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Circular Faster Than Nyquist: Transmitter and iterative receiver design


Academic year: 2021

Partager "Circular Faster Than Nyquist: Transmitter and iterative receiver design"


Texte intégral

(1)Circular Faster Than Nyquist: Transmitter and iterative receiver design Romain Tajan, Charly Poulliat, Marie-Laure Boucheret. To cite this version: Romain Tajan, Charly Poulliat, Marie-Laure Boucheret. Circular Faster Than Nyquist: Transmitter and iterative receiver design. 9th International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing (ISTC 2016), Sep 2016, Brest, France. pp. 241-245. �hal-01709136�. HAL Id: hal-01709136 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01709136 Submitted on 14 Feb 2018. HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers.. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés..

(2) Open Archive TOULOUSE Archive Ouverte (OATAO) OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible.. This is an author-deposited version published in : http://oatao.univ-toulouse.fr/ Eprints ID : 18832. To link to this article : DOI : 10.1109/ISTC.2016.7593113 URL : http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ISTC.2016.7593113. To cite this version : Tajan, Romain and Poulliat, Charly and Boucheret, Marie-Laure Circular Faster Than Nyquist: Transmitter and iterative receiver design. (2016) In: 9th International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing (ISTC 2016), 5 September 2016 - 9 September 2016 (Brest, France).. Any correspondence concerning this service should be sent to the repository administrator: staff-oatao@listes-diff.inp-toulouse.fr.

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(68) 4 4*. )4 . . . . . . . ;„. #/o. 3l_bKffP\[o \Lo gOKo <<@3o KahGTPmKbo kPgOo Gs beWaeWs. =VLs IVG__L[s ]aJL[s aMsLdjGhWa_s /o JaLgs _ahs IaeeLgba_Js has %djGhWa_s #/o IG_s HLs W]b[L]L_hLJs Ma[[alW_Us hVLs H[aIZs JWGr Gs IWeIj[Ges Ia_ka[jhWa_s gW_ILs hVLs eLILWkLJs gWU_G[s Wgs gG]b[LJs Ghs UeG]s UWkL_s W_s "3.\ *o lVLeLs ,4 Wgs UWkL_s Hns LdjGhWa_s hW]Ls ValLkLes hVLs 22<%s lWhVs Go _bP\bPo IG_s ghW[[s HLL_s -o G_Js4,4 Wgs Ia]bjhLJs jgW_Us hVLs gG]Ls ghLbgs Ggs W_s C#-Do =VLs ajhbjhs gaMhs LghW]GhLs aMs B`sWgs JL_ahLJsHns Q`sG_Js Wgs UWkL_s Hns ,Vs.  #0o ,4 .I M7s*"*4# & +$

(69) 4 B`s #*o >`s #g# %!4 4 „ /%!24 4 +. . . .

(70) >gW_UshVLsMGIhshVGhshVLs]GheWms rVsA}„A„ WgsGsIWeIj[G_hs]GheWms sIG_sG[gasHLsLmbeLggLJs jgW_Us 5o( `s Ggs. ,Vs. s BI .I =o. <„. 54

(71) Vo.  „ V 2s /4 iE54

(72) Vo. #. '!o. 3l_bKffP\[o \Lo gOKo IKXG__Kbo. ,_s C#.Do Whs Wgs gVal_s hVGhs E`s Wgs Gs HWGgLJs LghW]Ghaes aMs B`s HLIGjgLs '#o L` \ss *C` \s „ <\s.  # #. ‚„. t„. #. o o. #. #. lVLeLs <\sWgs Gs _aWgLshLe]s lWhVs kGeWG_ILs @Is I 0 q

(73) s =GZW_UsW_has GIIaj_hs hVWgs HWGgs hLe]s W_has hVLs JL]GbbLes LmbeLgr gWa_s lLs VGkLs.  #. #. #. #. #. #. #. #. #. >5#>:%c. ECSP>\ \ 5"2\ ;D8PRQ\ ?MP\ Nc 9c Y \ \ \

(74) \ Z\ 8K<\ ?MP\ RD>\ (MC%.\ <>;M<>P\ M?\ RD>\ ;MKTMHSRET>\ ;M<>\ UERD\ NMHWKMJE8H\  \ , 4 ?MP\. .I. Jo. 'W!m2 Vn0s. V U Vs. =R[c. 9?$]YSo=c. +IJWQ;F &2n` Qo. . =\ ;MKQE<>PEKC\ 8K\ EKK>P\ ;M<>\ M?\ P8R>\ P„ . RTs. 14. #. lVLeLs XCaZseLbeLgL_hgs hVLs gn]Ha[s GggaIWGhLJs lWhVs [GHL[s. Zs. #. ,@

(75) s. 1")3(2"+*\ :  03(20\. ,_s hVWgs gLIhWa_s lLs VWUV[WUVhs hVLs bLeMae]G_ILgs aMs hVLs bear bagLJs heG_g]WhhLe eLILWkLes GeIVWhLIhjeLgs Maes hVLs a_ka[jhWkLs aJLs ICIG_JsMaes1als"L_gWhns6GeWhns VLIZs1"6 sIaJLg

(76) s =VLs Q[hLes NesWgs Gs :aahs :GWgLJs agW_Ls :: s Q[hLes lWhVs Gs ea[[saOs IaLMQIWL_hs aMs 

(77) s G_Js Ia_gWJLeW_UsGs 82s]aJj[Gr hWa_

(78) s BLs Ia_gWJLes IaJLlaeJgs gbG__W_Us 4s -„ gjHIaJLlaeJgs aMs JjeGhWa_s =o s s gn]Ha[gs UWkW_Us IaJLlaeJgs aMs gWoLs G„s

(79) s 'Weghs lLs beabagLs has G_G[noLs hVLs bLeMae]G_ILgs aMs hVLs beabagLJs ]LhVaJs Maes hVLs s  C>I =VLs GggaIWGhLJs <aMhs ,_bjhs <aNis 5jhbjhs <,<5s JLIaJLes Wgs Gs HWh lWgLs 2GmW]j]s s 6aghLeWaeWs 26s 1aU  /:s GV[s aIZLs /L[W_LZs :GkWks G[UaeWhV]

(80) s ,_s "3.\ +o lLs UWkLs hVLs %CheW_gWIs ,_Mae]Gr hWa_s =eG_gMLes %C,=s IVGehgs Maes hVLs beabagLJs LdjG[WoLes Maes s =„ p

(81) s

(82) s

(83) s

(84) s

(85) qs Maes Gs <WU_G[s has 3aWgLs :GhWas sK

(86) s=VLs%C,=sIVGehsaMshVLs<,<5sJLIaJLesaMshVLs sWgs G[gasbeakWJLJ

(87) sBLsaHgLekLshVGhsMaesGs<3:saMs sKskG[jLgs aMss s 

(88) shVLsWhLeGhWkLsJLIaJW_UsgVaj[JsIa_kLeULslVW[LsMaes ss 

(89) s Whs Wgs _ahs hVLs IGgL

(90) s =VWgs HLVGkWaes Wgs IaeeaHaeGhLJs Hns hVLs Whs%eeaes:GhLs IjekLgsUWkL_sW_s "3.\ -o ,_s "3.\ .o lLs Ia]bGeLs gbLIheG[s LPIWL_Ins aMs JWOLeL_hs IaJW_Us gIVL]Lg

(91) s =VLs IjekLs lWhVs _as ]GeZLes eLbeLgL_hgs hVLs GIVWLkGH[Ls gbLIheG[s LMQIWL_Ins Maes W_JLbL_JL_hs G_Js WJL_hWIG[[ns JWgheWHjhLJs )GjggWG_s IaJLHaaZg

(92) s =VLs IjekLs lWhVs Ieaggs ]GfZr Legs Wgs hVLs W_Mae]GhWa_s eGhLs Maes >_WMae][ns G_Js ,_JLbL_JL_h[ns "WgheWHjhLJs #,"s  82sW_bjhsG[bVGHLhgsa_shVLs\<,sIVG__L[s IaeeLgba_JW_Us has ss 


(94) s =VWgs IjekLs VGgs HLL_s Ia]bjhLJs jgW_UshVLs<VG]GWs1GfaWGs a_YLIhjeLs<1 sgLLs C#/Do =VLsIjekLs lWhVsheWG_U[Ls]GeZLegseLbeLgL_hgshVLsW_Mae]GhWa_seGhLsaHhGW_LJs HnsIa]bjhW_Us hVLsGeLGs j_JLeshVLs %C,=s IVGehs aMshVLsbeabagLJs <,<5sLdjG[WoLe

(95) s. #. c. "# #

(96) #. %o co # # # # #. ECSP>\ +„ .\ TQ\. #. ?MP\ Nc. #. 9c. #. #. 04 hmd:„. #. #. #. #. #. Y$\ \ Z\ 8B>P\ \ ER>P8REMKQ\. BLs aHgLekLs hVGhs hVLs beabagLJs gIVL]Ls gjOLegs aMs Gs bLeMaer Ia]bGeLJs has hVLs ]G_ILs JLUeGJGhWa_s Maes VWUVs kG[jLgs aMs <1

(97) sBLsgjbbagLshVGhshVWgsbLeMae]G_ILs[aggsWgsJjLshashVLsW]r bagLJs[W_LGesghejIhjeLsaMsajesLdjG[WoLe

(98) s'aesLkLenskG[jLsaMs lLsVGkLsIa]bjhLJshVLs%C,=sIVGehgsaMsajes<,<5sLdjG[WoLesG_Js lLs VGkLs Maj_Js hVLs abhW]G[s 1als "L_gWhns 6GeWhns VLIZs IaJLs beaQ[LsjgW_UshVLs]LhVaJsbeabagLJsW_s C#0Do 'ea]shVLgLsbeaQ[Lgs lLs VGkLs Ia]bjhLJs hVLs IaeeLgba_JW_Us W_Mae]GhWa_s eGhLgs jgW_Us LdjGhWa_s .o =VLseLgj[hW_UsIjekLsVGgsgdjGeLs]GeZLeg

(99) sBLs_ahLs hVGhshVLsbLeMae]G_ILs[aggsIa]bGeLJshashVLsGeLGsj_JLeshVLs%C,=s IVGehsWgs[al

(100) sBLs G[gasbeakWJLshVLs#,"sW_Mae]GhWa_seGhLsMaes. 82s]aJj[GhWa_sGhsGs3ndjWghseGhLs ss IlWhVseaj_Js]GeZLegs G_Js aHgLekLs hVGhs Maes LdjWkG[L_hs '=3s G[[algs gWU_WQIG_hs UGW_gsW_sgbLIheG[sLMQIWL_In

(101) s=lasIaaeJW_GhLgsIaeeLgba_JW_Ushas hVLs s Maes ss 

(102) s G_Js ss 

(103) s GfLs beakWJLJs Maes Gs hGeULhs %:saMs  

(104) s.

(105) 2016 9th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processinj 7 6 N. :r: ::;';;;-. REFER ENCES Gaussian spectral efficiency, FTN r = 0. 35 - - Shama i Laroia Conjecture, FTN r = 0. 35 --+- Area une! er EXIT char ts, FT N T = 0. 35 --e- LDPC optimization, FT N r = 0. 35 --e-- UID information rate, Nyquist T = 1. 3. .s >, ". t. 4. ". "' ·;::;. f:E. IÏl. <e. .::u. "'o.. ifJ. 10. Eb in d B No. Figure 7. Comparison of severa! spectral efficienci es for {3 = 0. 35.. T. 0. 35 and. V. CONCLUSION. To conclude, in this paper we consider a circular pulse shaped FTN signaling. An architecture based on FFTIIFFT operations is proposed that avoids the use of a cyclic prefix at the transmitter. We then propose an iterative receiver architecture based on the sampling of the received signal at twice the symbol rate. Finally, we propose simulation results to show the performances of the proposed transmitter/receiver architectures and observe that significant gains can be achieved using FTN. Furthermore, with the proposed iterative receiver scheme, we observe that for target BER below 10- 5 compression factors as low as 0. 35 can be used with a performance loss less than 0. 5dB compared to the Nyquist case with T = 1. APPENDIX A AUTOCORRELATION OF. x (t). In order to derive the PSD of x (t) , we start by computing its autocorrelation function R x(t , 5) = lE [x (t) x* (t- 5)]. From equation (3) , after sorne calculation steps (using the fact that symbols a p,m are iid) and after remarking that x(t) is wide sense cyclo-stationary for a period of T , the average autocorrelation function of x(t) is equal to 2 M - 1. R x(5) =. T;a L. 1. m= O. T. hr(t- mT8 )hT(t - 5- mTs)Wr (t - 5)dt. 0. (22). For 5 = 0 we obtain 2 M- 1. 1 T. ;;; L hr (t T;,a;·+oo -oo lh(t)1 2 dt. mTs)hY, (t - mT8 )dt. s m=O 0. 2. 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Figure  7.  Comparison  of  severa!  spectral  efficienci es  for  T


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