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Stochastic integral of divergence type with respect to fractional brownian motion with Hurst parameter <span class="mathjax-formula">$H\in (0,\frac{1}{2})$</span>


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Stochastic integral of divergence type with respect to fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H(0, 1 2 )

Patrick Cheridito


, David Nualart


aORFE, E-Quad, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

bFacultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Gran Via, 585, 08007, Barcelona, Spain Received 25 July 2003; accepted 30 September 2004

Available online 5 February 2005


We define a stochastic integral with respect to fractional Brownian motionBHwith Hurst parameterH(0,12)that extends the divergence integral from Malliavin calculus. For this extended divergence integral we prove a Fubini theorem and establish versions of the formulas of Itô and Tanaka that hold for allH(0,12). Then we use the extended divergence integral to show that for everyH(16,12)and allgC3(R), the Russo–Vallois symmetric integralb

ag(BtH)d0BtH exists and is equal to G(BbH)G(BaH), whereG=g, while forH(0,16],b

a(BtH)2d0BtHdoes not exist.

2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


Nous définissons une intégrale stochastique par rapport au mouvement brownien fractionnaireBH avec paramètre de Hurst H(0,12)qui généralise l’intégrale du type divergence du calcul de Malliavin. Pour cette intégrale de divergence généralisée nous montrons un théorème de Fubini et nous établissons des versions des formules d’Itô et Tanaka pour toutH(0,12). Ensuite nous utilisons l’intégrale de divergence généralisée pour démontrer que pourH(16,12)etgC3(R), l’intégrale symétrique de Russo–Valloisb

ag(BtH)d0BtH existe et vautG(BbH)G(BaH), oùG=g, alors que pourH(0,16],b

a(BtH)2d0BtH n’existe pas.

2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

MSC: 60G15; 60H05; 60H07

Keywords: Fractional Brownian motion; Stochastic integration; Malliavin calculus; Symmetric integral

* Corresponding author.

E-mail address: dnualart@ub.edu (D. Nualart).

1 Supported by a research grant of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Swiss National Science Foundation.

2 Supported by the MCyT grant BFM2000-0598.

0246-0203/$ – see front matter 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.



1. Introduction

A fractional Brownian motion (fBm) BH = {BtH, t ∈R} with Hurst parameter H(0,1) is a continuous Gaussian process with zero mean and covariance function

E[BtHBsH] =1 2

|t|2H+ |s|2H− |ts|2H

. (1.1)

IfH=12, then BH is a two-sided Brownian motion, but forH=12,{BtH, t0}is not a semimartingale (for a proof in the caseH(12,1)see Example 4.9.2 in Liptser and Shiryaev [18], for a general proof see Maheswaran and Sims [19] or Rogers [31]).

It can easily be seen from (1.1) that E


= |ts|2H.

Hence, it follows from Kolmogorov’s continuity criterion (see e.g. Theorem I.2.1 in Revuz and Yor [27]) that on any finite interval, almost all paths ofBH areβ-Hölder continuous for allβ < H. Therefore, ifuis a stochastic process with Hölder continuous trajectories of orderγ >1−H, then, by Young’s theorem on Stieltjes integrability (see [33]), the path-wise Riemann–Stieltjes integralT

0 ut(ω)dBtH(ω)exists for allT 0. In particular, ifH >12, the path-wise integralT

0 f(BtH)dBtH exists for allfC2(R), and f (BTH)f (0)=

T 0


(more about path-wise integration with respect to fBm can be found in Lin [17], Mikosch and Norvaiša [21], Zähle [34] or Coutin and Qian [8]).

IfH12, the path-wise Riemann–Stieltjes integralT

0 f(BtH)dBtH does not exist. ForH=12, the stochastic integral introduced by Itô [16] has proven to be a very fruitful approach and has led to the development of classical stochastic calculus. Gaveau and Trauber [11] and Nualart and Pardoux [23] proved that the Itô stochastic integral coincides with the divergence operator on the Wiener space. Later, several authors have used the divergence op- erator to define stochastic integrals with respect to fBm with arbitraryH(0,1). See for instance, Decreusefond and Üstünel [9], Carmona, Coutin and Montseny [6], Alòs, Mazet and Nualart [2,3], Coutin, Nualart and Tudor [7]. In [3] it is shown that ifH(14,1), then for all functionsfC2(R)such thatfdoes not grow too fast, the divergence of the process{f(BtH), t∈ [0, T]}exists and

f (BTH)f (0)= T 0

f(BtH)δBtH+H T 0

f(BtH)t2H1dt. (1.2)

In [7] it is proved that for all H(13,1), the process{sign(BtH), t∈ [0, T]}is in the domain of the divergence operator, and a fractional version of the Tanaka formula is derived. Privault [26] defined an extended Skorohod integral for a class of processes that satisfy a certain smoothness condition and showed that for this integral, formula (1.2) holds for everyH(0,1)and allfC2(R)such thatf, f andf are bounded. However, when using the approach of [26], the integral with respect to fBm withH(0,12)cannot be defined directly but must be constructed by approximating fBm with more regular processes. Similarly to [3], Hu [14] defined a stochastic integral with respect to fBm by transforming integrands and integrating them with respect to a standard Brownian motion. Provided they both exist, the integral with respect to fBm defined in [14] coincides with the one in [3].

Duncan, Hu and Pasik-Duncan [10] introduced a stochastic integral for fBm withH(12,1)as the limit of finite sums involving the Wick product. It is shown in Section 7 of [3] that again, this integral is the same as the divergence integral if both exist. Leaving the framework of random variables and working in the space of Hida distributions, Hu


and Øksendal [15] as well as Bender [4] developed the integral of [10] further. In [4], for allH(0,1), a fractional Tanaka formula is proved, and an extended version of the formula (1.2) is shown to hold under the assumption that f is a tempered distribution that can also depend on t and satisfies some mild regularity conditions. Gradinaru, Russo and Vallois [12] proved a change of variables formula for fBm withH∈ [14,1)that holds for the symmetric integral introduced in Russo and Vallois [28]. If both exist, the Russo–Vallois symmetric integral differs from the divergence integral by a trace term. For more details, see [1] or the introduction of [12].

In this paper we first explore how generally a stochastic integral for fBm can be defined by using the divergence operator from Malliavin calculus, and in particular, whether for the divergence operator, there exist versions of Itô’s and Tanaka’s formula for fBm with anyH(0,12). Then, we study Russo–Vallois symmetric integrals of the formb

ag(BtH)d0BtH, for deterministic functionsg:R→R.

It turns out that the standard divergence integral of fBm with respect to itself does not exist ifH(0,14], the reason being that in this case, the paths of fBm are too irregular. However, in the right setup, the standard divergence operator can be extended by a simple change of the order of integration in the duality relationship that defines the divergence operator as the adjoint of the Malliavin derivative. The definition of this extended divergence operator is simpler than the definitions of the stochastic integrals in [26,14,15] and [4]. Moreover, it can be shown that for the extended divergence operator, a Fubini theorem holds as well as versions of the formulas of Itô and Tanaka for fBm with anyH(0,12). By localization, the extended divergence operator can be generalized further, and one can prove that for everyH(0,12), formula (1.2) holds for allfC2(R). A similar formula is valid for arbitrary convex functions. Hence, the change of variables formulas that we show for the extended divergence integral in this paper are valid for more general functionsf than the change of variable formulas in [26]. On the other hand, our change of variables formulas for the extended divergence integral are neither more nor less general than the ones in [4]. Whereas in [4]f does not need to be a twice continuously differentiable or convex function, it cannot grow to fast at infinity. Another important difference between the divergence integral in this paper and the stochastic integral of [15] and [4] is that the stochastic integral of divergence type in this paper is always a random variable whereas in [15] and [4], the stochastic integral is defined as a Hida distribution. In the last section we use properties of the extended divergence integral to show that for all real numbersaandbsuch that−∞< a < b <∞and every H(16,12), the symmetric integral

b a

g(BtH)d0BtH (1.3)

in the Russo–Vallois sense exists for allgC3(R)and is equal toG(BbH)G(BaH), whereG=g, while on the other hand, forH(0,16], the symmetric integralb

a(BtH)2d0BtH does not exist.

ThatH=16 is a barrier for the existence of integrals of the form (1.3) was simultaneously and independently discovered in the paper [13] by Gradinaru, Nourdin, Russo and Vallois. Their method of proof is different from ours and to show that the integral (1.3) exists for allH >16, they need thatgC5(R). On the other hand, their result holds for more general symmetric stochastic integrals than the one considered in this paper.

The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we collect some facts from the theory of fractional calculus and discuss the first chaos of fBm with Hurst parameterH(0,12). In Section 3, we show that ifH(0,14], then for−∞< a < b <∞, the processBtH1(a,b](t )is not in the domain of the standard divergence operator. We then introduce an extended divergence operator and prove a Fubini theorem. Section 4 contains versions of the formulas of Itô and Tanaka for fBm with Hurst parameterH(0,12). In Section 5, we show that for−∞< a < b <∞, the Russo–Vallois symmetric integralb

a g(BtH)d0BtH exists for allgC3(R)if and only ifH > 16, in which case it is equal toG(BbH)G(BaH), whereG=g.


2. The first chaos of fBm withH(0,12)

Let{BtH, t∈R}be a fBm with Hurst parameterH(0,12)on a probability space(Ω,F,P)such that F=σ{BtH, t∈R}.

ByEH we denote the linear space of step functions n


aj1(tj,tj+1]: n1, −∞< t1< t2<· · ·< tn+1<, aj∈R , equipped with the inner product



aj1(tj,tj+1], m k=1



:=E n




j) m k=1




. Obviously, the linear map

n j=1

aj1(tj,tj+1]n j=1



j) (2.1)

is an isometry between the inner product spacesEH and span{BtH, t∈R} ⊂L2(Ω),

where span denotes the linear span.

There exists a Hilbert space of functions which containsEHas a dense subspace. To describe this Hilbert space, we need the following notions of fractional calculus. We refer the reader to Samko, Kilbas and Marichev [32] for a complete presentation of this theory.

Letα=12H. The fractional integralsI+αϕandIαϕof a functionϕon the whole real axis are given by I+αϕ(t ):= 1

(α) t


(ts)α1ϕ(s)ds, t∈R, and

Iαϕ(t ):= 1 (α)


(st )α1ϕ(s)ds, t∈R,

respectively (see page 94 of [32]). The Marchaud fractional derivatives Dα+ϕand Dαϕof a functionϕon the whole real line are defined by

Dα±ϕ(t ):=lim

ε 0Dα±ϕ(t ), t∈R, where

Dα±ϕ(t ):= α (1α)


ϕ(t )ϕ(ts)

s1+α ds, t∈R

(compare page 111 of [32]). It follows from Theorem 5.3 of [32] thatI+αandIαare bounded linear operators from L2(R)toL1/H(R). Theorem 6.1 of [32] implies that for allϕL2(R),

Dα+I+αϕ=ϕ and DαIαϕ=ϕ. (2.2)


In Corollary 1 to Theorem 11.4 of [32] it is shown that Iα

L2(R) :=I+α


=Iα L2(R)

. Let

cH =

H+1 2



ds+ 1 2H



It follows from (2.2) that the spaceIα(L2(R))equipped with the inner product ϕ, ψΛH :=c2HDαϕ, DαψL2(R),

is a Hilbert space. We denote it byΛH. It is shown in Pipiras and Taqqu [24] that for allϕ, ψEH, ϕ, ψΛH = ϕ, ψEH

and thatEHis dense inΛH. Therefore, the isometry (2.1) can be extended to an isometry betweenΛHand the first chaos of{BtH, t∈R},

spanL2(Ω){BtH, t∈R}. We will denote this isometry by


Remark 2.1. Let−∞< a < b <∞, and set Λ(a,bH ]:=

ϕΛH: ϕ=ϕ1(a,b](·) .

LetϕΛH\Λ(a,bH ]. SinceIα is a bounded linear operator fromL2(R)toL1/H(R), there exists a constantc >0 such that for allψΛ(a,bH ],

ψΛH ϕψL1/H(R)


ϕ(t )1/Hdt H


This shows thatΛ(a,bH ]is a closed subspace ofΛH. On the other hand, let EH(a,b]:=

ϕEH: ϕ=ϕ1(a,b](·) ,

and denote byEH(a,b]the closure ofEH(a,b]inΛH. IfϕEH(a,b], there exists a sequence{ϕn}n=1of functions inEH(a,b] such thatϕnϕinΛH and therefore also inL1/H(Ω). It follows thatϕΛ(a,bH ]. This shows thatEH(a,b]Λ(a,bH ].

The right-sided fractional integralIbαϕof a functionϕon the interval(a, b]is given by

Ibαϕ(t ):= 1 (α)

b t

(st )α1ϕ(s)ds, t(a, b]

(see Definition 2.1 of [32]). The right-sided Riemann–Liouville fractional derivativeDαbϕ of a functionϕon the interval(a, b]is given by

Dbαϕ(t ):= − 1 (1α)

d dt

b t

(st )αϕ(s)ds, t(a, b]


(see Definition 2.2 in [32]). It is shown in Theorem 2.6 of [32] thatIbαis a bounded linear operator fromL1(a, b] toL1(a, b]. It follows from Theorem 2.4 and formula (2.19) of [32] that for allϕL1(a, b],


Clearly, the linear maps

Mα:L2(a, b] →L1(a, b], f (t )(ta)αf (t ) and

Mα:L1(a, b] →L1(a, b], f (t )(ta)αf (t ) are bounded and injective. It follows that the map

J:=MαIbαMα:L2(a, b] →L1(a, b]

is bounded and injective. Therefore,λ(a,bH ]=J (L2(a, b])with the inner product ϕ, ψλ(a,b]

H := π(2H−1)H

(2−2H )sin(π(H−1/2))J1ϕ, J1ψL2(a,b]

is a Hilbert space. In [25], Pipiras and Taqqu have shown thatEH(a,b]is dense inλ(a,bH ]. Let{ϕn}n=1be a Cauchy- sequence inEH(a,b]. Then, there exist functionsϕEH(a,b]andψλ(a,bH ]such that

ϕnϕ inΛH and therefore also inL1/H(a, b] and

ϕnψ inλ(a,bH ]and therefore also inL1(a, b]. It follows thatϕ=ψ. This shows that

λ(a,bH ]=EH(a,b]Λ(a,bH ]. (2.3)

3. Extension of the divergence operator

In this section we define an extended divergence operator with respect to{BtH, t∈R}forH(0,12). We briefly recall the basic notions of the stochastic calculus of variations, also called Malliavin calculus. For more details we refer to the books by Nualart [22] and Malliavin [20]. The set of smooth and cylindrical random variablesSconsists of all random variables of the form

F =f

BH1), . . . , BHn)

, (3.1)

where n1, fCp(Rn) (f and all its partial derivatives have polynomial growth), and ϕjΛH. Since F=σ{BtH, t∈R},S is dense inLp(Ω)for allp1. The derivative of a smooth and cylindrical random vari- ableF of the form (3.1) is defined as theΛH-valued random variable

DF= n j=1



BH1), . . . , BHn) ϕj.

For allp1,FDFis a closable unbounded linear operator fromLp(Ω)toLp(Ω, ΛH). We denote the closed operator byDand its domain inLp(Ω)byD1,p.


The divergence operatorδis defined as the adjoint of the derivative operator. Forp >1, letp˜=pp1>1. By δpwe denote the adjoint ofDviewed as operator fromLp˜(Ω)toLp˜(Ω, ΛH), that is, the domain ofδp, Domδp, is the space of processesuLp(Ω, ΛH)such that


is a bounded linear functional on(S, · p˜), and foru∈Domδp,δp(u)is the unique element inLp(Ω)such that Eu, DFΛH =E


, (3.2)

for allFS. Obviously, ifu∈Domδp∩Domδq, for differentp, q >1, then δp(u)=δq(u). Hence, one can define



Domδp, and foru∈Domδ,

δ(u):=δp(u), (3.3)

for somep >1 such thatu∈Domδp.

Remark 3.1. Let−∞< a < b <∞and consider the process{BtH, a < tb}on(Ω,F(a,b],P), where F(a,b]=σ{BtH, a < tb} =σ{BtH, atb}.

Letδ(a,b]be the corresponding divergence operator defined analogously to the divergence operatorδin (3.3). By (2.3), a processu

p>1Lp(Ω, λ(a,bH ])can be viewed as a process in

p>1Lp(Ω, ΛH). It can easily be checked that ifu

p>1Lp(Ω, λ(a,bH ])∩Domδ, thenu∈Domδ(a,b]as well, andδ(u)=δ(a,b](u).

Proposition 3.2. Let−∞< a < b <, and set ut=BtH1(a,b](t ), t∈R.


P[uΛH] =1, forH∈ 1

4,1 2

, and

P[uΛH] =0, forH

0,1 4


Proof. First, letH(14,12). It follows from Kolmogorov’s continuity criterion (compare e.g. Theorem I.2.1 in Revuz and Yor [27]) that there exists a measurable setΩwith P[] =1 such that for allω, there exists a constantC(ω) such that



BtH(ω)C(ω) and




|ts|1/4 C(ω).

We fix anωand set

ϕ(t ):=ut(ω)=BtH(ω)1(a,b](t ), t∈R,



C:= α

(1α)C(ω), whereα=1 2−H.

Letε >0. Fort(−∞, a], Dα+ϕ(t )=0.

Fort(a, b],

Dα+ϕ(t ) α (1α)




ϕ(t )ϕ(ts) s1+α

ds+ϕ(t )







s3/4αds+ ta






. Fort(b,),

Dα+ϕ(t ) α (1α)



|ϕ(ts)| s1+α dsC



s1αds=C1 α

(tb)α(ta)α . Hence, for allε >0, for allt∈R,|Dα+ϕ(t )|ψ (t ), where

ψ (t )=


0, ift(−∞, a],

C[(ta)1/4α+(ta)α], ift(a, b], C[(tb)α(ta)α], ift(b,) and

C=C 1

1/4−α∨ 1 α


It can easily be checked thatψL2(R). It follows thatϕsatisfies condition (1) of Theorem 6.2 of [32]. Condition (2) is trivially satisfied. Therefore, Theorem 6.2 of [32] implies thatϕΛH, which proves the first part of the proposition.

Now, let us assume thatH(0,14]. The process BtH:=BtH+aBaH, t∈R,

is also a fBm with Hurst parameterH. Since it isH-selfsimilar, for allt(0, ba), the random variable t2H

bat 0


has the same distribution as

bat 0

(Bs/tH+1Bs/tH )2ds=t

(ba)/t1 0


=(bat ) 1 (ba)/t−1

ba/t1 0

(BxH+1BxH)2dx. (3.4)


The process(BxH+1BxH)x0is stationary and mixing. Therefore, it follows from the ergodic theorem that (3.4) converges to


>0, inL1ast→0.

Hence, t2H

bat 0

(BsH+tBsH)2ds L

−→1 (ba)E(B1H)2

, ast→0,

as well. It follows that there exists a measurable set with P[] =1 and a sequence of positive numbers {tk}k=1that converges to 0 such that for allωandk1,




btk a




batk 0





2 E(B1H)2

tk2H. (3.5)

Now, assume that there exists anωsuch thatu(ω)ΛH. By (6.40) of [32], the functionu(ω)has the property



ds=o(t) ast→0. (3.6)

Butu(ω)can only satisfy (3.5) and (3.6) at the same time ifH > α=12H, which contradictsH14. Therefore, u(ω) /ΛH for allωΩ, and the proposition is proved. 2

Since Domδ

p>1Lp(Ω, ΛH), Proposition 3.2 implies that processes of the form BtH1(a,b](t ),

cannot be in Domδ if H 14. Note that it follows from (2.3) that for H 14, almost surely, no path of {BtH, a < tb}is inλ(a,bH ]either, and therefore,{BtH, a < tb}∈/Domδ(a,b]. In the following definition we extend the divergenceδto an operator whose domain also contains processes with paths that are not inΛH.

We set


SinceEH is dense inL2(R),ΛHis dense inΛH. Furthermore, it can easily be checked that for−∞< a < b <∞, I+α


= (H+1/2)1(a,b](t ), t∈R. It follows from (2.2) that

Dα+1(a,b](t )= 1 (H+1/2)


, t∈R, which shows that

Dα+DαH)=Dα+(EH)Lp(R), (3.7)

for all p


3/2−H, 1 1/2−H

, in particular, forp=2.


Corollary 2 to Theorem 6.2 of [32] implies that for allϕΛH andψEH, the following integration by parts formula holds:


ϕ(x)Dα+ψ (x)dx=


Dαϕ(x)ψ (x)dx. (3.8)

ByHnwe denote then-th over-normalized Hermite polynomial, that is, H0(x):=1, and Hn(x):=(−1)n

n! ex2/2 dn

dxn(ex2/2), n1.

Furthermore, we setH1(x):=0. It can be shown as in Theorem 1.1.1 of Nualart [22] that for allp1, span

Hn BH(ϕ)

: n∈N, ϕΛHΛH=1 is dense inLp(Ω).

Definition 3.3. Letu= {ut, t∈R}be a measurable process. We say thatu∈Domδif and only if there exists a δ(u)

p>1Lp(Ω)such that for alln∈NandϕΛH withϕΛH=1, the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) for almost allt∈R:utHn1(BH(ϕ))L1(Ω), (ii) E[u·Hn1(BH(ϕ))]Dα+Dαϕ(·)L1(R), and (iii) c2H

RE[utHn1(BH(ϕ))]Dα+Dαϕ(t )dt=E[δ(u)Hn(BH(ϕ))].

Note that ifu∈Domδ, thenδ(u)is uniquely defined, and the mappingδ: Domδ

p>1Lp(Ω)is linear.

Remark 3.4.

1. Letn∈NandϕΛH. By (3.7), the process Hn1


Dα+Dαϕ(t ) is inLp(Ω, Lq(R))for all

p∈ [1,∞) and q∈ 1

3/2−H, 1 1/2−H

. By twice applying Hölder’s inequality, it follows that if


Ω, Lq(R) for some

p(1,∞] and q∈ 1


, then



Dα+Dαϕ(t )L1

Ω, L1(R)

=L1(Ω×R), (3.9)

which implies thatusatisfies conditions (i) and (ii) of Definition 3.3.

2. The extended divergence operatorδis closed in the following sense:


p(1,∞] and q∈ 1




Let{uk}k=1be a sequence in DomδLp(Ω, Lq(R))anduLp(Ω, Lq(R))such that lim

k→∞uk=u inLp

Ω, Lq(R) . It follows that for alln∈NandϕΛH,


k→∞uktHn1 BH(ϕ)

Dα+Dαϕ(t )=utHn1 BH(ϕ)

Dα+Dαϕ(t ) inL1(Ω×R). If there exists apˆ∈(1,∞]and anXLpˆ(Ω)such that


k→∞δ(uk)=X inLpˆ(Ω), thenu∈Domδ, andδ(u)=X.

Proposition 3.5.



Lp(Ω, ΛH)=Domδ,

and the extended divergence operatorδrestricted to Domδcoincides with the standard divergence operator defined by (3.3).

Proof. Letu∈Domδ=

p>1Domδp. Then, there exists ap >1 such thatu∈Domδp, andδp(u)Lp(Ω). In particular,uLp(Ω, ΛH). Hence, it follows from Theorem 5.3 of [32] thatuLp(Ω, L1/H(R)). Therefore, by Remark 3.4.1,usatisfies conditions (i) and (ii) of Definition 3.3.

Now, letn∈NandϕΛH withϕΛH =1. The duality relation (3.2), the expression DHn



BH(ϕ) ϕ

and the fractional integration by parts formula (3.8), yield E




u, DHn


ΛH =E Hn1


u, ϕΛH

=c2HE Hn1




Hn1 BH(ϕ)


utDα+Dαϕ(t )dt

. (3.10)

Since (3.9) is valid, Fubini’s theorem implies that (3.10) is equal to cH2





Dα+Dαϕ(t )dt,

which shows thatualso fulfills condition (iii) of Definition 3.3. Hence, Domδ⊂Domδ


Lp(Ω, ΛH).

and the operatorδfrom Definition 3.3 is an extension of the one defined by (3.3).


p>1Lp(Ω, ΛH), then there exists ap >1 such that uLp(Ω, ΛH)andδ(u)Lp(Ω).

Letn∈NandϕΛH. Theorem 5.3 of [32] implies thatuLp(Ω, L1/H(R)), and it follows that (3.9) holds.

Therefore, Fubini’s theorem applies, and we get



u, DHn





DαutHn1 BH(ϕ)

Dαϕ(t )dt




utDα+Dαϕ(t )dt Hn1




E utHn1


Dα+Dαϕ(t )dt



BH(ϕ) .

It can be deduced from this by an approximation argument that Eu, DFΛH =E


for allFS, which shows thatu∈Domδ, and therefore, Domδ


Lp(Ω, ΛH)⊂Domδ. 2

Proposition 3.6. Letu∈Domδsuch thatE[u.] ∈L2(R). ThenE[u.] ∈ΛH.

Proof. By Definition 3.3,δ(u)Lp(Ω)for somep >1. LetϕΛH withϕΛH =1. Forn=1, condition (iii) of Definition 3.3 yields



E[ut]Dα+Dαϕ(t )dt =E

δ(u)BH(ϕ) δ(u)

Lp(Ω) BH(ϕ)

Lp˜(Ω), wherep˜=pp1. Since there exists a constantγp˜such that for allϕΛH,


Lp˜(Ω)=γp˜ BH(ϕ)

L2(Ω)=γp˜ϕΛH, the mapping



E[ut]Dα+Dαϕ(t )dt

is a continuous linear functional onΛH=Iα(EH)ΛH, which can be extended to a continuous linear functional onΛH. Therefore, there exists aψΛH such that for allϕΛH,



E[ut]Dα+Dαϕ(t )dt= ψ, ϕΛH=c2H


Dαψ (t )Dαϕ(t )dt. (3.11)

It follows from the integration by parts formula (3.8) that (3.11) is equal to c2H


ψ (t )Dα+Dαϕ(t )dt.



ψ (t )Dα+Dαϕ(t )dt




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