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Submitted on 1 Jan 1980

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Jean Galy, A. Birot, H. Brunet, H. Dijols, P. Millet, Y. Salamero

To cite this version:

Jean Galy, A. Birot, H. Brunet, H. Dijols, P. Millet, et al.. KINETICS OF THE ENERGY TRANS- FERS IN ArXe MIXTURES. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1980, 41 (C9), pp.C9-281-C9-286.

�10.1051/jphyscol:1980938�. �jpa-00220592�


JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE CoZZoque C9, suppZe'ment au n o l l , Tome 41, novernbre 1980, page C9-281


J. Galy, A. Birot, H. Brunet, H. Dijols, P. Millet and Y. Salamero.

Centre de Physique Atornique, Laboratoire associe' au C.N.R.S. n0277, Universite' Paul Sabatier, 128, route de Narbome, 31062 TouZouse Cedex, France.

R6sumd.- Dans les m6langes.Ar-Xe, 1'6tude spectroscopique des &missions dans l'ultra-violet lointain a montr6 des transferts d'energie d'excitation importants de l'argon vers le xenon. Les dmissions continues de l'argon diminuent rapidement au profit des &missions moldculaires et atomiques du xd- non lorsque de faibles quantitds de xdnon sont ajoutdes 1 Ar. Le spectre des melanges contenant quel- ques pour cent de Xe est comparable P celui du xenon pur.

L'analyse cingtique du continuum de l'argon P 147 ng montre que les transferts d'gnergie se produi- sent non seulement depuis 1'6tat mol6culaire A ~ ~ ( ~ x ), responsable du 2Qe continuum de l'ar on (k2 = 1 ,5.107 torr-Isd1) mais aussi depuis le prdcdseur atomique de Ar2 (k2 = 2,s. 10' torrfa-l)


Les sections efficaces de ces deux processus sont tr2s grandes.

Abstract.- In ArXe mixtures, spectroscopic studies of the far UV emissions have shown tHe presence of large excitation energy transfers from argon to xenon. The argon continuums~decrease rapidly giving way to molecular and atomic Xe emissions as small quantities of Xe are added to the Ar. The spectra of mixtures containing just a few percent Xe are similar to spectra of pure xenon.

Kinetic gnalysis of the argon continuum at 127 nm shows that energy transfers occur not only .from the Ar2 ( 3 ~ u) molecular states which give rise &o the second argon continuum (kl = 1.5.10' torr-' s-l) but also from the atomic precursors of Ar2 (k2 = 2.5.10~ torr-l. s-l). The cross sections of both processes are very high.

INTRODUCTION. The emission of light in ra- re gas mixtures has been widely studied over the last years in the field of halogen and excimer laser applications (1).

The einissions of pure rare gases in the far UV, at pressures of a few hundred torr, correspond to transitions from a weakly bound molecular state Qr 3 ~ + ) to the

1 +u dissociative g ~ o u n d state ( C ) (2).


In mixtures of two rare gases the action of the heavier gas is seen to be very im- portant since the characteristic emissions of the latter appear with high intensities even when it is present only in traces. The transfer processes therefore have extremely high cross sections (3). The present report concerns ArXe mixtures.

EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP. A representation of the apparatus is given in figure 1. The emission spectra are obtained by counting the anode pulses of a P.M. (called U ) set to detect single photons. Excitation is pro-

duced by an241 Am a-source. The shape of the light pulses is determined with a time- amplitude conversion method : the PM. U records an isolated photon at instant t i and a second PM determines an arbitrary but constant zero time t The intervals ti-to


are measured by time amplitude conversion and recorded on a multichannel analyser.

The histogram of the time delays (ti-to) represents the time variation of the densi- ty of the excited species which emits the studied transition. The pulses are numeri- cally analysed and the time constants go- verning them calculated by a least squares method.

F3ISSION SPECTRA OF ArXe MIXTURES. The emis- sion spectra were recorded from 110 to 300 nm at total pressures of between 100 and 6 0 0 torr and xenon concentrations varying from a few ppm to 10 %. An example is gi- ven in figure 2 where the influence of xe- non is shown in argon samples at 600 torr.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1980938



VUV Monochromator

F i g u r e 1 : E x p e r i m e n t a l s e t - u p . P o s i t i o n 1 i s u s e d t o o b t a i n a t r a c e o f t h e e m i s s i o n s p e c - t r a , t h e m u l t i c h a n n e l a n a l y s e r i s w o r k i n g i n t h e m u Z t i s c a Z e r a n g e . P o s i t i o n 2 c o r r e s p o n d s t o t h e d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f t h e L i g h t p u l s e s h a p e s .

Even for extremely low xenon concentrations (c 10 ppm), the argon spectrum is modified.

The characteristic argon continuum at 127nm decreases giving way to two Xe resonance lines : lpl + 'so at h = 129.6 nm and

3 P1 f


at 147 nm. This process continues as the level of Xe increases and finally only the emissions of Xe are present. At a total pressure of 600 torr and Xe concen- tration as low as 0.1 %, the spectrum is qualitatively the same as that of pure xe- non ; at 173 nm there is an emission which is attributed to the second Xe continuum.

At low pressures (100 torr) an identical process occurs but at higher concentrations.

The spectroscopic study shows the high

efficiency of the transfer phenomena from F i g u r e 2 : S p e c t r a o f t h e Ar-Xe m i x t u r e s one gas to another and also the importance a t v a r y i n g x e n o n c o n c e n t r a B i o n s . The t o t a l

p r e s s u r e i s c o n s t a n t , - p , -.I. = 600 t o r r (---

of the molecular excitation processes of 10 ppm,

. . . ..

100 ppm, - 1 000 ppm o f X e l . the minority gas.

Figure 3 shows the great difference bet- ween the spectrum of-the mixture containing 1 % xenon and that obtained at the same to-


tal pressure of pure argon (600 torr), it is also very different to that obtained at the same partial pressure of pure xenon (6 torr)


Excitation transfer can either occur from molecular (Ar2) states or from atomic X

precursor states or even via both paths at the same time.

To clarify this situation a kinetic stu- dy was carried out on the wavelength cor- responding to the maximum of the argon con- tinuum.

Figure 3 : The t h r e e s p e c t r a i n t h i s f i g u - r e d e m o n s t r a t e t h e e f f i c i e n c y o f t h e t r a n s - f e r p r o c e s s e s . A d d i t i o n o f j u s t 1 % Xe t o A r a t 6 0 0 t o r r g i v e s c o m p l e t e l y d i f f e r e n t e m i s s i o n s p e c t r a ; t h e argon continuum g i - v e s wag t o t h o s e o f Xe and y e t , xenon a l o - ne a t t h e same p a r t i a Z p r e s s u r e d o e s n o t p r e s e n t t h e s e c o n t i n u o u s e m i s s i o n s . KINETIC STUDY AT h = 127 nm. This study was carried out at constant gas pressure.

In pure argon, the shape of the light pulse is described by the algebraic sum of three exponential terms :

- t / ~ -t/T -t/.r 3 I(t)=A e

1 + A ~ e '+A~ e

.rl represents the lifetime of the molecu- lar state Ar2, X T~ = 2.86 us, T~ and .r3 con- cern the primary states 3 ~ 1 and 3 ~ 2 respec- tively.

l/r3 = 13.8 pAr 2


580 pAr

where T~ and .r3 are in seconds and p is Ar in torr.

The presence of xenon can be seen through a change in the constants T~ and r2 and al- so the appearance of an additional term :

n4e-'lr4 ; at constant argon pressures (400 and 700 torr), the new time constants are such that :

= T



1 + k l P ~ e




= T~ + k2pXe (figures 4 and 5)

- 1

T4 = k4Pxe + k3

k4, k l and k2 are independent of pAr and have the values :

7 -1 -1 kl = 1.5 10 torr s

7 -1 -1 k2 = 2.5 10 torr s

5 -1 -1 k4 = 3.2 10 torr s

f 1

0.05 0.1 0.15

F i g u r e 4 : L i n e a r v a r i a t i o n o f t h e r e c i p r o - c a l s o f t h e t i m e c o n s t a n t s T* and T$ a g a i n s t t h e A r p r e s s u r e ( p X e = 0 . 1 0 5 t o r r ) .

The previous result was confirmed by operating at constant pXe (0.105 and 0.014 torr)


These measurements also allowed the



expression of k3 to be found :

DISCUSSION. Aeferring to the kinetic sche- ma of pure Ar (fig. 7)


it can be seen that xenon interacts with the atomic and the mo- lecular levels of Ar. Constant kl repre- sents the decay of the molecular state

x 3


Ar2 ( C ) through 2-body collision.


This process explains the decrease of the argon continuums as the Xe concentra- tion rises. The value of kl was determined by Leichner (5) and Chen (6) as being 6.3 lo6 and 7.9 lo6 respectively -these are ap- preciably lower than those of Gleason (4)

-1 -1

k1 = 1.4 lo7 torr s and Oka (11) kl =

- 1

1.64 lo7 torr-' s whichare in good agree- ment with our experimental determination.

The cross section of the process deduced -14 2 f r o m o u r v a l ~ e o f k ~ ( a = 1 , 1 10 c m ) is also close to that given by Gedanken ( o = 3 10-l3 an 2 ) . As this author mentions, mo- lecule-atom collisional energy transfers are very efficient for resonant stakes in which the energy coincides with that of the emission of the donor gas. It can be seen that in reaction (l), the resonating 1

1 xenon state fills this condition as is shown by the fact that the resonating tran-

1 1

sition : Xe( P1) + Xe( So)


hv at 129 nm is observed under our experimental condi- tions.

Furthermore the term k2pXe in T;-~ shows


that a 2-body collision reaction occurs on the 3 ~ 1 state of argon :

x; 3 k 1

Ar ( P~)+X~('S~) +2~e(5f)+~r( So)

Considering the value of k2, the energy transfer is very efficient since the PI 3 state is partly responsible for the crea- tion of the radiative molecular state Ar2, x;

reaction (2) also contributes to the disap- pearance of the molecular emission. Gleason did not observe this phenomenon because his working pressure was too high. Chen's va-

lue (6) (k2 = 7.2 lo6 torr-ls-') is, as previously, lower than ours.

Gedanken (3) reports that for atom-atom collisions the energy transfers become more efficient as the energies of the excited levels approach. The 5f states of xenon are therefore probably populated through the 3 ~ 1 state of Ar since the energy coincides, a cascade could then lead to population of the 5d levels. This hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that laser transitions from the 5d Xe states were reported by Lawton (7) and by Davies (8) in ArXe mixtures.

The metastable 3 ~ 2 state of argon howe- ver does notseemsto be affected by the presence of Xe, this signifies that a reac- tion of the type :

1 k

A ~ * ( ~ P ~ )


Xe ( So) + products ( 3 )

is negligible with respect to 2- and 3-body collisions with argon :

x; 3

Ar ( P2) + lir ( 'so)


products (4

w 3 + 1

A ~ * ( ~ P ~ ) + 2Ar('So)'? Ar2( IU) + Ar( So)

(5) This result is in agreement with the va- lue of the constant k given by Piper (10)

(k = 5.9 10 torr-Is-' 6 ) . rn effect, when working at p = 700 torr and pXe = 0.7


torr the frequency of reaction (3) is 4 lo6 s-' i.e. low with respect to proces- ses (4) and (5) (7 10 6 s-l


The additional exponential term of time constant T~ can be related to the presence of the Xe resonance line originating from the 'pl state which is added to the argon continuum. The lifetime we calculated for this state (kil % 5 us) is close to that of Sadeghi (9) (7 ys) however his decay cons- tant by collision with Xe (k4 = 2.1 10 6 torr-'s-l) is higher.

In order to obtain more accurate infor- mation on the development of the lpl state it would be necessary to work at pressures for which the argon continuum does not appear.

P r o d u i t s

13.8 torr-2 s-'


-1.5 lo7 tor re's-'

Cascade kl-


F i u r e 7 : K i n e t i c scheme o f t h e e n e r g y t r a n s f e z p r o c e s s e s i n Ar-Xe m i x t u r e s . T r a n s f e r s


rnolecu2ar i r * and t h e a t o m i c s t a t e 2 A P ( P I ) a r e i n c o m p e t i t i o n .






D. C. LORENTZ, P h y s i c a ( U t r e c h t ) 8 2 , 1 9 ( 1 9 7 6 ) .



Y . TANAKA, J . O p t . S o c . Amer., 4 5 , 3 4 4 ( 1 9 5 5 )




A. GEDANKEN, J. JORTNER, B . RAZ a n d A. SZOKE, J. Chem. P h y s . , 5 7 , 3 4 5 6

( 1 9 7 2 ) .



R. F . GLEASON, T. D. BONIFIELD, J . W . KETO and G. K. WALTERS, J . Chem. P h y s . , 6 6 , 1 5 8 1 ( 1 9 7 7 ) .

5 - P . K. LEICHNER, E . H. HALL and K. F.

PALMER ( 1 9 7 8 ) ( s e e C h e n r e f . 6 )




C . H. CHEN, J . P . JUDISCH a n d M . G.

PAYNE, J . P h y s . B , 11, 2 1 8 9 ( 1 9 7 8 ) .

7 - S . A. LAWTON, J. B. RICHARD, L. A.

NEWMAN, L. SPECHT and T. A. DE TEMPLE, J . A p p l . P h y s . , 5 0 , 3 8 8 9 ( 1 9 7 9 ) .

8 - C. C . DAVIS and T . A. KING, P h y s i c s L e t t e r s , 3 9 A, 1 8 6 ( 1 9 7 2 ) .



N. SADEGHI a n d J . SABBAGH, P h y s . R e v . A, 1 6 , 2 3 3 6 ( 1 9 7 7 ) .

1 0 - L . G. P I P E R , J. E . VELAZCO a n d D. W.

SETSER, J . Chem. P h y s . , 5 9 , 3 3 2 3 ( 1 9 7 3 ) .

11 - T. OKA, M. KOGOMA, M. IMAMURA a n d S . ARAI, J. Chem. P h y s . , 7 0 , 3 3 8 4 ( 1 9 7 9 ) .


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