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phenotypic traits among the


Academic year: 2021

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Diversity of post-harvest

phenotypic traits among the

world cassava germplasm held


Maria Alejandra Ospina, Thierry Tran,

John Belalcazar, Sandra Salazar, Dominique Dufour and Luis Augusto Becerra López-Lavalle

E-mail: m.a.ospina@cgiar.org Palmira, Colombia October 2018



Boiled cassava



Cassava is commonly used for human consumption and animal feed

Traditional Cassava Processes

Intermediate products

Casabe, Gari, Farinha, Fufu, Ensilage

Native or modified Starch and Flour


Groups of genetic diversity of the genus Manihot. Phylogenetic tree

(Becerra López-Lavalle et al., 2015).


World cassava Germplasm Bank held at CIAT




Groups of genetic diversity of the genus Manihot

(Becerra López-Lavalle et al., 2015).

South American Rain Forest Andean Dry Atlantic Forest Humid Atlantic Forest Mesoamerica Caribbean


236 cassava genotypes

Cultures: CIAT, 1100 m.a.s.l. in Palmira, Colombia (03° 25'N; 76° 35'W)

Harvest at approx. 11 months

Three harvests: 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Data presented are the averages of the three harvest cycles




Evaluation in roots

 Cyanide

 Postharvest Physiological Deterioration (PPD)  Cooking time

 Dry matter

Evaluation in leaves

 All trans-ß-Carotenes (precursor of Vitamin A)  Protein and Aminoacids


Postharvest quality traits:

Cyanide content

26 200 500 800 1000 1300 137 50 18 6 7 3 Number of geno ty pes ev al ua ted HCN (ppm db) in cassava roots > 1300 0 - 200 200 - 500 501 - 800 801- 1000 1001 - 1300

Distribution of Cyanide content

Min: 26 ppm ; Max: 1346 ppm; Mean: 272 ppm; n:3

The data doesnˋt have a normal distribution

Low cyanide

Reference: Essers et al., 1993

Cyanide content allowed < 200 ppm db Codex alimentarius, 2009


12 20 30 40 50 21 44 56 26 58 Nu mb e r o f clo n e s

Cooking time (min) of cassava roots

Distribution of cooking time

Min: 12min ; Max: 60min; Mean: 40min

Postharvest quality traits:

Cooking time

12 - 19 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 <



Short cooking time (15 min)

Long cooking time (>60 min)



Post-harvest physiological deterioration - PPD

100 % 80 % 60 % 40 % 20 % 10 % 0 %

CUBA 29 COL 2253

Deterioration scale

Reference: Luna, J (2012) Wheatley, Lozano y Gómez (1985)


PPD ranged from 0% to 95%.


Reference: AOAC 925.09 (1995) High dry matter target > 35%

22 25 30 35 40 2 7 37 120 70 Nu mb e r of clo n e s Dry matter (%)

Distribution of dry matter in cassava roots

Min: 22% ; Max: 42%; Mean: 38%

< 22 23 - 29 30 - 34 35- 39 > 40

Postharvest quality traits:

Dry matter

R² = 0.0087 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 20 25 30 35 40 45 Co o ki n g t im e ( m in ) Dry matter (%)

Cooking Time vs Dry Matter

497 Clones R² = 0.1558 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 20 25 30 35 40 45 PP D (% ) Dry matter (%) Dry matter vs PPD 491 Clones



High cyanide: Amazon (930 ppm)

Low cyanide: Andean (128 ppm)

Long cooking time: Amazon (48 min)

Short cooking time: Andean (30 min)

Amazon and Andean groups

The results of characterization of genetic diversity may reflect different selection criteria for different uses



Cyanide content in leaves ranged from 171 ppm to 7484 ppm Cyanide content in roots ranged fron 26 ppm to 1346 ppm

All-trans-β-carotene in leaves ranged from 174 μg/g to 547 μg/g All-trans-β-carotene content in roots was up to 21 μg/g

Total protein content in leaves ranged from 23 – 35% Total protein content in roots was up to 2 %

Cassava leaves contain significant amounts of essential amino acids: leucine, valine, threonine, phenylalanine and lysine.



The results of characterization of genetic diversity may reflect different selection criteria for different uses over

centuries of cassava domestication

This study demonstrates a genetic and phenotypic relationship

Identification of cassava genotypes with optimum post-harvest quality traits



Directors: Luis Augusto Becerra, Dominique Dufour and Thierry Tran

Field: Sandra Salazar and Fernando Calle Laboratory: John Belalcazar,

Monica Pizarro Jorge Luna William Triviño Francisco Giraldo Jorge Gil Jhon Moreno Andres Escobar Cassava Program Cassava postharvest quality Laboratory Cassava Genetic Laboratory CONTRIBUTIONS Nutrition quality Laboratory


Thank you!


Maria Alejandra Ospina





Almacenamiento por 7 días

Determinación del %deterioro fisiológico poscosecha

Wheatley, Lozano y Gómez, 1985

Proximal Distal

100 % 80 % 60 % 40 % 20 % 10 % 0 %

Corte proximal Corte distal Selección

10-14 raíces

Evaluación de PPD

Cubierta de PVC


Éter Acetona Separación fase orgánica Extracción Concentrador N2 (g) Cromatograma Homogenización Centrifugado Metodología De Sá y Rodríguez-Amaya, 2004 Lavado Determinación Carotenos totales UV/vis 450nm HPLC Agilent 1200 series

*Fase móvil: A: Metanol/Acetato amonio pH 4.6 (98:2) B: MTBE A/B (85:15)-20 min (40:60)

*Volumen de inyección: 10 μL *Flujo: 0.66 mL/min

*Columna: YMC Carotenoid 25°C *Detector: DAD, 450 nm

Determinación all-trans-β-caroteno

Determinación del contenido de carotenos totales y all-trans-β-caroteno


Parámetros de Calidad poscosecha Preferencias de los consumidores

Contenido HCN permitido en raíces y hojas

< 200 ppm HCN en base seca < 60 ppm HCN en base húmeda

Contenido de cianuro

Metodología de Essers et al., 1993




Enzima Linamarasa



Cianhidrina Acetona


Enzima Hidroxinitrilo liasa Codex alimentario,2009 OMS, 2007 Aristizabal y Sánchez,2007 13


Análisis de correlación entre los parámetros de calidad poscosecha

Correlación de Pearson MS (%) HCN (ppm) DFP (%) Cocción (min)

MS (%) 1,0000 -0,2766 0,3776 0,1744

HCN (ppm) 1,0000 -0,1489 0,2901

DFP (%) 1,0000 -0,0613

Cocción (min) 1,0000

Tabla 5: Resultados correlación de Pearson para los parámetros MS, HCN, DFP y Cocción

MS: Materia Seca (%)

DFP: Deterioro fisiológico poscosecha (%) HCN: Cianuro (ppm)


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