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Photo-induced changes in the coefficient of the temperature dependence of the Fermi level in discharge-produced amorphous silicon


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1982

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Photo-induced changes in the coefficient of the temperature dependence of the Fermi level in

discharge-produced amorphous silicon

J. Bullot, M. Galin, Mélanie Gauthier, B. Bourdon, Y. Catherine

To cite this version:

J. Bullot, M. Galin, Mélanie Gauthier, B. Bourdon, Y. Catherine. Photo-induced changes in the coefficient of the temperature dependence of the Fermi level in discharge-produced amorphous silicon.

Journal de Physique, 1982, 43 (9), pp.1419-1424. �10.1051/jphys:019820043090141900�. �jpa-00209523�


Photo-induced changes in the coefficient of the temperature dependence

of the Fermi level in discharge-produced amorphous silicon

J. Bullot (*), M. Galin (*), M. Gauthier (**), B. Bourdon (***) and Y. Catherine (+) (*) Laboratoire des Matériaux Amorphes, (LA 75), Université de Paris-Sud, 91400 Orsay, France (**) ERA 718, Bât. 350, Université de Paris-Sud, 91400 Orsay, France

(***) Laboratoire de Marcoussis, CRCGE, Route de Nozay, 91460 Marcoussis, France

(+) Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, ERA 924, 2, rue de la Houssinière, 44072 Nantes Cedex, France

(Reçu le I S mars 1982, révisé le 6 mai, accepté le 17 mai 1982)



Nous décrivons quelques nouveaux résultats concernant les variations de la conductivité 03C3D et de la

photoconductivité 03C3p (effet Staebler-Wronski) de a-Si : H. Nous montrons que certains films sont beaucoup moins photosensibles que d’autres; pour ces échantillons la variation de l’énergie d’activation 0394E03C3 de 03C3D quand on passe de l’état recuit A à l’état irradié B est petite et dans certains cas 0394E03C3 ~ 0. Nous interprétons ces résultats à l’aide

de la théorie de la conductivité métallique minimum et nous calculons la variation (03B2A - 03B2B) du coefficient de

température du niveau de Fermi quand on passe de A à B et en déduisons les valeurs limites de 03B2A et 03B2B. Les

films très sensibles à l’effet Staebler-Wronski sont tels que 03B2B > 03B2A’ 03B2B étant de l’ordre de 4-10 x 10-4 eV K-1.

Au contraire pour les films peu sensibles 03B2A et 03B2B sont négatifs et la variation de 03B2, quand on passe de l’état A à l’état B, est faible.



New data on photo-induced changes in the photoconductivity 03C3p and dark conductivity 03C3D (Staebler- Wronski effect) of a-Si : H are described. Some films are shown to be much less sensitive to light exposure than others : the change in the activation energy 0394E03C3 of 03C3D between the annealed state A and the fully-irradiated state B

is small and in some cases 0394E03C3 ~ 0. The results are interpreted in terms of minimum metallic conductivity theory

and the change in the coefficient of the temperature dependence of the Fermi level (03B2A - 03B2B) between states A and B

is calculated. Upper and lower bounds of 03B2A and 03B2B are deduced. It is found that for films exhibiting large photo-

induced effects 03B2B > 03B2A. The coefficient 03B2B is positive and typically ~ 4-10 x 10-4 eV K-1. In contrast for most

films exhibiting small changes upon illumination both 03B2A and 03B2B are negative and the change when passing from

state A to state B is small.


Physics Abstracts

72.80N - 72.40



1. Introduction.


Since the discovery of photo-

induced changes in the photoconductivity up and dark conductivity CD of hydrogenated amorphous

silicon by Staebler and Wronski [1, 2] (SW) a great deal of work has been devoted to this problem [3-11].

We recall that SW showed that when intrinsic or

doped a-Si : H films are submitted to long and intense light exposures both up and 6p decrease, the latter by nearly four orders of magnitude. Annealing at


150°C reverses the process. When passing rever- sibly from the annealed state (state A) to the fully-

irradiated state (state B) SW showed that changes in

the activation energy Ea of (JD and the pre-exponen- tial factor o-o in :

are such that :

Typical values are : AEa = E: - EB N - 0.3 eV and 0/ UB -0.04.

Such an effect is of major importance not only for

solar cells applications but also for comparing older conductivity and photoconductivity measurements carried out on films in an intermediate state i.e. having

received a variable amount of room-light irradiation between preparation and measurement.

Whether these light-induced conductivity changes

are a bulk or a surface effect is still a matter of debate.

Following Staebler and Wronski [1, 2] light-induced

effects are bulk effects associated with changes in the deep gap states. Dersch et al. [12] have observed the

enhancement of the dark ESR signal after a long and

intense exposure to light. Following these authors

weak Si-Si bonds break by photoexcitation and

metastable dangling bonds are formed.

Alternatively Solomon et al. [13] have proposed

that the SW effect can be explained by the existence of

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019820043090141900



a variable charge density at the film-substrate interface

leading to downwards band bending in state A. They

demonstrated that by applying to an annealed film a

d.c. electric field across the sample held at a high temperature they could obtain a state similar to

that obtained by light irradiation.

In the following paper we present some new data

on glow discharge (GD) a-Si : H films having weak light-induced changes. These data altogether with

former results in the literature are analysed in terms

of minimum metallic conductivity theory.

2. Experimental.


Films 1 to 5 were prepared by

GD decomposition of silane by one of us (B. B.) at the

Centre de Recherches CGE/Marcoussis. Film 6 was prepared by one of us (Y. C.) at the Universite de Nantes using the same technique but a.different expe- rimental set-up. The main deposition parameters are shown in table I. Conductivity and photoconductivity

measurements were carried out in a coplanar geometry

with vacuum-evaporated aluminum electrodes 2 mm

apart. The sample holder was kept under a $ 10-5

torr vacuum during measurements. SW type irradia- tion was performed by illuminating the film with a

800 watts quartz-iodine lamp through a 600-900 nm band-pass filter (MTO A 600 b’), the incident power

being - 15 mW cm-2.

3. Results.


All samples show photo-induced

effects but depending upon their origin two kinds of

films are to be distinguished. Whereas film 5 and 6 have

typical SW behaviour with large changes in E(1 and cho when passing from state A to B (see Table II), films 1

to 4 were found to be much less sensitive to light

irradiation (Fig. 1). For the latter the results may be summarized as follows :

a) starting from the annealed state (state A) at room temperature long exposure to light results in a (J D

change by about one order of magnitude only.

Table I.


Deposition parameters of GD films.

Table II.


Photo induced changes in E, and 6p in annealed (A) and fully-irradiated (B) states and corresponding

changes in p.


Fig. 1.


Effect of illumination with 600-900 nm light,

power - 15 mVVcm2. (o) : film 1; (0) : film 3.

b) In the high temperature range the dark conduc-

tivity activation energy suffers minor changes when passing from state A to B. The largest value of AE,,



0.08 eV (film 3). For films 1 and 2 AE,, - 0 (see Fig. 2 and Table II).

Fig. 2.


Temperature dependence of CrD for film 1 in the annealed (A), intermediate (I) and fully-irradiated (B)


c) The photo-induced changes in do either follow the SW behaviour : Jf > a’o (films 3 and 4) or the opposite behaviour : Jf o o (films 1 and 2).

d) As far as the photoconductivity changes during

illumination are concerned films l.to 4 suffer a smaller decrease than typical Sw’s samples. This is shown in

figure 3 where the photoconductivity efficiency qpT is plotted as a function of the photon energy. q is the

Fig. 3.


qpt efficiency product as a function of photon

energy for film 1 in the annealed state (A) and after a 240 min.

exposure (B). Dashed curves, from reference [2].

quantum efficiency for electron-hole pair production,

p the electron mobility and r the electron lifetime. At each photon energy n/ZT is given by

where ip is the photocurrent at an applied voltage V,

L the inter-electrode spacing, No the light flux, R the reflectivity, a the absorption coefficient and d the film thickness.

It is seen that for film 1 at hv = 2 eV ri,uc is changed by - 20, whereas SW’s data (Ref. [2] Fig. 4) show a change by - 120.

4. Discussion.


Clearly experimental conditions during the GD preparation of a-Si : H films are of

major importance concerning the Op and aD light sensitivity. Recently Guha et al. [7] have shown that for films prepared in a GD of a silane (10 %1)-hydro-

gen (90 0’(’ ) ) mixture the reduction in 6p for an exposure of 2 h at 150 m W em - 2 is only a factor of 7. Following

these authors this behaviour might be due to the

presence of excess hydrogen in the plasma. On the

other hand Hack and Milne [6] have interpreted their

data on RF-sputtered a-Si in terms of band-bending



at the film-substrate interface and conclude that

photo-induced effects are dependent on the substrate

material. In the light of our data and of previous

results in the literature it seems quite difficult to

draw any definite conclusion concerning the experi-

mental origin of such large discrepancies from one

film to another. Only a systematic study of the depen-

dence of the SW effect upon the deposition parameters could possibly improve our understanding. Among

these parameters the substrate material, the gas

composition and the deposition temperature should be first taken into account.

At the moment we are faced with quite different

behaviours of a : Si-H films and some puzzling data

like the aAo/ a’ ratio which varies between 0.16 and 7.8 for films prepared under the same conditions but on

different substrates. It seems highly desirable to

rationalize the experimental observations in terms of

a significant physical parameter.

In intrinsic material minimum metallic conductivity theory [14, 15] predicts that conductivity is due to charge transport near the mobility edge Ec and Ev.

For electrons in a-Si : H :

(TD Qmin exp[ - (Ec - EF)/kT] (4)

where (Jmin ’" 103 C) cm is the minimum metallic


The position of the Fermi energy EF is temperature dependent and on account of the temperature depen-

dence of the optical gap [17] it is generally assumed

that to first order :

so that

(Ee - EF)o = Ea is the experimental activation energy, and

Following Mott [14] :

where a is the radius of the localized state at Ec and z

the coordination number.

In a typical SW experiment both aD and E(1 change

upon exposure to light and subsequent annealing.

Let #A and #B be the coefficients of the temperature dependence of the Fermi level in states A and B

respectively. It follows from (6) that :

with (Ef - E)) = AE,, equation (9) can be written


Plots of In (a’la’) vs. 10’IT are shown in figure 4

for films 1 to 6 together with SW’s original data taken

from references [1] and [2]. From the intercept we

calculate the change in the temperature coefficient of the Fermi level (PA - #B) when passing from A to B.

Fig. 4.


Plots of equation (10). The figures along the lines

refer to the film number in table II. Data for films 7 and 8 from references [1] and [2] respectively.

The method for determining (#A - #B) involves

calculation of the best lines in figure 4. In all cases

the correlation coefficients are a 0.997 and the accuracy is estimated ±5%. Large variations of

(PA - Po) are observed from - 6.7 x 10-4 eV K - ’

to 1.7 x 10-4 eV K-’ (see Table II). From this simple analysis the studied films may be divided into

two categories. The first one includes the films having

a high sensitivity to light exposure (films 5 to 8). For

these åP = PA - PB has a large negative value and

#B > #A. To get an order of magnitude of the respective

values of these coefficients we calculate #A from :

taking simultaneously for the minimum metallic con-

ductivity the extreme values (Jmin ===1 000 f2-’ cm-’

and 100 fl - I cm-1 as suggested by Mott [14]. Recently

Fritzsche [16] has discussed the possible values of this

parameter. With Umin - 1000 fl - ’ cm-1 he showed


that the calculated density at the mobility edge Ec

is too high; by adopting u.,i. _ 102 fl- I cm -1 1 he concludes that either a larger electron mobility at Ec

than usually accepted must be considered or that the

mobility is thermally activated.

The calculated 13 A and are reported in table II.

Large variations from one sample to another are

observed but it is seen that j8p is substantially larger

than #A, the PBjPA ratio varying between 2.7 and 8.5.

In two cases we note that 13 changes sign.

Let us now consider low sensitivity films (samples 1

to 4) for which (13 A - PB) is small positive or negative.

Taking the same values of (JmiD as before we report in table II the calculated values of PA and #B. For this

set of samples both 13 A and PB are small and negative except for films 3 and 4 with amin - 100 fl - , cm - 1 .

On this ground the studied films may be divided into two classes : i) films exhibiting large photo-

induced effects : in this case for most samples fl is positive in the annealed and in the fully-irradiated

states and suffers an appreciable increase when

passing from the first to the second state ; ii) in

contrast films exhibiting moderate or small photo-

induced changes have a small and negative P in both

states [23].

Now a question arises concerning the magnitude

of the coefficients resulting from the above analysis.

The coefficient of the temperature dependence of the

Fermi level is often related to the coefficient of the temperature dependence of the optical gap Eg :

y = aEg/aT; this is the basis for writing equation (5).

It is assumed that either = y/2 [17,18] or P = y [19].

The experimental determinations of y by several

authors [ 19, 20] lead to y = 3.5 - 3.7 x 10-4 eV K -1.

In view of the PB values calculated above which for

highly light sensitive films all exceed y it seems hard to correlate 13 and y. Tardy and Meaudre [20] reached

the same conclusion in a recent work.

Finally it is interesting to link the preceding dis-

cussion to the Meyer-Neldel [21] rule relating 6o and Ea:


several authors [2, 16, 18, 22] have reported such

variations and found 15 A’ -- 35 eV - 1 for many intrinsic and doped samples. Considering the rever-

sible SW effect we have :

and from (7) :

In figure 5 we plot (#A - #B) for the samples 1 to 8

as a function of AE,. The best line : (13 A - #B) =

5.9 x 10- 5 + 1.95 x 10- 3 i1.E(1 yields A’ = 22.6 eV-’

and Jgo = UB

It has to be noted that in figure 5 we included data on

sputtered samples from reference [6] (films 9 and 10).

What is noticeable in these results is that the reversible SW effect was not obtained by the usual annealing-

illumination cycle but instead by applying a

2.5 x 10’ V cm-’ D.C. field at 180°C following a

method due to Solomon et al. [12]. Nevertheless states A and B are reached. As seen in figure 5 the two points

calculated from equation (10) fit reasonably the regres- sion line.

Fig. 5. - Plot of equation (14). The figures along each point

refer to the film number in table II. For samples 9 and

10 see text Note that oEa


0 was taken for films 1 and 2.


[1] STAEBLER, D. L. and WRONSKI, C. R., Appl. Phys. Lett.

31 (1977) 292.

[2] STAEBLER, D. L. and WRONSKI, C. R., J. Appl. Phys. 51 (1980) 3262.

[3] FUHS, W., MILLEVILLE, M. and STUKE, J., Phys. Status

Solidi B 89 (1978) 495.

[4] TANIELIAN, M., FRITZSCHE, H., TSAI, C. C. and SYMA- BLISTI, E., Appl. Phys. Lett. 33 (1978) 353.

[5] JOUSSE, D., BASSET, R., DELIONIBUS, S. and BOURDON, B., Appl. Phys. Lett. 37 (1980) 208.

[6] HACK, M. G. and MILNE, W. I., Thin Solid Films 76

(1981) 195.


J. Appl. Phys. 52 (1981) 859.


9th Int. Conf. Am. Liq. Semiconductors, Grenoble 1981, Ed. B. K. Chakraverty and D. Kaplan,

p. 375.

[9] POWELL, M. J., EASTON, B. C. and NICHOLLS, D. H.,

9th Int. Conf. Am. Liq. Semiconductors, Grenoble 1981, p. 379.

[10] ELIOTT, S. R., Phil. Mag. B 39 (1979) 349.

[11] COHEN, J. D., LANG, D. V., HARBISON, J. P. and

SERGENT, A. M., 9th Int. Conf. Am. Liq. Semi-

conductors, Grenoble 1981, p. 371.



[12] DERSCH, H., STUKE, J. and BEICHLER, J., Appl. Phys.

Lett. 38 (1981) 456.

[13] SOLOMON, I., DIETL, T. and KAPLAN, D., J. Physique 39 (1978) 1241.

[14] MOTT, N. F. and DAVIES, E. A., Electronic Processes in

Non-Crystalline Materials (Oxford, Clarendon Press) 1979.

[15] MOTT, N. F., J. Phys. C 13 (1980) 5433.

[16] FRITZSCHE, H., Sol. Energy Mater. 3 (1980) 477.

[17] NAGELS, P., in Amorphous Semiconductors, Topics in Applied Physics, ed. M. H. Brodsky (Springer N. Y.) 1979, vol. 36, p.113.

[18] SPEAR, W. E., ALLAN, D., LE COMBER, P. and GHAITH, A., Phil. Mag. B 41 (1980) 419.

[19] PERRIN, J. and SOLOMON, I., J. Non-Cryst. Solids 37 (1980) 407.

[20] TARDY, J. and MEAUDRE, R., Solid State Commun.

39 (1981) 1031.

[21] MEYER, W. and NELDEL, H., Z. Techn. Physik 18 (1937) 588.

[22] CARLSON, D. E. and WRONSKI, C. R., in Amorphous semiconductors, Topics in Applied Physics, ed.

M. H. Brodsky (Springer N. Y.) 1979, vol. 36, p. 287.

[23] A further comment can be made when comparing the

behaviour of films 1, 2 and 5 which were all depo-

sited on the same substrate but at different tem-

peratures. Whereas film 5 shows a typical SW

behaviour : 0394E03C3 = - 0.16 eV, 03C3A0/03C3B0



films 1 and 2 show an opposite trend with 0394E03C3



03C3A0/03C3B0 = 7.8 and 2 respectively. This might indicate

that the nature of the substrate is not the main

factor governing photo-induced changes.


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