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English Exam Second Term Exam -2


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English Exam

Second Term Exam -2 Time: 45mn Name: ……...………




/G…… Date : 15-05-2017

His name was Darren and he was born in 1999. He stopped going to school because he didn’t want to work hard. He didn’t want to study and wanted to play with his friends instead. On Monday mornings he woke up late and on weekends he slept all the time. One day, when Darren was eighteen, his father lost his job. Derren had to work now. He didn’t have much education so he couldn’t get a good job. He had to sell apples and bananas to tourists in Marrakech. He didn’t study English at school so he couldn’t talk to them. He didn’t make much money and he didn’t like his job.

On Tuesday, May 5th 2020 he saw his classmates enjoying expensive steak together. He wished that he had worked harder at school but now it was too late.

I - Comprehension :

A - Answer these questions (3 points total)

1 - How old is Darren?


2 - Why did he stop going to school?


3 - What did Darren wish he had done?


B - Answer ‘true’ or ‘false’. If false then rewrite the sentence correctly. (3 points total)

1 - Darren woke up early on weekends.


2 - Darren worked hard at school.


3 - Darren studied English at school.



II. Grammar

A - Fill in the blanks with ‘much’ or ‘many’ (2 points total)

1- How _________ cheese would you like?

2 - How _________ children do you have?

B - Fill in the blanks with ‘some’ or ‘any’. (3 points)

5 - Do you have ______ potatoes? Yes I do.

6 - I’m sorry, I don’t have _______ bread. Would you like _______ cake instead?

III. Vocabulary

A - FIll in the blanks with the correct days (2 points total)

We get married on our _________________________.

Today is New Year’s eve so _________________ will be New Year’s day.

Saturday and Sunday are the _________________.

I get a cake and gifts on my __________________.

B - re-write the dates with the alphabet only (2 point total)

15/3/1818 → _______________________________________________________

30/2/1943 → ________________________________________________________

IV - Writing - (5 points)

Write about your favorite food and how to make it. What do we put in the food and how much do we put in? Include at least 5 ingredients.







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