expression of a first- order Ehresmann connection g1 on C(P) in the coordinates (xi;Aai) in- troduced in the formula (22); precisely,

g1 ˆ dAaj ‡gajkdxk @

@Aaj; gajk2C1(C(P)):


Ifp:M!Nis an affine bundle modelled over a vector bundleq:W!N, then we have an isomorphismpW!V(p) of vector bundles overM, that maps the pair (y;w)2Mq 1(p(y)) onto the tangent vectorx(y;w)2Vy(p) given byx(y;w)(f)ˆlim


1t(f(y‡tw) f(y)),8f 2C1(M).


Asp:C(P)!N is an affine bundle modelled overTNadP, a first- order Ehresmann connectiong1onC(P) can be viewed as a 1-form onC(P) with values in the vector bundlep(TNadP). By taking its horizontal part, we conclude that horg1 defines a section of the vector bundle (p1)(TNTNadP), or even a morphism of fibred manifolds overN,


LEMMA 5.1. Withthe same notations as above, the section corre- sponding to dxjB~a in the isomorphism p(TNadP)!V(p), is


PROOF. According to the formula (22), for everyGx2C(P), we have Abi Gx‡t(dxjB~a)x

ˆAbi(Gx) tdjidba: Hencex Gx;(dxjB~a)x

ˆ @=@Aaj

Gx. p

THEOREM5.2. Letp:P!N be a principal G-bundle. Ifg1 is a first- order Ehresmann connection on the bundle of connections p:C(P)!N of P satisfying the following equation:

alt (horg1)ˆV;


V being the curvature mapping andalt:2TNadP! ^2TNadP the antisymmetrization operator, then the covariant Hamiltonian Lg1vof every gauge invariant Lagrangian L on J1C(P)is gauge invariant.

For every principal bundle P, first-order Ehresmann connections globally defined on C(P)satisfying the equation(26), always exist.

PROOF. According to [6, Theorem 1-(2)], ifg1 satisfies the following equation:

Dajkˆgajk gakjˆ cabgAbjAgk; j<k;


then Lg1 is gauge invariant for every gauge invariant Lagrangian L on J1C(P). Moreover, by applying Lemma 5.1 to the formula (25) we obtain

g1 ˆ dAaj ‡gajkdxk


and by taking the horizontal part, horg1ˆ (Aaj;k‡gajk)dxkdxjB~a. Hence alt (horg1)ˆP

j<k(Aaj;k Aak;j‡Daj;k)dxj^dxkB~a, and the for- mula (26) in the statement follows from the equations of the curvature mapping in the formula (24) wheneverg1satisfies the equation (27) above.


Finally, as remarked in Section 3, there is a one-to-one correspondence between first-order Ehresmann connections and first-order jet fields given by g1sˆsw1. The sections s for which the corresponding Ehresmann connection g1s satisfies the equation (26), are the smooth sections of an affine sub-bundle of the bundlep10:J1C(P)!C(P), which is modelled over the vector sub-bundle p(S2TNadP)p(2TNadP), thus

proving the last part of the statement. p

If the centre ofgis trivial, then the equation (26) in Theorem 5.2 is also necessary for the covariant Hamiltonian of every gauge invariant La- grangian on J1C(P) to be gauge invariant; see [6, Theorem 1-(2)]. More- over, since XC isp-vertical,LXCg1 defines a section of the vector bundle p(2TNadP), as remarked in the proof of Proposition 1.1, and the antisymmetric part of this section vanishes for all gauge fieldX, if and only if g1 solves the question (Q); see [6, Proposition 6] for the details of the proof.

Although Theorem 5.2 guarantees the existence of Ehresmann con- nections solving the question (Q) for the bundle of connections of a principal bundle, we remark on the fact that there is no gauge invariant Ehresmann connection on C(P). In fact, once a point Gx2C(P) and a coordinate system (xi) centred at xhave been fixed, from the formulas (21), (23) we conclude that the vector field XC for ga(x)ˆ0, (@ga=@xi)(x)ˆ0,8a;i, but (@2g1=@(x1)2)(x)6ˆ0, satisfies the conditions of Proposition 1.2.

5.2 ±Covariant Hamiltonians on linear frame bundles.

Let (U;xi) be a coordinate domain inN. According to (13), on the induced coordinate system (xi;xij) forp:FN!N (see (16) above), an Ehresmann connection g1 on FN can be written as g1ˆ(dxij‡gijkdxk)@=@xij, with gijk2C1(FN).

LetLg1be the covariant Hamiltonian associated to a Lagrangian density LonJ1(FN) with respect tog1. As the covariant HamiltonianLg1 is a La- grangian density, it also admits a canonical LagrangianLg1 2C1(J1(FN)) defined, according to the formula (15), byLg1 ˆ Lg1u1^ ^un, where

Lg1ˆgijk‡xij;k @L

@xij;k L; gijk2C1(FN):



LEMMA 5.3. The covariant Hamiltonian Lg1 of everyX(N)-invariant Lagrangian LisX(N)-invariant if and only if all the functions(Lcab)g1, a<b, areX(N)-invariant.

PROOF. If the covariant HamiltonianLg1 of everyX(N)-invariant La- grangianLisX(N)-invariant, then all the functions (Lcab)g1,a<b, are, in particular,X(N)-invariant. Next, we prove the converse. IfXˆui@=@xi, ui2C1(N), then

X~ ˆui @




@xij; …29†

and from the formulas (11), (12) above forrˆ1, we obtain X~(1)ˆ ui @

@xi‡vij @

@xij‡vijk @

@xij;k; vij ˆ @ui

@xlxlj; vijkˆ @ui

@xrxrj;k @ur

@xkxij;r‡ @2ui

@xk@xrxrj: 8>








>: …30†

From the formulas (28), (30), we obtain, after some computations, X~(1)(Lg1)ˆCjki(X)~ @L

@xij;k; …31†


Cijk(X)~ ˆXg~ ijk‡vijk grst‡xrs;t@vijk

@xrs;t: …32†

As mentioned above, every invariant Lagrangian can be written as a smooth function of the Lagrangians Lcab defined in the formula (18).

Accordingly, we can write L ˆFP1, for a certain function F2C1(R12n2(n 1)), where P1:J1(FN)!R12n2(n 1) is the map whose com- ponents are the functionsLcab, i.e.,tcabP1ˆ Lcab, where (tcab),a<b, are the standard coordinates onR12n2(n 1). Hence, substituting


@xij;kˆ @F

@tcabP1 @Lcab

@xij;k into the equation (31), we obtain

X~(1)(Lg1)ˆ @F


X~(1) (Lcab)g1


and the result follows. p


The notion of torsion of an Ehresmann connection g1 onFN, can be introduced by imitating that of a linear connection; e.g., see [11, III, § 2].

LetB(v) be the standard horizontal vector field associated tov2Rn(see [11, III, § 2]) with respect tog1; precisely,B(v) is the onlyg1-horizontal vector field onFNsuch thatp(B(v)u)ˆu(v) for everyu2FxN, where, here, the linear frameuis considered to be a linear isomorphismu:Rn!TxN. Then, we define the torsion ofg1as being the mapTg1:FN! ^2(Rn)Rngiven by Tg1(u)(v;w)ˆdu(B(v);B(w))(u),8u2FN, 8v;w2Rn, and u is the ca- nonical 1-form onFNintroduced in Section 4 above. Let (vi) be the standard basis ofRnwith dual basis (vi), and let (Tg1)ijk(u),j<k, be the components of Tg1(u) in such basis, i.e.,




From the local expression B(va)ˆxka(@=@xk gijk@=@xij) of the standard horizontal vector field associated tovaand that ofuin the formula (17), we obtain

(Tg1)cabˆ xkagibk xkbgiak yci: …33†

THEOREM5.4. Letg1be an Ehresmann connection onp:J1(FN)!N.

The covariant Hamiltonian Lg1 associated withevery X(N)-invariant Lagrangian density L on J1(FN)is X(N)-invariant, if and only if the torsion ofg1is constant.

PROOF. LetLg1 2C1(J1(FN)) be the canonical Lagrangian associated to the covariant Hamiltonian Lg1. We must prove that X~(1)(Lg1)ˆ0, for everyX2X(N) and everyX(N)-invariant LagrangianL, if and only if the torsion ofg1is constant. As follows from Lemma 5.3, we only need to impose X~(1)((Lcab)g1)ˆ0,8X2X(N), and all indicesa<b,c. Taking the following identity:


@xij;k ˆ xkadbj xkbdaj yci

into account, from the formula (33) we obtain (Lcab)g1ˆ gijk‡xij;k@Lcab

@xij;k Lcabˆgijk@Lcab

@xij;k ˆ(Tg1)cab: …34†

HenceX~(1)(Lcab)g1 ˆX(T~ g1)cab, which allows us to conclude the proof. p


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