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The effect of nearest-neighbour correlations on the elastic constants of a nematic liquid crystal


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1982

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The effect of nearest-neighbour correlations on the elastic constants of a nematic liquid crystal

S. Sarkar, R.J.A. Tough

To cite this version:

S. Sarkar, R.J.A. Tough. The effect of nearest-neighbour correlations on the elastic con- stants of a nematic liquid crystal. Journal de Physique, 1982, 43 (10), pp.1543-1555.

�10.1051/jphys:0198200430100154300�. �jpa-00209535�


The effect of nearest-neighbour correlations on the elastic constants of a nematic liquid crystal

S. Sarkar and R. J. A. Tough

Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, St Andrews Road, Great Malvern, WR14 3PS, U.K.

(Reçu le 26 avril 1982, révisé le 22 juin, accepté le 24 juin 1982)

Résumé. 2014 On étudie un modèle de nématique dont les constantes élastiques, évaluées par une théorie de champ

moyen, varient linéairement avec le carré du paramètre d’ordre. Les interactions entre molécules dérivent de

potentiels dispersifs et dipolaires et les corrélations entre plus proches voisins, négligées par la théorie de champ

moyen, sont traitées par une approximation de Bethe-Peierls. Les calculs reposant sur l’énergie libre donnent des résultats différents de ceux utilisant l’énergie interne. Les constantes élastiques déduites de l’énergie libre conservent

leur dépendance linéaire en S22 tandis que celles déduites de l’énergie interne ne montrent pas une dépendance aussi simple en loi de puissance.



The elastic constants of a model nematic, which in a mean field theory show a linear dependence

on the square of the order parameter S2, are investigated. The constituent molecules of the nematic interact through dispersive and dipolar potentials and nearest-neighbour correlations neglected in the mean field theory are des-

cribed using the Bethe-Peierls cluster model. Calculations based on the free and internal energies of the nematic

are found to give different results; the elastic constants derived from the free energy retain their linear dependence

on S22, while those derived from the internal energy show no such simple power law dependence.


Physics Abstracts

61. 30C

1. Introduction.


The variation with temperature of k11, k22, k33, the elastic constants of a nematic liquid crystalline material, and their relation to the structure of its constituent molecules have been studied inten-

sively in recent years. While much has been achieved in the refinement of the experimental determinations of these elastic constants (for a review see the article of Gerber and Schadt [1]) the results so obtained are

frequently interpreted only in terms of mean field

and molecular field models. Of these the simplest is the

mean field theory of de Gennes [2] from which each of the elastic constants is found to be proportional to s1, where S2 is a member of the family of nematic

order parameters defined by

Here Pi is a Legendre polynomial, 0 is the angle bet-

ween the long axis of a typical molecule and the local

optic axis or director n of the liquid crystal and the bar denotes an ensemble average. No molecular details

are incorporated in this theory. This deficiency is

remedied in the molecular field model of Priest [3]

which incorporates an arbitrary intermolecular poten- tial. However the anisotropy in molecular orientation reflected in the non-zero values of S21’ is imposed only

by a molecular field, which maintains an orientational

ordering consistent with the long-range order in the nematic but neglects details of shorter-range correla-

tions. This allows the elastic constants to be expanded

in terms of the 821. Such series are typically truncated

at terms including S4 :

Here T=-I(kll + k22 + k33) is proportional to S2,

while d, d’ are constants characteristic of the structure of the constituent molecules of the nematic. Attempts

have been made to incorporate effects of short-range

order into Priest’s theory through a wider interpreta-

tion of the parameters d, d’ and (albeit in the special

case of a fully ordered nematic at absolute zero) by modelling the molecular pair distribution function

[4, 5]. Faber has also discussed the variation of the

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198200430100154300


elastic constants with the order parameter S2, basing

his analysis on the change on distortion of the internal energy of the liquid crystal [6]. This he expresses in terms of non-integral powers of S2, through his spin-

wave type continuum theory of molecular orienta- tional correlations in the nematic phase [7]. However,

as this model incorporates short-range order not

described by the molecular field theory, the result of the calculation cannot be expected to be identical with a more correct determination of the elastic constants based on the free energy of the system [3].

Furthermore, both Priest’s and Faber’s theories contain quantities (for example A and 4 ’ in (2)) which should, in principle, be determined self-consistently

from the intermolecular potential, but are merely

identified as empirical parameters.

As the elastic constants and order parameter S2 of a

nematic can now be determined quite reliably, detailed comparisons of these theories with experiment can be

made [8]. The principal findings are that the simple

mean field result

does not hold over the full nematic range and that deviations from this behaviour are not well accounted for by Priest’s expansion truncated at S4, or by Faber’s

model. Furthermore effects ascribed to short-range

order and polar interactions have been observed

experimentally and discussed in terms of the ad-hoc extensions of Priest’s calculations outlined above [9].

To assess the validity of the interpretation of devia-

tions from mean field behaviour in terms of a simple nearest-neighbour picture of short-range order we

have calculated the elastic constants of a model nematic, for which mean field theory predicts a linear

variation with 51 over the entire nematic range.

Short-range ordering and dipolar interactions are

treated using the Bethe-Peierls cluster model [10],

which has been used successfully for Chandrasekhar and Madhusadana to account for their effects on the

thermodynamic and dielectric properties of nematic liquid crystals [11]. It should be stressed that in this

approach , correlations between a molecule and its

nearest-neighbours are not represented by some simple but uncontrolled ad-hoc model but are treated in a detailed and self consistent manner. Consequently

our calculations are rather involved; this is the price

which must be paid if we are to have a realistic assess-

ment of the value of the nearest-neighbour picture in

the discussion of elastic constants. Much of the analysis

involved in our work is relegated to appendices, the

second of which also contains several new properties of

moments of the Maier-Saupe orientation distribution familiar from simple mean field theories. As we are

able to evaluate the change on distortion in both the free and internal energies of the model we are also able to test the validity of calculations, such as that of Faber, which are based on the internal, rather than the

free, energy change. The rather surprising result of our

calculations is the persistence of the linear dependence

on S’ of the elastic constants of the model derived from the change in its free energy; the internal energy calculation yields elastic constants which do not show

this simple linear behaviour and might unwittingly be thought to show deviations from mean field behaviour attributable to the effects of short-range order. Thus

we are led to the conclusion that calculations of elastic constants based on changes in the internal energy of the

liquid crystal can be quite misleading and that simple

« nearest-neighbour » models of molecular correlation may not be adequate to describe deviations from the

mean field dependence of the elastic constants on the nematic order parameters S21-

2. Description of model.


The nematic liquid crystal is modelled by molecules sited on a simple

cubic lattice which interact through a potential containing isotropic dispersive and pseudo-dipolar


where Oii is the angle between the long axes of molecules

on sites i, j, pl, P2 are again Legendre polynomials and A *, B * are positive constants. Short-range order is

treated in the Bethe-Peierls approximation [10],

which has been used successfully by Chandrasekhar and Madhusadana in assessing its effects on the ther-

modynamic and dielectric properties of nematic

liquid crystals [11]. Thus we describe in detail the interactions of a molecule with the members of the cluster it forms with its nearest-neighbours, whose

interactions with the remaining molecules on the

lattice are modelled by a molecular field v(Oi), where 9i

is the angle between the long axis of the molecule at site i and the director n. The form of v( fJi) is determined by the intermolecular potential (3) and a simple self consistency requirement [11]. The properties of such a

cluster and their thermodynamic self consistency are

discussed in the next section.

By positioning the molecules on a lattice we intro- duce a length scale (the lattice spacing a) into the

model which is absent in the work of Chandrasekhar and Madhusadana, but is necessary in a theory of

elastic constants. In the models of Priest and Faber this length scale is provided by the range of the inter- molecular potential. The confinement of the molecules to lattice sites does, however, disqualify the model

from describing the contribution to the elastic cons- tants of changes on distortion of the translational free energy [3]. This deficiency is of course shared by all

calculations based on the internal rather than the free energy of the nematic.

For a model of the type considered here it is readily

shown that the elastic constants are equal [5, 12] :

and that if short-range order is neglected, as in a


molecular field calculation, then

holds over the entire nematic range [13, 14].

3. Thermodynamic properties of an undistorted cluster.


The cluster formed by a molecule and its six nearest-neighbours plays a central role in the ana-

lysis of short-range order in the Bethe-Peierls approxi-

mation. So, before discussing the changes on distor-

tion in the free and internal energies of the nematic

sample, we give expressions for the free and internal

energies of an undistorted cluster and demonstrate their thermodynamic self consistency.

The internal energy of the undistorted cluster, whose central molecule is at site 0, is given in terms of

the intermolecular potential V(Ooi) and the molecular field v(Oi) by

where the sum is taken over the 6 exterior members of the cluster. The angular brackets ( ) indicate an

average over the Boltzmann distribution

where fl = (kB T)-’, kB is Boltzmann’s constant, T is the absolute temperature and Zo is the partition

function of the undistorted cluster

the integration being taken over the angular coordi-

nates of all members of the cluster.

The factor 2 preceding the ( v(Oi) > compensates for double counting of the intermolecular interactions

represented by the molecular field. The entropy of the cluster is given by the Boltzmann expression

thus we can write the cluster free energy as

The expressions (5), (9) should be thermodynamically

self consistent, satisfying the identity

It is straightforward to show that

and so, to ensure thermodynamic self consistency,

the equality

must hold. We will now show that (10) is satisfied, pro- vided that the free energy of the cluster is minimized with respect to the form of the molecular field v(0;) acting at the exterior sites of the cluster. v( OJ is expand-

ed as a sum of Legendre polynomials

the coefficients v, being functions of the moments

characterizing the long-range order in the nematic.

On minimizing the cluster free energy with respect

to the moments pk, we obtain the conditions



and consequently

the equality (10) being seen to hold provided the cluster free energy is minimized with respect to the form (11)

of the molecular field u(0J.

4. Derivation of the elastic constants.


We now identify the elastic constant K of the model nematic by considering the change (to order q2) in its bulk free energy resulting from the imposition of a long wavelength

director reorientation about the x axis with wave vector q parallel to the lattice y axis, which is manifest in a single

cluster through the rotation of the axes of the molecular fields acting on the exterior members positioned on the

y axis (see Fig. 1). As the intermolecular potential (3) is isotropic there is no loss in generality (to order q2 ) in


choosing the axes of the molecular fields at sites 1, 3, 5, 6 to be unrotated. The partition function of the distorted cluster can now be written as (cf. Eq. (7))



Fig. 1.


A distorted cluster. The axes of the molecular fields v(8J at sites 1, 3, 5, 6 are unrotated ; those at sites 2,

4 are rotated through + 0, were 0 = t/Jo qa + 0(q3).

gd(02), gd(04), the Boltzmann factors corresponding to the rotated molecular fields are obtained from 9(02), 9(04), using the rotation operators familiar from the quantum theory of angular momentum [15]

Here il2x, il4x generate rotations about the x axes at sites 2, 4 respectively. The validity of this procedure in cal- culating changes to order q2 has been discussed by Priest [3]. The unitarity of the rotation operators allows us to

recast this result as

To evaluate this integral to order tf¡2 we first expand the rotation operators formally as power series. The func- tions f (Ooi) are expressed in terms of Legendre polynomials in cos 00; and then, using the spherical harmonic

addition theorem, in terms of spherical harmonics in the polar coordinates Qo, Qi defining the directions of the

long axes of the molecules at sites 0, i :

The spherical harmonics Ck,, are normalized so that


and the Condon-Shortley phase convention has been adopted [15]. This decomposition of f (Ooi) is particularly

useful. The angular coordinates of the cluster members are immediately decoupled and, as spherical harmonics

of rank k form a rotationally irreducible set, the effect of the rotation operators on /(0of) can be represented very

simply. Furthermore the orthogonality properties of the spherical harmonics can be exploited to reduce the

14-dimensional integral in (16) to a 1-dimensional integral, which simplifies computations quite dramatically.

The analysis involved in carrying through this program is given in Appendix A. Here we note that the partition

function of the distorted cluster is, to order tf¡2,

where Pk is an associated Legendre function and

The convergence of the series in the integrand in (19) is assured by the rapid fall-off with k of the quantities fk, Pk (see (B. .10)). Thus we are able to calculate the free energy of the distorted cluster, noting that


In summing up the free energies of the distorted clusters on the lattice to obtain the change in the free energy of the bulk sample we first note that, to order q2, all distorted clusters are equivalent. Thus, on summing (21) over

lattice sites the one-site terms Vi >d are eliminated to avoid double counting. As log Zo cannot be decomposed

into a sum of one and two site terms a summation to give the total free energy of the bulk sample (distorted or undistorted) cannot be carried out. However, the change in the partition function is composed of two site terms generated by the action of the rotation operators on the two site functions f(Ooi). Thus it is possible to sum up the change in the free energy per unit volume of the bulk sample on distortion, avoiding overcounting, to give

where n is number of lattice sites per unit volume. From this expression we can, following Priest [3], deduce the

value of the elastic constant K

where a is the lattice spacing.

To assess the validity of calculations in which entropic contributions to the elastic constants are neglected

we also consider the change on distortion in the internal energy of the system. From this we deduce an elastic

constant K’, which can be compared with K. Details of the analysis, which parallels that leading to (22), are given

in Appendix A where it is shown that the change in the internal energy is given by the expression



Zo is the partition function of the undistorted cluster,


ak are coefficients in the expansion

K’ is then given by

5. Calculation and discussion.


To investigate the variation of the elastic constants K, K’ of our model with order parameter S2 we must evaluate the expressions (22), (24) numerically. Following Chandrasekhar and Madhusadana [11] we assume v(Oi), the molecular field acting on the exterior members of the cluster, to have

a simple Maier-Saupe form

For a given set of values B*/kBT, A * /kB T, B/kBT is found from the consistency relation [11] ]

which must be solved numerically. The properties of the solutions we obtained were those observed by Madhusa-

dana and Chandrasekhar. The moments


required in the calculations are most readily obtained from the identity

which is derived and discussed in Appendix B. The coefhcients fk are evaluated by numerical quadrature (see A. 3) and can be used to generate the coefficients ak (see A. 10). The Legendre and associated Legendre

functions can be generated from recurrence for- mulae [16] ; the numerical integration over cos 00 can

then be performed quite easily using a standard

Gaussian quadrature technique. Inclusion of ten terms

in the expansions (A. 3, A. 7) is sufficient to ensure

convergence. The order parameter S2 is evaluated in the form

The results of these calculations are shown in

figures 2 and 3. In figure 2 we show the variation of the elastic constants K and K’ with the square of the order parameter for a system with dispersive interactions between its molecules (i.e. A * is taken to be zero

in (3)). The linear variation of K, derived from the free energy, with S2 contrasts with that of K’, the inter-

nal energy result. We see that K’ is greater than K and that the difference between the two results is less marked at higher order parameter values (corres- ponding to lower temperatures). Figure 3 shows the variation of K with S2 for a system with only dispersive

interactions and for a system with both dispersive and dipolar couplings (A * = 0.5 B * in (3)). The linear

Fig. 2.


The variation with S2 of the elastic constants K,

K’ derived from the free and internal energies respectively

of a nematic with purely dispersive intermolecular inter- actions.

Fig. 3.


The variation with S2 of the elastic constants K derived from the free energies of nematics with : (i) purely dispersive and (ii) dispersive and dipolar intermolecular interactions.

variation is seen to hold even in the presence of dipolar


The calculation we have performed, in which short- range order is treated self-consistently using a nearest- neighbour construction corresponding quite closely

to the intuitive content of more qualitative treat-

ments [9], leads to two conclusions. Firstly we note

that Priest [3] has shown that, to order q2, there is no change in the orientational entropy of a nematic as a result of a periodic reorientation of its director, when

this is calculated using a mean field theory in which short-range correlations are neglected. Consequently,

as changes in free and internal energy are related


we should expect the elastic constants of our model K,

K’ (derived from AF and AE respectively) to be iden-

tical at the mean field level. Thus the difference between K and K’ seen in our results can be attributed to a significant contribution to the change on distor-

tion in the free energy of the system from the change in

its entropy, revealed in a calculation which includes effects of short-range ordering. Thus the difference

found between K and K’ is not unexpected and indi-

cates that the calculation of elastic constants from AE rather than AF is an unreliable procedure, if effects

of short-range ordering are implicit in the model

under consideration.

Our second finding is, however, more surprising.

We have shown that the physically more correct free

energy calculation yields an elastic constant K which

varies linearly with S’ even when effects of short-


range order are included in the Bethe-Peierls approxi-

mation. The persistence of this mean field functional behaviour in K should be contrasted with that of K’, whose deviation from mean field behaviour could be ascribed to effects of short-range order, if it were not

realized that it was calculated from the physically inappropriate change in internal energy. This diffe-

rence in functional behaviour between K and K’

again highlights the misleading nature of calculations based on changes in the internal energy of the nematic.

The linear variation of K with S’ found in the results of our numerical calculations is certainly worthy of

further comment. The Bethe-Peierls nearest-neigh-

bour model of short-range order has proved to be quite

successful in accounting for its effects on the thermo-

dynamic and dielectric properties of nematic liquid crystals [11]. Here we have found that the inclusion of short-range order effects, modelled using the same detailed, self consistent nearest-neighbour construc- tion, does not lead to a change in the functional form of the dependence of the elastic constant on the order parameter. Thus we have shown that this simple picture of molecular correlations (beyond those

accounted for by mean field theory) appears to be an

inadequate basis for the discussion of deviations from mean field behaviour observed in experiment.



The authors wish to thank the referees for several helpful comments and sugges- tions. @ British Crown Copyright 1982.

Appendix A

Evaluation of integrals over a distorted cluster.


The partition function of a distorted cluster can be written as

f (00j) can be expanded in spherical harmonics as


while, to order tf¡2, the rotation operators can be expanded as

The action of Ij., on the spherical harmonic Ckq(Qj) is expressed simply in terms of the step operators Ij+, Ij - [ 15] :



Thus in evaluating (A. 1) to order tf¡2 we require the integrals



On substituting these results into (A.I), noting that

and exploiting the orthogonality properties of the spherical harmonics in performing the Qo integration we see

that terms linear in ql vanish identically and obtain the result (19), which is simply a 1-dimensional integral over

cos 00. Zo, the partition function of the undistorted cluster can of course be written as

The two site contributions to the change in internal energy of the cluster can be written, to lowest order in tf¡2, as

where Zo, 6Z are as given in ((A. 4), (19)),


To evaluate E1 we must now make the decomposition

the coefficients ak being obtained either by direct quadrature (cf. (A. 2, A. 3)) or from the previously calcula-

ted fk. In the latter case we note that V(00;) is itself a sum of Legendre polynomials in cos Ooi; use of the results

[16] :

and the definitions (A. 2), (A. 7) lead to

On substituting the expansions (A. 2), (A. 7) into (A. 6) and carrying through the analysis as before we obtain


the following expression for El

On forming (A. 5) and summing over all clusters we arrive at the expression (24) for the change on distortion in the bulk internal energy.

Appendix B

Moments of the maier-saupe distribution.


In our numerical calculations we require quantities of the type

where A is as large as 6. While it is in principle possible to determine these moments by numerical quadrature,

the oscillations in the Legendre polynomials, amplified by the rapidly increasing exponential term, make such a

computation either inaccurate or time consuming for large k. In this appendix we describe an alternative, and

more elegant, method of evaluating these moments which is both fast and accurate, and investigate their beha-

viour at large k and so demonstrate the rapid convergence of our series expansions.

We first note the identity [16]

and form the integrals

An integration by parts and use of the composition property (A. 8) now lead to the identity

This is satisfied trivially by the odd order moments

Henceforth we shall assume k to be even and, where the resulting formulae are simplified, put k = 2 n.

Considerable insight into the behaviour of the Pk(A) can be gained by studying the simplified form of (B. 2)

in which terms o(k-1) and smaller have been neglected. As the P-k(A) are expected to fall off with increasing k we



and deduce that

The other solution of the recurrence relation grows and oscillates with increasing k, and is generated by


Thus the identity (B . 2) is numerically stable with respect to backwards recurrence, which suppresses the solution with behaviour (B. 5) [17]. As Po(À) is normalized to unity all moments P-k(A) of the Maier-Saupe distribution can

in fact be generated without performing a single numerical integration. Consequently the recurrence relation (B. 2)

is both simpler and more convenient for use in computation than that derived by Luckhurst et al. [ 18] :


A more precise analysis of the behaviour of the Pk(A) can be based on the integral

As integrals of this type can be evaluated in closed form but are not included in the standard compilations this analysis, which yields a result slightly different from (B. 4), will now be outlined. Firstly we note that

which follows from the definition (B. 6) and the result (A. 9). The recurrence relation (B. 2), which is also satisfied

by the Ik(À), is now used to eliminate Ik - 2 (A), Ik+ 2(À) successively from (B. 7) to give the « step-operator » iden- tities


These provide an Infeld-Hull factorization [19] of the surprisingly simple differential equation

satisfied by the Ik. This can be solved by standard methods [20] to yield

where iFi (a ; b ; z) is a confluent hypergeometric function [21]. On making k( = 2 n) explicitly even the multi-


plicative constant A2n can be identified by comparing (B. 8) with the leading term in the expansion of 12n in

powers of A :

to give


it is straightforward to check that (B . 9) and the asymptotic behaviours of 1 F 1 (n + !; 2 n + 2 ; À) at large posi-

tive and negative À [21] give


as we would hope. The behaviour of iFi (n + i ; 2 n + 1; A) at large n but with fixed argument A [21] implies that

from which we see that

Thus we see that the result (B. 4) based on the simplified recurrence relation (B . 3) is substantially, but not enti- rely, correct and that the rapid convergence of the series expansions used in our numerical work is assured.

The coefficients in the expansion of f (Ooi) (see (A. 2)) can be found using (B. 2) in the special case of a purely dispersive interaction between the molecules; a relation similar to (B. 2) can be derived for the quantities

required in the general expansion. However this is not stable with respect to either forwards or backwards recur- rence and so is not useful in numerical work. Fortunately the values of A, y characterizing f (Ooi) are smaller (~ 1-2) than those occurring in the calculation of Pk, and the integrals are evaluated quite conveniently by nume-

rical quadrature.


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