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Neutron resonance spin echo, bootstrap method for increasing the effective magnetic field


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Neutron resonance spin echo, bootstrap method for increasing the effective magnetic field

R. Gähler, R. Golub

To cite this version:

R. Gähler, R. Golub. Neutron resonance spin echo, bootstrap method for increasing the effective magnetic field. Journal de Physique, 1988, 49 (7), pp.1195-1202. �10.1051/jphys:019880049070119500�.



Neutron resonance spin echo, bootstrap method for increasing the

effective magnetic field

R. Gähler (1) and R. Golub (2)

(1) Fakultät für Physik, E 21, Technische Universität München, 8046 Garching, F.R.G.

(2) Technische Universität Berlin, F. R. G.

(Requ le 15 d6cembre 1987, révisé et accepté le ler





Nous montrons qu’il est possible d’utiliser la technique du bootstrap pour accroître l’angle de précession et ainsi la résolution de l’instrument pour


champ magnétique maximum donné



d’echos de spins de neutrons. Les limites théoriques et techniques à l’amplification du champ effectif sont




We show that it is possible to

use a

bootstrap technique to increase the precession angle, and

hence the instrument resolution for


given maximum magnetic field intensity in Neutron Resonance Spin

Echo (NRSE) spectrometry. The limits, theoretical




technical, to this effective field amplification




Physics Abstracts



Neutron spin echo spectrometry, first introduced by

Mezei in 1972 [1] has been developed into an extremely productive and sophisticated technique

for high resolution neutron spectroscopy [2-7].

In previous work we have shown that the introduc- tion of magnetic resonance spin flippers can lead to

the elimination of the requirement for large magnetic

fields over large distances in quasi-elastic [8] and

inelastic [9] neutron spin-echo spectrometers. In the

latter work we showed that one can obtain a factor of 2 increase in the precession angle of the neutron spins for a given magnetic field and that this

translates into a factor of 2 improvement in the

relation between instrument resolution and maxi-

mum available field in comparison with neutron spin

echo (NSE). We also briefly mentioned the possibili-

ty of further increases in this factor so that the factor of 2 can in principle be increased to 2 N. In the present work we give a detailed description of this bootstrap method for increasing the instrumental

performance and discuss the theoretical and techni- cal limits to the size of N.

The basic principle of an NSE spectrometer can be understood in terms of the following simplified

argument [1]. Neutrons polarized perpendicular to a

constant magnetic field BNSE undergo a precession through an angle

on travelling a distance L through the field BNSE with velocity v l. y is the neutron gyromagnetic ratio (y


2 03BC /h, 03BC


neutron magnetic moment). After scattering (neutron velocity changed to V2) the

neutrons travel through a similar region with rever-

sed magnetic field and undergo a precession through

an angle - p2’ The net precession angle is thus :

where m is the neutron mass, líwn is the neutron

energy transfer and TNSE is called the spin-echo time.

cp is measured by means of a static spin flipper,

followed by a polarization analyser and a neutron

detector. The detector signal is given by

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019880049070119500



For an energy transfer spectrum S the signal

will be

containing the Fourier transform of the energy transfer spectrum S(w,,), i. e. the time correlation function of the fluctuations in the scattering system.

We see from (4) that larger values of available TNSE imply sensitivity to smaller values of Cù n (hence higher effective energy resolution) and that the

maximum available TNSE is determined by the maxi-

mum field and the proportionality constant between precession angle and field strength (Eq. (2)).

Amplification of precession angle by the bootstrap.



We consider a neutron beam initially polarized along the x axis, travelling in

the y direction through a series of


coils whose D-C

magnetic fields (magnitude Bo) are either parallel or anti-parallel to the z axis. (Note the change of

coordinate system compared to reference [9]. Each


coil contains an oscillating magnetic field Bf, pointing along a direction in the x-y plane (see Fig. 1). As is well known [10] the oscillating field can

be regarded as a superposition of 2 counter-rotating fields, each with a magnitude Bf


Bf /2, one of

which (depending on the direction of Bo) will be in

resonance with the neutron precession if the fre- quency of the oscillating field, too, satisfies

The other counter-rotating component has only a negligible effect on the behaviour of the neutron

spin. The operation of the


coils was explained in

reference [9]. It was shown that if a neutron enters a


coil at time to with its spin making an angle

cp (to ) with the x axis it will leave the


coil, whose length is taken as f, at a times


l / v later with its

spin making an angle cp’ with the x axis :


is the angle between the rotating field and the x axis at the time that the neutron enters the


coil. We

assume that the entry and exit from the


coils is

rapid enough that boundary effects play no role.

2. SIMPLE MODEL OF THE BOOTSTRAP. - In order to illustrate the physical principles involved we will

first discuss a simplified model of the system in which we neglect the term in t, in equation (6). In figure 2 we show the position of the neutron spin,

~°, at the time, to, of entry into a


coil whose D-C field is in the positive direction (i.e. that direction

which involves a counter-clockwise precession in Fig. 2).

In the


coil the neutron spin precesses through

an angle


about Bl+ ) so that it returns to the x-y

plane at a position cp 1 whose angle with the x-axis is given by (6). If the neutron now leaves the first


coil and enters a second with reversed Bo, so that

the effective rotating component Bf(-) rotates

clockwise, the rotating component Bf(- ) will now be

at an angle - cp f (t° ) and the precession through


about this component will result in the neutron

spin reaching an angle

with the x axis (a


cP f(tO) - cp °). Passage through a

Fig. 1.


Operation of


coils : (a) decomposition of


oscillating field into two counter-rotating fields ; (b)



spin making


angle cp with respect to the x axis


entering the coil, leaves the coil at


angle cp’.


Fig. 2.


Simple model of the bootstrap : (a) overall view of


bootstrap coil system ; (b) coil C,


A neutron spin, initially at


angle ’P 0 with respect to the


axis makes


angle cp


when leaving the


coil; (c) Coil C2


the angle between the spin and x axis is transformed from (Pl


cp2 ; (d) (e) Coils C3, C4


Each coil further increases the angle between the spin and the x axis.



coil (with positive Bo) will result in a

further precession about Bf(+ ) and an angle with the

x axis of

By passing through further


coils this bootstrap

action will continue so that after N-03C0 coils we will have

Taking into account (7) and (5) we see that equation (10) represents a gain of a factor 2 N with respect to equation (1) and this will translate directly

into an improved instrument performance according

to equations (2) and (3).

In NSE the resolution is sensitive to the precision

of the line integral of the magnetic field between the

flippers. This integral must be constant (in time and space) for all neutron trajectories within a precision

better than the required relative energy resolution.

In NRSE (with or without bootstrap) the require-

ment of precision is transfered to the rf-frequencies (easy to maintain) and to the distance between the

rf-flipper coils, whose variations for all trajectories

must be constant within the relative resolution.

3. DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE BOOTSTRAP. - We consider a series of


coils : A1, A2


An ... AN

each with its Bo field reversed relative to the

preceding one. Applying equation (6) we find that

after leaving the nth


coil the neutron phase will

make an angle cp n with the x axis :

where tA is the time of entry into the first it-coil.

By forming the sum

using (11) and cancelling terms on both sides we

obtain the solution to the recursion relation (11) :

which is equation (19) of reference [9] if we take cp ° = 0. The factor 2 N in the first term of

equation (13) represents the gain factor due to the


It is amusing to note that the same bootstrap technique of increasing an initial angle by alternate precessions around two different axes has been applied to the problem of searching for neutron-

antineutron (n - n ) oscillations [11] although we only noticed this analogy after the fact. In the

n - n work a recursion relation similar to

equation (11) was solved by the same technique as

used above.


use the bootstrap in an NRSE spectrometer we will need 4 sets of coils (each set consisting of N single


coils) ; which will be designated A, B, C, D.

tA, 8.., will represent the times that a neutron enters each set of coils. Set A will have frequency

w 1, set B, w 1= ± w 1, as required, while C and D will have w 2 and Cù2 = ± W 2 (see Fig. 3). As in

NRSE without bootstrap we can assume the drift

regions between the coil sets to be field-free. Any



Fig. 3.


Outline of


spectrometer showing the sets of bootstrap coils A, B, C, D. Li, L2


the drift regions.

guide fields used will have only a trivial effect on the operation of the instrument. At the entry to coil-set A the neutrons will be polarized along the x direction

so we apply equation (13) with cp °


0 and obtain

Now for set B, cp NA represents the initial phase so applying (13) and using (14) we find :

and choosing w 1


(- l)N + 1 . úJ l’ the N Z terms

cancel and

Similarly for C and D taking w2


(- l)N + 1 . w 2 we find

Hence by choosing úJ l’ úJ 2 to have opposite signs we


with T2


tD - tc and T,


tB - tA and the magni-

tudes of w l, 2 can be chosen to give the spin-echo focussing condition for either quasi-elastic or inelas-

tic scattering [4]. In the above discussion all angles

are measured with respect to the x-axis (fixed in the

lab. frame) and the spin returns to the x-y plane at

the exit of each coil (perfect


coils). After travelling through a polarization analyser directed along the x-

axis the rate of neutrons reaching the detector will

be given by (3) with cp replaced by cp ND of

equation (18). We thus see that it is possible to

obtain a 2 N times improvement in the relationship

between maximum field strength and instrument resolution. This can be used to design an apparatus for higher resolution, or to work with lower field

strengths, or some combination according to the particular application.

Limits to the bootstrap gain factor.

The question immediately arises as to the limits of

this process. How large can N in equation (18) be ?

The obvious practical limit is that each unit increase of N requires the neutrons to pass through an

additional 4 coils and there is a limit to the amount of material the neutrons can traverse. But in addition to this technical limit, which we discuss below, a physical limit to N is set by the width of the acceptable velocity spectrum. The above discussion has assumed that the precession about B in each


coil is precisely


radians. The angle of precession

about B is given by

and Bf and f are chosen so that 03BE =


for some velocity vo. Then

and the above discussion must be modified to take into account the deviation of 03BE (v ) from the ideal value of


radians. It is easy to see that the correction will be of second order in x = § (v ) -


and that the error will increase with N.



In order to study this

question in more detail we have carried out an


analysis of the system starting with the Schroedinger equation :

where the Hamiltonian, H, represents the interaction of a neutron with a static magnetic field, Bo, along

the z axis, and a rotating magnetic field Bf (fib


03BCBf), rotating with f requency w in the x, y



(0 ) is the probability amplitude for the spin

up (down) state.

For neutrons entering the coil at time t1 and exiting at a time t1 +


the solution of equation (21)

can be written [10]

Now for a system of coils with tA the time of entry of

the first coil we take ’A (tA) as 1/B/2 1 for initial

polarization in the x direction and 1 for initial

polarization in the z direction and multiply by a

matrix [C (ti )] for each coil. Then with the resulting

wave function we calculate .p lux I .p > or qi I cr, I 03C8 ) as the case may be.

We see that each spin component of the final wave function with initial x polarization will consist of 4 terms in the case of 2 coils, 8 terms for 3 coils and 16

terms for 4 coils. The number of terms in each spin component of the final wave function for the case of M coils will be 2m and the order of each term in sin 6r and/or cos b T will be M. Thus the output

polarization will be of order 2 M in sin b 7 /cos b 7,

and the number of terms in the output polarization

will be 22 M, an uncomfortably large number for M>_4.

However, most of these terms will be oscillating

functions of tA, the time of arrival of a particular

neutron at the first coil and hence will not make any contribution to the time average of the output

polarization or detector counting rate. In addition

we are interested in the case where (tB - tA ), the

time of flight between coils, is much larger than T,

the transit time of a single coil so that all terms containing oscillating functions of (tB - tA ) or (tD - tc ) or the sum of these two quantities will be rapidly varying functions of neutron velocity and will

go to zero when averaged over the incoming velocity

distribution. Therefore we need only keep terms

depending on the difference between (tB - tA ) and (tD - tc) and on


To begin with we have calculated the case of two

w-coils, the neutrons entering the first coil at time tA, and the second coil B at a time tA + ? + T.

The result for u x) at the output of coil B is

after averaging out the terms depending on tA. We

see the leading term is of order 2 M in sin b T as

expected. The x-polarization at the exit of B is seen to be a measure of the travel time between A and B with the factor of 2 gain as discussed above for

N = 1.

We now consider the case of four it-coils all with the same applied frequency. The neutrons enter coil

A at time tA (polarized along the x direction), coil B

at time tB


tA + T + Tl, coil C (which has its D-C magnetic field reversed, i.e. WC = - W A) at time

te = tB +


+ ts and coil D (also with reversed

magnetic field) at a time tD = tC +


+ T2 (see Fig. 3).

The polarization in the x direction (averaged over

tA and discarding terms as discussed above) is found

to be :

From the definition of b (following Eq. (21)) we see

that the Larmor frequency around the rotating field

is given by WL (rot)


2 b so that for one


coil :


where 8 v = v - v o is less than the half-width of the

incoming velocity spectrum.

Thus for 6v /v = 10-1 as is necessary for the linear relation between spin-echo phase and neutron en-

ergy change to be valid (Eq. (2) and Refs. [1, 2]),

the higher order terms in (23) and (24) are com- pletely negligible, and the only important contri-

bution comes from the leading term, which contains the factor of 2 gain expected from equation (18)


the major reduction with respect to the ideal case of equation (18) being the factor sing bT which is on the order of

In figure 4 we plot the result for the 4



(Eq. (24)


note that only the first term is signifi-



Fig. 4.


Transform functions for


spin-echo spec- trometer. The horizontal scale is chosen for the 4 w system with TNSE(AO) defined


for the classical NSE with the


magnetic field value


in the


coils. The period of

the fast oscillations is (;ù n . T NSE (À 0)

= 7T.

cant) as a function of the neutron energy transfer variable (On, averaged over an incoming wavelength

distribution which was assumed constant between

A o - 8 A and A o + 6A for

E =



3 % and

6 % taking into account the À 3 dependence of

TNSE (Eq. (2)). The separation between neighbour- ing maxima and minima is given by (see Eqs. (24)

and (2))


defined as in the classical spin echo for a magnetic

field equal to that in the



In a quasi-elastic scattering experiment (for example) the functions shown in figure 4 are the true

transform functions (for Q independent scattering),

which replace the cos (On - T NSE function in equation (4), when calculating the ouput for a given S(Wn)-

As is usual in spin echo the resolution does not

depend on


but only on the maximum value of

TNSE (actually 2 . TNSE in our present 4



However we see that the use of larger values of


results in a reduction of the range of Cl) n which is included in the Fourier transform of S ( w n ) measured by the instrument. This is not a problem since it is

usually not necessary to measure a broad frequency

distribution with a high resolution [12]. We see that

the virtue of the spin-echo method is to obtain the

desired high resolution with a relatively large


(and hence a high intensity) while only paying the price of a reduction in dynamic range which is

unimportant when one is measuring narrow peaks.

While the rapid increase of the number of terms in with the number of coils M makes further calcu- lation exceedingly difficult we see that this is un-

necessary, based on the preceding discussion we can

conclude that the leading term of (o,.,) will go as


For reasonable narrow velocity distributions as

above we have

which witch 17 = 0.1 would allow values of N -- 5.

We will see below that the practical limits are more stringent than this.

Equation (30) can also be derived from a simple

estimate (see Fig. 5) : for the mean neutron velocity

vo, the rotation angle {3 around B f is exactly



one single coil. For a velocity distribution vo - Ov, the travel times through the coil will vary, and we get :

Fig. 5.


Motion of


neutron spin in the rotating frame.

Neutrons with velocity vo precess through


angle 7T about Brf. Neutrons with other velocities precess through


angle f3 (Eq. (31)). The angle y determines the loss of

polarization when f3 #

03C0 .


Now the vector of polarization will be spread around



0. For each neutron magnetic moment, the angular deviation y from the x-y plane will be proportional to a, which is the angle between the neutron polarization and the field B f at the entrance

of each coil. There will be no deviation for

a =

0, the maximum value will be for

a =

90° and the mean value we obtain for a


45°. Thus the rms

value ( y ) becomes :

For M single coils (with random distribution of a at each coil), the spreads in y will add quadratically and

the final polarization P M will be :

with q taken from equation (25). For small Av Ivo we

obtain :

which is just the leading term in the above calculation

(Eq. (30)).

For completeness we would like to present the results for an earlier system which we have not discussed in print [13]. In this system we take the polarizer and analyser in the z direction, coils A(D)

are v/2 coils resonating at a frequency 2 w (- 2 w )

while coils B(C) are


coils resonating at w (- w ).

The neutrons enter coil A at time tA, coil B at tB


tA + T + Tl, coil C at tc


tB + T + ts and coil D at tc + T + T2. All coils are taken to have the

same length, and the amplitudes of the rotating

fields are adjusted so that

The probability Pz for the polarization in



at the output is then

considering the narrowness of the velocity distri-

bution as discussed above (following Eq. (24)).

The factor 2 multiplying (ù (Tz - T1) does not

represent any gain in performance as the maximum field (in coils A + D) corresponds to 2




In order to go from a field-free region into the


coils (or vice-versa) the

neutrons must penetrate the conductors carrying the

current which produce the magnetic field. If we take

n turns/cm of conductor with thickness t [cm] the height of the conductors is a =1 /n (neglecting the

space taken by insulator) and the magnetic field is

where I is the current in amperes. The resistance per

cm2 of the coil is

where p is the resistivity of the conductor. The power dissipated is

using (38) and (39), and taking Bo


300 Gauss (vL = 1 MHz) and p


2.6 x 10-7 [O.cm] for com- mercially available high-purity aluminium at 80 °K (ten times smaller than the room temperature value).

Of all the good (normal) conductors Al has the best neutron transmission, the mean free path being greater than 11 [cm] for neutron wavelengths A:

4.5 A A 11 A and A : 1.8 Å and reaching a

maximum of 22 cm for A = 4.8 A.

With a 400 cm2 winding area we obtain

and taking t


0.2 cm yields 35 W/coil. With M = 12

(gain of 6) the total material traversed would be 2 M . t


4.8 cm or a transmission better than 65 %

over the above mentioned wavelength region. Work- ing in the vicinity of A


5 A would allow double the amount of material, but small angle scattering might

set a more stringent limit.

These considerations are only meant to be indica-

tive of the possibilities using a relatively simple technology. The future availability of high Tc super- conductors or the use, as is already planned by

several groups [14], of classical superconductors can,

of course, result in an improved instrument.


We have seen that in addition to allowing the

operation of a Neutron Spin Echo spectrometer

without the need for large magnetic fields over large

distances, an NRSE spectrometer with bootstrap can

provide significant increases in the resolution avail-

able with a given maximum magnetic field. This

improvement can be shared between higher resol-



ution and lower magnetic fields. In addition the combination of the bootstrap idea with the

generalized NRSE system (Sect. 3 of Ref. [9]) will

allow the increased resolution together with arbitrary

field on the sample and the reduction of the sensitivi- ty to sample size.

It may also be possible to use the bootstrap principle to produce a spectrometer for rather high

energy neutrons (100-200 meV) where relative resol- utions of 10-3-10-4 may be of interest [15,16].

While somewhat pedestrian when seen from the viewpoint of present day spin-echo techniques such a

resolution would represent a significant improve-

ment over what is currently possible at these higher energies.

Another interest of the bootstrap technique lies in

the possibility of extending spectroscopy with meV

neutrons to relative resolutions approaching 10- 5.

To realize such a spectrometer would require that

the neutron flight paths between the flipper systems be stable and constant for all neutrons to within

10- 5 of their length or about 10 03BCm in the case of flight paths in the range of several meters. Position-

ing and adjustment to such accuracy is possible using

well established optical bench technology. Whether

the flipper coils necessary for the bootstrap can be produced to this accuracy remains to be seen but it is

possible to visualize using evaporation of aluminium

structures on silicon and similar micron engineering techniques.


Work of this kind would not be possible without the encouragement and support as well as the incisive criticisms of many of one’s colleagues. We would particularly like to thank Profs. D. Dubbers, F.

Mezei, W. Glaser and 0. Scharpf. We are grateful

to B. Farrago, C. Lartigue, B. Sarkissian and C.

Zeyen for helping us find our way through some of

the intricacies of spin echo. C. Skorski, as always, performed miracles with her typing.


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[4] MEZEI, F., Neutron Spin Echo and Polarized Neu- trons, Neutron Inelastic Scattering, 1977, IAEA

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[5] PYNN, R., J. Phys. E 11 (1978) 1133.

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