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Some Bounds on the Energy of Signed Complete Bipartite Graphs


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Some Bounds on the Energy of Signed Complete Bipartite Graphs

Saieed Akbari, Yousef Bagheri, Saadat Akhtar

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Saieed Akbari, Yousef Bagheri, Saadat Akhtar. Some Bounds on the Energy of Signed Complete

Bipartite Graphs. 10th International colloquium on graph theory and combinatorics, Jul 2018, Lyon,

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Some Bounds on the Energy of Signed Complete Bipartite Graphs


S. Akbaria, Y. Bagherib, S. Saadat Akhtarc

aDepartment of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

bDepartment of Mathematics, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

cDepartment of Mathematics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.


A signed graph Gσ is a pair (G, σ), whereGis a graph, and σ:E(G)−→ {−1,+1}is a function. Assume thatm≤nare two positive integers. Let


[ 0 B Bt 0


is the adjacency matrix of Km,nσ . In this paper we show that for every sign function σ, 2

mn≤E(Km,nσ )2m

n, whereE(Km,nσ ) is the energy ofKm,nσ . Also it is proved that the equality holds for the upper bound if there exists a Hadamard matrix of ordernfor whichB is an mbyn submatrix ofH. Also if the equality holds, then every two distinct rows ofB are orthogonal. We prove that for the lower bound the equality holds if and only ifKm,nσ is switching equivalent toKm,n.

1 Introduction

LetAbe a real symmetric matrix of ordernandλ1≥ · · · ≥λn be all eigenvalues ofA. Theenergy ofAis defined byE(A) =n

i=1i|. Asigned graph Gσ is a pair (G, σ), whereGis a graph, and σ: E(G)−→ {−1,+1} is a function. We callσthe sign function ofGσ. The adjacency matrix, A(Gσ) corresponding toGσ on the vertex setV ={v1, . . . , vn} is an n×nmatrix whose entries are

(A(Gσ))ij =




1 if vi is adjacent tovj with positive sign.

0 if vi is not adjacent tovj.

1 if vi is adjacent tovj with negative sign.

Key Words: Signed graph, Eigenvalues, Complete Bipartite Graphs, Energy.

2010Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C50, 05C22, 05C90.

E-mail addresses:s akbari@sharif.edu,yousefbagherizzz@gmail.com,simasaadatzzz3@gmail.com.


Thespectrum of Gσ is the set of all eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix corresponding to the signed graphGσ with multiplicities and denoted bySpec(Gσ) =m11, . . . , λmkk}, where mi is the multiplicity of λi. The energy ofGσ denoted byE(Gσ), is the energy of the adjacency matrix of Gσ. Aswitching of a signed graphGσat a vertexv is changing the sign of each edge incident with v. It is easy to see that a switching at a vertex v implies a new sign function σ and new signed graphGσ which is cospectral withGσ. We say thatGσ is aswitching ofGσif it is obtained from Gσ by finitely many switchings at some vertices ofGσ. Switching defines an equivalence relation on the set of all signed graphs with underlying graphG. It is easy to check that ifGhasmedges, nvertices andccomponents, then there are 2mn+cdistinct equivalence classes. It is immediately implies that the signed cycles have just two classes and it is not hard to see that every class has at most one negative edge. We denote the cycle of ordern, byCn. Thesign of a cycle in a signed graph is the product of the signs of its edges. Thus a cycle ispositiveif and only if it contains an even number of negative edges. A signed graph is said to bebalanced if all of its cycles are positive otherwise unbalanced. In this paperKm,ndenotes the complete bipartite graph with part sizesm andn. We denote a signed complete bipartite graph with underlying graph ofKm,nbyKm,nσ . A conference matrix is a square matrixCof ordernwith zero diagonal, such thatCCt= (n1)I. If Cis the adjacency matrix of a signed graph, then the signed graph is called aconference graph. A Hadamard matrix H is annbynmatrix whose entries are either1 or +1 and whose distinct rows are mutually orthogonal. It implies thatHHt=HtH =nI. Haemers in [8] provided some bounds for the energy of signed complete graphs of order n and proved thatE(Knσ)≤n√

n−1 and the equality holds if and only ifKnσ is aconference graph. Also he conjectured that E(Knσ)2n2.

This conjecture was proved forn≤12 but it is still open in general. For more information on the energy of graphs, see [1], [2], [3], [5], [6], [7], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [15] and [17]. In this paper we would like to obtain some results for the energy of signed complete bipartite graphs.

2 Bounds for the Energy of Signed Complete Bipartite Graphs

In this section we wish to obtain a sharp upper bound for the energy of signed complete bipartite graphs.

Theorem 1. If m≤nare two positive integers and A=


0 B

Bt 0 ]

is the adjacency matrix ofKm,nσ for an arbitrary sign functionσ, thenE(Km,nσ )2m

n. More- over, if there exists a Hadamard matrix of ordern, then there is a sign functionσ forKm,n such that E(Km,nσ ) = 2m

n. If the equality holds, then every two distinct rows of B are orthogonal.

Proof. Suppose that



[ 0 B Bt 0

] ,

is the adjacency matrix of Km,nσ , where B is a (1,1)-matrix of size m×n. Let A have the eigenvaluesλ1≥ · · · ≥λm+n. Thus the eigenvalues ofA2areλ21≥ · · · ≥λ2m+n. Since


[ BBt 0 0 BtB

] ,

and all non-zero eigenvalues ofBBtandBtB are the same (see [16]), the eigenvalues ofBBthave the following form,


1 ≥λ2i

2 ≥ · · · ≥λ2i

m. Now,tr(BBt) =∑m


j. On the other hand, 2mn=tr(A2) =∑m+n

i=1 λ2i = 2tr(BBt). It implies thattr(BBt) =mn. By Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality we have,


j=1ij|)2(∑m j=1λ2i


j=11) = (mn)m,

and so (E(Km,nσ )

2 )2≤m2n. This yields thatE(Km,nσ )2m n.

LetH be a Hadamard matrix of ordernandB be a submatrix ofH of size m×n. Clearly,

A2= [

nIm 0 0 BtB

] .

It is not hard to see that the energy of signed complete bipartite graph corresponding to A has energy 2m

n. Now, assume thatE(Km,nσ ) = 2m

n. By the equality case of Cauchy-Schwartz Inequlity, all eigenvalues ofBBtaren. ThusBBt=nIm. Therefore every two distinct rows ofB

are orthogonal. □

If we consider the positiveKm,n, then its energy is equal to 2

mn. Now, we state the following lemma.

Lemma 1.[2]The eigenvalues of signed Cn are

λk= {

2cos2kπn if Cn is balanced.

2cos(2k+1)πn if Cn is unbalanced. (1)


fork= 1, . . . , n.

Theorem 2.[14]Two signed graphsGσ1 andGσ2 are switching equivalent if and only if they have the same set of unbalanced cycles. Subsequently,Gσ is switching equivalent to Gif and only if all of its cycles are balanced.

Now, we are ready to prove the following theorem.

Theorem 3. Letm≤nbe two positive integers. Then for any sign functionσ,E(Km,nσ )2 mn, and the equality holds if and only ifKm,nσ is the switching equivalent to Km,n.

Proof. By a suitable labeling of vertices, the adjacency matrix ofKm,nσ has the following form:

A(Km,nσ ) = [

0 B

Bt 0 ]


Thus we have

(A(Km,nσ ))2=

[ BBt 0 0 BtB

] .

The non-zero eigenvalues of BBt and BtB are the same. Obviously, every eigenvalue of BtB is non-negative. Assume that λ1 ≥ · · · ≥ λm are the first largest eigenvalues of BtB. Thus A(Km,nσ ) has at leastn−meigenvalues 0. Hence we find thatE(Km,nσ ) = 2∑m


√λi. Obviously, (∑m



i=1λi=tr(BtB) =mn. This implies that E(Km,nσ )2

mn. Now, ifBtB has at least two positive eigenvalues, then clearly, E(Km,nσ )> 2

mn. Therefore the multiplicity of zero inSpec(E(Km,nσ )) ism+n−2. Since∑m+n

i=1 λ2i = 2mnand∑m+n

i=1 λi= 0, the eigenvalues of Km,nσ are as follows:

√mn,0, . . . ,0,−√ mn.

Suppose that Km,nσ contains a negative cycle. By switching one can assume that this cycle has exactly one negative edge. First we show that there exists a negative 4-cycle. To see this let v1, v2, . . . , vr be a negative cycle such thatv1v2 is negative. Ifv3vr is positive, thenv1v2v3vr is a negative 4-cycle, as desired. Sov3vris negative. Similarly,v4vr1is a negative edge. By continuing this procedure we find that vr




2+3 is a negative 4-cycle, as desired. The eigenvalues of a negative 4-cycle are: −√

2,−√ 2,


2. So by Interlacing Theorem, (see [4]),Km,nσ has at least two positive eigenvalues, a contradiction. Thus every cycle ofKm,nσ is positive. So by Theorem 2, Km,nσ is switching equivalent ofKm,n. Other side of theorem is clear and the proof is complete.□



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