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Aurélie Lagoutte Personal Data


Academic year: 2022

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Aurélie Lagoutte

Personal Data

Date and Place of Birth: Born in 1990, in France | French Nationality

Address: LIP,ENS de Lyon- 46, allée d’Italie - 69 364 LYONCedex7 -France Phone: +33 4 72 72 87 96

Email: aurelie.lagoutte@ens-lyon.fr


Current Research visit at the Mathematics Department ofPrinceton University, NJ, USA.

Oct-Dec 2015 In collaboration with MariaChudnovsky

2012-2015 PhD student atLIP, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France Subject: Interactions between Cliques and Stable sets in a Graph Advisor: Pr. StéphanThomassé

Defended on September 23, 2015

2009-2013 Student atÉcole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France

Bachelor of Science inComputer Scienceand inMathematicswith honours Master’s degree inComputer Science(MPRI) with the highest honors ENS Cachan’s degree

2007-2009 Intensive preparation for the highly competitive entrance exams to the French Grandes Écoles

Lycée du Parc, Lyon, France

Jun 2007 Scientific A level with the highest honours

Specialisation in Mathematics, Option Engeneering Sciences


International Journals

2015 Identifying codes and VC-dimension, with N. Bousquet, Z. Li, A. Parreau and S. Thomassé SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 29(4):2047-2064.


Strong-edge-coloring of(3,∆)-bipartite graphs, with J. Bensmail et P. Valicov Discrete Mathematics, 339(1):391-398.


The Erdös-Hajnal conjecture for paths and antipaths, with N. Bousquet et S. Thomassé Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 113:261-264.


2014 Clique versus Independent Set, with N. Bousquet and S. Thomassé European Journal of Combinatorics, 40:73–92.


Flooding Games on Graphs, with M. Noual and E. Thierry Discrete Applied Mathematics, 164(2):532–538.



International Conference Proceedings

2012 Composing extended top-down tree transducers, with F. Braune, D. Quernheim and A. Maletti InEACL’2012 : 808–817

2011 Alternative method for Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs in image processing, with H. Salat and C. Vachier

InProc. SPIE 7810, Image Processing: Algorithms and System IX, 787010.


Book chapter

2011 Survey: Weighted extended top-down tree transducers Part III - Composition, with A. Maletti

Algebraic Foundations in Computer Science, 272–308 (invited lecture).


Forthcoming work

Coloring graphs with no Even Hole6: the triangle-free case


Clique-Stable set separation in perfect graphs with no balanced skew partition, with T. Trunck


The complexity of Shortest Common Supersequence for inputs with no identi- cal consecutive letters, with S. Tavenas


Research Visits

Oct(-Déc) 2015 PACM - Mathematics Department,Princeton University, NJ, USA (Work in progress)

3 months, Co-workers: M. Chudnovsky, P. Seymour, S. Spirkl

Dec. 2014 Department of Mathematics, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium From Clique-Stable Set separation to extension complexity (continued)

7 days, Co-workers: Y. Faenza, S. Fiorini, G. Joret, K. Pashkovich

Jun 2014 Department of Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy From Clique-Stable Set separation to extension complexity

10 days, Co-workers: M. Conforti, M. Di Summa, S. Fiorini, K. Pashkovich

Feb 2014 AlGCo project team, LIRMM, Montpellier, France Dynamic coloring

3 days, Co-workers: N. Bousquet, M. Bonamy

2012-2013 Internship in MC2 Team, LIP, ENS Lyon, France

Clique-Stable Set separation, Graph coloration and Communication complexity

12 months, Advisor: Stéphan Thomassé

Spring 2012 Master Internship in MC2 Team, LIP, ENS Lyon, France Alon-Saks-Seymour Conjecture

5 months, Advisor: Stéphan Thomassé


Summer 2011 Internship at the Institute for Natural Language Processing, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Composition of extended top-down tree transducers

3 months, Advisor: Andreas Maletti, Co-workers: F. Braune, D. Quernheim

Summer 2010 Internship in MC2 Team, LIP, ENS Lyon, France Flooding Games on graphs

6 weeks, Advisor: Éric Thierry, Co-worker: M. Noual


Conferences & Workshops

2014 Bordeaux Graph Workshop (BGW’14), Bordeaux, France

Identifying codes and VC-dimension | 19 novembre

2nd Lyon-São Paulo Research Workshop, Brésil

Extended formulations of polytopes and Communication Complexity | 14 novembre

2nd STINT Workshop, Lans-en-Vercors, France

Extended Formulations: an Introduction | 24 septembre

2013 Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Graphs, Italy

Clique-Stable set separation in perfect graphs with no balanced skew partitions | December 19

JGA (Journées Graphes et Algorithmes), LRI, Orsay, France

Clique-Stable set separation in perfect graphs with no balanced skew partitions | November 14

Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs en Informatique Mathématique, Perpignan, France

10 minutes to understand the Clique-Stable Set separation | April 8

2012 JGA (Journées Graphes et Algorithmes), LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand, France

Quasi-P versus P: The polynomial Alon-Saks-Seymour conjecture and related problems | November 15


2015 Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Princeton University, USA

Clique-Stable Set separation | Oct 15

Seminar GOAL, LIRIS, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1, France

Coloring graphs with no even hole of length6: the triangle-free case | July 3

2014 Seminar G-SCOP, University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble

From extended formulations of polytopes to the Clique-Stablet Set separation | December 4

Graph seminar of the MC2/DANTE research groups, LIP, ENS Lyon, France

Graphs with no even hole6and no triangle have bounded chromatic number | October 7

2014 Informal seminar at the Department of Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy

The Clique-Stable set separation in hereditary classes | June 16

Seminar of the AlGCo research group, LIRMM, Montpellier, France

Clique-Stable set sep. : an overview and a focus on perfect graphs with no balanced skew partitions | Feb 13


2013 Graph seminar of the MC2/DANTE research groups, LIP, ENS Lyon, France

Clique-Stable set sep. : an overview and a focus on perfect graphs with no balanced skew partitions | Dec 3

2012 Seminar of LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand, France

Quasi-P versus P: The polynomial Alon-Saks-Seymour conjecture and related problems | November 8


Fall 2014 Teaching Assistant inAlgorithmics(ALGO1)

Computer Science Department, ENS Lyon | 3rd-year B.S., 23 students | 32h

Practice sessionCaml Programming Project(PROJ1) Computer Science Department, ENS Lyon | 3rd-year B.S., 20 students | 32h

Fall 2013 Teaching Assistant inAlgorithmics(ALGO1)

Computer Science Department, ENS Lyon | 3rd-year B.S., 19 students | 32h

Teaching Assistant inTheory of Computation(FDI) Computer Science Departement, ENS Lyon | 3rd-year B.S., 19 students | 32h

Spring 2012 Teaching Assistant inFunctional and Recursive Programming(LIF3) Computer Science Department, University Claude Bernard, Lyon 1 | 1st-year B.S., 19 students | 32h

Fall 2012 Teaching Assistant inJava Programming(MASS33)

Applied Mathematics for Social Sciences Department, University Claude Bernard, Lyon 1 | 2nd-year B.S., 23 students | 34h

Summer 2012 Teaching Assistant inMathematics(AMERINSA Summer school) AMERINSA (Sud-American group), INSA Lyon | A level upgrading, 12 students | 28h

Spring 2011 Personal teacher inMathematics

Economic & Social A level upgrading, 1 student | 24h

Other Professional Activities

Current Member of the ANR research projectStint(started January 2014)

Led by NicolasTrotignon, and involving the research groups MC2 (Lyon), G-SCOP (Grenoble) and COATI (Sophia Antipolis, Nice)

Reviewer for international journals and conferences such asDiscrete Applied Mathematics,Discrete Optimization,Journal of Graph Theory, andStacs.

External reader for the FrenchMaths en Jeansassociation

Maths en Jeansorganizes small research working groups in middle and high schools, and some of their work is then published online. The external reader has to check the accuracy of the article and add minor comments and clarifications before publication.

2012-2015 Webmaster for institutional websites

Computer Science Department, ENS Lyon|www.ens-lyon.fr/DI/

MC2 research group, LIP|www.ens-lyon.fr/LIP/MC2

ANR research projectSTINT|www.ens-lyon.fr/LIP/MC2/STINT Mar 2014 Member of the organizing committee ofStacs’2014, Lyon


2013-2014 Voluntary tutor for a 1st-yearCpesstudent 2011-2012 Voluntary tutor for two middle school pupils

May 2010 Involvement in a mathematics yearbook for the entrance exams to the French Grandes Écoles

H&K Editions


French: Native speaker English: Fluent

German: Notions Italian: Notions

Interests and Activities

Zumba/fitness, Cooking, Police novels


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