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English Exam Second Term Exam -2


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English Exam

Second Term Exam -2

Time: 60mn Name: ……...………..Class



/G…… Date : 23rd-04-2016

I. Comprehension: (7 pts)

A. Read the article, then tick the correct answer: (1 pt) What do you think this article is about?

a- travel b- environment c- geography B. Read the article and answer the questions: (4 pts)

1. What do pacific islanders fear?


2. How are we causing global warming?


3. Why is it going to be difficult to reduce air pollution by 5% ?


Global warmings


The people on the small Pacific islands of Kribati and Tuvalu do not need to read about climate changes and global warming- it is happening all around them. Sea levels are rising and transforming the way they live.

Farmers have to grow crops in empty tins because there is too much salt in the ground. Fish are dying because the sea is too, warm and drinking water is hard to find. A neighboring island has already disappeared and the islanders are afraid that their homes will be under water soon.


Experts believe that some places are already 2°C hotter than they were 50 years ago and that the temperatures will rise at least 5°C in the next hundred years. This means that the ice at the North and South Poles will melt the ocean.


Greenhouse gases trap the sun’s heat and stop the earth from getting too cold. This ‘greenhouse effect’

stops most of the earth from getting covered in ice. However, humans are now making the greenhouse effect happen too quickly by burning too much coal and oil. Burning coals and oil creates extra carbon dioxide and makes the earth get hotter. We call this ‘global warming’.


In an attempt to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the United Nations created the Kyoto protocol in 1997. Representation from 141 countries signed the agreement and they meet regularly to discuss their progress. They say that they are going to cut air pollution by 5% by 2020. The USA, which produces a quarter of the Earth’s carbon dioxide, has not signed the agreement. This means that it will be hard for Kyoto protocol to work.


No one knows exactly what will happen in the future, but scientists believe that the weather will be much extreme. Global warming will cause more powerful hurricanes, more extensive floods and lengthier droughts. Some parts of the world may get warmer and also get more rain, but others may get colder and even freeze. This will affect our forests, the food we grow and the spread of the disease. It is hard to imagine, but all these changes might happen in just a few generations. We have one world and it is our duty to look after it.


4 .What problems global warming will cause?


C. Find words or expressions in the text which match these definitions: (2 pts)

1- Change (paragraph 1) =>……… ………

2- Go up (paragraph 2) => ………..………

3- Reduce (paragraph 4) => ………...………

4- Responsibility (paragraph 5) => ………

II. Language: (8 pts)

A. Choose the correct verb form: (2 pts)

1. Jane will / is going to study music in Vienna. 2. I think it’s snowing / will snow tomorrow.

3. What are we having / will we have for dinner? 4. I promise I’ll write / I’m writing to you every week.

B. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions: (4pts)

 Look after * * to return a sum of money to its owner.

 Try something on * * to end a personal relationship.

 Pay me back * * to take care of someone or something.

 Break up with someone * * to try something to see if it is suitable.

C. Tick the correct answer in these following sentences: ( 2pts)

1- We tried ……….……… the 9 O’clock train, but we arrived too late.

a- to catch b- catching

2- The doctor told Henry to stop ……….………

a- to smoke b- smoking

3- Do you expect ……….…… your maths exam?

a- to pass b- passing

4- I’m looking forward ……….……….a new car.

a- to have b- having

III. Writing: (5 pts)










What can you do to help protect the environment? Give your personal opinion.


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