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[PDF] Formation JEE cours complet avec exemples | Cours PDF


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Developing for the J2EE Tomcat Platform

Table of Contents


Java Server Pages




Tag Libraries


Introduction to Struts


Advanced Struts


Enterprise JavaBeans


A Case Study


Chapter 1. Introduction to J2EE

Servlets and Java Server Pages

What is J2EE?

Java Server Pages

Java Servlets: A bit of history

JSP Syntax

An Example with JBoss and Tomcat

MyGreeting: A simple web application



After completing this chapter, the student will be able to

explain Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSPs) and their roles in

developing web applications.

have JBoss deploy with the Tomcat container in an integrated virtual


create JSPs for use in systems producing dynamically generated



The student will need to be famliar with web browsers, an understanding of

HTML, and familiarity with Java and its use in programming.


This chapter is presented to provide an understanding of the role that Servlets

and Java Server Pages play in the web application development process and

to understand what J2EE is.

What is J2EE?

J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) is a specification for developing enterprise and

distributed applications from JavaSoft (Sun Microsystems). J2EE is not one thing; it

encompasses a large set of technologies:

JavaServer Pages (JSP)


Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)



support for XML

Java Messaging

Java Transaction Support


Java support for CORBA

In this course, we will talk about JSP, servlets, EJB, JDBC, and touch on JNDI.

What can using these technologies accomplish?

J2EE is useful for creating web applications like Yahoo! Mail, a web-based stock trading

system such as E*TRADE, or an online auction house like eBay. Anytime there is a need

for many people to access a collection of data in a distributed manner, an implementation

of the J2EE specification can provide a solution.

Where is J2EE?

Since J2EE is a specification, it isn't located anywhere. Instead vendors make their

products adhere to the J2EE specification.

Examples of the vendors offering J2EE compliant products are

Netscape/AOL iPlanet

BEA WebLogic

IBM WebSphere

The JBoss Group's JBoss

In this course, we will concentrate on JBoss, which is a free, open-source J2EE server.

The JBoss server itself is written in Java, so it can run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X,

Solaris, or any other platform which fully supports the Java virtual machine.


Java Server Pages (JSP) are Sun's solution to the generation of dynamic HTML. With

JSPs, you can generate HTML on the fly, which is important because

the content of the HTML may depend upon user submitted data

the information represented by the HTML is dynamic by nature

the HTML may be customizable on a per user basis

JSPs are HTML-like pages that can contain a mixture of HTML tags, data, and Java code.

Here is an example of a JSP that contains a simple for loop to count to 10:


<%@ page language="java" %> <HTML>

<BODY> <%

for (int counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++) { %>

<%= counter %> Mississippi,<BR> <%

} %>

<B>Ready or not, here I come!</B> </BODY>


We then deploy this on a web server that knows how to handle JSPs. (We'll see how to

deploy it later in this chapter.) The JSP will be mapped to a specific web address on that

server, and when a user comes along and types in that web address, the web server will

find this JSP, dynamically compile the Java code in it, run it, merge it with the HTML

tags that are interspersed around the Java code, and output an HTML page back to the

user's browser. The generated HTML will look like this:

<HTML> <BODY> 1 Mississippi,<BR> 2 Mississippi,<BR> 3 Mississippi,<BR> 4 Mississippi,<BR>


5 Mississippi,<BR> 6 Mississippi,<BR> 7 Mississippi,<BR> 8 Mississippi,<BR> 9 Mississippi,<BR> 10 Mississippi,<BR>

<B>Ready or not, here I come!</B> </BODY>


Java Servlets: A bit of history

Servlets are pure Java objects that generate HTML by writing it to a stream. The files do

not contain any HTML tags; they simply contain Java code which write out HTML (as

strings) to produce the page that is sent to the user's browser. Historically, this used to be

the only way to generate dynamic content in Java, but it is quite painful to develop any

large scale application with a bunch of servlets running around doing println()

statements. This is why Sun invented JSPs in the first place: to compete with the

ease-of-development of Microsoft's ASP files, which could -- you guessed it -- mix HTML tags

and code in a single file.

JSPs and servlets are two different ways to accomplish the same goal: generating

dynamic HTML pages using Java code. One puts Java code in your HTML, and one puts

HTML in your Java code. Functionally, they are equivalent. In fact, under the covers, the

web server takes a JSP and converts it to the corresponding servlet and dynamically

compiles it.

Here is a Java servlet that produces the same content as the JSP we just saw above:


import javax.servlet.*; import java.io.*;

import java.util.*;

public class SimpleServlet extends GenericServlet { public void service(ServletRequest request,

ServletResponse response)

throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html");



printWriter pw = response.getWriter(); pw.println("<HTML>");


for(int counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++) { pw.println(counter + " Mississippi, <BR>"); }

pw.println("<B>Ready or not, here I come!</B>"); pw.println("</BODY>");

pw.println("</HTML>"); pw.close();

} }

You can still write Java servlets manually if you want to, and many people still swear by

them. However, JSPs are more flexible, and as we'll see in later chapters, can be

combined with other features to create a powerful templating engine. We will not be

writing servlets in this course, although we will see them sneak in behind the scenes in

chapter 4.

JSP Syntax


JSPs live in an object called a container, which is essentially a server. JSPs can define

information for the container with directives.

Here is what directives look like in a general form:

<%@ directive attribute="someValue" attribute="anotherValue" ... %>

There are three directives:

 <%@ page ... %> specifies information that affects the page

 <%@ include ... %> includes a file at the location of the include directive


 <%@ taglib ... %> allows the use of custom tags in the page

<%@ page language="java" %> will always be the first line of every JSP file.


Declarations are used to specify supplemental methods and variables. You can think of

these are the page's private functions; they can only be called by the JSP where they are

defined, or by another JSP that includes it (using the <@ include > directive).


Here is a sample declaration:


// this integer can be used anywhere in this JSP page private int myVariable = -1;

// this function can be called from anywhere in this JSP page public boolean isPositive() {

return ( myVariable > 0 ); }



Scriptlets are bits of Java code. They can do anything (the full power of Java is available

in every JSP), but they will most likely concentrate on generating HTML code or setting

up variables to be part of later expressions (see below).

The first JSP we saw above, counter.jsp, contained a scriptlet with a for loop.


Expressions are special-purpose mini-scriptlets used for evaluating expressions. This

could be something as simple as outputting the value of a variable, or a more complicated

Java expression, like calling a function and outputting the result.

The JSP example counter.jsp also contained an expression:

<%= counter %>

Note that counter is defined as an int, but we do not need to explicitly convert it to a

string. Expressions are implicitly converted to strings when they are output. (The

println() function works the same way; it can take pretty much anything and print it.

That makes sense if you think about it. Remember that JSPs automatically get converted

to Java servlets under the covers. So an expression like this in a JSP file is converted to a

println statement in a servlet that you never see. So anything println can print, an

expression can contain, without any explicit conversion.)

An Example with JBoss and Tomcat

Now lets create a web application using JBoss with Tomcat. JBoss is an open-sourced

J2EE server from the JBoss Group (


). It provides support for integrating

Tomcat, which is the open-sourced Servlet and JSP engine from the Apache Group's

Jakarta project (




Note: If JBoss with Tomcat is not already installed, the instructor will provide assistance

with getting it installed.

The files for a J2EE web application are placed in a web application archive file (.war

extension). Inside the web application archive are JSPs, HTML pages, .properties files,

XML configuration files, images, and class files, as well as any customized data files that

might need to be included. At a minimum, the web application archive will consist of a

WEB-INF folder at the top level. Inside the WEB-INF folder will be a web.xml file. The web.xml file provides the J2EE server with information specific to the web application

contained in the same web application archive. For example, it provides the name for the

default page to serve, if one is not specified.

MyGreeting: A simple web application

Do this:

1. Create a directory named MyGreeting

2. Within the MyGreeting directory, create a subdirectory named WEB-INF

(capitalization matters, so be precise, and that's a dash, not an underscore)


MyGreeting | +-- HelloWorld.jsp (*) | +-- WEB-INF | +-- web.xml (*) (*) denotes a file

3. Create a JSP file named MyGreeting/HelloWorld.jsp

4. Add the following text to the HelloWorld.jsp file:


<%@ page language="java" %> <HTML>

<BODY> <%

for (int counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++) { %>



Hello World!<BR> <% } %> </BODY> </HTML>

5. Create the web.xml file in MyGreeting/WEB-INF/web.xml

6. Add the following text to web.xml:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE web-app

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd">

<web-app> </web-app>

7. Drop to a command line and change to MyGreeting directory

8. Create the web application archive using the command-line jar utility:

c:\j2ee\code\Chapter1\MyGreeting> jar cvf MyGreeting.war *.jsp WEB-INF

9. Copy MyGreeting.war to the deploy folder in your JBoss installation:

c:\j2ee\code\Chapter1\MyGreeting> copy MyGreeting.war c:\j2ee\jboss\deploy\

10. Start JBoss by running the run.bat script provided in the bin folder of the JBoss

installation. Because JBoss relies on relative paths to set up its CLASSPATH, this

is a two-step process. First, change to the jboss/bin/ directory, then execute

run.bat. Also, be sure to specify the tomcat argument on the command line so

that it also starts the Tomcat servlet engine.


c:\j2ee\code\Chapter1\MyGreeting> cd c:\j2ee\jboss\bin\ c:\j2ee\jboss\bin> run.bat tomcat

11. Open a web browser and go to



Exercise 1. Current time

Create a web application that displays the current time in a web page. Provide a link

inside the web page to reload the page with the an updated time. Use JSPs in order to

produce the dynamic content.



What is Scope?

Every JSP has 5 implicit objects

The request-response cycle

A JSP using the





Three parts of a web application

A JSP using the




, and


implicit objects

Using Java Classes with JSP

FirstBean: a simple JavaBean

Accessor and mutator methods

SecondBean: a JavaBean with accessor and mutator methods

What is Persistence?

SerializableBean: a JavaBean with Persistence



After completing this chapter, the student will be able to

explain scope.

discuss implicit objects.

make a JavaBean.


In order to complete this chapter successfully, the student must have

a basic understanding of the request-response cycle.

an understanding of JSP directives (<%@), scriptlets (<%), expressions

(<%=), and declarations (<%!).

a basic understanding of how to construct a JSP.


The purpose of this chapter is to provide the student with the necessary

information about implicit objects and JavaBeans.

What is Scope?

Scope is the idea that an object belongs to a certain part of an application. The five main

scopes of a web application are request, response, page, session, and application. This

means that an object may be a part of a request, a response, an individual page, a session,

or an instance of the application. For example, if we said, "the employee object has

session scope," we would mean that the employee object only existed within a certain



This section discusses the implicit objects that represent the request, response, page,

session, and application scopes. In JSPs, implicit objects are created by the JSP

environment, so the developer does not need to initialize an implicit object. Implicit

objects can only be used in JSP scriptlets and expressions.

Implicit object Description


The ServletRequest or HttpServletRequest being serviced


The Servlet Response or HttpServletResponse that will receive the

generated HTML output


The PageContext object for this page. This object is a central respiratory

for attribute data for the page, request , session and application


If the Jsp Page uses an HttpSession, it is availabele here under the name



The Servlet context Object


The character output stream used to generate the output HTML


The Servletconfig object for this servlet context


A Reference to the jsp page itself.


An uncaught exception that causes the error page to be invoked.this

variable is available only to pages with isErrorpage=”true”

The request-response cycle

A very basic, generic request-response cycle consists of two parts. The request is where

the client asks for data from the server, and response is where the server sends data to the


Capabilities of the





In JSPs, the request-response cycle is represented mainly by the request and response

objects. The request object handles the information sent from the client and the


Methods involved in the request

return type method name


HttpSession getSession()

returns the session associated with

the request

String getHeader(String headerName)

returns the value associated with the

header name of the request

Enumeration getHeaderNames()

returns all the header names

associated with a request

Cookie[] getCookies()

returns the cookies associated with a


Object getAttribute(String attributeName)

returns the object that is paired with

an attribute's name

void setAttribute(String nameOfTheAttribute, Object valueOfTheAttribute)

sets an attribute named

nameOfTheAttribute to the value of valueOfTheAttribute

Methods involved in the response



method name


void addCookie(Cookie cookie)

adds the specified cookie to the


void addHeader(String headerName, Stringvalue)

adds the header to the response

void sendError(int statusCode) throws IOException

sends a predefined error message

back to the client

void sendRedirect(String newURL) throws IOException

redirects the client browser to a

different URL

A JSP using the






<%@ page language="java" %> <HTML>



character encoding = <%= response.getCharacterEncoding() %> <br/><br/>

Headers <br/><br/>

<% java.util.Enumeration headerNames = request.getHeaderNames(); while(headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {

String headerName = (String)headerNames.nextElement(); String header = (String)request.getHeader(headerName); %> <%= headerName %> = <%=header%> <br/> <% } %> </BODY> </HTML>

Three parts of a web application

Information in a web application can be stored in the application scope, the session scope,

and the page scope. The page scope refers to all information that only pertains to a

specific instance of a given page. The server keeps the page-specific information as long

as the page exists. The session scope contains information pertaining to a session

instance. The application scope contains information that is available to all sessions in the

application, as long as the application is running.








A programmer can access information stored in the page, the session, and the application

scope, using the pageContext, session, and application objects, respectively.


return type

method name


Object findAttribute(String attributeName)

searches the page, session,

application and request scopes for

an attribute named attributeName - it

returns the attribute or null, if the

attribute does not exist

Object getAttribute(String attributeName)

returns the object that is paired with an

attribute's name

void setAttribute(String nameOfTheAttribute, Object valueOfTheAttribute)

sets an attribute named

nameOfTheAttribute to the value of valueOfTheAttribute

HttpServletRequest getRequest()

returns the request object associated

with the page

HttpServletResponse getResponse()

returns the response object associated

with the page






method name


Object getAttribute(String attributeName)

returns the object that is paired with an

attribute named attributeName

void setAttribute(String nameOfTheAttribute, Object valueOfTheAttribute)

sets an attribute named

nameOfTheAttribute to the value of valueOfTheAttribute

String[] getAttributeNames()

returns an array of the names of the

attributes for a given session




return type method name


Object getAttribute(String attributeName)

returns the object that is paired with

an attribute's name

void setAttribute(String nameOfTheAttribute, Object valueOfTheAttribute)

sets an attribute named

nameOfTheAttribute to the value of valueOfTheAttribute

Enumeration getAttributeNames()

returns an array of the names of the

attributes for a given application


Here is a JSP that uses the pageContext, session, and application implicit objects.


<%@ page language="java" %>

<% if (pageContext.getAttribute("pageCount")==null) {

pageContext.setAttribute("pageCount", new Integer(0)); } if (session.getAttribute("sessionCount")==null) { session.setAttribute("sessionCount",new Integer(0)); } if (application.getAttribute("appCount")==null) { application.setAttribute("appCount",new Integer(0)); } %> <HTML> <BODY>

<% Integer count = (Integer)pageContext.getAttribute("pageCount"); pageContext.setAttribute("pageCount", new


Integer count2 = (Integer)session.getAttribute("sessionCount"); session.setAttribute("sessionCount",new


Integer count3 = (Integer)application.getAttribute("appCount"); application.setAttribute("appCount",new

Integer(count3.intValue()+1)); %>

Page Count = <%= pageContext.getAttribute("pageCount")%>

<br/>Session count = <%= session.getAttribute("sessionCount")%> <br/>Application count = <%= application.getAttribute("appCount")%> <br/>Time = <%= new java.sql.Time(System.currentTimeMillis()) %> </BODY>


Using Java Classes with JSP

Not all the code for a JSP needs to be written in the JSP itself. In fact, in good coding

practice no code should be found in the JSP. This provides greater separation between the

clients' view of the application and the logic of the application. Separation between logic

and presentation means a more easily modifiable application.

jsp:useBean creates an instance of a specified class that is usable in a JSP. The instance

of a Java class in a JSP is commonly referred to as a bean or a JavaBean. In order to

create an instance, named greeter, of a custom class named Greetings with a package

named thePackage, a JSP must state the following:


<jsp:useBean id="greeter" class="thePackage.Greetings" scope="session" />

The scope attribute specifies whether the instantiated object has a page, session, or

application scope. The JSP can then make calls to the object's methods in scriptlets and/or


<% greeter.setNameOfPersonToBeGreeted("Jill"); greeter.setLanguage("Spanish"); %> <%= greeter.sayHello() %> <%= greeter.sayGoodBye() %>

Naming Confusion: Two Types of JavaBeans

It is important to distinguish between a JavaBean used in a GUI development tool and a

JavaBean used in a server-side application. This chapter discusses the later type of

JavaBean. A JavaBean, or sometimes just called a bean, is basically an instance of a Java

class. The two main characteristics of a server-side JavaBean are that accessor and

mutator methods should be provided for all properties in the Java class and that the

JavaBean may be persistent.

JavaBeans are normally deployed as part of a package. For this chapter, we will put our

JavaBeans in the com.masslight.beans package.

When deploying a JavaBean as part of a web application, the package structure is

recreated as a nested directory structure within the WEB-INF/classes/ directory. So our

com.masslight.beans package will become the directory path

WEB-INF/classes/com/masslight/beans/, and our Java classes will go inside that


FirstBean: a simple JavaBean

Do this:

1. Create the following directory structure. Create a FirstBean directory to hold all

of the files for this web application, then within that, create a WEB-INF directory,

then within that create a classes directory, then com, then masslight, then

beans. Whew!



FirstBean | +-- beanExample.jsp (*) | +-- WEB-INF | +-- web.xml (*) | +-- classes | +-- com | +-- masslight | +-- beans | +-- GreeterBean.java (*) (*) denotes a file

2. Create the JSP in the FirstBean directory:


<%@ page language="java" %> <html>

<head><title>Hello Example</title></head> <body>

<jsp:useBean id="greeter" class="com.masslight.beans.GreeterBean" scope="session"/>

<%= greeter.sayHello() %> </body>


3. Create the web.xml file in the WEB-INF directory:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE web-app

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd">

<web-app> </web-app>


4. Create the Java file in the FirstBean/WEB-INF/classes/com/masslight/beans


package com.masslight.beans; public class GreeterBean { public String sayHello() { return("Hello, World!"); }


5. Change to the beans directory and compile the Java file with javac, Sun's

command-line Java compiler:

c:\j2ee\code\Chapter2\FirstBean\WEB-INF\classes\com\masslight\beans> javac *.java

6. Change back to the FirstBean directory and create the .war file, using the jar

utility like you did in the previous chapter

c:\j2ee\code\Chapter2\FirstBean> jar cvf FirstBean.war *.jsp WEB-INF

7. Deploy the web application by copying the .war file to the JBoss deployment


c:\j2ee\code\Chapter2\FirstBean> copy FirstBean.war c:\j2ee\jboss\deploy\

8. Test the application by going to


Accessor and mutator methods

JavaBeans require properties to have accessor and mutator methods. A property is another

name for a class-wide variable. Accessors provide a standardized way of accessing the

value of a property. Mutators provide a standard way to modify the value of a property. In

fact, it is good coding practice to provide and use accessor and mutator methods for

properties in all Java classes. To make the accessor and mutator methods for a property,

the standard practice is to prepend the name of the property with the word 'get' for the

get method name and 'set' for the set method name. In the accessor and mutator methods'

names, the property name is capitalized, though the property's name should be declared in

the lower case. An example of the accessor and mutator methods for a simple variable of


type variable_type and name exampleVariable would be:

public void setExampleVariable(variable_type value) public variable_type getExampleVariable()

If the variable_type is boolean, the set method would be the same and the get method

would be:

public boolean isExampleVariable()

If the property is an array, then the getter and setter methods are:

public variable_type[] getExampleVariable()

public variable_type getExampleVariable(int location_in_array) public void setExampleVariable(variable_type[])

public void setExampleVariable(int location_in_array, variable_type value)

SecondBean: a JavaBean with accessor and mutator methods

Do this:

1. Create the directory structure. Create a SecondBean directory to hold all the files

for this web application. Within SecondBean, the directory structure is the same

as it was for FirstBean.


SecondBean | +-- beanExample.jsp (*) | +-- WEB-INF | +-- web.xml (*) | +-- classes | +-- com | +-- masslight | +-- beans




+-- NumberBean.java (*) (*) denotes a file

2. Create the JSP in the SecondBean directory:


<%@ page language="java" %>

<jsp:useBean id="number" class="com.masslight.beans.NumberBean" scope="session"/>


<head><title>Second Bean Example</title></head> <body>

JavaBean state starts at <%= number.getIntegerProperty() %> <% number.setIntegerProperty(2); %>

<br> JavaBean state is now <%= number.getIntegerProperty() %> </body>


3. Create the web.xml file in WEB-INF


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE web-app

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd">

<web-app> </web-app>

4. Create the Java file in WEB-INF/classes/com/masslight/beans/


package com.masslight.beans; public class NumberBean {



private int integerProperty = 1; public int getIntegerProperty() { return integerProperty;


public void setIntegerProperty(int newInteger) { integerProperty = newInteger;

} }

5. Compile the Java classes, in the same way you did with FirstBean

6. Create the .war file, in the same way you did with FirstBean. Call it


7. Deploy the web application by copying SecondBean.war to the JBoss

deployment directory

8. Test the application at


What is Persistence?

The properties of a bean can be saved and then retrieved at a later time - in other words, a

bean can be persistent. In order to be persistent, a JavaBean needs to implement the

java.io.Serializable interface. The java.io.Serializable interface does not have

any methods to implement. It is used to indicate that the class that implements it can be

saved and retrieved. To learn how to save and retrieve a bean, please look at the

following example.

SerializableBean: a JavaBean with Persistence

Do this:

1. Create the directory structure. Create a SerializableBean directory; within that,

the structure is the same as FirstBean and SecondBean.


SerializableBean |



+-- firstPage.jsp (*) | +-- secondPage.jsp (*) | +-- WEB-INF | +-- web.xml (*) | +-- classes | +-- com | +-- masslight | +-- beans | +-- SerializableBean.java (*) (*) denotes a file

2. Create 2 JSPs in the SerialiableBean directory:


<%@ page language="java" %>

<jsp:useBean id="theBean" class="com.masslight.beans.SerializableBean" scope="page" />


<title>Serialized bean, Page One</title> <body> <br> <%= theBean.getIntegerProperty() %> <% theBean.setIntegerProperty(8+theBean.getIntegerProperty()); %> <br> <%= theBean.getIntegerProperty() %> <% theBean.save(theBean, "theBeanFile.ser"); %> <br> <a href="http://localhost:8080/SerializableBean/secondPage.jsp">click here</a> </body> </html>



<%@ page language="java" %>

<jsp:useBean id="saver" class="com.masslight.beans.SerializableBean" scope="session"/>


<title>Serialized bean, Page Two</title> <body> <% com.masslight.beans.SerializableBean anotherBean = (com.masslight.beans.SerializableBean)saver.retrieve("theBeanFile.ser"); %> <%= anotherBean.getIntegerProperty() %> <br> <% anotherBean.setIntegerProperty(8+ anotherBean.getIntegerProperty()); %> <%= anotherBean.getIntegerProperty() %> </body> </html>

3. Create the web.xml file in WEB-INF


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE web-app

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd">

<web-app> </web-app>

4. Create the Java file in WEB-INF/classes/com/masslight/beans/


package com.masslight.beans; import java.beans.*; import java.io.Serializable; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream;



import java.io.ObjectInputStream;

public class SerializableBean implements Serializable { private int integerProperty=8;

public int getIntegerProperty() { return integerProperty;


public void setIntegerProperty(int newInteger) { integerProperty= newInteger;


public boolean save(Object object, String file_name) { boolean status = true;


FileOutputStream fos; ObjectOutputStream oos;

fos = new FileOutputStream(file_name); oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); oos.writeObject(object);

oos.close(); }

catch (Exception e) { status = false;

System.out.println("Error with saving: " + e.toString()); }

return status; }

public Object retrieve(String file_name) { Object object = new Object();

try {

FileInputStream fis; ObjectInputStream ois;

fis = new FileInputStream(file_name); ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis); object = ois.readObject();

ois.close(); }

catch (Exception e) {

System.out.println("Error with retrieval: " + e.toString()); }

return object; }}

5. Compile the Java file.

6. Create SerializableBean.war

7. Deploy



Exercise 1. Application vs. session

Make a JSP that displays the last time it was ever hit by anyone, and the last time it has

been hit by you personally. If it has never been hit by anyone before, it should display

"This application has never been used before." If this is your first time, it should display

"This is your first time using this application." (Hint: use the application and session


Exercise 2. Calculator

Make a JavaBean that does simple arithmetic. The application should consist of a JSP

page and a JavaBean. The JavaBean should provide methods, that given two numbers,

produce the sum, the difference, the product, and the quotient. The JavaBean should then

produce output for the JSP similar to the following screen shot. The calls to the JavaBean

methods from the JSP should look like this:

<%= calculator.add(1, 1) %><br> <%= calculator.subtract(4, 2) %><br> <%= calculator.multiply(4, 5) %><br> <%= calculator.divide(30, 6) %>


Chapter 3.

Tag Libraries

What Are Tags?

Using Tags in JSP

SimpleTag: a simple tag-based web application

Tag Attributes

AttributeTag: using attributes in tag libraries

Using Scope Objects in Tags



After completing this chapter, the student will be able to

make a simple custom tag.

make a complex custom tag.


In order to complete this chapter successfully, the student must understand

JSP directives.

how to construct a JSP.

how to construct and call JavaBeans.


The purpose of this chapter is to provide the student with the necessary

information about tags and tag libraries.

What Are Tags?

Tags provide another way for a JSP developer to separate the presentation of an

application from the logic of the application. The implementation of a tag differs from the

implementation of a JavaBean. A tag's class must implement methods unique to tag

classes in order for the tag to be executed properly in the JSP. Also, the tags in an

application require a tag library descriptor XML file that contains information about each

of the tags. A tag class extends javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport or


Using Tags in JSP

In a Java Server Page, a tag is initialized with a declaration that looks like this:

<%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/lib/tag_library_name.tld" prefix="prefix_name" %>


The tag_library_name.tld, used in the declaration of the tag, is the name of the tag

library that has the information about the tag called tag_name. In JBoss, the

tag_library_name.tld must be located in the /WEB-INF/lib pathway in order to be

located by the JBoss engine. To use a very simple tag in the JSP:


A tag can contain a body:


this is called the body of the tag </prefix_name:tag_name>

A tag can also have attributes:

<prefix_name:tag_name attributeOne="hey" />

Creating a simple tag class

the class should extend javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport

should override the method called public int doStartTag() extends

JspTagException {

can override the method called public int doEndTag() extends

JspTagException {

usually does not need to override public void release()


SKIP_BODY is returned at the end of doStartTag to tell the JSP to not output the content

contained in the body of the tag. The EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE is returned at the end of the

doStartTag if the content in the body of the tag should be outputted. The SKIP_PAGE is

returned from the doEndTag to tell the JSP to skip the rest of the content of the JSP, while

the EVAL_PAGE signifies that the JSP should evaluate the rest of the contents of the page.

The default values returned are SKIP_BODY and EVAL_PAGE.


Called when the open tag is read in the JSP - returns either SKIP_BODY



Called when the close tag is called in the JSP - returns either SKIP_PAGE



Called when the JSP is finished with the tag - resets the state of the tag


The tag library descriptor file helps a JSP map a tag to a Java class. It is an XML file with

a .tld suffix.

Elements used in the .tld file to describe tags:


signifies that a tag library will be described - required


the tag library version - required


the version of JSP that will be used


the name of the tag library - required


the Uniform Resource Identifier for the tag library


the comment tag for the developer


signifies that a tag located in the taglib will be described - see

following table for elements of a tag

Elements used in the tag tag:


the name of the tag - required


the path information to the tag's class - required


the path information of the subclass of TagExtraInfo - this is not

discussed in this chapter


specifies the content type of the tag - can be empty, JSP, or

tagdependent - empty means that the tag has no body, JSP means

that there is a body that can interpreted as JSP, and tagdependent

means that the tag will interpret the body as non-JSP content


for comments


signifies that an attribute of the tag will be described - see

following table

Elements used in the attribute tag


the name of the attribute that the tag might need in the declaration

- required


boolean value to specify if the attribute is required - can be either

true or false


specifies if the attribute can take a scriptlet expression as a value,

which allows the attribute's value to determined when the attribute

is set - if this element is not specified, the value is false - can be

either true or false


SimpleTag: a simple tag-based web application

Do this:

1. Create the directory structure. Create a SimpleTag directory, then create the usual

WEB-INF and classes, then create the directory structure that represents the

package structure, which in this example is



SimpleTag | +-- tagExample.jsp (*) | +-- build.xml (*) | +-- WEB-INF | +-- web.xml (*) | +-- tagExampleLib.tld (*) | +-- classes | +-- com | +-- masslight | +-- tagExampleClasses | +-- HelloWorldTag.java (*) (*) denotes a file

2. Create the JSP in the SimpleTag directory


<%@ page language="java" %> <!-- declare the tag -->

<%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/tagExampleLib.tld" prefix="greeter" %> <html>


<!-- use the tag --> <greeter:Hello/> </body>


3. Create the web.xml file in WEB-INF


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE web-app

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd"> <web-app> <taglib> <taglib-uri>/WEB-INF/tagExampleLib.tld</taglib-uri> <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/tagExampleLib.tld</taglib-location> </taglib> </web-app>

4. Create the Java file in WEB-INF/classes/com/masslight/tagExampleClasses/


package com.masslight.tagExampleClasses; import javax.servlet.jsp.*; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*; import java.io.*;

public class HelloWorldTag extends javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport { public int doStartTag() throws JspException {

try {

pageContext.getOut().print("Hello, World!"); } catch (Exception ex) {

throw new JspException("IO problems"); }

return SKIP_BODY; }


5. Create the tag library descriptor file in WEB-INF. This maps each tag used in

tagExample.jsp to a specific Java class, which in this example is





<!DOCTYPE taglib

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-jsptaglib_1_1.dtd"> <taglib> <tlibversion>1.0</tlibversion> <jspversion>1.1</jspversion> <shortname>utility</shortname> <info>

A simple tag library for the examples </info> <tag> <name>Hello</name> <tagclass>com.masslight.tagExampleClasses.HelloWorldTag</tagclass> <bodycontent>empty</bodycontent> <info>

Print Hello World </info>

</tag> </taglib>

6. Finally, add the build.xml file, which we will use to automate building and

deploying the web application. build.xml goes in the root SimpleTag directory,

next to the JSPs.


<project name="SimpleTag" default="dist" basedir="."> <!-- set global properties for this build -->

<property environment="env"/> <property name="top" value="."/> <property name="src" value="."/>

<property name="build" value="build"/> <property name="dist" value="dist"/>

<property name="war_dir" value="${dist}/lib"/>

<property name="war_file" value="${war_dir}/SimpleTag.war"/> <property name="webinf" value="${top}/WEB-INF"/>

<property name="web.xml" value="${webinf}/web.xml"/> <property name="classes" value="${webinf}/classes"/> <property name="lib" value="${top}/WEB-INF/lib"/> <property name="servlet.jar" value="$


<property name="deploy" value="${env.JBOSS_HOME}/deploy"/> <target name="clean">



<delete dir="${build}"/> <delete dir="${dist}"/> <delete dir="${war_dir}"/> </target> <target name="init">

<!-- Create the build directory structure used by compile and dist -->

<mkdir dir="${build}"/> <mkdir dir="${dist}"/> <mkdir dir="${war_dir}"/> </target>

<target name="compile" depends="init">

<!-- Compile the java code from ${src} into ${build} --> <javac

srcdir="${top}/${src}" destdir="${build}"

classpath="${servlet.jar}"/> </target>

<target name="dist" depends="compile"> <!-- Put everything in a war file -->

<war warfile="${war_file}" webxml="${web.xml}"> <!-- include all JSPs in root level -->

<fileset dir="${top}/${src}"> <include name="*.jsp"/> </fileset>

<!-- include all tag libraries in WEB-INF,

but not web.xml (that's handled separately) --> <webinf dir="${webinf}">

<include name="*.tld"/> </webinf>

<!-- include all compiled classes --> <classes dir="${build}"/>

</war> </target>

<target name="deploy">

<!-- Copy the war file to the JBoss deploy directory --> <copy file="${war_file}" todir="${deploy}"/>


<target name="all" depends="clean,dist,deploy"/> </project>

7. Do not manually compile the Java files. Instead, use Ant to compile. Start at the

root SimpleTag directory and call Ant with the compile argument. You should

see output like this:


c:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag> ant compile Buildfile: build.xml


[mkdir] Created dir: C:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag\build [mkdir] Created dir: C:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag\dist [mkdir] Created dir: C:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag\dist\lib compile:

[javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag\build BUILD SUCCESSFUL

Total time: 2 seconds

8. Do not manually create the .war distribution file. Instead, use Ant to create it.

c:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag> ant dist Buildfile: build.xml

init: dist:

[war] Building war:

C:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag\dist\lib\SimpleTag.war BUILD SUCCESSFUL

Total time: 2 seconds

9. Do not manually copy the .war file into your JBoss deploy directory. Instead, use

Ant to deploy it.

c:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag> ant deploy Buildfile: build.xml


[copy] Copying 1 file to C:\j2ee\jboss\deploy BUILD SUCCESSFUL

Total time: 0 seconds

10. Test the application at http://localhost:8080/SimpleTag/tagExample.jsp

Why Ant rocks

It doesn't look like Ant is much better than doing things manually, but's only because we

intentionally did each step we could see what it looked like. In fact, Ant can easily

combine steps, by specifying in the build.xml file that a particular step requires other

steps to be performed in succession:


<target name="all" depends="clean,dist,deploy"/>

And you execute it like this:

c:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag> ant all Buildfile: build.xml


[delete] Deleting directory C:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag\build [delete] Deleting directory C:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag\dist init:

[mkdir] Created dir: C:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag\build [mkdir] Created dir: C:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag\dist [mkdir] Created dir: C:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag\dist\lib compile:

[javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag\build dist:

[war] Building war:

C:\j2ee\code\Chapter3\SimpleTag\dist\lib\SimpleTag.war deploy:

[copy] Copying 1 file to C:\j2ee\jboss\deploy all:

BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 2 seconds

Voila! A completely clean compile and deployment in one easy step!


Tag Attributes

Attributes must be declared in the tag library descriptor, set as a class wide variable in the

tag class with an accessor that uses the same name as declared in the tag library

descriptor, and if the attribute is required, given a value when the tag is initialized in the

JSP. If the tag in the tag library descriptor looked like this:



<tagclass>com.masslight.tags.ExampleTag</tagclass> <bodycontent>empty</bodycontent>

<info>This is an example tag to demonstrate how attributes work</info> <attribute> <name>attributeOne</name> <required>true</required> </attribute> <attribute> <name>attributeTwo</name> <required>false</required> </attribute> </tag>

then the class would need to include the following code:

public class ExampleTag extends TagSupport { int attributeOne = 0;

String attributeTwo = 0; ....


public void setAttributeOne(String tempAttributeOne) {

attributeOne = Integer.valueOf(tempAttributeOne).intValue(); }

public void setAttributeTwo(String tempAttributeTwo) { attributeTwo = tempAttributeTwo;

} .... ....


and the JSP might look something like this - remember that attributeTwo was not


<%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/lib/tagLibraryName.tld" prefix="example" %> <example:exampleTagName attributeOne="1"/>

AttributeTag: using attributes in tag libraries

Do this:

1. Create the directory structure. Create an AttributeTag directory, then WEB-INF,

classes, and the directory structure com/masslight/tagExampleClasses.


AttributeTag | +-- tagExample.jsp (*) | +-- build.xml (*) | +-- WEB-INF | +-- web.xml (*) | +-- tagExampleLib.tld (*) | +-- classes | +-- com | +-- masslight | +-- tagExampleClasses | +-- GreetingAttributeTag.java (*) (*) denotes a file

2. Create the JSP in the AttributeTag directory.


<%@ page language="java" %>



<html> <body> <greeter:Greeting greeting="Hey" /> </body> </html>

3. Create the web.xml file in WEB-INF


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE web-app

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd"> <web-app> <taglib> <taglib-uri> </taglib-uri> <taglib-location> </taglib-location> </taglib> </web-app>

4. Create the Java file in WEB-INF/classes/com/masslight/tagExampleClasses/


package com.masslight.tagExampleClasses; import javax.servlet.jsp.*; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*; import java.io.*;

public class GreetingAttributeTag extends javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport { public String greeting = "Hello";

public int doStartTag() throws JspTagException { try {

pageContext.getOut().print(greeting); } catch (Exception ex) {

throw new JspTagException("IO problems"); }




public void setGreeting(String newGreeting) { greeting = newGreeting;

} }

5. Create the tag library descriptor file in WEB-INF


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <!DOCTYPE taglib

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-jsptaglib_1_1.dtd"> <taglib> <tlibversion>1.0</tlibversion> <jspversion>1.1</jspversion> <shortname>utility</shortname> <info>

A simple tag library for the examples </info>



<tagclass>com.masslight.tagExampleClasses.GreetingAttributeTag</tagclass> <info>Print a greeting specified by the greeting attribute</info> <bodycontent>empty</bodycontent> <attribute> <name>greeting</name> <required>true</required> </attribute> </tag> </taglib>

6. Create the build.xml file in the root AttributeTag directory.


<project name="AttributeTag" default="dist" basedir="."> <!-- set global properties for this build -->

<property environment="env"/> <property name="top" value="."/> <property name="src" value="."/>



<property name="build" value="build"/> <property name="dist" value="dist"/>

<property name="war_dir" value="${dist}/lib"/>

<property name="war_file" value="${war_dir}/AttributeTag.war"/> <property name="webinf" value="${top}/WEB-INF"/>

<property name="web.xml" value="${webinf}/web.xml"/> <property name="classes" value="${webinf}/classes"/> <property name="lib" value="${top}/WEB-INF/lib"/> <property name="servlet.jar" value="$


<property name="deploy" value="${env.JBOSS_HOME}/deploy"/> <target name="clean">

<!-- Delete our the ${build} and ${dist} directory trees --> <delete dir="${build}"/>

<delete dir="${dist}"/> <delete dir="${war_dir}"/> </target>

<target name="init">

<!-- Create the build directory structure used by compile and dist -->

<mkdir dir="${build}"/> <mkdir dir="${dist}"/> <mkdir dir="${war_dir}"/> </target>

<target name="compile" depends="init">

<!-- Compile the java code from ${src} into ${build} --> <javac

srcdir="${top}/${src}" destdir="${build}"

classpath="${servlet.jar}"/> </target>

<target name="dist" depends="compile"> <!-- Put everything in a war file -->

<war warfile="${war_file}" webxml="${web.xml}"> <!-- include all JSPs in root level -->

<fileset dir="${top}/${src}"> <include name="*.jsp"/> </fileset>

<!-- include all tag libraries in WEB-INF,

but not web.xml (that's handled separately) --> <webinf dir="${webinf}">

<include name="*.tld"/> <exclude name="web.xml"/> </webinf>

<!-- include all compiled classes --> <classes dir="${build}"/>



</war> </target>

<target name="deploy">

<!-- Copy the war file to the JBoss deploy directory --> <copy file="${war_file}" todir="${deploy}"/>


<target name="all" depends="clean,dist,deploy"/> </project>


ant all to compile, jar, and deploy. You should see output like this:

C:\work\j2ee\code\Chapter3\AttributeTag> ant all Buildfile: build.xml

clean: init:

[mkdir] Created dir: C:\work\j2ee\code\Chapter3\AttributeTag\build [mkdir] Created dir: C:\work\j2ee\code\Chapter3\AttributeTag\dist [mkdir] Created dir:

C:\work\j2ee\code\Chapter3\AttributeTag\dist\lib compile:

[javac] Compiling 1 source file to

C:\work\j2ee\code\Chapter3\AttributeTag\build dist:

[war] Building war:

C:\work\j2ee\code\Chapter3\AttributeTag\dist\lib\AttributeTag.war deploy:

[copy] Copying 1 file to C:\j2ee\jboss\deploy all:

BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 8 seconds

8. Go to http://localhost:8080/AttributeTag/tagExample.jsp to test your



It is important to note that pageContext, session, and application objects can be

accessed from a tag class. This means that attributes from any and all of the different

scopes can be used in a tag class.

Creating a complex tag class

the class should extend javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport

should override the method called public int doStartTag() throws

JspTagException {

can override the method public void doInitBody() throws

JspTagException {

needs the method public int doAfterBody() throws JspTagException {

should override the method called public int doEndTag() throws

JspTagException {

does not need to override the public void release() method

the bodycontent tag in the tag descriptor library should be JSP

The tag class that extends TagBody allows the developer to execute code before and after

the body of the tag. Instead of returning SKIP_BODY or EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE, the

doStartTag method returns SKIP_BODY or EVAL_BODY_TAG. The doAfterBody method

returns either the SKIP_BODY or the EVAL_BODY_TAG which allows the tag to loop through

the tag's body until some condition is met. The content of the tag's body can be accessed

by a call to getBodyContent() which returns a BodyContent object. The developer

needs to write the contents of the body to the output stream by making a call to the

writeOut() method of the BodyContent object. To write out the content of the body, one

must write out contents of the getPreviousOut() method. If the developer does not

make this call, then nothing from the body of the tag will be shown. The doInitBody

method returns void and is not such an important method as the doAfterBody method.


Called when the JSP enters the body of the tag - returns nothing


Called when the JSP leaves the body of the tag - returns SKIP_BODY or


Do this:

1. Create the directory structure. The root directory is named ComplexTag; the rest is

the same as the previous examples.

2. Create tagExample.jsp, RepeatHelloTag.java, web.xml,

tagExampleLib.tld, and build.xml


ComplexTag |

+-- tagExample.jsp (*) |



+-- build.xml (*) | +-- WEB-INF | +-- web.xml (*) | +-- tagExampleLib.tld (*) | +-- classes | +-- com | +-- masslight | +-- tagExampleClasses | +-- RepeatHelloTag.java (*) (*) denotes a file


<%@ page language="java" %>

<%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/tagExampleLib.tld" prefix="greeter" %> <html> <body> <greeter:RepeatHello> Hello Again<br> </greeter:RepeatHello> </body> </html>


package com.masslight.tagExampleClasses; import javax.servlet.jsp.*; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*; import java.io.*;

public class RepeatHelloTag extends javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport { int count = 1;

int numberOfIterations = 3;

String greeting = new String("Hello <BR>"); public int doStartTag() throws JspTagException {



try {

pageContext.getOut().print(greeting); } catch (Exception ex) {

throw new JspTagException("IO problems"); }

return EVAL_BODY_TAG; }

public int doAfterBody() throws JspTagException { try { if (count < numberOfIterations) { count++; return EVAL_BODY_TAG; } else {

BodyContent bodyContent = getBodyContent(); bodyContent.writeOut(getPreviousOut()); return SKIP_BODY;

} }

catch (Exception e) {

throw (new JspTagException("error")); } } }


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE web-app

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd"> <web-app> <taglib> <taglib-uri>/WEB-INF/tagExampleLib.tld</taglib-uri> <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/tagExampleLib.tld</taglib-location> </taglib> </web-app>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <!DOCTYPE taglib

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-jsptaglib_1_1.dtd">




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