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H. Fogedby, N. Elstner, H. Mikeska

To cite this version:



Colloque C8, Supplirnent au no 12, Tome 49, dkernbre 1988



H. C. Fogedby (I), N. Elstner (2) and H. J. Mikeska (2) (I) Institute of Physics, University of Aarhus, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark

(2) Institut fiir Theoretische Physik, Universitiit Hannover, 3000 Hannover, F. R. G.

Abstract. - Quantum effects on soliton-like excitations are investigated for the easy-plane ferromagnetic chain and for the anisotropic zy-chain. Our results for the soliton energy to order 1/s2 and for the soliton contribution to the specific heat indicate that the semiclassical approach reasonably describes quantum effects on solitons properties (in particular the strong reduction of the specific heat) for realistic spin chains.

1. Introduction

Solitons in quasi one-dimensional magnets predomi- nantly have been investigated in the classical approxi- mation 111. Quantum effects on soliton-like excitations are of interest since spin values in magnetic chain mate- rials are low (S = 1 in CsNiF3) and since experiments, in particular on soliton contributions to the magnetic specific heat, show that a classical description cannot be completely adequate [2, 31. In the following we use the perturbational approach to quantum effects (cou- pling constant g 1/S) 14, 51 for two magnetic chain systems and discuss the validity of this semiclassical approach: in section 2 we formulate and evaluate a theory covering quantum effects in the easy-plane fer- romagnetic chain including terms of 0


, in sec- tion 3 we give a semiclassical theory of the discrete anisotropic zg-model in order to estimate the useful- ness of the semiclassical approach for real quantum systems by comparison t o the exact solution of this model for S = 1/2 [6].

2. Q u a n t u m solitons i n t h e I d easy-plane fer- romagnet

Our subject in this section is the easy-plane ferro- magnetic chain in an external field given by the Hamil- tonian

We investigate quantum effects in this system using the planar representation of spin operators (s: =




( 5



We formulate the quantum properties of the model in terms of a weak coupling expansion in 1/S with the "classical lump" of Coleman [7] (corresponding to the Sine-Gordon (SG) soliton) as starting point. To ob-

tain quantum corrections, fluctuations about the soli- ton have to be considered. Putting

normal modes for the fluctuation amplitudes are ob- tained from a linear eigenvalue problem as described before [8]. The change of the soliton energy owing to quantum effects is obtained as a power series in 1/S by using (2.4) in H and calculating the difference in energy between the one-soliton state and the vacuum. Using the continuum approximation we have to eval- uate integrals involving ((p2 (x)) etc. for first order

terms and (cp4 (z)) for second order terms. In order to go beyond the known [5] first order term, we calcu- late the soliton induced changes in (p2



((p'2 (z))

etc., which then allow t o directly perform the integra- tion for higher orders. Working t o leading order in J/2A we find that (p2 (x)) =


(x)) = 1/25 is un- affected by the the soliton whereas for the derivative terms one has

In the leading order considered here the main contribu- tions come from wave vectors near the zone boundary - the lattice cutoff, which renders the present contin- uum theory finite, is essential. For the final result we have applied a discreteness correction to the fourth or- der derivative terms, replacing q2 by 2 (1


cos q)


Our result for the soliton energy up to 0 (1/s2) then reads

The second order term thus is smaller than the first order term even for S = 1, which supports the ex- pectation that this semiclassical expansion converges for spin values of interest with real materials. Quan- titatively corrections from quantum effects to the zero



temperature soliton energy are quite small in accor- dance with experimental observation.

Using the present method, results are also obtained for finite temperatures, for correlation functions and for moving solitons. These will be presented in detail in a separate publication [9].

3. Q u a n t u m solitons i n t h e anisotropic xy model

In this section we investigate the influence of quan- tum effects on the soliton contribution to the specific heat for the anisotropic z y model defined by the Hamil- tonian

for varying spin length S. We start from the static soli- ton solution for the discrete classical chain [lo], which in polar coordinates reads


= 0, sin cp, = sech m (n


a) (3.2) with cosh m = 1 +7/1-7 and arbitrary phase a. The corresponding energy is E,,, = 4,/7JS2. For y


1 the system (3.1) can be approximated by its continuum limit in planar approximation; it is then equivalent t o a SG system with angular variable 2cp. Attempting t o go beyong the SG limit one finds that correction terms from out-of-plane terms are of the same order as those from the discrete lattice (note the difference t o the easy-plane ferromagnet, where the strength of out-of-plane fluctuations is governed by the indepen- dent parameter J/2A). In the following we report the results of a semiclassical analysis for the soliton contri- bution to the magnetic specific heat starting from the discrete solution, whereas further details and results on the stability of the discrete soliton and its general- ization to finite velocities will be published separately [ill.

To calculate the specific heat we have to find the phase shift of a small oscillation (magnon) in the pres- ence of a soliton [5]. I t is obtained from the linearized equations of motion, which can easily be solved numer- ically for the discrete system (although Born approx- imation already gives quite good accuracy). Actually there exists a second bound state solution [ll] in ad- dition to the one related to translational invariance, which, however, is not of quantitative importance for the following.

From the phase shifts semiclassical corrections to the soliton energy and to the soliton contribution to the specific heat are obtained [5]. In figure 1 we show the resulting specific heat for several values of S. To judge the validity of the semiclassical approximation we display for comparison the analogous quantity for the S = 112%~-model making use of the exact solution [6] (after subtraction of the free Boson contribution of

Fig. 1. - Soliton contribution t o the specific heat of the anisotropic xy-model (y = 0.1) : semiclassical approxima- tion for various spin values and exact result (LSM) from


noninteracting magnons from the full specific heat). Figure 1 demonstrates that our semiclassical approx- imation reproduces surprisingly well the tendency of quantum effects to suppress the specific heat as ob- served experimentally. From our calculations for two different magnetic chain systems we conclude that the semiclassical approach is able t o reproduce essential features of the quantum aspects of solitons in mag- netic chains.


This work was supported in part by NATO grant No. 86/0674.

[I] Steiner, M., Kakurai, K. and Kjems, J. K., 2. Phys. B 53 (1983) 117.

[2] Pini, M. G. and Rettori, A., Phys. Rev. B 29 (1984) 5246.

[3] Mouritsen, 0 . G . , Jensen, H. and Fogedby, H. C.,

Phys. Rev. B 30 (1984) 498.

141 Maki, K., Phys. Rev. B 24 (1981) 3991; Mikeska, H. J., Phys. Rev. B 25 (1982) 5213. [5] Mikeska, H. J. and Frahm, H., J. Phys. C 19

(1986) 3203.

161 Lieb, E., Shultz, T. and Mattis, D., Ann. Phys.


Y. 16 (1961) 407.

173 Coleman, S., Classical lumps and their quantum descendents, in New phenomean in subnuclear physics, Ed. A. Zichichi (New York) 1977. [8] Fogedby, H. C., Hedegard, P. and Svane, A., Phys-

ica B 132 (1985) 17.

[9] Fogedby, H. C. and Mikeska, H. J., to be pub- lished.

[lo] Granovskii, Ya. I. and Zhedanov A. S., JETP Lett. 44 (1986) 304.


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