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Stability in the Energy Space of the Sum of N Peakons for the Degasperis–Procesi Equation


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Submitted on 26 Jan 2016

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Stability in the Energy Space of the Sum of N Peakons for the Degasperis–Procesi Equation

André Kabakouala

To cite this version:

André Kabakouala. Stability in the Energy Space of the Sum of N Peakons for the Degasperis–

Procesi Equation. Journal of Differential Equations, Elsevier, 2015, 259 (5), pp.1841–1897.

�10.1016/j.jde.2015.03.014�. �hal-01111847v4�


Stability in the Energy Space of the Sum of N Peakons for the Degasperis-Procesi Equation

Andr´e Kabakouala

L.M.P.T., U.F.R Sciences et Techniques, Universit´e de Tours, Parc Grandmont, 37200 Tours, France.



The Degasperis-Procesi equation possesses well-known peaked solitary waves that are called peakons. Their stability has been established by Lin and Liu in [5]. In this paper, we localize the proof (in some suitable sense detailed in Section 3) of the stability of a single peakon. Thanks to this, we extend the result of stability to the sum ofN peakons traveling to the right with respective speedsc1, . . . , cN, such that the difference between consecutive locations of peakons is large enough.

1 Introduction

The Degasperis-Procesi (DP) equation

ututxx+ 4uux= 3uxuxx+uuxxx, (t, x)R+×R (1.1) is completely integrable (see [1]) and possesses, among others, the following invariants

E(u) = Z


yv and F(u) = Z


u3, (1.2)

where y= (1x2)uandv= (4x2)1u. Substitutinguby 4vvxx in (1.2) and using integration by parts (we suppose thatu(±∞) =v(±∞) =vx(±∞) = 0), the conservation laws can be rewritten as

E(u) = Z


4v2+ 5v2x+v2xx

and F(u) = Z


v3xx+ 12vv2xx48v2vxx+ 64v3

. (1.3)

One can see that the conservation lawE(·) is equivalent tok · k2L2(R). Indeed, using integration by parts kuk2L2(R)=



u2= Z


(4vvxx)2= Z


16v2+ 8vx2+vxx2

4E(u), (1.4)

and applying Plancherel-Parseval identity E(u) =



yv= Z


1 +ω2

4 +ω2|bu(ω)|2 Z


|bu(ω)|2=kuk2L2(R), (1.5) where budenotes the Fourier transform ofu. In the sequel we will denote


E(u). (1.6)


Note that, by reversing the operator (1x2)(·) in (1.1), the DP equation can be rewritten in conservation form as



2(1x2)1xu2= 0, (t, x)R+×R. (1.7) The DP equation possesses solitary waves calledpeakons (see Fig. 1a) and defined by

u(t, x) =ϕc(xct) =cϕ(xct) =ce−|xct|, cR, (t, x)R+×R, (1.8) but they are not smooth since ϕc/C1(R) (see Fig. 1b). The peakons are only global weak solutions of (1.7). It means, for any smooth test function φC(R+×R), it holds

Z + 0



ϕc(xct)φt(t, x)dtdx+1 2

Z + 0



ϕ2c(xct)φx(t, x)dtdx +3

2 Z +




(1x2)1ϕ2c(xct)φx(t, x)dtdx+ Z


ϕc(x)φ(0, x)dx= 0.

The goal of our work is to prove that ordered trains of peakons are stable under small perturbations in the energy spaceH(equivalent to L2).

Definition 1.1 (Stability). Let c >0 be given. The peakon ϕc is said stable in H, if for allε >0, there existsδ >0 such that if

ku0ϕckHδ, (1.9)

then for all t0, there existsξ(t)such that

ku(t,·)ϕc(· −ξ(t))kHε, (1.10) where u(t)is the solution to (1.1)emanating fromu0.

Lin and Liu proved in [5] the stability of a single peakon under the additional condition that (1

x2)u0∈ M+(R). Using this result and the general strategy introduced by Martel, Merle and Tsai in [7]

for the generalized Korteweg-de Vries (gKdV) equation and adapted by El Dika and Molinet in [3] and [2] for the Camassa-Holm (CH) equation, we prove here the stability of the sum of N peakons for the DP equation.

Before stating the main result we introduce the function space where will live our class of solutions to the equation. ForI a finite or infinite time interval ofR+, we denote byX(I) the function space 1

X(I) =

uC I;H1(R)

L I;W1,1(R)

, uxL(I;BV(R)) . (1.11) The main result of the present paper is the following theorem.

Theorem 1.1 (Stability of the Sum of N Peakons). Let be given N velocities c1, . . . , cN such that 0< c1< . . . < cN. Letu∈ X([0, T[), with 0< T +, be a solution of the DP equation. There exist C >0,L0>0 andε0>0only depending on the speeds (ci)Ni=1, such that if

y0= (12x)u0∈ M+(R) (1.12)

and u0

XN i=1

ϕci(· −z0i) H

ε2, with 0< ε < ε0, (1.13) for somez10, . . . , zN0 satisfying

z10< . . . < zN0 and zi0zi01L, with L > L0>0, i= 2, . . . , N, (1.14)

1W1,1(R) is the space ofL1(R) functions with derivatives inL1(R) andBV(R) is the space of function with bounded variation.


then there exist ξ11(t), . . . , ξ1N(t) such that


XN i=1

ϕci(· −ξ1i(t)) H


ε+L1/8), t[0, T[ (1.15)


ξ1i(t)ξ1i1(t)> L

2, t[0, T[, i= 2, . . . , N, (1.16) whereξ11(t), . . . , ξ1N(t) are defined in Subsection 4.1.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we briefly recall the global well-posedness results for the DP equation and its consequences (see [4] and [6] for details).

Theorem 2.1 (Global Weak Solution; See [4] and [6]). Assume that u0L2(R) withy0= (1x2)u0 M+(R). Then the DP equation has a unique global weak solution u∈ X(R+)such that

y(t,·) = (1x2)u(t,·)∈ M+(R), tR+. (2.1) Moreover E(·)andF(·)are conserved by the flow.

Remark 2.1 (Control ofLNorm byL2 Norm). From (2.1), it holds u(x) =ex

2 Z x


exy(x)dx+ex 2

Z + x

exy(x)dx and

ux(x) =ex 2

Z x


exy(x)dx+ex 2

Z + x

exy(x)dx, which lead to

|ux(x)| ≤u(x), xR. (2.2)

Then, using the Sobolev embedding ofH1(R) intoL(R) and (2.2), we infer that there exists a constant CS >0 such that

kukL(R)CSkukH1(R)2CSkukL2(R). (2.3) Lemma 2.1 (Positivity; See [6]). LetuH1(R)with y= (1x2)u∈ M+(R). If k11, then we have

(k1±x)u(x)0, xR. (2.4)

Lemma 2.2(Positivity; See [6]). Letw(x) = (k1±x)u(x). Assume thatuH1(R)withy= (1x2)u M+(R). If k11 andk22, then we have

(k2±x)(4x2)1w(x)0, xR. (2.5)

3 Stability of a single peakon

The proof of Lin and Liu in [5] is not entirely suitable for our work, because it involves all local extrema of the function v= (4x2)1uonR, and thus is not local. For our work, we have to localize the estimates.

Therefore, we need to modify a little the proof of Lin and Liu. We do this first for a single peakon.


Theorem 3.1 (Stability of Peakons). Let u∈ X([0, T[), with 0 < T +, be a solution of the DP equation andϕc be the peakon defined in (1.8), traveling to the right at the speedc >0. There existC >0 andε0>0 only depending on the speedc >0, such that if

y0= (12x)u0∈ M+(R) (3.1)


ku0ϕckHε2, with 0< ε < ε0, (3.2) then

ku(t,·)ϕc(· −ξ1(t))kHC

ε, t[0, T[, (3.3)

where ξ1(t)Ris any point where the function v(t,·) = (4x2)1u(t,·)attains its maximum.

To prove this theorem we first need the following lemma that enables to control the distance ofE(u) andF(u) to respectivelyE(ϕc) andFc).

Lemma 3.1 (Control of Distances Between Energies). Let uH1(R)withy= (1x2)u∈ M+(R). If kuϕckHε2, then

|E(u)E(ϕc)| ≤O(ε2) (3.4)


|F(u)Fc)| ≤O(ε2), (3.5)

where O(·)only depends on the speed c.

Proof. For the first estimate, applying triangular inequality, and using that kuϕckH ε2 and kϕckH=c/

3, we have

|E(u)E(ϕc)|=| kukH− kϕckH|(kukH+kϕckH)

≤ kuϕckH(kuϕckH+ 2kϕckH)


ε2+ 2c



For the second estimate, applying the H¨older inequality, and using thatkuϕckHε2and (2.3), we have

|F(u)F(ϕc)| ≤ Z






≤ kuϕckL2(R)



(u2+c+ϕ2c)2 1/2




(u4+ 2u3ϕc+ 3u2ϕ2c+ 2uϕ3c+ϕ4c) 1/2

≤ kuϕckL2(R)


4CS2kuk4L2(R)+ 4cCSkuk2L2(R)+ 3c2kuk2L2(R)+8

3c3CSkukL2(R)+1 2c4



where we also use that theL2norm ofuis bounded and the following measures of peakon:

kϕckL(R)=c, kϕckL3(R)= 3 r2

3c and kϕckL4(R)= 1




This proves the lemma.

Now, to prove Theorem 3.1, by the conservation ofE(·),F(·) and the continuity of the mapt7→u(t) from [0, T[ to H1(R) ֒→ H (since H ≃ L2 and kukL2(R) ≤ kukH1(R)), it suffices to prove that for any function uH1(R) satisfyingy= (1x2)u∈ M+(R), (3.4) and (3.5), if

ξinf∈Rkuϕc(· −ξ)kHε1/4, (3.6) then

kuϕc(· −ξ1)kHC

ε, (3.7)

where ξ1Ris any point where the functionv= (4x2)1uattains its maximum.

We divide the proof of Theorem 3.1 into a sequence of lemmas. In the sequel, we will need to introduce the followingsmooth-peakons defined for allxRby:

ρc(x) =cρ(x) = (4x2)1ϕc(x) = c


6e2|x|. (3.8) One can check that ρc H3(R)֒C2(R) (by the Sobolev embedding) since ϕc H1(R). Indeed, we have

kρck2H3(R)= Z


(1 +ω2)3

(4 +ω2)2|ϕbc(ω)|2 Z


(1 +ω2)|ϕbc(ω)|2≤ kϕck2H1(R)= 2c2. (3.9) Moreover,ρc is a positive even function which decays to 0 at infinity, and admits a single maximumc/6 at point 0 (see Fig. 1a-1c).

Lemma 3.2 (Uniform Estimates). Let u H1(R) with y = (1x2)u ∈ M+(R), and ξ R. If kuϕc(· −ξ)kHε1/4, then

kuϕc(· −ξ)kL(R)O(ε1/8) (3.10) and

kvρc(· −ξ)kL(R)O(ε1/4), (3.11) wherev= (4x2)1uandρc is defined in (3.8).

Proof. For the second estimate, applying the H¨older inequality and using assumption, we get for all xR,

|v(x)ρc(xξ)| ≤ 1 4




1 4





R|u(x)ϕc(xξ)|2dx 1/2

1 2

2kuϕc(· −ξ)kH


For the first estimate, note that the assumptiony = (1x2)u0 implies thatu= (1x2)1y0 and satisfies (2.2). Then, applying triangular inequality, and using that |ϕc| =ϕc on R and (2.3), we have

kuϕc(· −ξ)kH1(R)≤ kukH1(R)+kϕckH1(R)

2kukL2(R)+ 2kϕckL2(R)

2kuϕc(· −ξ)kL2(R)+ 4kϕckL2(R)

O(ε1/4) +O(1).


Now, applying the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality and using assumption, we obtain kuϕc(· −ξ)kL(R)CGkuϕc(· −ξ)k1/2L2(R)kuϕc(· −ξ)k1/2H1(R)


O(ε1/8) +O(1)


This proves the lemma.

−100 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

(a)ϕ(x) andρ(x) profiles.

−10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10





−0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

(b)ϕ(x) andρ(x) profiles.

−100 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

(c) (12x)ϕ(x) = 2δ0and (1−∂x2)ρ(x) = (1/2)e2|x|profiles

Figure 1: Variation of peakon and smooth-peakon at initial time with the speed c= 1.

Lemma 3.3 (Quadratic Identity; See [5]). For any uL2(R)andξR, it holds E(u)E(ϕc) =kuϕc(· −ξ)k2H+ 4c

v(ξ)c 6

, (3.12)

where v= (4x2)1uandc/6 =ρc(0) = maxx∈Rρc(xξ).


Sketch of proof. The proof follows by direct computation, with the aid of two integration by parts, and using that (1x2c(· −ξ) = 2cδξ, whereδξ denotes the Dirac mass applied at pointξ.

LetuH1(R) withy= (1x2)u∈ M+(R), and assume that there existsξRsuch that (3.6) holds for someξR. We consider now the interval in which the peakon (respectively the smooth-peakon) is concentrated, and we will decompose this interval according to the variation of v= (4x2)1uin the following way: we set

α= supn

x < ξ, v(x) = c 2400

o and β= infn

x > ξ, v(x) = c 2400

o. (3.13)

According to Lemma 3.2, we know thatv is close toρc(· −ξ) inL norm withρc(0) =c/6. Thereforev must have at least one local maximum on [α, β]. Assume that on [α, β] the functionvadmitsk+ 1 points j)k+1j=1 with local maximal values for some integerk0, whereξ1 is the first local maximum point and ξk+1 the last local maximum point2. Then betweenξ1 andξk+1, the functionv admitsk points (ηj)kj=1 with local minimal values. We renameα=η0 andβ=ηk+1 so that it holds

η0< ξ1< η1< . . . < ξj < ηj< ξj+1< ηj+1< . . . < ηk < ξk+1< ηk+1. (3.14) Let

Mj=v(ξj), j= 1, . . . , k+ 1, and mj=v(ηj), j= 1, . . . , k. (3.15) By construction

vx(x)0, xj1, ξj], j= 1, . . . , k (3.16) and

vx(x)0, xj, ηj], j= 1, . . . , k+ 1. (3.17) We claim that

v(x) c

300, xR\0, ηk+1], (3.18) u(x) c

300, xR\0, ηk+1], (3.19) and there exitsC0>0 such that

0, ηk+1]C0, ξ+C0]. (3.20) Indeed, for some 0< ε1 fixed, using (3.11) we have

ρc0ξ) =v(η0) +O(ε1/4) = c

2400+O(ε1/4) c 350.

Please note that, we abuse notation by writing that the difference between v and ρc(· −ξ) is equal to O(ε1/4). Therefore, using thatρc(· −ξ) is increasing on ]− ∞, ξ], it holds for all x]− ∞, η0[,

v(x) =ρc(xξ) +O(ε1/4) c

350+O(ε1/4) c 300. Proceeding in the same way forxk+1,+[, we obtain (3.18).

One can remark that for allxR,

ϕc(x)c(x) =ce−|x|6c

3e−|x| c 6e2|x|

=ce−|x|+ce2|x|0. (3.21) Thus, combining (3.10), (3.21) and proceeding as for the estimate (3.18), we infer (3.19).

Finally, from (3.11) we have

ρc0ξ) =v(η0) +O(ε1/4) = c

2400+O(ε1/4) c 3000.

2In the case of an infinite countable number of local maximal values, the proof is exactly the same.


Therefore, since ρc = (c/3)e−|·|(c/6)e2|·| and that x 7→ (1/3)e−|x|(1/6)e2|x| is a positive even function decreasing to 0 on R+ (see Fig. 1a), there exists a universal constant C0 >0 such that (3.20) holds.

We now are ready to establish the connection between the conservation laws. Please note that, we will change the order of the extrema ofv= (4x2)1uwhile keeping the same notations as in (3.15).

Lemma 3.4 (Connection Between E(·) and the Local Extrema of v). Let u H1(R) and v = (4

x2)1uH3(R). Define the functiong by

g(x) =

2v+vxx3vx, x < ξ1, 2v+vxx+ 3vx, ξj< x < ηj, 2v+vxx3vx, ηj < x < ξj+1, 2v+vxx+ 3vx, x > ξk+1,

j= 1, . . . , k. (3.22)

Then it holds




Xk j=0

Mj+12 Xk j=1


. (3.23)

Proof. We have Z


g2(x)dx= Z ξ1


g2(x)dx+ Xk j=1

Z ξj+1


g2(x)dx+ Z +


g2(x)dx. (3.24)

Forj= 1, . . . , k, Z ξj+1


g2(x)(x)dx= Z ηj


(2v+vxx+ 3vx)2+ Z ξj+1




Let us compute I, I=

Z ξj+1


4v2+vxx2 + 9v2x+ 4vvxx12vvx6vxvxx

= Z ξj+1


4v2+vxx2 + 9v2x + 4

Z ξj+1


vvxx12 Z ξj+1


vvx6 Z ξj+1



= Z ξj+1


4v2+vxx2 + 9v2x


Applying integration by parts and using that vxj) =vxj) = 0, we get I1=4

Z ξj+1


v2x, I2=6 Z ξj+1


x(v2) =6v2j+1) + 6v2j) and I3=3 Z ξj+1


x(vx2) = 0.


I= Z ξj+1


4v2+ 5vx2+vxx2

6v2j+1) + 6v2j). (3.25) Similar computations lead to

J = Z ηj


4v2+ 5vx2+vxx2

6v2j)+6v2j), Z ξ1


g2(x)dx= Z ξ1


4v2+ 5v2x+v2xx

6v21) (3.26)


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