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On the elastic constants of nematics ; a comparison between experiment and molecular theory


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1981

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On the elastic constants of nematics ; a comparison between experiment and molecular theory

S.D.P. Flapper, G. Vertogen, F. Leenhouts

To cite this version:

S.D.P. Flapper, G. Vertogen, F. Leenhouts. On the elastic constants of nematics ; a compari- son between experiment and molecular theory. Journal de Physique, 1981, 42 (12), pp.1647-1650.

�10.1051/jphys:0198100420120164700�. �jpa-00209362�


On the elastic constants of nematics ; a comparison between experiment

and molecular theory

S. D. P. Flapper, G. Vertogen

Institute for Theoretical Physics, Catholic University, Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands

and F. Leenhouts (*)

Siemens AG, Optoelectronics Development, RS FKA TE, St. Martin-strasse 76, D-8000 Munich 80, Germany.

(Reçu le 11 mai 1981, accepté le 31 août 1981)



Il est montré que le comportement expérimental des constantes élastiques de substances nématiques

ne peut pas être interprété à l’aide des théories moléculaires statistiques actuelles.



It is shown that the experimental behaviour of the elastic constants of nematics cannot be interpreted

in terms of present molecular statistical theories.

Classification Physics Abstracts

64. 70E

Purpose of this article is to investigate the adequacy

of present molecular statistical theories [1, 2] for an understanding of the experimental behaviour of the elastic constants of nematics. Summarizing it can be

said that these theories, which are based upon the

assumption that a truncated expansion of the inter- molecular repulsivé and attractive interactions in terms of spherical harmonics is relevant, give rise to

the following expressions for the elastic constants

where the constants K1,, K22 and K33 are associated

with splay, twist and bend respectively,

and Pn > denotes the expectation value of the nth order Legendre polynomial. The quantitiesa and L1

can be approximately written as

(*) Present address : Videlec, Hardstrasse 5, CH-5600 Lenzburg, Switzerland.



T. 42, N° 12, DÉCEMBRE 1981

where T denotes the temperature. The constants a,

c and e describe the attractive intermolecular interac-

tions, whereas the constants b, d and f represent the repulsive intermolecular interactions. The expression

for K reads

where p denotes the particle number density N /V.

For a systeni of hard spherocylinders, i.e. a = c = e = 0,

Priest showed

with R


L/B, where B and L + B denote the breadth and the length of a spherocylinder respectively.

In order to analyse the relevant theoretical expres- sions the temperature dependence of the six quantities K11, K229 K33, p, P2 / and P4 > has to be known experimentally. At present these six quantities have only been measured for MBBA and 5CB [3-6] as far

as we know. In both substances ( P4 > changes sign

near the clearing point, whereas K33 remains larger

than K1,. According to equations (1)-(3), however, the


Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198100420120164700



bend and splay elastic constants are equal at the tem- perature, where P4 ) changes sign. Clearly experi-

ment and theory are in flat contradiction for these materials.

In a number of nematics, e.g. HNBP [7] and

BBOA [3, 8], the order parameter P4 ) does not change sign as a function of temperature. Unfortuna- tely these nematics cannot be used for our analysis

because of lack of experimental data of their elastic constants and densities. In other nematogens like MBCA and the homologues of APAPA, which will

be denoted by APAPAn, where n denotes the number of carbon atoms of the alkyl chain, ( P4 ) has not

been measured. Obviously experiment and theory

contradict each other if ( P4 > changes sign as a

function of temperature in the nematic region of

MBCA and APAPAn, because either K33 is larger

than K11 or K11 is larger than K33 for these mate-

rials [5]. Therefore let us assume that P4 ) does not change sign in MBCA and APAPAN and then fmd

out whether the expressions (1)-(9) have any signi-


In figure 1 the observed dependence on the reduced

temperature of the quantity 2 p - 2 ( P2 ) 2 K is

shown up to TITNI


0.995 for MBBA, OHMBBA, MBCA and the homologues APAPAn (n



Generally the errors in the experimental data are about

5 %, but they increase quite near the nematic-isotropic

transition temperature TNI.

Fig,1. - The observed reduced temperature dependence of

2 p-2 ( P2 >-2 K for the homologues APAPAn (n


1-5, 9) [An],

MBBA [BA], MBCA [CA] and OHMBBA [OH]. The data are

taken from Leenhouts [5].

The data have been taken from Leenhouts [5]. It is

clear that a trend for, the quantity 2 p-2 p 2 >-2 K

within the homologous series of APAPA is indicated in figure 1. The results of a least square fit for the constants a and b appearing in expression (6) are given in table I. The observed and fitted reduced tem-

perature dependences agree within 2 % except in the region 0.99 T /T NI 0.995, where the deviation between the observed and fitted data is slightly larger.

The largest deviation concerns APAPA3 being 5 %

at T /T NI


0.995. Taking into account the experi-

mental errors it may be stated that the agreement between expression (6) and experiment is quite satis- factory. Although the values for b are small, the

influence of b is considerable, because b TNI and a are

of the same magnitude. Table 1 shows clearly the importance of attractive interactions in order to des- cribe these nematics. According to this table an even-

odd effect for bla exists within the homologues of

APAPA. An insurmountable problem, however, con-

cerns the negative sign of b. Hard core repulsions give rise to a positive b, see e.g. expression (9). Thus

the molecular statistical expression (6) looses its phy-

sical meaning.

Table I.


Values of the parameters a and b giving

rise to the best fit of the curves shown in figure 1.

This conclusion is further sustained by calculating

the quantities q A and A’ P4 > for MBCA and the

P2 > o C and the homologues APAPAn (n=1-5,9) using the experi-

mental data of the elastic constants and the expres- sions (1)-(3). The resulting dependences of L1 and


A’ Pz> on the reduced temperature are shown in

B P2 >

figure 2 and figure 3 respectively. For APAPA9 the

/ P B

quantity A’ P4 > is négative, because Ki i is larger

q Y

P2 > g m g

than K33 in this material. Clearly both L1 and

4 ’ / P4) P4 > are temperature dependent. For a further P2 >

comparison with theory we have to investigate whether

these curves can be fitted with the expressions (4)

and (5). Because P4 > is unknown we can only inves-

tigate expression (4). The results of a least square fit


Fig. 2.


The reduced temperature dependence of the quantity d, for the homologues APAPAn (n


1-5,9) [An] and for MBCA [CA].

Fig. 3.


The reduced temperature dependence of the quantity

A 1 P2 >for the homologues APAPAn (n


1-5, 9) [An] and for CP2i


for the constants c and d appearing in expression (4)

are given in table II, where we used the values of a and b as given in table I. The observed and fitted reduced temperature dependences agree within 4 %

if T /T NI 0.99. In the region 0.99 T /T NI 0.995

the deviations between the observed and fitted reduced temperature dependences of L1 increase till 6 % except in the cases of APAPA and APAPA4, where the deviations increase till 10 % and 15 % respectively.

Table II.


Values of the parameters c and d giving

rise to the best fit of the observed temperature depen-

dence of the quantity A, using the parameters a and b given in table 1.

The experimental errors for K11 and K22 are less

than 4 %, whereas those for K33 do not exceed 6 %.

Therefore the fit procedure is not entirely satisfactory

for some of the nematics in question. A second fit

procedure is to treat a and b as free parameters as well. In this way we get an idea about the internal

consistency of the theory. The results of a least square fit for bla, cla and dla are given in table III. With the

exception of APAPA9 the observed and fitted reduced

Table III.


Values of the relative parameters bla, cla and dla giving rise to the best fit of the observed temperature dependence of the quantity Li.

temperature dependences agree now within 1 % up to T/TNI


0.995. In the case of APAPA9 the first fit procedure appears to be superior. A comparison

between the values of b/a, cla and dla given in the

tables 1 and II and those given in table III indicates

clearly that the expressions (4) and (6) are incompa-


The conclusiôn of this analysis is rather disappoint- ing. An adequate interpretation of the experimental

behaviour of the elastic constants of nematics is not

possible using the available truncated theoretical


This conclusion is sustained by related work of Karat et al. [9]. It should be remarked, however, that

our point of view differs from that taken by Karat

et al..




[1] PRIEST, R. G., Phys. Rev. A 7 (1973) 720.

[2] VAN DER MEER, B. W., Thesis, Groningen (1979) ;

VAN DER MEER, B. W. and VERTOGEN, G., Phys. Lett. 71A

(1979) 486.

[3] JEN, S., CLARK, N. A., PERSHAN, P. S. and PRIESTLEY, E. B.,

J. Chem. Phys. 66 (1977) 4635.

[4] MIYANO, K., J. Chem. Phys. 69 (1978) 4807.

[5] LEENHOUTS, F., Thesis, Groningen (1979);

LEENHOUTS, F. and DEKKER, A. J., J. Chem. Phys. 74 (1981) 1956.

[6] KARAT, P. P. and MADHUSUDANA, N. V., Mol. Cryst. Liq.

Cryst. 40 (1977) 239.

[7] HEGER, J. P., J. Physique Lett. 36 (1975) L-209.

[8] LEADBETTER, A. J. and WRIGHTON, P. G., J. Physique Colloq.

40 (1979) C3-234.

[9] KARAT, P. P. and MADHUSUDANA, N. V., Mol. Cryst. Liq.

Cryst. 55 (1979) 119.


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