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on his 70th birthday



We consider the generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (gBBM) equation with poly- nomial nonlinearity of the form(up+1)x,p1. The aim of this paper is to in- vestigate the stability of the periodic travelling waves with speedsc > 1 which are small perturbations of the constant stateu= (c1)1/p. For general bounded perturbations, we show that these waves are spectrally stable for all speedsc >1 when1p2, and that forp3, there exists a critical speedcp,1< cp<p−3p , such that the waves are stable forc(cp,p−3p ), and unstable otherwise.

AMS 2000 Subject Classication: 35Q99.

Key words: generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation, periodic waves, spec- tral stability.


We consider the generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (gBBM) equation (1.1) ut(x, t)−uxxt(x, t) +ux(x, t) + (up+1(x, t))x = 0,

wherex∈R,t∈R,u(x, t)∈R, andp≥1 is an integer. The gBBM equation possesses periodic travelling-wave solutions of the form

(1.2) u(x, t) =q(x−ct), x∈R, t∈R,

where the wave speed c > 1 and the wave prole q is a periodic function of its argument. The aim of the present paper is to investigate the stability properties of these particular solutions, when the wave prole q stays close to the constant state u= (c−1)1/p.

The casep= 1, which corresponds to the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (BBM) equation, or the regularized long-wave equation, has been derived as a model for the description of gravity water waves in the long-wave regime [4, 18, 19].

In this context, it arises as an alternative model to the well-known Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation, exhibiting several of the striking phenomena encoun- tered in the dynamics of the water-wave problem. Among these, questions

REV. ROUMAINE MATH. PURES APPL., 53 (2008), 56, 445463


concerning solitary-wave dynamics have received particular interest, for the BBM equation, but also the gBBM equation. The gBBM equation possesses travelling solitary waves of the form (1.2) in which the wave speed c >1, just as for the periodic travelling waves, and the wave prole q is exponentially decaying to zero asx−ct→ ±∞. These solitary waves are orbitally stable for all speeds c >1when 1≤p≤4, and there exists a critical speed cp>1when p≥5, such that the solitary waves are orbitally stable forc > cp, and unstable for c ∈ (1, cp) (e.g., see [6, 24, 26]). In addition, for the BBM equation, the solitary waves are asymptotically stable [9, 17].

In contrast to travelling solitary waves, for which the stability question is well understood, the stability of periodic travelling waves for dispersive equa- tions, and more precisely their nonlinear stability with respect to bounded per- turbations, is an open problem. So far, there are two types of stability results for periodic waves: orbital stability with respect to periodic perturbations, and spectral stability with respect to bounded or localized perturbations.

Orbital stability results rely upon a now classical energetic approach which goes back to Benjamin [3] and which has been extensively used for solitary waves (e.g., see [5, 12, 13, 25]). While for solitary waves this method gives a rather complete answer to the stability question, in the case of periodic waves it allows to prove orbital stability only under the restriction that pertur- bations have the same periodicity properties as the original wave. Such results are now available for dierent dispersive models, and in particular for the KdV equation and the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation (see [1, 2, 11] and the references therein), but also for a generalized BBM equation [14]. However, these results do not completely answer the stability question. In particular, the periodic analytical set-up used in these approaches does not allow to detect instabilities due to non periodic perturbations, such as side-band instabilities, and which have been detected in dierent models (e.g. the focusing NLS equa- tion [10], or the generalized KdV equation [15]).

For non periodic perturbations, stability results for periodic waves in dispersive models concern their spectral stability, that is, the location of the spectrum of the linearization about the wave. In contrast to the orbital sta- bility which gives necessary conditions for stability, the spectral stability pro- vides sucient stability conditions. For periodic waves, the spectral analysis relies upon the so-called Bloch-wave decomposition, which is well-known for Schrödinger operators with periodic potentials [20] and have been extensively used in dissipative problems [16, 21, 22, 23]. As for dispersive problems, we refer to [7, 8, 11, 15], and the references therein, for a number of spectral stability results for periodic waves in NLS- and KdV-type equations.

In this paper we study the spectral stability of the periodic travelling waves (1.2) of the gBBM equation (1.1). A periodic wave is spectrally stable if


the spectrum of the linearization at the wave entirely lies in the closed left half complex plane, and spectrally unstable otherwise. The spectrum of the linear operator is considered in either L2(R), for spatially localized perturbations, or Cb(R), for bounded uniformly continuous perturbations. We restrict to the periodic waves which are close to the constant state u= (c−1)1/p. The main result shows that the periodic waves are spectrally stable, in both L2(R) and Cb(R), for all speeds c > 1 when 1 ≤ p ≤2, and that for p ≥ 3 there exists a critical speed cp, 1 < cp < p−3p , such that such that the periodic waves are spectrally stable for c∈(cp,p−3p ), and unstable for c∈(1, cp)∪(p−3p ,∞).1

The instability is of side-band type, so that it cannot be detected in a periodic set-up, as for example, the one used in the analysis of orbital stability.

We point out that all these waves are spectrally stable in L2per(0, T), that is, with respect to perturbations which have the same period T as the wave.

The proof is based on the Bloch-wave decomposition mentioned above, which reduces the spectral study of the linearized operator in the two spaces above to the study of the spectra of a family of linear operators in a space of periodic functions. The advantage of such a decomposition is that the re- sulting operators have compact resolvent, and therefore only point spectra.

In contrast to previous approaches to spectral stability of periodic waves, in which the linear operators were dierential operators with periodic coecients, in the present case the linearization at the periodic wave is a nonlocal oper- ator. However, using the Floquet theory, we show that the same result holds for the Bloch-wave decomposition. The next step in the analysis consists in locating the point spectra of the operators in the family resulting from the Bloch-wave decomposition. We rely on perturbation arguments for linear op- erators in which we regard these operators as small perturbations of operators with constant coecients. The latter ones are obtained from the linearization of (1.1) at the constant state u = (c−1)1/p, and Fourier analysis allows to compute their spectra explicitly. The restriction to periodic waves which are close to this constant state is essential in this perturbation argument, and we do not know whether spectral stability holds for the other waves.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe the set of periodic travelling waves of (1.1), and introduce an an- alytic parametrization of the periodic waves close to the constant solution u = (c−1)1/p which will be used in the stability analysis. We discuss the spectral stability problem and give the result on the Bloch-wave decomposi- tion in Section 3. In Section 4, we determine the spectra of the unperturbed operators, and then in Section 5 we use the perturbation argument mentioned

1 Here, and in the rest of the paper p−3p =∞, whenp= 3. In particular, forp= 3, the waves are spectrally stable forc(cp,∞)and unstable forc(1, cp).


above and locate the spectra of the operators resulting from the Bloch-wave decomposition. We conclude with an Appendix in which we give the proof of the result on the Bloch-wave decomposition.


In this section we describe the set of periodic travelling waves of equa- tion (1.1), and give an analytic parametrization of the periodic waves close to the constant solution u= (c−1)1/p.

The travelling-wave solutions (1.2) of equation (1.1) satisfy the ODE (2.1) cq00= (c−1)q−qp+1+B,

for some real constant B, where 0 denotes the derivative with respect to y = x−ct. We restrict here to speeds c > 1. This is the situation in which the ODE possesses homoclinic solutions to zero, for B = 0, which correspond to the solitary travelling waves of (1.1).

In the (q, q0) phase plane, equation (2.1) with B = 0 has equilibria at (q, q0) = (0,0) and (q, q0) = ((c−1)1/p,0). The equilibrium ((c−1)1/p,0) is a center and is enclosed in a one-parameter family of periodic orbits (qα, qα0), parameterized by 0 < α < 1, say. As α → 0, one nds the equilibrium ((c−1)1/p,0), and as α → 1 these periodic orbits tend to an orbit (q1, q01) which is homoclinic to the saddle point(0,0). The periodTα of these periodic orbits depends smoothly upon α, and satises

α→0limTα= 2π√ c

pp(c−1), lim


Up to spatial translations, we then have a one-parameter family of periodic travelling waves qα to (1.1). Notice that qα → (c−1)1/p as α → 0, and that in the limit α → 1 one nds the solitary travelling wave of the gBBM equation (1.1).

Remark 2.1. (i) Ifp ≥1 is odd, the orbits described above are the only bounded orbits of (2.1) when B = 0. Ifp≥1 is even, the ODE withB = 0is equivariant under the reection q → −q, so that the set of its bounded orbits also contains the reected equilibrium (q, q0) = (−(c−1)1/p,0), the reected periodic orbits(−qα,−q0α), and the reected homoclinic orbit(−q1,−q01). This reection also is a symmetry for the gBBM equation (1.1), so that these re- ected orbits have the same dynamic properties as the corresponding non re- ected ones.

(ii) For speeds c ∈ (0,1), the ODE (2.1) with B = 0 also possesses a family of periodic orbits, now surrounding the origin (0,0)in the phase plane (q, q0). In contrast, for speeds c < 0 periodic orbits exist only when p ≥ 1


is odd. The stability of all these periodic orbits can be studied in the same manner as that of the periodic orbits for c >1discussed in the present paper.

For small values of B 6= 0, the phase portrait of the ODE (2.1) does not qualitatively change, so that we nd a family (qα,B, q0α,B) of periodic orbits.

Up to spatial translations, we then have a two-parameter family of periodic travelling waves qα,B to (1.1). Notice that due to the invariance of (2.1) under the reection y → −y, the periodic travelling waves in the familyqα,B can be chosen to be even in y.

We now introduce an analytic parametrization of this family of periodic waves, for small α and B. First, it is convenient to replace the parameter B =b(c−1)1+1/p, and then ODE (2.1) has the equilibriumqb with expansion

qb = (c−1)1/p

1 +1

pb−p+ 1

2p2 b2+O(|b|3)


for small b. Next, for the periodic solutions we write qα,b(y) = Pα,b(kα,by), with kα,b= 2π/Tα,b,Tα,b being the period of the wave, and replaceα by

a= 1

2π(c−1)1/p Z



so that α is proportional to the rst nonzero Fourier coecient of the 2π- periodic function Pα,b. Then

qa,b(y) =Pa,b(ka,by), wherePa,b is a2π-periodic even solution of the ODE

cka,b2 v00 = (c−1)v−vp+1+b(c−1)1+1/p, such that

P0,b=qb, k0,b2 = p+ 1

c qbp−c−1 c . A straightforward calculation gives the expansions Pa,b(z) =qb+(c−1)1/p


4 a2+ p+1

12 cos(2z)a2+O(|a|(a2+b2))


k2a,b= c−1 c

p+ (p+ 1)b−p(p+ 1)(p+ 4)

12 a2− p+ 1

p b2+O(|a|3+|b|3)

. We point out that with this parametrization, replacingaby−agives the same solution up to a spatial translation,

(2.2) P−a,b(z) =Pa,b(z+π), k−a,b=ka,b.

Together with the spatial translation invariance this family of solutions gives the gBBM equation (1.1), a three-parameter family of periodic travelling waves qa,b(·+d).




In this section, we obtain the spectral stability problem and state the main result. Then we describe the Bloch-wave decomposition, and discuss some symmetry properties of the linear operators, which are important for the analysis in Section 5.

We consider solutions of (1.1) of the form

u(x, t) =U(z, t), z=ka,b(x−ct), whereU satises

(1−ka,b2zz)(Ut−cka,bUz) +ka,bUz+ka,b(Up+1)z= 0.

Then the 2π-periodic prole Pa,b, corresponding to the travelling waveqa,b, is a stationary solution of this equation. Linearizing about Pa,b we nd

(1−ka,b2zz)(Vt−cka,bVz) +ka,bVz+ (p+ 1)ka,b(Pa,bp V)z = 0, or equivalently,

Vt=cka,bVz−ka,b(1−ka,b2zz)−1 Vz+ (p+ 1)(Pa,bp V)z


The spectral stability is concerned with the spectrum of the linear oper- ator in the right hand side of this equation,

(3.1) Aa,bV =cka,bVz−ka,b(1−ka,b2zz)−1 Vz+ (p+ 1)(Pa,bp V)z

, that we consider in either the Hilbert space X = L2(R) (localized perturba- tions) or the Banach space X = Cb(R) (bounded uniformly continuous per- turbations). In both cases, this operator is closed with dense domain H1(R) when X =L2(R), and Cb1(R) whenX =Cb(R). The travelling periodic wave qa,b is spectrally stable with respect to perturbations in X if the spectrum of the linear operator Aa,b inX is contained closed left half complex plane, and it is spectrally unstable otherwise. Our main result is as follows.

Theorem 1 (Spectral stability). LetX =L2(R) or X =Cb(R).

(i) Assume that 1≤p≤2. Then for any c >1, there exists εc >0 such that for any (a, b) with k(a, b)k ≤ εc, the spectrum of the linear operator Aa,b in X entirely lies on the imaginary axis. Consequently, the periodic wave qa,b is spectrally stable in X.

(ii) Assume that p ≥ 3. There exists a critical speed cp, 1 < cp < p−3p , and for any c >1there existsεc >0, such that for any(a, b)with k(a, b)k ≤εc, the following properties hold. If c∈ (cp,p−3p ), then the spectrum of the linear operator Aa,b in X entirely lies on the imaginary axis, whereas if c∈(1, cp)∪ (p−3p ,∞), then the spectrum of the linear operatorAa,binXcontains a complex


number λ with Reλ > 0. Consequently, the periodic wave qa,b is spectrally stable in X if c∈(cp,p−3p ), and spectrally unstable ifc∈(1, cp)∪(p−3p ,∞).

The spectral analysis ofAa,brelies upon the so-called Bloch-wave decom- position for dierential operators with periodic coecients. For a dierential operator A(z, ∂z)with2π-periodic coecients, this decomposition shows that the spectrum is exactly the same in both spaces L2(R) and Cb(R), and that it is given by the union of the spectra of the family of operatorsA(z, ∂z+ iγ), parameterized by the Bloch wavenumber γ ∈ (−12,12], acting in the space of 2π-periodic functions L2per(0,2π). The fact that the operators A(z, ∂z + iγ) act inL2per(0,2π), implies that these operators have compact resolvent, so that their spectra are purely point spectra, consisting of eigenvalues, only. This is a major advantage, since it replaces the problem of locating the spectra of A(z, ∂z) in L2(R) and Cb(R), which are typically continuous, by that of locating the eigenvalues of the operators A(z, ∂z+ iγ).

Here, the operator Aa,b in (3.1) is nonlocal due to the presence of the inverse (1−k2a,bzz)−1. Nevertheless, we show in the Appendix that a similar result holds for this operator, as well. More precisely, we prove

Lemma 3.1. LetX =L2(R) or X =Cb(R). Consider the operator Aa,b in (3.1) acting in X, and the Bloch operators

Aa,b,γ=cka,b(∂z+ iγ)V−ka,b(1−k2a,b(∂z+ iγ)2)−1(∂z+ iγ)(V+(p+1)Pa,bp V), acting in L2per(0,2π) with domainHper1 (0,2π). Then

(3.2) σ(Aa,b) = [




(Here σ(A) denotes the spectrum of an operator A.)

Using this lemma, Theorem 1 will follow from the next result.

Proposition 3.2. Let cp and εc be as in Theorem 1.

(i) If 1≤p ≤2, then the spectrum of the linear operator Aa,b,γ consists of purely imaginary eigenvalues for any c > 1, any (a, b) with k(a, b)k ≤ εc, and any γ ∈(−12,12].

(ii) If p ≥ 3, then the spectrum of the linear operator Aa,b,γ consists of purely imaginary eigenvalues for anyc∈(cp,p−3p ), any(a, b)withk(a, b)k ≤εc, and anyγ ∈(−12,12]. Forc∈(1, cp)∪(p−3p ,∞)and any(a, b)withk(a, b)k ≤εc, the linear operatorAa,b,γ possesses an unstable eigenvalue λwithReλ >0, for suciently small γ=o(|a|).

We prove this result in Section 5. The proof is done for the operators Ba,b,γ= 1


Aa,b,γ=c(∂z+iγ)V−(1−k2a,b(∂z+iγ)2)−1(∂z+iγ)(V+(p+1)Pa,bp V).


Clearly, it is enough to show that Proposition 3.2 holds forBa,b,γ.

Remark 3.3 (Periodic perturbations). For periodic perturbations which have the same period as the wave, the spectral stability problem consists in considering the operatorAa,bin the space of2π-periodic functionsL2per(0,2π), or equivalently in considering the operator Aa,b,γ withγ = 0. An immediate consequence of the results in Section 5, is that the spectrum of Aa,b,0 consists of purely imaginary eigenvalues only, so that the periodic waves are spectrally stable in L2per(0,2π) for all p ≥1 and any speed c >1. The instability found for p≥3and c∈(1, cp)∪(p−3p ,∞), is of side-band type, due to perturbations with periods close to the period of the wave (small nonzero values of γ in the Bloch-wave decomposition).

We end this section with a brief discussion of some symmetry properties of the spectra of the operatorsAa,bandAa,b,γ which will be used in the following.

The same properties also hold for operators Ba,b= k1

a,bAa,b and Ba,b,γ.

First, since the operator Aa,b has real coecients, its spectrum is sym- metric with respect to the real axis. For the Bloch operator Aa,b,γ, the cor- responding property is σ(Aa,b,γ) = σ(Aa,b,−γ). Next, it is straightforward to check that Aa,b has a reversibility symmetry, i.e., it anti-commutes with the isometry S dened by

(3.3) SV(z) =V(−z).

Thus SAa,b =−Aa,bS, which implies that the spectrum of Aa,b is symmetric with respect to the origin in the complex plane. The corresponding property for the Bloch operators is SAa,b,γ = −Aa,b,−γS, which implies that σ(Aa,b,γ) =

−σ(Aa,b,−γ). Finally, from relations (2.2), we nd that σ(Aa,b) = σ(A−a,b) and σ(Aa,b,γ) = σ(A−a,b,γ). Summarizing, the spectra of the Bloch operators Aa,b,γ satisfy

σ(Aa,b,γ) =σ(Aa,b,−γ) =−σ(Aa,b,−γ) =−σ(Aa,b,γ), (3.4)

σ(Aa,b,γ) =σ(A−a,b,γ).

In particular, the spectrum ofAa,b,γis symmetric with respect to the imaginary axis, and we can restrict ourselves to positive values γ ∈ [0,12] without loss of generality.

4. UNPERTURBED OPERATORS AND LINEAR DISPERSION The spectral analysis for the operators Ba,b,γ is based on perturbation arguments in which we regard Ba,b,γ as a perturbation of the operator with constant coecientsB0,0,γ.


We consider the dierence

Ba,b,γ1 =Ba,b,γ− B0,0,γ = (∂z+ iγ)(1−k20(∂z+ iγ)2)−1(V + (p+ 1)P0pV)

−(∂z+ iγ)(1−ka,b2 (∂z+ iγ)2)−1(V + (p+ 1)Pa,bp V),

where we write k0 andP0 instead of k0,0 andP0,0, respectively. This operator is compact in L2per(0,2π), with normkB1a,b,γk=O(|a|+|b|), as(a, b)→(0,0). Notice that this estimate is uniform for γ ∈ [0,12]. A standard perturbation argument then shows that the spectra of Ba,b,γ and B0,0,γ stay close for small (a, b). More precisely, we have the following result.

Lemma 4.1. Let p≥1 and c >1. For any δ >0 there exists ε >0 such that, for any γ ∈[0,12]and any (a, b) ∈R2 with k(a, b)k ≤ε, the spectrum of Ba,b,γ satises

σ(Ba,b,γ)⊂ {λ∈C; dist(λ, σ(B0,0,γ))< δ}.

In order to locate the spectrum ofBa,b,γ, we need to determine the spec- trum of B0,0,γ. SinceB0,0,γ is a dierential operator with constant coecients, a straightforward Fourier analysis allows to compute its spectrum explicitly as (4.1) σ(B0,0,γ) ={iωn,γ;n∈Z} ⊂iR,

whereωn,γ are determined from the linear dispersion relation

(4.2) ω(k) =ck20 k3−k

1 +k20k2,

through ωn,γ = ω(n+γ). Any λ∈ σ(B0,0,γ) is a semi-simple eigenvalue with multiplicity equal to the number of distinct n ∈Z satisfying λ = iωn,γ while the associated eigenvectors are en= einz.

It is now important to determine the more precise location of these eigen- values and, in particular, their multiplicity. (As we shall see, simple eigenvalues remain purely imaginary for small nonzero(a, b), but multiple eigenvalues may leave the imaginary axis and induce instabilities.)

The location of the eigenvalues ofB0,0,γ depends upon the value of k02= c−1

c p.

We distinguish upon k20 ≤3, which corresponds to any c >1 when1≤p≤3, and to c∈ (1,p−3p ]when p ≥4, and k02 >3, which corresponds top ≥4 and c > p−3p .

First, atγ = 0 we nd that

ω−1,00,01,0 = 0, and

· · ·< ω−3,0< ω−2,0<0< ω2,0< ω3,0<· · ·,


for all values of k02. Next, for γ ∈(0,12]we have

· · ·< ω−3,γ < ω−2,γ < ω0,γ <0< ω−1,γ < ω1,γ < ω2,γ < ω3,γ <· · · , if k02 ≤ 3 whereas for k20 > 3 there are pairs of eigenvalues which collide at certain values of γ. However, it turns out that these collisions do not play a role for our stability result, so we omit the detailed calculations here. We point out that when k20 >3 we have

· · ·< ω−3,γ < ω−2,γ <0< ω1,γ < ω2,γ <· · ·

and ω0,γ <0< ω−1,γ.Then, fork20 ∈(3,4]the positive eigenvaluesiω−1,γ and iω1,γ collide at some γ ∈ (0,12], and all other eigenvalues are distinct. As for the negative eigenvalues, we nd collisions betweeniω0,γ andiω−n,γ, forn≥2, when k02 ≥4. More precisely, there is a sequence

κ2 = 4, κn= (2n2−5) + 2p

(n2−1)(n2−4), n≥3,

such that the eigenvalues iω0,γ and iω−n,γ collide at some γ ∈ (0,12], when k20 ≥κn.

We summarize in the following lemma the properties of the eigenvalues iωn,γ which are needed to locate the spectra ofBa,b,γ in the next section.

Lemma 4.2. Assume k02 >0.

(i) The spectrum of B0,0,γ consists of semi-simple eigenvalues λ= iωn,γ, n∈Z, with associated eigenfunctions en= einz.

(ii) There exist γ0 ∈ (0,12) and C0 > 0 such that for any γ ∈ [0, γ0] we have

n,γ| ≤ ck20

1 + 4k02, n= 0,±1, |ωn,γ| ≥ 4ck20

1 + 4k20, n6= 0,±1, and

n,γ−ωp,γ| ≥C0, ∀p, n∈Z\ {0,±1}.

(iii) Assume k20 ≤ 3. Then for any γ ∈ (0,12) there exists a positive constant C > 0 such that for any γ ∈ [γ,12] we have |ωn,γ −ωp,γ| ≥ C,

∀p, n∈Z.

Together with Lemma 4.1, the result on the location of the eigenvalues of B0,0,γ in Lemma 4.2 is a key ingredient in the perturbation arguments used to locate the spectrum ofBa,b,γ in the next section.

Remark 4.3 (Hamiltonian structure). As is well-known, the gBBM equa- tion possesses a Hamiltonian structure. A consequence of this property is that the linear operator Ba,b decomposes asBa,b=J La,b,where

J =∂x, La,b=c−(1−k2a,bzz)−1(1 + (p+ 1)Pa,bp ).


Similarly, for the Bloch operators we have Ba,b,γ =JγLa,b,γ,with

Jγ=∂x+ iγ, La,b,γ =c−(1−ka,b2 (∂z+ iγ)2)−1(1 + (p+ 1)Pa,bp ).

The operatorsJ andJγare skew-adjoint, whereas the operatorsLa,bandLa,b,γ are self-adjoint. We point out that the symmetry with respect to the imaginary axis of the spectrum of Ba,b,γ can be deduced from this decomposition, as well (e.g., see [15, Proposition 2.5]).

A general result from the theory of Hamiltonian systems shows that for linear operators of this type, upon changing parameters, colliding purely imagi- nary eigenvalues do not leave the imaginary axis when they have the same Krein signatures. In other words, when perturbing an operator with purely imagi- nary spectrum, such asB0,0,γ in our case, eigenvalues may leave the imaginary axis, and so become unstable, only through a collision of purely imaginary eigenvalues with opposite Krein signatures. For the operator B0,0,γ here, the Krein signature of an eigenvalueiωn,γ is given by the sign of the scalar product (L0,0,γeinz,einz),and a direct calculation shows that the eigenvaluesiω0,γ and iω−1,γ have negative Krein signature while all other eigenvalues have positive Krein signature. In the discussion on the location of iωn,γ above, we have detected three types of collisions: of iω0,γ, iω1,γ and iω−1,γ, at γ = 0, of iω1,γ and iω−1,γ, and of iω0,γ and iω−n,γ, n ≥2, at some γ 6= 0, when k02 >3. In all these cases, we nd eigenvalues with opposite Krein signature, which could then leave the imaginary axis under small perturbations. Since this is only a necessary condition, an additional analysis is required in order to detect the eigenvalues which indeed leave the imaginary axis and become unstable (as, for example, the one given in the proof of Proposition 5.1 for the eigenvalues iω0,γ,iω1,γ and iω−1,γ which collide whenγ = 0).

A rigorous proof of this result on colliding eigenvalues, for a general class of Hamiltonian linear operators, including operators with periodic coecients, has been recently given in [15]. Though this result does not directly apply to the operators Ba,b,γ, the method of proof can be adapted to the present situation and used for the proof of Proposition 3.2. However, we rely here on the more direct approach in [10], which does not make explicit use of the Hamiltonian structure of the problem.


In this section, we locate the spectra of the operators Ba,b,γ and prove Proposition 3.2. First, we determine the location of the three eigenvalues which are the continuation of iω0,γ and iω±1,γ for small (a, b), when γ is suciently small (Proposition 5.1). In particular, this will prove the instability result in Proposition 3.2 (ii), for p≥3 and c∈(1, cp)∪(p−3p ,∞). Next, we restrict to


0 < k20 < 3, i.e., speeds c > 1 for 1 ≤ p ≤ 2, and 1 < c < p−3p for p ≥ 3.

We locate the remaining eigenvalues for γ suciently small, and the entire spectrum of Ba,b,γ for γ ∈[γ,12], for some γ ∈(0,12) (Proposition 5.2). This will complete the proof of Proposition 3.2.

We start by considering γ ≈ 0. The result in Lemma 4.2 (ii), together with the perturbation result in Lemma 4.1, provides us with a spectral splitting

σ(Ba,b,γ) =σ1(Ba,b,γ)∪σ2(Ba,b,γ), for Ba,b,γ, with


0; 2ck20 1 + 4k02

, σ2(Ba,b,γ)∩B

0; 3ck02 1 + 4k20


The set σ1(Ba,b,γ) consists of the three eigenvalues which are the continua- tion, for small (a, b), of the eigenvalues iω0,γ, iω±1,γ of B0,0,γ, whereas the set σ2(Ba,b,γ) is the continuation of the eigenvalues iωn,γ, n ∈ Z\ {0,±1}. We determine the location of the three eigenvalues in σ1(Ba,b,γ) in the next proposition.

Proposition 5.1. Assume p ≥ 1 and c > 1. There exist cp > 1 and positive constants γ1 and ε1, such that for any γ ∈ [0, γ1], and (a, b) with k(a, b)k ≤ε1, the following holds.

(i) If 1≤p≤2 then the set σ1(Ba,b,γ) consists of three purely imaginary eigenvalues.

(ii) If p ≥ 3 and c ∈ (cp,p−3p ), then the set σ1(Ba,b,γ) consists of three purely imaginary eigenvalues.

(iii) If p≥ 3 and c ∈(1, cp)∪(p−3p ,∞), then the set σ1(Ba,b,γ) contains one unstable eigenvalue λwith Reλ >0, for suciently small γ =o(|a|).

Proof. We have to locate the three eigenvalues inside σ1(Ba,b,γ), which are the continuation for small (a, b) of the eigenvalues iω0,γ, iω±1,γ of B0,0,γ. We construct a suitable basis for the associated spectral subspace and compute the 3×3 matrix Ma,b,γ representing the action ofBa,b,γ on this space. Then we determine the eigenvalues of this matrix, with the help of the characteristic polynomial.

First, ata=b= 0we have the operatorB0,0,γ, and a basis for the spectral subspace is in this case formed by the eigenvectors 1and e±iz associated with the eigenvalues iω0,γ and iω±1,γ, respectively. For our purpose, it is more convenient to work with the real basis

ξ0 = cos(z), ξ1= sin(z), ξ2 = 1,


in which we then nd the matrix

M0,0,γ =


21,γ−1,γ) 121,γ −ω−1,γ) 0

121,γ−ω−1,γ) 2i1,γ−1,γ) 0

0 0 iω0,γ


Next, atγ = 0we claim that zero is a triple eigenvalue ofBa,b,0, with geometric multiplicity 2. The origin of this eigenvalue is the fact that together with spatial translations we have a three parameter family of periodic waves, Pa,b(·+d).

Indeed, due to the spatial translation invariance of the gBBM equation we have Ba,b,0(∂zPa,b) = 0. Furthermore, dierentiating the equation satised by Pa,b with respect toa we nd

Ba,b,0(∂aPa,b) =c∂a(k2a,b) (1−ka,b2zz)−1z3Pa,b,

and a similar equation is obtained by dierentiating with respect to b. Conse- quently,

Ba,b,0(∂b(ka,b2 )∂aPa,b−∂a(ka,b2 )∂bPa,b) = 0,

which gives a second vector in the kernel of Ba,b,0. Finally, we have Ba,b,0(Pa,b) =p(1−ka,b2zz)−1zPa,b−pc ∂zPa,b, and then a straightforward calculation shows that

Ba,b,0(c∂b(ka,b2 )Pa,b−p k2a,bbPa,b) =pc(1−c)∂b(k2a,b)∂zPa,b.

This gives a principal vector in the generalized kernel of Ba,b,0 and, together with the two vectors above, proves the claim and provides us with a basis for the spectral subspace for γ = 0. Using the expansions of these three vectors for small(a, b), we modify this basis in order to obtain one which is compatible with the basis found at a=b= 0. We take

ξ0 = c

(p+ 1)(c−1)1+1/pb(ka,b2 )∂aPa,b−∂a(ka,b2 )∂bPa,b

= cos(z)−2p−1

6 a+ p+ 1

6 cos(2z)a−2

pcos(z)b+O(a2+b2), ξ1 =− 1

(c−1)1/pa∂zPa,b= sin(z) +p+ 1

6 sin(2z)a+O(a2+b2),

ξ2 = 1

(1 +k02)(c−1)1+1/p c∂b(ka,b2 )Pa,b−p ka,b2bPa,b

= 1 + p+ 1

1 +k02cos(z)a− p+ 1

p(1 +k20)b+O(a2+b2).


In this basis we obtain

Ma,b,0 =

0 0 0

0 0 ma,b

0 0 0

, where

ma,b= pc

1 +k02b(k2a,b)a= (c−1)(p+ 1)

1 +k20 (pa−2ab) +O(|a|(a2+b2)).

The two bases found at a=b= 0 and γ = 0 above, can be extended to a basis for smalla,b, and γ, in which we then have the expansion

Ma,b,γ =M0,0,γ+Ma,b,0+aγM1+bγM2+O(|γ|(a2+b2) +γ2(|a|+|b|)).

For our purposes it is enough to compute the matrix M1 for which, after a lengthy calculation, we nd

M1 =

0 0 2ic(p+ 1)k02

1 +k02

0 0 0

−i 6

ck02(p(k02−3) + 4k02+ 6)

1 +k02 0 0

 .

In order to determine the location of the three eigenvalues ofMa,b,γ we consider the characteristic polynomial

P(λ) =λ3+c2λ2+c1λ+c0,

which has coecients cj depending upon a, b, and γ. Since the spectrum of Ba,b,γ is symmetric with respect to the imaginary axis, it is not dicult to conclude that the coecientsc2 andc0are purely imaginary whereasc1is real.

Furthermore, from the last equality in (3.4) we conclude that the coecients cj of the polynomial P are even functions in a, and from the rst equality in (3.4) we nd that c2 and c0 are odd in γ while c1 is even in γ. Together with the expansion of Ma,b,γ above, these properties imply that the eigenvalues of Ma,b,γ are of the formλ= iγX, withX root of the polynomial

Q(X) =X3+d2X2+d1X+d0,

with real coecients dj which are all even in a and γ. The location of the roots of this polynomial is determined by its discriminant,

a,b,γ = 18d2d1d0+d22d21−4d32d0−4d31−27d20, that we write as

(5.1) ∆a,b,γ = ∆0,b,γ+αa2+O(a2(a2+|b|+γ2)).


Now, notice that at a = 0 the operator Ba,0,γ has constant coecients, and it is then easy to show that it is skew-adjoint. Consequently, the three eigenvalues ofM0,b,γ are purely imaginary, so that∆0,b,γ ≥0. The eigenvalues are obtained, just as for B0,0,γ, from the dispersion relation

ωb(k) =ck0,b2 k3−k 1 +k20,bk2,

by taking k=γ and k=±1 +γ. Then a direct calculation gives (5.2) ∆0,b,γ = 4c6k0,b12(3−k0,b2 )2(3 +k20,b)4

(1 +k0,b2 )8 γ2+O(γ22+|b|)).

Next, from the explicit expansion of Ma,0,γ, using Maple, we also compute, α= 2


(p+ 1)c6k0,b12(3−k20)(3 +k20)3(k20(p+ 4) + 3(2−p))

(1 +k02)7 .

Analyzing the sign of α it is then straightforward to check that α > 0 for 1≤p≤2and for p≥3if c∈(cp,p−3p ), where

cp = p(p+ 4) p2+p+ 6 >1,

and that α < 0 for p ≥ 3 if c ∈(1, cp)∪(p−3p ,∞). From (5.1) and (5.2), we conclude that the discriminant ∆a,b,γ is positive for suciently smalla,b, and γ, when α > 0, and negative for suciently small γ = o(|a|), when α < 0. This completes the proof.

In order to complete the proof of Proposition 3.2, it remains to show that, for 0< k20 <3,

• the set σ2(Ba,b,γ) consists of purely imaginary eigenvalues for su- ciently smallγ and(a, b), and that,

• for any γ ∈ (0,12), the spectrum of Ba,b,γ is purely imaginary for all γ ∈[γ,12], and suciently small (a, b).

(Recall that the set σ2(Ba,b,γ)is the continuation of the eigenvaluesiωn,γ,n∈ Z\ {0,±1} ofB0,0,γ.) The key ingredient here is the result in Lemma 4.2 (ii) (iii), which shows that the distance between any pair of eigenvalues iωn,γ, n∈Z\ {0,±1}, ofB0,0,γ is strictly positive, uniformly for suciently smallγ, and that the same holds for any pair of eigenvalues of B0,0,γ when γ ∈[γ,12]. Together with the perturbation result in Lemma 4.1, this allows us to construct an innite sequence of mutually disjoint balls B(iωn,γ),n∈Z\ {0,±1}, for suciently small γ (resp. n∈ Z, for γ ∈ [γ,12]), with the property that the setσ2(Ba,b,γ)(resp. σ(Ba,b,γ)) is contained in their union, and that inside each ball the operator Ba,b,γ has precisely one simple eigenvalue. The symmetry of the spectrum of Ba,b,γ with respect to the imaginary axis then implies that


this simple eigenvalue is purely imaginary, so that the set σ2(Ba,b,γ) (resp.

σ(Ba,b,γ)) consists of purely imaginary eigenvalues. The proof of this result is the same as the proof of [10, Proposition 4.4], and we therefore only state the precise result here.

Proposition 5.2. Assume 0< k02<3.

(i) There exist positive constants γ2, δ2, and ε2 such that for any γ ∈ [0, γ2]and (a, b) with k(a, b)k ≤ε2, the spectrum σ2(Ba,b,γ) satises

σ2(Ba,b,γ) ⊂ [



where the closed balls B(iωn,γ2) are mutually disjoints. Inside each ball B(iωn,γ2), the operator Ba,b,γ has precisely one purely imaginary eigenvalue.

(ii) Fixγ∈(0,12). Then there exist positive constantsδ >0andε >0 such that for any γ ∈[γ,12]and any (a, b) with k(a, b)k ≤ε, the spectrum of Ba,b,γ satises

σ(Ba,b,γ)⊂ [



and the closed balls B(iωn,γ) are mutually disjoints. Inside each ball B(iωn,γ), the operator Ba,b,γ has precisely one eigenvalue, which is purely imaginary.

Appendix A. THE BLOCH-WAVE DECOMPOSITION The key observation in the proof of Lemma 3.1 is that the spectral prob- lem (λ− Aa,b)V =F is equivalent to

(A.1) (λDa,b− Ma,b)V =G, G=Da,bF, where

Da,b= 1−ka,b2zz, Ma,b=ka,bz −cka,b2zz + (c−1)−(p+ 1)Pa,bp . Here,Da,bandMa,bare dierential operators with2π-periodic coecients, and we can use the Floquet theory in order to solve (A.1). We prove the following result, which implies Lemma 3.1.

Proposition A.1. LetX =L2(R) or X=Cb(R). Assume λ∈C. The following statements are equivalent:

(i) λbelongs to the spectrum of the closed operator Aa,b acting inX; (ii) the closed operatorλDa,b− Ma,b acting inX is not invertible;

(iii) there exists a nonzero function V ∈ Cb3(R) of the form V(z) = W(z)eiγz, with W being a 2π-periodic function, and some γ ∈ (−12,12] such that (λDa,b− Ma,b)V = 0;


(iv) there exists γ ∈ (−12,12] such that λ belongs to the spectrum of the closed operator Aa,b,γ acting inL2per(0,2π).

Proof. First, since the operatorDa,bis invertible in bothL2(R)andCb(R), we conclude that (i)⇔(ii). Next, a direct calculation and a bootstrapping argument show that (iii) holds if and only if the kernel of λ− Aa,b,γ is not trivial. The operator Aa,b,γ acting in L2per(0,2π) has compactly embedded domain Hper1 (0,2π)and, therefore, it has compact resolvent. Consequently, its spectrum consists of isolated eigenvalues, and in particular λ belongs to its spectrum if and only if the operator λ− Aa,b,γ has a nontrivial kernel. This shows (iii)⇔(iv).

Assume now that (iii) holds. Then the operatorλDa,b− Ma,b= 0has a non trivial kernel inCb(R), which implies (ii) whenX=Cb(R). ForX=L2(R) we use a truncation argument. Consider a smooth positive cut-o function χ:R→Rsuch thatχ(z) = 1 for|z| ≤1and χ(z) = 0 for|z| ≥2. Set

Vn(z) =χ(z/2πn)V(z) =χ(z/2πn)W(z)eiγz.

Then a direct calculation shows that there exist positive constants C >0 and c >0 such that

kVnk2L2(R)= Z


χ z

2πn 2

|W(z)|2dz≥ Z


|W(z)|2dz≥cn and

k(λDa,b−Ma,b)Vnk2L2(R)= Z


(λDa,b−Ma,b) χ z




dz≤C n. This implies that λDa,b− Ma,b does not have a bounded inverse in L2(R), so that (ii) holds when X=L2(R), as well.

Finally, we prove (ii)⇒(iii). We start by rewriting equation (A.1) as a rst order system

(A.2) d


where v = (V, Vz, Vzz), g = (0,0, G/cka,b3 ), and M(z) is a 3×3 matrix with 2π-periodic coecients, namely,

M(z) = 1 ck3a,b

0 ck3a,b 0

0 0 cka,b3

−λ−(p+1)ka,bz(Pa,bp ) ka,b(c−1−(p+1)Pa,bp ) λka,b2

 .

(We do not explicitly indicate the dependence uponλ,a, andb, for notational simplicity.) According to the Floquet theory for dierential equations with


periodic coecients, any solution of the homogeneous dierential equation as- sociated with (A.2) is of the form

v(z) =Q(z) eCzv(0),

whereQ(z)is a3×3matrix with2π-periodic coecients andCa3×3matrix with constant coecients. The eigenvaluesν of Care the Floquet exponents.

Assume that (iii) does not hold. Then the matrixChas no purely imag- inary Floquet exponents, and the matrix Q(z) is invertible for any z. Set v(z) =Q(z)w(z), so that system (A.2) becomes



Using the variation of constant formula, one concludes that for anyg∈Cb(R) this equation has a unique bounded solution given by

(A.3) w(z) = Z z


eC(z−ζ)PsQ(ζ)−1g(ζ)dζ− Z


eC(z−ζ)PuQ(ζ)−1g(ζ)dζ, where Pu and Ps are the spectral projectors associated with the eigenvalues of C which have positive and negative real parts, respectively. Going back to equation (A.1) it is now easy to check that it has a unique solution V ∈ Cb3(R) for G∈Cb(R), so that the operator λDa,b− Ma,b :Cb3(R) →Cb0(R) is invertible. Furthermore, the same variation of constant formula allows to show that wgiven by (A.3) is the unique solution inH1(R) of (A.2) forg∈L2(R), whence we conclude that the operator λDa,b − Ma,b : H3(R) → L2(R) is invertible, as well. These prove that (ii)⇒(iii), which completes the proof.

Remark A.2. The proof of Proposition A.1 can be easily generalized to operators of the form A=D−1M, where Dand M are dierential operators with periodic coecients, andD is invertible.


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Received 31 March 2008 Université de Franche-Comté Laboratoire de Mathématiques

16 Route de Gray 25030 Besançon, France mharagus@univ-fcomte.fr


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