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A local symmetry result for linear elliptic problems with solutions changing sign


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A local symmetry result for linear elliptic problems with solutions changing sign

B. Canuto

Conicet and Departamento de Matemática, FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Esmeralda 2043, Florida (1602), P.cia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Received 24 September 2010; received in revised form 25 March 2011; accepted 25 March 2011 Available online 2 April 2011


We prove that the only domainΩsuch that there exists a solution to the following problemu+ω2u= −1 inΩ,u=0 on

∂Ω, and |∂Ω1|

∂Ωnu=c, for a given constantc, is the unit ballB1, if we assume thatΩlies in an appropriate class of Lipschitz domains.

©2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Let us consider the following problem: forω∈R, is it true that the only domainΩ such that there exists a solution uto the problem

u+ω2u= −1 inΩ,

u=0 on∂Ω, (1.1)


nu=c on∂Ω, (1.2)

is a ball? HereΩ is a sufficiently smooth bounded domain inRN,N2, nuis the external normal derivative to the boundary∂Ω, and cis a given constant. By using the Alexandrov method of moving planes J. Serrin [20] has proved that if there exists a solutionuto (1.1), (1.2), and ifuhas asigninΩ, thenΩ=B1(for example forω=0, by the maximum principle it follows thatuis positive in Ω). For the particular caseω=0 see also the proofs of H. Weinberger [23], based on a Rellich-type identity and on the maximum principle, and M. Choulli, A. Henrot [7], which use the technique of domain derivative. We point out that Serrin in [20] has studied the same type of problem for more general nonlinear elliptic equations. For further references concerning symmetry (and non-symmetry) results for overdetermined elliptic problems, see also [1–4,8–19,21,22]. All these results need hypothesis on the sign ofu.

In [5] the authors have given a positive answer to the above question by supposing that

E-mail address:bcanuto@hotmail.it.

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



(i) ω2∈ {/ λn}n1 ({λn}n1 being the sequence, in increasing order, of eigenvalues of − in B1 with Dirichlet boundary conditions),

(ii) ω /Λ, whereΛis an enumerable set ofR+, whose limit points are the valuesλ1m, for some integerm1,λ1m being themth-zero of the first-order Bessel functionI1,

(iii) Ωis such that the ker(+ω2)= {0}inΩ,

(iv) the boundary∂Ωis a Lipschitz perturbation of the unit sphere∂B1ofRN.

We point out that in [5] no hypothesis are required on the sign of the solutionu. We can say that paper [6] can be considered as preparatory of [5] (in the sense that some ideas developed in [6] are used in [5]). In the present paper we give a new proof of the result proved in [5], which let us permit to avoid hypothesis (i)–(iii) above.

We recall that if let us denote by n)n1 the sequence, in increasing order, of eigenvalues of −inB1 with Dirichlet boundary conditions, we have that the eigenvalueλn, for somen∈N, coincides, for some integers0 andm1, withλ2m. Here and in what followsλmwill denote themth-zero of the so-calledN-dimensional-order Bessel function of the first kindI, i.e.Im)=0 (see Section 2). We recall in particular that (see [5, Lemma 3.5])

I0= −I1 inR.

From these remarks it follows that the functionu(0)given by u(0)(x)= 1


I0(ωr) I0(ω) −1

inB1, (1.3)

solves (1.1), (1.2) whenΩ=B1. Herer= |x|,|·|denoting the Euclidean norm inRN. We observe that if the constant ωis smaller or equal thanλ11, the solutionu(0)is positive inB1, while ifωis bigger thanλ11, thenu(0)changes sign.

In the rest of the paper we will assumeω0. The same conclusions hold true forω <0, since the coefficientω2is even in (1.1). We stress out that in order that (1.3) makes sense, in the rest of the paper we will suppose that

ω /∈ {λ0m}m1.

Here and in what followsc=nu(0)on∂B1. By (1.3), we obtain that c= I0(ω)

ωI0(ω). (1.4)

In the present paper we prove the following

Theorem 1.1.Forω /∈ {λ0m}m1, there exists a classDofC2,α-domains such that ifuis a solution to(1.1)verifying 1




withΩD, andcgiven by(1.4), thenΩ=B1, andu=u(0).

The idea underlying the proof of Theorem 1.1 is the following. LetEbe the vector space ofC2,αfunctions defined on the unit sphere∂B1, i.e.


kC2,α(∂B1) ,

0< α <1. ForkE, letΩkbe the domain whose boundary∂Ωk can be written as perturbation of∂B1, i.e.


x=(1+k)y, y∂B1

(in particular fork≡0 on∂B1,Ω0=B1). We denote byΦthe following operator Φ:E→R,

defined by Φ(k)=






whereupis a particular solution to (1.1), whenΩ=Ωk (upwill be defined in Section 3 below). We observe thatΦ has not a sign in a neighborhood of 0 inE(i.e.Φis neither positive nor negative). In factΦ(0)=0 (sinceup=u(0) whenΩ=B1). Moreover since the unit sphere centered at the pointx0∈RNis parametrized by


x= 1+k

y, y∂B1


wherekis given by k(y)=x0·y−1+

1+ |x0·y|2− |x0|2, (1.5)

we have thatΦ(k)=0, with k→0 inE, asx0→0.

So the best one can expect is thatΦ is different to 0 inO\ {kE; k=k}, for some neighborhoodOof 0 inE. By studying the behavior of the operatorΦat 0, we prove that ifω /∈ {λm}2,m1, withλm=λ1m, for allm1, then Φ is differentiable at zero inE. On the other hand ifω=λm, for some2, andm1 (withλm=λ1m, for all m1), thenΦis differentiable at zero in the vector space

E= {kE; kq=0, kpq= 0, p∈I} (1.6)

of functionskEwhich don’t have either the frequencyor the frequencyp,I being a (eventually empty) finite set of positive integer such thatIpm)=0 (the cardinality ofIdepending on the multiplicity of the eigenvalueλ2m, see Section 2 for more details). Here and in what followskst=|∂B11|

∂B1kYst is thes-order (Fourier) coefficient ofk, and Yst is the spherical harmonic of degrees, witht=1, . . . , ds. More precisely we have that the differential at zero in the directionkhas a sign ifk0=0 (see Lemma 3.3),k0being the zeroth-order coefficient ofk(i.e.k0=|∂B11|

∂B1k). We can show then that there exists a neighborhoodOof 0 inEsuch thatΦ is positive inOE+, andΦ is negative in OE, whereE+andEare two circular sectors respectively in the subset{kE; k0<0}, and{kE; k0>0}. Now, since if there exists a solution u to (1.1), when Ω=Ωk, verifying |∂Ω1


∂Ωknu=c, one can prove that Φ(k)=0, we obtain thatk=0, if we assume thatkO(E+E∪ {0}). Finally, since the operatorΦis invariant up to isometries, we obtain that the classDin Theorem 1.1 is defined as


Ω; Ω=σ (Ωk) ,

for someσΣ, and someΩkG, whereΣis the set of isometries ofRN, and G=

Ωk; kOE+E∪ {0}


We stress out thatEthrough the paper is the space of functions of classC2,αon∂B1(this means that we consider only regular perturbations of the unit sphere), but, up to obvious changes, the same conclusions hold true in the case where Eis the space of functions of classC0,1on∂B1, i.e. the boundary∂Ωk is of Lipschitz class. The paper is organized as follows: in the next section we give some notations used through the paper, in Section 3 we give the first-order approximation of the operatorΦin a neighborhood of 0, and in Section 4 we prove Theorem 1.1, and we consider the Lipschitz case. Finally in Section 5 counter-examples to Theorem 1.1 are given.

2. Preliminaries and notations

Let us denote byB1the ball of radius 1 inRNcentered at zero. ByB1we define the Euclidean closure ofB1. Let us denote byIthe so-calledN-dimensional-order Bessel function of the first kind, i.e.


whereν=N2 −1, andJν+ is the well-known+)-order Bessel function of the first kind (we observe that for N=2,Icoincides with the-order Bessel function of the first kindJ).Isolves the following Bessel equation

I+N−1 r I+

1−(+N−2) r2

I=0 inR.


Let λm be the mth-zero of the -order Bessel function I. Let n)n1 be the sequence, in increasing order, of eigenvalues of−inB1with Dirichlet boundary conditions. An eigenvalueλn, for somen∈N, coincides, for some integer0, andm1, withλ2m. The corresponding eigenfunctions can be written as (in polar coordinates)

ϕ1=Imr)Y1(θ ), ... ... ...

ϕd=Imr)Yd(θ ), ϕpq=Ipmr)Ypq(θ ),

wherepI, andI is a (eventually empty) finite set (by Fredholm theorem) of integer such thatIpm)=0, i.e.


p∈N, p=; Ipm)=0

. (2.1)

HereYst is the spherical harmonic of degrees, witht=1, . . . , ds, and ds=

1 ifs=0,


s!(N2)! ifs1.

We will use the following convention: we say that a functionf has the frequencys, if thes-order coefficient off, i.e.


∂B1f Yst, is different to zero. And similarly we say that a functionf doesn’t have the frequencys, if the s-order coefficient off vanishes.

Letk˜be aC2,α-extension ofkintoB1. Let us callAthe Jacobian matrix of change of variable x= 1+k(y)

y, yB1 (2.2)

(where we denotek˜byk). The matrixAis given by



1+k+y11k y12k · · · y1Nk y21k 1+k+y22k · · · y2Nk

... ... ... ...

yN1k · · · 1+k+yNNk



LetG=ATA. The matrixGcan be written as G=IN+G(1)+o k


whereINis theN-order identity matrix, and the matrixG(1)depends linearly onkand∇k. Following [5], the matrix G(1)is given by

G(1)ij =2kIN+


2x11k x12k+x21k · · · x1Nk+xN1k x12k+x21k 2x22k · · · x2Nk+xN2k

... ... ... ...

x1Nk+xN1k · · · 2xNNk


. (2.3)

3. The first-order expansion of the operatorΦ

A functionkEcan be written, in Fourier series expansion, as k=k0+

p1 dp


kpqYpq on∂B1.

We recall that problem (1.1) cannot have solutions or, if a solution exists, it cannot be unique. This happens all times the kernel ker(+ω2)= {0}inΩ. More precisely by Fredholm theorem there exists a solution to (1.1) if and only if

−1∈ker +ω2 inΩ.

We can write a solutionuas u=up+uh,


whereupis a particular solution to (1.1) such that up∈ker +ω2

inΩ, (3.1)

anduhsolves the corresponding homogeneous problem. We observe thatupis unique and can be written as up=

pIC np



whereαpq =μΩψλpqp is the p-order Fourier coefficient ofu. Hereλp andψpq are respectively thepth-eigenvalue and a corresponding eigenfunction of−inΩ (with Dirichlet boundary conditions), andnp is the dimension of the corresponding eigenspace.I is a finite set of integer (by Fredholm theorem), andICis the complementary ofI. On the other hand if the kernel ker(+ω2)= {0}, then a solutionuexists and is unique. For example forω=λm, for some, m1, thenup=λ12



0m) −1)is a particular solution to (1.1) whenΩ=B1(lying in the ker(+λ2m) inB1), anduhhas the form (in polar coordinates)




αqImr)Yq(θ )+

pI dp


αpqIpmr)Ypq(θ ),

whereI is defined in (2.1), andα1, . . . , αd, αpq∈R. We denote byΦthe following operator Φ:E→R,

defined by Φ(k):=





whereupis a particular solution to (1.1), verifying (3.1), when Ω=Ωk. The operatorΦ is well-defined, since we suppose that a solutionuexists forklying in some neighborhood of 0 inE. Using (2.2), we have that the functionu˜ defined by


u(y)=u (1+k)y

inB1, solves


gG1∇ ˜u)+ω2

gu˜= −√g inB1,


u=0 on∂B1, (3.2)

whereg= |detG|. Following [5], the external normal derivative ofuat the pointx=(1+k)y∂Ωk is given by

nu (1+k)y

= G1y·y1/2

G1∇ ˜u·y.

The operatorΦthen becomes Φ(k)=



G1∇ ˜up·y

˜ gc



whereu˜p(y)=up((1+k)y), and


g is the surface element of the new variabley. Let us denoteu˜p byup, andy byx. We begin by proving the following

Lemma 3.1.We have upu(0) ask→0.

Proof of Lemma 3.1. Letz=upu(0). By writing the matrix√gG1in (3.2) as

gG1=IN+K, (3.3)


it follows thatzsolves

w+ω2w=(1− √g)(ω2up+1)−div(K∇up) inB1,

w=0 on∂B1. (3.4)

Let assume that the ker(+ω2)= {0}inB1. The solutionwto (3.4) can be written as w=


p=1 np



where thep-order Fourier coefficient αpq=

B1((1− √g)(ω2up+1)−div(K∇up))ψpq

ω2λp .


g=1+N k+x· ∇k+o k

, (3.5)

we obtain

w→0 ask→0.

On the other hand, if the ker(+ω2)= {0}inB1, i.e.ω2=λn, for somen2 (we recall thatλn∈ {/ λ20m}m1), then a solutionwto (3.4) can be written as

w=wp+wh, where


pIC np



We claim thatwp=z. We have that the functionwpzsolves (wpz)+λn(wpz)=0 inB1,

wpz=0 on∂B1. So we obtain


pI np





pI np



for allβpq∈R. Sinceupis a solution to (3.2), it follows that


g=div √

gG1up +λn


=div √



g u(0)+wp


pI np


βpqdiv √

gG1ψpq +λn


pI np



= −√ g+

pI np


βpq div√

gG1ψpq +λn

pq .


In particular we obtain βpq div √




We claim that div √

gG1ψpq +λn

pq≡0 inB1.

By contradiction let assume that there exists apI and aq∈ {1, . . . , np}such that div √

gG1ψpq +λn

pq=0 inB1.

By defining byy=y(x)the inverse of the change of variable (2.2), we obtain that ψ˜pq(x)=ψpq y(x)

, xΩk, solves

ψ˜pq+λnψ˜pq=0 inΩk, ψ˜pq=0 on∂Ωk.

This implies that λn is an eigenvalue of − inΩk. Then up doesn’t lie in ker(+λn) inΩk, which yields a contradiction. This yields thatβpq=0, for allpI, andq=1, . . . , np, and thenup=u(0)+wp. 2

By (3.3) it follows that

gING=KG= K(1)+o k IN+G(1)+o k ,

whereK(1)denotes the one-order term of the matrixK(the matrixG(1)is given by (2.3)). In particular the matrix

K(1)=g(1)ING(1), (3.6)

whereg(1), the one-order term of√

g, is given by

g(1)=N k+x· ∇k. (3.7)

By (3.5) we have


g =1−N kx· ∇k+o k ,

and by (3.3), (3.6), and (3.7), we obtain G1= IN

g+ 1

gK(1)+ · · ·

=ING(1)+o k

. (3.8)

Lemma 3.2.Ifω /∈ {λm}2,m1, withλm=λ1m, for allm1, thenuphas the form up=u(0)+u(1)+o k

inE, (3.9)


u(1)+ω2u(1)=f(1) inB1,

u(1)=0 on∂B1, (3.10)

andf(1)is given by

f(1)= −(N k+x· ∇k) 1+ω2u(0)

−div K(1)u(0) .

Ifω=λm, for some2, andm1 (withλm=λ1m, for allm1), the same holds true by changingEwithE, whereEis defined in(1.6).


To prove Lemma 3.2, we observe that if the ker(+ω2)= {0}in B1, then up admits a one-order expansion inE. The same holds true if the ker(+ω2)= {0}inB1, withω=λ1m, for somem1. On the other hand, if the ker(+ω2)= {0}inB1, i.e.ω=λm, for some2, andm1, thenupadmits a one-order expansion in the vector spaceEof functionskEwhich don’t have either the frequencyor the frequencyp, withpI, the setI being defined in (2.1).

Proof of Lemma 3.2. Letω /∈ {λm}2,m1, withλm=λ1m, for allm1. Let assume thatupcan be written as in (3.9). Thenupsolves

up+div(K∇up)+ω2gup= −√g inB1,

up=0 on∂B1. (3.11)

We have


g ω2up+1

=div K(1)u(0)+ ∇u(1)

+(1+N k+x· ∇k) ω2 u(0)+u(1) +1

+ · · ·. (3.12) The one-order terms in (3.12) are given by

(N k+x· ∇k) 1+ω2u(0)

+ω2u(1)+div K(1)u(0) .

By taking the one-order terms in (3.11), we obtain thatu(1)solves (3.10). By a direct calculationu(1)has the form u(1)= I01mr)


ifω=λ1m, sinceI0= −I1. Otherwise, forω=λ1m, thenu(1)has the form u(1)= I0(ωr)

ωI0(ω)rk+u, whereusolves

u+ω2u=0 inB1, u=ωII10(ω)(ω)k on∂B1.

The solutionu(in polar coordinates) can be written as u(r, θ )= −c


p1 dp


kpqIp(ωr)/Ip(ω)Ypq(θ )

. (3.13)

Now obviously (3.13) is well-defined for allω /∈ {λm}2,m1. Let us define by w=upu(0)u(1).

The functionwsolves

w+ω2w=(1− √g)(ω2up+1)−div(K∇up)f(1) inB1,

w=0 on∂B1.

By writingupas up=u(0)+f,

withf (k)=o(1)ask→0 inE, we obtain (1−√

g) ω2up+1

−div(K∇up)f(1)=o k . By standardC2,α-estimates we obtain

wC2,α(B1)=o k .

Now if ω=λm, for some2, and m1, then (3.13) makes sense if and only if kE, and the same above conclusions hold true, by substitutingEwithE. 2


Lemma 3.3.Ifω /∈ {λm}2,m1, withλm=λ1m, for allm1, then the operatorΦ is differentiable at0inE, and


= −k0 I1(ω)

I0(ω)+I0(ω)2 I0(ω)2


Otherwise ifω=λm, for some2, andm1, the same holds true by changingEwithE.

The previous lemma means that ifω=λm, for some2, andm1, thenΦis not differentiable at 0 ink, with khaving the form




kmYm(θ )+

pI dp


kpqYpq(θ ). (3.14)

Proof of Lemma 3.3. By (2.3), (3.8), and (3.9), we obtain Φ(k)=




˜ gc







˜ gc






˜ g+ · · ·




˜ gc





(1−2k−2∂nk)1/2 nu(1)G(1)u(1)·x


g+ · · ·. (3.15)

Since the surface element


g can be written as g˜=1+o k


by taking the one-order terms in (3.15), we obtain dΦ(0)|k

= −c







I0(ω) I0(ω) +c

k+c∂nk+nu, and

nu= −


p1 dp


kpqIp(ω)/Ip(ω)Ypq(θ )


we obtain dΦ(0)|k

= −c



cI1(ω) I0(ω)







= −I1(ω) I0(ω)


kcωI0(ω) I0(ω)k0|∂B1|

= −k0 I1(ω)

I0(ω)+I0(ω)2 I0(ω)2


beingc=ωII00(ω)(ω). 2


Lemma 3.4.The number I1(ω)


I0(ω)2>0. (3.16)

Proof of Lemma 3.4. We have Φ(k0)=








I0((1+k0)ω)I0(ω) I0(ω)

|∂B1+k0| ω .

Now since the function I0(ω)


is decreasing inω, it follows that fork0>0 sufficiently small, the function I0((1+k0)ω)

I0((1+k0)ω)I0(ω) I0(ω)<0.

SoΦis decreasing in the directiont k0, for sometI, and then dΦ(0)|k0

<0, which yields (3.16). 2 4. Proof of Theorem 1.1

Before proceeding with the proof of Theorem 1.1, we need the following

Lemma 4.1.There exists a neighborhoodOof the origin inE, such that ifkOE1C, then the mass centerxofΩk is different to zero.

HereE1is the vector space E1= {kE; k1q=0},

of functionskEwhich don’t have the frequency 1, and E1C= {kE; k1q=0 for someq=1, . . . , N},

the complementary ofE1, is the set of functionskwhich have the frequency 1. We recall that the mass center of a domainΩ is the pointxof coordinates

xi= 1



xi, i=1, . . . , N.

Proof of Lemma 4.1. Fori=1, . . . , N, let us denote byFi the following operator Fi:E→R,

defined by Fi(k)= 1




i.e. the operator Fi associates tok the ith component of the mass center x of the domainΩk. By the change of variable (2.2), we obtain


Fi(k)= 1



xi= 1







(1N kx· ∇k+ · · ·)


xi+(N+1)kxi+x· ∇kxi+ · · ·



(1N kx· ∇k+ · · ·)


(N+1)kxi+x· ∇kxi+ · · · .

By taking the one-order terms, we have that the differential ofFi at zero inkis given by dFi(0)|k


p1 dp


kpq 1 0




p1 dp


pkpq 1 0





1 0

rN+1+k1i 1 0



1+ 1



LetkE1C. Then there exists at least aq∈ {1, . . . , N}such thatk1q=0. So there exists a neighborhoodOof the origin inEsuch thatFqis increasing (or decreasing) inOE1C. Now, sinceFi(0)=0, we obtain thatxq=0. 2

The previous lemma implies in particular that if the mass center ofΩk is at the point zero, thenkdoesn’t have the frequency 1, i.e.k1q=0 for allq=1, . . . , N. This means that a domainΩk, withkOE1is either a domain with mass center at 0, orΩk=σ (Ωk˜), for someσΣ, and some domainΩk˜, whereΣ is the set of isometries ofRN, andΩk˜has mass center at zero. Now since the operatorΦ is invariant up to isometries, we obtain thatΦ has a sign in a neighborhoodOof 0 inE, ifΦ has a sign inOE1. For this reason in what follows we will concentrate our attention on the spaceE1. We observe for example that the function


1+ |x0·y|2− |x0|2,

which parametrizes the sphere∂B1(x0)centered atx0, has the frequency 1, which is equal tox0, i.e.kE1C. In fact the function


1+ |x0·y|2− |x0|2

is even in the variabley, and then the functionhY1mis odd, which implies that

∂B1hY1m=0, for allm=1, . . . , N.

Proof of Theorem 1.1. Step 1. Let assume thatω /∈ {λm}2,m1, withλm=λ1m, for allm1. Let us define by

E+ =

kE1; k =1, k0 , and by

E =

kE1; k =1, k0 , for some positive constant <1. We have


C|∂B1| for allkE+, and


C|∂B1| for allkE,



0(ω)2. So there exists a sufficiently small intervalIof 0 inR+such thatΦ ispositivein E+=

t k; tI, kE+

, (4.1)

andΦisnegativein E=

t k; tI, kE

. (4.2)

LetObe a neighborhood of 0 inEsuch thatOE+∪ {0}is contained inE+∪ {0}, andOE∪ {0}is contained inE∪ {0}. Now ifω=λm, for some2, andm1, the same above conclusions hold true by changingE1with the subspace

E= {kE1; kq=0, kpq=0, p∈I}

of E1. Now since for exampleΦ is positive inE+E and is continuous inE+, andE is finite dimensional, it follows thatΦis positive inE+.

Step 2. LetDbe the class ofC2,α-domains defined as D=

Ω; Ω=σ (Ωk) ,

for someσΣ, and someΩkG, whereΣis the set of isometries ofRN, and G=

Ωk; kOE+E∪ {0} .

Let assume that there exists aΩDsuch that |∂Ω1|

∂Ωnu=c. Since the problem is invariant up to isometries we have that |∂Ω1


∂Ωknu=c, for somekO(E+E∪ {0}).

Step 3. Let assume that the kernel ker(+ω2)= {0}inΩk. Thenucoincides withup, and Φ(k)=0.

Let assume that kOE+∪ {0}. This yields that k=0, since Φ is positive in OE+. Now if the kernel ker(+ω2)= {0}inΩk, thenucan be written as

u=up+uh inΩk.

Since by Fredholm theorem−1∈ker(+ω2), by divergence theorem we obtain 0=


uh= − 1 ω2


uh= − 1 ω2



Then we have Φ(k)=








=0. 2

We conclude this section by examining briefly the Lipschitz case. Let us define by E=

kC0,1(∂B1) .

LetuH1k)be a weak solution to (1.1), whenΩ=Ωk, andkE. Thenusolves


u· ∇φω2





for allφCc k). Since, by regularity results,uC0,1k), the operatorΦis well-defined inE. By repeating the same arguments as in the regular case, one can prove the following


Theorem 4.2.Forω /∈ {λ0m}m1, there exists a classD of Lipschitz domains, such that if uH1(Ω) is a weak solution to(1.1)verifying





withΩD, andcgiven by(1.4), thenΩ=B1, andu=u(0). 5. Concluding remark

We recall that by the proof of Theorem 1.1 it follows thatΦis positive in the circular sectorE+in{kE;k0<0}, and is negative in the circular sectorEin{kE; k0>0}. So the operatorΦ must vanish somewhere. In fact let >0 be fixed. LetkE. ThenΦ(k)is negative. Now the domainΩ˜k, whose boundary is given by


x= 1+(a+k)

y, y∂B1 ,

with−1< a <0, is a contraction of the domainΩk. We can find then a valueasuch thata+kE+. ButΦ(a+k)is positive. Then there exists aksuch thatΦ(k)=0. By repeating the same argument for all >0, and for allkE, we can find a varietyMinE1(whose tangent space at 0 is contained or coincides withE0= {k; k0=0}), such that Φvanishes identically onM. In particular we obtain that all domainsΩ lying in the class


Ω; Ω=σ (Ωk) ,

for someσΣ, and somekM, are counter-examples to Theorem 1.1.


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