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The nature of the hydrogen bond in the bifluoride ion


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1964

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The nature of the hydrogen bond in the bifluoride ion

James A. Ibers

To cite this version:

James A. Ibers. The nature of the hydrogen bond in the bifluoride ion. Journal de Physique, 1964,

25 (5), pp.474-477. �10.1051/jphys:01964002505047400�. �jpa-00205810�



Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York, U. S. A.



Les intensités de diffraction neutronique de monocristaux de NaHF2 et de NaDF2

ont été analysées sur la base de plusieurs modèles proposés pour la géométrie de l’ion bifluorure.

Dans le fluorure acide de sodium, l’ion bifluorure doit être linéaire et les deux atomes F doivent être équivalents. La distance F-H-F est 2,264 ± 0,003 A, la distance F-D-F est 2,265 ± 0,007 Å.

Les données de diffraction neutronique obtenues par Peterson et Levy dans leur étude d’un

monocristal de KHF2 ont été raffinees pour essayer de résoudre le problème de la géométrie de

l’ion bifluorure dans KHF2. La distance F-H-F est 2,277 ± 0,006 Å.

Ni dans le fluorure acide de sodium, ni dans celui de potassium, il n’est possible de distinguer sur

la seule base de données de diffraction, entre un modele symétrique de l’ion bifluorure et un modèle dans lequel le potentiel de l’hydrogène (ou de deutérium) le long de la liaison aurait deux minima égaux de chaque côté du centre, même si ces minima sont à une distance de l’ordre de 0,15 A du centre.

Cependant, en comparant les différences, pour H et F, de leurs carrés moyens d’amplitude de

vibration le long de la liaison, déduites soit de l’analyse des données de diffraction, soit des fré-

quences spectroscopiques, on conclut dans les deux cas que l’ion bifluorure est symetrique.



Neutron diffraction data, obtained from single crystals of NaHF2 and NaDF2, have

been analyzed in terms of several models for the bifluoride ion geometry. In sodium acid fluoride the bifluoride ion must be linear and the two fluorine atoms equivalent. The F-H-F distance is 2.264 ± 0.003 Å, the F-D-F distance is 2.265 ± 0.007 Å.

The neutron diffraction data obtained by Peterson and Levy from a single crystal of KHF2 have

been refined in an attempt to settle the question of the geometry of the bifluoride ion in KHF2.

The F-H-F distance is 2.277 ± 0.006 Å.

In neither sodium acid fluoride nor potassium acid fluoride is it possible from the diffraction data alone to distinguish between a symmetric model for the bifluoride ion and one in which the poten- tial for the hydrogen (or deutérium) along the bond has two equal minima on either side of the center, even when these minima are 0.15 Å or so from the center. However, in both cases from a comparison between the differences in mean-square amplitudes of vibration along the bond of hydrogen (or deuterium) and fluorine as obtained from the analysis of the diffraction data and as

calculated from the spectroscopic frequencies it is concluded that the bifluoride ion is indeed sym- metric.

PHYSIQUE 25, 1964,



The literature on the F-H-F iun in KHF2 is extensive ~1]. The principal

reason for this is the interest in strong hydrogen bonds ; the F-H-F ion contains one of the stron-

gesL hydrogen bonds kno.wn. Although the sim- plest interpretation of the spectroscopic and bulk

measurements on the bifluoride ion in KHF2 is

that the ion is linear and symmetric, there remain

certain difficulties involving the divergence of the

energy levels and the isotropic dependence of the frequencies which Blinc [2] has called attention to.

We undertook the present diffraction study of

the bifluoride ion in sodium acid fluoride and the

present refinement of the earlier data [3] on potas-

sium acid fluoride with the hope of obtaining more

accurate information not only on the position of

the hydrogen atom, but also on the vibrations of the ion. We felt that it would be through the

combination of information on the motions of the

system from diffraction and spectroscopic studies

(1) Work performed under the auspices of the U. S.

Atomic Energy Commission.

that the question of the symmetry of the iron could

be settled. In this paper we summarize briefly [4]

the results of our diffraction study and show that these data, in combination with the spectroscopic data, provide new, and we feel convincing, evi-

dence that the F-H-F ion is linear and symmetric.

Unit cells and possible space groups.


In a

series of precession and Weissenberg photographs

taken with MoKoc radiation it was confirmed that

NaHF 2 and NaDF 2 have Laue symmetry 31n,

with systematic absences of the hexagonal in-

dices [5] corresponding to the trigonal system.

The cell dimensions, based on


5.6402 at

27 oC, are

-NaHF2 a = 3 .476 ± 0.002 A,


= 13 . 76 ± 0.01 A,

= 3.474 ± 0.002 A,

c =

13.75 ± 0.01 A.

The density calculated for three molecules of

KaHF 2 in the triply primitive hexagonal cell is

2.14 g/CM2 versus that of 2.08 g/CM2 measured by Andersen and Hassel [6].

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01964002505047400


475 The space groups consistent with the diffraction

symbol R3rra are Dga-R3¡n, C-5,-R3m 3 and D¡-R32.

As a result of calculations described elsewhere [4]

models for these structures based on the non-

equivalence of the fluorine atoms (i.e., are improbable. Accordingly we shall consider only

two possible models for the NaHF2 structure : Na at (0, 0, 0), F at 1 (0, 0, ZF) with ZF ~ 0.41 f 6],

and 1/2 H (or 1/2 D) at + (0, 0, zH). If ZH



the H atom is centered (model 1) ; if zil 1/2,

the H atom is distributed randomly but symme-

trically on either side of the center (model 2, a symmetric double minimum potential well with

the ground level below the barrier).

From both x-ray studies and the neutron dif- fraction study [3] it is known that KHF2 is tetra- gonal, with four molecules in a cell of dimensions



5.67, c


6.81 A. The space group is The potassium atoms occupy the

positions (4a) ~ (0, 0, 1/4) (+ body centering).

The fluorine atoms occupy the positions (8h) ± (x, 1/2 + x, 0), + (1I2 + x, x~ 0)

with 0.1.4 [7]. Half-hydrogen atoms also

occupy position (8h) ; for x


0 we obtain model 1,

we obtain model 2.

Collection and reduction of the neutron diffrac- tion data. - D ata were collected at room tempera-

ture from single crystals of NaHF2 and NaDF2 on

one of the Brookhaven single crystal spectrometers.

The neutron wavelength was 1.073 A. The values

of I and a(1) were reduced in the usual way to values of F5 and Estimated standard deviations

a(l) were obtained from a combination of the usual

errors based on the counting statistics with the factor (0.05 X 1) which attempts to allow for

errors inherent in the crystals, for example for

those factors which give rise to differences between the intensities of hkl and hkl. In all there were 52

non-zero independent F20 values for NaHF2 and 44

for NaDF2. For KHF 2 the values of F~ and cr(F 0) given by Peterson and Levy [3] were used without further modification, except for rescaling. There

were 43 non-zero values of F O.

Analysis of the diffraction data.


Because of the limited number of data, the reliable error esti-

mates for these data, and our desire to obtain easily the thermal parameters of the atoms, we

chose to analyze the data by least-squares rather

than by Fourier techniques. All least-squares cal-

culations were carried out on an IBM 7094 com-

puter, using the local modification of the Busing- Levy ORFLS program. For sodium acid fluoride refinements were carried out on F2 ; for potassium

acid fluoride refinements were carried out on F.

In all refinements the thermal motions of the atoms were taken to be anisotropic. For the

sodium salt the appropriate form of the tempe-

rature factor (which modifies the scattering ampli-

tude bi of atom i) is, for the general harmonic


where ul >i and >i are the mean-square

amplitudes of vibration of atom i normal to and

along the F-H-F bond. For the potassium salt it

is more convenient to write the temperature factor


The mean-square amplitudes of vibration for

each atom are then

where u211 > is normal to the bond in the plane



0 and ul~ > is normal to the bond along c.

For the potassium atomP12


0, by symmetry.

Least-squares refinements for both the sodium and potassium salts diverge if the position para- meter of the 1/2 H is allowed to vary. This is because as the models tend toward model 1 the matrix of normal equations is nearly singular and spurious shifts occur. Accordingly it is most con-

venient to carry out the least-squares refinements for fixed values of the 1/2 H parameters.

Thus with zH (or zD) constrained there are for

NaHF2 eight parameters, the fluorine positional parameter, the two thermal parameters for each

of the three atoms, and the scale factor to be deter- mined from the 52 observations. There is in addi- tion the deuterium scattering amplitude (i.e., the percentage deuteration) to be determined from the 44 observations for NaDF 2. We find for both

NaHFz and NaDF2 that there is no significant

FIG. 1.


The variation of > for H and D with

distance of H and D from the center of the bond in

NaHF2 and NADF..


change in the agreement between F20 and as zH

or zD ranges from 1/2 to 0 . 48, that is as the hydro-

gen or deuterium is allowed to move up to 0 . 2 A

from the center. Only the mean-square ampli-

tude of vibration along the bond of the hydrogen

or the deuterium changes significantly as zH or zD

is changed ( fig. 1) ; the other parameters are vir- tually independent of the value of zH or zD. Thus

it is impossible in the diffraction experiment to dis- tinguish between models 1 and 2.

With xg constrained there are for KH F 2 eleven parameters, the fluorine positional parameter, the

three thermal parameters for F, the three thermal parameters for H, the two thermal parameters

for K, and two scale factors, to be determined

from the 43 non-zero values of Fo. As in the

sodium problem as the hydrogen is moved off

center there is no change in the agreement between Fo and ~~ and the only variable which changes significantly is the mean-square amplitude of vi-

bration of the hydrogen along the bond, u; > H.

In figure 2 we show the variation of uft > g

FIG. 2.


The variation of P12, and derived quantities

for KHF2 with distance of the hydrogen atom from the

center of the bond. Note that U 2 > H is proportio-

nal to ~11 + PIL2’

(proportional to B11 + B12) with distance of H

from the center. Again we are forced to conclude

that from the neutron diffraction data alone it is

impossible to distinguish models 1 from 2 over a

reasonable range of values of xH.

Combination nf diffraction and spectroscopic data.

- The thermal vibrational amplitudes determined

from the neutron diffraction data are the sum of all motions undergone by these atoms. In the

absence of a complete analysis of the vibrations of

the crystal it is an impossible task to calculate

these amplitudes from theory. If one makes the

reasonable assumption that the vibrational ampli-

tude of hydrogen (or deuterium) along the bond

must be less than that of fluorine, then the res-

trictions indicated in figure 1 can be placed on the

distance of the light atom from the center of the

bond. However, the differences in amplitudes of hydrogen and fluorine along the bond arise only

from those motions in which the hydrogen and

fluorine do not move together, that is only from the stretching vibrations along the bond, and these are essentially zero-point vibrations. Assume then the simple linear symmetric F-H-F ion. It is then easy to derive from a normal-coordinate treatment that

where v3 is the asymmetric and V1 the sym-

metric stretching frequency. With the values

~(H) = 1 577 and v3(D)


1150 cm--1 for NaHF2 and NaDF2 [8], v3(H) == 1"450 em-- for KH F 2 [9] and the value v1 = 600 for KH F 2 [10] (and assumed for NaHF2 and NaDF 2) we

obtain for the calculated values of A 0.0097, 0.0062, and 0.0106 A2 for NaHF2, N aD F 2, and KHFz. These calculated values are compared

with the experimentally derived values in figures 3

and 4. The agreement between the calculated

FIG. 3.


The differences in mean-square amplitude of

vibration along the bond of H or D and F versus the distance of H


D from the center of the bond in NaHF2

and NaDF2.

values (where a linear symmetric bond is assumed)

and those obtained from the neutron diffraction

data for model 1 is excellent. This agreement, we

feel, provides the most powerful evidence that the

F-H-F and F-D-F bonds are symmetric.





The difference in mean-square amplitude of

vibration along the bond of H and F versus the dis- tance of H from the center in KHF2.

The final positional parameters for F in

these compounds are [0.41772 :t 0.00009, 0.41760 + 0.00024, and 0.1420 ± 0.0003 and lead to F-H-F lengths of 2.264 ~ 0.003, 2.265 fi 0.007, and 2.277 ± 0.006 k in NaH F NaDF2, and KHF2.


Pr PosT.


Des mesures pl6zo6lectriques ont-

elles été faites sur ces fluorures ?



Je ne suis pas au courant de me- sures sp6eifiques, mais je suis raisonnablement cer- tain qu’elles ont été faites et qu’aucun effect pi6zo- 6lectrique n’a été trouv6.

Pr WALLACE. - Si la fonction potentiel a deux

minima avec un seul maximum intercalaire 16g6-

rement au-dessous de 1’6nergie du niveau station- naire, ne pourrait-on pas obtenir une difference dans le comportement des ions FHF et FDF ? Une telle différence a-t-elle été observ6e ?



Blinc a envisag6 une fonction poten-

tiel intermediaire entre une fonction sym6trique

et une fonction a double minimum, avec les deux

minima legerement deplaces du centre, et une barrière de faible hauteur par rapport au niveau

fondamental. De la sorte, la premi6re vibration est

une transition 0A - Os, ou PlUt6t 0 --> I - J’ai mal cite Blinc lorsque j’ai dit que la barri6re etait juste en

dessous du niveau fondamental.

Dr ABRAHAMS. - Dans quelle mesure le mou-

vement vibratoire des atomes d’hydrog6ne est-il

du a une agitation au zero absolu ?



Les vibrations sym6triques et assy-

metriques de translation, celles qui nous int6res-

sent sont essentiellement des vibrations au zero absolu puisqu’elles se produisent aux environs de

1 500 et 600 cm-1.


[1] Reference 2 contains references to many of these studies.

[2] BLINC (R.), Nature, 1958, 182, 1016.

[3] PETERSON (S. W.) and LEVY (H. A.), J. Chem. Physics, 1951, 20, 704.

[4] This work is described in greater detail in J. Chem.

Phys., 1964, 40, 402.

[5] Throughout this paper we refer the structure of

NaHF2 to the triply primitive hexagonal cell.

[6] ANDERSEN (C. C.) and HASSEL (0.), Z. Krist., 1926, 123, 151.

[7] HELMHOLZ (L.) and ROGERS (M. T.), J. Am. Chem.

Soc., 1939, 61, 2590.

[8] Unpublished results of R. G. SNYDER.

[9] COTÉ (G. L.) and THOMPSON (H. W.), Proc. Roy. Soc., 1951, A210, 206.


Acad. Sc., 1950, 230, 1054.


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