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Submitted on 1 Jan 1978

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W. Götze, M. Lücke, A. Szprynger

To cite this version:

W. Götze, M. Lücke, A. Szprynger. THE SCATTERING FUNCTION S33 (q, ω) OF DI- LUTE HeII-He3 MIXTURES. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1978, 39 (C6), pp.C6-196-C6-197.

�10.1051/jphyscol:1978687�. �jpa-00218367�



Colloque C6, supplbment au no 8, Tome 39, aotit 1978, page C6-196



(q,w) OF DILUTE H ~ I I - H e 3 MIXTURES W. G6tze, M. Liicke and A. Szprynger



Physik and Physik Department der Teehnischen Universit?it, Milnehe, Germany I n s t i t u t e of


Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy

o f

Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland

Resum6.- La fonction de diff~action S33 (q,w) des melanges de H~II-He3

1 tempgrature zdro est cal-

culde dans la limite de concentration zdro de ~e~ dans le cadre d'une thdorie des modes couplds. La masse effective de He3 dependant du vecteur d'onde et la structure du spectre des excitations conti- nues sont d6terminges.



The scattering function S33 (q,w) of H~II-He3 mixtures at zero temperature is calculated in the zero He3 concentration limit wlthin a mode coupling theory. The momentum dependence of the effective He3 mass and the structure of the continuous excitation spectrum is predicted.

A He3 atom is He11 experiences a considera- ble mass enhancement by inducing motion in the HeII part of which consists of backflow

/ I / .

One common- ly views this motion in terms of density excita- tions /2/ created by and coupled to the He3 movement.

These concepts have been extended /3/ to a nonli- near, first principles theory for the He3 motion coupled selfconsistently to He11 density excita- tions at T

= 0

K by adopting mode coupling methods which proved to be successfui for pure He11 f4/.

The motion of a single He3 particle is des- cribed by the dynamical susceptibility x(q,z) for the He3 density fluctuation. Its spectrum is given by the zero concentration contribution of the dyna- mica1 He3 structure function to the scattering law of the mixture

X" (q,w)


lim Sg3 (q,w


x) .

( 1



The susceptibility

tion of a He3 density fluctuation and a He11 densi- ty fluctuation



N ~ I (q,~) J % J d


\ v

~ & % ) , 2



xtt (Z-Z,



This golden rule type formula contains the emission probability for HeII modes of momentum k -+

and energy


by the He3 atom. The decay vertex can be expressed /3,4/ approximately in terms of liquid structure factors which were taken from the lite- rature /5/. In the limit x

+ 0

the He11 spectrum X;I(q,w) is unchanged. For it we use the results of our previous theory 141.

Equations (2-4) are, together with the Kramers-Kronig formula for M, a system of nonlinear integral equations for X (q,z). The solution descri- bing the motion of a ~e~ atom coupled selfconsis- tently via M to a hybridization of a "dressed" He3 particle and He11 density excitations has been ob- tained by iteration.

can be expressed by a polarization kernel M(q,z)

As expected there are, for wavenumbers below and a characteristic frequency Oo(q) which is, for

a threshold qc, undamped elementary excitations given M(q,z), most conveniently determined by the

defined bv voles of - .




on the real axis spectrums normalization



MIt ( q , ~ (q))

= 0 .


The absorptive part of the relaxation Kernel

Mn(q,u) is approximated within mode coupling theory The excitation energy


(q) of these He3 by the decay of the IIe3 motion into a pair excita- quasiparticles defines their effective mass m*(q)

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1978687 Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1978687


according t o E (q) = q2/ (2m2(q)). I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e

&-functions from t h e s e He3 s i n g l e modes o f energy

~ ( q ) , t h e r e a r e broad c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o t h e spectrum

2" (q,w) from m u l t i p l e mode e x c i t a t i o n s . T h e i r in-

t e n s i t y i n c r e a s e s with i n c r e a s i n g wavenumber on c o s t of t h e s i n g l e mode i n t e n s i t y u n t i l f o r q

qc s i n g l e mode He3 e x c i t a t i o n s a r e no longer p o s s i b l e .

can a l s o be t r a c e d back t o s p e c i f i c combinations of He3 and He11 e x c i t a t i o n s .

F i g u r e l a shows a l s o t h e c u r v e 92 (q)/w - w whose i n t e r s e c t i o n w i t h M' ( q , w ) y i e l d s according t o

(5a) t h e z e r o s i n t h e r e a l p a r t of t h e denominator o r ( 2 ) . F i . r s t t h e r e i s a t w = 6.7 K t h e undamped He3 e x c i t a t i o n (arrow a ) which c a r r i e s i n our example 59 % o f t h e t o t a l s p e c t r a l weight of X" (q,w).There i s a second i n t e r s e c t i o n (arrow b) where Mv'(q,w) i s f i n i t e . T h i s y i e l d s a resonance i n X" (q,w) (Fig. Ib) near 25 K. A t a t h i r d frequency (arrow c ) e q u a t i o n

(5a) i s n e a r l y f u l f i l l e d w i t h M" (q,u) simultaneous- l y being small. The r e s u l t i s a n o t h e r resonance i n


(q,w) l o c a t e d n e a r 35 K. Note t h a t t h e i n t e r s e c -

The s t r u c t u r e i n MU(q,w), shown f o r t h e re- p r e s e n t a t i v e example q = 1.5 !-I i n f i g u r e 1 , i s due t o phase space kinematics of opening and c l o - s i n g decay channels and t o t h e momentum dependence of t h e v e r t e x . Since energy and moment9 conserva- t i o n does n o t a l l o w two-mode s t a t e s with frequencies

t i o n a t 16 K does not l e a d t o a resonance s i n c e MI' i s l a r g e t h e r e and M' shows anomalous d i s p e r s i o n . The s t r u c t u r e i n X" (q,w), consequently, i s due t o t h e kinematics of He11 d e n s i t y f l u c t u a t i o n s b e i n g generated by t h e movement of t h e "dressed" He3 atom.

Fig. 1 : M" (q,u) ( f u l l curve) and M' (q,w) (dasked curve) a s a f u n c t i o n of frequency f o r q = 1.5 A-l.

The dash-dotted curve i n d i c a t e s t h e f u n c t i o n


(Q) /w-w

Fig. Ib : Normalized spectrum X I ' (q,w) /.T f o r q = 1.5 A - ~

l e s s than t h e s i n g l e mode energy


i n our example

E = 6.7 K


one f i n d s M " ( q , w l ~ ( q ) ) = 0. The smooth i n c r e a s e of M"(q,u) j u s t above E ( q ) i s cau- sed by s o f t phonon emission by t h e moving He3 atom.

The s t r o n g peak a t w = 15 K i s due t o h y b r i d i z a t i o n with He11 maxons 9 f o r which t h e phase space t u r n s o u t t o be l a r g e s t . The o r i g i n o f t h e o t h e r l e s s conspi- cuous f e a t u r e s of t h e coupled mode spectrum M1'(q,w)

The elementary e x c i t a t i o n d i s p e r s i o n E (q) t u r n s o u t t o b e a monotonously i n c r e a s i n g f u n c t i o n of momentum w i t h an approximate p a r a m e t r i z a t i o n f o r t h e e f f e c t i v e mass

& ( q ) = m S ( I


a q ) ; a = 0.1 (6) The v a l u e of m* = 2.35 m a g r e e s w e l l w i t h t h e one known from thermodynamical d a t a f o r d i l u t e H~II-He3 s o l u t i o n s . It h a s been o b t a i n e d e a r l i e r by q u i t e a d i f f e r e n t t h e o r e t i c a l approach / 6 / . The undamped ~e~

q u a s i p a r t i c l e e x c i t a t i o n s c e a s e t o e x i s t f o r

q + q c % 2


w i t h t h e d i s p e r s i o n having a P i t a e v s k i endpoint /7/ a t qc. For q > qc, however, t h e spec- trum c o n t i n u e s a s a resonance o f X" (q,w)


/ I / Feynman, R.P., S t a t i s t i c a l Mechanics (W.A. Benjamin I n c . , Reading) 1972

/ 2 / M i l l e r , A . , P i n e s , D., Wozieres, P., Phys. Rev.

127 (1962) 1452


131 GEtze, W., ~ G c k e , M., Szprynger, A , , p r e p r i n t / 4 / GGtze, W., ~ G c k e , M., Phys. Rev.


(1976) 3825 151 Achter, E.K., Meyer, L., Phys. Rev.


(1969) 291

Hallock, R.B., Phys. Rev.


(1972) 320 ; Massey, W.E., Woo, C.W., Tan, H . T . , Pnys. Rev.

A1 (1970) 519


/6/ Feenberg, E . , Theory of Quantum F l u i d s (Academic P r e s s , Nev7 York)



171 P i t a e v s k i , L.P., Sov. Phys. JETP,


(1959) 8 3 0 ; 12 (1961) 155



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