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Computed energy consumption for new and existing high-rise residential buildings: suggested norms and potential reductions


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Computed Energy Consumption for New and Existing High- Rise

Residential Buildings : Suggested Norms and Potential Reductions

Latta, J. K.


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J.K. Latta

A model apartment b u i l d i n g was developed based upon existing surveys

of such b u i l d i n g s and computer slmlations carried out to deterdne the

independent effects of climate and size on its energy consumption. Tbe

Meriwether Energy System Analysis program used


previously been calfbrat- ed by simulating four exfsting buildings of b o r n energy consumption. From

t h e s e r e s u l t s , data were developed which enabled a norm to be derived far

the energy consumption of any high rise apartment building at any location in Canada. The p o s s i b l e reductions fn energy consumption that w a d d result from the implementation of some fnexpensive modifications in the four


When work started in 1916 an the preparation of a code for energy



buildings, a preference was expressed for a p e r f o m n c e type of code that would free the designer to be innovative and to manipulate all

facets of the design to the best advantage. Under any such code, both the required performance, and the method of verifying that the level of perfor-

mance has been achieved, mst




promote energy conservation, the required performance nust set a l i m i t on the energy needed to operate

any given building. This is co-mmonly referred to as the energy budget, and is given as a quantity of energy per year for each unit that defines building s i z e ; usually t h i s is gross floor area but t h e number of apartraents

was found to be preferable w i t h residential occupancies- This quantity will

vary with the occupancy. The Standing C o d t t e e on Energy Conservaf ion in

Buildings, set up undec the Associate Committee on the National Building Code, established Vser Task Grwps to ensure that the energy budgets w e r e

r e a l i s t i c . Studfes were carried out an of Eice buildings, schools, and high rise residential bufldtngs.

Unfortunately, the secand basic requirement of a performance type of



a nethod of vertification


does not yet exist in an acceptable £ o m .

The h s o c i a t e Committee thue decided that it could not issue a performance code a t this t'lmo. A prescriptive code, the Measures for Energy Conserva-

tion in Hew Buildings, had been i s s u e d in 1978 and is currently being revised, Oa the ather hand, the Associate C o d t t e e recommended that the results of the work on energy budgets should be publtshed by DBR to advfse designers


operators of buildings on reasonable energy consumpti on


coaventional energy conserving d e s i g n s .


is recognized


lower values can be achieved


more advanced designs.

This publtcation Is one of three giving suggested norms of the energy consumption of offices, schools, and hdgh rtsc r e s i d e n t i a l buildings. The term "energy budget" has been avoided because of f t s association with a mandatory requirement.



Energy consumptfon of apartmeor buildings, eqreesed as energy used

either per square e t r e of floor area or per apartlment, shms a great

variation between buildings, even in the same location and subject to roughly - t h e same weather conditions.


1 summarizes the results of

surveys by varfws organizations


canadal of the gross energy consump-

Lion of apartment b u i l d i n g s , Consumption


from a maximm of 305

~ ~ / ( A p t * a ) t o a minimum of 39 ~ J / ( A p t d a ) .

In many countries a t t e m p t s have been made to develop norms for

reasonably attainable levels of


consumption in buildings with various occupanctes, sometimes w i t h a vAew to s e t t i n g such levels as maximum permis-

s t b l e v a l u e s , at l e a s t f o r the destgn a€ new buildings. Recause b u l l d t n g s

l a s t a Long t l m e , d e c a d e s i n most casca and mlllenta I n t h e u l t i m a t e , it IR

probably more important to get reaeonable L e v e l s of c o n a m p t i a n for e x i s t i n g b u i l d i n g s . Unfortunately, thfa 1s IRIIC~I more d i f f i c u l t : rhan detexmlning what

I s reasonable for new buildings; u s u a l l y one reaorta to h t s t o r i e a l d a t a and

p o s s i b l e reductions £ram that l e v e l of consumption.

This Note presents the results of sow Canadian studies of energy

consmnption o f apartment buLldings and g i v e s


meaxas of d e t e d n i n g a

reasonable, but not necessarily optimum, level for new buildings. It also

gives some indication of reductions


consumption that might


e f f e c t e d in e x i s t i n g buildings by various changes f n operating procedures and equipment that require l i t t l e or no expenditure of money.




The energy consumption mf a building is normally considered t o include

.l energy required to maintain conditions s u i t a b l e for human occupancy and

provide f o r normal human activity, but t o exclude e n e r a required for

some production process carried out: w i t h i n the b u i l a n g . In an apartment building there is no such production process and so all the energy required

far heatlng, cooling, operating elevators, ventf latirtg arid lighting p l u s

that used by the renants €or cooking, lighting and operating domesEic appliances, mid be included.

Butlding energy cansumption is affected by a multitude of factors,

including weather, amount


insulation, size of windms, type of W A C syatem, and leakiness of the envelope. Wost of these are under the control of the designer and should be mnfpulated by him t~ produce the most energy

effrteient d e s i g n p o s s i b l e , Many combinations of these factors w i l l give a

low energy consumption and not all of them will be applicable in a l l cases.


order that the designer may


freedom to develop a suitable design in any specific case, it is necessary t o adopt values that represent reasonable

energy conserving practice when determining a reasonable l e v e l of energy

consumption f o r a new building. The requir-nts of the Measures for


Conservation in New Buildings, published


19782, w e r e considered to be such values and sa the consumption arrived at in this study represents normal good practfce of the late 1970's. basigns that embody more


innovative features should achieve a much lower value, as rnar~y are r aportedly dai ng.

On the other hand some factors are beyond the control of the d e s i g n e r

and these shauld also be taken i n t o account fa determining a reasonable

level of energy consumption for a given building. For this study, the t w o variables assumed t o be outside of the c o n t r o l of the designer werle the

climate and the size of




The methodology used was t o "calibrate" the computational method by

comparing the computed energy consumption of fmr existing buildirtgs wfth

their known consumption. One of the four buildings w a s then .chosen as

representing a t y p i c a l a p a r t e n t building and the computer were

modified so that they represented a building that m e t the requirements of the Measures far !Suer= Conservatfon in New Building6


It was then

used as a modal building for studying the effects of clfmate and s i z e treated as independeht variables. N b a t t e q t was made to investigate the tnceractton between them, Details of the study3 are glven -In Appendix A.

The mdel butlding w a s a 21 storey building contathing 231 apartments

and w a s considered to




Montreal for the a i a l a t i o n s relating to size. A t t e n t i m was given to the effects of


on the amount of

a i r

that i n f i l t r a t e s into the building. It was concluded that, with an a i r

supply to the corridor


an exhaust from each apartment, air d i d not

i n f i l t r a t e at



floors, rise through the building and e x f i l t r a t e a t

the upper floors


Is the case


the more open construction of office

bufldings. Air infiltrated into and was exhausted from



spar tment"



It was concluded t h a t the energy consumptloa of an aparrtlbent b u € l . d i n g

could be divided i n t o four categories: kenant use., butldtne; s e r v i c e s ,

apartment heatimg and garage heating. Tenant Use

T h i s includes a l l the energy used within an apartment for lighting, cooling, operaZion og t e l e v i s i o n s e t s , refrigerator and small appliances as

well as that used for heating dnmestic hot water and for cooking. Bnilding Services

Building services comprise all those items needed to operate the

building other than the replacement of heat l o s t to t h e outsfda. Included

are exterfor lighting, lighting of public spacks, and the operation of elevators, fans and pumps, and c l o t h ~ s washers and dryers. Swiaming p o o l s

and saunas also come in t h i s category but are kept separate since they are


The energy required for some i t e m , such as corridor lighting, w i l l vary w i t h the number of apartments; for others, such as lobby lkghring, it

will not.

Apartment Heating

Although there is no physical connection between them, in Montreal t h e

sum of the i n t e r n a l and solar heat galns over the year was roughly equal to

the conductive heat losses through the envelope, The balance between these two factors In other loeattons was not investigated but since the Measures specify that the thermal resistance of the envelope s h a l l vary with the s e v e r i t y of the climate, probably the difference between

them is


large. Thus the heating requtrement of an apartment building depends

prtmarity on the amount


a i r passing through the b u i l d i n g , which in turn,

1s coattolled by the ventilatfon system3 and so is reLated t o the number of apartments rather than to the overall dimensfons of the building.

With a constant rate of ventilation per apartment and a constant inside

temperature, the heating requirement can be expressed as a linear r e l a t i o w

ship with degree days.


also f o l l o w s thar the heating requirement should be zero at zero degree days.

Garage Heating

The garage heating requirement a l s o varies linearly with the degree

days but equals zero t o approximately


DDC below 18°C because of a lower internal temperature of 13OC.

Determination of the


Norm for

New Buildin&s

The energy norm for a gPven building should be expressed In terms of energy d e l i v e r e d t o the building


this metered energy can be compared

t o rhe calculated norm. Thus, account must be caken of the seasonal

eEEiciencies of t h e various itma of conversion equipment, which can be taken as 100% €or e l e c t r i c i t y bat only about 70X or less for o i l or g a s .

Heating requirements can be met using gas, o i l , or electricity, but e l e c t r i c i t y is used almost exclusively for a l l other requf renwnts. Heating is required For domestic hot water and the g w i d n g pool in addition to the apartment and garage heatlng, so t b calculated energy requirement for rhese items must be divided by the seasonal efficiency





to dertve an energy norm i n terms o f delivered energy,

The energy norm for a given b u t l d l n g can be obtained by determining t h e energy requirement for its various components {from Table 2), dividing each by the appropriate seasonal efficiency of the equipment and adding the resulting quotients. An example of the use of t h i s is given in Table 3,



4 g i v e s

the energy consumptfan norms for the model building in

several locations i n Canada both wlth e l e c t r i c heat: and w f t h o i l or gas

heat. Comparing the values for recorded energy consumption glven in Table 1 wlth the n o r m f o r t h e Location shaws t h a t t h e minimum v a l u e s are o f t e n

lower, indicating that; the norms are reasonably attainable. On the locller hand, the average values are well above the norms in most cases, indtcatlng

that a considerable amount of energy c o d d


saved i f all. hutldings w e r e

bu-flt t o the n s m , The exception to this is the average masumption of the e l e c t r i c a l l y heated Ontario Rousing Corporation buildings in Ottawa. These buildings do nor have garages and the supply and exhaust ventilation faos are operated for a total of m l y n i n e hours p e r day, with an additional low

temperature shut-off- Wbile by no means Xdentical, this is similar t o

Variation 4 i n Appendix l3, where the bathroom exhaust runs continuously but the c o r r t d o r supply and the kitchen exhaust operate for a t o e a 1 nf six: hoar:: per day. Under Montreal weather condlt$ons, that v a r i a t i o n saved 2 1 - 6

GJ/(Apt-a) relative to the norm where the fans run cantCnuousLy. D e d u c t i n g

t h i s savFng, and the


GJ/(Apt-a) required to heat one garage space per apartment, from the norm of 76 GJ/ ( ~ ~ t ; - a) f o r an e l e c t r t c a l l y heated

b u l l d i r ~ g in Montreal gives a f i e M norm of 46 GJ/(Apt*a), which I s less than the consumptlon of a l l but three of the O t t a w a buildings. OtLawa has 4674 Degree Days Celsius and Montreal




e x i s t i n g buildings, there


many more factors that cannot reasonably be changed, compared t o


buildings. The p o t e n t i a l for

reducing energy consumption in existing buildings was investigated by

artalyaiug the


apartment buildings considered in thfs study to determine the effect on energy consumption of changes in operating pracedures and minor changea in equtpment. Such changes included time scheduling and rebalancing the ventilation system, reducing the temperature and t l m e

scheduling Che recirculation of domestic hot watrer, i n s t a l l a t i o n of law flow

shower heads and faucet aerators, reducing the garage temperature and the lightlng of p u b l i c space-

The results of the various analyses (Appendix A) fndicated



consumption of the b u i l d i n g could be reduced by between 8 and 14% through

the implementation of

l o w

cost measures. Some i n d i v f d u a l measures gave savings of over 20%. Purther analysis of the e f f e c t s of modifications to the v e n t i l a t i o n system (Appendix B) showed that greater savings are possible but at greater cost, and not a l l of these modifications are possible with

any given building, Actual target values of energy consumption €or existing b u i l d i n g s have not been determined and i t may not be p o s s i b l e to d e t e r m i n e

representative values because o f the great variation 111 f a c t o r s tllat can

reasonably be changed in e x i s t i n g b u i l d i n g s . There are, however,

substantial energy savings t o be made by implementing energy conserving

procedures which can be fdentified


making an energy audit of the building.


1, A.H. Elrdahdy. Annual Energy Consumptf.on Data of Apartmat: Buildings,

N a t i ~ n Z i l Research Council of Canada, Division o f Building Research, Buildfng Rsearch Note Wo. 181, Ottawa, 1982.

2, Measures For Energy Conservation i n New Bulldings 1978, Associate Committee on the N a t i o n a l Ruildtng Code, National Research Council


Canada, fittawa, 1978. W C C Nn. 16.574.

3 . Slone, C h a l i f o u r , Marcotte, et A s s . , 4 Srudy of the E f f e c t s of S o m e Parameters on


Energy ConsumptLon of Apartment Buildings. Prepared

for National Research Counctl of Canada, Division of Building Research, O t t a w a , 1980.

4. J.K. Latta- A Field Study of Infiltration-Induced Variati,ona in the Heating of Apartments, National Research Council of Canada, D i v i s i o n of B u i l d i n g Research, Building Research Note


202, Ottawa.

5. L- Jones. The Analyst as a Factor in the Prediction af Energy

knsrmop t i o n . Second International CII Symposium on Energy Conservation in the Built Environment. Copenhagen, 1979. 313-321. NRCC 18488.

4 . Energy Conservation ImpLLcations a f Master Metering, Vnlume 1 6 2.

Y I d w e s t Research K n s t Ltutc, October 1975.

7. Ontario R e s i d e n t t a l and Commercial Energy Demand Study, Ontario Ministry

of Energy, Toronto, 1978.

8 . How you U s e the Energy you Use, Conserve Energy Publication, Ontario Hydro, O t t a w a , 1976.

9. C.Y. Shaw and


Tamura. The Calcu1a.tfon of Air Infiltration Rates

Caused by Wind and Stack Action of T a l l Buildings, National Research






Energy Consump tion



( A p t - a)

Group Size Maximum Minimum Average

Ontargo Boustng 1975

Corporation (Toronto] 1976 1977 1978

O n t a r i o Hydro

Apartments (~ontreal Area) Ontario Housing 197


Corporation (Ottawa) 13


l ~ e e Discussion.


Tenant Use



cooking, appliances domes ti^ hot water

Building Services Canstants


tghting, motors, etc.

swimming pool requiremnc

Variable with number of apartments

SO Apartments 12.6 G J / ( A p t - a )

100 Apartments


~ ~ / ( A p t = a )

200 Apartments 7.9

G J / ( A ~ ~ - ~ )

300 Apartments 6.8 GJ/(Apt* a)

400 Apartments 6.5 G J / ( ~ p t * a )

Intermediate values can be o b t a i n e d

by interpolation

Heating Requirements

ApartmenL [U.0085 X (DDC)] GJf(Apt0a)





3 - 2 4 ] GJ/(Car space=a) DDC = Degree Days C e l s i u s below 18°C



The energy norms Eot the model building


Montreal with 231 apartmnts

and one garage space per apartment, but: without a s w i d n g p o o l , can be

computed as fallows, both for an a l l electric building and for a gas heated

building, assuming a seasonal efficiency of 70% for the gas f f r e d e q u i p e n t .

Energy Requirement


( A p t a) Electric Hen t Gas Heat Tenant U s e


ui lding S e r v i c e s Lights, etc Mot water 180 Const. = - = 0.8 23 1

Variables (by interpolatton) = 7.6

%eatfng - Apartment 0.0085 x


= 38.0 ( % 0 , 7 ) = 54.3


Garage (0.0026 x


= 8.4 ( + O . f ) = 12.0 -.

Total 75.5 99.3


DDC G J I ( A p t - a)

ALI Electric O i l or Gas Heating

Vancouver 3005 Edmonton 5590 Regina 5 9 2 1 WFnnipeg 5887 Toronto 6082 Montreal


Fredericton 4899 Iia 1 i f ax 4 123 Charlt~ttetown 4623 St. John's 4802 - (70Z eff .) 76


The energy consumption of any building is a£ fected by a number of factors: weather, materials used fn its construction, type of mechanical and electrical s y s t e m installed, number of hours of occupancy during whf c h condftioned space I s necessary, nrethod of operation, and quality oE

maintenance. Same of these the designer can control, others he cannot. The effect of this great variety of factors is



the reparted

enerw consmption of about 200 apartment buildings across Canada, which had

energy consumptions ranging from 305 GJ/ [Apt. a) t o 39 GJ/ (Apt. a). With such

a variation, the effect


any one variable on actual energy consumption

could not be determined by examining existing consumptions; computer

evaluation of the effect of selected variables


necessary. However, results obtained using existing calculation procedures vary widely, both with the analysis program, kcause of d i f f e r e n t program subroutines, and

wlth the analyst because oE differences i n judgement as to the cfirrect inplit: values. The energy aaalysis program used to derive the energy coosumpelon formulae was "calibrated" by matching the calculated energy consumptions of

our buildings with


measured cansmptions, as determined from their b i l l i n g s . Then with designer-selected factors held constant, climatic d a t a and building s i z e could be varied to study t h e i r effect on the total energy

consumption of a model bullding.


was assumed that the way these factors

affected the energy consurrrption of a model bufldtng t y p i c a l of most new

buildings in i t s d e s i g n and operation, would also Indicate the way they would affect the enerm consumption of any n e w building.

The procedure then was to select four extstfng apartr~ent b u i l d i n g s with knawa energy cansumptiom and to simulate their performance using the

Meriwether Energy Systems Analysis program. Because documentation of

operational procedures was, at b e s t , minimal, it was

d l £

ficuft t o simulate the actual manner in whlch the bufldings were operated. I& m e s t : cases,

o p e r a t i n g procedures were determined by c l o s e examination of the data given by the operator and any discrepancies were discussed w i t h him. Where data were n o t available, a reasonable method of operation was assumed.

Attempts were also made to match the monthly energy consumption. Thls

proved d i f f i c u l t as w e l l , and may have been due in p a r t to actual energy

consumption values n o t being recorded on the calender months. Some

adjustment t o them became necessary* When the c a l c u l a t e d annual consumption

was within 5% OE that retarded, and any major v a r i a t i o n s in monthly values

could n o t he eliminated by further crlnputation because of the impassibtl-lty nf determtolng appropriate i n p u t v a l u e s , the program l r ~ p u t s Mere c o n s i d e r e d


The characteristics


over 400 buildings were reviewed to select one af the four buildings as a model b u i l d i n g . It was concluded that an average 0'1: typical building would


of 14 or 15 storeys in height with 11 or 12


bedroom and


three bedroom. None of the four buildings f i t t e d


d e s c r i p t i o n exactly but one of them, alkhmgh of 2 1 storeys, was reasonably close. Since the s i z e of the building was to be varled during the course


the study by changfng the height, t h i s was not


serious concern, and


some adjustment in the layout of the apartments,

i e

was dhosen


the model building, Where the curoputer inputs d i d not already coasply with the

cequt rements of the Measures for Energy Conservation


New ~uildings l



were modified as


the building d i d conform. Further analyses of the model

b u i l d i n g were made to determine the ef Eects of changes in c l i m a t e and s i z e

an its energy requirements.

The energy requf remnts of the building were separated into four categories: tenant use, b u i l d i n g services, apartment: heating and garage heating. Tenant use includes all electrical energy for lfghting, cooking,

telev&sien and small appliances, and energy used for domestic water. To select a r e a l i s t i c average value for tenant electrical use, the i n d i v i d u a l e t e c t r i c t t y constunptlans for one buildlng with individual lwtering w e r e

examLi~ed and reports artd publications oE t h e Midwest Reseprch 1nstltute6, the Ontario Minis t r y of energy7, and Ontario ~ y d r o ~ were consulted.

Building serflees Include f i g h t h g of lobby, corridor, exterior and p u b l i c spaces, laundry facilities, e l e v a t o r s , pumps, supply


exhaust fans.

A p a r t m n t heating includes the heating required t o offset transmission and infiltration loads as well as energy used t o condition the a f c supply to the

corridor, The garage load includes

r k

t o t a l energy consmed by the heating, ventilating and llghting of the garage,

The energy consumption of a building is normally given in term!$ of the

energy d e l i v e r e d t o the h l l d i n g , s i n c e this is what is recorded at the meter. This quantity will vary n o t only wlth the construction of the

building but with the type of conversion equipment used, particularly the heating equipment. Buildings that are otherwise i d e n t i c a l will require dffferent quantities of d e l t v e r e d energy depending upon whether they use

e l e c t r i c i t y for heating as opposed t o oil or gas, because of their dtfferent conversion efficiencies within the buildlrtg. To overcoue t h i s problem in the development of energy narms, the required output of the conversion

equipment, rather than the fnput, was conputed. S u i t a b l e adjustment Eactors could then be applLed t o the hearing requirements ta allow Enr the

efffciency of the equipmedt.

A major p o r t i w of the heating requirement of a building is that needed to heat the ventilation and infiltration a i r passing


it. The effect of infiltration on the heating requirement was s t u d i e d theoretically using mthematical equations developed for off ice bulldings9 but w i t h corrections

a p p l i e d for relatively leaky walls w i t h openable wi~~dows and ttghter tnterior d i v i s i o n s . In addition, a f i e l d study considered variations


heating requirements with height4


It was concluded that infiltration

induced by stack effect and d u d pressures was overridden by the demands of

the bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans. Thus the quantity


a i r passing

through an apar.t:mnt


controlled by the v e n t i l a t i o n system and is not


Attention was




the possible energy savlngs that

c w l d be made

by rrodifying


supply and exhaust ventilation system. The results of this study


given in Append-Lx B. They


not incorporated in the heating requirements used in


d e t e w i n a t l a n of the enerm swrces, since such variations


the basic v e n t i l a t i o n system are not common,

The model building, with its basic ventLlation system of an air supply

of 35 L/s to the corridor and a total exhaust from the apartments of 7 1 L/S, was then used to examfne the energy requirements under the weather

conditions of Vancwver, Saskatooa, Montreal and S t . John's, N f l d . The computer inputs were adjusted for each location in conformity w i t h the r e q u i r e n t s of the Measures2. The height of the bulld3ng was a l s o varied between

7 and 35

storeys at each location.

P i n a l l y , the p o t e n t i a l for energy conservation in existing apartment

buildings was investigated by analysing the effects of reasonable changes that could lx implemented


the original four buildings. This w a s done under Montreal weather canditions only. The results are given in T a b l e s



TABLE AL Reductions in Energy Cansumption as a Result of Low Cost Enerey Conservation Pieasures.


Storey Building, 142 Apartments,


Cooservation measures implemented

1. Domestic hot water temperature reduced from 51°C t o 46°C 2. Domestic hot water recirculation shut o f f from


p.m. -

7:00 a . m ,

3, Central kitchen exhaust fans run only from



9:30 a . m . , 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p . m . , and 4 ~ 4 0


4:30 p.m.

4. C e n t r a l t o l l e t exhaust Eans s h u t o f f Prom L1:00 p.m. - 7 : 0 0 a - m , Usage Tenant But l d i n g services Heating apartment Garage As found, modif i c a t i a n s



( ~ p t - a ) G J / ( A P ~ * ~ ) X reduction Total


TABLE A2 Reducttons in Energy Cansumption as a Result of L w C o s t Energy

Cowervation Measures. 21 Starey Building, 252 Apartmnts, M n t real.

Conservation measures implemented

1. Domestic hot


temperature reduced from 54'C t o 46'C

2 . Domeetic hot water recirculation shut off from


p.m. - 7 : 0 0 a.m.

3. Toffet exhaust fans


off from midnight to 6 : 0 0 a.m.


Kitchen exhaust fans shut off from 9:00 p.m.



a . m .

5. Corridor supply fan shut o f f from 9 : 0 0 p.m.


7:00 a.m.

6 . Kitchen exheast rebalanced to 35 L/S per apartment from



p e r apartment

7. Corrido=' supply reduced t o

24 L/S per

apartment from 35 L/S per


8 . Swimmiag pod1 supply untt shut off from 10:00 p.m.


9:30 a.m.


Swimming pool exhaust fan controlled with a humidistat


Corridor, lobby and exterlor lighting reduced by 15% 11. Garage temperature reduced from 21°C to 1OUC.

Usage Building services Resting apartment Garage After As found modifications




R~ductions inEnergy C o ~ ~ s m p t i b b as a Result of


Cost: Energy Conservation Measures4 23 Storey Building, 252 A p a r m n t s , Montreal.

Conservation measures implemented

I . Domestic hot water temperature reduced from 60°C to 46°C

2. Domestic hot water recirculation shut off from 11:QO p.m.


7 : 0 0 a.m.

3. Central kitchen exhaust fans


only from 7:30


9:30 a . m . ,

11:OQ a.m.


2:OQ p.m. and 4 : 3 0


7:30 p.m.

4. Central t o i l e t exhaust fans shut off from midnight to 7 : 0 0 a . m .

5 . Corridor supply operated on same time schedule as kitchen

e x h a ~ s t f a n s

6 . Corridor supply reduced to 24 L / s per apartment f r o m 35 L/S per apartment


S w i d n g pool exhaust fan controlled with a humidistat

8. Corridor, lobby and exterior lighting reduced by 1SX 9 . Garage temperature reduced from 21°C t a 1O0C1

Usage Tenant Ruildlng services Heating apartment Garage Total As found GJ/(Apt*a) Mter modifications GJ/(Apt*a) % reduction




reduction^ i n Energy Consumption as a Result of Low Cost Energy

Conservation Measures. 10 Storey Building, 227 Apartments, Montreal.

Conservation measures implemented

1. Domestic hot water temperature reduced from 60°C to 46°C

2. Doraestic hot water recirculation shut off from 11:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m.

3. Central kitchen exhaust fans run only from 7:30


9.30 a . m . , 11:OO a . m .


2:00 p.m. and 4:30


7:30 p.m.

4. Central toilet exhaust fans ,shut off from midnight to


a . m .

5. Garage temperature reduced fr- 21°C to 1 0 ° C -

Usage Tenant Building services Heating apartment Garage As found GJ/ (Apt a) After modifications G J / ( A ~ ~ * a) X reduction










The vent2lation system in the model building supplied fresh air to the

corridors at a rate of 35 L / S per apartment and exhausted stale a i r from the

kltchen and bathroom of each apartment a t a cmbined rate of 71 L/s. The

difference of 36 L / s per apartment is considered to be mde up by infiltra-

tlan. Various changes to this basic method of ventTlat1on were fnvestigated t o determine t h e i r effect on the energy c o n 8 u q t i o n


the building.

Basic Case

S u p p l y to the corridor of 35 L/S running for 24 hours per day. Exhaust from che k i t c h e n of 47 L / s and the bathroom of 24 L/S running for 24 hours p e r day.

Variation 1

As per the basic case, with the addlrion of an air-to-air heat

exchanger with a 50X efficiency to preheat


supply a i r .

Variation 2

As per the basic case, but with the exhaust discharging into the garage, which I s maintained at 13°C.

Variation 3

Supply t o the corridor reduced to 28 L / s per apartraent and exhausts from the kitchen and bathroom reduced to 38 L/S and 19 t / a per apartment tespect i v e l y


Variation b

As per the basic case, w i t h time scheduling of the corridor supply and k i t c h e n exhaust so that, they run far a t o t a l of fi hours per day. The t o i l e r exhaust ran continuously


Variation 5

Supply t o the corrldor &f 17 L/S per apartment running continuously- Exhaust froa the kitchen and bathroom with small individual fans operating on demand only, i . e., when the room was occupied.



Variation Saving, GJ/(Apt*a)

1 8.6

.2 7 - 9


TABLE  AL  Reductions  in  Energy  Cansumption  as  a  Result  of Low  Cost Enerey  Conservation  Pieasures
TABLE A2  Reducttons  in  Energy  Cansumption as  a  Result  of  L w   C o s t   Energy  Cowervation  Measures


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