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Academic year: 2022



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Letpbe a prime number,Qpthe field ofp-adic numbers,Ka finite field extension ofQp, andK a fixed algebraic closure of K. We discuss some metric properties of the degree function degK:KN,αdegK(α) = [K(α) :K].

AMS 2000 Subject Classification: 11S99.

Key words: p-adic number, degree function, metric invariant.


Letpbe a prime number,Qp the field ofp-adic numbers,K a finite field extension ofQp,K a fixed algebraic closure ofK, andCp the completion ofK with respect to the thep-adic absolute value| · |onQp, normalized by|p|= 1p. In this paper we raise some problems concerned with metric properties of the degree function degK : K N, given by α degK(α) = [K(α) : K], the degree ofαoverK. A neat result (see Theorem 1 from [7]) states that for any ballB inK, the set of degrees of elements fromB, i.e. {degKα :α∈B}, is an arithmetic progression of the form{dm:m≥1}. Heredis the smallest degree overK of an element fromB,d= min{degK(α) :α∈B}. In the light of this result, a natural question that arises is whether such a clean characterization of the set of degrees {degK(α) : α B} can still be obtained in case B is replaced by other subsets ofK. In this paper we will restrict ourselves to the case whereB is replaced by a more general open subset ofK. It would be also interesting to investigate similar questions for other types of subsets ofK.

Further questions may be asked about the behaviour of the degree func- tion and its dependence on B, if B varies within a family of subsets of K. Similarly, one could vary the p-adic field K in a family of finite field exten- sions of Qp and one may study the behavior of the degree function and its dependence on K. Let us now return to the case where K is a fixed finite field extension of Qp, and B runs over a family of balls, or more generally over a family of open subsets ofK. We would like to connect the image ofB through the map degK, that is, the set of degrees of elements fromB, to other

REV. ROUMAINE MATH. PURES APPL.,52(2007),1, 111–119


invariants that naturally appear in the study of local fields. In this respect, we discuss below some connections between such questions and the theory of saturated distinguished chains of invariants over a local field.

2. NOTATION, TERMINOLOGY AND RESULTS A pair (α, β) of elements ofK is called adistinguished pair if

degK(α) >degK(β), (1)

ifγ ∈K and degK(γ)<degK(α), then|α−γ| ≥ |α−β|, (2)


ifγ ∈Kand degK(γ)<degK(β), then|α−γ|>|α−β|.


In other words, (α, β) is distinguished if β is an element of K of minimal degree for which −β| = inf{|α−γ| : γ K,degK(γ) < degK(α)}. If α ∈K then there exist (infinitely many) elements β ∈K for which (α, β) is distinguished. For, we observe that the set{|α−γ|: degK(γ)<degK(α)} has a latest element, since it is bounded e.g. byω(α) := inf|α−α|whereα runs over all conjugates ofα over K, andα = α. Moreover, degK(β) is a divisor of degK(α).

If we start with a given element α K, we may construct chains of elements fromK such that any two consecutive elements in the chain form a distinguished pair. An (l+ 1)-tuple (α0, α1, . . . , αl) of elements ofK such that α0 =α, (αj−1, αj) is a distinguished pair for any j∈ {1,2, . . . , l}and αl∈K, is said to be a saturated distinguished chain forα over K. In such a way, we obtain a finite sequence ofmetric invariants forα given by δi =i−α|, for 0≤i≤l.

Various properties of saturated distinguished chains have been estab- lished in [1–8].

Let now (M,≤) be a partially ordered set. A map u:M → Mis called asuperior regularization onM (see [9]) if

u(x)≤u(y) for anyx, y∈ Mwithx≤y, (4)

u(u(x)) =u(x) for anyx∈ M, (5)


(6) u(x)≥xfor anyx∈ M.

If instead of (6) the mapu satisfies

(7) u(x)≤xfor anyx∈ M,

then we callu aninferior regularization on M.


3. METRIC PROPERTIES OF THE DEGREE FUNCTION We use the notation from the previous sections. Let B be an arbitrary subset of K. We are interested in the image of B through the map degK : K→N, given byα→degK(α) := [K(α) :K]. For simplicity, in what follows we denote this image by degK(B), thus

degK(B) ={degK(α) :α∈B}.

In order to better visualize various geometrical shapes the setB may take, it is convenient to consider the topological completion Cp of K and extend the map degK to Cp, by letting degK(T) = for any element T of Cp which is transcendental over K. Any open or closed ball in K is the intersection of an open or closed ball in Cp, with K. Similarly, any open subset of K is of the form Ω∩K, for some open subset Ω of Cp. Moreover, the set under investigation, namely degK(Ω∩K), is left unchanged via the map Ω∩K→Ω, except for the addition of the element. Thus

degK(Ω) = degK(Ω∩K)∪ {∞}.

Let us denote by B the family of subsets of N = {1,2, . . .} which have the property that they contain any positive multiple of any of their elements. In other words, a subset M of N belongs to B if and only if for any d ∈ M and any m N one has dm ∈ M. Thus any element M of B is a set of natural numbers, which is a union of arithmetic progressions of the form {dm:m∈N}. We also set B ={M ∪ {∞} :M ∈ B}.Next, let us denote by U the family of open subsets of Cp. With respect to inclusion, U is a partially ordered set. For any Ω∈ U we are interested in the set of degrees, degK(Ω). We now construct a map, call it (), from U to U, as follows. Fix an Ω ∈ U. As an open subset of Cp, Ω is a union of open balls in Cp. Let us fix such an open ball B. Take an arbitrary element α B ∩K. Thus B = B(α, δ) = {z Cp : |z−α| < δ}, for some δ > 0. Choose a saturated distinguished chain forα over K, (α0, α1, . . . , αl) say, where lis the length of α over K, α0 = α, αl K, degK(αi) > degK(αi+1) for 0 i l−1, and consider the finite sequence of metric invariants forαgiven byδi =i−α|, for 0≤i≤l. We also defineδl+1 =. Thus 0 =δ0 < δ1 <· · ·< δl < δl+1 =∞.

Let nowr∈ {1,2, . . . , l+ 1} denote the smallest index for which δr ≥δ. Thusδr−1 < δ ≤δr. We set B := B(α, δr) = {z∈ Cp :|z−α|< δr}.Then, we define

Ω :=

Bopen ballB⊆Ω



Clearly, eachB is an open ball in Cp or Cp itself, hence Ω is an open subset ofCp. We have the following result.

Theorem 1. Let K be a finite field extension of Qp.

(a) We haveand Ω = Ω for any∈ U. If1,2 ∈ U and1 2, then1 2.

(b)For any family (Ωi)i∈I of open subsets of Cp, i∈Ii =i∈Ii. (c) The map () commutes with any continuous automorphism of Cp

over Qp, that is, for any σ∈Galcont(Cp/Qp) the diagram U −−−−→ U



σ U −−−−→

U is commutative.

(d)For any∈ U, degK(Ω) = deg K(Ω).

(e) The map degK :U → B is surjective.

Remark. Property (a) above says that the map (∼) :U → Uis a superior regularization, and (b) states that () commutes with sup. Property (d) states that the map () invariates the image of the degree map degK, and (e) characterizes the sets of natural numbers which are sets of degrees of elements from an open subset ofCp.


We first show that the map () : U → U is well defined. In order to do this we need to check that for any open set Ω, any open ball B contained in Ω, and any elements α, α in B which are algebraic over K, the ball B constructed with respect to α or with respect to α is the same. In other words, let (α0, α1, . . . , αl) be a saturated distinguished chain for α over K, (α0, α1, . . . , αl) a saturated distinguished chain for α over K, and consider the metric invariants

δj =|α−αj|, 0≤j ≤l; δl+1 =∞;

δj =−αj|, 0≤j ≤l; δl+1=∞.

Let δ denote the radius of the ball B, and let r, s be the smallest positive integers for which δr δ and respectively δs δ. Then the radius of B defined with respect to α is δr while the radius of B defined with respect to α is δs. Thus in order to show that the two constructions of B, the one


with respect toα and the other with respect to α, produce the same setB, it is necessary to have δr = δs. Note that this condition is also sufficient, since two open balls having the same radiusδr =δs, centered at pointsα and respectively α, at distance |α−α| strictly smaller than the radius δr = δs, must coincide. So we only need to show thatδr=δs. Let us assume that this does not hold and, to make a choice, assume thatδr< δs. Recall that




Also, |α−α|< δ, |α−αr−1|=δr−1 < δ, −αs−1|< δ, therefore s−1 αr−1|< δ. Combining this with the inequality r−1−αr|=δr≥δ, it follows that s−1−αr| = δr < δs = s−1 −αs|. But (αs−1, αs) is a distinguished pair over K, hence δs = s−1 −αs| ≤ |αs−1 −β|, for any element β K with degKβ < degKαs−1. Applying this relation with β = αr we deduce that degKαr degKαs−1. On the other hand, (αr−1, αr) is a distinguished pair over K, hence δr = r−1 −αr| ≤ |αr−1−β|, for any element β K with degKβ <degKαr−1. We may apply this withβ =αs−1, which satisfies degKαs−1degKαr<degKαr−1, and get that

r−1−αs−1| ≥δr.

But this contradicts the inequality r−1 −αs−1| < δ obtained above. To conclude one hasδr=δs, which completes the proof that the map () :U → U is well defined.

The properties of this map stated in the theorem follow now easily. For instance, to prove part (c) of the theorem, namely that the map () commutes with any automorphismσ ∈GK = Galcont(Cp/K), we may take any open set Ω, any open ballB contained in Ω, any elementαalgebraic overK that lies in B, and constructB with respect toα. Then conveniently choose the element σ(α) that lies in the open ballσ(B), which is contained in the open setσ(Ω), and construct σ(B) with respect to σ(α). The elements α and σ(α) being conjugates overK, they have the same sets of metric invariants. Therefore, the ballsB andσ(B), which are constructed using these sets of metric invariants, will have the same radius. But B and σ(B) have the same radius. So,σ(B) and σ(B) are open balls of the same radius, and both contain the element σ(α). It follows that σ(B) coincides with σ(B). Further, taking the union over all the open balls B contained in Ω one finds that σ(Ω) coincides with σ(Ω), which proves part (c).


Next, to show that the map () : U → U is a superior regularization, note first that for each open ballB one hasB ⊆B. By taking unions over all the open ballsB contained in an open set Ω we see that ΩΩ, for any Ω ∈ U. Further, if Ω1,2 ∈ U and Ω1 2, then any open ball B contained in Ω1 will also be contained in Ω2, so that each B that contributes to Ω1 will also contribute toΩ2, henceΩ1 2. Let us show now thatΩ = Ω for any Ω ∈ U. Fix such an Ω. We know already that Ω Ω. In order to prove the other inclusion, recall thatΩ :=

Dopen ballD⊆Ω

D. It is then enough to show that for any

open ballDcontained inΩ the (possibly larger) open ball D is also contained in Ω. We know that Ω :=

Bopen ballB⊆Ω

B, thus D

Bopen ballB⊆Ω

B. Choose an element α in D, algebraic over K, for which degKα is as small as possible, and let (α0, α1, . . . , αl) be a saturated distinguished sequence for α over K. Since degKα1<degKα, it follows thatα1 does not belong toDby the choice ofα. Therefore, ifδdenotes the radius ofDandδ1 =|α−α1|, thenδ≤δ1, and sinceδ0 =|α−α0|= 0< δ, we deduce by the construction ofD with respect to αthat the radius ofD coincides withδ1. Next, recall that α∈

Bopen ballB⊆Ω

B and choose an open ball B0 contained in Ω for which α B0. Let β be an element ofB0, algebraic over K, for which degKβ is as small as possible, and let (β0, β1, . . . , βt) be a saturated distinguished sequence for β over K. Since degKβ1 <degKβ, it follows thatβ ∈B0by the choice ofβ. Thus, ifηdenotes the radius of B0 and η1 = −β1|, then η η1, and the radius of B0 will coincide with η1. The fact that α ∈B0 may then be restated as saying that

|β−α|< η1. Combining this with the fact that|β−γ| ≥ |β−β1|=η1for any elementγ algebraic over K which satisfies degKγ <degKβ, we deduce that degKα≥degKβ. Consequently, degKα >degKβ1, and by the choice ofα it is clear that β1 does not belong to D. So |α−β1| ≥ δ. On the other hand, combining the inequality |β−α| < η1 with the equality −β1|=η1 yields

|α−β1| =η1. Therefore, η1 δ. We deduce that the open ball of radius δ centered atα, that isD, is contained in the open ball of radiusη1 centered at α. Since |α−β|< η1, this last ball coincides with the open ball of radiusη1

centered atβ, which is B0. So, D⊆B0. As a consequence, D ⊆B0. But B0

may be obtained fromB0 by the usual construction, taken with respect to β. SinceB0is the open ball of radiusη1 centered atβ, andη1 is one of the metric invariants ofβ over K, by the definition of B0 this open ball is also centered


atβ and has radiusη1. In other words,B0 coincides withB0. Therefore,D is contained inB0, which in turn is contained inΩ, so D Ω. Since this holds for an arbitrary open ball D contained in Ω, we conclude that Ω = Ω. This completes the proof that the map () : U → U is a superior regularization i.e., part (a) of the theorem.

In order to prove part (b), let (Ωi)i∈I be a family of open sets and set Ω =

i∈Ii ∈ U. We need to show that Ω =

i∈Ii. Since Ωi Ω for any i I, one has Ωi Ω for any i, so

i∈Ii Ω. For the other inclusion, using the fact thatΩ is covered by open balls of the form B, withB open ball contained in Ω, the problem reduces to show thatB

i∈Ii for each open ballB Ω. Fix such a ballBand choose an elementαinB, algebraic overK, for which degKα is as small as possible. Then, reasoning as above, one sees that ifδ denotes the radius ofB and δ1 =|α−α1|, where (α0, α1, . . . , αl) is a saturated distinguished chain forαover K, thenδ1 ≤δ, andB coincides with the open ball of radius δ1 centered at α. Next, since α B Ω =

i∈Ii, there isi0 ∈I, and an open ballU contained in Ωi0, such that α∈U. Let η denote the radius ofU and choose a real numberη1 with 0< η1 <min{η, δ1}. If we denote by U1 the open ball of radius η1 centered at α, then by the definition of U1, constructed with respect to α, one sees that U1 coincides with the open ball of radius δ1 centered at α, that is, one has U1 =B. On the other hand, the inclusionsU1 ⊆U i0 implyU1 ⊆U i0. Therefore, B⊆i0

i∈Ii, and this completes the proof of part (b).

We now show that degK(Ω) = degK(Ω) for any Ω ∈ U. Fix Ω ∈ U. Since ΩΩ, it is clear that deg K(Ω)degK(Ω). In order to prove the other inclusion, take an arbitrary positive integernwhich belongs to degK(Ω), and choose α Ω for which deg Kα = n. Using the fact that the open balls B, with B open ball contained in Ω, cover Ω, choose an open ball B Ω for whichα∈B. Letβ be an element ofB, algebraic over K, for which degKβ is as small as possible. Sayd:= min{degKγ :γ ∈B∩K}, so degKβ =d. Let (β0, β1, . . . , βl) be a saturated distinguished chain forβ and letδ1:=|β−β1|. ThenB coincides with the open ball of radiusδ1 centered at β. In particular, sinceα∈B, we have|β−α|< δ1. Note that for any elementγ ofB, algebraic over K, one has degKγ d. Indeed, if there exists an element γ B with degkγ < d= degKβ, then using the fact that (β, β1) is a distinguished pair it would follow that|β−γ| ≥ |β−β1|=δ1, which contradicts the assumption that γ B. We deduce that min{degKγ :γ B∩K} =d. It then follows


from Theorem 1 of [7] that

degK(B) ={dm:m≥1}.

In particular, since α∈B we deduce that n is a multiple ofd, say, n=dm0

for somem0 1. On the other hand, by Theorem 1 of [7] applied to the ball B, there exists a γ0 B for which degKγ0 = dm0 = n. Since γ0 Ω, we conclude thatn∈degK(Ω). Thus, degK(Ω) = deg K(Ω), which completes the proof of (d).

Finally, we prove part (e) of the theorem. Since any Ω∈ U is a union of open balls, and for each open ballB in this union we have degK(B∩K) =dN for somedby Theorem 1 of [7], and by the definition ofBwe have degK(Ω) B. Conversely, if we take an arbitrary element ofB and intersect it with N we obtain a subset of N which can be written as a union of a (finite or infinite) sequence of arithmetic progressions of the formdN. Now, each such arithmetic progression can be realized as the set of degrees over K of the algebraic elements from a suitable open ball B (this last fact follows easily:

choose an algebraic element α,α K of degree d, for example, a root of an Eisenstein polynomial of degreed, and letεbe a positive real number satisfying 0< ε < δ1, whereδ1 is the first metric invariant for α; then degK(B) =dN, whereB is the open ball of radiusεcentered atα). Taking the union of these ballsB we obtain an open set whose set of degrees overK is the given element ofB. This proves the surjectivity of the map degK :U → Band completes the proof of the theorem.


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Received 1 November 2005 Romanian Academy

“Simion Stoilow” Institute of Mathematics P.O. Box 1-764

014700 Bucharest, Romania Marian.Vajaitu@imar.ro


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Mathematics Altgeld Hall, 1409 W. Green Street

61801 Urbana IL, USA zaharesc@math.uiuc.edu


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